Diaper Report: 3/20/2024


It has been four years since 15 days to stop the spread – and there are still people  wearing “masks.” We saw a sign on the window of an Uber car the other day that “masks” are required to get in the vehicle. There are still doctors who diaper. And try to get others to do it, too.

It is almost impossible to not see Diapered People – a few of them, at least – whenever you go out among people.

I remember the first time I saw a Diapered Person, around this time four years ago. I was at the coffee shop I used to regularly frequent, back when things were still more-or-less normal. That is, more-of-less sane, in the sense that it was then uncommon to see mentally deranged people within coffee shops and such and everyone pretending not to see them.

You generally saw them mumbling to themselves as they pawed through dumpsters in alleys in the not-so-great parts of town.

Then I saw my first one at the coffee shop.

I remember everyone noticing it, too. This being due to the oddness of it – in those Before Times. Then – and it seemed like it happened just-like-that – oddness became not only normal but expected.


The people who worked at the coffee shop where I’d become a regular – and who I thought I had established friendly relations with – suddenly became most unfriendly. A sign appeared by the entrance that “masks” were now “required.” I ignored this – believing and hoping that the shop’s owner had put the sign up because she was under duress and resented it as much as I did. I thought: Ok, she has to play along but doesn’t actually buy into this idiocy.

I quickly learned otherwise.

She – and her employees, people I’d gotten to know I thought pretty well – kicked me out of the shop because I would not play along. Along with almost everyone else. That latter being even sadder. Bad enough that so many small business owners played along; but I get that they were under duress. It is not easy to not play along when your business – one you have probably got everything you have tied up in – is threatened with being “locked down” for not playing along.

But the way almost everyone else – ordinary people – played along in the most embarrassingly Step n’ Fetchit manner imaginable – remains a harrowing revelation about the eager servility of the average American. Who – like Ned Beatty’s character in the infamous movie, Deliverance –  doesn’t want any trouble.

No matter what it costs them.

Almost everyone played along, as soon as they were told to. Overnight, it seemed, nine out of ten faces were Diapered, transforming people into faceless things – which was of course the point of the exercise. That and the self-degradation. People who lack self-respect being people who don’t want any trouble, like Ned in the movie.

And now we’re four years down the river – so to speak – and what was once something you saw only in alleys in the not-so-great parts of town can be seen practically everywhere. A wheel has turned. Things will never be what they were. Just as they have not been the same since that day in September, now almost a quarter-century ago. Each day that passes, the memory of what it was like before that day grows just a little dimmer in the minds of those who can still remember. Many cannot, because they were not around before that day. A whole generation (going on two) has been born and raised to young adulthood with no memory of what it was like to just go to an airport and fly – without seeing a single blue-shirted government goon. Without needing to show up an hour before your flight’s scheduled departure, in order to be processed by blue-shirted government goons. Without being ordered to take off your shoes and put them in a plastic tray, as if you were being processed into a federal prison. Without having to stand there while a blue-shirted government goon put his hands on your wife or your child.

For them, such debasements are as “normal” as it has become to be ordered by government goons to wear a seatbelt – a thing that earlier generations (who grew up being free not to wear them) resent for the same reason a grown man – in better times – resented being told by some busybody to eat his veggies.

And now it is “normal” to see people wearing “masks,” too. It is very difficult to go back to normal once such things have been normalized. How do you persuade a “masker” that the “mask” he was told was necessary no longer is? In order for him to believe it isn’t, he must acknowledge that it never was. And that would mean admitting he was not only lied to but that he believed it.

The ones you still see “masking” will never stop believing the lies they were told – because coming to terms with the truth is a bridge too far. It is safer to play-pretend.

Forever, if that’s what it takes.

. . .

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  1. ”Yellowstone’ actor Forrie Smith says he was ‘kicked off’ a flight for refusing to sit next to a passenger wearing a mask’ – March 25, 2024

    “… The post garnered almost 20,000 likes and over 2,100 comments at the time of writing.

    […] they threw me off the plane because I’m drunk. Because you people won’t stand up and tell everybody what bullshit this is,” Smith continued, adding that he had been waiting at an airport in Houston for three hours and had been drinking, but said he wasn’t drunk.” …


    I tried reading some of the comments, but all the attempts to justify and normalize wearing face diapers was just too damn nauseating.

    I noticed the story disappeared from Yahoo’s main news feed pretty quick like. I wonder if it’s because there were too many comments against face diaper wearing which made more sense than the insane Covidian comments?

