Big Mike is Coming


Picture a couple of piranhas in a fishbowl, cheek to cheek. Each eyeing the other for signs of weakness that, when seen, leads quickly to the one piranha consuming the other. Last night, we watched Joe Biden being eyed – by the Left.

Which is about to consume him.

There is now very little doubt that the obviously senile old grifter is done-for. He is chum. Whatever the Orange Man’s deficits – and they are many – he is not (as yet) a dead man walking. Biden became just that – almost literally – as he shuffled onto the stage last night; his vacant-angry facial expressions could have been crafted by a mortician. He looked, at any rate, like a man who will soon require the services of one.

The pretense that this near-corpse will be the nominee of the Left – there is no longer a “Democratic” Party – is another delusion of our times, along with “safe and effective.” But few believe that anymore, either.

Now the eyes of the piranhas focus on the soon-to-be-chum. It may not even be another week before he is bones scattered on the bottom of the fishbowl, the flesh picked clean.

It is that bad – and they know it is.

More to the point, they know that the orange anathema is now on track to actually win – because they won’t be able to pretend an electoral majority voted for this casket-model. It was possible to pull it off, last time, because they were able to keep the casket-model in the basement for most of the (s)election year on account – so ran the excuse – of “the pandemic.” They haven’t got that excuse this time and it’s probably too late (and too soon) to try that one again. A lot can happen over the course of the next five months before we get to the (s)election and it is possible Orange Man will be offed before then.

Or in prison.

But what’s certain, as of the Day After yesterday, is that the near-corpse must go.

How he will go is yet to be seen.

It may be a simple resignation – for reasons of health. It may be death – as from natural causes. Dementia is not just about losing one’s cognitive faculties; it is a fatal and often rapidly progressing disease. (I speak from experience here as my mother suffers from dementia; she went from being capable of living independently to living in a memory care home over the course of less than two years. She is only slightly older than Biden.)

So, who will it be?

There is only one obvious candidate. The wife of the man who has been running Joe Biden for the past going-on-four years. The woman that man’s brother, Malik, regularly refers to as Big Mike.

Read into that whatever you like.

For the Left, there is a lot to like about Big Mike – starting with the fact that it’d be the continuation of the Obama administration for another four years. Just long enough to really “fundamentally transform” what’s left of America, per her husband. Who would be much more than the (God help us) “first gentleman.” Anyone who thinks he would be probably still thinks the COVID drugs were “safe and effective.”

The wife of the man who has been running Joe Biden is also two things that one of the other contenders – the odious Gavin Newsom – is not. Those being black and (so we are assured) female. She is also at least relatively young, which the other contender – the caw-cawing termagant who lost to the Orange Man eight years ago – isn’t. And – unlike the caw-cawing termagant – the Left loves the wife of the man who has been running Joe Biden. She is their aspirational everything; a kind of political Oprah and with similar mojo.

The difficulty – for the Left – lies in the how.

It is not enough to get the casket model into the viewing room where he belongs because that would leave the job and so the presumptive nomination to Kamala Harris, who is also black and female but caw-caws just like the elderly termagant the Orange Man denied her place in history back in 2016.

It is doubtful she’d willingly step aside for Big Mike and the bigger problem is getting her to step aside before the Leftists hold their convention, which is still almost two months away from now. And the problem with that is two months is about two months too long for what’s going on right now to continue going on.

The Left hasn’t got time to wait – to nix Kamala at the convention. Or to suffer two more months of what happened last night, which was the best result they were able to summon after a week of secluded coaching sessions and – probably – a cocktail of uppers and god-knows-what-else that would have caused Theo Morrell, who kept Hitler sort-of going for the last few months of the war, to blanche.

Ergo, expect something to happen – and soon. Something . . . big.

Because this cannot be allowed to go on.

. . .

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  1. I have a different take on it. Biden stays. But Kennedy wins, the “independent” wins the selection. It will be stolen again. He is the perfect tool for the deep state because he is genuine. And he genuinely doesn’t get it. He won’t know he is being used. They will even let him think he is sorting out JFK’s assassination, reigning in big Pharma, saving the environment etc.

  2. I’m betting they kill them both. Trump by a stroke once he’s sentenced and Creepy Joe via sudden cardiac halt with Pfizer precision “in his sleep”… The powers that be have already selected the next puppet. You have no choice.

    That leaves puppets RFK and Gruesome or Killary. Killary vs RFK would be fantastic spectacle.

  3. I’ve changed my mind about who will be installed next. I am now picking Nikki Haley as the winner of the Nov 5th farcical election, here is my rock solid logic:

    I read a NYT article yesterday, they want Biden removed, and Speaker Johnson says they will use the 25th amendment.


    Because in this late phase of the election theater show, 3 states have bylaws which prevent Biden from being removed unless the 25th is invoked. A UK news article put forth 6 democratic hopefuls and Michelle was NOT one of them.

    So I still have my money on Gavin Newscum as the Demoncrap party selection, with possibly Big Mike as VP.

    But they will not win, it will be Nimrata “Kali Yuga” Haley for the reasons stated in the linked comment.

    Trump is going to jail in just 10 days. It will be unprecedented Goyim, VOTE HARDER! Your vote matters! This is a democracy!

    • Things in Amerika are getting weirder by the day. Now we have Putin saying that they will unleash the Bird Flu virus to disrupt the Nov election in Amerika, scroll down until you see the video:

      I want all you out there to remain calm and stand back and be detached from the Washington D.C. shit show,

      I call it “SWAMP THEATER”.

