Diaper Report: 12/11/2023


This report is about the dissonance of the diapered. The broadcaster Piers Morgan serving as a case in point.

Morgan – who stridently insisted during the event that was marketed as a “pandemic” that everyone wear a Holy Rag (any rag, so long as you showed you agreed a “pandemic” was afoot) and amen-chorused for the pushing of drugs on people who didn’t want to take them – has just announced he’s caught the sickness the drugs he pushed (and took!) were supposed to prevent him from getting.

He says he didn’t take enough drugs – i.e., failed to take the latest dose – and now he is sick (again).


“Because I believed all the anti-vaxx experts who told me it would melt my brain and turn me into an ostrich. Not making that mistake again!”

Note the usual symptoms. The condescension and contempt – for people who practiced due diligence; i.e., the people who wanted to know exactly what was in those drugs – and whether they were in fact “safe and effective” (as established by evidence rather than assertion) before they chose to take them. Who wanted to know why they ought to take then – when it was evident the sickness itself presented little, if any, serious threat to them.

Refusing to be pushed into taking drugs of questionable efficacy or necessity – by entities with an established track record of questionable activity (e.g, Pfizer’s record of criminal activities) constitutes being “anti-vaxx” in the minds of people such as Morgan.

The term is both derogatory and dishonest. Can anyone point to a single case of someone who did not like being pushed to take drugs themselves declaring that others ought not to be free to take them?  The only “anti” in the equation is as regards the pushing – which Morgan favored. Same as regards the “masks” – which no one who opposed people being forced to wear them ever said people ought to be debarred from wearing, if they wished to wear them.

The language of the Left is always the same in that it is always derogatory, dismissive and dishonest. When a Leftist such as Morgan is irritated by someone who raises questions about pushing drugs on people, he dismisses them as being “anti-vaxx.” Of a piece with the dismissal -with extreme unctuous contempt – of people who questioned “the science.” That is, who dared to question the authority figures such as Fauci and Walensky (and lately, Cohen) who equate whatever they say with “the science.” It is a secular mimic of the ore-Reformation insistence by the Catholic Church that the Bible says this – and not that – and you’d better not question it.

Even when what they say changes. Even when the evidence clearly establishes that what they said was wrong.

The drugs were never vaccines. This lie has yet to be acknowledged – let alone apologized for. Because, of course, it was a deliberate lie. The pushers knew the drugs were neither “safe” nor “effective” yet they pushed them anyhow, making use of Useful Idiots such as Morgan to spread their lies. This isn’t merely untruthfulness, which may arise from well-intendedness.

It is evil.

Pfizer, et al, weren’t desperately scrambling to come up with a new vaccine to stop the spread of a pandemic. They were using fear generated by a deliberately orchestrated mass panic event to wheedle people into taking drugs they stood to make billions wheedling people into taking. They hid the facts – which they had – that their drugs were not “safe” and weren’t “effective.” They knew – and yet they continued to lie. Even as it became more and more evident that previously healthy people were “dying suddenly.” Even when it became undeniable that these drugs did nothing to “stop the spread” of a generally mild sickness that for most people would have been written off (and recovered from, without drugs) as a seasonal flu.

If this is not evil, then the word has no substance.

Meanwhile, the Useful Idiot appears ready to take another dose of the drugs he continues to mock others for declining to take.

If that’s not sick, then the word has no substance.

. . .

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  1. Rooster operated the tie spacer on the sled gang on the Burlington Northern Railway back in 1970. Crowed like a rooster every morning at 5:00 AM. You wake up, time to get to work, you lazy slob.

    One night in the bar he raised his shot of whiskey and proclaimed: Of all the barnyard animals, I’d like to be a bull. I’d jump up on a heifer’s back and fill her belly full.

    When the taxpayer is getting screwed, it doesn’t feel as good as it does for the cow.

    The frog, the hapless taxpayer, has to cross the river so the scorpion, the lethal US gov, and some other folks, make life a pain in the ass for everybody, doesn’t matter who.

    The scorpion eventually dies too, nothing lasts forever. Including the whateveritis clueless US gov is these days.

    The American taxpayer is the oft-beat red-headed step-child. The Jews make damn sure you are beaten so your morale does improve.

    They’ll do it every time, that’s what they do, make life miserable for you and me and the entire planet. Good for them, the no good swine that they are.

