

One of the most exasperating things about the times in which we live is that it’s hard to discuss them – on account of what R. Emmett Tyrrell of the American Spectator coined the kultursmog. What he meant by that was the way our language has been infested by the mendacious verbiage of authoritarianism; terms that we use in conversation and writing that convey a meaning we don’t intend yet – by using the term – implicitly validate.

“Republican” is as good an example as any.

As in the Republican Party, the party founded by Abraham Lincoln – a man who believed in republican ideas like the abortion fetishists who style themselves “pro choice” believe in my body, my choice – when it comes to anything besides the extinction of the inconvenient lives of others.

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe were republicans – small “r” – in that they were advocates of America as a republic, with the lawful power of the federal government being not much and strictly delineated, the remainder diffused among the individual states and deriving, ultimately, from the people. Whose consent was a necessary precondition.

The full, formal name for them was Jeffersonian republicans – after the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence. Almost all of the Founders spoke with approbation of what they styled  republican virtues – by which they did not mean a consolidated central state with near-omnipotent powers, as the founder of the Republican Party (Lincoln) believed.

The latter turned (by force of arms) what had been a republic into something very similar to the empire of Great Britain – with the main difference being our king is periodically elected.

Is it any wonder Republicans – today’s definition – are so confused about who they are and what their party actually stands for? Is it any wonder that the reach of the consolidated federal government relentless expands under Republican leadership?

Republicans – voters and politicians – talk vaguely about “less government.” Whatever they mean by that. They do not mean less government spending on the military, which has become the standing-in-perpetuity army that Jefferson’s republicans dreaded (this was one of the abuses enumerated by Jefferson in the Declaration). How does one have “less government” when the military is practically a fetish object that consumes more than half of all “discretionary” federal spending? When there has been continuous warfare of one kind or another without any constitutional declaration of war for the past 70 years ongoing?

The founder of the Republican Party set the precedent for this. But he was not the first American president to sic the army on Americans. That dishonor goes to George Washington, who was a proto-Republican (capital R to signify the difference between one of those and what Jefferson was).

Washington – and Adams – were Federalists. Which in those days did not mean those who believed in a federal system of delegated and so diffused powers, their oily pretenses notwithstanding.

They believed in what they called a “vigorous” federal authority. That it is to say, a strong central government that ran the show. When some rural farmers declined to pay the taxes imposed by their new masters – taxes that were imposed on their staple products, not on correspondence (viz, the Stamp Act) as had been a beef with the British masters – Washington led an army to set them straight. Just as – four score and seven years hence – Abe Lincoln would do the same on a much grander scale.

John Adams, the second president, criminalized thought – when expressed in critique of himself or his policies. This was styled “sedition.” It was the first expression of what, today, is styled a “threat to our democracy.” It means the same thing today as it meant back then; namely – an affront to the authority of those who are in power.

The Federalists became the Whigs and their avatar was Henry Clay, who was revered by Abe Lincoln (who was later admired by Adolf Hitler).

The Whigs favored the same program as the Federalists, including a regime of what they styled “internal improvements” – by which they meant large-scale, state-directed projects paid for by those forced to pay for them. They pushed for a central banking cartel, which was (and remains) necessary to finance such schemes by impoverishing the people via loaning the government the money to finance such “improvements.” At interest, of course.

Which the people are taxed to pay.

The along came Abe. He was a Federalist-Whig who rebranded himself as a “Republican” – and became America’s first elected (by a minority in the North) dictator, who eliminated the last peaceful circuit breaker left to prevent the consolidation of power in an oppressive central government – that being peaceful separation from it. Lincoln used the military to end the principle of the consent of the governed, which he had the effrontery to claim he was protecting in his beautifully loathsome Gettysburg Address. H.L. Mencken wrote the authoritative dissection of this masterful piece of reality inversion. It is worth excerpting from at length:

But let us not forget that it is oratory, not logic; beauty, not sense. Think of the argument in it! Put it into the cold words of everyday! The doctrine is simply this: that the Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg sacrificed their lives to the cause of self-determination — “that government of the people, by the people, for the people,” should not perish from the earth. It is difficult to imagine anything more untrue. The Union soldiers in that battle actually fought against self-determination; it was the Confederates who fought for the right of their people to govern themselves. What was the practical effect of the battle of Gettysburg? What else than the destruction of the old sovereignty of the States, i. e., of the people of the States? The Confederates went into battle an absolutely free people; they came out with their freedom subject to the supervision and vote of the rest of the country—and for nearly twenty years that vote was so effective that they enjoyed scarcely any freedom at all. Am I the first American to note the fundamental nonsensicality of the Gettysburg address? If so, I plead my aesthetic joy in it in amelioration of the sacrilege. 

If Jefferson could be reanimated and could see what a Republican is today – and what has become of the republic he knew when he was living – he’d likely be as amazed at the way language has been corrupted as those who can remember when a liberal was someone who favored less rather than more government.

. . .

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  1. The white tribes in Europe were living happily until the slave owning nobility invaded… then genocided and enslaved them.

    The white tribes in Europe didn’t need any government….whatever had to be done in their community…they just co operated and got it done….

    In Mexico a community got rid of their local government….the crime rate dropped to near zero….they just used commitees to get things done…

    When the slave owning nobility invade and take over, their government is just a tool they use to enslave and rob the slaves….

  2. Like all kids who were indoctrinated in the public school system I once believed the fairy tale that portrayed the founding of America as a quest for liberty, just as I used to believe in Santa Claus and The Easter Bunny. I disabused myself of the notion of the latter two at some point while I was still a child, but it wasn’t until I became well-established as a man that the house of cards I was taught to believe in by those schools started falling piece by piece, and at some point I realized that what was embodied by the Revolutionary War wasn’t about King George vs. Liberty, but rather about one king vs. a group of monarchs who went by other titles.

    I realized that it makes little difference whether one is coerced by threat of violence, death, imprisonment and confiscation of property to pay taxes to King George, or to various and sundry monarchs elected by our neighbors from a list of approved candidates. In retrospect, maybe King George would have been the “lesser evil”. He certainly couldn’t be any worse than what we have and have had.

    Saw an article on the Lew Rockwell site today. Even Krusti Noem (Gov. of SD, who is often billed as a “lesser evil” if not a downright near-Libertarian) has destroyed free speech and free thought by foisting upon her state “hate-speech” law favoring [drum roll please]: ISRAEL!

    • One of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen is this 2:20 video clip of four unarmed guys walking along a dirt street in Khan Younis, Gaza, unaware that they are being followed by an Israeli drone. Then — BOOM! — they are blown to pink mist in a fatal instant.

      Consumed with bloodlust, the IDF drone operator goes on to blow up a couple of more lone individuals. Just because he felt like it. Just because he could.


      Hey little sister, what have you done?
      Hey little sister, who’s the only one?
      Hey little sister, who’s your Superman?
      Hey little sister, who’s the one you want?
      Hey little sister, shotgun

      It’s a nice day to start again
      It’s a nice day for a white wedding
      It’s a nice day to start again

      — Billy Idol, White Wedding

    • Well DeSatan screwed the pooch by signing a Florida law IN ISRAEL banning criticism of the Jews. He’s done in my view. What these morons don’t “get” – everyone and every institution is accountable no one gets a free pass. Disgusting. And now GILF Noem joins in. Wow. I’d like to know the “hook” that captured their better judgement.

      Evil battles evil, we need to stay the hell out not another dime.

