Diaper Report: 1/02/2024


Halloween is almost 11 months away – but so is the next selection. So it’s no surprise that enforced “mask” wearing is beginning to happen, already – and again.

Beginning in – of all places – health care facilities, such as hospitals. As in LA County, CA – wherein the wearing of “masks” is now required (again). As in the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and 40 other affiliated hospitals in Pennsylvania. Also the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and most of the hospitals in the state of Washington as well.

Did these people not go to medical school?

It is like encountering a plumber who insists that wrapping a leaky pipe with paper towels will staunch the flow. Or an electrician who thinks a piece of tinfoil works dandy as a fuse.

But this is not a medical problem.

It is a political problem.

You may remember The Hunt for Red October, starring Sean Connery. It was about a Soviet submarine commander who defected to the West – along with his nuclear-armed missile boat. The relevant portion of the film – as regards this discussion – has to do with the boat’s Zampolit, or political officer. In the Soviet Union, a boat (and an army) had a commander and a Zampolit, to supervise the commander. To make sure he correctly adhered to political orthodoxy. The term political correctness is an old Soviet term that dates back to the Stalin era.

At any rate, the Red October’s commander knows he cannot defect with his boat without first doing something about the Zampolit – and so he does.

The medical apparat of this country hasn’t, yet.

When people think of hospitals – and doctors – many think mistakenly. They regard their local hospital and the doctor they see as if they still are what they once were. They are now something very different. The hospitals are chains – just like Wal Mart – owned by a few large corporate “health care provider” cartels. They are like what the “mainstream” media became when what had been independent local newspapers were bought up by a few large corporations and became unitary mouthpieces for the message the corporations that owned them wished to purvey. Your local paper is now a Potemkin facade of what it was. Most of what it publishes being the same “news” published by the others, all of them receiving it from the same source.

Doctors, meanwhile, are now a lot like what journalists who work for the “mainstream” media have become: Employees. Both do as they are told by the corporations that control their employment. Which is to say, by the relative handful of people who control those corporations.

Doctors were once (and not that long ago) more like journalists once were, also not long ago. They were cowboys of a sort. They tended to be independent-minded types who preferred to look into things for themselves and do things the way they thought best. Many owned their own small practice. My grandfather – an allergist – was one such. He was not owned by a “health” cartel and thereby reduced to an employee (just like the janitor who mops the floors) who was obliged to do as he was told by a “heath” cartel Zampolit.

Most MDs now are obliged – because they are owned by the “health” cartels that own the hospital chains that control the doctors’ working space. Few can afford to do as my grandfather did and establish their own, independent practice precisely (and ironically) because of the co-option of medicine by corporations, which has resulted in the cost of becoming a doctor and practicing medicine rising so high that few can afford to do both without becoming part of the corporate-controlled “health” apparat.

When you have a quarter-million in medical school debt (and maybe another $50k in malpractice insurance payments annually) hanging over your head, it is understandable why so many doctors bow their heads – and go along with witch-doctoring rituals such as “masking.”

They do what they’re told. And now – again – they are telling us what to do.

Will we do it? We’d better not – and starting now. Like cancer, this metastasis must be treated early and relentlessly. The most effective time to refuse the proffered “mask” is when it is first proffered. When people haven’t gotten used (again) to just doing it.

The witch-doctoring is “expected to remain in effect for approximately one month,” says the president of UMass Memorial Medical Group.

Mark the italics.

It is a health care collective. And a coercive one. The same in LA as in Washington as in almost everywhere else in this country, too. The impetus behind the witch-doctoring at hospitals in Washington is Kaiser Permanente, which controls them – and thereby, owns the doctors who practice within them. 

The health and well-being of our patients, visitors and employees is our top priority,” says the president of the UMass Memorial Medical Group. 

Whether he believes this is beside the point. He will do as he is told by his employer. As will the doctors whose choice will be to do as they’re told or find another way to earn a living.

As bad as this is for them, it is worse for us. The entire medical system has been corrupted and can no longer be trusted, much less respected. They might at least do us the honest courtesy of wearing patches on their white coats proudly touting their sponsors – in the manner of race car drivers with Pennzoil and Bud Lite patches over their suits.

But it may in the end be good for us, too.

In that it would be better for us to take care of ourselves than to kowtow to these witch doctors.

. . .

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  1. Well written and timely article, thanks Eric.

    I wen to visit a loved one a few weeks ago in a county that “requires” everyone entering a medical facility to wear a mask. The loved one was in the ICU. I got past the entrance with little resistance. The ICU was different. They shut the door on me and called security. I let the ICU nurse and security have it. Then they called the head nurse. She threatened to call the police if I didn’t leave. I should have had them call the police. Police want nothing to do with enforcing mask “orders” but they will tell you to leave or get arrested for trespassing.

    Then my loved one was transferred to a rehab facility. Same county. I walked right through the entrance, a lot of looks but nobody said anything, and went straight to my aunt’s room. We spent almost an hour and had lunch together. On my way out, one nurse walked by and said “next time wear a mask.” I angrily told her to “be quiet” and she walked away quickly.

    Don’t give an inch to these order followers. They want to make masking in medical facilities the new normal, like TSA at airports. Push back. Make them feel uncomfortable. Be confrontational.

