A certain someone once said: In England they’re filled with curiosity . . . why doesn’t he come? Be calm! He’s coming!
And so she is, it looks like. Events are happening so quickly it’s become hard to keep on top of them, let alone predict them. But all indications indicate that the aging grifter is going – perhaps as soon as this weekend. Maybe before the end of today. The grifters who depend upon it at least looking like the grifter who serves as their front man are in open panic on account of what the aging grifter looks like as he – just last night – uncertainly shambles down the short steps of the presidential airplane, pausing mid-way to look around confusedly before shambling the rest of the way down the steps.
He is getting closer to hospice care every day – and it shows. Jimmy Carter looks better, probably. Or – more to the point – not much worse.
And Jimmy probably speaks more coherently.
Meanwhile, the Orange Man is in ascendance. Whether one likes him is an irrelevance as regards the fact. He seems as unstoppable as a July thunderstorm.
There is only thing that might stop him – and it’s not Kamala Harris. She will have to go – so that the only person who can plausibly win the (s)election can come. That person is Michelle Obama. Big Mike – as her brother-in-law refers to her. For reasons that aren’t hard to fathom given what is known about her husband’s interests and activities.
But that is not why Big Mike is coming.
Big Mike is coming because there is no one else who brings the package that Big Mike’s got. The Obama name, of course. That is a name that makes the Useful Idiots who form the bulk of support for the grift mill that is the Democrat Party shiver with adoration and anticipation, as Dr. Frank n’ Furter put it in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. That alone might be enough. It would counter the ineffable mojo of the Orange Man – for the opposition to the Orange Man. The mojo that Kamala wishes she had but never will. And the same for the other potential offerings, such as the repellent Gretchen Whitmer and the greasy Gavin Newsom – who’s much too straight and white anyhow. Putting him ahead of her – any her – would drive the Useful Idiots of the Left to peacefully protest and that would only serve to make the Orange Man even stronger as the still-sane majority climbs aboard the Orange Express out of fear and loathing – as another doctor liked to style it – of the very same Useful Idiots.
But Big Mike would pacify these maniacs; cool their DEI (and LGBTQXYZ) fever. They would feel empowered. They would feel that one of them is coming. The party of the Useful Idiots would close ranks around Big Mike and disarray and defeat would suddenly transform into a kind of counter-juggernaut to the Orange Man. Angry middle-aged white women would find common cause with angry blue-haired young women (and anodyne young men).
Who could resist?
America’s first black woman – if you like – jefe. A continuation of the Obama Years another four years. Or even eight. Which would be more than enough time to complete the fundamental transition that began (in earnest) back in 2008 that got interrupted for a few years when the Orange Man rolled into town. He then got rolled by the same forces that are now in disarray but weren’t when they had common cause. That being to get rid of the Orange Man by any means necessary. Enter the event that was marketed as “the pandemic.” It got rid of the Orange Man – at the cost of millions of lives (a cost Orange Man hasn’t yet owned up to).
But as bad as all of that was – and is yet to be – it is understood much worse is certain if the creatures that conjured “the pandemic” find their way again. Some say the Orange Man is one of them – and that possibility cannot be entirely dismissed. But even if he is, the forces he has awakened are waxing and will not wane, irrespective of the Orange Man. Whatever he may turn out to be, he has already become a kind of John the Baptist figure for a resurgence of Americanism – my neologism for what used to be the self-evident, taken-for-granted common culture and normalcy of Americans that existed before it was conceivable that someone like Barack Obama (let alone Big Mike) could be president.
Not because the latter is black – but because of who he is.
Understanding of this – and what it portends – has percolated upward. Orange Man did not create it. He tapped into it.
And the only thing that stands in his way – other than another bullet – is Big Mike.
. . .
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Wayne Allyn Root says that Mooshelle WILL be the nominee! Read all about it here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/wayne-root-ive-been-right-about-everything-so/
Imagine a debate – Trump vs Big Mike… will be comedy gold….
We rational thinking people know that Hitlery Clitler will be the next president. She has been president for the last 4 years. She is more Republican than Trump.
Hi Abe,
I don’t think it will be Hillary; she’s too disliked and too old. It will be Big Mike if it’s not Kamala.
I hope it’s cameltoe. At least it’s real.
Dayyyum Big Mike lookin swoll hittin dem dedlifs hard af
If he runs it’s gonna be hilarious. The blacks I knew liked Obama but didn’t care about “muh Michael, muh Michelle”. It’s mostly millennial and boomer white women who swoon over him.
Especially with Trump getting shot and then yelling fight and doing the fist pump. That goes straight to a nigga’s heart, they’ll be saying to each other “sheeit, dat mf Trump got shot in the ear and still was telling all his niggas to fight. That’s stone cold, he hard AF for real for real. Biden old ass would still be runnin!”
This 2024 scripted drama of America™ is straight fire!
Biden resigns candidacy, Kamala is the new nominee – or will she be replaced by Big Mike? New video predicting Kamala will soon be replaced:
Trailer: Big Mike
Preacher Brandon Biggs got many things right so far, the bullet by Trump’s ear, Trump dropping down, and Trump’s persecution suddenly stops.
I think Trump will probably be elected, and I think his presidency will be a worst disaster than the first term, and I spell it out why:
I also think a huge stock market and real estate crash is highly likely – because both are in the last stages of a huge bubble phase. To have a big crash you first must have a big party. Think 1929 but on steroids.
100 year arithmatic chart of the DJIA
on the chart, locate the 1929 crash, the 1987 crash
the fact is, the stock market (and real estate) is in the biggest bubble in the history of mankind
That Big Mikle thing was great!
