Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 06/12/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked Orange Man Bad and what’s likely about to get worse, soon:

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  1. The Germans have always been frugal when it comes to throwing away things. This got them in trouble after the War when it was said they were even “recycling Jews” in the ’30s and 40’s.
    The Green Thing is not a recent phenomenon. It has been going on for decades.
    In my apartment building there are two bins. One for paper and the other for Restmüll or other trash. Down the street, there are containers for people to drop their old clothes and glass. Every so often, there are days one can leave large item on the street (such as furniture) for pickup. There are also places throughout the city where one can leave items such as oil, batteries, chemicals, electrical items, etc. Not sure about the immigrants but Germans dutifully abide by this.
    Homes are treated differently than apartments where as: the trash must be separated more thoroughly. There are different plastic sacks for metal and plastic. There are also different rolling containers for bio degradables (grass, food, etc.) and regular trash (which isn’t much once one has separated everything). No one is monitoring this. If a home owner chooses to put all his trash in the Restmüll (or regular trash container), he is free to do so. His decision comes down to cost. He must pay to have his Restmüll picked up. The separated items are free pickup.

  2. Here is the difference between Super and Normal Diesel according to Google.

    A premium diesel is a diesel fuel containing any additional performance enhancing additive or additives that are designed to optimize engine performance, fuel economy, and combat regular engine wear and tear.

    I can’t say anything about engine wear and tear but I didn’t notice a difference in performance or fuel economy.


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