Voting isn’t For Everyone


The title of this article isn’t exactly what this article is about. It is about what Robert Heinlein wrote about in his novel, Starship Troopers. It is a valuable philosophical/moral book – unlike the film adaptation, which is entertaining but cartoonish. The book’s theme is as serious as the war that forms the backdrop of the story.

It is the necessity of making the franchise – the right to vote – something that must be earned before it is exercised.

If, that is, one does not wish to see a nation vote itself into oblivion. More finely, if one does not wish to see a nation voted into oblivion by people who – as the saying goes – have no skin in the game.

Who want to skin you.

They can be of either sex.

It is not – as some men think – women voters who are the problem. The problem is parasites who vote – of both sexes. The men and women who believe they have a right to vote for a “fair share” of other people’s money – or to use the power of the state to make other people pay to fund what they consider to be worth funding but are either unable or unwilling to contribute their own funds toward financing.

It is suicidal madness to allow those who don’t pay for what they vote for to vote for it.

It is fundamentally the same as telling the person who owns a home they must leave the door unlocked so that anyone who wants to can walk right in and help themselves to whatever’s inside.

And that’s coming, too. Because it follows.

If it is true that you “owe” others a “fair share” of the money you worked for, then it is also true you “owe” them a “fair share” of whatever’s in your house, too.

Your guest bedroom, for instance.

Is it “fair” that you have more than you need when others are in need? On what logical basis would you object, if it is accepted that others have a claim on the money you’ve earned?

Now they’re proposing to allow people who aren’t even citizens to vote to make you pay for it.

As Bob Barker used to say, come on down! You’re the next contestant on the Price is Free!

Or – rather – come on up. As millions of random strangers from foreign countries have over the past three years.

Why wouldn’t a parasite vote to improve its material well-being when it costs the parasite  nothing more than a ballot? What incentive is there for the politician who seeks office to offer parasites – citizens and not – material benefits he doesn’t have to pay for in exchange for political support? The answer, of course, is that the politician who seeks office has every incentive to offer bribes in exchange for votes. There is a nasty corollary to this as well. It is that it’s much harder to win or retain office by eschewing bribes when one’s opponent offers them liberally.

Parenthetically, it is interesting to note here the corruption of that once-honorable word, which once-upon-a-time meant the opposite of what it has come to mean. In Jefferson’s era, a liberal was one who favored the greatest possible freedom for the individual, which necessarily meant the least amount of government. A liberal government – in Jefferson’s usage – was one that left honest, peaceful people alone.

Liberals wanted people to be free to pursue happiness – and it is damned hard to do that when “liberals” (in the modern sense) are constantly demanding both money and freedom from peaceful people, who are forced to give both up as a consequence of others voting to steal their money and take their liberty.

Liberals – modern usage – believe in interdependence. And they vote for it to be forcibly imposed, as for example in the case of what is styled Social Security, in which the individual’s financial security is placed firmly in the hands of the government, which renders him insecure by rendering him dependent upon government. He is forced, during his working life, to “contribute” funds to finance the dole upon which the no-longer-working depend, giving them (and eventually, him as well) an incentive to vote for politicians who promise to “protect” what is styled “their” Social Security.

In fact it is the politician’s (and the government’s) security, as designed by the liberals who invented the scheme.

Just one example of what comes of allowing people to vote for others to pay.

Heinlein’s idea – in the novel – was that the franchise ought not to be given away as a right but rather earned as a privilege. In the novel, this was via military service – the basic idea being to keep those who don’t contribute away from political power. Being a taxpayer rather than a tax-eater amounts to the same winnowing principle. It is the means by which skin can be introduced into the game.

Ideally, no one’s rights should ever be subject to a vote.

And no real right ought ever to be reduced to a privilege, which is necessarily conditional upon the sufferance of whomever agrees to allow it. But this is an ideal – and while ideals are wonderful to strive for, it is often true they can never be fully realized. This does not make them not worth striving for.

Yet we must at the same time deal with realities.

If there is government, there will be the power to use legal force against people to compel  them to pay for government. If that power is restricted  via an earned franchise to those who do pay for it, then government will be restricted to what those voters are willing to pay for it themselves and that, in turn, will serve to limit government to the limited functions that objectively benefit everyone – including those who do not pay for it – such as the protection of everyone’s right to keep what is rightfully theirs and to be left in peace so long as they  cause no harm to anyone else.