      The United States is going down and the DC swamp theater players are going ever more insane – desperate to maintain their power and illusions over us.

      IMO only a fool votes. For one thing, nothing will change who gets installed. You will still be using worthless fiat scrip, still have to pay taxes, the wars will go on, corporations will be extending their control over us, the Zionists will still be making all the foreign policy decisions.

      So does it really matter if the president is brain dead old pedo Biden, or Clamidia Kumalaho Harris, or Jabbin’ Newscum, or “Kali Yuga” Haley, or a hyena, a jackal, or a pit adder, or a reptilian alien from Orion? Nope! You are ruled by pure evil. And the installed puppet matters not. What they want is someone so brain dead that they rubber stamp what the owners want.

      The only job of the president (or the actor in a rubber mask) is to stand in front of some green screen and read the script – and convince you that we must go to war, and sacrifice for the greater good, etc. etc.

      No cheap Hilux pickups for you Goyim, vee must fight climate change and save the planet!

    • Hi Jack,

      Not only do I agree with you, but I will raise you one. Joe Biden will resign due to health concerns and Kamala will be the first female President with six months to spare. That is how they get her out of the White House with very little fight. She makes history with very little scrutiny and then floats away to live in some McMansion outside of Palm Springs.

      HBO’s “Veep” was not just a television show, but a prophecy.

  4. A name not mentioned in this thread yet is Jill Biden. She probably is pulling an Edith Wilson. We been seeing a lot of her lately. If nothing else, she is running Joe’s day to day. So has she pissed off those that are really in charge?

    A spouse taking over for a president has happened before.

    A little history lesson. In 1919 President Wilson had a stroke. A massive stroke. It wasn’t reported by the press, nor did the doctor (a close friend of Wilson) report it to congress as he was required to do by law. Wilson should have left office, but he didn’t. Because Edith became de facto president. So is Jill the hand in the puppet and become the next Edith?

    Who decided to do this debate? It should have been clear to those around Joe, that it was a bad idea. And Biden could have easily gotten away without having to debate Trump. They had to know there would be no Ronald Reagan moment when he deflated the old guy concerns with a great joke that probably saved his campaign. (“I won’t use Mondale’s youth and inexperience against him.” If you don’t know what I am referring to.)

    We are for sure in a Weekend at Bernies moment.

    BTW: Wilson was probably one of the worst presidents ever. One of the first one world government advocates, helped create the income tax, the FED and a committed racist (he resegregated the federal government).

    • I doubt it was Edith running things. More likely Edward Mandell House a.k.a “Colonel” House. If I recall correctly he maintained an office at the White House during those years. He laid out the philosophy of the country’s movement towards collectivism and the administrative state in his fictional work Philip Dru, Administrator.

    • What happens if the husk of “Joe Biden” get nominated for President, then dies before the election?
      Anyone know?
      Can a dead man be elected President of the US?
      Who, if anyone, “inherits” the nomination?
      VP nominee? How?
      AFAIK, US Constitution is silent on this point.
      Do the Dimocrats have to have an emergency re-convention to nominate a fresh candidate?
      Does the Rethuglican candidate win by default?
      Is an election with only one live candidate legitimate in the US?
      Can you say “constitutional crisis?”
      Inquiring minds want to know…

      • Hi Adi,

        Watching my mother’s decline over the past four years has been interesting, to say the least. I may write about this some more…

    • There’s also a conspiracy theory that Eleanor Roosevelt was secretly running the White House during the last months of FDR’s tenure. He supposedly had a stroke and was kept out of public view while Eleanor took over. (I once heard a lecturer refer to her as America’s first female president.)

  5. Eric: “It may be death – as from natural causes.”

    In Witness, Whittaker Chambers quoted a favorite party slogan as “Any fool can commit a murder, but it takes an artist to commit a good natural death.” Lets face it, the current left is made up of the children and grandchildren of the crowd he was hanging around with at the time.

  6. I too believe Biden is not going anywhere. Even if he wanted to leave, which he doesn’t. He has to stay in power to pardon his son or commute his sentence and then he has to wait for the results of the next trial. And even if he didn’t have that situation, he knows that the levers of power will be turned against him as he has tried to persecute Trump and throw him in jail. He may be a fool, and in fact, always has been, but he’s not fool enough to allow himself to be hung for treason. Jill will continue to prop him up as best she can and as he once said, “we have built the worlds greatest voter fraud organization in history”. He did it before, and he’s going to try to do it again.

  7. I think Brandon stays put. The doddering Brezhnev-like character is an avatar for the Sovietized Deep State gaslighting of folks. It has its own prerogatives that take precedence no matter what meat sack fronts the regime. People looking for competence, leadership or “change” from the meat sack are missing the point.

  8. What will the Democrat Party & the establishment do if they do call for Joe Biden to step down and he refuses? Will they pull the 25th Amendment on him or even kill him and claim that “MAGA killed him”, that he “committed suicide” or “died of natural causes”? Look at what happened to Seth Rich when Hillary Clinton was running for President in 2016. IIRC the government claimed he died in a botched robbery attempt, but given that Rich also exposed the shenanigans that the Democrat Party establishment was committing to benefit Hillary Clinton during the primaries, I think someone murdered him for exposing those shenanigans, and the government concocted their narrative involving Seth Rich’s death to protect themselves and their preferred candidate for President at the time, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    • Hi John,

      A truly hideous scenario would be if some sheep-dipped lunatic were to off the old pedophile-grifter. Some “right wing” person – who was a “threat to democracy.” The Kamal Thing could declare martial law. No election.

