How They’ll Win


A week ago – it seems a year ago – Trump seemed inevitable. His margin of victory had increased such that, had he been able to maintain it, it would have been much harder to cheat around it.

Then the Senile Man was pushed aside – and now it feels like Trump’s star is waning, because he’s lost the thing that ensured his margin of victory (and thereby, his victory).

Had the Senile Man been allowed to stick around, his deterioration would have waxed and in tandem, political support for the Left would have waned. Not so much because the Left wants Trump but because the Left didn’t want the Senile Man. Two-thirds or so of Leftists said so in polls. It is hard to summon much ground-game action for a candidate that is unwanted by those expected to vote for him. Many of them would have done the same as conservatives did when the GOP brought out Mitt Romney as their candidate in 2012.

That is to say, they would have stayed home on election day.

Put another way, it is not hard to defeat a Mitt Romney. Especially if he is an obviously senile, unpleasantly cranky iteration of the same thing.

But the Left recovered its feral senses and got rid of the Senile Man. It was probably planned as there is no other explanation that makes sense for the weirdly hurried-up June “debate” that was more like a public execution. Old Joe had to go – and to do that, they had to show just how gone Old Joe is.

Within just a few weeks – and just in time to coronate his chosen (but not by anyone who voted for her) replacement  – the Senile Man was shoved aside. In his place, what can be viewed as Trumpian Kryptonite.

She glows with the radiance of her color – and the musk of her scent entrances. Trump shrivels in its presence. Or – more accurately – his margin inevitably will. Just enough to assure that what was done in 2020 will be done again in 2024. It is already being done. The Left is no longer chewing on itself, one faction defending the Senile Man while another schemes to get rid of the Senile Man; all factions flummoxed by the ascendancy of the Orange Man.

They have coalesced behind the New Obama, which is (in terms of political archetypes) exactly what she is to the emotionally incontinent, mentally disturbed children who constitute the rank-and-file of the Left. People who are rational, intelligent adults make a grievous mistake when they think  – just the right word – that a word salad-emitting, cackling termagant could appeal to anyone, except perhaps Willie Brown. They do not understand that Leftists feel. And Kamala makes them feel the same way Leftists feel about Obama, only even more so because now it’s she rather than he.

Rational consideration do not matter to Leftists.

All that matters to Leftists is that she could be president – and that arouses Leftists in a way that rational adults simply cannot understand, having developed emotionally and intellectually beyond the state of a not-very-bright 12-year-old girl with Daddy Issues.

She is one of them, you see. And thus, she is the one.

There are many women who aren’t emotionally incontinent children with Daddy Issues, of course. But they are not of the Left. And there are probably not enough on the Right to compensate. More finely, not enough to prevent the Left from closing the gap to close enough to do in 2024 what was done in 2020 – and what is the Right going to do about it?

The same thing the Right hasn’t done already to prevent it. That being nothing.

What is likely to happen, then, over the course of the next four months is that Kamala will be presented (as distinct from presenting herself) as the strong woman of color who will save “our democracy” from the old white man who is also a misogynist and a racist and anyone who says otherwise is a racist and a misogynist. See that part about Kryptonite. Trump will do what Trump always does in response.

He’ll make fun of her. He’ll come up with snarky nicknames for her. He’ll bring up Willie Brown. All of which will arouse his followers but also the electorally decisive sliver of the electorate that will enable The Steal, Part II.

It’s almost like a WWE wrestling match, isn’t it? The “face” is down, but makes a miraculous comeback – only to be hit over the head with a folding chair by the “heel” when he wasn’t looking.

And while it may all be game, the winner will not be us.

. . .

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  1. Rational adults tend to project themselves onto the emoting retarded monkeys only because they look like them. The unhuman Democrats are chimpanzees. Just plain screeching and grasping mammals. They are exactly like monkeys at a zoo with zero ability to think and zero ability for morality. They are the voting majority.

  2. Qualifications to be president:

    Sit. Stay. Beg for treats. Shake hands. Roll over & play dead while the entrenched bureaucracy does whatever it wants.

    I could make a b-word joke at this point but I won’t.

  3. ‘There are reports from [Kamala’s] former staff that she said to them “Don’t look me in the eye, that’s reserved for senior advisors.”

    ‘Upon hearing this, I didn’t see it as a black cultural thing; I saw it as an aspect of the Indian caste system. She was telling them that they are of a lower caste, and don’t dare to try to cross into my upper caste by looking me in the eye.

    ‘This is so antithetical to what being an American is, regardless of color or economic status.’ — commentator Rix Six

    Kamala’s native India shook off British colonial rule in 1947. Since then, the country’s ideology is stridently anti-colonial: no one but ethnically native Indians will lead it. They own their culture.

    Why should we not own ours? Kamala is a foreign, Third World interloper. She is not one of us. She should butt out.

    • Kamala and her marxist mother were in Canada when Pierre Trudeau was in power….

