Tucker and Shirer


Great heaves of outrage have been directed at former Fox commentator Tucker Carlson – who got fired from Fox for telling the truth about the drugs that were never vaccines and the fact that the drug cartels own the media (via advertising) as well as the government they bought with the revenue brought in via all that advertising – on account of his having had the temerity to interview the leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Because interviewing someone constitutes endorsing him, according to the logic of the Leftists (and some Rightists). A journalist, in other words, had better not be neutral and objective.

He must be an ideologue.

He must lecture, even berate. Or just ignore.

Of course, this is fact is why what passes for journalism today is regarded with general contempt, having earned it. Bias is out of the closet now. And something more – and worse. Back in the day, everyone understood that Dan Rather leaned left. But Dan was obliged to at least try to hide his bias, which bound him to some extent at least to the standard of objectivity expected of people whose job it was to convey facts rather than lecture people about what they ought to believe.

Today, everyone knows what Rachel Maddow, et al are going to say. The people who still listen are not looking for information; they are wanting affirmation – of their ideology. It is like a pond full of ducks. When one begins to quack, the others tend to follow suit. None know what they are quacking about – or why. They just like to hear the sound of their quacking.

So, Tucker annoyed the ducks – by not quacking in sync. Accordingly, people were interested in hearing what he – and Putin – had to say. They knew Tucker wasn’t going to badger the man but rather ask him questions and let him answer them.

Oh, the humanity!

Now, an interesting historical juxtaposition presents itself.

Younger readers may be unfamiliar with the name William Shirer. Back in the 1930s, he was doing what Tucker just did – going where the news is and covering/interviewing those who were making it. In Shirer’s case, this included the chancellor of the German Reich, Adolf Hitler. As well as Reich Minister Paul Josef Goebbels and many other high-level officials of the NSDAP, the National Socialist German Workers Party.

Did this mean Shirer was a “Nazi”? (In air fingers quotation marks because that acronym was never used by the national socialists themselves.)

No. It meant he was a journalist. One does not get the story by boycotting those who are its principal characters. Shirer – who later wrote of his experience living in Berlin during the pre-war years and even after the war began in 1939 – described having to be careful about what he wrote about and how, in order to avoid being kicked out of the Reich (or worse) by the national socialists. But he decided, so he would later explain to his readers, to remain in situ for as long as he felt he could still effectively cover the story – that is, tell the truth – before he was obliged (by the national socialists) to shut up about it or (worse) convey the opposite of that. He’d leave first, he said.

Eventually, he did – because he had no other choice. He could no longer cover the story with neutrality and objectivity. So he left.

Tucker went – because (in part) that’s where the story was. Also because he had assurance he could cover it, as opposed to covering it up. The latter being what is now expected of the ideologue-propagandists who masquerade as “journalists” in much the same way that MRNa drugs mask themselves as the “vaccines” the aren’t.

Whatever your thoughts are regarding Putin, they are beside the point. One need not admire him, agree with him or defend him in order to cover him.

And that’s just what Tucker had the effrontery to do. He covered the story. Part of that was letting Putin tell his side of it.

The other part was letting us decide what to make of it.

. . .

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  1. Shirer wrote the most excellent book on the history of German Nazism spread in history, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

    In many respects, it is somewhat alarming how that book parallels today’s growing surveillance state and cancel culture.

    History may not be repeating itself, but as one pointed out, it rhymes…

  2. The more this goes on the more it seems there is a common thread running through this narrative.

    It starts with Marxism. Marx and Engles being of Jewish persuasion. The Bolshevik Revolution was primarily comprised of Jews. When Russia was communist there was a respectful distrust. Now that the commies have been tossed out the Neo-Cons in GovCo and media are having conniption fits. Putin not only doesn’t offer unconditional support of Israel, Russia is the heart of a resurgent Christian movement albeit Orthodox in nature. The hatred of this Christian uprising is palpable. It’s gotten to the point that the Jewish president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, Yael Eckstein, wrote in Newsweek, “During these 100 days of war, I’ve been shocked to see centuries-old blood libels revived, which have always been intended to divide the Christian and Jewish communities and make them see one another as enemies: “The Jews killed Jesus…” (…no, the Romans did).” We are too believe that the New Testament is BS. And many Christians will eat it up. Much to their own eternal peril.

    • Good morning, Mark!

      I see a common denominator here. Putin and Orange Man are both nationalists. This is what alarms the “elites” because it threatens to undo their plan for polyglot world technocracy. They want peoples homogenized because such people are not organized. It is an attempt to create a kind of world Roman (or Hapsburg) empire, which they see as ideal for them.