  2. A book I would like to read, but may never:

    …”To my knowledge, Much Ado About Corona is the only long-form story that exposes the truth and celebrates the brave dissidents that kept the world from being stripped down to, as Dr. Seán ÓLaoire puts it, a nightmare. […]

    I decided to counter the lies with a literary-romantic-adventure story about a young man and his Indigenous grandfather; a pretty baker and her conspiracy theories; a comic book collector and his daring imagination; a silent chef and his French Canadian pea soup recipe; and a police officer obsessed with COVID mandates — all set in the fictional town of Moosehead on the French River in Northern Ontario.”…


    I like how he puts this (and the P.O. address in the link) it seems some variation fits todays technology: cars, EV’s, digital gauges, etc… and so much more:

    “It’s like we have taken a vibrantly alive high definition, color video and reduced it to a still photo draining it of all but gray tones.”

  3. ‘The two traditional political divisions, liberal and conservative, died with Covid. Now there are simply the sane versus the insane. The sane have had enough of being pushed around by the insane.’ — James Howard Kunstler, 22 March 2024

  4. Speaking of diapers, I thought it was only an internet joke the IDF was called diaper forces. Well, apparently there is a reason why:

    The Fearless Israeli TikTok Diaper-Wearing Army
    Without US Jets, Bombs, What’s Left? – Rense Video

    I find it very sad that those poor Jewish souls believe the crap they were taught, about Jews being chosen, Abraham being their father, the land Covenant, and all the rest. They are brainwashed just like the fools in the USA who support Israel.

    All these Jews moved to Palestine because of words in a book. Yes, mere words in a book got these peoples from Eastern Europe to go one way to the desert for the dream, the promised land of God. Except it is myth, only a fantasy, created by the plagiarists who wrote the Bible.

    The tales of Abraham et al is previous myth copied and respun. The tales of wandering Jews in the Middle East deserts is 100% fiction. No God made no Covenant land deal with no Abraham. Obviously, there’s no God who makes land deals – such a claim is really a land swindle invented by the writers of the text.

    Most unfortunately for the native Palestinians, who were minding their own business not bothering anyone, Christians and Jews do believe the myth tales literal, and then acted on it, and moved in starting the killing spree, which has been going on now for 8 decades. From Nabka to Oct 6th, Palestinians were made to eat shit. Then they went on the offensive Oct. 7th, they called it the Flood, and that put Israel in a state of shock, which is now leading to an all out regional war in which Israel does not survive. Already 1 million Jews have fled Israel since Oct. 7th, the smart ones got the hell out while they still can get out.`

    The dream of Israel is a nightmare for everyone else, including the poor young saps forced to serve in the IDF. Nation states grind up their youth in these endless wars. It is really sick and it needs to stop. Netanyahu’s son Yair is not serving time as a soldier, he is Miami living it up.

    The truth is most people ARE really fucking stupid. They believed the Covid hoax, they believe their pastors and Rabbis. And they believe their political leaders, and willingly follow illegal and immoral orders, which can result in the deaths of many innocents and themselves.

    • Thank you for your concise post. Your comment is spot-on.
      I don’t feel sorry for the IDF…even the young conscripts who themselves are “behaving badly”.
      One aspect of military service that is almost never discussed is the necessity of demonizing, depersonalization and dehumanizing of the “enemy”. This process is most effective on young impressionable troops as they are more receptive to viewing the enemy as a faceless, emotionless entity, to be destroyed at all cost. This is what makes military operations successful.
      Removing the human element from one’s psyche is necessary to achieve maximum effectiveness against one’s perceived and defined “enemy”.
      The israelis and by inference jews in general have taken this concept of demonizing, depersonalizing, and dehumanizing their “enemies” to the extreme.
      Not only are military combatants in direct combat “fair game”, but women, the elderly and children are also “fair game”. The IDF (israel defense forces) rewards its personnel for wounding and maiming non-military “targets” just because they can, holding the “upper hand”. Pregnant women are especially prized by IDF “butchers” as these IDF vermin display and wear shirts with a pic of a targeted pregnant woman with the inscription “one shot two kills”
      In fact IDF military personnel are encouraged to regard all Palestinian, Arab and Christian men, women and children as “subhuman”. This ties in with jewish talmudic beliefs that regard all gentiles as “subhumans with souls, on a lower spiritual plane, created only to serve the jews”. This attitude is ingrained in jews from birth. THIS one aspect of the jewish psyche is what makes them so dangerous.
      There is no moral compass in jewish life, especially in israeli military service, the IDF.
      Add to that, their defective psyche is reinforced by their “perpetual victimhood” despite being one of the most successful groups in present world history.
      This “victimhood” is a feature and not a bug as it reinforces jewish insularity, solidarity, nepotism, and other negative traits which actually border on mental illness. Empathy directed towards gentiles is not a part of the jewish psyche.
      Talmudic concepts that permit lying, cheating, stealing, and even murder of gentiles without repercussions is also a part of jewish life, unlike Christian and Muslim concepts which prohibit such behavior.
      The old Polish proverb comes to mind: “The jew cries out in pain as he is striking (bombing) you”.
      A jewish child is indoctrinated from birth, constantly reminded that they are hated, never discussing the reasons WHY others (gentiles) would find it necessary to “hate” them. Jewish talmudic amorality also figures into jewish behavior, most outsiders unable to understand WHY jews act the way they do.
      Not only Palestinians, but other Arabs, all Christians are seen as the “enemy” by jewish supremacists, to be dealt with as the jews see fit. Not good.
      Keep in mind that jews retain their “jewishness”, subordinating loyalty to their country of residence to that of israel. THAT is also a problem as “split loyalties” never work…
      If I had my way, EVERY israeli in the world, along with ALL world leaders and their subordinates who support israel would be subject to arrest and prosecution for genocide.