      Pierre Trudeau was a Fabian communist…

      Fabian communists believe the government is above the people….has total control….the people have no rights…slaves only….

      1941: Associated with anti-War and Red-sup­ported Bloc Populaire in undermining war effort.

      1945: Enrolled at Harvard, spawning ground of leftist intellectuals.

      1947: Attended London School of Economics. Told Norman DePoe that Prof. Harold Laski, the Marxist, was “the most stimulating and powerful influence he has encountered.” (Week­end Magazine No. 13, 1966)

      1950: Was in Shanghai when the Communists took over, and became a rabid admirer of Mao Tse-tung and his Red regime.

      1941: Associated with anti-War and Red-sup­ported Bloc Populaire in undermining war effort.

      1947: Attended London School of Economics. Told Norman DePoe that Prof. Harold Laski, the Marxist, was “the most stimulating and powerful influence he has encountered.” (Week­end Magazine No. 13, 1966)

      1950: Was in Shanghai when the Communists took over, and became a rabid admirer of Mao Tse-tung and his Red regime.

      1951: Back in Montreal, he launched the leftist publication CITE LIBRE. Among the well-known Reds who collaborated, we note: Prof. Raymond Boyer (convicted of Soviet espionage in the Gouzenko Case); Stanley B. Ryerson, leading theoretician of the Communist Party and editor of Marxist Review; Pierre Gelinas, Que­bec director of Agitation & Propaganda (“Agit­prop”) of the Communist Party.

      1952: Led delegation of Communists to the Moscow Economic Conference.

      1953: Barred entry into the United States as an “inadmissible” person.

      1955: Launched Le Rassemblement, a leftist “united front” rally in Quebec, but the CCF re­fused to join because it was too leftist.

      1960: Led a Communist delegation to Peking for Red victory celebration.

      1961: Social Purpose for Canada, the socialist handbook written by Marxist and NDP leaders, was published, containing a chapter by Mr. Trudeau in which he lauds Mao Tse-tung, urges so­cialists not to “water down” their socialism but to make its approach more “flexible,” and to welcome federalism “as a valuable tool which permits dynamic parties to plant socialist governments in certain provinces, from which the seed of radicalism can slowly spread.”

      1962: Amidst protests, this millionnaire leftist succeeded in gaining appointment as a profes­sor at University of Montreal, which became a pro-Castro stronghold. Appointed to executive of Red-line Canadian Peace Research Institute.

      1967: Named Minister of Justice. Credited in Communist press with intervening personally to reinstate hippie rag Georgia Straight, which had been banned by Vancouver Mayor Campbell for obscenity.

      Introduced bill to legalize abortion and homo­sexuality, spearheading drive to shift Canadian justice from Scriptural to Humanistic basis.

      1968: Moving, behind fantastic Press-TV build­up, towards leadership of Liberal Party and Prime ministry of Canada.

    • With all this going on and I am beginning to think we were on the wrong side of WW2. Maybe the Bush family et al were on to something when they funded the guy with the funny mustache

  4. We need a clay cartoon celebrity death match between Trump and Harris.

    It’ll be great, Donald vs. Kamala, no holds barred.

    Donald will paw her and then do a single leg take down, Kamala won’t resist. Kamala will feign being attracted to Trump, but Kamala will be more than willing. It can be all about the love, accentuate the positive.

    Why would Al Woodie have a woody?

    Vote for both Trump and Harris, like it used to be. The second place vote-getter is the VP, then can be the president in case something happening to the president.

    They both will win by a landslide, a twin presidency or something.

    It all can be a win win for everybody!

    Donald will be happy, Kamala will be happy, the republic will be saved.

    One can dream.

  5. Everybody who has posted here:

    Your confidence that the election will actually be held in November is very touching. And very naive.

    I’m expecting a Deep State–instigated false-flag “terrorist attack” or even full-blown nuclear WWIII will take place before then to preempt the election. If I’m right, we’ve already had the last national elections we’ll ever have, the ones in 2022.

    And even if the election does take place, if Trump somehow won, he won’t be inaugurated. The Deep State will correct all the mistakes that occurred in Butler, Pennsylvania for its next attempt. If Trump wins but is dead before inauguration day, that causes a constitutional crisis because existing provisions and laws do not account for that scenario. It isn’t clear that Vance could be inaugurated instead. So we’re likely to have martial law instead, especially if Trump voters protest in the streets. The Dems will remain in power—permanently.

  6. With due deference, Eric, they’ve already won no matter who “wins” in November. Both candidates are controlled opposition in the communist camp (remember who was president when communism came to America in 2020?). It’s very tempting to fall into the trap of assuming Trump is the lesser of two evils, but really he isn’t, and the case can be made that he would be far worse for America if he gets back in. Born Again Barbarian’s YT video, “Angry Rant Against Trump and His Followers,” is an antidote to the unconscious tendency we all have to slip back into left/right paradigm thinking.

