A Lot Can Happen in Four Years


After what we saw during the debate – if you want to call it that – many people are wondering what happened to Joe Biden over the past four years. A better question to ask, perhaps, is what will happen over the next four years?

Or even the next four months.

Dementia (or Alzheimer’s disease, which is a different thing that amounts to the same thing) is an interesting thing if you’ve witnessed its progression. As I have, over the course of the past four years. I refer here not to watching Joe Biden’s cognitive (and physical) decline but rather to the cognitive and physical decline of my mother, who also suffers from either dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Apparently, an accurate diagnosis as to which of the two it is cannot be made while the victim is still living; the brain must be examined post mortem, etc. Not that it matters since the end result is the same.

At any rate, watching Biden decline has been a lot like watching my mom’s decline. They are roughly the same age and – like Biden – just four years ago, she was capable of living independently, didn’t shuffle when she walked and was coherent when she spoke. Fast-forward four years and she is living in what’s politely called a “memory care” facility, which means a place for people who can no longer care for themselves independently.

But it’s more  – and much worse – than just that.

As recently as two years ago, my mom was still able to walk normally. She did not require assistance to get up out of a chair or for someone to hold her by the arm so that she didn’t fall while trying to remain standing up. She still knew I’m her son and we could still communicate. She was still happy to see me when I came to visit her.

Fast forward to now – today – and my mom has no idea what day it is. She cannot say the word “day.” She has no idea who I am – at least as far as I can tell. There is no recognition in her eyes when I go to see her. Just the same vacant, long-distance stare into a fuzzy nothingness we saw during the debate (if you want to call it that) last week.

That’s what’s happened to my mom in less than a year. It got me to to thinking about Biden and what may happen to us in less than a year. My mom must be watched (and cared for) 24 hours a day because left unsupervised, she could very easily hurt herself.

Left unsupervised, what will Biden do?

What we saw during the debate – such as it was – has raised that question even among Biden’s erstwhile supporters. His wife excepted.

They wonder – they worry – what he might do.

The good news – such as it is – is that Biden has caretakers. Most notably the Obamas. But even that has limits when we’re still expected to pretend that Biden is the one making decisions when it’s obvious he can’t complete sentences.

This will not last much longer – because it can’t.

It is possible they’ll be able to keep pretending for the next four months – or at least, long enough to make it to the election, which Biden’s caretakers are still in charge of. After that, nature – and politics – will take their course. No one who has ever known an elderly person already clearly suffering from dementia/Alzheimer’s believes that person will be better or even the same after another year has passed.

How about four more years? By which time, Biden will be 85-years-old. If he makes it that far, which is actuarily unlikely.

It’s all very sad. Or would be, if Biden were like my mom and just another elderly person afflicted by a horrible (and terminal) disease that robs the afflicted person of their dignity before it robs them of their life. But it’s hard to feel sorry for Biden, because his age and cognitive decline do not excuse what he’s done.

And may still do.

. . .

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  1. A lot can happen in 4 days. An hour ago I am driving down the I-5 and hear that Trump’s sentencing has been put off until September, because of the Supreme Court ruling on Monday that POTUS can not be legally liable …

    MSM “New York Judge Juan Merchan on Tuesday delayed the criminal sentencing of former President Donald Trump until Sept. 18 after he was scheduled to be sentenced on July 11.”

    This is huge change of events – because now there is nothing to stop Trump from winning the RINO convention nomination. That means Nikki Haley is not going to get nominated, and once Trump is nominated – who could possibly beat him? No one. That means Trump was just handed the 2024 election.

    The RINO convention is just 2 weeks away – July 16-19.

    It also means my predictions from 4 days ago can be shit canned. It also means that Zelensky will try to assassinate DJT, because he threatened before to cut off war funding – and Z put him on a kill list. It also means that Satanyahu’s gravy train could be threatened.

    Satan is scheduled to address our bribed Congressional whores on July 24th.

    Basically everything just changed. Trump landslide incoming. The Demonrat panic must be epic. When you steal and election and fail to hold power, you can lose your head.

  2. What you eat will have a huge effect on your health….

    If you eat fast food…… when you get old your health might be compromised….maybe your brain doesn’t function properly…..

