Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 03/12/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked about Orange (and range) Anxiety, among other things:


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  2. YAY! Another ‘boots on the ground’ unwinnable conflict … and more migrants:

    ‘The Pentagon has confirmed it is urgently deploying an elite counter-terror task force to bolster the American embassy in Haiti after armed gangs have taken over much of the capital of Port-au-Prince. The long-simmering situation is now boiling over, with violence spreading, in the wake of embattled Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s resignation Tuesday. Further there’s a threat of a “mass migration” wave potentially inundating US coastal communities in places like Florida as a result.

    ‘US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) announced Wednesday that at the request of the State Department the elite Marine Fleet-Anti-terrorism Security Team (FAST) has been deployed to the destabilized country to assist in embassy security.’ — ZeroHedge

    What’s not to like?? 🙂

    • Meanwhile Clowngress is all upset that China might be spying on us via TikTok. How dare they! Only the FBI and the CIA can illegally spy on Americans.

  3. The election is 8 months away. Orange man’s vaxx love calls into question his sanity and patriotism. Is Trump complicit? Did Trump take a Pfizer bribe? If Trump is elected again, will Trump be able to save us from the Deep State?

    Well read this to find out. This is the best article I have read in years that sums up our problem and then you can infer NO ONE CAN SAVE US because the situation with who owns us is far past the point of no return.

    America Is a Gentile Nation
    So why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?

    Some bullet points:

    Amerika is past the point of no return

    Amerika is being gang raped by organized Jewry.

    If they allow Trump to win, he has made a deal with these devils (like WW3)

    There is no plan to fix Amerika, the plan is to destroy us, and always has been, and now that the Jewish Deep State is in full control, Trump – the controlled Shabbos Goy faux patriot – will never be able to make Amerika great again.

    Thus if Trump is elected stand by to be disappointed and worse. The rational citizen should be thinking seriously about leaving to a safer place to live. If Amerika is the bigger Palestine and about to be Sovietized by Jewish Bolshevik terrorists, then fleeing is the smart and rational thing to do.


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