  2. I don’t have a problem with hospitals requiring employees, patients and visitors wearing masks. The thing that differentiates hospitals from other places is that there’s a high concentration of genuinely sick people there. People with compromised, fragile immune system that are vulnerable to opportunistic infections. It’s like 20 mph speed limits around schools or helping a woman fix a flat on the side of the road, it’s just a common curtesy.

    As far as doctors, there are a lot of bad doctors, but there are also a great doctors. The great ones are hard to find. You have to search and research and travel and make your own luck, but they are out there. You will need medical care, the only alternative is to die young.

    • We teach our kids to “cover your mouth when you cough”. You wouldn’t want food served to you by someone coughing or sneezing all over it. That’s gross, because we know that there are a lot of germs in saliva. Masks don’t work for viruses, but they do work for the large particles that are projected during a sneeze or a cough, which is why they are worn by doctors and nurses in operating rooms. In a hospital, sick people are coughing and sneezing all the time. If I’m at the hospital I don’t want to get sicker than I already am.

          • Not personal at all. Your posts are just not well reasoned and lack any sort of real insight or wisdom -the logic of somebody in the 6th grade. You seem to be able to parrot what you’ve been told well. Saliva is just so germy, you know.

            I’m going to get right on that good doctor “search and research and travel and make your own luck” thingy, whatever that means.

          • Well condescending midwit, have the waitress at Dennys sneeze twice in your “grand slam” next time. Nothing germy about that.

            Golly, this deep thinkin’ ain’t so hard after all.

            • So waitresses have to wear masks now too?

              If you have to resort to erecting the ridiculous straw man of a waitress sneezing on your food (twice, even) to support your position, it’s a safe bet that your position sucks.

    • Hi Griff,

      No hospital ever required visitors to wear “masks” (or doctors/nurses, either, outside of surgery rooms) until the mass hysteria that began three years ago. Why not? Were doctors ignorant of the importance of “mask” wearing until all-of-a-sudden?

      The purpose of a “mask” in a hospital setting is to limit close-proximity transfer of bodily fluids, such as blood spatter, as might occur during surgery for instance. That’s why surgeons wear them in the operating room. No doctor who wasn’t ill – in the psychological sense – ever previously demanded that “masks” be worn by people visiting family/friends post-surgery.

      Much less while sitting in a waiting room.

      I encourage you to reconsider your apparent support for the institutionalization of hypochondria.

      If you support “mask” mandates in this case, then you have given ground to those who will demand “masking” in other cases.

      After all, it might save a life. Someone might be sick. They might cough/sneeze… etc. Never mind that the “mask” doesn’t prevent either the exhalation or the inhalation of respiratory viruses.

      Remember: This is what the Gesundheitsfuhrers were saying during the mass hysteria event styled the “pandemic.” It didn’t matter that you weren’t sick. You might be. And you might get someone else sick. This was how they fomented a weaponized variant of hypochondria and used it to terrorize an entire country.

      Please don’t give these sickos even an inch of ground.

  3. The slave owners weaponizing karens….

    Get the slaves fighting each other so they don’t co operate and revolt…..probably a huge part of the bat germ scam, lockdowns, masking, injections, game….

    karen mask screamers…another part of the war against the patriarchy….

    note…there was very few male karens….if any they were probably LBGQT

  4. Sadly, there’s no room for creativity, critical thinking or really even much time to talk to the patient. Just assembly line you in, recommend the various tests and drugs, send you out and bill the insurance. And you rarely get the same doc twice now, so there’s no change to establish a relationship and history with someone.
    More troubling for me is how medicine seems to be trending toward being an arm of the state, especially when children and pregnant women are concerned. “Medical kidnapping” entered the common lexicon about 10 years ago where doctors use the authority of the state to override parental consent. Medical staff are given no choice but to tattle on you if they even suspect abuse or neglect of a child. The doctor is not apparently qualified to assess the situation and make a judgment call, but an officious government drone is. And I just read about two paramedics who were convicted of manslaughter for dosing an unwilling arrestee with ketamine at the request of the cops and killing him. They weren’t convicted for the constitutionally insulting move of administering sedating drugs for the cops’ convenience, but for getting the dosage wrong. I’ve also heard of cops taking suspects to hospitals and demanding a colonoscopy to check for drugs.
    I guess “first, do no harm” is no longer the tenet they operate under. Medically unnecessary drugs and procedures would certainly qualify as harm.

  5. A LĂĽgenpresse headline this morning, in the New York Slimes:

    Florida Surgeon General Calls for Halt to Covid Vaccines

    ‘Federal health officials and other experts have repeatedly sought to counter erroneous comments about the vaccines by Dr. Joseph Ladapo.’

    ‘Erroneous comments’ belongs in an editorial, or in a quote from a fedgov pusher within the story, with an opposing quote from a ‘vaccine’ critic.

    Frayed-collar journos have no business asserting one side of a scientific controversy as fact. The New York Slimes has totally jettisoned professional standards.

    Don’t line a birdcage with it — your budgie may die.