      • Hi Sparkey,

        Many Christians (including people I know) evince a strong, often very touchy affection for Israel, which baffles me. The Biblical Israel existed 2,000 years ago. The current Jewish state is a separate entity and the government of Israel is just another government. Why “we” must support the latter essentially without question or limit is something I have never understood. There are entirely reasonable grounds for not supporting it that entail no more “anti-Semitism” than pointing out a man who wears a dress is not a woman is “transphobic” and “hateful.”

  3. Right on cue for Eric’s post, overnight the New York Slimes posted an article titled “Inside the Republican Attacks on Electric Vehicles.” Excerpts:

    ‘The electric vehicle, a breakthrough achievement [sic] in automotive technology, has driven into this year’s presidential election, inflaming partisan fights that have come to define much of American culture.

    ‘Biden’s new rules on auto pollution combine elements that conservatives love to hate: government regulations and the notion that Democrats want to force Americans to give up comforts in the name of the environment.

    ‘The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, a lobbying organization, has begun what it says is a “seven figure” campaign of advertising, phone calls and text messages against what it calls “Biden’s E.P.A. car ban” in the swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona, as well as in Ohio, Montana and Washington, D.C.

    ‘Michael McKenna, a Republican strategist, said Republican polling has found attacking electric vehicle mandates to be an “amazing” issue for the party. He called Mr. Biden’s regulation a “shadow ban” on gas-powered vehicles.’


    Meanwhile, here is the article’s only quote from the auto industry:

    “The future is electric,” said John Bozzella, president of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, which represents 42 car companies that produce nearly all the new vehicles sold in the United States, in a statement this week. He said the rules “are mindful of the importance of choice to drivers and preserve their ability to choose the vehicle that’s right for them.”

    Weak tea, John. You and your ‘auto maker’ pals are pencil-necked 98-pound wimps. At the beach, I kick sand in your face and walk away with your date. Loser.

    • Here is the pathetic groveling of John ‘Bozo’ Bozella’s press release:

      John Bozzella, president and CEO of Alliance for Automotive Innovation, said:

      “The future is electric. Automakers are committed to the EV transition – investing enormous amounts of capital and building cutting edge battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, traditional hybrids and fuel cell vehicles that drive efficiency and convert petroleum miles to electric miles. Consumers have tons of choices.

      “But pace matters. Moderating the pace of EV adoption in 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 was the right call because it prioritizes more reasonable electrification targets in the next few (very critical) years of the EV transition.

      “These adjusted EV targets – still a stretch goal – should give the market and supply chains a chance to catch up. It buys some time for more public charging to come online, and the industrial incentives and policies of the Inflation Reduction Act to do their thing.

      “And the big one? The rules are mindful of the importance of choice to drivers and preserves their ability to choose the vehicle that’s right for them.”


      Cringing bootlickers …

    • Morning, Jim!

      I’m not sure which is the more astounding – the insolence or the ignorance: “The electric vehicle, a breakthrough achievement in automotive technology..” How did this get past the copy desk? Whatever one thinks about the merits of EVs, they are ancient technology. Been around for more than 100 years. The newest EV is as fundamentally the same as the oldest EV – just as the newest gas-powered car is still fundamentally the same “technology” as that found in a Model T. Both have been improved, of course. But to style EVs a “breakthrough” is much the same as calling indoor plumbing such. Only indoor plumbing is desirable on the merits and does not required government “help.”

      • And still with the SAME disadvantages of cost, curb weight, range, and “refuel” (recharge) time that makes them generally non-competitive with conventional ICE vehicles, or even hybrids. Only difference is that a century ago, they disappeared, along with the Stanley Steamer, as mass-produced cars and trucks, almost all gasoline-powered, especially the lower-priced models like Ford’s Model T, put America on wheels. The FREE MARKET made that decision, not pontificating politicians nor snotty bureaucrats. In fact, by 1926, its last full year, the basic Model T could be had for $290,which was less than three month’s wages of the lowest-paid worker at the Ford River Rouge plant,and about 30 percent of its listed price from 1908. Can’t get more “Democratic” than that, yet ol’ Henry has since been smeared as a “Robber Baron” and (gasp!) an ANTI-SEMITE.

  4. Eventually all Republicans suck (save for Dr. Paul, I guess.) Even Patrick Henry, the absolute best of “The Founding Fathers” flipped to the Federalist Party in like 1794 or something because he hated the moderate Jefferson so much (he did die before he was sworn in, so there’s that.)

  5. The hierarchy is supposed to be… God on top, then next down is man…man is sovereign…

    One viewpoint…man created the government to look after some things like fixing the roads…it had very limited authority….

    The government now says it is above men… it has total authority over man….it is the sovereign.

    In an absolute monarchy the king…from the nobility bloodlines only…. is the sovereign…is like a God… claims they are from God….and makes all the decisions…..man is below them…a slave…

    In a Republic instead of a king, you have a new president every 4 or 8 years…the problem is the two choices are from the same nobility bloodlines….and decisions are supposed to be a group effort…..but…they are all made by the nobility…the president often acts like a sovereign…a king………man is below them…a slave…

    Then you have organized religion…it says it has a monopoly…you have to go through them for access to God…pay to play….maybe another way of taxing the slaves….it is another way to control/program the slaves….the same as the education system….both are for taking control of the slave’s mind….so is the MSM….

    These organized religions are a tool for the nobility, to control slaves and were constructed by the nobility….

    The feudal kings and the republicans have their own brand of religion….for the monarchy’s it is Christianity, for the republicans it is Protestantism….Protestantism and Islam are connected, related….

    Religion and the slave owning nobility….an interesting history….


    • In my humble opinion…
      The Bible should be taken as a guide and possible historical reference which does hold some value for humanity but should not be considered sacrosanct..
      Please keep in mind that the Bible has been translated, retranslated and re-retranslated by MEN, many of which had their own agendas.
      A good example of error is “the divine right of kings” which both the Church and noble officials used to keep their subjects “in-line”. Kings, queens, other monarchs and nobles put their pants on the same way as anyone else. To infer “divine authority” on them just because of their status is just wrong.
      This is a major disagreement between Catholics (who disavow “sola scriptura”) and other sects (primarily Baptists who wholly support the concept).
      Let’s move on to the “rapture” where (supposedly) the “saved” will be physically transported to heaven during the “end times”. This is right out of the Schofield “translation” which is fraught with many errors and even outright fabrications.
      Despite being polar opposites, Schofield, along with Darby and other “dispensationalists” grafted judaism on to the tree of Christianity–a major doctrinal error that we are paying for to this very day.
      One final aspect of the Bible is that of the differences between the “god” of the Old Testament and the “God” of the New Testament.
      The Old Testament “god” is a “god of vengeance and conquest who had to constantly punish his people to keep them “in-line”. Mercy was never a part of the equation.
      Contrast that with the “God” of the New Testament, who is merciful, able to look past human transgressions and offer all of humanity a “better way”.
      All one has to do is observe how jews treat Palestinians (and the rest of us “goyim”), since we are not “chosen”. Jewish brutality and criminality knows no bounds as their basic teachings regard every gentile as “a beast, no better than livestock, to be used (and abused) for the advantage of the jews”. This teaching is ingrained in every jew from birth on…
      Jews are fulfilling their blood lust by murdering anything that moves…men. women, children, infants. Where is the outrage??

    • But…which God?….

      In an absolute monarchy the king…from the nobility bloodlines only…. is the sovereign…is like a God… claims they are from God….and makes all the decisions…..man is below them…a slave…

      In a Republic instead of a king, you have a new president every 4 or 8 years…the problem is the two choices are from the same nobility bloodlines…which says it is a God… claims they are from God…the president often acts like a sovereign…a king………man is below them…a slave…

      The slave owning nobility control group consider themselves Gods…of God….but which one?….