PS: Looks like the Geezer’s gone… or going… and we’ll soon see what’s coming.
Democrat “dream team”
Big Mike for Prez
Sam “Ripper” Brinton for VP
[…] Big Mike, aka Michelle Obama, aka Obama 4.0, is the only potential candidate who has a prayer of beating Trump. From Eric Peters at ericpetersautos.com: […]
“She’s Running!” – Hillary Clinton Floated as Biden Replacement Amid Democrat Turmoil
[…] by Eric Peters […]
The Wicked Witch is coming!
I hope she does. She didn’t win in 2008 or 2016 she won’t win in 2024 either.
The mentally retarded parasites known as “Democrats” will elect a ham sandwich president if it is rebranded Ham Sandwich-D. The mentally retarded parasites now make up the voting majority and areas where they don’t, the election will just be stolen.
America had a good run…Now the political terrorist have a lock on government and will enslave us all…At least the ones they allow to live.
Latest on the feed is the Hildabeast. Rematch.
If Big Mike is the nominee, then the election is over; Orange Man who will be blown out. Why? One, all the women will line up to vote for her; they’ll say, “Like OMG, we’ll have the first black, female POTUS; it’ll be history!” Two, anyone who dislikes Orange Man will vote for Big Mike. That includes the women, who think OM is too lewd, crude, and rude; plus, they hate his mean tweets. Three, all minorities will vote for Big Mike. Four, the mass media LOVE Big Mike; she was the most popular FLOTUS in history. Five, Big Mike has name recognition; everyone knows her, and many love her. No, Big Mike is the Left’s SILVER BULLET! If Big Mike runs, then OM loses. It’s just that simple.
I’ve been saying all along that Big Mike will be the nominee, and I’ve been saying that Big Mike would easily win. How convincing will the win be? Let me put it this way: if Big Mike runs, then the margin of victory will be so huge that the Dems won’t have to cheat; they’ll win HONESTLY! They won’t have to cheat. That is to say that they’ll win the popular vote, and they’ll win the electoral college. If Big Mike runs, then stick a fork in OM; he’s DONE!
Hi Mike,
I agree – with an addendum: Big Mike’s success will be a function of the impossibility of questioning BM’s (s)election. Those who dare to question it will be characterized as racists and misogynists. They will be accused of fomenting “hate” – and may be subject to prosecution. They will absolutely be subject to social excoriation and probably fired from their job, de-monetized and so on.
Few will dare to question BM – including Trump – and that is the great utility of BM.
Hi Eric,
There’s also the issue of the government’s demented push for WWIII and the prospect of a draft. If BM becomes President, will Americans rally behind BM in the event we have a BIG WAR, or will they fight for Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev if they’re drafted?
YES, those are good points that I forgot! BM will not only have the protection you mentioned; she’s the only one who can adequately replace Kamala Harris. Kamala should be Biden’s replacement at the top of the ticket as sitting VP; she should rightfully be elevated to the top of the ticket.
However, Kamala has no gravitas; she giggles like a teenage girl, for cryin’ out loud! Really, what world leader would take her seriously? Though she was gaining traction in 2020, having risen to 12%-15% at one point, she crashed and burned after Tulsi Gabbard flamed her ass in that debate. After that debate, Kamala’s numbers plummeted so fast that she dropped out soon thereafter.
The problem for the left is that Kamala checks so many intersectional boxes. She’s female. She’s a POC. And so on. Though she should take top spot on the ticket, everyone knows that she’s a poor candidate. However, only one person out of all potential replacements can adequately replace Kamala; only one person can check all the same intersectional boxes: Big Mike.
Gavin Newsom is out because they can’t nominate a white man, let alone a rich, white man. That would cause many on the left to explode; how DARE you replace Kamala with a rich, white man! White men, particularly rich white men, are personae non gratae in today’s Democrat Party. Hillary is out because, though she’s female, she too is white; merely being female isn’t enough. Plus, she’s unlikeable. Gretchen Whitmer is out for the same reasons; she’s just a younger, prettier (as in less ugly) version of Hillary. Whitmer doesn’t quite have the name recognition, either; now that COVID is four years in the rearview mirror, few outside of MI know who Gretchen Whitmer is. Andy Beshear and Josh Shapiro, governors of KY and PA respectively, are out because they’re both white men. They don’t have much experience, particularly Josh Shapiro. They don’t have sufficient name recognition, either. Who does that leave? Big Mike.
Look at it differently, though, and it doesn’t look so certain. Trump can frame it as a “why should someone so inexperienced be given this job at such a dangerous time?” and then point out “It wasn’t a good idea with Hillary and it’s not a good idea now.” Perhaps jolt the voters more with things like “would you ever have voted for Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush or Jill Biden to hold our nations highest office? Then don’t make that mistake now.”
Hopefully, Trump’s campaign strategists will think of that if Big Mike is the nominee. That’s a good angle to use.
Waayyy too broad of a brush stroke here, MaryMark: “all the women will line up to vote for her” and, “all minorities will vote for Big Mike”.
The majority of women will, especially the white suburban moms. Why? One, Mooshelle is running, so they’ll want to put her in to make history. Two, they hate Donald Trump; he’s too lewd, crude, and rude. Three, the vast majority of POCs are tribal, and they’ll look out for one of their own; they’ll vote in Mooshelle.
You clearly don’t know many White Women circa 2024. Any of them not deep in Trump country and even some that are, LOVE Michelle Obama and black people in general. They have been swallowed this poisonous DEI propaganda and are the true faithful. Every college chick, barren cat lady, middle aged corporate married to her job shrew, and many many in between.