    • Hi Jason,

      You’re probably right; I try to hold my cynicism in check. But I realize that can blind me to reality. No deference expected or needed, by the way!

    • That would not surprise me. Maybe there is some kind of occult alchemy. Look at Huma and Anthony Weiner. I do not think Bill and Hillary were really ever in a conventional relationship. What about Nancy Pelosi and her husband. Arianna and Mike Huffington

    • Her husband IS Jewish, so once again the Tribe will be married into whichever family wins the White House — just like 2016 and 2020.

  7. Who is actually running the United States right now? In Joe Biden’s latest appearance he was inches taller. Is old Joe even alive? Then we have this:

    Joe Biden is no longer acting president as of July 21 – the U.S. TREASURY controls America

    On July 22, just one day after the Biden regime announced that “the big guy” is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. signed an executive action reneging his executive authority and handing it over to the United States Treasury, meaning Janet Yellen and her globalist crew.

    Entitled “Memorandum on the Delegation of Certain Functions and Authorities Under the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act,” the executive action claims “the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3” as its bedrock.

    A memo issued by Biden explains that he is “delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the function and authorities vested in the President by sections 104(a)(1) and 104(a)(2)(A) of the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act (Division F of Public Law 118-50) (the ‘Act’).”

    US government has seceeded to Jewess Janet Yellen – and unlimited monies for Ukraine.

    IMO the reason may be that the Jews know Israel is finished and they are implementing Plan B, Ukraine is to be the new Khazar Mafia state

    • I am not sure about the above article, which was written by Ethan Huff at Natural News. But, it is a good question if Biden is actually alive, or able to be president, and Kamala is certainly not able – so who is actually running the show?

      Regardless, Janet Yellen says she needs a hundred trillion to fight climate change (which is a political ruse). What is really going on the US Treasury is being raided by the Khazar mafia.

      “BELEM, Brazil, July 27 (Reuters) – U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Saturday that the global transition to a low-carbon economy requires $3 trillion in new capital each year through 2050, far above current annual financing, but that filling the gap is the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century.”

      Does that mean many more trillions for EV subsidies? Apparently, yes.

  8. I read a recent Naomi Wolf article (can’t find URL) discussing the illegality of the process Harris is taking, i.e. no filings/paperwork, can’t just “take” Biden’s campaign war chest of money etc.

    I smell a rat. The Harris bit seems like a head-fake or something? There’s just so many legal reasons she cannot do what she is attempting to do. And, it’s as if ‘they’ know they’re not going to accomplish the goal in the end,… it’s just a means to a different goal.

    Or, so it seems.

    • Silly Helot, laws and rules are for chucked right wingers. They even support their communist enforcers and corrupt system of communist law. It never mattered that Barry Obastard want eligible to be prez, why should it be different with Commie LaWhorish? Meanwhile a corrupt commie pervert judge can declare Trumps business fraudulent and impose a half billion dollar fine.

  9. The Borg Collective we call the Left needed a new face to make it plausible that their steal of the election with pallets of ballots, harvesting operations, mail-in ballots and lots of 90-IQ invaders was legit. Kamala, as dumb and as evil as she is, will make that steal plausible.

    I hate every stupid moron that votes for that evil woman. They can all burn in hell and they will, barring repentance for their various mortal sins.

    At this point, anyone who votes is a sucker because what changes? Our government will always give billions to Israel, try to start wars all over the world and waste money on vote-buying schemes and other bullshit. It doesn’t matter what party is in charge because the administrative state rules everything.

    We are doomed. $35 trillion in debt that will never be repaid. Our so-called betters are accelerating the destruction of this country. They own all of the cultural means of production (Hollywood, the media, etc) and will smash all resistance. Whites will be further immiserated as the BIPOC jackals pick the bones of the desiccated husk of this once great nation. Then they’ll fight among themselves and the country will be a Sarajevo-like war zone rife with ethnic conflict.

    The censorship will only increase. The inflation will only increase. Our ability to buy simple consumer goods will cease. You will eat ze bugs and like it. No gas stoves for you. All in the name of stopping “climate change,” which is a load of horse manure intended to give their tyranny a patina of legitimacy.

    The only cars available will be EVs that cost twice as much as the ICE cars they replaced and go half as far, if our masters allow us to charge them. Or run the A/C.

    It’s not like a revolution will work. Any group that gets together will be infiltrated and destroyed by the Borg. They have all of the weapons and will be coming for ours soon. The mask is off. The forces of Satan own this country lock, stock and barrel.

    Barring divine intervention or an economic collapse that takes the regime down with it, we’re doomed.

  10. These are the states guaranteed to choose the “prosecutor” over the “felon” right now – CA, OR, WA, CT, MA, NY, RI, NJ, VT, MD, DE, Il, HI. 177 electoral votes right there. Now add states that are likely Democrat – NM, CO, MN, VA, NH, ME (lower part) and the count is 222. Let’s include states and districts currently leaning Democrat – NE (Omaha area), MI, PA, and it’s 257. If “Kamalot” can cheat and win Wisconsin and one other state like Arizona, it’s over. Or even just Georgia. No more guns to defend yourself, EVs for all, and probably eight years of misery for everyone.