      It would make the “pandemic” seem like a picnic.

      • Eric,

        If that were to happen, the establishment would likely go full Ukraine and postpone the 2024 election and even seek to BAN certain political movements and parties under guise of “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaving Democracy”.

    • >step down and he refuses?
      Died in his sleep of “natural causes” sounds like a reasonable choice, for those so inclined.
      There must be plenty of “means of assistance” which look “just like a heart attack.”
      Just sayin…
      “NOT* advocating.

      Have to grease him B4 the “Convention,” though, in order for Greasy Gavin to magically appear and save the day. Otherwise…what *does* happen if the nominee dies before the election? Does anyone know?

  9. Went over and had a beer with a Lib Dem buddy last evening. Though normally he doesn’t communicate with politicians, he sent three messages yesterday:

    1. Asked ‘Biden’ to step down.
    2. Asked the DNC to make ‘Biden’ step down.
    3. Asked Gavin Newsom to step in.

    Leftists totally get it: ‘Biden’ is toast. Now, in a panic, they are casting about for a deus ex machina on a dashing white steed to spare them from the baroque horrors of Orange Man Bad.

    It’s a very irregular situation, full of intrigues and unexpected plot twists. As ol’ Saddam Hussein used to say, ‘Anything is possible now, my brothers!’ 🙂

  10. Eric,

    I agree; Barack Obama has been pulling the puppet strings of Joe Biden. Why? Simple-unlike all other Presidents, he didn’t leave Washington, DC. All other former Presidents, once they left the White House, they left DC and rode off into the sunset.

    OTOH, the Obamas bought the 8.1 million mansion just two miles from the White House. Why break tradition? Why stay in DC? Furthermore, why live so close to the White House? Could it be to stay close to the action? Could it be he’s pulling a Sonny, a la “A Bronx Tale”? Remember, Sonny told Cologero that, while he could live anywhere he wanted, he remained in the neighborhood to keep an eye on things, so as to maintain his power as a Mob boss. Methinks a similar dynamic is playing out in DC with Obama’s decision to remain in town and close to the White House he once occupied.

  11. Folks,

    If the Dem Party puts Michelle Obama at the top of the ticket, then she’ll have an epic, SLAM DUNK win! Why? One, all Dems will support her; they’ll pull the D lever, no matter who heads the ticket. Two, many of those who hate Trump will vote for Michelle Obama. Three, she’ll win the lion’s share of the women’s vote; women will overwhelmingly support MO.

    Why? One, like OMG, we’re making history; we’ll have the first woman POTUS, so we have to vote for her! Two, women, particularly the white, suburban soccer moms, don’t like Trump; he’s too rude, too crude, and too gauche. Three, women will support The Sisterhood, and The Sisterhood will support Michelle Obama. If the Dems place Michelle Obama at the top of the ticket, they’ll easily win. They won’t have to steal 2024; if Michelle Obama is the nominee, then the Dems can win this honestly.

  12. “Casket-model” – EP

    This made me chuckle because it is true. Did you see some of the screen shots of his wide-eyed, smile face.

    Looked like the joker, sans make up.

    • The real Joey B. has been dead for quite awhile now.

      Who the actor/robot was last night’s debate was simply a tragicomedy of epic proportions.

      The (((overlords))) are rubbing in our Goyim faces a “fearless leader” who is a worldwide joke and laughingstock…

      And what does the American public do about it???


      As TS Eliot said in the Hollow Men, “the way (our) world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper…”

      • Hi Saxon’s

        The strangest aspect of the debate – for me – was the way CNN presented it. The moderators asked questions/follow-ups that were reasonable rather than favorable to Biden and didn’t badger Trump. It was almost as if they wanted Biden to fail…

        • Recall that CNN is in pretty rough shape. I’ll bet this blog has more clicks than their primetime lineup has viewers on any given night. Remember that Zucker was ousted in 2023 after getting “caught” diddling a colleague. The new management is probably looking at the overnights and realized this would be a pretty good chance to bring back the middle of the road viewer, or at least not piss them off at every opportunity.

          The story reads like the changes are all pretty much temporary until Licht gets the lay of the land. Then the big restructuring will begin. In my experience that’s usually how big management changes happen. Maybe make a few adjustments for the short term, but after a year or so get the people you want and build the hierarchy you want. That’s the bloodbath. Might take a little longer with an outfit like CNN. I imagine it’s hard to get people to move to ATL without a lot of cajoling.

        • That’s my take on it too Eric. Don’t debates traditionally start in Sept? If so, this very early debate was a set up to take him down. Neither candidate has officially been selected yet at their conventions.
          The flip of the media is the tell to me. They all knew the guy was mentally gone years ago, and obviously continued to lie. And then for all of them to flip at the same time? The fix is in.

          • Exactly that was the biggest tell. The media has been obviously orchestrating pre planned narratives in unison for years. They don’t bother to hide it anymore. It has become a dumbed down step by step betty crocker recipe:
            1 whispers emanate from dc Biden is losing it
            2 denials he is losing it attacks on the right
            3 hold a debate so people can see how bad biden really is and how old trump also looks
            4 everyone exclaim in sudden horror that biden has lost it
            5. jail trump, deal with kamala insert newsome and michelle dramatics and limited hangouts until election day
            6. victory for the Left! Resume destroying usa

  13. America needs an Amazon Woman for El Presidente. Big Mike is not enough, have to have a bigger and better pussy.

    No other pussy out there like Bibi, Trump knows that for sure.