      The very lat thing they want is a society/culture/nation founded on the clan, the community of clans… the people.

      • Not sure about Trump but Interview confirmed for me that Putin is as globalist as it gets. Sure currently he is basically forced to be nationalist and self sufficient isolationist. Thats just the nature of Russian geography and politics . But he was basically spouting ideas of an American Globalist Thomas P.M. Barnett who wrote the book
        The Pentagon’s New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century. In that book it states that after fall of soviet union Pentagon decided to push globalization and punish nationalism all around the world and he is basically pushing why that is good .

        Putin just wants a better place for himself inside a globalist structure which now contains most of the world. He is also quick to punish ethnic Russian nationalism or any kind of separatism. The country is basically extremely centralized multicultural empire. Cant expect from a country like that to follow nationalist ideology .

        • Hi Pupet,

          That may be so. We have a Russian poster here (Yuri) who agrees. Still, from what I can tell, Russia is a bastion of Western civilization; a force against the forces that are disintegrating the West.

          • Russia is enemy of my more powerful enemy at best. Sure west is so shit currently that russian neo soviet lifestyle looks great in comparison. Cheap commie block apartment ,old lada to drive, cheap gas , inexpensive food and drinks etc. But behind a surface you can see crime and imorality on steroids. Huge amount of junkies, huge amount of aids, muslims taking over moscow, Chehens given free pass to do any crime they please, homosexual rape traditions in the army , oligarchs behaving like gods etc.
            Not exactly paradise .

  3. I watched the full interview. Nothing earth shattering as Putin has been consistent about the issue in Ukraine. Putin is competent, confident, unashamedly Russian, and not a pushover. I wish we had a Putin of our own.

    • I have listened to the first half of the interview, and it was good. Still need to listen to the second half. What I do find hilarious, is Putin pretending he does not know English. V. Putin knows the English language very well. But, it is funny to watch him pretend otherwise. And yes, to have real journalism, and Tucker letting Putin speak, without all the constant interrupting (like Alex Jones does so much with his guests, I stopped listening to the man), asking appropriate questions, etc. and without a biased mind set or pre-planned agenda was refreshing.

  4. Barbara Walters interviewed Putin. And Yeltsin. And Fidel Castro. And Gaddafi and Hugo Chavez.

    And she slept with a U.S. Senator she was supposed to be neutrally covering as a “journalist.”

    But it’s all OK if you’re one of God’s Chosen People. Then you’re immune from the same criticism that gets leveled at everyone else.

  5. A lot at stake if Trump survives the next 10 months and should win (which is why the Demo-Marxist are in full panic):

    Europe will have to pony up their own lawyers’ guns and money for their own safety’s sake.

    Zelinsky’s payday is over, The Democratic Party payday is over by funneling our military aid back from their pal Zelinsky. (Including some key republicans….Mitch)

    Auto makers will not get a bailout for the EV debacle in progress. (Sorry Mary)

    Hunter may do some time.

    Everyone within 75 miles of DC will get the pink slip.

    People like me might just get to have our schadenfreude and enjoy it. (Or maybe not)

  6. Russia is Europe’s problem but we insist on getting in the middle.

    Western Europe doesn’t like being dependent on Eastern Europe for survival. But without Eastern Europe they’d have to fend for themselves for energy and grain, something that would destroy their economies. Western European agriculture is based on a high margin low volume crops like grapes and vegetables. Grain comes from the east, as does oil and natural gas. It isn’t that there’s no gas & oil under the west, it’s that they want to keep it in the ground because they don’t want to get dirty.

    • >without Eastern Europe they’d have to fend for themselves for energy and grain, something that would destroy their economies.

      Which is why a Western European country which wishes to be independent in food and energy needs…..lebensraum!

      Otherwise, a hostile imperial power (say, Great Britain) can put a gun (or *all* their naval guns) to Germany’s head, and make Germany “an offer it can’t refuse.” Been done before. Britannia ruled the waves, and don’t you peons *ever* forget it.

      A funny thing happened on the road to world domination, though. The British Empire melted like snow at the spring thaw, likely never to rise again. Look on these works, ye mighty, and despair.

      Anyone else care to play?

  7. Not sure how many millions of views the Tucker interview now has, but it was very important that Americans were presented with Putin’s own words.

    USA is the most propagandized society on earth. We need to hear from other voices and make our own judgements.