    Fast food….for example…

    What’s Really in the “Food” at Chick-fil-A?


    The slave owners…the control group…. get the slaves hooked on fast food…the big fast food corporations owned by the control group through blackrock, etc…another way to take the slave’s money…and make them sick….so the slaves are a customer for the control group owned big pharma….selling them drugs that make them sicker….a so called cure….

    Keep the slaves broke, weak, stupid and sick….then they are less of a threat…

    Another way to rob and cull the herd….

  3. Strategic win for Trump:

    ‘In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court said former presidents are shielded from prosecution for official acts but do not have immunity for unofficial acts. The Supreme Court sent the case back to the lower court to determine whether core aspects of the indictment are unofficial versus official, all but ending prospects the former president could be tried before the November election.

    ‘In his opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts chided the lower courts for their quick decisions on the consequential case and for not analyzing whether Trump’s conduct detailed in the indictment was official or unofficial.’ — APe News

    Gotta love this bit from Clarence Thomas:

    ‘Justice Thomas’ concurrence in Trump v. U.S. is hugely significant. He questions whether Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office is constitutional.

    “If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution. A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President.” — Benjamin Weingarten on X

    How sweet it would be if special prosecutor Jack Smith — an Ape Lincoln lookalike — not only is fired, but also obliged to pay back his ill-gotten salary.

    I look forward to seeing ‘Smith’ panhandling at a freeway on-ramp, where I will contemptuously toss him a nickel as I snarl, ‘Get a job, loser.

  4. Biden’s Family Urges Him To Fight On, Blames Debate Disaster On Advisors And CNN

    from ZH comments…

    Will it be Gretchin and or Grewsom……. a pair made in hell ??
    Or will it be Ka Mala and or the Klintins ??

    “the two who most forcefully encouraged the 81-year-old Brandon to continue were his wife Jill and his son Hunter ”
    Jill likes being the queen and Hunter prefers being out of jail.


  5. Eric ..Sorry about your Mom my mother in law died of old timers before it had a name.Tore my wife up they were close. As for the Presidential reality show…there will be a “installation” Like a toilet.

  6. It’s going to be a Great Reset like no other.

    Joe doesn’t know if he is afoot or horseback.

    The Glasgow smile for everyone to see is on full display, can’t be denied. Doesn’t know what goes on around him at any time.

    His brain is mush. Biden needs help, obvious by now.

    Time for 25. Poor guy is not living the dream. It’s a nightmare.

    It is going to end somehow, four more years is real iffy for the thing.

  7. Even if Biden didn’t have dementia or other medical problems he is 81 years old. He could die at any time of OLD AGE……..

    Granted until more recent times, most former presidents died within 10 years after leaving office because they were rarely young men and lifespans were shorter. Had LBJ run and won a second term, he would have died 2 days after leaving office in a second term…. Ford, Carter, Bush II, Obama living decades after leaving office is a modern thing as they were younger in office and are in/were good health. Carter left office 43 years ago. It’s very unlikely Joe Biden will live to see 2030. A second term will insure that.

    Is the negatives of these former presidents hanging around after leaving office overcome by having younger presidents? Former presidents until Obama faded from political view after leaving office to not cast a shadow on the current officeholder. Obama will never live in Chicago again, as he should have done and shut up.

    Jill Biden is cut from the same cloth as Joe. Of anyone that should watch out for someone it should be your own spouse. She is just as power hungry as the rest of DC. Sickening…..

    I don’t feel sorry for ol’ Joe though. He has always been a corrupt useless person his whole miserable life. How do you go though life like that? But politics enables that to happen, and it’s another reason why this system should be ended.

    My grandpa died at age 79 in 1979 of dementia. I was five years old, and only remember him as an old guy sitting in a chair doing nothing. His mind had left him a decade before. I have looked at pictures of him. He is full of life in photos before 1965, but by 1971 (pictures in my parents wedding album) he has a vacant stare, the lights are on, but nobody is home look… Before that he was nothing like the old man in a chair that I remember, and it’s sad I never got to know him. He missed out on retirement, several of his grandkids and probably another 20 years of life.

  8. The question is who will take Ol’ Joe’s Place? Newsom and Big Mike seen to be the preferred choices at this point but, I’m not so sure.

