Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 07-30-2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show! We got into the loss of what may prove to be the Orange Man’s greatest weapon – which of course was Joe Biden’s age and obvious infirmity – as well as some other topics du jour:

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  1. St. Louis Fed President Bullard Says This is a Planned Shutdown

    “This is a planned, organized, partial shutdown of the US economy in the second quarter, ” James Bullard, president of the St. Louis Fed, said in the phone interview. “It is a huge shock and we are trying to cope with it and keep it under control.” Bullard called for a big boost in government spending to offset an estimated $2.5 trillion in lost income next quarter and underpin a national recovery.

    PLANDEMIC CONFIRMED: Fed Chairman Confesses to Deliberate Shutdown of US Economy. Covid-19 Was the Coverup – Jim Fetzer

  2. The Fed did NOT drop interest rates today. Why? This is why:

    (use your mouse pointer on the curve to see the numbers)

    The money supply slowly grows with the economy, on the chart note how M1 increases as a slowly increasing line since 1960 until the 2009 recession – which then the rate of increase doubles, a much steeper curve – then all of a sudden with the fake pandemic – the money supply goes vertical increasing from 4 trillion to over 20 trillion overnight.

    Take note that St. Louis Fed Governor James Bullard stated that Covid was fake and the reason for Covid was cover for monetary panic. He said that. I blogged on it heavily at the time, now that information is scrubbed from the web.

    Covid = fake. Monetary crisis = real.

    That whopping ass increase ignited inflation, which did take off but now has subsided (only temporary). So, if you understand this, that excess money creates inflation (especially on a fiat money standard) then how likely is it that the Fed is ever going to cut rates? Inflation and interest rates are more likely to be going to the moon – because of this huge M1 increase. So do not be fooled by the temporary pause in inflation, and if you doubt this, take a look at a gold price chart – record highs and climbing.

    And also note this charade of fighting inflation. The Fed caused inflation by jacking the M1 to 20 trillion. Since doing so, rents have spiraled up, home prices exploded since 2009, as have stock prices. This has created an artificial boom. Now no Gen Z can afford a home, car prices have exploded, rents up and up an up, food prices up and up and up.

    If you work at McWage, and a car costs 50k, and a home 500k, how in the hell can you afford that?

    Destroying the value of money is the most egregious sin of the state, it devalues your savings and labor, all that hard work you did to earn some dollars is destroyed by the black magic of inflation. It is the most evil, most immoral thing the state does outside of war. It is grand theft nation. The young people, who are completely screwed, are going to vote Communist.

    As a result of debasing the currency – immorality has also exploded – like money for inmates to do transgender surgery, 200 billion to kill off Ukraine population for a war that should of never happened, billions for genocide the Palestinian natives, etc. And the rise of Kamala Harris. What people do not understand (but is written in many books on this subject) is that debasing the currency leads to the collapse of morality in society. Total immorality is now on the presidential ticket – and could easily win.

    Kamala Harris is a product of a society gone totally insane by debasing the currency – a complete statist lunatic who believes the state can fix everything by throwing money at it. She will fix nothing and turn this nation completely upside down into hyper immorality – which will finish destroying the nation. Trump is not much better, he is proud to be pro abortion and pro LBGTQ, This election is a choice between two clowns, voting between two seriously flawed candidates, voting for the least immoral.


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