      They claim satan is the good guy…and their political arm…the freemasons is a satanic cult….that claims satan is the good guy…..given their track record of how they treat slaves….it could make sense….

    • The essence of the “Sovereign Citizen,: is that Government is accountable to the several citizens. Although many carry the argument to ludicrous levels, ever wonder why any such assertions get quickly stomped on by the Police and the courts?

  6. “Married Couple”

    Obama and Michelle presented themselves as a “married couple” with children. Turns out Michelle was really Michael Lavaughn Robinson, a male, who can not have children. Kids borrowed from friends of the Obamas, Sasha and Malia Obama real parents are Dr Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt.

    Likewise Macron and Brigette are presented as a “married couple”. Some geneologists in France have determined Brigette is a man and Macron’s father.

    Brigitte Macron was born Jean-Michel Trogneux

    English version, a very long read.


    So axe yourself, what in the Sam hell is going on? What is going on with this Baphomet fakery? Why is Michelle Obama being a likely Demoncrap presidential candidate when she has no management or government experience.

    • I miss Rush a lot. His ‘teachings’ were instrumental in my youth, and was partly responsible for the enormous risk we took starting our own biz, and Garth Brook song The River.
      Thanks for the reminder.

      • Rush was a hypocrite. He was advocating the death penalty for (illegal) drug users while he was hooked on oxycontin himself.
        While Rush was an oratorical master and did have many good thoughts, sticking it to liberals, he was not the total conservative that he claimed to be…

        • I listened to Rush intently in 1991 through early 1992. I looked forward to his commentary and parodies of the liberal narratives. On the other hand, when he visited the George HW Bush lincoln bedroom, that was it for me. He was a sellout and a traitor. He would consistently cut off callers who questioned Bush or any other poltiicans membership in the Council on Foreign Relations. He would have Pat Buchanan on his show and then repeat liberal gotya questions to him forcing him to react as he would to a mainstream “news” media quizling. I found Rush to be reprehensible, though I would say that I still tuned in from time to time since there was nothing else worth listening to.

          He partially redeemed himself during the 2016 campaign when he didn’t jump on an anti-Trump bandwagon like many others were doing. Unlike in 1992, 1996, and 2000 when he endorsed Establishment Republicans like Bush, Dole and Bush 43, he stayed out of the campaign, though his analysis of the campaigns favored Trump.

          During 2016, Trump was clearly the best of teh people running since he articulated things that were taboo to “free market Republicans.” “Free market” really means corporate market. He discussed the idea of using tariffs instead of military force to pressure countries to behave the way we wanted them to. His recognition that the middle class was in trouble went a long way with this voter.

          Am I saying Trump is any good? Hell no, but in 2016, he articulated a lot American middle class concerns. He represented what people wanted from their government.

          Trump let a whole lot of people out of prison for one thing or another and restored a sense of balance to the justice system at the street level.

          So, instead of being an idealogue, Rush went with it. I’m glad he did. I think that we would have had Hillary clinton if he influenced his listeners with the freeeeee market rap.

          Rush was a hypocrite for a long time. I think he was changing on that level too. He was not a total conservative by a long shot, but I’m not either. Since is gone and he did not really directly affect my life, I’m giving him a pass as he was changing.

          Since he passed away, the AM radio dial has never recovered.

      • When I was in High School, we traveled to El Paso to play a few baseball games. I distinctly remember having to put US$0.01 in a device like a bus token receptacle to cross from US into Mexico. Coming back the other way, the “fare” was US$0.02.
        Guess that was to keep out the riffraff.

  7. Imagine for a moment trying to teach inmates in an insane asylum the finer point of Libertarianism. As you talk a half dozen televisions are blasting out pharma commercials, the latest migrant gang murders, SWAT raids on an unpopular senator’s house, and the rising cost of food and energy.

    As the inmates watch TV, they are given a cocktail of pills when they awake, and when they go to bed. During the day they sip aspertame laced soft drinks, rarely do they drink water, which is full of chemicals from the city treatment plant. The food they eat is highly processed corporate SOS, with artificial colors and flavors, the mystery meat is from the Purina dog chow factory.

    This insane asylum is called Amerika and it is filled with retarded and demented people, not being one of them yourself, what would be the point of trying to “teach” them to be intelligent? They are mentally retarded, physically weak, spiritually lacking, therefore intelligent communication has no positive effect on them. Truth means nothing to them, they do not recognize a true thing vs. a media lie, a false flag, or false government stats.

    Imagine if you tell them 911 was a false flag, and that Israel controls the Congress, and the wars were meant to destroy Israel’s enemies. Such talk is beyond their comprehension, and not what the authority says on the big screen TV blasting CNN into their stupified drug addled brains. Their truth is what Israeli agent Wolf Blitzkreiger says it is.

    The voting officials just happens to be there that day, being sure our inmates vote, they are handed a ballot which the nurses help them fill out. You try to tell them the Democratic candidate is a compromised Zionist whore as is the Republican. They nod their head but don’t know what a Zionist whore is nor do they know what being compromised is – they fill in their voting cards, because they believe they are free, Amerikans, the greatest people on earth of all time.

    The inmates spend the rest of day arguing with each other over who they voted for. If the argument becomes to heated or they become to animated the orderlies give them a nice big shot in their arm to calm them down, as microaggression is not allowed.

    • Hi Jack,

      Well, that’s bleak! And it may even be true. I’ll even say it is essentially true. But that’s why good examples are needed. They have power – just as bad ones do. Bear in mind the truism that it’s a committed minority that determines history. That minority can be acting for good – or not. I say we act for good – and make the best of it that we can.

      • I had to go to work and I didn’t finish the story. The hero leaves the insane asylum dismayed and realizes the situation is hopeless and beyond repair then moves to Oregon, upwind of nuclear fallout.

        Amerika gets nuked by Russia when Biden and Macron send NATO troops into Ukraine. The survivors regroup and have to recreate civilization and write a new constitution even more restrictions on government, like term limits.

        Here is a picture of Zelensky in 1999.

          • What is the real politik on Ukraine?

            Jewish controlled State Department, sent Victoria Nuland to overthrow the democratically elected government, soon gay Jew demon Zelensky was installed as the puppet dictator.

            Ukraine then started aggression on the Eastern provinces where the ethnic Russians live, shelling them daily, for 10 years until Putin started his Special Military Operation.

            The propagandists in the west cried foul, said Putin was the aggressor. The truth is the west baited Putin just as the west baited Hitler to invade Poland – doing so for propaganda purposes to create the false idea that their enemy is the aggressor.

            That must be understood by us to understand how they start these wars.

            Lavrov tried repeated attempts to negotiate a peaceful settlement, but the Biden Jew thugs want no peace, they want war. ZOG Britain also sent their Goyim stooge Borish Johnson who flew to Kiev to make damn sure no peace settlement.

            Ukraine has lost the war and 500,000 Uke soldiers (all white Christian boys) and the Jews were airlifted out – go read that story!


            2.3 million wounded

            30 million Ukes fled their nation never to return.

            Now Ukraine is a bombed out shithole and a failed state – the entire government is being propped up by US tax money, as Ukraine has no economy.

            Russia wants a buffer zone, and is in the process of taking the remaining real estate up to Odessa linking up to the sliver Russian state Transtrinistra.

            Ukraine is about to be cut off from the Black Sea – so both Biden and Macron are sending in troops as I type this.

            WW3 looms large.

            The whole tragedy was started by Jewess Victoria Nuland in the US State Department – who now has resigned – because her Ukraine policies are a disaster for Biden’s re-election.

            Nuland is married to the arch Zionist henchman Robert Kagan who wrote the PNAC papers, created the Neocons, the Gulf Wars.