    There is a dynamic 44 year old that might be coming to the fore. I’m talking about Chelsea Clinton. She’s got 3 kids with a Jew so she’s not hampered by potential pregnancy and is relatively untainted.

    Who better? Let the Dynasty Roll On…

    • It’s likely it’s someone we don’t even know about. Both Bill Clinton and Barry Obama were not well known nationally very long before they became president. They both seemed to come out of nowhere. You seen almost nothing about Obama before 2004 and Clinton before 1990.

      I think both realized they HAD to run for president as soon as possible because they knew that if people knew more about them, they would never get elected.

      Granted Clinton was known in Arkansas and Obama in Chicago, but they were local only.

      • Good point, but they’d never use an unknown at the last minute. For that they need someone who is very recognizable. A name and a face that the spectators, I mean voters, from all demographics will instantly recognize and associate with some “positive” trait, else they won’t feel comfortable voting for them.

      • If you look into both Clinton and Obama’s very peculiar histories, it is clear that they were well known to TPTB, which is all that really matters. For instance, Clinton studied under Carroll Quigley at Georgetown. Obama and his family traveled in interesting circles internationally (from Obama Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s wiki page): During the early 1980s, Geithner’s father oversaw the Ford Foundation’s microfinance programs in Indonesia being developed by Ann Dunham Soetoro, Barack Obama’s mother, and they met at least once in Jakarta.[8]

        • FDS, Obama was the offspring of a CIA hook-up. Clinton was Gov. of Arkansas when the CIA was flying cocaine from Central America into the Mena, AR airport…just ask Barry Seal…oh…that’s right…Barry died of lead poisoning in ’86.

    • Hunter should take his place. Joe Biden should stop acting like a boomer and provide his kids with opportunities he once had. Hunter traveled the world for him and tried all those drugs and hookers. He deserves a chance not some White house bureaucrat.

  9. Old pedo Joe has got to go. It was a planned assassination, because they can win against Trump. Trump will be shit canned also. It will be unprecendented. LOL It will fool most people, keep them on their edge of their seats.

    Not the first time either, remember that Apollo 13 mission? The looney lander was aborted, their was a crisis, the astronots were recalled, all theater, none of it ever happened. Moon landings were fakes, as are presidential elections.

    This video is choice, be sure to watch the Kamala Harris clips, as she will be acting as POTUS until the election:


      • Maybe they could dust off Kissinger and run him. He co9uld rule direct from Tel Aviv while Golda Meir gives him a beej. That evil bastard. They say he’s dead, but he’s too evil to die. There’s about as much chance of ol’ Heinz being dead as there is that some government employees walked on “the Moon” in 1969, or ever.

        • Nutenyahu already runs the USA and much of the western world. I am convinced that Nutenyahu and his minions are evil personified and along with most jews are possibly a part of some kind of demonic realm.
          A major aspect aspect of judaism that most people are unaware of is that every single one of their “holidays” is based on the subjugation and genocide of non-jewish cultures and civilizations. These celebrations of “death and destruction” are not only macabre and sick, but show the depravity of the whole jewish psyche.
          From inbreeding and male genital mutilation to indoctrination (brainwashing) and enforcing “separation”, insisting that rules for decent societal behavior are not for ((them)) and are unenforceable on (them)) are recipes for mental illness which is prevalent in jewish societies.
          One must not forget the large amount of mental illnesses prevalent in jewish males, being transmitted by the dirty jewish “mohel” after fellating the newly deformed male jew infant. Since most STD-transmitted mental illnesses do not show up until well into adulthood, it is easy to see how some jews can be so depraved.
          It is interesting to see the jew-run “hedge fund” people run like rats, having been bested by “goyim” in the Game Stop stock situation. Seeing jews getting “Madoffed” is a real pleasure…

  10. But…but…”Just get out there and vote!”. It matters not if it’s for the senile corrupt leftist pedophile, or Pinocchio-stein the convicted felon! Just be glad we live in the U.S. of A. where we CAN vote and get to choose who will administer the protocols of our masters to us gentile dogs! Your carnival barkers are vying for your support, because as long as you savor the smell of cotton candy and the allure of twirling pretty-colored lights, you’ll let them convince you that the rings (3 for a buck) you get to toss really will fit over the peg in front of the ‘good’ prize. Step right up, folks! Three tosses for a dollar! Win the prize, and be sure to see the freak show (because you are it!) and the bearded lady (Tranny), and the fat lady (Welfare queen) and the half man, half ape (Her mulatto kid).