    Benjamin Netanyahu, the wuss that he is, for President of the Jew Super Assholes, Americans excluded. A Jew woman like Bibi is close enough, freaking dink.

    Fuck you, Bibi. You are a Super Asshole Supremacist who can FOAD.

    Change my mind. I don’t think so.

    America has to know, no other way.

  14. Here we go again: Rs and Ds have most folks just were they want them –
    believing there are only two choices – forever – Democrat or Republican.

    Rs and Ds some time ago took over the presidential debates from the
    League of Women Voters – Ross Perot did too well – no third party
    to ever be in “debates” again.

    Let the deceitful show continue ZZZ…

  15. Frankly I don’t know why Trump’s team agreed to the CNN debate. I’m sure they knew damn good & well what the dem strategy was/is to replace ol’ Joe. He may find himself against a formidable candidate (e.g. RFK Jr) as opposed to big mike or hillary or governor hairdo.

    • Astute Youtuber Mark Dice from California says they will bring in Gavin Newsom

      Why Gavin Newsom? He’s a governor, he rubber stamps the green agenda, has taken California into the extreme anti-fossil fuel direction.

      Then there’s Hillary, who lost to Trump, so at the DNC they will for sure not pick her.

      Then there is Big Mike Michelle Obama – who will have much support, so the DNC will pick:

      1. Gavin as Presidential candidate

      2. Michell Obama as VP – setting her up for a future presidency


      Unfortunately for RFK Jr., they do not want any Kennedy, and they have killed 3 of them thus far. RFK will be sidelined like Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, and Ross Perot.

      So IMO Hellery and RFK are out for sure.

      That leaves Gavin and Michelle on the ticket. Gavin has the experience, Michelle has never held any office, so there is no way they would put her on as pres. Newsom, BTW, is a young political doppleganger of Biden.

      • I agree and have believed since he made that impromptu visit to the WH in 2022 that he was preselected to become president in 2024. He’s as left as they come and has the hair to top it off.

  16. A scripted episode of Master POS theater. Even the moderators were well behaved, which was unprecedented for CNN. At the end of the show I felt hungry, for what kind of circus doesn’t include bread?

    My wife confirmed my suspicions that I am, in fact, a double hater. Both of these geriatric train wrecks are lower than pond scum. Maybe we should just see who can hit the ball the furthest. Seriously, as Carlin would say, ‘I’d rather watch flies fuck.’

    One of them should be watching snails at the Fletcher memorial home, the other should be in round the clock treatment for his egomaniacal narcissism. It boggles my mind that in a country this size, this is what it comes down to. Its as you’ve described many times Eric, a WWF smackdown. Not entertaining anymore, as Trump learned nothing from his failures and never will.

    I don’t think it will be Big Mike or screwsum Newsum. The anger out here is growing at a rate that should be the beginning of the end for women (hehe) being in charge of anything outside their homes. And minorities? Please, we wont be ready for another black president for a decade or more. Oh wait I forgot, the Deep State decides who runs Boomertown, so anything is possible.

    I do hope its Newsome for the Ds. My 8 cent calls spiked last night and are now deep ITM. Some skullduggery is afoot as someone pumped Biden to win back up near where they were before the debate. It made almost a 100% round trip in the last 12 hours.

    • ‘geriatric train wrecks’ — Norman Franklin

      Breaking: CNN reports that President Biden will not drop out. He is committed to a second debate with Donald Trump in September.

      9:35 AM · Jun 28, 2024

      This is true American-style politics: screw the people; screw the country — is it good for me?

      Among other things, ‘Biden’ needs to remain in office to stay out of prison, to pardon his wayward son after sentencing, and maybe to snatch a few more paper bags full of C-notes (‘♥ Volodymyr’ scrawled on the outside).

      Like poor senile Dianne Feinstein, ‘Joe’ isn’t leaving till they carry him out feet first.

      • Drudge headline: CRUEL JILL CLINGS TO POWER

        Some people claim
        That there’s a woman to blame
        But I know, it’s my own damn fault

        – Jimmy Buffett, Margaritaville

        • Hi Jim,

          This business reminds me of what a certain someone said 84 years ago; I can hear Trump saying it now:

          “In England, they’re filled with curiosity and keep asking ‘Why doesn’t he come?’ Be calm, be calm. He’s coming! He’s coming!”

      • Margaritaville is looking better and better by the day. There used to be a real life Margaritaville on the island of Tortola, BVI.

        Down in Gulf Shores Alabama you could look for your lost Shaker of Salt after an evening at the Sand Shaker in Orange beach. Wild place with a real roadhouse vibe to it.

        Probably need to go much further south to avoid the cat-5 shit-storm about to hit the US though

        • Hi Norman,

          There is one in Grand Turk, Cayman. It is cruise ship hell, but a little bit of norovirus sounds more appealing than the Cat 5 you are alluding to. Please pass me the Jerk BBQ pork tacos and a Pina Colada.

          • Still have some islands on my bucket list along with some spots in South America. My wife has been trying to get me to go on a cruise forever. Still haven’t been. But tacos and Pina Coladas does sound nice. Better than the Bolshevik freakout thats headed East to Arizona from kommiefornia.