It would be much harder for government to become what it has become, as a consequence of giving everyone the right to vote for whatever they’d like others to be made to pay for.

. . .

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  1. When people talk about voting anymore, they still have this impression that it’s real and actually gets counted and taken into consideration..

    Why on earth would a government, with all the powers it already enjoys and only more powers to be gained, ever actually allow for its serfs to choose their new master, when they could just continue to keep the nation divided and at each others’ throats arguing over two morons every four years and yelling at the TV all the time in between selections? What have they done that’s real so far, besides all the violence and the cagings and making existence a living hell?

    • I agree, Moose –

      But we’re dealt a hand and so many cards and that’s what we’ve got to play with, eh? It does not mean we can’t look for angles and do other things, when the opportunity arises. I think this latter hangs some people in that they believe that by voting, you give up pursuing effective action. I don’t see the two as mutually exclusive.

  2. I was happy to see that Washington insider Paul Craig Roberts PCR actually named “the jews” in his latest essay. And I criticized him much for not calling them out, and I predicted that the establishment types would eventually be forced to name the jews as things got worse and worse – they would find the courage to break the spell and call them out. Everyone needs to find the courage and name the Jews as the cause to the downfall of the nation.

    Here read it for yourself:

    As Amerika goes down – our suicide pact with Israel will eventually get broken. Israel killed JFK, Israel attacked the USS Liberty on 8 Jun 1967 and tried to kill all of them, and Israel did 911 (killing 3800 Amerikans), and Israel has been using nukes, Israel nuked the Beirut harbor, etc. And now Israel is committing genocide – they are literally planning on killing every Arab inside Israel – they call them Amalek.

    Well I says Jews are imposters, and I say no god chose them, and I say everything they believe is utter bullshit. Only the religiously insane and Bible duped deluded fools would revere the Jews and clap in approval for that mad psycho Netanyahu – who I call Satanyahu – who is named as the 911 mastermind by Christopher Bollyn.

    Israel is an existential threat to the United States. Look up the Samson Option. Yeah folks, Israel is planning on nuking us if they go down.

    PCR says “The Democrats’ have two agendas: One is to normalize and legitimize sexual perversity. The other is open borders. To put it in different words, the Democrats are devoted to transforming traditional America into a Sodom & Gomorrah Tower of Babel.”

    Well we know who is behind the perversity insanity – Jews. Jews run the porn industry, Jews say abortion is one of their sacraments, Jews pushed the LBGTQ agenda, Jewish Rabbis do the Bris ritual, Jews bribe our politicians, Jews run a media, the fake news media that lies to us about everything. Jews did the Sandy Hook hoax shooting, and it was that Jew Posner that sued Jim Fetzer for his book exposing the Sandy hoax lies.

    And wait until you find out 137 Jewish organizations are implementing the Kalergi plan to import illegals and replace whites. Yeah, Jews are waging genocide on us. But will white people every wake up and defend themselves? Probably not, so we are in very big trouble in the next few decades as we are rubbed out.

    Then PCR says “So where does America’s leadership class come from? It comes from the Jews. The Secretary of the Treasury is a Jew. The Secretary of State is a Jew. The Secretary of Homeland Security is a Jew. Finance, media, Hollywood and entertainment are in the hands of Jews. As Netanyahu told Congress yesterday, every Jew is a Zionist, a defender of Israel.”

    Why should any sane loving person defend Israel? Only a monster would defend Israel. Only a religious lunatic thinks Israel should be allowed to kill the natives off because God gave Jews that land. First of all, modern Jews have no blood relation to the ancient Israelites of the Bible – who never even existed anyways. Abraham is fiction, a fake character in a fake holy book written by plagiarists who stole whole mythologies, like the Hindu Brahma who became Abraham.

    No court on the face of the earth would recognize religious literature as title to Palestine. Jews need to get the fuck out and make reparations for all the death, destruction they have caused those poor people. Judaism should be banned as dangerous psychotic terrorist literature – all Rabbis locked in mental wards. Anyone who believes that “god chose them” is a dangerous narcissist.