  11. Eric your style of writing is great. Love it. Makes me laugh and expresses the key points so well. Keep it up.

    I don’t know if Michelle Obama is a man. Were two pregnancies and births faked? I admit I’ve never looked into it. Never cared to. Nothing would surprise me in this demonic lunatic asylum we live in.

    But I’ll make a prediction. I’ll be glad to be wrong and I’ll be glad to acknowledge if I am.

    Donald Dump will be president again. Not Big Mike. Not Camela. Not Rod Ham. Not the mummy. The installation of the mummy was a national debasement and demoralization psy op. The op went well. Time to move to the next phase of operations.

    Trump will spend 0.0 minutes in a cage, despite the WWF lawfare show and all related R team vs D team pablum. It is true Trump is legitimately hated by individuals and entities that we recognize as our enemies. Many take (and have been for 8 years) this hatred as proof that Trump is our ally. It isn’t and he isn’t. Remember who Trump is. A lifelong Democrat, Clinton family friend, NYC real estate conman. He isn’t one of us. Never was. Never will be.

    The reason Trump is legitimately hated by our enemies is quite simple. They hate him because he says things that are potently acerbic to them. The same slogans, catch phrases and rhetoric that he deceives his followers with also cause apoplexia among our enemies. The demonic react viscerally to spoken truth. It doesn’t matter that Trump doesn’t have a sincere bone in his body. The fact that he says unspeakable things (Truth) out loud from a very prominent stage is intolerable to them. The fact that he is white and male exponentially increases the fury.

    Steve Bannon provided Trump with a winning shtick some 8 years ago. To speak as a populist and a nationalist and to pander to people with conservative and Christian leanings. Bannon understood this group still represented the majority of voting Americans. Bannon understood the pent up strength of this unrepresented bloc. Trump wanted to be president. He adopted Bannon’s strategy then claimed it as his own and discarded Bannon. It’s that simple. Trump cares not one whit about any of the ideals mentioned above. Never has. Never will.

    Trump is a self serving, nihilistic, crude, immature buffoon. But as a lifelong, well practiced con artist, he is not without shrewd instinct. Of course, any con man worth his salt will know where his bread is buttered. And in this world, at this point in history, the entity that distributes the butter is Zog. Trump proved himself in his last presidency a 100% reliable Likudnic stooge. His presidency amounted to a botched abortion for us, the contingent he supposedly represents. But for Zog, it was a boon. The antiChrist agenda ran full warp speed ahead. A second Trump presidency will accomplish the same. Since Zog controls the perception of reality (teevee, thanks Eric, hilarious), as the nation continues descent into hell, all the ills will be blamed on the ideals Trump haphazardly espoused, even though none of them were implemented. The stage will be set for the next episode of backlash against all things nationalistic, populist, conservative, and most importantly, Christian. The demoniacs will be out for blood. The antiChrist agenda will ratchet down tighter. Human entrapment, enslavement and destruction will proceed. This is the purpose Trump serves. Heads they win, tails we lose, so vote harder. Trump is certified Kosher, Zog approved. He will again be president.

    • Thanks for the kind words, Jody – and for the astute analysis. I agree with all you’ve written. I suspect Trump will lead us into a holy war to create Greater Israel – while the economy is cratered, so as to blame it all on “MAGA” and create the popular momentum for an outright Marxist “solution” to this problem.

      I need to stock up a few bottles of the good stuff.

    • Jody,

      As David Knight often says, the hatred and enmity between Trump and those who hate him is more akin to the power struggles from “Game of Thrones” or “The Godfather”. I like “The Godfather” analogy, as I’ve seen that movie multiple times. Anyway, in “The Godfather”, you have the Corloeones vs. the Tattaglia and Barzini families. They’re all on the same side, and they’re fighting for the same things: money and power. They’re just fighting among themselves to see who will be in charge. The Trump vs. his enemies kerfuffle/kayfabe is the same thing.

