Diaper Report: 07/15/2024


It may be that time, again. The cases! The CASES! are on the rise, again.

Seven of them!

Three poultry workers in northeast Colorado are presumed to have fallen ill with bird flu as more human cases sprout across the U.S., state and federal health officials said Friday.”

Three of these “cases” were working to kill chickens at egg-laying plants in Colorado, according to the always-reliable Centers for Disease Control, which has established that it is very interested in using fear of disease to control people.

The workers have exhibited mild symptoms that include conjunctivitis, or pink eye, and common respiratory infection symptoms, state officials said. None of the workers were hospitalized.”

Well, then what’s the hubbub, Bub? – as Bugs Bunny used to say when kids cartoons weren’t infantilized Pixar dreck.

They are now, of course. So as to keep kids from developing the adult brains that used to ask what’s the hubbub, Bub? That are automatically suspicious of those who are trying to scare them. Why are they trying to scare me? That’s the reaction of an adult brain. When there is no good answer – just be scared! – then the adult brain knows it’s time to be suspicious.

Bugs Bunny taught this to the generations that grew up before the era of Pixar-generated big-eyed insipidity. The stuff that kids who grew up strapped into “safety” seats watched while strapped in the back seats of the their parents’ minivan. Including – apparently – the kid who just tried to kill the Orange Man and did kill at least one person who happened to be in the vicinity of the Orange Man. It is very interesting that – according to some of the kid’s schoolmates – he was a Serial Diaper who continued to wear his facial underwear long after the “pandemic” had officially ended.

Thomas Matthew Crooks – who was allowed (either by negligence or something worse) to take a shot at the Orange Man the other day – “always wore a mask, even after COVID.”

That is very interesting, if it is true.

There is a clear correlation between “masking” and mental problems. Whether the “masks” are the cause of the problems or a symptom of them is also an interesting thing to consider.

Crooks – who was 20 – was only 15 back in late 2019, when the cases! The CASES! first began to spread. Reports say he was a bullied kid and that kid now found himself bullied by the entirety of the system. School officials that told him he’d better “mask up” else he’d die – or be the cause of other people’s deaths. Including, perhaps, the death of a beloved grandparent. The serial propaganda told him that “masking” was good – and those who questioned it, bad.

It has yet to be established just how bad it was – for the psychological-emotional health of kids like Crooks and millions of others his age and younger, who were systematically taught to be afraid – and not just of “COVID.” They grew up afraid, having been taught to be afraid. Of stranger danger. Of the cars they were strapped into. Of the “climate” that’s “changing” in vague but ominous ways – on account of people, of course. It is important to be afraid of people. To be afraid – of everything.

Easy enough to get their already-prepped minds afraid of the unseen bogeyman that was all around them, all the time.

If this Crook kid kept his “mask” on, is it surprising that he did? Is it surprising that there are still millions of people, probably, that still very clearly believe in “masks”? You can’t avoid seeing at least one of them if you go to just about any supermarket, Lowes or Starbucks. Especially Starbucks, where the odds are good you’ll not see at least one face, hidden behind a “mask.”

They are ready for the mandates to come back. Some – like the 18-year-old daughter of the actor Ben Affleck – pine for them to come back. It is very interesting to watch this mentally ill girl make her case for “masks.” Her speech is near-hysterical, accompanied by nervous gesticulations. She is clearly afraid.

Is it any wonder?

She’s been told – relentlessly – that not only is there reason to be afraid but that it is virtuous to be afraid. “Wearing is caring,” in case you forgot to remember that idiocy.

So when the cases! The CASES! start to uptick again – as they already are, even though it’s only seven so far – it does not take a prophet to predict what the reaction will be. All it takes is remembering what it was in the latter part of 2019 and into early 2020 – when a handful of “cases” became the cases! The CASES! – updated hourly – and all of a sudden, it seemed, almost everyone looked as if they were mentally ill. And all of them looked at the few who weren’t as some kind of threat. Which of course, they were.

To the fear-addled delusions of the mentally ill.

The question, then, isn’t whether those of us who aren’t mentally ill will “mask” when it is mandated again. It is how we’ll react to the spread of mental illness, again.