  17. Eric, I just heard in the news something about the supreme court overturning the “Chevron” decision. Apparently, regulatory agencies (like EPA, DOT, etc.) will now have to go through congress whenever issuing new onerous regulations, as opposed to being able to rubber-stamp them. If this is true, that’s very good news. I just heard about it a minute ago. Have you heard anything about this?

    • It’s not that simple. The Chevron deference forced the courts to use regulatory body interpretations of law. Now, the courts can decide the fundamentals of regulations. I’m no lawyer, but this decision changes how courts evaluate challenges to regulation, not how congress passes them. It’ll definitely remove lots of between the lines interpretations, though, which is great.

  18. Well, it’s started. A liberal Democrat family member, who has realized for months that ‘Biden’ is toast, now thinks it highly likely that Trump gets elected. He thinks Biden should withdraw, but also admits that it’s probably too late.

    So he and his wife are focusing on several European cities they visited recently, to expatriate from Trump’s reign of terror. They have the means, and are fairly serious about this.

    It’s gonna be kind of like a Rapture, in which only Democrats fly away. 🙂

    Just a few more weary days and then
    I’ll fly away
    To a land where Trump shall never wend
    I’ll fly away

    • I know people like this. I always encourage them to move to North Korea, which implements the end stage of their ideal, just like they tell me to move to Somalia, which is libertarian paradise (not that I ever threaten to move away, which is kinda odd).

    • Too funny. They won’t do it. Reality testing drama. TDS coping strategy (the drama) indicates they are not ready to let go of their delusions. Not ready to admit they were suckered.

  19. Barack is on YouTube begging for five dollars to support the election of a Democrat nominee, whatever that is.

    Obama has money up the wazoo and so do the Demon-rats.

    I need the five dollars I have and if Obama wants to support Democrats, he can empty his bank accounts and hit the streets, living with homeless vets in California will be a lesson learned.

    Haul Biden to St. James Infirmary and be done with the poor soul.

    Please stop abusing the clueless thing.

    Trump needs to straighten up and fly right. What a buffoon.

    Please stop abusing the American populace, you idiot politician Ziocrats.

    You are a pain in the ass.

    Beer time, again.

  20. This just in, courtesy of the WSJ “ WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court upended the federal regulatory framework in place for 40 years, expanding the power of federal judges to second-guess agency decisions over environmental, consumer and workplace safety policy among other areas.”
    Now let’s see if any of the automakers have the balls to tell the EPA to take their CAFE rules and stick them where the sun doesn’t shine. Not holding my breath, though.

    • Mike in Boston, this is good news!!! Here’s the money quote from the opinion:

      Chevron is overruled. Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority, as the APA requires. Careful
      attention to the judgment of the Executive Branch may help inform that inquiry. And when a particular statute delegates authority to an agency consistent with constitutional limits, courts must respect the delegation, while ensuring that the agency acts within it. But courts need not and under the APA may not defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous.

    • Another bit of good news which Mike In Boston will appreciate:

      ‘The Supreme Court is putting the EPA’s air pollution-fighting “good neighbor” plan on hold while legal challenges continue, the conservative-led court’s latest blow to federal regulations.

      ‘The rule restricts smokestack emissions from power plants and other industrial sources that burden downwind areas with smog-causing pollution. It will remain on hold while the federal appeals court in Washington considers a challenge to the plan from industry and Republican-led states.’

      Red Guard Regan on the back foot! *takes potshot at fleeing communist*

    • Yeah, the current crop of automakers might not do it, but imagine if a foreign car company built a plant in the US and started making cars that people wanted.

      • I would love that! Something very simple (no unnecessary electronics or sensors) and solid. Without the onerous EPA, NHTSA et. al. restrictions, it could easily be done, and a simple car could be sold here could be sold for something like $10,000 new

  21. As the old saying goes, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull shit”.
    Lord knows they are incapable of the former, so we get the latter. In abundance.

  22. Big Mike might actually be an upgrade over what was on display last night. Orange Dufus did not disappoint, with his childish rube-like demeanor. And a dark-eyed, chattering corpse whispering gibberish. Both of whose substance amounted to telling each other they were the worst president in US history (yes), because reasons. What the hell kind of choices are these? What the hell even was that last night, if not rubbing our noses in shit? I actually almost felt sorry for CNN, having to try and pretend this was serious.

  23. It will be interesting to watch which loser the Demonrats pick to be their guy. And Michelle is indeed a guy, born Michael Lavaughn Robinson, a male, and homosexual lover of Barak Obama in high school.

    Here is Big Mike’s 1970s workout video:

    Since Big Mike is a male, he can not have kids. The two Obama children were “rented” from friends, the real parents now exposed. I could care less about any of this, but the Obama’s did falsely present themselves as a heterosexual couple with children. In other words they are deceivers and liars – people who are after power and lack integrity – and thus should not be voted for.

    You may find the Obama’s weird, even freakish, but that is nothing compared to this Frog Clown Prince Macron who is married to Brigitte – a trans like Michelle – but also his biological father – exposed by a 3 year investigation by French publication La Monde.