THANK YOU for making my point!
I agree with you, helot.
In 2016, Trump received 41% of total women voters with 52% of white women voting for him. Clinton received 54% of total women voting, but only 44% of white women.
Not all women, or even a majority of women, think that “history” is more important than her and her family’s safety, job security, inflation, immigration, foreign affairs, etc.
To believe that a majority of women would ignore the horrible, inept, and manipulative policy and positions of the Democratic platform to push through someone with no experience in politics or private industry is downright insulting.
Facts, RG. You got it.
Somehow, facts are ignored by those two. Too eager to paint a narrative of their own, I suppose.
…Or, something?
Hi helot,
I question the type of women that these men are hanging out with. Why are they attracting Democratic feminists who can be swayed by propaganda and whose only campaign issue is abortion?
Don’t underestimate women’s desire to vote to “make history”. That is all it would take. They are that retarded. Women would vote themselves into slavery as long as they could get free abortions…Again…They are that retarded and parasitic.
Not to mention have an opportunity to STRIKE BACK at The Patriarchy!
…And the women here who read EricPetersAutos are the obvious exceptions. They already know that they are exceptional.
Yes, indeed. Women who hang out here, like RG, are big time Unicorns! They’re the delightful, but all too rare, exception to the rule.
You keep using ‘she’ in reference to Big Mike; perhaps ‘It’ would be more appropriate?
Could it be,
The big push for acceptance of trannyism was to pave the way for Big Mike to get into the oval office? If she is in fact a he, that would come out, so to speak, in a bid for that office.
Joel Gilbert’s documentary on Big Mike goes through her history in chicago. He never claims she is a man. Jim Fetzer did some research on Big Mike and swears its a man. Both claims are documented. Who do you believe? I did see a video years back that measured Big Mikes proportions, shoulders, waist, hip, finger ratios, etc…and it was determined they were like 99.8% male features. Only a tiny percent of a women with those proportions were possible. Interesting.
“I did see a video years back that measured Big Mikes proportions, shoulders, waist, hip, finger ratios, etc…and it was determined they were like 99.8% male features. Only a tiny percent of a women with those proportions were possible. Interesting.” -Bobsuruncle
That may be true when dealing with “the average female”, but if one were to compare apples to apples, instead of apples to fruit in general, -i.e. compare the Chocolate Cow to other she-gros instead of the “average woman” (which would mean largely white women), then the proportions are not unusual for a female. (If you’d compare her proportions strictly to other apes, then she’d be perfectly average).
As Americans gaze into their electoral navals, the rest of the Global Majority is moving on from this fustercluck. China is making friends across Africa and getting natural resource wealth while the U.S. plants “lily pad” bases and kills the locals. Iran is forging alliances with both Russia and China while joining BRICS and the SCO. Countries across EurAsia and the Global South are forming economic ties to enrich all. And all while they maintain a National Identity, not becoming part of some faceless globalist blob of humanity.
The world sees genocide being committed in the Levant while the U.S. firmly affixes the albatross known as Israel around its own neck. Meanwhile, back at the Davos Ranch Western Culture and Society, that was built on White, Christian values, is being destroyed by a bunch of LGBTQIA++ rump rangers that sees value increased based upon melanin.
Trump? Biden? (Big Mike or whomever, my money is on Chelsea Clinton, you know, Web Hubbel’s daughter) it matters not. Much of the world will relish the impending dramatic exit, stage Left, of what has become a boil on the ass of the global body politic.
Time to pray to God, for our future is in the hands of Satanic lunatics in this world.
I wish they would keep Joke Be-dyin going, because lets face it — he’s hilarious now. We all need some comic relief, and he brings it. How funny would it be when they fraud him in again? I’m disappointed and sad if they replace him. That sucks.
I don’t get Trump — he got massively frauded in 2020 — yet he’s running again? Did the election system get repaired or improved? NO it did not. It’s the SAME fraud-system. So someone tell me how he can get elected when they don’t count his votes??? Nothing makes any sense these days. Welcome to Bizarro world.
I can prove to you that your votes are not counted — if they were counted then they would let you verify your ballot. All election data is computerized and THEY HAVE THE BALLOTS DATA and could easily post that data on the state websites (it would be one file per county or per city or per precinct), so you could simply look up your ballot and verify that it is there and it is correct. Plus you could verify the totals are correct too. It would cost them almost NOTHING to do this. It would take almost NO LABOR to do this. But they never do this, and no one ever even mentions it in any media etc. No one ever mentions any solutions for how to make the elections honest. The reason no one ever mentions this is because they are taking about ONE THIRD of your ballots and changing your votes or deleting your entire ballot. They HAVE to do that in order to win because if they did not do that, then they would have to make so many fake voters that there would be more voters than there is population (and that would be obvious to everyone that they cheated).
Example: If they get 30% of the votes (which is probably way more than they actually get LOL), then they must steal/change 21% of your ballots so that they get the required 51% to win. But if they didn’t change any of your ballots, then they would need ~43% fake voters, which may or may not be more than the population depending on the turnout and the percent of people that are registered to vote. So if the percent of people registered to vote is 80% and the turnout is 80%, that means 64% of the population voted (80% X 80%) and 36% of the population did not vote. So their 43% fake voters minus 36% of non-voters equals 7% voters that are MORE than the population. So they could hide 36% of their 43% fake voters, but the rest becomes more than the population.