    The body count quota hasn’t been met yet, the death march to Armageddon must carry on!

    “Slap her down again, pa, slap her down again. We don’t want our neighbors talkin’ ’bout our kin, slap her down again.” – Slap Her Down Again, Pa, an old 78 rpm record on vinyl

    You said it, mon, FJB.

    If Alaric the Visigoth can sack Rome, well, then, Bibi the Jew can sack Gaza.

    If the barbarian Bibi can sack Gaza, then Israel can be sacked in return.

    An eye-for-an-eye and a tooth-for-tooth is the way to go.

    Go for it, ya dumbasses.

    Not my fault.

  2. For many of us, covid policies were the gut punch we didn’t see coming. It was one thing to view the politics of the left from a distance, slowly infiltrating our lives, but to suddenly be subjected to the most in your face and orchestrated government overreach we had ever seen was a shockingly harsh dose of reality. Having to see your friends and family succumb to the madness pushed me to the edge of despair and disbelief. Now that we have seen what they are willing to do to us given the chance, it is only natural we are now pretty gun shy of what they might do next.

  3. Just received Tom Woods’ new book, “Diary of a Psychosis: How Public Health Disagreed with Itself During COVID Mania”.

    I’m frankly surprised Amazon allowed it to be sold there.

  4. What is this obsession with NOT being called an anti-vaxxer? No one wants to be called an anti-vaxxer, because…well…ummm…why? I am an adult, I called give a rat’s ass if the entire world calls me an anti-vaxxer. I have been called much worse in my 57 years. Don’t care.

    It is like all adults have been turned into 14 year old girls terrified they will be labeled as the unclean nerd sitting alone in the lunchroom.

    Being called an anti-vaxxer is not the freakin’ end of the world. No wonder the U.S. is turning ghetto, the name-calling and name-fearing toddlers are “running” the show.

    • Hi Pug,

      I think the issue – as regards “anti-vaxx” – is this: The term is a loaded one that drapes a mantel of presumed stupidity on the person so called as well as – and this is rich- an implicit opposition to others being free to choose to take whatever drugs they wish to take. I think it is important to never let the Left define the discussion via usage of the Left’s language. It is important to dissect the etymological manipulations of the Left.

      We are thus not “anti-vaxx.” We are anti-coercion. That is the key element here. The Left wants to avoid discussing that openly at all costs, so it tries tio frame the discussion as being about whether it’s wise or stupid to take a certain drug. As if no one was being pressured to take the drug.

      Well, wise or stupid is subjective. It depends. It might be wise, if the drug actually works. If the person would benefit. But not everyone is the same and “your mileage may vary.” Thus, we can have a discussion about the merits (or lack thereof) of a given drug and there’s no threat to anyone there.

      But coercing people to take drugs is a whole ‘nother thing.

      • Hi Eric,

        Establishment media has also resorted to writing pieces like how “Anti-vaxxers are a modern political force”, suggesting they’re afraid of people who’ve questioned these COVID “vaccines” or have been red pilled the past few years about the jabs (among other things) and thus started questioning ALL vaccines. Establishment media has also been writing pieces trying to scare people about how more parents than ever are “Skipping routine vaccinations for their children”. Geez, could the HEAVY HANDEDNESS of the government regarding COVID jabs have had something to do with that?

      • Hi Eric,
        It’s the contemporary equivalent of “have you stopped beating your wife”. The phrase is loaded to presume a lie so the person being labeled is guilty of a crime without any evidence.

      • Every “anti-vaxxer” I know, including me, is someone who wasn’t an anti-vaxxer until they suffered a negative reaction, or had a child injured. It is particularly cruel to belittle people who who have watched children die or be saddled with chronic illness or disability, while big pharma is granted immunity from lawsuits. Yet we continue to speak out!

        • Amen, Jennifer –

          I have always had a live – and let live – attitude toward vaccines. People who want to take them – that’s their choice and who am I to interfere with that. But the past three years showed us the fangs of the people who think it’s not enough that they’re free to take the drugs of their choice. Our choice not to take them must be ridiculed – and even punished.

          I’m implacable now toward these people.