    • Harris may be getting ready to pick genocide Josh Shapiro according to Democracy Now (8/2 program; also heard yesterday from other source) to shore up her Jewish vote and I guess to get a ‘white’ ‘man’ on the ticket. The Indian newspapers (Hindustan Times/One India News etc.) believe since she is an Indian she is firmly in the Palestinian camp – not sure how they will spin this.

      Schumer is attacking also:

      Main reason for replying is that most Jews call anyone anything at anytime to serve their current purpose, just like most Christians twist the Word of God. However, most of the time Jews call Arabs, “Ishmael.” Christians/Gentiles, i.e. the U.S. and Europe (Germany), are always Amalek/Esau and must be destroyed before their Messiah comes. I have heard first U.S. will destroy Ishmael (Arabs) and then U.S. and Russia will destroy each other in Gog Magog war and then the messiah will come and Israel will rule the earth for a thousand years from Jerusalem and all of the non-Jews who survive will be their slaves.

      Adam Green (who spends most time now attempting to ‘prove’ that Christianity is a Jewish plot to make Gentiles worship Jews and that we should all become pagans (not sure who’s funding him)) has put together some videos of quotes from rabbis on the subject which you might find interesting:
      Compilation of Jews expressing what their religion has taught them including: @18 “Do you believe that one day gentiles will become the slaves of the jews? It’s in the Torah”

      Kabbalah, Chabad, & Noahide Laws EXPOSED!!!

      As a Catholic who is labeled a terrorist by the FBI, interested to know Jews are taught Catholic Church must be destroyed (not converted but destroyed) for their Messiah to come. This is Adam King, Jew, being shown clip of rabbi saying America must be destroyed so Messiah can come (he goes on to say that Jews helped found America, research the Sons of Liberty (25%), 1st amendment (religious liberty) was given to the Jews so they would fight in revolutionary war (but constitution wasn’t written until 1787 (revolutionary war ended 1783)) @1:37:46 “I think it’s the Vatican (i.e. The Catholic Church), the power streams of Rome. I don’t think America is Rome” [discussion starts at about 1:25:00]

      Apparently Jews believe world only lasts 7000 years. Year 6000 began around 2000 our time and is the start of the 1000 year reign of Israel according to their eschatology. So their messiah should be here any moment if not already here. According to Catholicism, their messiah will be the anti-Christ whom most of the world will worship. I have been wondering w/this 2030 agenda, since Christ had a hidden life for 30 years and anti-christ apes true christ, maybe 2030 will be when the anti christ manifests and his public life of 3.5 years will be the tribulation. 2001 911 attack when twin towers were toppled seems to me when Israel/deep state took over/defeated U.S. — have been operating under a state of emergency vs U.S. constitution/rule of law ever since.

      Gonna talk skin in the game. Maybe the Gazans should vote since they are being killed by our weaponry. Not to mention the rest of the people that have been killed, maimed, displaced by the Global War (Reign) of Terror ushered in by the false flag of 911.

  3. We became Europe where everyone votes to live at the expense of everyone else. Fucking Democracy parasites. America will soon be somewhere between Venezuela and Argentina. If you give a gang of government terrorists a monopoly counterfeit money racket then they will own everything and everyone and eventually starve everyone to death because any incentive to produce will be gone. Only the greatest fools work for s living in a socialist society.

  4. Eric – I believe you hit the ball out of the park with this one.

    Examine the practical side of voting, outside of the immoral implications of using force to get your way. Does voting improve our lives?

    Does the government ever fix any problem they say? Do they actually protect the environment, give us security, etc.? How secure do you feel with ZOGUSA? Are the political rats protecting freedom, democracy, and the free market – or do they cater to special interest, sell us out, to hold power?

    Take for instance the situation in California with the big gasoline corporations – who shoved through MTBE legislation to drive their smaller refineries out of California, all in the name to save the environment.

    wiki “The MTBE controversy concerns methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), a gasoline additive that replaced tetraethyllead. MTBE is an oxygenate and raises gasoline’s octane number.”