Since they actually LOSE pretty badly in most elections, it’s pretty easy to beat their fraud — all we have to do is let voters verify their own ballots, and allow voters to select their 2nd and 3rd etc choices on the ballot, and actually count voters’ “none of the above” votes. Also obviously there should be a public audit of the voter rolls. WHY has no one ever suggested these simple improvements to the election system? I am not a genius, anyone could figure this out by just thinking about it for a little while. But no one ever makes any suggestions for improvements. And no one ever suggests that ALL counties should be doing the exact same procedure — instead they are currently all a little different which proves that they are IDIOTS and don’t know how to run an election. YOUR “LEADERS” INCLUDING THE HONEST ONES ARE COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT AND DO NOT EVEN KNOW HOW TO RUN A SIMPLE ELECTION. And elections are the foundation of society, they are the most important thing, yet they have made a complete joke of them, worldwide.
Electing a Republican or Democrat hasn’t prevented more wars
and less freedom.
Insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein
One of my proudest moments was being threatened with death as an
elected Libertarian. Ross Perot, Reform Party, had a similar experience.
Competition improves everything, Rs and Ds have gotten together to prevent
third party competition – it’s working to the detriment of the Republic.
Concentrating on symptoms, rather than root causes, accomplishes nothing.
CNN’s Jake Tapper likened Biden to Bruce Willis’s character in the 1999 thriller “The Sixth Sense” — a man unaware of his own demise.
Everyone seems to feel pretty strongly one way or another. One thing is for certain. The winner will be whoever the owners determine. You know, the real ones, Not Musk, Thiel, Soros or Huffman. Big Mike is lazy AF, and its probably going to be 20 years before we get another black president, unless she’s East Asian-Half-rican, or a hard right reformer.
Most likely, the owners will somehow (seems improbable now) keep JB in office and execute a perfect 175 million mail in ballot operation, beating Trumps 174 million, 999,999 legitimate votes by 1. Nothing more the owners would love than starting a war in America while they rub our faces in the shit of our suck. Fact that they can steal any election, get away with absolutely any heinous crime they choose, anytime they want, hasn’t changed one iota since OM railed, “lock her up.”
You think this country still has 20 years? I wish I had your optimism….
I do still, on rare occasions, plant trees that I will never luxuriate in their shade, or never taste of their fruit.
Big Mike does seem like the only one who might actually beat Trump. Except he has one huge fault. He is as foul tempered and unpleasant as John McCain was when his hemorrhoids were acting up really bad. Harder to hide than poor Joe’s dementia.
I predicted that Big Mike would get the nomination. And I hope he does. He’ll get blown out even worse than McCain.
I beg to differ with you; if Big Mike is the nominee, then it will be Orange Man who gets blown out. Why? One, all the women will line up to vote for her; they’ll say, “Like OMG, we’ll have the first black, female POTUS; it’ll be history!” Anyone who dislikes Orange Man will vote for Big Mike. Three, all minorities will vote for Big Mike. No, Big Mike is the Left’s SILVER BULLET! If Big Mike runs, then OM loses. It’s just that simple.
Not really that simple. In a country with honest elections, one person, in person, same day, paper ballot voting only, then maybe, that wave of emotional sewage would matter.
What matters is one thing only. What the owners want. And at this point they probably want Trump. He’s the best bagman for the planned flameout of the $$$. He is the only one who can get otherwise right thinking people to take untested vaccines without question. He is also the only one who can rally the boobus dumbshits in this country to fight for Merika in unjust, no win wars.
The owners really gain much more at this point having Trump in office than any Dim. If we were going with the breaking boundaries idea, way before the black transvestite, the owners would probably pick a gay jew. Enter Josh Shapiro.
There are 18 individuals living in the rural area where I have my land and farmyard, they work on the farms, hired hands. They all are from South Africa. They do not cause problems and will work like a dog all day. Better than sittin’ like a bump on a log.
More South Africans are in the area and live to work. They have to. Pretty obvious as to the reason why they’re here and not there.
All they want to do is work, earn a living.
Nobody wants to be picked on and extirpated from the place where they live. However, they are and then will find a better place to be.
That’s the way it goes moving west.
’18 individuals living in the rural area where I have my land … are from South Africa.’ — drumphish
Visited ZA a couple of times during apartheid days. They were marketing it to European contract workers as a ‘white man’s paradise’ — all-day sun; easy living; furnished apartment with maid service; a braai every evening by the pool.
I looked around and said to myself, this fool’s paradise isn’t lasting much longer. It was gone in a decade.
Now that’s how I feel about the Americlown house of cards. The fuse is lit. The time till the charge goes BANG is pretty short. Sauve qui peut, mes amis.
Like they say “Demographics is Destiny”. It sure looks like the demographics are not on our side. White people in America are about 57% of the population. White school age children are already under 50%. The borders should immediately be closed and monitored very closely. There are 1.2 billion people in Sub-Saharan Africa. There are about 5 billion people in Asia and there about 600,000 people south of the US border. If only 10% of these people move to America then it will be the end of us.
I can see why our rulers need an ever expanding population and it all has to do with continual growth. Our financial system is predicated on constant growth otherwise there will be a big financial crash.
So far our large supply of money, our large police force both state and federal are keeping a lid on tribal warfare. We are truely repeating history by instituting
a multicultural nation.
White people are definitely a minority of the population worldwide, soon to be the same here in the USSA. I wonder if we’ll get “affirmative action”, quotas, etc. when we reach that point. /sarc/
They say Great Britain will be a Muslim country soon….the great replacement…the white slaves are the scapegoats for all the slave owners crimes…
Global Caliphate
How do I make money betting on the lettuce?
It’s set up like I can trade stocks for lettuce or biden, but in 10 days neither is going to be worth much.