        • Hi Jennifer. I’m a proud anti vaxxer. My 38 year old son will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair after a reaction from a flu vaccine paralyzed him from the neck down about 5 years ago. It’s funny, every time I go to a doctor, they start to give me shit about being behind on my vaccines, but boy they shut up pretty quick when I tell them why.

            • Thank you guys for your sympathies. It has truly been a devastating experience. They say that nothing is worse than losing a child, but I don’t know about that. He’ll need 24 hour care for the rest of his life and he basically just exists now. The financial burden is pretty heavy too. Transportation, meds, therapy, it never ends. You’d be flabbergasted at the price of an electric wheelchair. He has one like Stephen Hawking that he blows into a straw to make it go where he wants. Let’s just say you can buy a very well equipped brand new Camry for less than that thing cost. Like our much beloved EV’s, it needed new batteries last year. Those were 3 grand. But, it’s been about 5 years now, we’ve all learned to adapt and deal with it for the most part. It sucks, but that’s life I guess, what are you going to do?

              • Good morning, Florida –

                Damn. That was hard to read. I had no idea. I know it’s not much, but I’ll add my sympathies to those already expressed by others. Very sad. My best wishes to you, your son and your family.

    • Hi Pug,

      A variation of the term “Anti-vaxxer” that was used on social media & elsewhere was “Uneducated Anti-vaxxer”. Ironically though, the “educated vaxxers” who dutifully followed draconian COVID rules like face diaper wearing & took all the “CDC Recommended COVID shots” have the worst health outcomes compared to the “Uneducated Anti-vaxxers” who DIDN’T listen to “The Science”, such as Tony Fauci. A UK paper wrote an article recently with a survey indicating that UK citizens who dutifully followed COVID rules had worse mental health outcomes than those who didn’t.


      • There is an obvious reason why those who stuck by the UK “Covid” rules have the worst mental health. That cohort necessarily consists of unquestioning, obedient slaves. Repressing one’s natural yearning to be free must cause a lot of cognitive dissonance. That internal strife is the cause of their poor mental condition.

    • I consider being referred to as an anti-vaxxer a badge of honor, much the same as I do being called homophobic. I’ve abstained from vaccinations my entire adult life, and I refuse to vaccinate my pets also with their poisons. They can say what they like, but as a middle-aged man who is virtually never sick it appears that I will have the last laugh.

      • Hi Libertymaster.

        I hear you… However, I think it’s important to not let these creeps frame the discussion. Homophobic, for instance, is taken to mean a person is afraid of homosexuals. As opposed to simply not wanting to be pushed into feigning approval of homosexuality. These distinctions are important.

  5. The face diaper insanity around me in the bay area of CA makes me question whether mankind is losing our intelligence. Masking is still common here, maybe one out of ten people you see every day is masked.

    This morning, I was doing my run by the bay – middle of nowhere, open trails, beautiful weather. As I approached a couple, the woman (it’s usually the woman), stepped behind the man, and covered her face with her jacket collar until I ran by. Further down the road, people were taking photos of birds nesting, and every last one was masked up, outside. Madness.

    • That’s insane! I haven’t seen that behavior since 2021 around here. Sure some of the elderly and a few crazies occasionally are seen still wearing, but mostly not. 99.5% are not.

    • I used to regard the bay area where I grew up as being the best of the best, great schools, silicon valley, the foothills, lovely neighborhoods and of course SF, formerly among the most beautiful cities in the world. During covid the local government overreach and collective insanity of the people was just astonishing. Steeped in the best medical establishments and the smart liberals there never got or admitted they were duped. So of course they continue to wear masks.

  6. I was hoping you’d do another diaper report Eric.

    Tons of “people” with their faggot freak masks on today. What the fuck?

    Are they pumping “the cases, the cases!” again or like is it white powder cocaine lung disease, or RSV? This is so fucking gay.

    • Hi Michael,

      The persistence of “masking” has to do more with politics than health, in my view. I’d wager 99 out of 100 people who are still “masking” are also Leftists. The “mask” is an expression of their politics. They want to believe in “COVID” because it affirms their political beliefs, which have become religious beliefs – sans God.

      • Spot on Eric. Only the elderly that still believe the TV people on the evening news are the only other ones still being duped. All you can do is feel sorry for them.

        The rest of them? I just laugh at them when I see them.

    • Hypochondriacs. There are a lot of them. I figure if anyone wears a mask they are sick, so I stay clear of them. More people should take to their bed if they are sick, like the olden days…alas common sense has left the building.