    Regardless of how you think he performed with the Wuhan China virus, you need to vote Trump now or everyone will suffer.

    • Was told the same thing about Mittens. We’ll suffer regardless, it’s just that voting Trump will mean an orange smiley face will have its dick up our ass.

    • Hi teacherspet,

      I don’t have any issue with women voting. I do have a big issue with parasites – of either sex – being allowed to vote. If we ever have a do-over, one reform that would greatly help prevent the debacle we’re now facing would be to restrict the franchise to those with skin in the game. That is to say, if you are on the dole, you don’t get to vote. It is madness to allow those who don’t pay for what they vote for to vote for it. It is fundamentally the same as telling the person who owns a home they must leave the door unlocked so that anyone who wants to can walk right in and help themselves to whatever’s inside.

      • I agree with your comment Eric, except the politician gave the welfare money (to the parasites) to buy their vote in the first place. Now they are going whole hog, Kamala promises to make the illegals legal if she wins, she is buying their votes. The illegals are pawns in a vote buying game, you do not have to win ideologically, all that matters is who gets the most votes, no matter how you get them. The entire system is a gigantic fraud, see this:

        How to win an election:

        1. lie your ass off what you will do for them
        2. promise to fund their income streams – like the green new deal
        3. give them tax subsidies, tax relief, special bennies to those who vote correctly
        4. give them work projects, grants, defense contracts
        5. free medical care, social security expanded to others – like how the Ukrainians immigrants are all on SSI now
        6. stuff the ballot boxes
        7. install electronic voting machines that are programmed to produce the correct result – a recent investigative story found that voting machines could display the election results before the election, before even one vote was cast
        8. build back doors into the software, have the voting machines WIFIed so that on election day the tabulations go in favor of the wanted result
        9. make it an act of terrorism to harass, stop, photograph a ballot stuffer.
        10. On election day have the pipes burst or the electricity shut off in the districts which vote wrong
        11. have the MSM gas light the plebs about the candidate
        12. Debt forgiveness, student loans reduced or eliminated, presidential clemency for your campaign contributors
        12. free college, free everything, don’t prosecute shoplifters or antifa terrorists, free debit cards, free phones, free wifi for seniors or welfare recipients
        13. free transgender surgery in prison (see Kamala interview) call it a “right”
        14. lower interest rates to zero for your Wall Street friends who fund your campaign – free money to buy up the capital stocks
        15 have overseas military absentee votes thrown overboard so they are never counted (yes they did that in the last election)

        The WSJ says 451 billion was spent for the illegals in 2023. If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can count on Paul’s vote.

        I really don’t see how the Demoncraps can lose since they are employing those 15 bullet points. And oh yeah, I forgot the big one – assassinate your political opposition. When all else fails, just kill your opposition, like the Israelis do everyday.

        I expect in the near future voting will be mandatory for the correct candidate. And anyone who stops clapping first for the glorious leader will be hauled off to the gulag. Then we do what the Romans and Egyptians did, the leader is deified as god incarnate.

        • This is the end game, there is no stopping it now. I hate to say it but our only hope going forward is a Harris win. A decent fraction of the country will not comply.
          If we want to fix this thing the people need to SUFFER and I mean really SUFFER like Venezuela or Argentine style.
          The system they want is simply not sustainable and we can make it less sustainable by not cooperating. Revolt is not even necessary, just quit playing along with it.
          Trump will do nothing but get us into or continue the war in the Middle East, our kids will get the provider of dying for the Zionists. We can just say “no” to all that tell them to shove it up their asses. a million people doing that would be impossible to stop, 10 million, forget it. Can we get 10 million people to say say “go f*** yourself”?
          The Democrats will actually make the part easy once the shit really starts to churn.
          if Trump takes it (I think still very possible) the patriots will go back to sleep and nothing will get better. If Harris takes it ten things will get very much worse in the short term, but the ten million could break their back and then we have a chance to clear out Blobington DC – if Russia doesn’t do it first.

        • Hi Adi,

          SS is a different and tougher thing. It is a dole – as a matter of fact. But – and this is important – it’s also a fact that millions were/are forced to “contribute.” So I do not consider receipt of SS benefits by a person who was forced to “contribute” all their lives a disqualification – or a moral affront. I would like to see SS ended, though. Current recipients get what they are “owed.” Call it a lump sum payment equivalent to what they paid in plus a fair rate of return on the “investment.” Easily financed by reducing the “defense” budget by an equivalent sum.

          But younger workers are allowed to opt out – and no more “contributions” or future “benefits” for those just entering the workforce. They get to keep their money and are responsible for taking care of their own retirement – and no one else’s.

          Seems reasonable to me. What do you say?