    I was surfing soCal at the time and learned I should not drink the tap water in Santa Monica from my surfing friends. This additive, which was mandated by the fascist CA state, IMMEDIATELY leaked into the ground water, poisoning the cities water supply. Since this MTBE chemical was only mfg for gasoline, and only used in California gasoline by the majors, the guilt was on the oil companies and the Cal dept of environmental quality and the jew run governments. (yes Virginia “the jews” completely dominate Calipornia politicks (Hollywood, etc.)

    So did the political scum get prosecuted for selling influence? Nope. Did they save mother earth? Nope. Did they make gasoline more expensive? Yes.

  5. Fourteen (14) percent of hispanic residents at an apartment complex in Georgia admit that they are (1) registered to vote; but (2) not citizens.

    It’s a small sample. But if extrapolated statewide, it would more than explain the margin of fraud by which impostor ‘president’ Joe Biden ‘won’ Georgia in 2020.

    Voting in ‘elections’ is a fedgov-sponsored fraud on the people.

  6. >limit government to the limited functions that objectively benefit everyone – including those who do not pay for it – such as the protection of everyone’s right to keep what is rightfully theirs

    If only.
    Problem is, pols who get (s)elected become “officials,” who thereby grant themselves signature access to *your* checkbook, and you do not even have the right to refuse to countersign. One signature, their signature, is all that is required. If you attempt to hide the checkbook, the “officials” send armed goons (whose salaries you are required to pay) in order to retrieve it. If you resist the armed thugs*, they will seize (what you thought was) your property and throw you out into the street to freeze or starve.

    Taxation is theft, pure and simple. There is no “representation.” In a true “government by the people,” pols would have to pitch their projects to the people, and solicit purely *voluntary* contributions to fund them. Insufficient contributions, no project. Fewer pyramids would get built, which IMO would be a good thing.
    * Most places, you get to vote on who is to be Chief Goon (der Gaunerchef), who is known as the “County Sheriff.” Make no mistake ,there *will* be a Chief Goon, and you *will* pay his salary, and that of his minions.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if, having been convicted of a capital crime, you had the privilege of selecting your executioner? From a pre-approved list selected by others, of course. That would be “democracy in action,” for sure.

  7. OT: Bad news for Mopar fans.

    “The Descent Is Starting”: Stellantis’ CEO Has His ‘Back Against The Wall’ Trying To Sell Jeeps

    All of a sudden, Stellantis is having trouble selling Jeeps. And it comes at a time when SUV demand has never been greater.

    If Sergio were still alive, he’d probably do a Chevron counter-attack, and we’d get our Hemis back.

    • I firmly believe Tavares will drop nameplates and cut brands and one of them will be Chrysler. Not Dodge or Jeep, though. Walter P’s name has lasted 100 years and it will be sad to see it go due to mismanagement and gov’t interference.

  8. Vote for Kamala, and you’ll get a ‘toilet ghost’ mandated by fedgov product standards. Here’s how that works, guys — this is not a joke:

    ‘Recently, UK-based pollster YouGov published the results of a 13-country survey of men’s urinating preferences. Of all 13 countries, Germany was the one where most men sat down “every time” to urinate (40%). Add those who do so “most times” (22%), and you get this result: nearly two-thirds are Sitzpinkler (without final “s”: the word is both singular and plural).

    ‘How is it that German men are so proficient at sitting down when taking care of number one? By all accounts, it’s a fairly recent development. A useful marker is a device called the Spuk (“spook”), or WC-Geist (“toilet ghost”), first marketed in Germany in 2004.

    ‘You place it under the toilet seat, and as a man in need lifts that seat to get a cleaner shot at the bowl, the device voices a message requesting that you return the seat to its horizontal position and do your business while sitting down. For added authority, the warning can imitate Angela Merkel, Helmut Kohl, or other former chancellors.’

    In America, the newly-mandated WC-Geist will bark in the voice of Hillary, Kamala, or Liz Warren: ‘Take a seat, bitchboy! Or I’ll whack your tiny peepee.’

  9. The first problem is that voting presupposes government and it’s “right”[puke] to use coercion and violence to inflict the “will of [some of] “the people” on others.

    The second problem is that voting is not real. It is just a show to pacify the proles and make whatever the state does seem as though it is legitimate because “the majority voted for it”.