  7. I was thinking about The Diaper Report when I learned that a questionnaire a person is required to fill out when they are called to Federal jury duty asks how many guns do you own & what kind.

    I wondered about the slave aspect of being an American citizen, i.e. getting fired for not putting on the face diaper or getting The Shot, or the possibility of getting contempt of court for not answering the fookin’ question.

    In the Before Times, I didn’t get to go see a doctor because, on the Doc’s policy form which you’re required to sign, it said something like: “By signing, you agree to undergo whatever procedures we deem is necessary” … I thought: “That’s how come you see mothers going on the lamb with their daughters & getting caught & a judge throwing the mom in the slammer for not allowing the Doc’s to do what they want with the child for cancer treatment or some such”.
    …The mom signed an agreement,… to be a slave.

    Why, O’Why, would I sign such a thing? … They wouldn’t even let me use a sharpie to cross off that part, leaving the part where I agree to pay intact.

    …Even dentist have the very same type of policy agreement you have to sign,.. else, they simply won’t see you.
    And, Oh Boy, do they Ever ask about every health question you would expect a doctor to ask. …Funny, that.


    If you have a Doc or a dentist, I imagine you have the same type of slave-master arraignment on paper, and prolly don’t even realize it. …’Push’, hasn’t come, ‘to shove’ for you,…yet.

    What would a list of the things we are all made into slaves, look like? I can see some feisty person saying, “I’m Not a slave!” … and, of course, if you resolve to serve, no more, surely you are free.
    How-freakin’-evah; they’ll take your non-slave body & do with it as they please, lock it in a jail, & throw away they key. …Just ask the J-Sixers (obscene how that’s even a phrase) or, the GITMO poor souls all denied a guilty-until-proven-innocent speedy trial,… plus all the extra accommodations our loving overlords provide.

    I ramble.
    Few care.
    Home of the flea.
    Land of the blind.

  8. BTW it happened again today. Met a family member (completely asleep) who was telling me today how in a meeting today a lady had a stroke…. in her early 40s. My age….. all the usual about putting things into perspective, but not a thing about the jab.

    • In Jr. High School, a bully would punch someone, an underling, I guess you could say, and the underling wouldn’t do anything,… even act like the punch never happened.

      That seems to be what’s going on.

      Only, ‘the punch’… is a bit more than just, a punch.

      …”This subversive Party of Chaos (with Marxist characteristics), has worked overtime for years to mindfuck Americans into destroying their own country. Just think of the absurdities you are asked to swallow daily and the punishments meted out for opposing them.”…


    • Thanks, Nasir – I needed that!

      Morgan is an archetype. Insufferably arrogant know-it-all who is not content to know-it-all. He insists that if you (and everyone else) do not agree with what he “knows” then you’re cretinous and low-brow.

      Well, the joke’s on him, isn’t it?

      • Hi Eric , definitely this makes me laugh every time. Whatever one may think about Tate he certainly knows how to deal with these types – just that starting laughter will give Guardian readers nightmares…..

    • That was a good response by Tate, and I’m stealing his line: the next time some whiney libtard says, “I just took a Covid test,” I’m going to respond, “…and the test came back gay!”

  9. They are winning.

    Went to the doc’s today. Left upper ball joint giving me trouble but otherwise just routine service for a 1939 model. Got the standard “You are in great condition…… for your age.” Kind of like “Cherry ’55 Bel Aire….. some rust.”

    Sat a few minutes (maybe 10) in the customer waiting room of the corporate medical group. I estimate that 10% came out of the elevator wearing masks. At least 15% asked for a mask at the service writer’s desk.

      • helot: “I’m imagining a Blue city in a Blue State.”

        Surprisingly not. Town of about 18,000 in North Alabama. A friend was warned by his mama back in the ’60s when he was moving to Huntsville: “There’s Yankees up there!” I have admitted before that the “Y” in my tag stands for Yankee, but it is in the middle of “A Repentant” and “Living In Occupied Alabama”. We fled one of the bluest, the Soviet State of New Jersey, and have been in Alabama since 1968. If you don’t start with “But the way we did it in….” you get accepted pretty easily. It is amazing how quickly you realize who wrote the history books about the late unpleasantness.