      • I’ve often said the Old Testament is a psychopathic killing manual, how to kill without guilt. When Almighty God tells you to kill, well you should do it without question.

        The story in the Bible to follow orders is established in Genesis with Abraham and Isaac. I was taught that story in catechism like everyone else. Teaching that story to children is sick.

        1 Some time later God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he answered. 2“Take your son,” God said, “your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah. Offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.”

        Who the hell says, sure God, I will go kill my son for you? What the hell kind of story is that? That story establishes immorality in your mind as the highest good. A sane person would tell God to go fuck off. No moral person would sacrifice their son to the voice in their brain.

        Of course no God told no Abraham to kill no Isaac because all three characters in the story are fiction. It’s a bad story and should not be taught to innocent children.

        But you see, the problem is people believe that story, then they act on it. So when the government drafts the sons into wars, the parents oblige. See how that works?

        The Holy Bible is as if the Devil himself wrote it – and the proof is the current genocide in Gaza.

        Have you ever noticed the Hindus and Buddhists are not starting wars of conquest?

  5. All of that was possible by taking what seemed reasonable on the surface and turn it into absolute scientific fact by decree.

    Anyone was able to look at previous research and see that masks do nothing to stop transmission. But they didn’t.

    They were fed stories of instant death, then given the antidote. Brainwashed.

    On the positive side, many realized they were duped. Those who saw through it are more steeled in their resolve that the government is evil and won’t let this nonsense near them ever again.

    And we now understand who can be counted on and not. We will be prepared when the next event comes. I wish more people understood they are not free. The government and their associates will take your rights without a fight whenever it pleases them until they are stopped.

  6. There are people I come across who I know have taken a bunch of the shots. Their skin looks gray and they often have hollow eyes. I have always had a strong “third eye” sense about people and I often get a “They Live” vibe, bordering on some kind of demonic possession, from the vaxxed. Then there’s the vaxxed in-law with the turbo cancer. Still not exactly sure what’s in those shots. Whatever it is will probably have a very long half-life.

  7. How convenient too, that all the Antifa terrorists were safely masked up while they destroyed the cities. The harder to pick one out of a perp lineup, if such a thing existed.

  8. I remember the first masker we saw. We pulled up to a Sonic Drive In and the girls came out with our food with a mask on. I asked her if this was a hold-up, looked at my kids and said we were being robbed by the Sonic girl.

  9. I viewed the mask wearing person, which was 98/100 people at one time with utter, unremitting contempt. Because of their servile compliance, people like me were subjected to constant haranguing, ridicule and the deprivation of basic rights and liberties under even the “color of law.”

    I would almost rather be robbed at gunpoint than go through being the only person out there who dared defy the crowd. At least a robbery takes a couple of minutes. You can usually overcome the effects of that. This was different. I had never experienced the isolation and deprivation of the COVID period before in my life. Even after 9/11, you had a choice whether or not to fly, but this time, they were after every aspect of your life. I will never forget being thrown out of restaurants, grocery stores and about every place I tried to enter.

    After that, it kept coming. The clot shots for everyone. And that miserable senile piece of shit hissing at me. Yes, it’s personal.

    I will never forgive nor forget who egged this shit on. I will never forget how they behaved. They can go fuck off.

    I want revenge, restitution, and reparations for everyone who had been through this. Part of me won’t sleep until it happens

    • Preach it, Swamp!

      Especially: “And that miserable senile piece of shit hissing at me. Yes, it’s personal.”