  6. You are damned if you do, damned if you don’t. You get dinged for looking away, and seeing the deer or kid running out in front of you from the left or right. And then, you are forced to stay in your lane, with the lane/keep “assist”, and are not “allowed” to swerve to avoid either, and are forced to hit the kid or deer. Who is at fault, then? After all, you are not “allowed” to control your vehicle anymore, with the “saaaaafety” measures installed in the vehicle. One day, this situation will arise, and someone will have to answer, as to who is ultimately responsible for such such an accident. Personally, I think that those of us who do not want this crap in our vehicles should be able to opt out. But, you know what will happen: We will be forced to pay higher insurance premiums, because we will be seen as “high risk” drivers for not wanting such “saaaaafety”.

  7. I often wonder just how well I would be treated in a modern healthcare facility as soon as I was determined to be one of the extremist right wing KKK white supremacists (you know, white and male). I wonder what percentage of nurse and doctor diversity hires make up the staff, and what kind of care I would get by these types. Would they giggle with glee as they secretly inject me with the Doofity Doof 19 injection, or worse? To my mind, this scenario is not out of the realm of possibility. There are some absolute psychotics out there who hate us.

    Eat right, exercise, stay fit and healthy naturally and avoid at all costs visiting one of these DIE centers.

    • Gas stove banning Californicators in Berzerkley get a well-deserved punch in the teeth from (of all places) the liberal Ninth Circuit:

      ‘The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has declined to reconsider a ruling preventing a ban proposed by the City of Berkeley, California, on new natural gas hookups from going into effect.

      ‘The panel’s Jan. 2 ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed by the California Restaurant Association (CRA) alleging federal law overruled the City of Berkeley’s ban on installing natural gas installations in newly constructed buildings.

      ‘Berkeley became the first U.S. city to ban gas stove hook-up installations in 2019 after the city council passed an ordinance requiring that new buildings be built all-electric, beginning Jan. 1, 2020.

      ‘In their ruling on Tuesday, the Ninth Circuit panel wrote that, “By completely prohibiting the installation of natural gas piping within newly constructed buildings, the City of Berkeley has waded into a domain preempted by Congress.”’ — ZH

      Nevertheless, Michael Regan’s EPA continues its efforts to ban gas stoves via regulation, despite Clowngress having given EPA no authority to do so. ‘Rule of law,’ my bleeding ass …

      • Jim H: “….alleging federal law overruled the City of Berkeley’s ban on installing natural gas installations in newly constructed buildings.”

        “…..EPA continues its efforts to ban gas stoves via regulation…..”

        This is the kind of thing that drives me batty on many issues. I think all the local laws are insane, but do I really want the Feds making the laws? I have the same problem when people call for Federal gun laws, even like a Federal law for concealed carry. Looking at who runs that loony bin, Federalizing anything should really scare anyone who appreciates Liberty. Again, local laws are insane, but there are opportunities to stay in the U. S. of A. and move away from them. The real answer, of course, is that we are that vaunted “Nation of Laws”….. too many Laws. (We moved in May, and quickly switched from electric to gas for cooking. Just in case.)

  8. You put your finger on the problem: corporatized medicine. You would be just as well off having an AI like Chat GPT providing “health care” as things are now.

    • Hi Dave,

      Yep. It’s been observed – correctly, I think – that corporations are sociopathic in nature, as there’s no human conscience involved (as such) because no one person is responsible for what the corporation does and the corporation’s corporate purpose is to make as much money as possible, period.

      • The slave owning nobility run the whole planet on corporate law…corp means dead….land of the dead….you are classified as a corporation too, so you are subject to it’s laws….if you have a driver’s licence etc., you consented to it…..

        trapped in the matrix on prison planet……

  9. A group of settlers and prospectors were traveling through the Dakota Territory through Sioux controlled territory, left Fort Sully near Pierre, ended up in the Badlands along the Little Missouri River. They were followed and attacked by Hunkpapa, they wanted the wagon loads of cargo the wagon train was hauling. Whiskey firewater for sure they’re hauling.

    Sioux raiders at their finest. They robbed the wagon train, Sharps 50 caliber were stolen, lots of other stuff.

    The besieged wagon train had to build a sod fortification to fend off the Sioux who had signed a treaty to not attack westward bound settlers and prospectors.

    Cavalry and infantry escorted the settlers and prospectors, Corporal Jefferson Dilts was wounded in an earlier attack on the wagon train, so the primitive fort was named Fort Dilts. The day I was there to visit the battle site, Jeff Dilts had signed the guestbook. The year was 1864, during the summer.

    The pioneers had some strychnine, poisoned the crackers they had with them, and abandoned the fort. The natives returned to the fort, ate the crackers and a number of them died. Not Sitting Bull though, in 12 more years, he’d be with Buffalo Bill Cody in the Wild West show.

    Must be one of the first attempts at chemical warfare.

    Don’t break treaties, you won’t be genocid-ed.

    Didn’t sign no stinkin’ treaty to wear a mask whenever somebody says so.

    Stop trying to genocide humanity, doesn’t look all that good.

    Psychological warfare is evil, so it can stop at any time.

    The WEF is what you call a Trojan Horse.

    • ‘The day I was there to visit the battle site, Jeff Dilts had signed the guestbook. The year was 1864, during the summer.’ — drumpish

      Dude … that makes you at least 160 years old. And prolly more like 200-plus.


      • I know the sentence was clumsily inserted, but the date of the onslaught was in the year 1864, not the day I was there, and apparently, another Jeff Dilts had been there a few days prior, it was 1995, IIRC.