  8. The reason Tucker is attacked by scum like Hellery Clinton is because Jews have a near complete lock on the media and the bullshit narrative they feed us – and Tucker, a popular figure – interviewed and opposition leader and told a different viewpoint which might unravel the official bullshit narrative. Amerikans live inside a Simulacrum Bubble of total lies.

    For instance, liar Rachel Madcow is a tranny just like Caitlyn Jenner but not as obvious, Madcow is also an Israeli intelligence agent whose job it is to promote the Jewish gay homo tranny LBGTQ agenda and of course to lie for and defend Israel. (That is obvious to me but not obvious to most people so I have to say it again and again until people wake up.)

    search: Rachel Maddow transvestigation

    Tucker got fired for getting to close to the truth just like internet writer John Kaminski (who just died) – who was a reporter who questioned 911. Kaminski was the first journalist on the planet to immediately figure out Israel did 911 and wrote a book about it.

    The Day America Died
    by John Kaminski – Why you shouldn’t believe the official story of what happened on September 11, 2001


    America’s Autopsy Report Paperback – October 22, 2006
    by John Kaminski (Author)

    Kaminski’s last essay:

    Victor Thorn also wrote a book about 911 and was soon dead:

    9-11 EVIL: Israel’s Central Role in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks Perfect Paperback – August 1, 2006
    by Victor Thorn (Author, Editor)

    In Amerika if you question the Jewish narrative you are the enemy of the state, because the USA is owned and operated by Jews – and they are intentionally harming us just like they are to the Palestinians. Amerika is a bigger Palestine – so says the current PM of Israel, Satanyahu.

    Netanyahu: America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly.

  9. Among the European nations where Caucasian people originated, only two are treated as enemies in the US: Russia and Serbia. What’s up with that?

    True, Russia took an 80-year-detour into communism. So did eastern Europe after 1945. But those countries were promptly welcomed back into the Western fold after their Soviet-oriented governments collapsed in 1989.

    Is it because Russia uses the Cyrillic alphabet? So does Ukraine, our costliest client state.

    Is it because Russia is a bastion of Orthodox Christianity, as opposed to the Roman and Protestant flavors dominant in the US? NATO ally Greece also has a prominent Orthodox church.

    Makes one wonder why America can’t get along with Russian white folks, when we’ve already got perfectly good whipping boys such as the Chinese, the Iranians, and the dastardly North Koreans to denounce during our Two Minutes of Hate sessions.

    I must be missing something …

    • It was the end of communism where many J’s were in power. Not only did they lose power but Christiandom became popular and powerful. The Bolsheviks were mostly Jews.

    • Hi Jim,
      My theory is that when the Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall came down the entire population of the Pentagram and the “defense” establishment parasites were having nightmares and cold sweats over the loss of their gravy train. The thought of having to now get honest, useful work must have driven many round the bend, while trying to find ways to keep the party going. The fact that Russia still had lots of nukes might have helped, along with megabucks by the lobbyists to buy most of Clowngress.
      Rodney King’s quote of “why can’t we all just get along” comes to mind. Sorry Rodney, waaaay too much money at stake.

      • Absolutely right. The Soviets built a high end mechanized army. Tanks, ships and aircraft. High dollar equipment requiring highly skilled engineers and soldiers. Perfect foil for the best and brightest in DC to syphon off the cream of the crop and steer them to the defense sector.

        It’s no coincidence that the two biggest technology events of the last 50 years happened when they did. After Vietnam it was hard to convince engineers to go work for defense contractors. And after the fall of the Soviet Union there was much less stability in working as a cold warrior. We got PCs in the late 1970s and the public Internet in the 1990s. But the “botched” Iranian rescue and 9/11 both shifted the focus to the Middle East and were the justification for a new round of pulling bright young engineers into the defence industry.

        What is seen and unseen indeed.

        • Unfortunately for the military industrial complex, the Middle East countries were a poor enemy that didn’t develop their own war industries. At first they probably thought that they could sell arms to both sides, but then the enemy switched to gurellea and suicidal tactics which are extremely difficult to defend.

    • I like Russians. I like their vodka, tolerance of shitty weather, dashcams, and their toughness. The key to a peaceful future world goes through Russia, that’s why the asses that run Amerika hate it so much. Must keep war and destruction going.

      • What if “global warming” [snicker] means that winters will be less severe in places like Siberia, Alaska, Canada, and Scandinavia? What then?

        What if ambient level of atmospheric CO2 rises from 400 to 600 ppm, or about half the level favored by commercial greenhouse operators? What then?

        Will we have “too much food?” Will it still be possible to scare gullible people with the spectre of “global warming” in the face of bounteous harvests worldwide, and a vast increase in the fraction of the Earth’s surface which is habitable by humans?