      Indeed. I am normally not the kind of person who wishes ill on people. But I will stoop to relishing it if that senile piece of shit publicly shits himself and then slips/falls on the wet turd that just slid down his pants leg.

      • Eric,

        Wishful thinking about that turd drop because I’m sure they’ve got him fixed up with heavy-duty, overnight Depends 24/7.

        Did I tell you about the time Sen. Jesse Helms shit himself while heading to the can?

    • Fantastic post Swamp… Fuckin’-spot-on…

      I swear I have some kind of PTSD now. The loss of basically my entire extended family can never be reconciled or forgiven.

      • Hi David:

        I submit that your “PTSD” stems from your reasonable expectation that your extended family’s love for you was unconditional. It apparently was not. While that may hurt, I’d argue you’re better off knowing the bitter truth than living a fantasy.

        I’ve found over the years that people get very upset with me when I remain steadfast to my principles. The pop psychologist in me tells me their anger results from a realization (from the contrast of how they instinctively go along to get along) that they’re unprincipled cowards. For such cowards, they don’t have the capacity to consciously be disappointed in themselves, so they lash out at me.

        • And that’s another thing, when The Madness hit and I desperately tried to show my family the facts (I’m an IT data analyst by trade and they’ve relied on me in the past….) their reaction shocked me. You’re description of “their anger” was correct! Seething anger too. Instead of a debate or simply disagreeing it was anger to the point of my father threatening my life with physical violence… on a voicemail to boot! This was so out of character I still am grappling with it… 40+ years of what I thought was a good relationship destroyed….

          • Gosh, I’m sorry to hear that. My experience with family was not as severe as that. Because there’s a family relationship you’ll always have a bond (unlike “friends” where you can just write them off). It might be helpful to remind yourself that most people are flawed and become irrational with the emotional rush of dread fear. Because he’s family, it’s probably important to be the bigger man and forgive your dad for his flaws. You’ll always need to keep in mind that your relationship is conditional on some level, and just try to avoid that level in the future. I bet he has painful regret. Best of luck.

    • I agree swamp,
      There needs to payback for these s.o.b.’s that ruined our lives. Fauci, Birx, Daszek, et al swinging from a rope on a lamppost would be a good start.

      • I agree. Although Fauci and Birx might be too high of a target. Maybe someone at the state or local level could send an equivalent message. We have to start fighting them asymmetrically. We need to mean business and play for keeps. Otherwise, it will fail. Keep moving and changing tactics. Keep them guessing.

  10. “. . .the eager servility of the average American. Who – like Ned Beatty’s character in the infamous movie, Deliverance – doesn’t want any trouble.” -EP

    The answer to all of this shit is to learn to love the “trouble.” It’s like a muscle. You must exercise it. Protest in whatever form you feel is best at every opportunity (TSA, hospitals, etc.) Ridicule and mock them. Heckle them. Plant seeds of doubt and protest in those around you. Maintain your dignity. Say NO! Make the tyrants show their fangs in public. Make them at least pay a psychic price to enforce any such nonsense. Fatigue and exhaust them.

    • I’ll fool with anyone but the TSA. Missing a flight is expensive. Besides that, I have figured out away around their bullshit.

      • That’s why I said protest in whatever form you feel is best. Make them at least pay a psychic price to enforce any such nonsense. Fatigue and exhaust them.

        You could do something as little is say to the moron in the blue shirt “how do you look at yourself in the mirror?” Or, just make it clear that your 4th amendment right is being deprived and you are complying under duress. Maybe refuse the naked scan and go for the one-on-one physical groping so you can proselytize about freedom and liberty. Make it your goal that you will merely try to get the thug to question what he’s doing in the future. Cause enforcement fatigue and be an example to others watching you. You can escalate it to whatever level you feel comfortable, but don’t just quietly comply.

        • Absolutely, ML. Absolutely. 100 percent agreed. Since the times defined what I did way back in the 55 days, I like to draw an analogy. It is about the 60 mph motorist.

          Back then, you could get pulled for 60 in a 55, but it wasn’t common. They would bag the 65 mph guy with a bad attitude and always the 70+ guy. Always. 70 was aggravated speeding. But I digress.

          The 60 mph motorist was the mystery. Most said that he was violating the letter, but not the spirit of the law and that he deserved a break. But was he just going slow enough not to be caught, but really hated the law. Or was his speedometer off and he thought he was traveling 65 mph instead?
          The 60 mph motorist was instrumental in getting the law repealed because of the loopholes contained in the system.

          We will never know the true story, but my avoidance of the TSA scanners and groping is based on teh success of the 60 mph at avoiding any contact. I kind of like it that way. And yes, I will never go through a machine in the US. Bank on it.