I myself never once wore a “mask” – and have vowed to continue doing exactly that, no matter how many “cases” of bird flu the TeeeeeVeeee says have been identified.

Have you thought about what you’ll do to stop the spread?

. . .

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    • Hi Nova,

      I saw one – college-aged dude – walking around outside by himself as I drove by the local community college the other day…

  1. Trump on injections….

    when talking to kennedy jr….“When you feed a baby, Bobby, a vaccination that is, like, 38 different vaccines and it looks like it’s been for a horse. Not a, you know, 10-pound or 20-pound baby,” Trump says on the call. “And then you see the baby all of a sudden starting to change radically. I’ve seen it too many times.”

    Trump also appeared to express some skepticism toward public health professionals who state the recommended immunization schedule for children is safe and effective, saying, “And then you hear it doesn’t have an impact, right?”

    • ATTENTION: in the U.S. children are mandated 72 injections, this now includes the deadly cv19 vaccine….
      in japan none, send your child to japan……. japan will survive, the whites won’t.

      • “Cancer was practically unknown until the cowpox vaccination began to be introduced … I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and never saw a case in an unvaccinated person.”
        Dr. W.B. Clark, New York Times, 1909

  2. Holy Shit!!

    I actually listened to that hyperventilating trust fund snot’s entire spiel…..

    Folks…sorry if you have progeny in CONUS….If this garbage is actually taken seriously AND

    affirmative action A holes keep pouring into positions above their capability it’s “Twilight of the AmeriKant Empire”….

    Time to start my new hobby…Caving 🙂

    • Well I just tried to watch the blathering idiot one more time to confirm the “Certified Idiot Label”….gave up half way through….

      IF THIS KLOWN IS THE FUTURE …WE ARE DOOMED…prepare accordingly…Good Luck.

  3. The field of virology is about the same scientific level as the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, global warming, running your ice car on tap water, making gold from lead, pigs flying…100% fake science

    ….but….. it is useful in marketing campaigns, helping the slave owner’s big pharma make billions of dollars

    Violet Affleck is misinformed, brainwashed…very stupid….

  4. Thank God the damn dumb fool missed by an inch of Trump’s head and nicked his right ear.

    Nobody would be up for a funeral for Donald Trump.

    Might as well be as defiant as the Palestinians.

    Very suspicious, a setup, the ultimate mark. A good question.

    In politics, it is always game on.

    Nonetheless, the book of faults that Trump has filled over the years needs some redemption.

    Some red leak detector from his ear saved his sorry worthless, hide.

    Not everybody survives an assassination attempt.

    Darn near got Soleimani-ed.

    There are plenty of assassinations.

  5. Who opens fire into a crowd of people in an attempt to murder Donald Trump? Very bad juju there.

    Maybe psychotropic medications were being prescribed to the shooter? Could be, you just never know.

    The Biden regime must go, there it was, gone.

    Gone for good.

    Thank God!

    • “Maybe psychotropic medications were being prescribed to the shooter?”

      Of course they were. He’s been “medicated” from birth by his “counselors” parents.

  6. We know of a number of parents who literally locked their kids in a room for days, being fed with food left at their door. At least two of these kids, now about to enter college, are so psychologically damaged, they are having difficulty adjusting to the idea of moving into a dorm, have sought in patient help, and may have to defer college. Perhaps having parents like they did was enough to f them up forever, but I can only imagine what the coof did on top. Fact is, we have untold thousands – or more – of such kids who were stunted with diapers, isolation, fear porn, and injections of God knows what. They are psychologically damaged and now roam among us and can’t cope with reality. Fitting, as we swirl down the toilet bowl.

  7. This really is great news Eric. The same mental deficients who want to unleash violence, then pull it back as it reverberates on them, are the same ones who will fall for this fear porn. We should be encouraging them to set the dial on full and shoot for the sun, then line up for as much orange goo as they can stomach.

    Just as Bat Flu 1.0 was an intelligence test of sorts, so to will this next round be. I have a couple cousins and an uncle who I always believed were super smart. Advanced degrees in electrical engineering, medicine, and hotel management. Here I am, just some backwood shit kicker, who barely squeaked through high school. And according to them, I’m just too thick to understand the current thing.They recently returned from a vacation to Portugal. Somehow, my wife was included in their group text informing everyone that they tested positive and were all sick as dogs from COVID. Even though they’re all fully vexed. One of them even had a temperature of 102 degrees. Don’t know if that last part was to elicit sympathy or convince us that COVID is real. Unfortunately, my wife refused my demand to reply with a clown e-moji. She instead ignored the text.