          • Hi, Eric,

            If SS had been done correctly from the git go, we would not even be having this discussion.

            But, as we both know, FDR set it up so that “benefits” started immediately, thus turning it into a giveaway masquerading as an “investment.” Pols giving away the taxpayers’ money for political gain, IOW. Surprise, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle used to say.

            Can SS ever be put on a sound actuarial basis? Beats the hell out of me. Would that be a good idea? Of course it would. But, GFL.

            >responsible for taking care of their own retirement
            Sounds good, except that the financial markets are systematically fiddled with by “professionals” whose “job” it is to liberate honest investors from their hard earned money. Took that ride, once upon a time. “Conservative” investments, they were. NF. YMMV.

            • Amen, Adi –

              At a foundational level, I say everyone is responsible for their own retirement; if someone isn’t (or just had bad luck) that’s where family and charity come in. But I utterly reject the idea that someone else’s bad judgment or even just bad luck imposes an obligation enforceable at gunpoint upon others – who had nothing to do with it – to take care of it. Not only is this unjust – and so by definition immoral – it is also something that breeds enmity where empathy ought to be. I despise the idea that some kid just starting out in life will be taxed 15 percent of his income to “help” finance my retirement; just as I resented it when I was a young man. And still do, today.

              • >that’s where family and charity come in.
                Either that, or bank robbery. 🙂
                We read, and see in the movies, that back in the 1930s, many honest citizens sympathized with the criminals, because so many hard working honest citizens were impoverished, through no fault of their own. Whether that is accurate, I do not know.
                And the gangsters either were caught, or died bloody.

              • >taxed 15 percent
                And of course, those of us who are self employed get to pay double, because we have no “employer.”

                Same shit as the “health insurance” scam. When it is coming out of your own pocket, you are acutely aware there is no Santa Claus. Employees with employer paid “benefits” can believe in the Easter Bunny is they so choose, but those of us who are self employed know better.

              • I agree with you, up to a point.

                As unjust as taxes are. I am open to allowing for a very small amount of public assistance, for those who cannot (as opposed to those who refuse to) provide for themselves. The original meaning of a pittance. Enough that they don’t have to starve in the gutter. Beyond that I think it should absolutely be a matter of charity. And to those who claim that “it’s just not big enough” and the government has to get involved I say this: The money comes out of the same pool, regardless of how you do it. The more the government takes, the less there is available for everyone else to do charity with. And most charities (the legitimate ones anyway) have far lower overhead costs.

                • Basically “here’s a small food allowance, a small clothing allowance, and a space in a shelter. The rest is on you & the good graces of the kindhearted in society.”

                  Long before the welfare state as we know it, virtually all societies have provided something like this, for the very poorest. It’s even in Locke. And Dickens. While I think you are in principle correct, in practice I think it’s not good to do absolutely nothing. That said, it’s also definitely not a good idea to reward things like substance abuse, dissolution, and loafing around while taking advantage of hardworking people.

          • Perfectly sensible, Eric.

            There are just so many people who’ve allowed themselves to become dependent on these atrocious programs, and they make a formidable political army.

            Take my dad, for example. He gets quite bent out of shape at any thought that SocSec (in Newspeak) could be taken away, I’m sure even if it was done as you’ve said.

            I tell him he bet on the wrong horse, and I will make no such mistake. I’d be fine with SocSec ending, even if I didn’t get my money back, as long as it stopped now and let me keep what I made from here on out.

            • > I will make no such mistake.
              You hope. Are you sure you can outwit “financial professionals” who spend all their working hours figuring out how to get other peoples’ money into their own bank accounts?
              I wish you well, but I wouldn’t count on it.

              >let me keep what I made from here on out.
              Ain’t going to happen. First, we have the leaky tank called “inflation” which is really just devaluation of the currency due to deficit spending by the FedGov. Then, we have the chicanery engaged in by “financial professionals” on Wall Street, who can make your money disappear overnight, without leaving a trace. Been there, felt the pain.

              Just got my HO insurance renewal a few weeks ago. 27% increase over last year, when the “official” inflation rate is alleged to be ~4%.

              I expect we ain’t seen nothing, yet.
              Bienvenidos a la Argentina, entonces.

              • Hey Adi,

                Well, if I can be paid that money that would’ve been tossed in the SocSec Ponzi scheme, I can convert it into other assets that can’t be so easily taken.

                Now, are there other “professional” vampires who can eventually take everything I have? Sure. All I’m saying is that I’m not counting on SocSec or other gov’t programs to see me through my 3rd Act. I think that most people in my approximate generation never thought that money would be their for them, and that’s probably correct.

                • > All I’m saying is that I’m not counting on SocSec or other gov’t programs

                  Sounds prudent to me, BaDnOn.
                  I’ve heard others express the same sentiment.

                  From what you have posted here, it appears you are taking positive action. I sincerely wish you success.