Alex Jones insider trading on Lettuce V Biden the inside baseball is bidens probablly out by the 22nd
Each day, more evidence is piling up that the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump was by the US Government itself.
1. More than one sniper assassins. Audio records over 10 shots from different directions. The patsy sniper was in full view of many police and was never stopped.
2. A real bullet went through Trump’s earlobe. A video emerges
(that means Trump didn’t fake it for publicity)
3. Assistant Director of the FBI Janeen Diguiseppi was sitting directly behind Trump recording the assassination, and just like the 6 dancing Israelis, who were sent to film the event:
Waco, Ruby Ridge, OKC building – the FBI has a good track record to be labeled a terrorist organization. The FBI needs to be stormed by the US Marines, all arrested, all taken to Gitmo, tortured, until we find out just what the fuck is going on.
That FBI POS needs to be interrogated, tortured, imprisoned, then publically executed, and whoever else was involved. That is flat out treason – what a piece of shit to film at arm’s length the assassination of a former president. Traitor at the highest level.
Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and all else involved need to be arrested by the US Military, courts martialled, then hanged on live television. And I am no fan of Jew lover Trump. This is so disgusting, I am mad as hell at these deep state slime balls. Death to them all say I.
Trump’s failed assassination can be viewed shamanically as a reversal of the energy since the JFK assassination – which was a coup by the deep state and Israel. See MCP book:
Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy 2004
by Michael Collins Piper
Trump could theoretically undo the damage since JFK was liquidated. From a big picture coup viewpoint – if Trump and company are serious, they could reverse all the damage since Amerika was rolled by the deep state.
The rolling coup:
1913 Federal Reserve act,
1933 FDR confiscates gold, socialist insecurity started
1940-5 Military Industrial State formalized
1947 – post Roswell – National Security Act, CIA, MJ-12
1963 – JFK offed for opposing Israel’s secret nuclear program
LBJ to Bush senior – nukes illegally given to Israel
2001 – 911 engineered pretext to invade Middle East
2020 – stolen election and deep state grifter Biden installed
4. A Rothschild-Blackrock investment firm shorted Trump’s stock – they bought the short position the day before the assasination attempt. That itself proves it was no lone gunman kid (just another retard recruited then assassinated by the FBI/CIA – no one talks about how Crookes was murdered by the state after they put him on the roof.
Who Was Maxwell Yearick? Real Shooter In Trump Rally Shooting Identified
Who Is Janeen DiGuiseppi? Did FBI Assistant Director Give Instructions To Shooter At Trump Rally Shooting
The “Covid” thing…
It’s so transparent.
He’s being set up to exit, stage left.
It will be interesting to see what happens, if he doesn’t. I’m not so sure he (or Jill) will go willingly. But if he has “covid,” perhaps he will be made to disappear.
The news might say he died peacefully in his sleep, after doctors heroically attempted to revive him with a hydroxychloroquine/ivermectin cocktail, and remind everyone to line up for their latest mind-control boosters.
I bought a Trump flag on 7/13 –a few hours after he had been shot. It’s been flying since the 15th. Admittedly it’s there primarily to irritate the crazy lefty neighbor lady be-yotch (mission accomplished). But the fact that it seemed obvious that the failure of Trump’s security was deliberate just pissed me off.
July 20, 1969, the moonfarers landed on the moon!
Tomorrow is National Moon Landing Day. It was a wild ride on gossamer wings.
I do believe it is better to howl at the moon than it is to vote.
You feel like you get something done, even if it is all in vain.
The lunatics in DC just shout at the sky, does no good.
Barking at the moon is what Joe is doing right now.
Unintelligibly too, never stops.
Tomorrow being National Moon Landing Day means that today is National Chappaquiddick Day, celebrating the event which forever locked Ted Kennedy out of contending for the White House.
RIP Mary Jo.
That weekend also taught the Dems how to play the media cycle.
I feel like Big Mike is termed out. We treat the president and wife like a package deal: The president and the first lady. She has a hand in policy decisions, has a White House office and staff, lives in the White House, attends events and represents the country, etc. Hillary Clinton even once said “We’re the president” when she was objecting to the press rifling through their personal papers after one of their scandals.
The Party of Democracy is subverting the one process in our country at the federal level that actually IS a democracy: picking your party’s candidate. The Big Guy won. That’s all. The fact that he can’t win the general election is not grounds to reverse that. If he’s too mentally ill to serve, then they are supposed to use the 25th amendment and let Harris take the post. Then they would have to deal with passing over a sitting president (a black female sitting president, no less) for a second term in favor of a third term for the Barack Obamas.
Yes, I do understand the Dems can and will do whatever they want. I just hope the rest of the country recognizes the wrongness and cold cynicism at work here. I hate Joe Biden and they’ve actually made me feel a little sorry for him. As soon as the unwashed masses realized what a mess he is, his “loyal following” turned on him like a rattlesnake. Where’s the love now? No wonder he’s confused.
Last night became the WWF, in between sermons from the many preachers that were featured in the GOPs 4-day church session.
Not impressed.
Too bad President Camacho couldn’t make it.
Just what I’ve been saying since, Adi! We are now in Idiocracy. It has happened. We are now fully immersed.
All my worlds come back to me
In shades of Idiocracy
And every vacant stare I see
Reminds me that I long to be
Sanity bound
Competency bound
tip of the hat to Paul Simon,
& apology for stealing his tune
Spot on, Amerika is Idiocracy, and can Trump actually fix anything? I am not sure he can.
Trump has told us a hundred times he will reverse the illegally immigration, round them up and send them home.