            • IMO, nuclear WW3 is imminent which is why anyone on the east coast should save their asses and get upwind of fallout. It is far to late to change the trajectory we are on. Jews are belligerent A-holes and will never back down, thus war is inevitable.


              If I had the means I would move south of the equator, or at least to Central America.

              The Demoncraps are going to unleash their illegal migrants on the dumb Amerikan sheep. Amerika will probably be in a civil war when it gets nuked.

              • If so, a nuclear exchange will kill a disproportionate amount of jews and Negroes. As was sung at the end of Monty Python’s “Life of Brian”, Always look on the Bright Side of Life.

            • Just my opinion from a geopolitical perspective…
              Ukraine is being prepped to become israel 2.0 It is no secret that most European jews HATE the middle east climate and culture, which despite European jewish incursion still has a distinct middle eastern culture, something that European jews loathe.
              The climate and topography of Ukraine is more amenable to European jews than present-day israel. Not only that, their criminal base of operations will be much closer to their “markets”. From international prostitution, pedophilia and child abduction to organ harvesting and sales, to reams of criminal financial schemes and scams, Ukraine is ideally located to keep the jewish criminal rackets going.
              Jews are using their European and American lackeys to support the war in Ukraine against Russia.
              The seeds of WW3 have been planted…

              • Hi Anarchyst,

                I will say – because I consider it to be obvious – that there is something unhinged (apparently) about the hysteric-adamant propping up of Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev. It makes no sense, from any rational point of view. Ergo, the rational assumptions must be wrong…

            • @ 3:14:00 in video…

              homogeneous… a society of people that share the same culture, beliefs, language and racial backgrounds

              heterogeneous…. a society of people that have a variety of cultures, beliefs, language and racial backgrounds

              Russia has a homogeneous society, so does the Ukraine…in this current war, both are being attacked…

              the slave owners like heterogeneous societies…if the slaves are fighting each other…there won’t be a slave revolt….

              Ukraine has one of the most homogeneous societies in the world..the slave owners are restructuring this now…in the war immigrants are moving in…Ukrainians out…

              @ 3:17:00 in video

              The highest percentage of adults who refused the bat germ injection were in Russia and Ukraine….now they are being punished….the war….getting blown up….


    • Hi Jack,

      I watched Idiocracy last night for the first time. It is supposed to be a sci fi comedy, it is more of a future biography. I feel like I lost at least ten brain cells over the 90 minute duration. Personally, I am more inclined to teach people to “be intelligent”, because Lord help us if we don’t.

      Allowing one to remain ignorant and naïve only hurts the rest of us and future generations. We still have the ability to ween people off the likes of TikTok and the government boob. Humankind has a fascinating history and I would hate to see it trivialized because some people did not believe it was worth the effort.

      • I do my best and try to be patient with my Commander and her friends that graduated from a Seattle central urban high school 50 years ago in the turmoil of desegregation / bussing Seattle style. For the white girls it was a 4 year survival ordeal. One of her best friends finally transferred to a suburban school when her sister got beaten to a pulp by the diversity transplants. My future father in law was too cheap to pay out of district tuition so she hid out in the school library. Needless to say none of them learned much in those 4 years. She did OK at suburban community college where the learning world was for learning. Still, the gaps in basic knowledge are glaring.

        • I think what Hillsdale College is doing is one of our only hopes. I’ve been learning more about them and they are attempting to assist and create traditional education charter schools throughout the county. Worth a look:

        • My experiences with uncivilized blacks began at an early age, manifesting itself in my experiences about race, and the inability of blacks to function in white society which fully developed in high school.
          In the 1960s, Detroit public schools were already in their decline with the disruptions from black “students”. (I use that term loosely).
          In fact, Detroit’s high schools had “black students unions” that were successful in getting the American flag removed from the front of the schools and replacing them with “black nationalist” flags.
          The ordeal that us white students had to go through was harrowing, to say the least. White students did not use the restrooms, as a “beatdown” by multiple blacks was usually the result. Us whites always tried to be in clear view of school personnel at all times in order to avoid attacks by blacks.
          Blacks never fought one-on-one, the “pack mentality” was evident then as is today.
          Any attempts by us whites to defend themselves was met with indifference, and even outright hostility, especially from black school officials. You see, even then, blacks were not “responsible” for their behavior.
          Blacks did not want to learn, the same situation that still exists today.
          Despite being given every consideration, and more, blacks were always disruptive.
          You see, just as is the case today, excelling at education is “acting white” and was frowned upon by black “students”. Most of the teachers just shrugged their shoulders, let the disruptions go on until the next class period. It only took a few blacks in class to disrupt the whole “learning process”.
          Almost all of the teachers were deferential to blacks, although there were a few good teachers who tried to carefully shield their white and Asian students (us) from predatory blacks, giving us additional attention and coursework, knowing that we would excel in spite of the, violent, raucous atmosphere.
          Anywhere blacks go, they destroy…
          I have held these views to this very day…

  8. This one’s bad enough to give a libertarian a stroke:

    Excessive Free Speech is a Breeding Ground for More Trumps


    “When other communications revolutions like the printing press, radio, and television came along, they were still largely controlled by the elites. But when the internet came along, regulatory bodies… backed off. It was open season for anything that anyone wanted to put out. No license needed. No identity verification.”

    “The way to reverse the trend is with rigid regulation…”

    • Thanks. I’ve read some retarded takes this week, but I think that one wins.

      “The masses were finally weaponized – not with arms, but with a communications instrument that empowered them against establishment forces like they had never been empowered before. The change represented one of history’s significant power shifts.

      With the multitudes given megaphones, what a wonderful democratic advance it was. But it came with a rather massive irony. Free speech became as much a slayer of democracy as an enabler.”

      Cry more, bitch.

    • Given the current choices, another Trump presidency could very well be inevitable. This kind of article offers a glimpse of how they will try to capitalize on it though. Trump will be the fulcrum upon which they will try to lever away more and more individual rights. They’ll cry: “We must do everything we can to prevent this populist-enabled fascism to ever revisit America!”

      This battle has gone on for millennia. It will not be settled in 2024. Gird your loins, as the fight will continue until your dying day.

      • At which point, i dont care if Trump goes full facist Mussolini, Franco or Pinochet on the left. Be what they say you are is my motto at this point. This business of standing on pronciples or two wrongs dont make a right are dead in this lawless country.

        Its about survival. They have the guns. We have to steal them. Its that simple and that hard.

        • We have the guns, swamp. We need a few of those F35 Lightenings and Challenger 2 Streetfighters. A few satellites in space would also help. Most importantly, people who give a crap about their individual rights are needed desperately; otherwise, all of the guns, jets, and tanks in the world aren’t going to make a difference.

          • No you can’t win by weapons, simply because the enemy is invisible. It’s a mind virus in people’s heads. You can’t fight the beast, you can only starve it. Just don’t feed it, that’s all. The more people do it, the better. Whether this will help or not, nobody knows I’m sure, even the God Almighty. That’s up to us people to decide, nobody knows what we’ll choose. It’s a freewill world we are in.

    • That is a frightening read. What is even scarier is that we have people that agree with it. Most of the comments seemed to disparage Martin’s “excessive free speech” argument, but I cannot help but find the irony that someone from the MSM is complaining that there is too much opportunity for dialogue. Oh, the horror!

      It isn’t too hard to see who butters his bread. Mr. Martin is unable to be objective. I believe it is high time for him to put away his pen and paper and call it a day. Hopefully, there is some availability for him at The Villages. May the Florida sun have mercy on whatever few brain cells he has remaining.

    • This view of having to regulate Internet is nothing new. Kaspersky, a CEO of an aponymous “antivirus” software, argues for precisely this. He is from KGB, by the way. I put antivirus in brackets because it’s likely anything but, and is itself a virus.