                  • Morning, Adi –

                    I have assumed – since I began working as an adult, back in the late 1980s – that I would never see a penny of my money back. And I know I’m right about that – as all of my money is long gone. It has been spent by the government on other things. That point of order aside, I also operate on the assumption that there will be no money to pay “benefits” when I am eligible, even if I wanted these benefits. I expect SS to either collapse (along with the country) or for the government to push the eligibility age higher and higher and attach more and more conditions, such that- eventually – only people in their 80s who are fully vaccinated and Good Germans in every respect will get a check. Maybe it will cover the cost of a cardboard box and a cremation.

              • Wild AH….
                Was in Argentina in December 2001…
                ATMs dispensed either Pesos OR US Dollars..1 for 1
                i.e. “dollar pegging “….
                Suddenly one morning… NO MORE DOLLARS
                Sorry Senor… the Argentinian Peso has lost 66% of its value OVERNIGHT 😳

                • Oh yeah….
                  Forgot to mention the “Argie”….. slang for..
                  What’s Up….they say “Che”…. As in you know who 🤔🎯

              • Sure market manipulation happens. Much more than the SEC would like to admit.

                But the main way they transfer money into their own pockets, is by collecting a commission. Either when you purchase an investment, sell an investment, or perhaps both. They skim just a little bit off the top. Do that a bunch of times for a bunch of clients, and pretty soon we’re talking about some serious money.

          • I did not want to be in SS. Had my contributions gone into a wealth fund I may have $400K larger portfolio. If I add the employer portion I would have $400K more on top of that. I would only have catastrophic health coverage in retirement, so they can keep their medicare.

          • Harry Browne had a very good and workable plan for that. The gist of was liquidating the federal government, sell the property and building and buy every SS person an annuity. Of course it would only include those who paid into it, I think at this stage there are many SS recipients who paid in nothing as there are those who did pay.
            Full disclosure – I paid a TON into it, the maximum for enough years to get paid the maximum now. I don’t need the money but I am taking it anyway. I’d be foolish not to. But I have I have a defined use for it – buying gold. Up yours Fed!

  11. Ugh, I’m afraid you’re right, Eric: Simple fact that she does not have dementia, has some energy, and is a woman and non-white will garner enough votes from the lefty base in order for the cheating to work. Those lefties were not gonna come out for Biden

  12. Apparently a trickster circulated a counterfeit excerpt from Hillbilly Elegy, in which a horny and drunk ‘J D Vance’ [not his real name] copulates with the fertile furrow of the couch cushions (using protection of course).

    It’s a dirty trick, to be sure. But the leftist counterfeiter deserves a hat tip for making up a plausible forgery — a scenario that, if it isn’t true, should have been true.

    Orange Man blew it with his ‘J D Vance’ [not his real name] pick. Now his last best hope is that Kamala likewise screws the pooch with her VP pick, who we know in advance will be a medically-certified eunuch — and a spokesman [sic] for Kamala’s future program of free, universal male sterilization.

    • Hi Jim,

      Who should he have picked? I have never been a huge fan of Vance, but I am starting to come and like the guy..a little. He is a great debater and is quick on his feet. The guy came from nothing and made something of himself, which should be applauded. Veeps sway very little when it comes to Presidential elections. I don’t think it would have made a great difference if he picked Rubio or a woman as his Veep. Let’s remember Palin didn’t help McCain one bit.

      • ‘Veeps sway very little when it comes to Presidential elections.’ — Raider Girl

        Generally that’s true. But a candidate who will be 82-1/2 at the end of his sought-after term changes the calculus a little. Social Security’s Actuarial Life Table shows that for a male aged 78-1/2, his cumulative probability of dying in the next four years is about 25 percent.

        We live in a shambolic gerontocracy. Elderly figures such as ‘Mitch the Glitch’ McClownell and Nancy Pelosi and F Joe Biden still go through the motions of governing, even after the tragicomic final days of Dianne Feinstein — who attained in life the nirvana of ‘living in the now,’ with no awareness of what happened one minute ago, or what would happen in the next.

        These venal old fools are teeing up WW III as we speak.

      • ‘[J D Vance] came from nothing and made something of himself.’ — Raider Girl

        “Vance’s” biography is a mirror image of that of Barky Obama, the CIA test tube baby.

        My unprovable assumption is that ‘J D Vance’ is a made man of the Agency. I will strictly steer clear of him.

        • Maybe, or he could just be a Leo. I have yet to meet a Leo who takes a backseat to ambition. Yes, I am using astrology to make my point. 😉

          • RG,

            In this case, I’d say it’s warranted here. My brother is a Leo, and he’s VERY ambitious! He’s worth a few mil, and he and his family live in a 4,000-4,500 sq. foot house with a pool.

      • McCain would have made a far better DEMOCRAT POTUS than OBozo. Trouble was, real conservatives saw through his Phony act but rather than vote for the Korrupt Kenyan Kandidate, they just stayed home.

      • The problem with Vance is his connections to the powers that be and the NGOs and so forth. Maybe he’s grown away from them but well who knows.