I am a skeptic that Trump has the ability or the power or the will to do so. 50 million illegals. How many is Trump realistically going to send home?
Anyone want to make a wager on this?
The Democrats could nominate Jesus H. Christ himself, Trump is going to win the election or whatever it is anymore.
Maybe even nominate Obi-Wan Kenobi, Trump will still win.
Big Mike doesn’t stand a chance against Donald Trump.
Every living thing on the earth should be able to vote, all of the lions, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, bears, dogs, cats, gerbils, anteaters, termites, every single bug on the planet will vote in protest for Trump. They don’t want to be eaten by humans.
Bugs hate the WEF and want it gone.
The WEF Vampire Squid wants to destroy and devour everything on the planet.
Real-time betting line on D-party prez candidates — eight of them:
“Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” — S’no White and the Seven Dwarves
Once again I present Big Mike’s 1980s workout video:
What are the chances, that over 40 years ago, Big Mike was hanging out with Barak Obama and Bill Gates Try to explain how those 3 were together 4 decades ago before anyone knew anything about them.
And what about Barack and Michelle Obama’s daughters, Malia and Sasha rent a kids? Since Big Mike is male, he-she can not have children, so will they have to go fetch the rent a kids for the election?
Sasha and Malia Obama’s real Parents are Martin and Anita Nesbitt
But on the Republican side of the selection, what about this iconic photo taken at Bohemian Grove even further back, in the 1960s? of a young Ronald Reagan and a young Richard Nixon sitting on either side of Dr. Edward Teller (father of the atomic bomb)?
The world’s most powerful men meet each year in a secret retreat in the redwoods, yet the press never reports on it. These men select the willing political whores do to their dirty work. Politicians are owned. They are selected by the owners.
George Carlin: You Have Owners
When Arnold Schwatznegger was made the Governator of Calipornia, who was he photographed with?
Arnold was photographed with Lord Rothschild and wealthiest investor Warren Buffett – the owners.
They wealthiest are the owners, they put Arnold into power, for their agenda. Democracy is a sham, it is an illusion that you have a choice, or a say in the authorities that rule over you. The elite write the holy myths, they pick who rules for them, that is the way it really works. In Caesar’s Messiah, the Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, Joseph Atwill goes into painstaking detail how the Flavians wrote the Christian myth. In the New Testament, Romans 13, you are instructed to obey the authority that Almighty God appointed. Read it again. The State is the real god here, the State is the real author of the belief systems that keep the world locked down under the spell of myth.
It’s time to wake up and unspell your mind, no god cares about our governments or what we do to each other. IMO earth is owned by alien race (the Greys?) and they might care, because they own the planet and they do not want humans wrecking it. But no God, as we believe God as a supreme being, cares. Last night at the RNC God was brought up again and again. The God belief is part and parcel what holds the Republican party together. And that God is not good, the God of the Abrahamic religions is the war god Yahweh.
Each election cycle is a gigantic farce. The owners are running a Kabuki theater to engage and fool you – you are to become emotionally invested – captivated – by the binary polar opposites dangled in front of your face – a life and death matter – to vote for your guy. Last night, Trump was at the peak of power, but with months to ago, will the owners roll out Michelle and eclipse the Trumps?
In this farcical selection, senile Biden is being forced to resign, rumors are that Biden may even resign the presidency this weekend. (wave repeat of Nixon and Watergate, the failed assassination attempt may require Biden to resign) Trump narrowly dodges a bullet, we are all on the edge of our seats. Who will the DNC pick? Michelle? Newscum? What will they do with Kamalaho? Wrap your mind around the process – the authority is making you believe in the urgency of this race, to vote, to believe, to pretend that they care about you. Each side will say they identify with you, personally. Bill Clinton was the best showman – he would often say “I feel your pain”.
Bill Clinton, the frequent flyer to Epstein island, is best golf buds with Donald Trump. When Bush senior was alive, Bill Clinton would often fly with him to every continent. The point is these “deadly political enemies” is only show, in real life they hang out together, golf together, etc. When Clinton’s daughter Chelsea got married (to a Jew) the Trump’s were the guests of honor, and Ghislaine Maxwell, the underaged girl fetcher for Jeffrey. Of course DJ Trump’s daughter is married to the Jewboy Jared Kushner, son of Charles Kushner, the convicted NYC real estate mobster. Jared now owns the former Citicorp Building 666 5th avenue that he bought with chump change.
Like George Carlin said, you have owners, they own you … it’s a big club and you ain’t in it. And the owners have a big club in case you decide to resist and overthrow their system. All the cops work for them, the police protect them from you. If it wasn’t for the cops, we could just walk up to their homes, drag them out and beat them to death. But we won’t which is why we are the sheep. The sheep just don’t have a spine to resist, the sheep do what they are told. That is why the savior is a shephard, a Judas goat, he leads his sheep into bondage. The sheep are told it is their civic duty to vote, the sheep willingly sign up for the military draft. The sheep are expendable pawns in the elite struggles to carve up the world – and the elite want Russia’s natural resources, so the sheep are now being convinced that Russia is the enemy, and we must fight Russia.
If Trump is selected and installed, the theory is the owners will use Trump’s charisma to lead the Christian sheep into WW3 with Russia and China. Time to wake up and not be a pawn. I myself was lucky, I have never voted ever. Back when Nixon resigned, and Ford was interim president, my dad came home from work one day and told me, son, today the FBI came to my office and told me Jimmy Carter would be the next president of the United States. This was months before the election. My dad was manager of engineering for a Fortune 500 company. I was smart enough to reason, why should I vote if the outcome of the election is pre-determined?