      • Hi Mark

        Your point is well taken. In a Godless society government will always revert to its baseline, which is mafia. And of course zog has its factions. All movements and people groups do. But there is no serious internecine type struggle underway that I can perceive. Satan is the ultimate animating spirit and intelligence behind zog anyway. So even if the factions were at war the agenda will move ahead. Only a change in the spiritual circumstances of the world can reverse the agenda we see unfolding.

        Sure, there are lower level apparatchiks that would murder Trump if they could. Lots of alphabet agency and lawfare system demoniacs fit this description. They aren’t the owners/operators. I’ve always said, if the power center felt Trump were threatening them he would be in a cage or casket. I think Trump and I are on precisely the same page on that point. Zog at large certainly loathes what comes out of his mouth. But the controllers are intelligent enough to understand that what he says is just his shtick. Who knows, perhaps they even give him his lines. Regardless, they end up using it to their advantage anyway.

        I try to understand things in spiritual terms. Spiritual forces shape the physical realities. I try to look at human action through history in spiritual terms. I think a spiritual lens best enables us to see and understand events correctly. In that sense, I think the explanation for the white hot fury that Trump inspires in our enemies is the result of him saying things very publicly that expose and disparage key aspects of the antiChrist agenda. For me, a similar phenomenon occurs when I hear the public indoctrination camps have schemes to mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually mutilate and destroy forever the helpless children sent to them. Both sides of this struggle have visceral reactions to the things their enemies do and say. The primary difference between us and them is that the demoniacs are lawless, obedient only to brute force and the whims of their father, while we are restrained by the fear of God and respect for his natural law and natural order, written on our hearts.

  12. Once you get old timers disease, the end cannot come soon enough. Eric I wish you the best on this journey with your mom. My grandma had it and it is a cruel fate. Better to cash in early then get the brain plague. The only cure is death.

    • Thanks, Nova –

      It is hard. My mom was a strong personality and we butted heads often. Now she’s just this fragile shell that sits and stares into the distance. Her body lives but she is gone. I cannot think of a worse fate.

    • Fuck Joe Biden….

      And sorry about your Mom Eric… My father lost his mind partly as a result of The Madness and we haven’t spoken in 4+ years. He’s essentially dead but cruel mental diseases like these just lengthen and postpone the inevitable grieving process.

  13. The world today reminds me of President Reagan’s joke about the two Russians talking in Red Square. The first one asks if they had reached the end all and be all of Communism and his friend replied “Hell no; it’s going to get a lot worse than this”.

    I look around and ask myself how come hardly anyone else notices it or are they to afraid to? Either way as Martin Armstrong would say “This when they take you to war”.

    At least Brezhnev’s handlers weren’t all evil men. Biden’s?

  14. It must be heartbreaking to watch someone you’ve known and loved your whole life be stricken in such a manner. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers

    Hope you find some peace and serenity as you live through it. I guess I was lucky, my mom went from stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis-death in a few short months. It would have wrecked me to watch her endure a complete mental decline. She was always pretty sharp, right up until her last couple days.

  15. Hi Eric, et al,

    Terrible experience with your mom; my sympathies go out to you. You might investigate the use of high dose thiamine/B1 sublingual…..no “doctor” will recommend this and due to regulatory capture of FDA/CDC, there will never be clinical trials. An Italian neurologist, Dr. Constantini ran studies for a number of years and had excellent results with slowing the advance of Parkinsons. Unfortunately the Wuflu took Constantini’s life but interesting data point.
    BTW, Porcfest was interesting and not much what I expected. If we survive until next year, I reckon I’ll go again. It’s heavily oriented towards people moving to New Hampshire, and they are having success up there. Beautiful state with plenty of backwoods opportunities. The big downside, for me at least, would be the winters. Were I twenty years younger, I’d be up there in a heartbeat.
    WRT what’s happening in the “presidential race”, it’s all a distraction…..all this democracy crap folks keep nattering on about is just a ruse to keep the hoi polloi in line because politicians ALL (with very few exceptions) represent those powerful entities that buy them off. And regardless of who occupies the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government, the real power lies in the administrative state run by the managerial class….from all of our work experiences it seems obvious to me that the government is run by incompetent technocrats…..and that ship is sinking into a sea of debt. Still, entertaining in a way….I have a book recommendation for the history nerds….Vampire Economy: Doing Business Under Fascism by Reimann, Günter. This was written in 1939 by a German accountant……republished in 2007 I think but the parallels are striking….