    Fear is all these broken leftists have, and in the end, if we refuse to acknowledge their mental illness, they’ll eventually destroy themselves. Its already happening and it is a wonder to behold. TPTB have put themselves in a corner. Don’t feed them, don’t try to convince them, don’t engage them using their preferred nomenclature. They will need to learn the lesson most of us already have. No one is coming to save them. That’s a good first step toward our peaceful Separation.

    As for that child of the mask, I wish someone would follow her speech and point out the extreme level of white privilege required to hold such a position. Her gurl power comes exclusively form parents who read lines they didn’t write, on top of that, they probably never should have been allowed to breed. That stunning and brave little girl can be reason #1 why women should no longer be allowed a place in politics.

  8. Man, I miss Bugs Bunny! Think ahmo goan buy the DVD set….. (Gnome sain?) Even though Bugs was a cross-dressing Hollywood Jew! (Notice how he never actually BOUGHT all of those mallets or other contraptions? He’d just conjure them out of thin air…)

  9. ‘It is very interesting to watch this mentally ill girl make her case for “masks.” ‘ — eric

    I tried. Really, I did.

    But I just cannot process infantilized chipmunk speech. If someone would slow the audio to 50%, and drop the pitch an octave, maybe I’d have another go at it.

    When your spine is cracking and your hands, they shake
    Heart is bursting and your butt’s gonna break
    Woman’s cussing, you can hear her shriek
    Feel like murder in the first degree

    — Rolling Stones, Ventilator Blues

    • Jim H “I tried. Really, I did.”

      You are a tougher man than I. I tried but mere seconds finished me off. I didn’t really try. The drama coaches will fix that, of course, and she “will be a star someday”.

    • I think, Jim, that she was speaking of debilitating ailments, but whatever she may have had didn’t eliminate her ability of rapidly banter on in one unbroken run-on sentence. Much of what she was trying to say did not compute, and I wasn’t about to go back and try another listen.

      Your audio editing idea might have some merit, but I doubt the words of a young basket-case would do us much good.

    • Sorry to interrupt….BUT..

      Thank You for an accurate description!

      What is with these SPOILED BRAT PUNKS??


  10. Here is something I observed during the Trump assassination attempt; the crowd ducked but did not leave in a panic. They stayed. If this were a Brandon rally and someone yelled *Covid!* they’d all run to the first aid station to mask up and get boosters.

    Brave and the free vs the cowards and slaves.

  11. Personally this looks more like a government operation. Too many ‘mistakes’. Maybe even a setup. I know,,, hard to believe!

    • There’s actually a video out now showing the perp crawling up the roof. lol

      It’s so stupid that only Corpgov could have dreamed up this scenario.


        My goodness… What ever happened to CRITCAL THINKING…..

        Proof positive the guy is authorized “Controlled Opposition”

        Semper Fi Mac

      • No stupid there ken. Set up that way deliberately. Female run secret service, an unarmed cop climbed the ladder, Crooks points a gun at the cop, cop goes down the ladder and Crooks then shoots Trump. Must have been the only unarmed cop on duty in the last 75 years. SS wants Trump dead. Did you see the puny SS female who was more interested in the position of her sunglasses? How can a 5.4′ female protect a 6.4′ man? Cannot happen even in an alternate universe.

  12. It’s sad how many have become mentally disabled over this psy-op, I even see a few wearing face diapers in church. I want to go up to them and ask why, being that you’re here in church, you don’t trust God to keep you safe.

    • Fear is mentioned in the Bible several times. Wearing a face diaper is submitting to fear. …It’s an equation, where the Sum is the answer to you & would be, “No!”.