After the Kent State shootings (close to where I grew up) I also vowed never to go to any political rallies or protests. The government is perfectly willing to mow us down if we get to far out of line. So I never voted and I never went to see some douchebag political whore promising everything and will deliver nothing. I think you should do the same. How unwise is it to go to a Trump rally when multiple snipers are spraying bullets? 11 high powered rifle shots into a crowd to get Mr. Trump, who reminds me of the movie character John Wick – the hero the system wants dead.
I am telling you that if Trump is elected, he will not, and can not undo the system. Be prepared to be completely betrayed. Trump will not prosecute Joe Biden for stealing he last election, he will not release the JFK files, he will not pardon the J6ers (well maybe he will as window dressing), he will not even investigate his own attempted assassination. If you remember when Trump was elected the first time he promised to arrest “crooked Hillary” and “lock her up”. Not a chance, Trump and Hillary are best friends and his photo proves it:
Trump threw the J6ers under the bus. But who did he pardon? His criminal Jew buddies, read the list for yourself, and read the crimes they were convicted for.
Indeed Big Mike may be coming, especially since Trump vowed to end EV subsidies on Day 1. The owners can not have that, as Eric has brilliantly written again and again that EVs are a scam to end private car ownership. The owners want you stripped of freedom of movement, locked down in 15 minute cities, and to own nothing while they own everything.
And what they don’t want is Trump ending their transistion out of cars, unless they want him to lead us into WW3. We’ll see what happens. But I will not be voting because I know it is a gigantic scam. I am not fooled by these political posers, how about you?
> Dr. Edward Teller
Edward Teller was the *real* Dr. Strangelove.
I heard him speak on two occasions.
The first was for a general audience, and was open to the public.
The second was behind closed doors at LLNL, and required a Q clearance to attend.
He was, shall we say, “into” his primary obsession, which was the design of nuclear weapons, a.k.a. better ways to end the world as we know it.
Fun fact:
The orientation film shown to new hires at nuclear weapons laboratories in the 1960s was narrated by none other than Ronny Raygun, who at the time was governor of California. It extolled the virtues of staying one jump ahead of the Russkies, a.k.a. “technological lead time.”
Needless to say, I am not a big fan.
‘no one else brings the package that Big Mike’s got: the Obama name, of course.’ — eric
But one man arose from the same legend:
‘Abandoned by his father to a troubled single mother; eventually raised by grandparents. He is then recruited from an Ivy league law school by shadow figures, a specific billionaire and a network of interests. He changes his name, writes a book about his life story, and with the support of the aforementioned – who eventually pays for the assembly of a strategic campaign influence network, becomes a Senator for 2 years before being quickly elevated into position in the White House.
‘Many people reading that paragraph would be familiar with the life story of Barack Hussein Obama. However, that paragraph also explains the right-side version of the exact same story line, James David Vance. It’s a mirror.‘
Orange Failed again, comrades. Pence was just a clueless dipshit from a twisted dispensationalist religious tradition. Whereas Vance sings straight from the Agency’s secular hymnal. Let us all turn to page 666 and recite together the Langley Creed, ‘Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran!’
Apparently, Sundance is a man who does not see the long term plan. The 2028 election is not for Vance, but a push for either Don Jr. or Eric. Trump is a man who does not trust outsiders…only family. His ultimate goal is not for JD to walk into the position of President in 2028, but to establish a Trump Dynasty. There is a reason Don Jr., Eric, and Ivanka have been publicly involved with Dad’s campaign from the beginning.
If Trump is elected and is able to turn this country into something better than it currently is be aware that it will be a Trump that will be the Republican nominee in 2028. JD is only there if someone needs to be pushed under the bus.
‘a push for either Don Jr. or Eric.’ — Raider Girl
No doubt Trump would be pleased. But it’s an impossibly heavy lift to elevate a family member with no experience in public office to the presidency. That’s why Big Mike has no shot, either. Like Barack and J D, you have to add at least a cursory swing through the Senate to your political resume. Or a governor’s office, in the case of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Something, for heaven’s sake.
Hi Jim,
Except the man that is now the Republican nominee had zero political experience when he won the Presidency in 2016. This would also include Taylor and Grant (both military generals, but no political office holdings prior to the Presidency).
A political resume (ahem, Uncle Joe) has shown this country that years in political positions does not constitute effectiveness nor efficiency. As screwed up as Congress is I would think that a position in such an institution is more of a hindrance than a help.
> Taylor and Grant (both military generals, but no political office holdings prior to the Presidency).
Eisenhower as well, I believe.
[ If Trump is elected and is able to turn this country into something better than it currently is]
Big Mike is all fake (like all the rest) and perfectly mirrors the nation. All contestants ,on all sides, have declared their admiration and loyalty to Israehell. It has recently been noted that each congress critter has his/her/its own Zionist advisor and some 89 congress critters now hold dual citizenship. I don’t see the executive branch as much different.
One cannot have loyalty to several nations. Even the Knesset in Israel cannot hold dual citizenship. https://www.dualcitizenshipreport.org/dual-citizenship/israel/
Be nice if a us citizen was interested in the people and the security of the US for a change was elected. Trump has stated many times he was the best US president ever for Israel. For some reason Corpgov insists it and only it can determine who is allowed in to our home. We are allowed no say. The US government no longer represents WE the People so what exactly is the reason for playing their voting game again?