    • What’s wrong with Vance? He’s a little dry and whatnot, but has the right idea on economics, trade and corporate power. The title of his book seems kind of dumb and unrelatable, but he doesn’t seem that bad. I don’t see anything particularly “weird.” All that said, I would have chosen Tulsi Gabbard as my Veep. That would split the woman vote until we can get rid of the 19ht

      • “That would split the woman vote until we can get rid of the 19th.”

        LOL. And yet somehow most guys think Kamala is going to win. It isn’t possible, not when there is such a strong disdain for women, especially in positions of power.

        Tulsi would have not brought more women to Trump’s camp. The women that have voted or are planning to vote for Trump are already locked in. A former Democrat from Hawaii wasn’t going to pluck off any new Democratic females from the Biden/Harris ticket.

        The J.D. pick was to persuade the Rust Belt union guys to come out and vote for Trump rather than sit at home. The Asses coronation of Kamala just solidified those guys will make appearance at the voting booth on Election Day.

        • I pray you are right, RG –

          Because if I am, then we’re done. I do not say that lightly. Kamala and crew will use the “law” to go after people like you and I. We will be charged with “crimes.” We will be framed as “threats to democracy” for questioning/criticizing the Left. Even if not, we will be enserfed. I am glad I have a decent backpacking tent and equipment. I wish I could afford a nice little RV to camp out in on land miles away from any paved road…

          • Hi Eric and all,

            Does anyone know of any man (that you know personally) that is voting for Kamala? I am curious. Because, I haven’t come across one so far over the last two weeks. The men will either vote for Trump or if they are Dems/liberals (and can’t stand him) they will stay home.

        • Hi, RG,
          If I vote at all, I will write in Tulsi Gabbard for President.
          She seems the sanest nd most intelligent of the lot, to me.
          I would be happy to see her become the “First Woman President,” because I think she could do a good job.
          Unfortunately, she does not kowtow to anyone, so I would say she has zero chance. Too bad for us.

          • I’ll probably go for RFK Jr. if I vote this time around, but I agree that Tulsi might make a decent first female President. Not that she’s perfect by any means, but she seems to think for herself more than many a politician. Of course, last time I voted for Jo Jorgensen, who would’ve likely been even better, despite her flawed campaign strategy.

          • Hi Adi,

            I am still not convinced to vote. I hedged a bit when Trump got shot. Virginia is going to go blue so it is a bit of a wasted vote. If I do vote it will only because there are local election consequences. I don’t think those are as corrupt as federal and state elections…at least not yet.

    • Well, Jim, you can’t blame a guy who likes to pull a cork and shag the couch now and then.

      If anything, it would make Vance a bit more relatable.

  13. Was at a friend’s house yesterday and his wife, who usually doesn’t give a rat’s ass about politics, was super excited to vote for a woman for president. I think there’s a lot more like her out there who will vote for Kamala based on the sisterhood.

    • Hi Mike,

      Was the wife a previous Trump supporter? Will a majority of women vote for Harris? Yes, they will. The same states: CA, MA, IL, hell even VA, will all go blue. She cannot and will not win in the Rust Belt.

      The other item we have to consider is if a woman wins the White House there goes the Dems fight for identity politics. How can women continue to make a big brew ha ha if one has been installed in the most powerful position in the world? They can’t. The Asses objective is to separate us by color, gender, religion, etc. They lose the fight (and their talking points) when anyone but a white guy are in positions of power. They need the strife otherwise there is nothing for blue haired women to be angry about.

      Just my $.02.

      • That idea didn’t work even a little bit with Obastard. Apparently we’re more racist than ever before. (OK, maybe I am, but that’s because of righteous resentment).

    • Married? Why is she filling out a ballot? That’s her husbands job!

      “I didn’t get married to risk having my vote nullified!”
      – St. Sparkules

    • When we announce that American boots are on the ground in Ukraine, or Taiwan or the Middle east, or all of the above, and we are in a formal war, when the draft commences and when that includes women, we will see how crazy about Kamala they are. Not to mention taxes on wealth and the tax on unrealized gains on homes cause by the inflation of gov’t spending. Then those women will be angry about how they were duped or how we spineless men didn’t speak up and that they don’t make men like they used to

  14. ‘just in time to coronate his chosen (but not by anyone who voted for her) replacement’ — eric

    Eric’s point deserves much more public debate than it has gotten. It illustrates by example why states should not run primaries on behalf of the two legacy parties. In all 50 states, D-party primary participants who voted for Biden have been disenfranchised.

    Moreover, if the party elite can simply cast aside the primary results at their whim, then the primary ‘election’ itself is revealed as a costly sham paid for by the public.

    Naturally the Lügenpresse hasn’t the slightest interest in exploring this topic. Anything goes and nothing matters — because we said so.

    • Totally agree Jim,
      The two party/uniparty system has a complete lock on who we the people get to vote for. It needs to be broken but I don’t see how we can get there since, like term limits, the ones who have to implement it are not going to get off their gravy train.