    • Big D,

      Not sure of the exact year late (1830s?) but didn’t some riverboat (St. Peters?) deliver a load of small pox contaminated blankets to a tribe of Mandan Indians along the Missouri River in the Dakotas prior to the Fraudchi Bioweapon Attack?

      • It was Lewis and Clark that gave the blankets to the Mandan, 1803-04.

        An outbreak of smallpox occurred in 1837, many died, forming the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara tribes after that. Smallpox was present in 1781, the Mandan were aware of smallpox before Lewis and Clark arrived. In 1837, of the 600 members of the Mandan tribe, 14 survived. The survivors were not happy and wanted to kill all whites.

        Maybe the blankets were used as a bioweapon, doubtful though, the Black Plague in Europe was probably used as a bioweapon. Some believe it.

        Strychnine is an alkaloid, a biochemical, not an active living virus or bacteria that can infect and disease sets into the body.

      • To add to the comment, if you ever have seen a young fecund fertile young female human phenotype from the MHA nation, you will immediately realize why and how they have survived into the 21st Century.

        Stunning beauty helps the most of all. Simply irresistible. Must be a survival tactic or something.

        Just sayin’.

        Never underestimate the will and the ability to survive.

  10. Everyone seems to be getting COVID right now. It seems that COVID has become something that’s more contagious but less deadly.

      • I won’t use that capitalized incantation but here’s what even the Big Pharma sponsored MSM says about it.


        From link:

        Doofy Doof-19 (my preferred term for the “one virus”) has all the same symptoms as cold and flu, including fever, chills, cough, body aches, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, fatigue and headache.

        Siegel noted that some additional symptoms of COVID-19 are characterized by sore throat, loss of taste, brain fog and shortness of breath.


        Wait, he said sore throat twice? Also, the other three do not strike me as “novel” in any way with respect to colds and flus or whatever the heck the new el fako boogeyman du jour is (RSV?).

        It pains me greatly after almost 4 years to see “our” side still assuming the foundational premise of the scam. Have they succeeded in normalizing it and all that followed in its name? I pray not. Same goes for the belief that “it” can be cured by anti-parasitical horse medicine.

        • “It pains me greatly after almost 4 years to see “our” side still assuming the foundational premise of the scam.”

          This is an extremely important point. I refuse to use the term “Covid” when someone says they are or were sick. They have/had a “cold” and that’s it. In other words, prior to 2020, they had a cold or the flu, and never did they go to the doctor for a “test” or place a disgusting diaper on their face. The final battle will be won only when we’ve eradicated that noxious term from our vocabulary.

          • FDS and James N:

            This is so damn frustrating, isn’t it? It just goes to show that Goebbels was correct that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.

            Make no mistake, “Covid” is a big fucking lie.

            • Without going into detail, I’ve been dealing with some Grade A morons in other contexts lately. My hopefulness finds its expression here but even that wears thin when I see the “all caps” incantation. We’re fighting the believe in “it” for “whatever your reason” Jedi mind trick of the former gesundheitfuhrer of my state who is now the CDC version. Controlled opposition and controversy marketing as well.

        • I agree with you on this. Friends who refused the shots and said the whole thing was a scam recently reported they “tested positive” for covid last week. I was thinking what on earth why the heck are they even taking the stupid tests to begin with? So yes, that particular lie managed to stick somewhere along the way. Personally, back in 2020 when news stories started coming out about needing a test to determine who had covid, I knew right then and there that any “covid test” was going to be pure solid BS.

          • It appears that it’s still 2020 in Cali right now. That place is a full on basket case.


            From link:

            A negative rapid Doofy Doof test result helps reduce, though does not entirely eliminate, the risk of passing along a Doofy infection. There is a chance that a single rapid test may not detect an infection in its initial stages.

            Multiple tests over a time period, such as over two or three days, can be helpful, “especially when the people using the tests don’t have Doofy-Doof-19 symptoms,” according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


            Imagine so many highly propagandized hypochondriacs all over the place testing themselves in this manner, even with no symptoms? Reminds me of that Prodigy song, Breathe with me.

            Breathe the pressure
            Come play my game, I’ll test ya
            Psychosomatic, addict, insane
            Breathe the pressure
            Come play my game, I’ll test ya
            Psychosomatic, addict, insane

            (Come play my game)
            Inhale, inhale, you’re the victim
            (Come play my game)
            Exhale, exhale, exhale

          • “Friends who refused the shots and said the whole thing was a scam recently reported they “tested positive” for covid last week.” -RS

            I’ve seen the same thing. This blows my mind. How does one go from understanding the scam to going along with the scam? How can somebody be so so weak-minded?

      • Hi Eric,

        In my neck of the woods of Oregon, the local “news” media and public health bureaucracies are talking about a SURGE of flu cases, something I don’t remember them ever doing in previous cold & flu seasons prior to 2020, when COVID hysteria seemed to rule the world. What a way though to try to frighten everyone into getting a COVID, RSV, AND FLU vaccine all at once, especially when uptake of those jabs is LOW. What’s NOT discussed is the importance of keeping up your intake of Vitamins C & D during this time of year, which is far more likely to keep you from getting sick than getting all these vaccines. Despite that, will there be attempts to MANDATE ALL those jabs for certain health care workers? Time will tell.