      “After the Stuxnet attack, Kaspersky proposed that the Internet needed more regulation and policing. One idea was to have some parts of the Internet anonymous, while more secure areas require user identification. He argued that anonymity mostly benefited cybercriminals and hackers.”

      “Kaspersky graduated from The Technical Faculty of the KGB Higher School in 1987..”


  9. In the old vertical rule system, the old world order…feudal system….the king at the top, slaves on the bottom…an absolute monarchy……they did not mix up the slaves of different races.

    In the new world order, horizontal rule…. they mix up the slaves of different races…so the slaves won’t unite and revolt.

    In the old feudal system..an absolute monarchy…..the 1st son got to be king…the other sons got nothing….

    To provide employment to the other sons, they changed the system….to a republic……the slaves were given the right to vote…….all the sons took turns being the president for 4 or 5 years….

    The freemasons are the political arm of the slave owning aristocracy…. when you vote you get the choice of two or more freemasons…an illusion of choice….all USA presidents have been Freemasons except JFK.

    The new world order, horizontal rule….is worse for the slaves……it brought the huge world wars, with millions of deaths….but….in a republic you used to get a bit more 1A….soon to be ended….

    All wars are conflicts, disagreements, between the slave owning groups on the top….

    The white tribes in Europe were living happily until the slave owning nobility invaded… then genocided and enslaved them.

    The slave owning nobility, the monarch’s….with their royal bloodlines, going back to the pharaoh kings, running prison planet.


  10. Republiclowns are doing their usual 2:30 a.m. Swamp thing:

    “At 2:32 am—when Americans were sleeping—the Swamp released its second half of the omnibus. 1,012 pages that spend $1.2 TRILLION of taxpayer dollars on disastrous policies. The House is still expected to vote on this monstrosity TOMORROW MORNING. Washington is beyond broken,” Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) wrote on X.

    Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) wrote that “You’d never be expected to sign a 1,000 page document to buy a new car in a day. Why should Congress be expected to sign off on +1,000 pages resulting in $1.2 trillion in spending in a day?”

    “The swamp’s new spending package released while you were sleeping includes $200 MILLION for a new FBI HQ. We can’t fix weaponized government if we’re funding it,” wrote Rep. Barry Moore (R-Ala.).

    Conservatives had started bashing the deal even before it was officially unveiled, and their criticism picked up Thursday morning. Still, the package will move through the House under suspension — depriving conservatives of the ability to block it on a procedural measure — and is expected to pass with Demonrat support. — the hill.com

  11. Bob Tyrrell’s Kultursmog could be interpreted as a synonym for double-talk, which, of course, leads straight to the mental sickness of doublethink — a real disease and a pandemic that’s been spreading throughout society for the last, oh, say 50 years or so. I’m sure someone, someday could write an encyclopedia on all the bullsh*t terms that are commonly used today. Here are a few of my current favorites, with some comments & interpretations.

    Existential Threat: e.g., this problem might turn out to be existential.
    Possibly the most overused word in the English language, it seems just about everything nowadays is a threat to human existence. What horsesh*t. The only existential threat that really concerns me is when those Minutemen missiles in Montana leave their hardened silos. Then you’ll really get to know the true meaning.

    Narrative: e.g., don’t buy into the govt’s narrative.
    Translation: I have no idea what to call what the govt is doing, so I will use this one-size-fits-all term. I are smart !!
    Possibly the 2nd most overused word, and anyone using it should think twice before they do.

    Job creation: e.g., It looks like job creation has slowed down since last month.
    Translation: Since I have no idea how many people found a job last month and I’m economically illiterate, I’ll try to impress the fools that listen to me by sounding the fire alarm and stating that not enough people found jobs. Hey, I may have found my niche in life.

    Social Dynamics: e.g., the social dynamics of that group are disturbing.
    Translation: Those people are weird and we have no idea what they’re up to. Let’s make ourselves look smart and invent a new phrase to describe what we want to call them, which will help elevate us into the intellectual class. We’ll call it “social dynamics.” Aren’t we brilliant!

    Levered up: e.g., the economic situation is bad because the public is levered up.
    Translation: Hey dummy, you’re up to your neck in borrowing, aka: debt! Debt sounds like such a bad word that we’ll rename it “levered up,” which makes it look like we really know what we’re talking about.

    Want some more? Why not. I’m sure most here would agree that the following words & phrases are enough to nauseate a maggot: Social justice, living wage, corporate culture, climate change, economic stimulus, fairness, national security, public health/public safety, war on terror, eco-friendly, and, last but not least, our all-time favorite, “RACISM!”

    The onslaught and bastardization of proper word usage is well past the point of no return and will take generations to reverse, if ever. And as usual, the hoi polloi have sat on their hands while the msm in cahoots with the sammy corp has yet again stolen & destroyed another element of what used to represent the American ideal.

    • >words & phrases are enough to nauseate a maggot
      Not to mention my most vomit inducing meaningless adjective, “vibrant.”
      If I hear that imbecility ONE MORE TIME…… 🙁

  12. Everything Eric points to in this article explains the motives for the 1787 coup of the Articles. The ‘founders’ thought it necessary for Americans to have a powerful central government. The Articles was just a pretense to satisfy those poor fools that fought the British. Most Americans have no clue about the Articles.

    Lincoln was just the first to use the ,,, up to then,,, latent power of the new renegade Constitution coming out of the closet. After that it was Katy Bar the Door.

    We now have a government that is actively trying to eliminate the descendants of that revolutionary time by destroying the economy,,, refusing to enforce immigration laws,,, government declaring those descendants as racist supremacists and for hating the disgusting sexual perversions passed off as alternative life styles.

    We live in a dictatorship ruled by the Executive, its agencies, the legislature, corporations and think tanks.
    It is fascist/communist entity and as the World Enslavement Forum states we own nothing that can’t be taken by taxes or made useless by insurance, registration and license fees.

    Oddly enough we seem happy and are willing to go to war started by government to preserve it. We are allowed to vote for those only approved by the major Party’s and media. After the ‘election’ everything continues as before.

  13. “If so, I plead my aesthetic joy in it in amelioration of the sacrilege.”

    Was there ever anyone as good as Mencken?

    Thanks, Eric. Terrific essay.

  14. What if there was an election and nobody voted? Zero voters at the polls, except for the candidates, of course. Nobody wants to vote for more tyranny, don’t need any.

    For the presidential race, Trump would vote for Trump and Biden would vote for Biden.

    November is more than seven months from now, both could be out of the race by then, if you know what I mean.

    It would be a tie vote for president, the Senate would vote to see who is going to be POTUS.

    Absurd, yes. Even more absurd, Trump is online begging for money. Doesn’t he have 8,000,000,000 dollars? Why is he asking for money from people who don’t have 400 dollars cash for a medical emergency? Spend your own money, Donnie, so STFU. Other people’s money is what you want. Looks more like a swindle, theft, stealing. Give it up.

    An airport manager in Arkansas was shot in the head by the ATF yesterday.

    When they’re out to get ya, they do. When they do come for you, it is better to talk first and shoot later. When the ATF is knocking down your door, call the sheriff for help.

    Something was up, the airport manager visited with Arkansas’ two US Senators a while back.

    Listen to Judge Napolitano’s interview with Jeffrey Sachs.

    JFK was assassinated by one person, Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald did roam around some.

    Lo and behold, RFK was assassinated by the Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan.

    Looks like a red flag there, doesn’t it?

    Some kind of despicable group of thugs had it out for two brothers. Wasn’t just Oswald and it wasn’t just Sirhan.

