Reader Question: Buy the Old Jag?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Joey asks: Considering purchasing this 2006 Jaguar XJ8L with 85,000 miles on it.  I will be taking it to my local mechanic to have it checked out but also wanted your opinion on it.  I hear Jaguar parts are not easy to come by.  Also, if you were to purchase this, what price would you aim for?  Thanks for any information you can pass along.  I really enjoy your contributions to David Knight, Bill Meyer, and Bryan Hyde.

My Reply: These old Jags are elegant, comfortable cars. They are what luxury cars once were – before they transitioned into being luxury-sport sedans. That said, they are still luxury cars and they are modern luxury cars – which means they are more expensive to repair and often more likely to need repairs than vehicles that were built to be economical and marketed more for their lower ownership costs than for such things as luxury amenities.

On the plus side, 85,000 miles is very low miles for a car that is almost 20 years old. If the car was well-kept during the previous almost-20-years, it is not a bad bet that you’ll get many years and miles of enjoyment out of it. I looked at the photos you sent and the car looks great – but it’s hard to tell from just pictures. You are smart to have a mechanic you trust check it out. If he gives it a thumbs up – and the price is right – I would not argue against buying it.

I’m guessing you could get this in your garage for $8,000 or so.

Please keep us posted!

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  1. Oy! It’s sad that this is an “older” Jag. When I read the title I thought we might be talking XKE or XJ12 or something from the early 80s or older. I love em, but every Jag I’ve owned has been a money pit.


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