If Trump and family can turn this collapse of our nation around – they certainly should be a dynasty that rules. I am no fan of DJT, and have written exposing him since his AIPAC speech back before he was elected the first time. (2015)
But I was impressed with his son Eric (Trump) sounded decent last night. If the Trump’s make peace and tame the deep state they will have really done something that no other family could do. Trumps appear to be the polar opposite of the Bidens, we’ll see.
Department of Alternate History Timelines
Boy’s mother does not die of cancer when he was a teenager.
Mother insists her son finish high school.
Son obeys his mother, finishes high school, graduates from architecture school.
Son becomes a moderately prosperous architect, has no interest in politics.
Marries a nice Jewish girl, daughter of a prominent Viennese physician.
Together they lead a comfortable and unremarkable life.
> Without Thiel there is no Senator JD Vance.
Just as, without Sam Zell, there would have been no Senator Obama.
Eerie coincidence, in both cases the hapless fall guy had the last name Ryan.
Exactly, Jim. Ivy League lawyers, driven by billionaires, directly into “public-service” positions. Some bullshit.
Looking across the entire spectrum of POTUS candidates, one can only sigh in exasperation. And ask:
These are your best and brightest? Really?
One of many reasons I don’t vote.
Agee 100% John,
I only vote in local elections when there’s an attempt to raise my taxes, and even that is mostly futile since most voters around here think more government is better.
One would think that Kamala Harris would be the de facto nominee, given that she’s the Biden Thing’s VP, and (says the DNC) the “First black woman Vice president. But even DEMOCRAT voters didn’t want her for President 4 years ago, and she’s even LESS popular than Joe Biden. Rumor also has it that the DNC will crown a new nominee behind closed doors, which would be a very “Anti democratic” tactic from the party that has bleated ad nauseum about “Democracy”. People who still think that the Democrat Party is for “Democracy” are chumps, as the DNC rigged their own primaries in 2016 to make sure Hillary Clinton was their nominee instead of who DEMOCRAT voters wanted at the time, Bernie Sanders.
Personally, I think the Democrat Party establishment may try to make Hillary Clinton their nominee again, given that she STILL seems to have a huge sense of entitlement to be the “First Woman President”. It’s also possible the DNC could nominate Pete Buttigieg and call him the “First gay Presidential nominee”. However, Buttigieg is also a WHITE GUY, and some D voters might not take too kindly to that. But given that the Democrat Party LOVES to engage in identity politics, no matter who they nominate, any criticism of that candidate will likely be framed as RACIST, _____ PHOBE, ANTI-WOMAN, ANTI-GAY, ANTI ______, etc.
Vote for Big Mike,

Get the Whole Package.
LOL Big Mike has a double meaning, as does Big Mike is coming.
Big Mike is one big deception that fooled Amerika, but that pales in comparison to what France has to face, Brigitte Macron is also a male, and (drum roll) the biological father of Macron himself.
Oh yeah, Macron married his father.
“I reject your reality and substitute my own.” -Adam Savage (sarcasm)
The fundamental dogma of the religion of Science is relativity. Everything is relative, nothing is true or in stone. Time is relative to our movement through it. Facts are what you can prove with a p≤0.05 or better. If you can’t prove it, narrow the focus until you can.
I can see this scenario playing out, or a return of the Hildabeast at the 11th hour. Because to the people running the Democratic Party, Mike and Killary are the best choices. Doesn’t matter what the polls say, doesn’t matter what the people want. If they can only win “the blacks” or “the women” or “the undecided” they have nothing to worry about. Except that they lost their base when they started down the DEI road, betting big on the freaks vote for the swing. That’s their reality, that they created for themselves.
Except the freaks eventually sober up and get their MBA, and then start seeing the big chunk of their paycheck going to pay taxes, or get their car broken into, or just have to deal with the piss covered toilet seat at Starbucks after the homeless man in a dress couldn’t find the bowl. Doesn’t take much to make a conservative these days. Add a kid and suddenly you have an opinion of the school board. Their old reality is rejected for a new one.
Now that most of the ANTIFA kids are past the wilding phase, what will happen? Will Trump’s election reignite the cities? Or will they “pass the torch” on to the Gen Z kids, most of whom are just trying to get along in the world? (Besides, there aren’t enough of them to really get a big cross section fighting anyway). The prime age for criminal activity is 16-28, and most of the millennials are through that phase. They’re settling down, getting real jobs and selling the van. Except they’re still renting houses, and no one in the Democratic Party seems to care about that (being the landlords and all). That’s their new reality.
Meanwhile in the Emerald City, the mighty wizard has been exposed. Toto still hasn’t pulled back the curtain to reveal who’s running the show, but my guess is that we’ll recognize them right away. And no, I’m not talking about jews. That’s your constructed reality, not mine.
“I’m not talking about jews. That’s your constructed reality…”,
No, it’s not. It’s a rational process known as observation, statistical inference, and probability theory.
The slave owners…the control group is the same gang ruling since 6000 years ago….
Pharaohs became Feudal Old World Order became Freemason New World Order
The Relation between Slavery, Slave Ships, Circumcision & the Civil Rights Act of July 2nd 1964
Getting Brandon to leave is the hard part. Brandon has all the cards. Besides the all the pledged delegates has an ace up his sleeve: Self Pardon. If the Marxist Dems try to force him out, he will self-pardon himself going out the door before November 5th causing a firestorm in the media and a certain Trump victory. He could withdraw his campaign and wait till after 11/5 to self-pardon, if Brandon gets what he wants…$BBB.
So, George Clooney better start anther fund raiser to buy Hunter’s paintings for $200MM a copy and send the money offshore.
Yeah Brandon has all the cards, if he could only remember what the game is.
And the Trump suit.