    With any luck, some investigators might shine some light on what really happened. Two brothers assassinated, two gunmen are to blame.

    Must be a clue, there might be a common thread there. Maybe even a conspiracy!

    It was the CIA! No, it was the Jews! Who knows who?

    The good news is the people who did do it are probably at an age where they are either dead or will be soon, just not soon enough.

    Might as well make it plain as day, no holds barred and have the ATF do the job.

    What we have is a run-of-the-mill, garden variety criminal government.

    Manifested in Palestine and Ukraine, criminal governments cause war, death and destruction makes you criminal.

    Out of control, Trump is right about one thing, they’re coming for you.

    First day of Spring, make the best of it.

    • ‘An airport manager in Arkansas was shot in the head by the ATF yesterday.’ — drumphish

      Add Bryan Malinowsky to the Clinton Body Count as another suspected Arkancide.

      What did he do, block an incoming cocaine shipment for Bill, or rat it out to the cops?

      The Clinton Body Count stands at 57, pending Malinowsky’s possible addition.

      ‘GOTCHA!’ crows the Hildabeest:


      • Just another 6AM SWAT raid, Jim. Look away, my dear, look away.

        Why arrest someone at their job where they can be quietly detained when an early morning shootout (because the poor bastard probably believes he is being robbed) makes so much more sense?

        Apparently, the American citizenry does not deserve to know “why” this took place? What was the warrant for? Why was an early morning ATF raid the best decision? Where are the chest cameras of the incident?

  15. Thanks for this, Eric. So many of my boomer-type contemporaries work themselves up into a greatly-misplaced nostalgia for the “good old days” of the founding era, when in fact the US of A, as a voluntary association of sovereign states, was strangled in its very cradle. The scrapping of the Articles of Confederation in favor of the Constitution (“of No Authority”) was the handwriting on the wall, and the Whiskey Rebellion should have made everything perfectly clear even to the most optimistic. That’s why I tell people that my political identity is Reactionary Utopian, borrowed from the heroic Joseph Sobran: nostalgic for something that never really existed.

    • James: I agree with your comment.

      I do wonder though if losing the Articles to the Constitution was worth it, in that the Bill of Rights otherwise would not have occurred. I know the bastards have done their best to eviscerate those rights, but they have served as an impediment. There can be no doubt that without the 2nd Amendment guns would have been outlawed a long time ago.

      • Federal Bill of Government restraints wasn’t needed as the States were sovereign and less likely to take firearms from the People that comprised the militia.

        This from the Bill of rights institute:
        [ Many Founders, including George Washington and James Madison became concerned that the government established by the Articles was inadequate. In 1786, Charles Pinckney proposed revising the Articles. The next year, Congress approved a plan to revise the Articles that summer in Philadelphia.]

        Note they said “revise” not eliminate. They lied. The founder politicians were as much liars then as politicians are today. They didn’t like the States controlling the central government. The last vestige of that was the 17th amendment which eliminated the States electing the Senators making the Senate as easy to control as the House. Note the 16th and 17th were “ratified” before the Federal Reserve bill passed.

        Fun Fact.
        The federal reserve act was passed AND signed by El Presidente (No War Wilson) on the same day… Dec 23 1913.

        • No doubt underhanded fuckery has occurred from day 1. But I look to Canada, for example, which doesn’t have a Bill of Rights (the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a joke), and it appears the tyranny there is much worse. I’d rather have the Bill of Rights than not, even in it’s judicially-eroded state.

          If one could have a parallel universe in which the Constitution were not ratified (and thus also no Bill of Rights), I’m thinking the underhanded fuckery would have still occurred (unrestrained by the Bill of Rights) and life in the States (however many there might be) might be more tyrannical. Just a thought experiment.

          • In every other country, “rights” are actually “permissions” which can be revoked by those in power (governments) at any time.
            Look at Canada, which ran roughshod over its citizens’ “Charter of Rights” with the “truckers’ protest” by seizing bank accounts, trucks and even children over the truckers’ refusal to disperse from their legal protest just because they could.
            Our “Constitutional rights” are “endowed by our Creator” for merely being born and are not negotiable.
            The Constitution of the united States of America is a “charter of negative rights”, something that the O’bama and Ruthie Ginsburg complained about. O’bama complained about the Constitution limiting government while Ruthie Ginsburg stated that the Constitution of South Africa was a better document.
            It starts out stating: “Congress shall make NO LAW…”
            The Constitution is (supposed to be) a limiting document on government power but has been so bastardized, set upon, and basically ignored by all three branches of the federal government that its true meaning has been pretty much obliterated.
            Add to that, the “dumbing down” of the citizenry, (public schools) stating that the Constitution “grants rights” It does no such thing–“rights” are (supposed to be) inherent in us being born and are (supposed to be) our “birthright”.
            There are those who claim that the “Bill of Rights” was superfluous and not needed, but I beg to differ. Our inherent “rights” had to have explanations added to them in order to keep future (uneducated or miseducated) types from placing their own “spin” on interpretation of the Constitution of the united States of America.

            • Why would a ‘right’ require an explanation. The Constitution was written at a 2nd grade level, their time period. PhDs of our time can’t figure it out.

        • Actually, at the time the federal reserve act was enacted, Wilson was bedridden and “stroked out” (not unlike brandon). The only person allowed in his bedroom was his wife. This was a “plus” as the “powers that be” could claim that Wilson agreed with enacting the federal reserve act and other unconstitutional actions.
          Fast forward to today…Brandon (who is pretty much brain dead) is allowing israel to drag the USA around like a rag doll. As in Wilson’s case, brandon will sign anything that is put in front of him. Brandon reversed all of Trump’s executive orders upon taking office.

          • [Actually, at the time the federal reserve act was enacted, Wilson was bedridden and “stroked out] – anarchyst

            I thought the stroke happened in 1919.

  16. Thanks for the history lesson Eric,
    It doesn’t repeat but definitely rhymes, as the saying goes. The Alien and Sedition Act, the execrable Espionage Act still on the books, and the current Censorship Industrial Complex, are all blatant violations of the Bill of Rights. I was hoping the current case before the Supreme Court regarding the Biteme administration attempt to stifle opposing views to the official narrative would be a slam dunk smack down in our favor. How naive of me, the Supremes know who pays their salaries and provides for their cushy lifestyle; not gonna bite that hand.

  17. It seems that too many Republicans are “milquetoasts”, afraid of showing “the courage of their convictions” (if any) and are just plain lazy.
    You see, whether the Republican party is in power or is the minority, “the pay and perks” of the office are the same. Why get into real “rough and tumble politics” when you can “kick back” and still enjoy the perks of office?
    Even when the Republicans held both legislative bodies, they “laid back” and let the democRATS run all over them.
    The only way to fight your enemy is to “come down to and fight on their level”. As FORCE is the only thing they understand, it is time to take the fight to them. Of course, it won’t be easy, with the left-wing media, academia, and even local and federal government agencies who have been giving antifa and others a “pass”, but it can (and must) be done.

  18. I was wondering how the 17th amendment ever got started and then ratified. Still perplexed. The reasoning from a quick search/read gives a sanitized similar answer in several locations I checked. People were fed up with their state legislators cutting deals, gridlocked, etc resulting in some senate seats going vacant and the usual corruption when filled. So they say. However the people don’t approve amendments the state legislature or a state convention does this. Why would 3/4 of the states give up power over senator selection, they never cede power – ? Especially giving it to the general public. Something was rotten way back when.