    “Joe isn’t just the right person for the job. He’s the only person for the job,” Jill Biden declared at a tony fundraiser in Long Island.

    “Joe will never stop fighting for this country and for communities like this one,” she said at an event at the Stonewall National Monument, a symbol of LGBTQ+ pride. “That’s who Joe is. He wakes up every morning thinking about how he can make the lives of Americans militant trannies better.”

    “After last night’s debate, he said, ‘You know, Jill, I don’t know what happened. I didn’t feel that great.’ And I said, ‘Look, Joe, we are not going to let 90 minutes define the four years that you’ve been president.’” – Ape News


    This conversation is of course pure confabulation. Jill Biden continues her role as inarticulate “Joe’s” minder and spokesperson, as he blunders blank-faced through his duties.

    Meanwhile, immured in her gilded cage in Chappaqua, the Hitlary entity watches and waits, as her cry of suppressed rage pierces the air: CAW! CAW!

  17. Eric,

    I’m sorry about your mom. I had a grandmother who had Alzheimer’s the last few years of her life, and it was painful seeing her forget even her own family.

  18. Fuck Joe Biden. He’s been a duplicitous, evil sociopath his entire grifting life. He deserves an eternity of suffering in the fires of hell.

    Eric: My heart goes out to you and your mom. I went through the same thing with my mine.

  19. Regarding Brandon…I started to feel sorry for the old coot in the debate but recalled his “our patience is running thin” comment regarding the Unvaccinated and looking at his watch when the dead soldiers returned from Afghanistan that he caused, etc. HIs whole life (before dementia) Brandon has been a blow-hard bully with an inferiority complex. He deserves the humiliation.

    Next thought…what was the Demo Marxist original plan with this guy? He wins then retires to turnover to cackling Kamala? Perhaps behind the scenes is Dr. Jill with her hopped up drug cocktail that now has no effect. She is running the campaign and doesn’t want to leave the pomp and circumstance of being in the white house. Plus, their handlers have acquired power which they do not want to relinquish.

    What do they do now? The Demo Marxist have been screaming *democracy* for years, how is it democratic to pull a Soviet tactic and replace the guy by committee? Especially if Jill says no. Kind of bad look in my opinion to their so-called voters.

    For sure we know one thing…come July they will throw the Orangeman in prison. They have no other option regarding Trump himself. As for Demo Marxist this will be a defining moment in our history and or decline. All I can say is it won’t be boring.

  20. Sorry about your mom Eric, it’s terrible to have your mind go before your body does. My dad went the same way, wasn’t too bad until he fell and broke his hip but then was in a wheelchair and declined rapidly after that. Was tough seeing him like that since he was what you would describe as an outdoorsman; he was 88 when he died but it felt like he was gone well before that.

  21. The post in the link below by Martin Armstrong sounds like something you’d find in the Babylon Bee. As everyone here probably already knows, the Biden regime has filed numerous bull$#!+ indictments or charges against their main political opponent, Donald Trump. But given Joe Biden’s disastrous performance in last week’s debate, should Jack Smith and/ or Merrick Garland file ANOTHER indictment against Trump, could it be “Drugging Joe Biden before the debate”?


  22. I think there’s a real possibility that the “Joe Biden” character is one or more actors in a mask. I was checking out some memes from the debate and one in particular had a close up from the neck up. The neck, the sunken in eyes, the high forehead, the tight skin. All the tells. Even his “dementia” seems different from time to time. Sometimes very exaggerated, sometimes not while seemingly drugged up on uppers or something.

    • I have seen so many versions of “Biden”, I have lost count. Ear lobes change, eye color, forehead, voice. Every time someone make a comment about “biden”, I have to ask “Which one?”