  13. Maybe this will get some parents to take a look in the mirror and ask if their kid is the next one.

    This is what happens when (as Rush Limbaugh put it) those “young skulls full of mush” are exposed to a dying mainstream media and hyperbolic social media. Most of the crap that passes for news these days is nothing but opinion (cue the two astronauts “always has been” meme) wrapped in shouting loudly in an attempt to build a viral audience on X or other soc-nets. But no one tells the kids it’s all an act for the big show, that most of these people on the monitor are faking it. And that no one puts the drudgery of daily life up on Facebook, because it’s not interesting to anyone else either.

    Oh, most kids have a pretty good natural BS detector, at least if they’ve got a good foundation. But there’s that amuck time when all that goes out the window, at least for some kids. It happens. And often times it is a parent or trusted older friend or relative who gets them through it. If the parent isn’t there, or worse, that trusted friend has ulterior motives, things go sideways, often permanently.

    I don’t want to make the kid out to be a victim, no way. Nearly all kids who go through the amuck time get through it just fine with minimal scars and plenty of lessons learned. This kid should have been taken out, no doubt. Anyone who can’t see the consequences of their actions in the planning stage would be on that list too. By the way, that list includes Marvin Heemeyer, hero of some of the more radical libertarians.

  14. These sociopaths want to engage in ANOTHER fear porn campaign, this time so they can also attack the food supply as part of their sick, evil plan to force us all to eat bugs. And Big Pharma wants MORE money coming in, so the Biden regime recently awarded Moderna a $176 MILLION contract to make bird flu jabs, which will likely also be mRNA jabs. Will Pfizer want in on this nonsense too? I’m thinking YES, and these pharma companies might also lobby for bird flu jab MANDATES for livestock AND humans. This whole bird flu thing will be another IQ test for sure. Have the American people learned a lesson from the rampant COVID fear porn we were bombarded with in 2020-21? We’ll have to wait and see.

    • [MANDATES for livestock AND humans. ] JB

      Very little difference where the government is concerned. The way most humans act these days one can see the reasoning.

  15. This whole bird flu nonsense is not only a good way for these self-proclaimed “World improvers” to start ANOTHER fear porn campaign, but they also wish to use it to engage in MASS KILLINGS of livestock and thus attack the food supply as part of their sick plan to make us eat bugs. Big Pharma also wants to make mRNA based bird flu jabs, and the Biden regime recently awarded Moderna a $176 million contract to do so. And these psychopaths probably also want bird flu vaxx mandates for livestock AND humans.

  16. The Wisconsin supreme court re-instituted the alleged legality of ballot drop off boxes. Just in time for the cases! to repeat the 2020 theft.

    I’d like to think the dumb masses will give a collective eff you to the powers that be if the forced masking / shots is repeated. I’m not holding out hope.

    • Unfortunately I have to agree…given the comprehensive PUSSIFICATION OF ,USA USA…

      It’s Bug Out time….and I’m on third base …looking for Home…….

      Thinking of a place called Florida……

      Oops, forgot to mention ….NOT the “Aircraft Carrier State”..FL…but an asskicking place called….Florida , Puerto Rico!…

      The area is pure karst topography…

      Railay beach Krabi Thailand…or cool action with the James Bond Island Golden gun movie scene, for a taste.

      The beauty of the place is…simply it’s “ease of transition” AND “eye candy” Geography……for a USA, USA-er…

      to a location which is visually spectacular and less costly than “The Forrestal Flattop”…

      known as FL….

      F the scenery kids….what is so Kool about Limestone country?
      Simple, free cave stash/crash pads plus Hurricane nonsense protection…Keep the concrete.
      I’m retired and I’m lazy so ….why fight your nature?

      For an example of Karst topography freebies …. let’s check southeast Missoura…..

      Go to Mill Springs and ask for the directions to “The Gulf”..

      located in the middle of a scrub oak cow pasture…the fenced off 30 x 90 ft sinkhole has a cave opening at one end….WOW!!!

      the cave is about 200 ft in when you hit a mini Carlsbad Caverns…No shit…

      Here’s the kick ass “water storage” feature of Karst topography…the damn water was 200 feet deep….I scuba dived in the son of a bitch….

      Yeah baby

  17. Well the obvious solution is that all birds must die. Never mind they are the cheapest source of animal fat and protein. Never mind they are world champion bug eaters. Both of which are in total disdain of “Eat the bugs” and be happy.


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