    • The research done by Bill Benson in his Book the Law that Never Was found:
      Seven states (Connecticut, Florida, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia) did not ratify the amendment, and it was reported as such.
      Two states (Kentucky and Tennessee) did not ratify the amendment, but Secretary Knox reported that they did.
      Eight states (Delaware, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont and Wyoming) were reported by Secretary Knox as having ratified the amendment, but the States actually have missing or incomplete records of the ratification procedures or votes, and there is no conclusive record that they ratified the amendment or reported any ratification to the Secretary of State.
      Six states (Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Washington) did approve the amendment, but the Governor or another official who was required by their respective state constitutions to sign the legislation into law did not sign the legislation.
      In twenty-five states (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming), the legislature violated a provision of its state constitution during the ratification process.
      Twenty-nine states (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming) violated “state law” or procedural rules during the ratification process.
      Additionally, Benson asserted that:
      Twenty-two states approved the amendment, but with changes in wording, and the inexact version was accepted as a ratification of the original version.
      One state approved the amendment, but with variations in spelling, and the inexact version was accepted as a ratification of the original version.
      At least twenty-six states approved the amendment, but with changes in punctuation, and the inexact version was accepted as a ratification of the original version.
      Benson asserted that the Oklahoma State Legislature changed the wording of the amendment they approved so that it meant the opposite of the original amendment as it was submitted to the States by Congress, but that Secretary Knox counted Oklahoma as having approved the amendment.
      So according to the Constitution the 16th was never ratified

  19. Yet another civil war trigger, as America frays at the seams:

    ‘On Tuesday, the same day that Texas was briefly allowed to enforce a new law empowering police officers to arrest unauthorized migrants, Iowa lawmakers passed a bill that would make it a crime to enter their state after having been deported or denied entry into the United States.

    ‘At least seven states, all controlled by Republicans, are hoping to follow suit or have already considered bills.’

    ‘Jacob Hamburger, a visiting assistant professor of law at Cornell, said that the proposed laws run the risk of leading to racial profiling. He also said that if the courts uphold the Texas law — basically, that “Texas can have its own deportation policy” — then states led by Democratic governors may be emboldened to push for looser work authorization laws and other policies.’ — NYT


    Mirror-image red state and blue state immigration enforcement leads inexorably to a need for inspection stations at state borders — whether official, or vigilante style. This is rapidly spinning out of control. And ten million irregular migrants have a stake in the outcome. :-0

  20. This deliberate march towards global totalitarianism will not be stopped (or even slowed) by voting. It will be stopped the old fashioned way. Or we will be enslaved.

    My prediction is there will be another secession attempt that will again be thwarted. Then total technological enslavement.

  21. It has been said that it is the winners that write history. This is true, because history has lauded these men as heroes. We have been schooled to admire the rumored intentions of men and our version of what truly occurred is distorted. The men (and women) that made strides in history are overshadowed and misrepresented. When was the last Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” or “Rights of Man” were taught? How many Americans know that it was Samuel Adams that fought more for American independence than his cousin, John Adams? James Otis and his fight against taxation is hardly a blip on the radar.

    I am not disparaging the success of such men as Washington, Jefferson, or Madison, but they have been cloaked in a cape of illusion. They have been perceived as bearers of freedom when the truth showcases the chains were just exchanged to new owners.

  22. Most disturbing: “…a war is being waged upon us, one that will soon become a “hot war.” My husband Brian O’Shea, who cohosts the podcast “Unrestricted Invasion” with JJ Carrell, is documenting the positioning of military-age or gangland-age illegal-immigrant young men, in barracks-type situations in strategic points around the country. This week he went undercover to a budget hotel in Massachusetts, where security and the hotel staff sought to prevent him from filming what was happening inside in relation to scores of illegal incomers. He was subsequently followed by a maroon sedan that pulled up right as he was leaving the hotel; the drivers proceeded to wait til he was his car, and then followed him across three different exits til he shook them off.

    Brian was also confronted by security, and then followed, earlier this year, when he went to document a facility in Brooklyn, Floyd Bennett Field, an area with over 1000 flat acres of land, where illegal immigrants are being housed in military-style facilities. Illegal immigrants are being housed at Chicago’s O’Hare airport, a sensitive strategic location for a possible attack on America, if there ever was one. Illegal immigrants, disproportionately fighting-age men, are being housed for months in hotels in midtown Manhattan, all basic expenses paid and with cleaning services.

    As they say, wake up and smell the coffee. This is not a domestic policy issue any longer — ie, what are these illegal immigrants getting that your legal immigrant parents or grandparents, your enslaved great-grandparents, did not get? To anyone who has ever been in a combat area, this set of situations depicts what is obviously a military or terrorist set of staging areas. Or, to be conservative, this set of landscapes has all the hallmarks of depicting military or terrorist staging areas.”…


  23. I’ve become disgusted with the Republican Party over the past around 20 years. They seem to have become a bunch of wimps and even had lousy nominees running against Barack Obama during his 2 runs for President. Not only that, they’ve railed against massive government spending when running for office, but government spending continued to increase even when they were in charge of the House, Senate, and/ or the White House. Government also continued to grow under Republican Presidents as some of the violations of civil liberties that we’ve been forced to endure just over the past 4 years can likely be traced back to stuff that was done when George W Bush was President. Passage of the Patriot Act, the establishment of Dept of Homeland Security, the establishment of the TSA, DOD bio shenanigans, etc.

    • Hear, hear, John. The Republican Party and their crowing about “limited government” is mind boggling. These are the same people that instilled TSA and made flyers remove their shoes to board a plane. The funding of DARPA, the FBI, the ATF, and the CIA is largely attributed to massive military spending approved by these same men and women. If this is freedom I would like a refund.

      • Hi RG,

        To justify the nonsensical proxy war against Russia, the Biden Thing is also using some of the same talking points that W used to justify his Afghanistan & Iraq wars. Or the excuse LBJ used to justify the Vietnam War 60 years ago…… “It’s for Democracy!” or “If we don’t stop X, X will spread to other countries!” (The old domino theory)

      • They could have at least said the spending limits were the OUTER LIMITS. Why not? They control the horizontal….they control the vertical…

    • Can likely be traced back to George W Bush? That SOB set up a turn key totalitarian regime with all the trimmings, then handed the shiny new keys over to Barack Hussein Obastard. All part of the plan, and stupid Republicans were very happy with it because it was (somehow) only going to be used against others. It’s a big f@#king club and you ain’t in it!

      It’s about making war on the only people who can defeat the empire, the American citizen.

  24. Eric: “If Jefferson could be reanimated and could see what a Republican is today – and what has become of the republic he knew when he was living.”

    I’m not sure what exactly he would say but I’m pretty sure that shortly afterwords he would either be dead or on a fast plane to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

    • Hear, hear! Read Patrick Henry, and then do a thought experiment: bring him back from eternity and walk him through a contemporary American airport. Think we might see a little violence?

  25. I considered myself a Republican only in the sense that I found an ideological friend in Ron Paul. But for that I have no use for the stupid party. As others rightly state, they’re different sides of the same coin.

  26. There is only one US party. The Psychopath Party. Politics is really easy to figure out once you realize they are all effing insane. They will murder by the 100’s of thousands, and sleep like a well fed old dog.

  27. ‘I realized soon after the one and only time I ever voted–in the 1994 mid-terms–that the Republicans exist solely to assist the Democrats in their main goal of ushering in communism.’ — Jason

    Ditto, Jason. I watched in total disgust during 1995-96 as RINO Senator Nancy Kassebaum (R-KS) passed the HIPPA Act with bipartisan support, meaning we now get asked to sign a stupid fedgov piece of paper at the doctor’s office. That simpering liberal saboteur bitch forever queered me on the Republiclown party. I started sending the RNC hate mail instead of checks.