    Even limiting voting to those who have skin in the game (As when only those who paid property taxes could vote) would not help, because:
    a)It still subjects members of that class to delegate their autonomy to the “will of the majority” of that class.
    b)Those who get to determine who is allowed to vote could, -nay, would- use that power to ensure that only those who serve them and their agenda be allowed to vote -i.e. require that one “serve in the military” or donate one’s time to working for a political campaign, etc.

    In short, it’s a moot point. As long as there is government, there will be injustice, inequity, violence and coercion. End of story.

    And if anyone shouldn’t vote, we Libertarians shouldn’t, as to vote is to participate in and consent to the very thing which we fundamentally oppose. And it makes absolutely no difference anyway, as the those chosen to even run and receive media attention are all one and the same as far as who they really serve and what agendas they will work to accomplish and impose.

    Trump (The Best Friend Israel Ever Had® )is a shining example of the above, as so many Conservatives, Christians and Libertarians imagined him to be their savior (and still do!) while in reality under his administration we experienced the greatest tyrannies and injustices ever seen in this country, from “lockdowns” and travel bans, to mass vaccination of a deadly bioweapon, to the cause of the greatest inflation we have ever seen and the most egregious and blatantly unconstitutional gun control *The ex post facto bumpstock ban) ever! Even Pedo Joe’s reign was rather uneventful compared to the Donald’s first go-round. And now we’re down to that Donald and The Harris Cunt. If anyone thinks that there is a hair of difference in what will happen regardless of who the fools elect, then they are proof of why voting can not work.

  10. Very well put, Eric.

    The logical end to this is to pay for the services you want or require, that way you pay no more or less than you should. This may become problematic when it comes to something such as military protection, but then, how much of that is defense and how much offense, these days?

    In a fatuously infuriating twist, the county says that my address doesn’t exist and I need to give them other information to confirm where it is I live, such as a parcel number, in order to vote.

    Of course, if I tell them I’m living on my own land, they might wonder why I’d never begged them for permission to do so. I’m still pondering on what to do here, but seeing as voting hasn’t done me much good in the past…

    • The total cumulative amount of money spent on defense by the federal government since January 8, 1815 ( to the present day is exactly zero dollars and zero cents. It’s all been offense.

      • Well, Horst, defense should be easy to fund, then!

        Also, I believe the Battle of New Orleans was the fight in which Jackson enlisted the help of actual pirates, if I remember correctly. That would be a bit like what would happen if I, and the people who live around me, were left to defend the area. 😉

    • Hey, BaDnOn,
      > the county says that my address doesn’t exist
      Just curious…
      Two questions:
      1. Do you have home delivery of US Mail?
      If so, can USPS find you?
      (Maybe you have to pick up your mail at the Post Office. If so, does the PO require a physical address to rent a PO Box? If so, what happens if your physical address “does not exist?”)
      When I was a small boy, our complete mailing address was:
      [Family Name]
      RD #1 (RD = Rural Delivery]
      [name of town] NJ
      We always got our mail. Family Name was on the mailbox.

      2. Does Google Maps know where you live?
      I have a cousin in Georgia whose address is unknown to Google.
      Somehow, I think she likes it that way.

      • Hey Adi,

        There is no USPS delivery anywhere out here.

        When I bought the land, it came with a supposed address, but in never made much sense, because the road it suggests I’m on is miles away. I’d swear that address in on the deed paperwork as well.

        I have a PO Box in the nearest town, but I believe I used that supposed address to obtain it. They’ve never given me any trouble.

        I had to check Google Maps, because I haven’t used a Google product in years, save for Youtube. It says nothing about my land, save for coordinates.

        Off-grid AF, as the kids say.

        For voting, I supposed I could just use my dad’s address, so there’s one solution.

        • ‘I have a PO Box in the nearest town, but I believe I used that supposed address to obtain it. They’ve never given me any trouble.’ — BaDnOn

          In my county (probably adjacent to yours), we get a free p.o. box … but are obliged to renew it every year by bringing in a utility bill and a property tax bill, showing a physical address. USPS doesn’t deliver to residential addresses here, causing endless headaches with mail senders (including gov agencies) which assume that USPS residential delivery is universal. IT ISN’T.