    Obviously, like David Icke says, we are dealing with a CULT, some kind of weird demented sex cult is running the world. And if you are horrified by these degenerate sex freaks then you must be “transphobic” LOL

  24. What are the options for the Demo-Marxists:

    Wag the dog, cause a war and keep Brandon;
    Deep state false flag set up Brandon with a patsy MAGA doing the job, but that leaves cackling Kamala as pres;
    Cut a deal with cackling Kamala to leave (Kamala has a health event) and Hillary or Big Mike to take over the helm of VP; (Kamala better have some food tasters lined up)
    Release the gain of function bird flu with some real death coming to the susceptible elderly and a shutdown the country before the election;
    Continue full speed with prison for the Orange Man;
    What else?

  25. I saw Shatner speak at a convention in Dallas a few weeks ago. At 93, he’s slowed down and used a scooter to get around the show floor, but he was light years more coherent than Biden.

    Responding to one question about meeting Ricardo Montalban during Q&A at a panel, Shatner gave a lengthy response documenting his encounters with Montalban as the older actor’s health deteriorated over the years and whether or not it is possible for someone to “know” whether they are about to die.

    • While I certainly don’t rule out any of these replacement scenarios, I still think they will allow Trump to win. They still want their war and they hope Trump will convince white boys to join the military. Failing that, the Fed will go full-blown Paul Volcker on him to crater the economy, so they can have their great reset.

      • Makes sense to me:

        Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s all a Kayfabe with the Orange Man set to take the fall for a number of things hitting the fan in the next four years.

  26. After watching last night’s “debate”, which was more like a name calling contest, I remain convinced the only proper vote is for none of the above.

    • Amen, Mike.

      I believe last night’s event was pre planned which is why they had the debate so soon and before the Democratic convention. Anyone with eyes wide open knew Uncle Joe has been fading. It was obvious in 2020, it is even worse now.

      When the “after debate coverage” started it took less than two minutes for the first liberal to demand his replacement. I looked at hubby and said, “This was preplanned. They will slide in Newsome before the convention, Trump will be sentenced to jail time on July 11th, and Haley will be the Republican nominee.”

      Hubby looked at me like I was nuts and said, “So we just watched a Presidential debate where neither man will become President?” Yes, yes we did. Operation Mockingbird is in full swing. The “journalists” acting isn’t even that good. I guess that is what happens when everyone gets the same script to read.

      • Newsome it is, and I agree this whole thing is a setup. The polls will be kept close so naturally the epoxied hair Newsome will “win”.

      • RG: I believe your analysis is spot on. I’m even more convinced of it because the regime media is actually portraying Biden as doing worse than he actually did last night (I had the misfortune to watch the awful spectacle). This is all happening on cue.

        By the way, Trump didn’t look a whole lot better last night either. He just can’t help but try to spin his failures into his “beautiful” and “unbelievable” achievements (I recall he claimed to have drained the swamp when in office – Ha ha ha!). His proposed “policies” are just as dreadful too.

        This whole presidential election scene is literally gut-wrenching to me.

      • RG I agree a preplaned setup to get rid of old joe, except I think the new demonrat candidate will be Wretched Witchmore from the wretched state of Michigan.

      • Gavin Newsom’s money people financed at least three state-wide campaigns in Texas since 2018, US Senate and Governor for “Beto” O’Rourke and one for MJ “Doors” Hegar running to for the other US Senate seat.

        They lost all three races, but important data mining got done showing Dems how to win in this state as the politics shift left. I’ve long believed that Newsom would be in the calculus for VP, but the top of the ticket would either be Kamala or Big Mike.

        • Hi Ugg and Roscoe,

          I am going to tick off a lot of feminists, but this country is not ready for a Presidential ticket with a female as the lead. If the Dems try it they will lose.

          • I have to agree with you on that one RG. I think if Trump picks a female VP he losses, not that he probably wont lose anyway. Way too many females in way too many positions of power the last 20 years reeks of DEI. Not that the current crop of men in power is much better, its just becoming a bad look with the world about to go 99 red balloons, and all most female politicians care about is

            a) moar war
            b) compassion towards gimmigrants
            c) unlimited abortion and genital mutilation for all ages

            Until normal women end the abomination of men in women’s spaces, they have no business in politics.

          • Not if they put Michelle Obama at the top of the ticket; if MO replaces Joe, she’ll have an epic, SLAM DUNK win! Why? One, all Dems will support her; they’ll pull the D lever, no matter who heads the ticket. Two, many of those who hate Trump will vote for Michelle Obama. Three, she’ll win the lion’s share of the women’s vote; women will overwhelmingly support MO.

            Why? One, like OMG, we’re making history; we’ll have the first woman POTUS! Two, women, particularly the white, suburban soccer moms, don’t like Trump; he’s too rude, too gauche. Three, women will support The Sisterhood, and The Sisterhood will support Michelle Obama. If the Dems place Michelle Obama at the top of the ticket, they’ll easily win.

            • Got to disagree, Mark. I don’t believe Michelle is anywhere close to a slam dunk. They said the same thing about the Bleached Bit Queen. Look how that turned out.

              At the end of the day the Patriarchy still rules. Whether we are supposed to say it out loud or not men are still in charge and there is still a very strong stigma that many guys are not ready for a woman President…especially a liberal one.

              • RG,

                I disagree with you on both counts. One, MO is lauded in the media; women being the herd creatures they are, will follow whatever the media say. If they say MO is cool, they’ll believe it and worship MO. MO got and gets all sorts of glowing media coverage. Why, she’s America’s FAVORITE First Lady!