  28. ‘Abe … became America’s first elected dictator, who eliminated the last peaceful circuit breaker left.’ — eric

    And the mischief of Ape’s War on Southern Independence lives on, in the mischievous Section 3 of the post-Civil War Amendment XIV.

    Just two weeks ago, most of us breathed a sigh of relief when the Supreme Court struck down Colorado’s lame attempt to exclude Trump from the presidential ballot. That’s an exclusively federal prerogative, ruled the hacks in black.

    Now we get the sting in the tail from the black-robed statists:

    ‘The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from a former New Mexico county commissioner, Couy Griffin, who was kicked out of office after he was convicted of trespassing during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The court’s ruling in the Trump case explicitly said [Section 3] could still be used against state and local officials.

    ‘CREW [Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington], which brought the lawsuit against Trump’s candidacy, has identified state lawmakers it believes might be vulnerable to challenges under Section 3.

    ‘[CREW attorney Stuart] McPhail says there is a new sense of urgency to take action against state or local officials linked to Jan. 6 — before they run for federal office and can’t be sidelined.

    ‘Derek Muller, a Notre Dame law professor, said he wouldn’t be surprised if Section 3 litigation eventually targets people for reasons well beyond Jan. 6. “I don’t know how widespread it’s going to be,” he said. “I’m sure people are going to start thinking creatively about what it means — if you’re supporting Hamas, the Taliban, Black Lives Matter.”


    Don’t mean to be melodramatic, but the fedgov’s idiot high court has just lit the fuse on a state-by-state ideological war over ballot cleansing. Blue states like New Mexico will go after ‘election deniers,’ while red states such as neighboring Texas will seek to ballot-cleanse ‘Hamas supporters’ — i.e., anyone who dares to opine that Israel is using excessive force in Gaza.

    I am fricking appalled. We’re gonna need more ammo …

    • The additional ammo won’t help, Jim. The federal government will just send in a SWAT Team at 6 am to your home and shoot you in the head before you make it to the front door.

        • Then they will just shoot you on the front lawn. Think about the poor kids trying to catch the school bus. They are patiently waiting for the shuttle for another day of indoctrination and there Grandpa shuffles on out screaming on his front porch at the twelve guys in full tactical gear with M16s drawn. Grandpa doesn’t stand a chance.

          The twelve guys will then tell the children that they saw nothing, hand them a lollipop and give them a pat on the head and threaten to behead their cat if they say anything.

          Just another day in the life at the Banana Republic!

      • Knowing that a thinking man would have a minefield, perimeter surveillance, and a death trap at ever port of his castle. Just saying…. Maybe…

    • >Blue states like New Mexico

      Well, New Mexico is geographically large (5th largest state, just after Montana), and though the population is small, it is most definitely *NOT* politically homogeneous. I guarantee you that Otero County (Mr. Griffin’s home county) does not vote Democrat.

      Pete Domenici served many years in the U.S. Senate as a Republican, as did Manuel Lujan in the U.S. House of Representatives. Then of course there was Gary Johnson, who identified as “Libertarian,” but manifested as fairly ignorant of world geography, which killed any hope he might have had for national office.

      On the Democrat side, we had Bill Richardson, Clinton P. Anderson, Dennis Chavez, et. al.
      Based on my experience (Albuquerque being my home town, many years ago*) an important qualification for anyone seeking federal office (Senate or House) from NM is the ability to “bring home the bacon” from D.C. If you can do that, many people do not care about your party affiliation. FedGov controis large areas, between National Forests, military installations and the nuclear weapons complex, and Native tribes control large areas as well.

      Navajo Nation is the largest tribe, and though they are poor, many Navajo are staunch Republicans, and nearly all are patriotic Americans who are proud of their “dual citizenship.”
      * Highland High, Class of 1966.
      The school mascot, Herbie the Hornet, is named after an aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Hornet:
      School colors navy blue and new gold, natch.
      I went to school with a *LOT* of military brats (mainly USAF). Kirtland AFB is home to USAF Special Weapons Center. Special = Nuclear
      Sandia National Laboratories is one of the largest employers.
      East of SNL was Manzano Base, a.k.a. Site Able, where nuclear weapons were stored. Manzano Base was deactivated, but the nukes are still in Albuquerque, moved to a nearby facility on KAFB. These people are *not* left wing, to put it mildly.

      • ‘Navajo Nation is the largest tribe, and though they are poor, many Navajo are staunch Republicans.’ — Adi Heidler

        Totally get your comments about the somewhat schizophrenic nature of New Mexico’s politics. Cowboy pastor Couy Griffin, whose ejection from office in Otero County was just rubber-stamped by the fedgov hacks in black, is a classic example of salt-of-the-earth New Mexicans. And the Navajos run a great country music station out of Gallup, KYAT 94.5.

        Meanwhile, former Navajo Nation president Jonathan Nez is the likely Democrat challenger to my incumbent Freedom Caucus rep Eli Crane in Arizona’s 2nd district.


        Jonathan Nez is the Fauci/Walensky puppet who harshly locked down his people during the pandemic, and vaxxed the shit out of them.

        While I respect native Americans in general, I will fight like hell to keep ‘dual citizen’ Jonathan Nez from usurping our district’s House seat.

        • >Jonathan Nez is the Fauci/Walensky puppet who harshly locked down his people during the pandemic, and vaxxed the shit out of them.

          Traitor to his people, IOW.
          Nicht wahr?

      • If Gary Johnson had a serious chance to garner enough electoral votes to throw the 2016 election into the House, the Hildebeast would have had him Arkancided.

  29. I realized soon after the one and only time I ever voted–in the 1994 mid-terms–that the Republicans exist solely to assist the Democrats in their main goal of ushering in communism. The Repubs basically play Washington Generals to the Dem’s Harlem Globetrotters, i.e. their only purpose is to make the Dems look good and win “games” while acting like fools on the “court.”

    And for those of you who still haven’t figured out what I learned all those years ago: voting is a hoax. Your vote doesn’t count, and elections are decided by the behind-the-scenes machinations of our nations ultimate rulers (bankers, corporate interests, et al), not by your voting.

    • I agree with a lot of this. This country is simply too large to be capable of self government. In 1913, the number of representatives was limited to 435. It may have been good when the country was only 70 million, but now, congressional districts are almost 800k in size.

      Of course, the amendment that forced direct election on senators was able to guarantee corporate dominance over senators instead of states retaining the same.

      This whole state, local and federal govenrment thing assures us that the individual has three layers of government to deal with, not just one like in many other countries. It is interesting that an individual living in a large texas couny has only 5 county commissioners but gets to elect 20 judges to adjudicate nonsense in courtrooms. How in fuck is the average person to know what judge to vote for if they have never been in court? Its fucked up. So, back to the “local or county government,” you have one commissioner who has 1.1 million people to represent and claims his “hands are tied by the state” when it comes to the county building a road and approving every single building permit from Wal Mart, Home Depot and the large Mexican restaurant.

      Is it any wonder that to paraphrase Charles Kuralt (who got it wrong), that you travel an interstate from coast to coast and you see the same thing over and over and over? Kuralt says you see nothing…(that was before they discovered how to puke up boxes with debt fueled funny money)

      Anyway, that’s just part of it. Voting for these clowns wont change it. Engaging them can. Though, its a long shot.

      • Back to the county commissioner example. His hands are tied until you decide that you want to build a shed in your back yard. Then the sheriff comes and has a talk.

      • Agreed: One of the reasons for the demise of the Soviet Union was that it became too large for even a dictatorship to govern.

      • It’s not a long shot, actually it is an absolute certainty. But it’s going to be hellishly messy and painful. When man builds a trap for himself he always has to know off a limb to get out of it.


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