Read Question: Do Devices “Work” as Trucks?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Mark asks: What about work trucks, the ones which carry the stuff of tradesmen? Like parts, tools, and replacement things? No EV is going to take the load of several tons of stuff and give you anything like the mileage you require to get to a job and back to the office / warehouse to reload and store the vehicle in a locked garage space for security. Waiting for a recharge is not going to work in this case, and the necessary horsepower to propel this heavy units isn’t in the cards for anything EEEEVEEEE… Even my small Transit Connect is probably overloaded but it still gives a good 24.0 MPG per the computer. So — “Exceptions for Work Trucks?” Is this a coming possibility? Just asking …

My reply: Indeed. It explains (partially) why devices such as the F-150 Lightning aren’t selling and the handful of similar devices as made by Rivian are selling to extremely affluent people who bought the device for reasons other than work.

Last year, I put a Lightning to the test. I tried to do some work with it. I hooked up a trailer and loaded it with a small car; total weight of the trailer and the car about 5,000 pounds, or about half the max rated towing capacity for the device. The device ran out of charge after less than 100 miles. I’d have had to wait hours – at home – to recover a partial charge. Or drive to a public “fast” charger and wait there for 30-45 minutes. Not including the time spent getting there (and back).

Ford touts that the device can power chops saws and other hi-draw tools at a job site. This is true. But it’s like draining the tank of a gas powered vehicle to run a generator on site, with the difference being it’s easy and fast to get more gas.

So – to answer your question – devices are least suited for the work truck application. Your Transit van may not get the greatest mileage, but it enables you to work – and that’s kindof the point, isn’t it?

. . .

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