        But I bet the majority of the ones I saw today were Born and Bred and Bleed Red for Alabama. Everybody we meet in this town is “from here”. Super friendly even though we are aliens. (We don’t speak Joisy, but sound NE enough that they know.)

        I have found a doc, even though caught in the corporate net, who seems to be on our side. Asked if I had this shot or that shot on my first visit with him, when I said I had not, he nodded and went about his business.

        • I like Alabama. Kids were in Enterprise for a few years, son in law ‘copter pilot training. They had a house in the golf club neighborhood what great people. Daughter was on the community council and when we visited went to a meet and greet at the clubhouse. Bourbon on the rocks I was in like Flint. Don’t be an A hole and mind yer manners goes a long way! Grandson went to Space Camp in Huntsville last summer daughter was impressed with how nice it was compared to the lib s**thole towns here in WA.

          PS: Eric, I like Virginia also! The kids were in Culpeper we visited there years ago now. Got to drive parts of Skyline Drive, driving back went into a park along the Shenandoah River, awesome. Did the Monticello tour too.

    • Hi ARYLIOA,

      At the UPS store earlier today: Obese younger woman at the service desk – Diapered up. It’s been three years now and if she’s so very concerned about her health, don’t you think she’d have exerted the effort to eat better (and less) and maybe shed 50 pounds or so?

      These “masks” really ought to be red. For what they represent.

  10. Amazing how the same people who decry the evil greedy capitalist system are quick to defend one of the worst, most greedy “industries” ever created.

  11. Been down last ten days or so with a very bad cold (for me) that probably some might think is Covid. I think the severity was due to age,,, I am 74. My wife had it but mild. She is eight years younger.

    The culprits behind this scam knew picking a cold (any corona virus) would be to their advantage. Colds are common, perfect for their scheme, and a rigged PCR running excess cycles will produce many ‘positives’. The antigen tests would show positive if you had a cold years ago.

    This Corbin fella I would venture is BSing. They are trying to squeeze out some more business before the next scam pandemic comes along.

  12. I am anti vaxx and proud of it. They try and push a needle on me and I will jam it in their ear.

    Even before the so called COVID pandemic, I have been wary about the concoction that they are forcing on schoolchildren and the marketing of a flu vax to adults.

    A normal safe “vaccine” contains heavy metal toxins, female genetic lines, and other toxins that disrupt a persons endocrine and immune system.

    I personally took a tetanus shot in early 2001. I was sick for almost a month afterwards. I had a dry cough and broke out in with strange bumps on my face and arms. This was back in the pre covid days, so I basically had to drag my ass to work through it all. You know, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, boy.

    I’m not having any of it.

    Ill kick that fat retard’s ass. He can go fuck himself

    • [They try and push a needle on me and I will jam it in their ear. ]- Swamp

      I’m thinking what Bruce Willis did to that government type that tried to give him a kill shot in the movie ‘Red’.

    • “ I personally took a tetanus shot in early 2001. I was sick for almost a month afterwards “

      They may have nicked you with a TDaP not just a tetanus booster, happened to me about 4 years ago. Doc said would be a good idea to get a tetanus booster at age 64, remembering the horror stories of “lockjaw” as a kid in the ‘60s I agreed. No idea and not informed that it wasn’t just a tetanus booster. Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis.
      I have never been so sick in my life. Took two weeks to get back up to speed, a full month to feel fully normal.

      So, that was the end of any updates, boosters, or anything new vaccine related for me.
      When the Covid scam came along it was an easy NO from me, especially with all the information online plus the memories of the Swine flu debacle in 1976.

      • I think that is the only tetanus vax available these days, a TDaP combination shot. I don’t think you can get a tetanus booster, that’s only for tetanus, any more.

  13. I wonder if he (and many others like Kelce), whores for big pharma, actually believe what they push, or are they just so well compensated that the are literally selling their souls? Or maybe big pharma has something on them and they are being forced? Like maybe “Hey, that’s a nice hard drive you got there. It’d be a shame if there was kiddie porn discovered on it.”

    I just can’t understand the motivation. They obviously know that what they are spouting is manipulative nonsense. I guess after all I’ve experienced after 49 years of life on this planet, I’m still left aghast at the evil men choose to do in this world.