                Two, patriarchy most definitely does NOT rule! A woman can point a finger at a guy, say he did terrible things to her, and have him jailed on her say-so. For a guy to be able to do the same, he has to be in a position of power, like the Senior VP of a company, a General/Admiral, etc. However, any average woman in a company can have a guy fired by just complaining to HR that he made her feel uncomfortable; the same average woman can have a guy jailed just by pointing the finger at him. Looks to me like the women, not the men, rule; looks to me like men do women’s bidding.

                Google the name Angela Urumova to read about a case going on in a county south of me. What’s unusual about this case is that Urumova is actually being CHARGED for filing a false accusation; that seldom, if ever, happens! Usually, the false accuser gets off scott free. You tell me who has the power…

                • Hi Mark,

                  Who says Michelle is popular? The media? The same media that said Hillary had the Presidency in the bag?

                  As for the Me Too movement some of it is valid. Other parts of it the women should be brought up on charges for spreading lies and potentially ruining a man’s career and life.

                  As for the Patriarchy not being in charge name me one woman that holds a position of power. I guess we could throw in a few heads of state…Giorgia Meloni, Ursula von der Leyen, Kamala Harris (ha, ha, ha) etc. Should we count Taylor, Beyoncé, and Oprah? All in all, it is pretty slim pickings. And let’s be honest…are these gals really in command? I may make an exception for Oprah and her companies.

                  As for Michelle Obama I don’t see her wanting to hold an elective office. The conservative media (aka a few YouTubers) would put her through the wringer. She is living high on the hog now. Why would she ruin that to be scrutinized and critiqued?

                  • RG,

                    You make a good point about MO not wanting to hold an elective office. She’s enjoying the celebrity life, and she’s on record saying that she doesn’t like politics or any of what goes with it. I could see her wanting to continue living the good life she now has, and that the last thing she’d want to do is screw it up by running for office. We’ll see.

                    OTOH, she owes that good life to the Democratic Party; without the Dem Party backing her husband’s political career and all the spoils that came with that, she’d be a nobody. IOW, she owes The Party, and part of me could see them calling in their markers and telling her that she will run, and she will like it.

                    While I understand what you’re saying about the media and Hillary Clinton, one must keep in mind that the vast majority of women go along with the herd; I know that you’re the exception to the rule, but the vast majority of women go along with whatever the dominant culture says; the dominant culture is, in large part, determined by the media. If the media say that Michelle is cool, then most women will go along with that narrative.

                    If the vast majority of women aren’t herd creatures, then riddle me this: WHY did women all over America want to get Manolo shoes when Sex and the City was the big show on TV? Because they were the shoes that Carrie wore! They wanted to be like Carrie Bradshaw, so women by the thousands got Manolo shoes. Why did so many women compare themselves to the characters on SATC? I know that you’re the exception, but you’re the rare exception that proves, rather than undermines, the rule. The media are powerful, especially with women. If women didn’t believe and watch the dominant media so much, then WHY does TV and their advertisers cater so much to women?

                    Will the Alt Media put MO through the wringer? Sure, but will that be enough to undermine her run for POTUS? Do they have enough views to show the truth about her? I don’t know.

                    I’d encourage you to listen to this episode of “The Verdict with Ted Cruz” podcast. On it, he discusses why Michelle Obama will be the Dem nominee:

                    Finally, WRT patriarchy, we can’t just look at high profile females in power; if we use that as the sole metric, then The Patriarchy is still in force. What we must do is look at how society is organized, for whom, etc. When viewed through that lens, we very much live in a matriarchy. The courts overwhelmingly favor women in divorce; they get child custody and the family home over 90% of the time. They also overwhelmingly favor them in criminal matters; women get a lesser sentence than men do for the same crimes. The vast majority of workplace deaths are men. And so on. Women don’t have to occupy positions of power to wield power; no, all they have to do is bend the ears of their powerful husbands to exercise power. Women can tell their powerful husbands to either do X, or else no lovin’. To put it another way, the face that launched 1,000 ships was NOT that of a man! It was the face of a woman. Women have lots of power; the vast majority of them just exercise it covertly, not overtly.

                    • Hi Mark,

                      It is funny that you mention SATC. I recently watched a few episodes on Netflix and I have come to one conclusion…Carrie and Party are narcissistic sluts. Here’s hoping that sleeping with 200 men while living in a cramped apartment in the Big Apple for the pleasure of some pretty shoes is no woman’s dream.

                      I realize that the women that post on EPA are in the minority when it comes to the average woman’s view on politics, but don’t discount the whole gender yet. In 2016, 64% of white, non college educated, registered women voters pulled the lever for Trump. He will likely receive a similar voting demographic in 2024.

                      I agree with you that many women have a tendency to be swayed by the crowd, but I believe the last eight years was a wake up call to both sexes…the government lies. The same issues that affect men also affect women. Inflation, taxes, war, crime, etc. is felt by everyone.

                      How could anyone look at the Democratic Party and say, “Yes, four more years of this!”

                      Fun fact: Manolo Blahnik’s have increased an average of 230% since 2000. It is hard to get behind a trend when one can no longer afford it.

                    • I hope you’re right, RG. My Dawn agrees with you, by the way. Mind, I am not cheerleading for Orange Man. But the other man (aka Big Mike) is a truly scary prospect. OM is a narcissistic opportunist blowhard. But Michelle? A Marxist ideologue of the worst sort.

                      God help us.

                  • RG,

                    Why the Dem nominee has to be Michelle Obama is because none of the other potential nominees are acceptable to the Dem Party base.