        As for a return to nonsensical face diaper mandates, the state’s “Health Authority” hasn’t tried to reimpose their “permanent” indoor mask mandate as of yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are calls for OHA and/ or current Governor Tina Kotek to reimpose mask mandates on the public, even outdoors. Fortunately though here, I see VERY FEW people who are STILL wearing face diapers, which the face diaper cult would likely want to change.

      • Hi Eric

        Speaking of which, have you seen the studies that showed that during the worst parts of the last three plus years, the seasonal flu was mysteriously absent? It seems that the deadly Vid drove it into hiding. What I’m waiting for is the Omega+++ variant to show up, just in time for the 2024 (S)elections. To be followed by more mandates and lock downs. But only for two weeks to “protect” us… I suspect that only the Cultists would buy that this time. Which is why I expect something else really dire to happen. The psychopaths that rule us aren’t going to allow their power to be curbed. No matter what it takes. As for the medical mafia, they are becoming even worse than the insurance mafia. At least the insurance mafia only wants our money. The medical mafia has already cost far too many people their lives. Its going to be a very long time before anyone but the Cultists trusts the medical establishment again. Its a shame, because we desperately need more physicians, not just people with medical degrees.

        • Hi BJ,

          Yes, I’ve also read that the deaths attributed to flu – or rather, old people pushed over the edge by pneumonia arising from flu – just disappeared (statistically) during the height of “COVID.” It suggests “COVID” was just rebranded; that it may have been entirely a hoax as opposed to just an engineered panic based on hype/exaggeration.

          • Eric,

            IIRC, establishment media claimed that flu “magically disappeared” in 2020 because everybody was wearing face diapers, even though countless studies going back decades have shown face diapers are absolutely useless against respiratory viruses. Nevertheless, there have been calls to make everyone wear face diapers during cold & flu season, which has been going on forever.

  11. A few days ago, I went on a drive with family to Claremont, which is about 25 miles east of LA. We checked out the Claremont colleges, which we had never visited before. These are all elite undergraduate colleges, very expensive and very hard to get into. We walked around Harvey Mudd college, which is the elite science and engineering college. At the entrance to the cafeteria, there was a sign stating that face diapers are required to enter. I joked to my wife that this must not be such a great science college after all if they actually believed that wearing a face diaper into the cafeteria, then taking it off and sitting down to eat next to each other would actually prevent the transmission of any bug. Perhaps this policy was only in effect during the height of the covid panic. But even if so, the school still hadn’t taken the sign down. This has all become an insane cult.

  12. Most profitable business on prison planet?….slavery….tax slaves…debt slaves…

    2nd most profitable business?…fake health care for the slaves…..

    The government gave a monopoly to one type of doctor…through regulations, licencing and funding…..allopathic doctors….. all the other doctors practicing alternate competing types of medical care were banned……

    Snake oil fake cures…..

    Our rockefeller monopoly allopathic medical system, big pharma, used worldwide thanks to john rockefeller, is no better than medievel witch craft. it is more like astrology, there is no science involved…..they always reference science, but it is a huge lie there is no science behind it

    Does the allopathic medical system work?

    Allopathic medicine was created by Paracelsus…a satanist…he is a hero in the church of satan…..william rockefeller was an allopathic medicine salesman….selling allopathic snake oil remedies from town to town….he was also a horse thief and rapist…..his son got the monopoly for allopathic medicine in the western world….


  13. “They regard their local hospital and the doctor they see as if they still are what they once were.” Many people – mainly so-called conservatives – think of the United States in the same way. The US, too, is now something very different. Also run by cartels, and also a Potemkin facade of what it was.

  14. You should run for your lives, the masked zombies are on the loose again. Fear them, do what you are told to do. It’s their job to tell you what to do, get in line and follow along.

    Freaking weasels that they are, they are trapped, indoctrinated, no way out for them. Stuck on zero. Still think you should listen and do what you are told.

    How about no? Even Chicken Little would rebel.

    When you get old, your body does not look nearly as good as it once did. Eventually, your muscles weaken, your mind begins to not be as shrap, things like that do happen when you reach your eighties and nineties, inevitably, all tissue and organs fail, you expire. You croak.

    Besides, some eighty year old people may have enough strength to teach a good lesson concerning what they need to do to keep on truckin’, they won’t hear any of it. You won’t be telling them what to do, the way it is sometimes.

    You won’t enter the picture.

    My mind wants to think it is still 21 years old, just not true, my lying eyes won’t accept the obvious fact that I am older than the average bear at my age.

    You need care by 95, the people in the medical field provide much of it, nursing homes, then to the morgue then to be planted at a cemetery.

    Digital Eye of Japan has been tracking the cemeteries in Ukraine and how they have grown.

    And I don’t give a damn about a greenback-a dollar
    Spend it fast as I can
    For a wailin’ song and a good guitar
    The only things that I understand, poor boy
    The only things that I understand
    – Hoyt Axton, Greenback Dollar

  15. My doctor somehow keeps her independent practice and seems quite successful. The difference must be insurance, with which she does not deal. I just use my HSA account when I go see her, and a visit costs around $150-200. She’ll give you paperwork to send to your insurance if you’d like, but I’d rather not deal with them either.