          All the physical addresses in this county were amended and homologated about 25 years ago, in response to fedgov 911 legislation. The address number roughly corresponds to a north-south or east-west county-wide grid, giving emergency responders a location accurate to within a block on any named street.

          Use any workaround you can. Ultimately, it’s the fedgov 911 angle that could trip you up, if you’re building off grid and county government gets wind of it. But you’re in a big, big county — larger than some small states. 🙂

          • Jim,

            If it came to that, I might be able to give ’em a propane bill, which is the only sort of utility I buy now and then. Of course, if they have my address, it’s still the nonsensical one I was given. 😉

            I don’t know why you can’t just have a PO Box, even if you were homeless. Death to the Control Grid.

            • Oh, you could rent one here, for ~$60 annually. But USPS still would request a physical address in the application, leading to the need for workarounds. It’s probably a PATRIOT Act mandate as well.

  11. Of all the hundreds of programs to ‘assist’ the poor where the receiver contributes nada,,, forced or otherwise,,, citizen or otherwise,,, SS seems the be the stepchild of many…. Govs even paying billions/trillions for the “newcomers”. Very little pushback from Americons. SS still the kickboy. When I was 40 -50 I also used to say I’ll have to work until I am 80 or 90. Now at 75 with some medical problems, (paid for by me), I never considered, I understand why I cannot work until 90. Not capable. Age! Never occurred to me when I was younger I might get old….
    My 45 year old son feels much like I did at 45 only he has zero saved and I’m here to tell you he and millions of others will be out demanding government do something when they figure out their broke and hungry. They will have impairments that keep them from working and likely,,, like most of today’s employers will refuse to hire them even if they’re in good health! They will be competing with a younger crowd screaming for yobs. Corpgov has wisked off any decent work to foreign slave pots. Yeah, keep buying those Silverados. Only thing left is stocking the imported junk. Only store left will be Walmart,,, maybe Dollar General. House and car ownership will be past history. Bicycle or cabbie for you! Enjoy! The good news…. SS will be gone.

  12. Hi Eric,
    I heavily disagree with what you wrote. Once you allow government to tell who is allowed to vote you are probably the one who will end up “voteless”. They controll money printer and in general I see 0 bilionares fighting for any kind of liberty or restrictions on goverment.
    Direct democracy works. As is evidenced by Switzerland. It goes back to ancient law. That defenders of a city have a right to vote. If poeple had right to vote no one would be able to bring in mass migration money printing retarded regulations etc. Measures you described are not popular outside of goverment buerocracy academia and media. Majority of population is oposed to it.

    • Once you allow government to tell who is allowed to vote you are probably the one who will end up “voteless”.

      Agree. Once you go down that road, where does it stop? Who, for example is “on the dole?” Would you include people who send their kids to government schools? I would. But what if they also pay property taxes too? And everyone pays sales taxes, even those on welfare living in Section 8 housing. But they shouldn’t get a say in how taxes are raised and spent?

      Some of the people who post here would take the vote away from women. Maybe JD Vance would like to take the vote away from people who don’t have children.

      Either there is universal suffrage, or those in power will find some disfavored group they want to silence.

      • Yes SLH,
        Quote “Either there is universal suffrage, or those in power will find some disfavored group they want to silence.”
        That is common sense. Whats even more bizare is poeple who are against big goverment having “solutions” that involve more goverment power. As for women I see this agenda of gender war being pushed from the elites. Women vote roughly the same as men of their etnic group give or take 5 10% Even if women couldn’t vote it wouldnt change much. Unless real direct democracy is established you will never be able to vote for end of fiat or end of funding izrael.
        If poeple arent allowed to vote they might as well be slaves. What prevents “voters” from transfering all taxes to non voters. Nothing.

  13. I don’t understand the premises here. Is this about income tax? Voting in general? Or a matter of degree or a vote in proportion to the share of the contribution? Because even the poorest could be said to contribute some tiny amount, even through sales taxes, the taxes on the beer/cigarettes they like to buy, or the myriad of embedded taxes in products and services – by which metric, they’d get to vote too. And besides, the stupid voting ritual goes well beyond tax authority – like all matter of social and economic policy, international affairs, etc. Even wealthy taxpayers have little clue about the impact of such matters, so why would they get to have a monopoly on voting?