    • Some people might say they’re mind-controlled slaves, others that they get offered the chance to “be with” the used up gussied up whore Taylor Swift and be even morrrrre famous. He sucks though either way

  14. Piers Morgan is a high-ranking member of the Lugenpresse. I’d bet he went on this silly fucking rant because he was given a script by the copywriters “brought to you by Pfizer.”

    This nonsense will never end until the underlying premise is attacked by asking the question of what is this “vaccine” actually for? The answer is nothing. There is no virus termed “SARS-CoV-2” causing a respiratory disease branded as “Covid-19.” It’s a big fiction put forth through the sleight-of-hand of Big Parma/Med. I highly recommend viewing these videos. They’re very long and require careful attention, but they go into great detail about this fraud and how it has been perpetrated.

    Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5EAWnkwUuJWJ/
    Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/p1bkp55x78aK/

    Also, for those who disagree with any of the points made in them, please let me know, as I’m forever in search of the truth.

    • Kill Free Speech! Enough of Free Speech! What good is it?

      So then, and therefore, Johnathon Goldblatt needs to be shut up and about damned time!

      If Johnathon Goldblatt wants to limit free speech, kill Johnathon’s free speech, arrest, arraignment, then go to jail for one of those free speech crimes, all are guilty.

      Goldblatt can rot in jail too, so what? Hell too. At this point, what difference does it make?

      No Free Speech!

      Yes, Yes, Yes!

      And you, Mister Liberty, heed my words.

      You are a threat, an outside agitator, guilty of thought crime, read your own words.

      Probably should be apprehended and imprisoned.

      An American gulag is a good place for you. The only place for you.

      That is anywhere you are right now.

      Down with Free Speech!

          • I worked at a beet processing plant back in the mid-70’s, a co-worker saw I was smoking Camel cigarettes, no filter.

            “My mother told me that Camels used to have marijuana in them,” he said.

            Every morning when I was a kid, the morning radio show always advertised Camels, “I’d walk a mile for a Camel.”

            Mabel, Black Label, Carling Black Label beer was sold in eight packs. Canadians like their beer too, Black Label is still brewed to this day. Another morning radio advertisement to motivate people to go to work and then back home for some brews.

            “Talk about yer people have a whale of a time
            Eatin’ up chicken’ and drinkin’ their wine;
            I’m on my way, I’m goin’ back to Alabam’.” – Cowboy Copas, Alabam

  15. This weekend met another person who took the jab then had a stroke within hours. He is convinced it is due to the vaccine. He was pressured thru work to take it. Now regrets it but is doing well enough to still be active.

    How much anecdotal evidence must one collect before Occam’s razor is in play?

    • Hi Hans,

      I found out over the weekend that someone I know’s son-in-law (age 32 and a doctor) developed clots in his foot post Jab. His wife – about the same age – developed Graves disease.

      • Neighbor, formally healthy, stroke early 2022 recovered “mostly” but was done taking care of the house and property, sold it off and moved back to Western WA smaller place and close to docs. Both jabbed, she’s been OK but a worry since she’s a cancer survivor.

        Another friend had survived a heart and stroke issue about 10 years ago. Jabbed, now nearly disabled barely walking. Also was very fit and active till the jab.

        They really want us dead.

    • Hi Hans,

      That’s sad to hear. But are there really employers out there that are STILL requiring employees to take that jab? This whole thing of requiring people to effectively be guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical industry to participate in society REEKS of corruption & criminality, but thanks to the PREP Act & a law from almost 40 years ago, vaccine manufacturers can’t be sued for liability. And it’s also telling when very few people who are running for political office even want to talk about the COVID crap that we’ve been forced to endure the past few years.

      • RE: “vaccine manufacturers can’t be sued for liability”

        “… Kingston explains, “What Paxton and his team are going to do is expose thousands and thousands of lies that you were told by Pfizer and, specifically, CEO Albert Bourla. Albert Bourla went on a campaign of deception and a lying spree that resulted in a killing spree, and Bourla knew it. Ken Paxton and his legal team are charging Pfizer under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act of Texas. There are five counts they are being charged with across 18 violations. […]

        you can sue Pfizer and you can have criminal charges against Pfizer. I think we are going to get a great awakening to do that, and people do not have to remain a victim. This is murder, and it is no different than me having a cupcake company and I put cyanide in the cupcakes. . . .and I did not expose to you my natural ingredients. That’s murder.””