    • Your doctor either went to school on family money or graduated med school before the Federal student loans were nationalized to pay for Obamacare circa 2009-early 2010.

    • Or you have a concierge provider, who generally do quite well but tend to be involved with practice consultants running a “beak wetting” racket of their own.

      • Roscoe,

        I had to look up “concierge provider”, but it seems maybe you could call my doctor that. I don’t pay monthly fees, however; I just pay per visit. Not sure what a “beak wetting” racket might be, but she’s the best doctor I’ve ever had, so I’m not too worried about that.

        I really think it’s about not dealing with insurance. I think that leads to bookkeeping and management hassles, at the very least.

  16. Well done Eric. You’ve touched on a subject polite people aren’t supposed to talk about and gone where “few people have gone before.” It takes guts to critique the medical-industrial complex, which has morphed into such a huge monstrosity that wants to take over the world.

    To me it’s the modern-day equivalent of Spectre from the Bond/Connery movies. It has grown into an example of a macrocosm of how totally mucked-up the country has become. And woe to the person who even suggests the slightest bit of criticism of those vaunted holy men who call themselves doctors. It seems the general public just can’t build a pedestal high enough to elevate these unethical ecclesiastical members of the church of medicine, and it’s enough to turn almost anybody into an instant cynic. How these people in the (MIC) can live with themselves and sleep soundly at night is baffling. Do these people even have a conscience?

    • Thanks for the kind words, David!

      Both my dad and grandfather were MDs, so I grew up around medicine as it used to be practiced and for that reason the disparity today is much more obvious to me (of a piece with the way flying used to be, for those who can remember what it was like before the terrorists installed the TSA).

      • “Obvious” and probably a bitter pill to swallow knowing your family background & how corrupt modern medicine has devolved (note: it didn’t get there on its own, no, it got there driven by uncle sammy of course). I long to return to the days of Marcus Welby, Ben Casey, & Dr. Kildare. BTW, have you ever seen the movie “The Hospital” w/ Geo C. Scott? I’m addicted to that flick. Never was a big fan of Diana Rigg but she was great.

      • Hi Eric

        But Eric, if we didn’t have Thousands Standing Around, ever watchful at our airports, the terrorists would kill us all!! Sorry, that didn’t even pass the snicker test. Every Single Time the senate has sent tiger teams in to test the TSA, it has resulted in a 90% plus failure rate. It is and has always been security theater. That’s why the senate finally stopped testing them.

        As for the medical mafia, you are quite right. Most of the hospitals and medical centers have been bought by hedge funds and other such vulture types. Then the focus was changed from good patient out comes, to the holy bottom line (at any cost).

        The best medical care these days, is from independent doctors who work on a cash only basis. No government or insurance mafia paperwork is involved. Those I’m familiar with tend to be older, very experienced and have a nurse or two for minor problems. There are also groups forming. One of them is this. https://www.twc.health/ I have no personal experience with them, but I’m told they are a cut above the usual. I’d be interested if anyone has personal experience.

        Bottom line, people need to learn to take care of themselves, and make better life choices. Those who expect to survive whats coming over the next few years, are already well versed in that. Those who trust the system… May our God have mercy on their souls.

      • I respected doctors all my life and even had a good friend who became a successful orthopedic surgeon. My mother was a nurse at Stanford hospital all her life. Although she and most of her nurse colleagues did not worship the doctors due to being ordered around and occasionally mistreated by some of the more arrogant ones, they loved the good doctors and we all had great deal of respect for the time, effort and sheer level of expertise required to be a physician.

  17. I have two relatives in medical school, they are 100% on board with the mask and “vaxx” nonsense. One in particular is a COVID “vaxx” fanatic and, frankly, a complete know-it-all asshole, it is impossible to have a basic conversation with him about how the “vaxx” does not actually confer immunity… and is therefore not a vaccine at all but a palliative at best.

    If that.

    My own general physician seems to be on board with all the mask-and-vaxx bullshit, too, he was quite the mask Nazi in his office a couple of years ago. I thought he was OK when I became his patient several years ago, but lately it seems to me that he’s just mailing it in, I need to get busy finding someone else.

    • X: I saw the same thing in a granddaughter, now a CRNA DNP (she puts people to sleep and, hopefully, wakes them up). We argued endlessly about the Covid Protocols, especially “on a vent if blood oxygen below 88”. That’s what all the textbooks said. Nevermind that this bug was creating an entirely new phenomenon of low oxygen but breathing normally. They are like the average reader of the NYTimes or viewer of CNN (or Fox). So immersed in propaganda in their studies that they believe it.

      She is out of the reach of the “educators” now, and concedes that I was right. She had encouraged the family to get The Shot. She is now scruitinizing the vaccination schedule for her 9 month old and deciding what to reject. Give them time. There is always hope.

  18. quote “It is like encountering a plumber who insists that wrapping a leaky pipe with paper towels will staunch the flow.”

    A good analogy of the ineffectiveness of a face mask to airborne viruses is a chain link fence stopping a swarm of gnats.

    A virus is an RNA strand, that being 1/2 of a DNA strand, just a small number of molecules. When a person coughs, trillions of those little buggers get aerosoled. Being so small, they hang in the air for long time. A good analogy for that is a smoker in a restaurant, everyone can smell the cigar smoke in seconds, even if wearing a mask, and cigar particles are 10,000x larger than viruses.