  11. Future historians may look upon the past 4 years and wonder how humanity has gotten so freaking stupid over a virus that was no more deadly than the flu and think that the remedy was universal lockdowns and forcing everyone to wear a face diaper (and subsequently take an experimental pharma product). People who were accused of “Spreading deadly misinformation” ended up being RIGHT.

    The fact that NOBODY in government thus far has been held accountable makes me concerned that these charlatans WILL try this crap again.

  12. I visited someone in the Rock Island Hospital yesterday, saw only one young, surprisingly fit looking, woman wearing a face diaper.
    Stopped at a big city farm supply store on the way back, zero face diapers. Stopped at a thrift store, one young man was leaving in his car, driving away, wearing a face diaper with his nose sticking out. I kept watching as he drove out of the parking lot to see if he took it off. He didn’t. …Yah, as Mike said, “fuck ’em”.

  13. There is no reasoning with these sad souls who believe the “vaccines” and face diapers work. COVID has become a god, like climate change or any of the other hobgoblins the people in charge devise to keep people frightened, and that god must be appeased with sacrifices. One of those for the COVIDIOTs is to wear their mask and get their boosters, even if the former makes them look like a loon and the latter will kill them in some cases.

    They deserve our pity. Unless they’re in charge and then they’re part of the problem. And in that case, as Mike said, “fuck ’em.”

    • They don’t desrve pity. They require intervention. I plan on speaking with one of them. I want to get in their mind. Then…

        • Yeah. You have to strike at them unexpectedly. You don’t want them to be on an equal or superior footing as they were during COVID. That period changed the whole dynamic between the store and the customer for a long time. For about two years. By mid 22, it was as normal as it’s going to get.

          No, I’m gonna sneak up on of those people and ask them a few questions.

          • Yes, you should! It was everyone’s business when people like us refused to mask in 2020 and 2021, so now it should be everyone’s business when people are masking in 2024.

    • In that situation, refuse to be served by the two maskers unless they first remove their masks. Ask them why they are masking. Ask them to show the study that masks work (there is no study…and no doctor with common sense would say masks even mildly work).

  14. All part of the delusion that the Gubmint is your friend, and is looking out for you. It’s a lie. They look out for themselves, period.

  15. There’s still un-mended fences in my life with former friends, colleagues, etc. I doubt the damage the sickness psychosis did can ever be repaired.

    However, I’ve found inner peace by simply saying “fuck ’em”. I can’t bring myself to do the polite Southern thing, “bless their heart”. No, it’s straight up contempt: fuck ’em.

    If they can’t see that the clot shot kills, the masks are ineffective, and the hoax at large was to foment division, and to erode what few liberties remain, then just fuck ’em.

    For the life of me I can’t understand why these engineers & scientists –my people– stopped every last vestige of critical thinking & bought into the hysteria. The line in I, Robot seems appropriate, “you are the dumbest smart person”.

    Anyhow, fuck ’em.

    • When federal shekels are dangled in front of supposedly “educated” scientists, the “results” that the government is looking for magically appear.
      Witness the extra $14,000.00 per patient for a “covid diagnosis” that was granted to hospitals. all of a sudden, covid cases went through the roof, although it could be argued that covid was just a common cold. How many patients unnecessarily died from the “treatment”?
      The government and the medical establishment are both culpable for outright murder. Oh, don’t forget the “clot shots”…

      • I privately wonder how much police get paid for writing up “speeeeeeeeeding” as the primary cause of accidents. Enough for lunch is probably enough for them.

        • A while back, a Warren Michigan police officer amassed $200,000.00 per year in “overtime” for writing tickets at a particular location claiming that drivers were not making a complete stop at one particular intersection (old 13 mile road). Almost every driver that appeared in court was still found guilty of the “civil infraction” as this POS cop made sure that he appeared in court.
          His scam was exposed in the local newspapers; he was either reassigned or retired.

        • The thing is, it’s not the “speeding” that causes most crashes. Watch a few YouTube car “accident” videos (there are tons of them). Those videos will make your blood boil because almost all of them are completely preventable.

          It’s almost ALWAYS people pulling out or merging without looking and running into people with the right of way. They are going to run into you whether or not you’re going 1mph or 100.

          Speeding isn’t a problem, it’s people not paying attention to their so called “driving”.

      • The shekels were paid out for:
        * positive pcr test
        * Trump jabs
        * hospital admittance
        * remdesivir
        * ventilator “treatment”
        And then
        * hospital death
        Talk about gaming the system…


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