        Will Ireland intentionally destroy the potato crop?
        >Irish farmers are faced with a wipeout of their assets as the government intends to destroy one million sheep and 200,000 cows to please the global warming agenda.

        Inquiring minds want to know…

  10. A similar thing happened to Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire, about a year and a half ago. He dared interview Alex Jones, who was also hated by some, as well as the establishment. Some people accused Bigtree of agreeing with what Jones had to say, while others pledged they’d never watch The Highwire again. However, it turned out that much if not all of what Jones has been saying for the past 20+ years about various things was spot on, even though he was at one point smeared as “Just a conspiracy theorist”.

  11. As I have said,,, Never trust anyone that is or has been associated with the WEF. Putin, although seemingly standing up for Russians is/was a WEF associate. Therefore he is untrustworthy.

    He appears sharp, quick witted and knowledgeable. In my 75 years only one American official seemed to match up and he was murdered. No one in the Biden administration (especially Biden himself) or any present, past or future administration or Western government could carry even a slightly intelligent conservation with Putin.

    • It’s simply a bad cop/good cop story they are selling you. In the West, Putin is good and Biden is bad. In Russia, it’s the other way round. They have to manage people’s discontent somehow, you know. People like to believe that somebody will do something for them, against this tyrannical system, since it justifies their own inaction. In fact, it’s all just a puppet show, and Putin is also a jewish puppet (note the lowercase), just like Biden. It also a good story for what’s about to happen later, with the West collapsing. Biden is a drooling idiot, and Putin is sharp, so people will think it all makes sense. Same as back in 1980s with Brezhnev. Oh the Soviet Union was so bad and inefficient, so it collapsed! Never mind that they simply closed it down when they no longer needed it, and we are all living in the Soviet Union now. And if/when Big Mike is elected and things are revealed, that’s when the mother of all scandals will break loose. Oh how rotten has America become, people will think! Good riddance.. Same old, same old.

      • Hi Yuri,

        You may be right; if it turns out you are, I’ll be crawling into a Vodka bottle or headed off into the woods for good. Paraphrasing Scotty from Star Trek, my engines kinna take it!

        • Eric,
          These people (if they are indeed people) know what they are doing, that’s for sure. You’ve gotta give them credit for that. That’s why I’m not an optimist, frankly. How it all ends up I don’t know, but it’s not gonna be pretty.
          I’m in Russia so I see Vlad for what he is, and am not fooled. I’m also old enough to remember perestroika and how it all played out. It was never a grassroots thing, it was all imposed from the top. The same thing is going on in your country and in the West now.
          We used to laugh at Brezhnev, who was a mumbling old codger and who used to mispronounce words. When he said “socialist countries” (“socialisticheskie strani”), it sounded like “sosiski sranye” (“f** sausages”), and “systematically” (“sistematicheski”) sounded like “siski-masiski” (tits). Once, when he was delivering a speech, his artificial teeth fell out, so he grabbed a glass of water as if to drink water, trying to put them back in. LOL! Biden is your Brezhnev now!

  12. Tucker Carlson was fired as a part of the agreement that was reached when Fox lost its case against the voting machine company.
    It was no secret that Tucker knew that the 2020 (s)election was compromised by the use of these machines that were easily hacked. Tucker did publicly question the vulnerabilities to cheating which these machines were capable of.

  13. I only watched the opening portion of this, and very much wish to continue and see what ol’ Vlad has to say.

    Immediately I see that he begins in the 9th Century, where most of our politicians begin with the Nahn’Leven.

    Also, Eric, just a friendly proofread: It’s “mRNA” rather than “MRNa”. 😉 Thanks for being our stalwart Libertarian Car Guy.

  14. ‘One need not admire [Putin], agree with him or defend him in order to cover him.’ — eric

    ‘Know your adversary’ is elementary. Erasing the president of Russia and the ayatollah of Iran from US media leaves Americans blind, trafficking in lurid caricatures.

    All weekend long on the Senate floor webcast, one could watch blind Congress Clowns projecting their uninformed opinions about ‘confronting bullies’ (Senator Roger Marshall, R-Kansas) and other variants of chest-beating American exceptionalism. So far, the tab is $34 trillion in debt.

    Now another Congress Clown, Jared Moskowitz, has introduced a bill to punish South Africa for bringing a genocide case against Israel in the International Court of Justice.

    As it lashes out blindly against friend, foe, journalist and citizen alike, the flailing US empire demonstrates that it is cracking up.

    ‘Get it while you can.’ — Janis Joplin


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