    The weave in the mask is measured in microns (that is 10 to the minus 6 power, or 0.000001), but the virus is 10 to -9 or 0.000000001 scale. The simple physics is the mask weave is a 1,000 times larger than the virus particle, and thus the mask does nothing to stop virus transmission. Thus, the virus is like a gnat flying through a chain link fence. On the scale of a gnat, the chain link fence is hardly noticeable.

    But since we can not see this at such small scales, the human brain defaults to social pressure memes and not physics reality. Never mind the facts citizen, put on the mask is politics, not physics. The reason a surgeon wears a mask is to stop drooling/spit/hair from entering the cut open area as the surgeon is literally bent over above and breathing directly into the wound.

    To protect against being infected in a bio-engineering lab, the technician wears a pressurized rubber suit, enters a cleaning air lock in and out. And even that fails. Needless to say, wearing a mask to stop a virus is futility and an exercise for fools. The manufacturer of masks print on the box, N-95 does NOT stop viruses. Read the label of the Covid mask warning:


    Wearing a mask is theater in clown world. Bribed politicians, like Trump, who took a 100 million from Pfizer, tout the corporate talking points. Pfizer sells a billion vaccine doses to Uncle Samuel. Employing agents, the corporation peddles influence in the houses of power. Science be damned. Welcome to clown world slaves, do as your told and do not think, do not bring up facts, that is anti-semitic.

  19. In Florida no masks or kill shots can be mandated by law in public or private venues including hospitals. If you wish to wear the mask or get the kill shot you can. Free choice more or less.

  20. Eric, a minor correction – it IS a medical problem – fucking idiots don’t have a brain….

    Can you imagine it’s 2024 and you’re still writing diaper reports – when it was meant to be 2 weeks :p…

  21. Marc Crispin Miller, who knows a thing or two about propaganda, wrote a piece recently on his Substack about face diapers…..


    And with “scientists” now claiming that human beings are fueling climate change just by BREATHING, if the Biden Thing and/ or authoritarian governors attempt to do climate lockdowns, I can just see them implementing mask mandates as well under guise of “Stopping the spread of CO2”.

    • John B:

      Shortly at Amazon: CO2 Capture Device. Under the desciption of a device that looks alarmingly like a WWII gas mask: Simply wear this canister and discard the captured carbon in your trash each evening. Scientists have concluded that during sleep, your emissions of CO2 are greatly diminished so it is not necessary to wear the cannister unless you really, really, care about the Earth.

  22. Because there’s allegedly a shortage of MDs, doctors are on the H1B list as a preferred immigrant, but only 1.4% right now. However about 30% of MDs are naturalized citizens. I’m sure they’re all great people who are happy to be in the US instead of the home country, but I wonder how many are here for the work instead of desire to live in the US? Will they have the natural urge to question authority in the same way as a good ol’ boy from western Virginia? Especially if they come from a country with a stratified population, and they were in the top caste? A culture where deference to authority was required?

    When I moved to Colorado from Pennsylvania I took a pretty big pay cut for a harder job. I did this because I wanted to live here. PA was nice but boring, and a dead end too. The only growth industries were old folks’ homes and cemeteries. Colorado was beautiful, dangerous and you had to want to live here. But sometime around 2010 Colorado got noticed. People started businesses that attracted other people, who didn’t necessarily want the Colorado lifestyle, just the job. This began to snowball as word got out. Now we’re siphoning off population from California and Chicago and the PNW, and they’re expecting the same environment they left. But it doesn’t work that way. Many run back after their first winter, but others demand changes that aren’t possible, like overfunded schools. Or lots of water…

    • Many states are allowing MBBS (Masters degree) graduates from places like India and Pakistan to become licensed to practice as doctors and even hang out “MD” shingles if they are really desperate.

      On the one hand, it could lead to the end of the MD monopoly, but a lot of subservience is involved with the visa program, and MDs run the residencies required for licensure.

      • Shades of the Civil War… Bring people in who have no ties to the land, conscript them as they get off the boat and tell ’em those guys over there are the enemy. Replace one slave with another, this time one owned by the state.

        Do what you’re told or we kick you out.

    • The AMA is in and of itself a cartel which restricts the numbers of MDs in med school (or so I’ve heard).

      OT: Harrison Ford was a way better Jack Ryan than the asshat Alec Baldwin.

      • The AMA restricts the number of seats in US MD schools as well as the number of MD residency slots in US hospitals, deliberately set at a number below the number of graduates that year.

        The graduates who fail to get residency slots can opt for the military or other government service to complete training and get a license, but they will not be board certified which is often a requirement for private practice.

  23. Kaiser started in WA State but it isn’t as influential as they used to be.

    The “care” provided by their system is really bottom-of-the-barrel and well-known as something to be avoided if possible by both patients and providers.

    If the order for the WA State hospitals came from Governor Kirkland, you can thank his primary political benefactor, Costco, and the Dem voters in Seattle who reelected him twice.

    Inslee is completely bought and paid for to the extent that Costco’s lawyers wrote the liquor deregulation rules in WA State shortly after his Inauguration. After that, however, the chain really didn’t have much need for him until the “pandemic” so his mind wandered.