        There’s another big lawsuit in the works elsewhere, don’t have the URL handy, tho.

        • The Texas lawsuit smells like political payback from the Attorney General and an attempt by the state Republican party to distract how they sold out the voters in the property tax “reform” enacted this Fall.

          Nothing to see. Move along.

        • Ain’t that America, home of the free – John Mellencamp, Ain’t That America

          If I want you dead, I can go to the river bank during the summer months and harvest some water hemlock, it has a flavor like celery, in the same genus, mix it in with a salad, you’ll be dead in less than eight hours.

          I can obtain the means, trick you into eating a salad that will kill you

          However, you can’t do that, it’s murder.

          There is the case of two teenagers eating some, they were dead in less than two hours.

          Hire a taste tester.

          Feed you some Jimsonweed root, you’ll be in for a helluva ride before you die. It’ll taste like radish, heavy doses of alkaloids included.

          Vaccines are cheaper and more effective than expensive ordnance, you want some democide, legal genocide is the way to go.

          The only good human animal is a dead human animal, no matter the race, creed, religion, nationality, ethnic origins, dead is better.

          Mother Nature is sick and tired of human beings, so long… forever.


          Say a prayer for humanity.

          I’d just as soon everybody keeps lifting the barge and toting the bale.

          War is expensive stupidity, time to stop.

          Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

          Happy Holidays!

    • There is SO much evidence of this nature out there, mostly anecdotal sadly because why? If you mention you think it is connected to a jewjab (hat tip: Linh Dinh for this hilarious phrase) they will immediately move on to the next subject.

      I will tell you my own story related to this. I was forced to jewjab or become unemployed so I grudgingly complied in spite of all better judgement to do so. When I got the 2nd shot within -hours- I was VERY out of sorts it was quite obvious what was causing it. Blood pressure through the roof, pulse racing, felt like someone had driven a spike through my heart like a vampire.

      I mega dosed aspirin because I was aware it was really the only thing I could do if you were experiencing spike protein clotting. Aspirin thins the blood quite a big when you start taking 1000s of MGs. Safe? No. But not as dangerous as the jewjab. I made an appt. with my cardiologist but couldn’t see him for a week. Eventually, and mercifully, it settled down but not after taking thousands of MGs of aspirin to stave off myocarditis, stroke, whatever was about to happen to me.

      I go to see the cardiologist one week later, I explained that I had a massive reaction to the 2nd shot that was immediate onset and lasted for days. Any doctor of any ethical standing or honor would have done a deep investigation when you are describing clutching chest pain. Instead he kinda looked at me quizically for even mentioning that I had a severe reaction to a jewjab. He didn’t even take out his damn stethoscope.

      Cardio: “Well you seem fine now. What did you do?”
      Me: “I mega dosed aspirin, thousands of MGs.”
      Cardio: “That isn’t very safe.”
      Me: “Seems safer than acute myocarditis.”
      Cardio: “Ok, follow up with me next year.”

      That was it. The VERY first thing under normal circumstances that should happen if you have a vaccine reaction would be this:
      What are/were your symptoms? Are you having them now? What date of onset? What date of offset? How long after the injection? What LOT NUMBER?! What manufacturer? Where was the injection administered? By whom?

      This is standard operating procedure. He didn’t ask me a fucking thing. Nada. What a regime shill and clown and MOST of them were like that because they were utterly terrified to report. When medicine is compromised and your health you are in a fully tyrannical regime at that point, make no mistake.

      I have a friend that is an NPC bugman robot who use to be a human being. But like most midwits he is 100% susceptible to propaganda & fear. Will not leave the house w/o a diaper right now, Dec 2023 anywhere he goes. He is on his FIFTH booster plus the original 2 shots. 7 injections of experimental RNA slurry. What could go wrong? 🙄

      • Hi Useranon –

        This is terrible, dirty business. I’m very sorry to hear what happened to you. I personally know several people who have been injured by these drugs – including my brother-in-law’s daughter and her husband, who is an MD and was effectively forced to take the drugs. He’s got blood clots in his foot (and God knows where else). She has Graves disease. They are in their early 30s and both fit, previously healthy people.

