Lastest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 07/112024


Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR. We talked about going on three wheels, the Volvo S60 (RIP) and the Senile One, among other things!


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  1. Auto dealers have it completely wrong. All they needed to do is buy say about 10 cars showcasing each mode as demonstrators, selling them at the end of the year. Order each car on a pay as you go basis. It would cost their costs by half.

    • Hi Swamp!

      The problem is many buyers want – need – a car. As in today. Or tomorrow. Not a month from now. It can take weeks/months to get a car from the manufacturer to the dealership.

    • Negligible inventory tax. Neglibible floor plan costs (interest, etc), Smaller dealership. Focus on the most profitable area: service. Offer people deals to get them in. This woudl be a win-win. Of course, these mega dealers won’t allow it. Probably the auto manufacturers won’t either.

      Has anyone noticed the death of the automotive brochure? Mainly due to teh internet, but also due to manufacturers charging dealers for them as well.


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