Here’s the audio of this week’s talk withBryan Hyde, host of The Bryan Hyde Show in Utah. We talked about Orange Man Down and the Left’s goading/hypocrisy, among other things:
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About the Trump prophecy preacher, his name is Brandon Biggs,
and about the engineered financial collapse – how they do it – the conspiracy books on the Great Depression tell us how they do it – they withdraw credit.
During the bubble phase – credit is easy. Recently we had ZIRP, Zero interest rates, the lowest in human history. That is ultra easy credit. Debt has gone vertical and we are ripe for a bust. To engineer a crash, just raise interest rates.
To engineer a collapse you first must create and easy credit boom, then withdraw credit, and the existing debt bubble will then implode. Many people think they will pin the implosion and Greater Depression on Trump and the Republicans, just as Herbert Hoover go the the blame for the Great Depression – leading to 3 terms by FDR.
So expect a repeat of that. Today Chucky Schumer threaten Trump. And if they can’t kill him, maybe they will kill the economy.
Some analysts think (Socionomics) that the mood of the crowd creates the booms and bust. If the mood turns sour, people stop borrowing, and the existing debt then implodes. The problem with a debt based society is that it is inherently unstable. The greater the debt, the higher the instability.
During the GWBush years – he was worried the system would crash on his watch. Even Trump said recently he think the stock market could crash. Everyone knows the crash is coming, and the elect don’t want it blamed on them – it would ruin their legacy.
Morning, Jack!
At this moment, it certainly seems that Trump is a fait accompli to be (s)elected. But much can change in four months’ time. Or even one day. I still say Big Mike is coming… assuming the plan is for Trump to lose. But – as you’ve noted – it may be the plan is for him to win, so they can pin the tail on the orange donkey for the collapse that’s coming.
You may be right about Michelle Obama as the next selection. Last night, on Jeff Rense radio, he had on Joel Gilbert, hour 3:
Joel Gilbert made a feature film about Michelle Obama.
Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power
The movie claims she is being set up to be the next president.
I don’t know what happened, but there are some good analysis of the Trump attempted assassination, in no particular order:
Christian woman Peggy Hall
Scorpio last show
Jeff Rense network
Mitchell Henderson – retired military expert
Republic Broadcasting Network
My take (changes daily)
The Truth Seeker in the UK
Mike Stone- Assassination Staged to Elect Trump
Finally, have we all lost our humanity? No one seems to care that the CIA or FBI recruited some (retarded) patsy (Crookes) then set him up just so they could shoot him in the head and blame everything on him – the lone gunman.