  16. Anyone here remember the MASSIVE incentives that governments & large corporations offered for people to take these experimental pharma products in 2021? Ironically, many of the incentives offered were junk food, while state governments tempted people into getting vaxxed by saying they could become a millionaire in a state vaccine lottery. Oregon had such a lottery, and IIRC, the winner was a college student. I haven’t heard about her since. Could she be among many of those who “Died suddenly”?

    Did government & these large corporations really think the average American was dumb enough to fall for the incentives they offered for taking experimental drugs? And will they do that again if Big Pharma concocts some other “vaccine” for the “Next pandemic” that the Bill Gates types keep telling us is coming?

    • [ Did government & these large corporations really think the average American was dumb enough to fall for the incentives they offered for taking experimental drugs? ]- John B

      Yes,,, Yes

      Today’s Americans are nowhere near as savvy as Americans a few years ago. Any sharp person would have seen this scam a hundred yards away. It was That obvious….

      • [ And will they do that again if Big Pharma concocts some other “vaccine” for the “Next pandemic” that the Bill Gates types keep telling us is coming? ]


      • Hi Ken,

        I saw a story somewhere that in 1 state (I think it was Ohio) all these incentives for people to “take that vaccine” failed to increase vaccine uptake.

  17. There was a UK newspaper that actually ran a story about a survey saying how people in the UK who dutifully followed UK COVID rules during the “pandemic” have the worst mental health, while those who didn’t have better mental health.

    Ironically, it also appears that people who dutifully listened to Tony Fauci, complied with draconian COVID rules from governments, and followed CDC “recommendations” the past few years have the worst health overall, while those who disobeyed are doing just fine……but establishment media & governments would have us believe that all those “Sudden deaths” since 2021 are from climate change, COVID, or ‘coincidences’, NOT the “Safe and Effective COVID jabs”……


  18. Morgan also employs the always reliable leftist tactic of the Straw Man Argument in, perhaps, the most egregious way. Who, exactly, EVER said the shot would “melt your brain” or “turn you into an ostrich”?

    No one. Period.

    But, there it is, the false assertion that he trots out to then smack down. He’s an intellectual fraud sans intellect.

    • Yes, you’re exactly right. A classic propagandist tactic. They don’t have winning arguments against the points actually raised by critics, so they erect a ridiculous strawman to argue against. Just another underhanded way to promote their lies.

      I will disagree with one point of yours. He’s not without intellect. I think he’s smart and knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s an actor playing a role on the world’s stage.

  19. First they came for the sick, but I wasn’t sick, so I didn’t speak up.

    Then they came for the healthy, but I wasn’t healthy, so I didn’t speak up.

    However, I am sick to death of what is happening in this world.

  20. A related bit:

    ‘Trauma Nation’

    … “What makes it worse is our isolation.

    Shrews are definitely not the majority group. And even though we hear there are indeed many of us, it doesn’t really seem that way, in reality. Where are all of the shrews? They are around, of course, but we don’t yet have regular, and local, meeting places where we can gather and talk, and argue, and share, and love each other. We need to start creating this for ourselves. We are not only isolated as humans, but we are isolated because we have no connection with anything out there that isn’t pure SHEEP. Everything we see, hear, and read, is SHEEP. The world accommodates sheep, like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers pod world—you can’t tell who or what is ours.”…


  21. “The Useful Idiot appears ready to take another dose of the drugs”, if he ever took any of them, and if he indeed does have Covid now. Neither of which he can prove, nor even appears willing to prove.

    • No one can ‘prove’ Covid or many other diseases. Their go to test,,, the PCR,,, is not a test per its inventor Kary Mullis and is easily rigged. The antigen and other tests are worse.

  22. Yup, evil & sick, they are.

    … “Toby Young, general secretary of the Free Speech Union, a public interest group, pointed out in a Nov. 30 X post that the sa-mRNA vaccine was approved in Japan “despite only testing it on 800 people, no control group and only checking antibody levels not infection rates. Medicine regulation died with Covid.” […]

    “I’ve been saying for a while that the first generation Covid vaccines were only the start of a coming wave of mRNA therapies.”

    “First, they told us that the mRNA wouldn’t persist in cells for a long time. Now they’ve unleashed self-amplifying mRNA, which means it replicates itself. Wonder how long that will last? Maybe forever? Now tell me how they don’t want to at least try to mess with our genetics.””…



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