  23. “his age and cognitive decline do not excuse what he’s done.”
    Indeed, he has never been a man of high moral foundation or ethical standard. Quite the contrary. He’s been an egocentric POS for his entire life. There will be no improvement with age. People are not like wine or whiskey. With age can come wisdom, but that’s pretty much over with by the time one turns 40 or 50, maybe 60. Then it’s all downhill. Being 70, I know from where I speak.

    • It is sad that they attempt to prop him up with his obvious issues, but I can’t help thinking this is some kind of karma for the person he has always been.
      Spent his whole life faking and now the emperor’s clothes are off. (sorry for the visual)

  24. Don’t know what dad’s going to be like in the next few years, but for sure he thinks I need to move into their house and take care of him. I guess he thinks that’s what sons do? Unfortunately there’s some precedent in that my best friend growing up moved back in with his mother in part to take care of her but mostly because his marriage and business went bankrupt after his wife had an affair with his biggest client. And another neighbor/friend moved into his parents’ home after they both died, but he basically works hourly retail jobs and didn’t have many housing options.

    But either way, he’s not well. How much is textbook dementia and how much is just decline is debatable. But for sure when he started having joint pain and stopped moving, that’s when the decline really got going. I’m learning there’s a lot more to the mind-body connection than The Science understands. For sure I know if I go for a day or so without at least a brisk walk for an hour or so I’m not anywhere near as sharp. When I was a younger man it was easy. These days I have to push myself to move. Let’s hope I can get to something I can stick with down the road. And refined sugar is downright evil stuff.

    • Amen RK.
      Suffering rheumatoid arthritis, and being unable to get much exercise, I can attest to the negative effect this has on one’s cognizance. My memory is fading fast. Hope I’m still making some sense with my comments here. Let me know if it stops.

      • JK, your posts are always good.

        Don’t stop pushing yourself to get exercise. Also, rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition. You are what you eat, so go for anti-inflammatory foods. Cut out Omega 6 fats and go with Omega 3s. Eliminate sugars, grains of any kind (especially wheat which is highly inflammatory) carbohydrates in general and any kind of vegetable oils (they are also highly inflammatory and poisonous). Animal fats, meats, pasture-raised eggs and fatty fish are the key. Scramble up some eggs, throw on a pound of bacon and enjoy the sublime flavor and body healing qualities! My mouth waters just thinking about this therapy.

        • I’ve done all that, and it helps, but so far is no cure. I would probably be bed ridden by now without it. Thanks for the thoughts.

          • Black seed oil, tumeric and Bosweilla are all things with anti inflammatory properties. Also grapefriots. I would try the black seed oil and grapefruits first. Like all natural medicines it takes a bit but its better than rhe big pharma show

            Good luck.

      • It gets hard when you get old. I worked construction for 25+ years, and was always an outdoorsman, hunting, fishing, camping etc. But there comes a time one simply can’t do it anymore. I’m a few years past that time. And it really sucks. So I’m stuck with “active mentally”. Thanks for providing the format to do so.

    • Oh geez, there are STILL media outlets trying to scare people about COVID, AND the CDC is STILL recommending those “Safe and Effective” COVID jabs, PLUS urging people to take an “Updated COVID vaccine” when it becomes available!? Given that the TRUTH about COVID and the “vaccines” has become undeniable, plus current efforts to frighten people about BIRD FLU, I’d have figured they’d move on to bird flu and URGE people to have themselves and any livestock they own tested, wear face diapers, and have themselves and their livestock “vaccinated” with any new bird flu vaccine that Moderna, Pfizer, or some other Big Pharma company makes.

  25. ‘watching Biden decline has been a lot like watching my mom’s decline.’ — eric

    In my most recent visit with my mom last month, she recognized me as a familiar face, but no longer knows that I’m her son. She’s convinced that I’m a childhood schoolmate of hers (‘You went to school in *******ville, didn’t you?’ she asked at least a dozen times.) Although she can speak in coherent sentences, nothing that’s said in a conversation sticks for even two minutes. Every repetition of something just said is all new to her.

    Which brings us to the empty shell of ‘Biden’: since he can’t even complete a thought, who IS running the country, pushing a bizarre, insidious agenda of (inter alia) transgenderism and mass illegal immigration? How do they get away with this, when Clowngress has sweeping investigatory powers, and the institutional press likewise enjoys vast privilege with its First Amendment protections and shield laws?