  15. A Harris presidency will be a poorly produced TV show. She’ll never appear without a teleprompter. Ever. Her press secretary will be sure to only ever answer vetted questions that came out of the writers’ room.

    And it will be a closed set.

    See, Ms Harris isn’t a politician. She’s an actress. Acting the part of a politician. And the Hollywood Democrats are all-in on someone who’s just filling the role. They had 4 years of practice with the zombie in chief, now it’s time for the real performance.

    And the Oscar goes to…

  16. Kamal Toes has a couple paths to victory with one sure way via the Deep State:

    She will win 100% of the inner cities black vote like O’Sama did in rust belt battleground states.
    This will move her within the margin of cheat.

    If that don’t work…

    The sure way will be when the Marxist-Democrats have had enough of unhinged Brandon yapping away and tire of the threat Brandon poses of the Self-Pardon hanging over their heads pre-election and having to make the final payoffs for his withdrawal. Deep state has more the one lonely loser they have been working, this time with more obvious MAGA connection to take of their Brandon problem out and seal the deal for Kamel Toes and simultaneously destroy the Orangeman and his followers.

    Remember, we live in a banana republic.

    • Hi Mike,

      The draw of Kamala’s rally was a free concert by Megan Thee Stallion, not seeing Kamala. We need to look deeper than the optics that are being presented to us. The media is going to portray her as the next coming of Christ. Men, other than the beta males (who think this will help them get laid), will not vote for her.

      Will there be cheating? Absolutely, but I don’t think they can circumvent to make her the victor. At the end of the day Heels Up and the Bleached But Queen will share the same history…both lost the Presidency.

  17. If Biden were allowed to stay in, the campaign slogan could have been “Shits & Giggles ‘24”. But now it’s Giggles & ???. Once they’ve finalized the ticket from hell, they will be going full bore printing all ready filled in ballots to insert into the tallies at 03:00 a.m. again. Not to mention the illegals that are going to cast ballots as well. The DSC (democrat/socialist/communist) party will even be emboldened to create “surprise” upsets in safe Republican districts since nothing was done to correct the fraud the last time. I hope Trump can pull it off but prepare for One party rule and the abolition of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Just like in Star Wars; the republic falls to thunderous applause.

    • “The abolition of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights” is already a done deal. The former blatantly ignored, or twisted beyond recognition, and of the latter, the only one not being blatantly violated is the third. So far, we are not required to house troops in our homes. Not yet.
      Per the Constitution, there is not even a requirement for a popular vote for POTUS. Electors determined by the will of the State legislatures. They can use chicken bones and astrology if they so desire.

      • I don’t know about the housing troops part but the tyrants may force us to house the illegals. Remember some of the leftist governors asking people to volunteer housing them? That may go from asking to telling us!

      • The housing of troops prohibited by the third has been modernized. Those troops did several things.

        One was to put a burden on the putative home owner, which function has been morphed into property taxes paying for a standing army of government cops.

        Another was to spy on/watch the occupants of the house to keep them under control. This is now done far more effectively by electronic surveillance at all times and places, which is far harder to circumvent than plying the redcoat with hootch until he passed out.

        In my studies of history, I found some original writings from the tome of the revolution. One of the tactics that stick out in my memory most was the patriots stealing or sabotaging the lock works of their guns. The most precision, hard to make part of a brown Bess musket.

        We are in the ultimate dystopia. I pray for a Carrington event.

  18. Nope. Don’t believe the hype. Nobody is moved by Harris. It is patently obvious that she’s a moron. The regime media will try to portray her as the new Obama, but they will fail, just like they failed in their portrayal that Biden was of sound mind.

    Ultimately, the best outcome for November of 2024 is a divided government which maximizes infighting among the sociopaths. That said, Trump would probably be better for SCOTUS appointments. At least there’d be a chance that a diehard Leftist would not be appointed.

    • Hi Mister,

      I agree she’s a moron. I say it does not matter to the morons who will elect her. I hope I am wrong… but I doubt I am. Did you see the “sexual chocolate” twerking at her rally the other night? Such things appall us. But they entrance people who are not like us.

  19. “It’s almost like a WWE wrestling match, isn’t it? The “face” is down, but makes a miraculous comeback – only to be hit over the head by a folding chair by the “heel” when he wasn’t looking.”

    And they both clink champagne glasses at the after party while counting their money. It’s all a boring, boring movie/show with really bad and ugly actors and a recycled script. I’d rather watch Plan 9 From Outerspace.

    • Hi Pug.

      Might I suggest “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” although “Robot Monster” with gorillas wearing diving helmets is another good choice. That said while I’ve lost hope for President Trump to make things much better, Cackles would definitely make things much worse.

      My only advice is to prepare for whatever happens and always work towards becoming “Ungovernable”. If you lessen your dependence on .gov it will be harder for them to control you.


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