                    They can’t have Gavin Newsom run for POTUS. Why, he’s a white guy; not only that, he’s a RICH white guy! Today’s Dem Party cannot and will not have a rich white guy heading the ticket, even if that rich, white guy is a handsome sexpot who could pull the female vote.

                    Newsom could make the race interesting enough to bring it within the fraud window; Newsom could make it close enough that a win, even in a stolen election, were plausible. However, he’s a rich, white guy, so they can’t put him atop the ticket. To do so, they’d have to dump Kamala; in today’s Dem Party, that’s not acceptable. I’ll come back to that…

                    The replacement nominee can’t be Gretchen Whitmer. Yes, she’s a woman, but she’s a white woman; as such, she doesn’t check off enough intersectional boxes for today’s Dem Party. Besides that, she’s not very likeable; she’s about as likeable as Hillary Clinton, okay? For those reasons, Whitmer is a no-go.

                    Normally, if the incumbent POTUS were removed from the ticket, the VPOTUS would step in and accept the nomination. That would mean that Kamala would assume top spot on the ticket. However, in today’s Dem Party dominated by diversity, POCs, and the LBGTQ+, that’s not acceptable. She’s a DIE POSTER CHILD! Therefore, Kamala cannot be dumped-unless she’s replaced by a comparable candidate.

                    Who WOULD be a comparable candidate? Who would be a well known, popular, female POC who could replace Kamala? That’s Michelle Obama. In today’s Dem Party, she and she alone can replace Kamala at the top of the ticket.

                    Then, the question becomes: how to persuade Michelle? The Dems could start off by saying, “Michelle, we NEED you! If you don’t run, then we’ll have a Donald Trump dictatorship. We need you to save America from that.”

                    If that doesn’t work, then the Dem Party kingmakers could twist her arm. They could remind her that, prior to them anointing her husband, Barack, that she was a nobody. They could remind her that, without them, she wouldn’t have the cushy, celebrity lifestyle that she now enjoys. Without them, she wouldn’t live in her swanky mansions in both DC and Martha’s Vineyard. Finally, the Dem Party kingmakers could remind her that they know where her bodies are buried, and that if she knows what’s good for her, then she’ll help The Party in its time of need.

                    • I meant to say that, because Kamala Harris is a DIE poster child, that the Dem Party has to be very careful before dumping her from the ticket; they sure can’t replace her with a rich white guy like Gavin Newsom.

                    • They will give the Democratic nomination to Gavin and hand over the CA governorship to Kamala.

                    • RG,

                      That’s a distinct possibility, and I’ve heard other pundits discuss it. Kamala’s part of the CA machine that launched her, so the CA governorship is hers for the taking.

                      As a conservative pundit said (I forget who), the Dems don’t need someone who can win; the Dems need someone who can garner enough votes to make a win plausible; IOW, if the election is stolen, would it be close enough to be a believable win? I think Newsom could do that.

                      If you’ll remember, there are allegations of fraud when Barack Obama ran both times. However, they never gained traction. I think that’s largely because he was objectively the better candidate in both 2008 and 2012. He drew much larger crowds than either McCain or Romney did. One of the metics political pros use as a bellwether is enthusiasm; in part, this is measured by the crowds one draws. BHO drew larger crowds, so fraud allegations never gained traction.

                      I think that Newsom could do something similar. He doesn’t have to outright win; he just have to make it close enough to make his win believable.

                      I was reading other articles about this in Politico and the Washington Compost. The WaPo likened Michelle Obama’s candidacy as “break the glass in case of emergency”.

                      BTW, you make good points on the economic front. Who among us HASN’T felt the impact, particularly at the grocery store? I know I have. My own bills (i.e. just for me and my cats) are starting to hit $90-$100, and that’s just for me! What are families feeling on that front? As Bill Clinton’s campaign advisor, James Carville, said, it’s the economy, stupid.

                      It’s funny that you watched SATC! Back in the day, I watched an episode or two to see what all the fuss was about. I didn’t care for the show, and I found it depressing that so many women liked the show. I think that SATC is largely responsible for ruining a generation of women.

                      In any case, we’ll find out soon enough who replaces Biden. Ted Cruz thinks that we’ll know before July is out. In any case, the Dems’ national convention is in August, so the matter has to be resolved by then.

        • RE: “Gavin Newsom’s money people”

          I got tons of almost non-stop robot phone calls from Desantis & Niki H. months ago, so glad it stopped.
          Today, I got a text from Gavin Newsom’s money people.
          Fancy that. Round II.

      • Raider Girl said “So we just watched a Presidential debate where neither man will become President?”

        Let’s not forget the Fine Upstanding Republicans have no use for the barbarian Trump either. Sure, he brings the MMA/redneck vote, but no one in DC wants to be associated with southern white trash, so he has to go. My guess is if he’s tossed in the slammer every Republican leader will celebrate along with the rest of the DC pond scum.

        The conventions will be where the candidates are selected. The LP convention was a dress rehearsal. We’ll have a choice of two people no one (outside of the government) wants.

        • Morning, Rk!

          That scenario might be a not-bad one. If the GOP installs a shill such as Nimarata, it will, I think, be the end of the GOP as a party. On the other side, the Left (the is no such thing as the “Democrat” party) will end what remains of the country if it wins, regardless of who is put forward as the front man (including Big Mike). It truly is the end of the world as we knew it – and I feel fine.

          • Indeed, I’m quite sick of the “world as we know it”, and pray my progeny does not have to experience it much longer.


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