    It’s bewildering. ‘We control the horizontal and the vertical,’ as an old TeeVee show used to intone. But who is ‘we’?

    If history is any guide, some present-day participants, after they retire and have no more career risk, will write revealing books. Only far later, after 75 years, will archives be declassified. Then historians may be able to unravel the mysteries of “Biden’s” puppeteer(s). One imagines a figure like Colonel House, transmitting the orders of a shadowy cabal to Woody Peckerhead Wilson. We all know how that worked out: income tax; Federal Reserve; disastrous war.

    The horror of our degenerate former republic is that the empty figurehead ‘Biden’ is all too likely to be replaced by someone both more competent and more malevolent.

    • How do they get away with this? Because they’re all self-interested and caught up in their own scandals. Scandals that, if brought to light, would get them replaced with someone who’ll play ball. So they hold their tongue, pretend and brush up on their thespian skills.

      Play ball with whom? That’s the real question. Still waiting for the pedophile indictments from Epstein Island. “Be a shame if we had to prosecute you for that time you went on that vacation without your wife…”

      • That is the real question. Short answer – Zog. The longer to expound upon, but ultimately more important answer – Satan. As you alluded to in an earlier comment, the mind body connection is poorly understood. Very true. We can observe it but really know nothing of the mechanisms. Even more poorly understood are spiritual phenomena, which precede and create physical reality.

        But just to keep things temporal, in the realm of things physical, this interview of Ryan Dawson, by Pete Quinones, provides good insight and goes far to answer and explain the whom, ball is to be played with. As you also alluded to earlier, the Epstein story is a microcosm of the larger ecosystem of oligarchic corruption and control, by and for the same entities.


        I’m glad you mentioned the sugar. I’ve come to understand of late that the diet that has been normalized in this country is poisonous. A diet almost entirely of sugar and processed food is what many of us consume. I made a concerted effort to eat food with short ingredient lists that did not include sugar, seed oils and words that were hard to pronounce. I found out that a lot of chronic aches and pains and ailments got better or went away entirely. Better energy and cognition. I won’t say I’ve never felt better because I’m getting older. But I do believe eliminating most of the sugar and seed oils and processed, factory made food has done me well.

        • I think there’s a process of “normalization” that takes place with humans. The first time you do something, anything, often causes a negative reaction, even if it is ultimately good or even desirable. The pre-teen dance comes to mind, with the boys on the periphery while the girls dance with each other. Eventually some boy gets the courage to ask a girl to dance, or one of the more aggressive girls drags one of the boys out for a slow dance. Eventually the boys develop a tolerance for cooties.

          The Cosa Nostra has the concept of a “made man.” Someone who follows orders and is comfortable with committing violent crime. I’m sure there are young mobsters who come into the organization but walk away because they cannot suppress their morals, and indeed plenty who never associate with the mob even when presented with the opportunity.

          I imagine there’s a lot of that sort of activity in DC as well. Someone who might not feel too confident in their role, being “shown the ropes” by the party elders during their rise to the federal level after grinding it out at the state or local level. Then one night maybe they’re out on a late dinner meeting, or a conference, or fundraiser. And they’re in the milieu. “When in Rome,” as they say.

          But Rome’s morals aren’t going to play back home, and that’s where you get your power. One bad scandal and you’re back on the streets. So ix-nay on the file-tay, OK? All for one and one for all.

        • Some would say my dad was unlucky because he died at 59 from glioblastoma multiforme, the same nasty brain cancer that claimed the lives of John McCain and Ted Kennedy. But in a way, he was lucky in that he passed relatively quickly and was spared the fate of his mom, who died at 92 after five years of dementia.

          I stand by my assertion that the Orange Man will be allowed to win the election, but it will be a Kayfabe trap—a lot of things will hit the fan in the next few years, and he will be set up to take the fall for them.

          But just as the debate ended up not working to Senile Joe’s advantage, there is a possibility that the Kayfabe might backfire as well. In which case, break out the popcorn, because it’s gonna be some show.

      • You don’t stop at a red light at 2:00 AM in the middle of nowhere and you get a ticket almost instantly. Children are molested for years and not even crickets? You would think one God fearing FBI hack would have leaked the tapes by now.


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