    • How soon before mandatory masking returns at Costco and, via political pressure, Sam’s Club and Home Depot?

      The Austin PD conducted mask enforcement drills at our local Sam’s Club as late as February 2022.

      With a record murder rate in the city in 2021, you would think the “heroes” had something better to do, but nope. Austin wants to be Seattle and Portland. God only knows why.

      • Its because Austin has been populated by weirdos for some 40 years. They are more numerous now then they were, but I never liked the place.LOoking at it now, it’s drug addicts all the time. Its the state capital and every two years, a population of assholes comes in and takes over the place.

        My contempt for Austin is palpable.

        • Hi Swamprat

          40 years?? Austin has ALWAYS been… Austin. 🙂
          Eventually, Austin is going to warp the spacetime continuum, and end up in the Peoples Republic of Granola Land (likely near either San Fran or Berk). That will truly be a time for Texan rejoicing. Then there is Dallas Fortworth. Don’t even get me started on those misfits from various Wokista hives around the country.

  24. Eric, I’m not sure if this has been posted here, but here is an interview from a ‘patient care system’ insider describing just how the ‘patient care system’ is used to betray patients in favor of the ‘industry’, including a reveal of the extent of the conflict of interest specifically on cancer treatments. The underhanded methods being used against patients remind me of the way Wall St betrays all of its ‘customers.’

    • $250k in student loans?

      Navient tracks at least 200 borrowers with student loan balances above $1 million, and that is an old number.

      Dentists are the worst off in terms of student loan balances, but a lot of doctors aren’t far behind.

      Medicine in the US is an indentured servitude arrangement, and the interest payments fund Obamacare under the student loan nationalization which was necessary to make the “Affordable” Care Act revenue neutral.

      What was it Pelosi said? We had to pass the bill to find out what was in it.

  25. ‘enforced “mask” wearing is beginning to happen, already – and again.’ — eric

    Again? Some hopeless cases never stopped. One such is the communist astronaut, Senator Mark Kelly.

    Every christ-forsaken time I open his site to deliver a textual thumping, I encounter this stomach-churning photo of a masked Kelly, mumbling incoherently to a masked (and obviously unhealthy) constituent:


    Yuck! Guess that’s one way to discourage correspondence from non-compliant citizens.

  26. Those malpractice rates in “low tax, less government” Florida are confiscatory.

    I wouldnt live there again. For a variety of reasons.

  27. The good thing about the medical industrial complex requiring face diapers is that it will keep many more people away from hospitals and “doctors.” This ridiculous anti-science charade will save many more lives simply by having people shun them because they don’t want to wear a face diaper. Many common-sensical people will live healthier lives. See, God always turns everything to good.

    • Amen, Pug!

      Doctors once relied upon trust; that trust has been vaporized by the events of the past going-on-four-years. They have revealed themselves to be compromised/owned/enforcers of evil practices – and a sensible person would not have anything to do with them.

      • Hi Eric

        I suspect its a matter of indoctrination and the cult of the risk adverse. Most people have been products/victims of the governments “educational” system. Tack on years of Wokista medical school (and the Cult of D.I.E), and the only surprise is that its not even worse. “Just following orders” is a classic/timeless example of how thoughtless most people are. Especially in groups. The last three plus year have been an object lesson in why that’s a Bad Idea™.

  28. ‘Beginning in – of all places – health care facilities, such as hospitals.’ — eric

    One detects a subtle hint of sarcasm from our distinguished author. Reading Steve Kirsch’s post at Lew Rockwell’s site this morning, though, will wipe the smirk right off a reader’s face:

    ‘Most of the COVID deaths were actually caused by the COVID treatment protocols, not the virus. Gail [Kirsch’s nurse interviewee] and an ICU doctor I spoke with after the call estimated that at least 90% of the people who died were killed by the “COVID protocol.”

    ‘Hospitals force doctors to comply with the COVID protocols that were designed by the medical associations. If the doctors don’t comply, they will be fired and lose their license to practice medicine. So, unless they are ready to retire, they all comply even though it is killing people.’

    As ol’ Jim Morrison used to say, there’s been a slaughter here. It’s a mark of the US fedgov’s terminal corruption that the probable toll of 500,000 Americans killed by lethal hospital protocols (remdesivir, ventilators, withholding of early treatment) and 300,000 more murdered by fake ‘vaccines’ is being COVERED UP, not INVESTIGATED and PROSECUTED.

    ‘They might at least do us the honest courtesy of wearing patches on their white coats proudly touting their sponsors – in the manner of race car drivers with Pennzoil and Bud Lite patches over their suits.’ — eric

    It’s happening already, Eric:


    • The internet has been cleaned concerning Remdesivir failure. One reads statements like this:

      “When the remdesivir results were announced, the NIH said the data came from an “interim” analysis. This means that a study was stopped early because a drug’s benefit was so undeniable that it would be unethical to continue the study” My bold.

      Doubtful anyone will be prosecuted as this was a government democide operation. As government controls the licensing most will say nothing or deny it all. Because government controls the reporting, the millions that died so far as a result of the protocol or the vaxx will never be known.

      They are forcing the very young to take the shots. Only when the young reach reproduction age will anyone notice and I am sure the government has a ready answer for the lack of births.


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