    If it’s just that rights and privileges and assets are not to be the subject of votes, great and I’m all for that. But then you can just reduce that to prohibiting voting, which is a better way to achieve that end.

    I’m sorry, but what seems to be proposed here is one dimensional. I need more to go on.

  14. One of my favorite old-school liberals is Jimi Hendrix. By the standards in which he lived, nobody could have ever said he was a “conservative”.

    But, I can tell you that his lyrics don’t sound anything like the liberals of today.

    For example, this is how “Bleeding Heart” starts:

    “Peoples, peoples, people
    Do you know what it means to be left alone?
    Peoples, peoples, people
    You know what it means to be left alone?

    And that isn’t the only song where he said those same words about being “left alone”.

    • Everyone wants to be left alone to do what they want. They just don’t want to leave you alone. Make the other guy pay for it! Tell the other guy how he must raise his kids! Tell him how to build his house! But just leave me alone….. (And when I need rehab from all the drugs I took, or costly operations from the effects of those drugs and my degenerate lifestyle, you pay for it, because it’s only fair and you have to pay your fair share -Paraphrased from Jimi Hendrix’s life)

    • ‘Do you know what it means to be left alone?’ — Jimi H, quoted by XM

      Starship trooper, go sailing on by
      Catch my soul, catch the very light
      Hide the moment from my eager eye

      — Yes, Starship Trooper (1971)

  15. One of my US Senators was lucky enough to receive a donation from the Israeli lobby in the amount of 299,000 dollars.

    I wonder how the senator will vote on legislation that favors Israel.

    More like a bribe, buying influence, owned.

    It is across the board, money for nothing and your chicks for free. Open Secrets lists all of the politicians that receive money from the Israel lobby. Biden is at the top of the list.

    There are 144 rows of politicians who receive donations from the Israel lobby.

    I am beginning to think that voting is for suckers.

  16. The problem is our enemies have a strange religion that they call “democracy.” They believe that if everyone agrees with them, they can alter reality itself to fit their vision of what the world ought to be. They also believe that maximum participation in these elections is required, and that’s why they want illegals, felons, the mentally ill and 16-year-old kids voting. That and they know they’ll get those votes.

    They’ll never support shrinking the franchise. As much as it needs to happen, they’ll never allow it and will destroy anyone who suggests it as a racist or fascist or whatever oogly-googly word they use.

  17. Neal Boortz, a libertarian former radio host out of Atlanta, used to say that voting should be restricted to those who pay taxes. I can get on board with this.

    I’m happy to help my fellow man, but it’s gotta be on my terms. I choose to do so through my church, and, occasionally to the kids raising money for one charity/sports team or another.

    Modern America (and the west) means producers are robbed by the government to support moochers and tax consumers. I pay for welfare queens, drag queens, corporate bailouts, unjust wars, and every redistribution scheme imaginable.

    As a widower with a good income, no dependents, house paid for, I get freakin’ reamed on federal taxes. And I’m fed up cuz even with a six figure income, the teat’s fixin to go dry.

    When that finally happens, the moochers and tax consumers will be left asking “who is John Galt”?

    • I agree, Mike –

      One of the most pernicious effects of coercive “help” is that it engenders resentment rather than compassion. I am also happy to help my fellow man – on my terms. Without being forced to. If, for example, my neighbor – whom I know to be a good man – fell on hard times through no fault of his own and needed help, I’d help him. But I resent being forced to “help” maggot-moocher types who can but won’t work. Screw such people. More finely, let’s give them an incentive to do what they ought to – which is get off their asses and work to take care of themselves, as most of the rest of us do.

      • I recently re-read JD Vance’s “Hillbilly Elegy”. He spends a bit of time talking about how his working-class people, scraping by, resented the welfare recipient’s nicer homes & grocery buggies frothing over the edge with taxpayer provided pop-tarts, colas, etc.

        We’ve all experienced it and felt the same anger. What’s worse, is the entitlement mentality of being “owed” by those who enjoy the fruits of my labor.

    • Every single person on Manhattan Island is squatting on stolen land. Give it back to the Mohicans, at least those guys still exist.

      Same for Delaware and Massachusetts. You stole it all from the Massachusett tribe, give it back. Freaking thieves.

      Sioux tribal members were handed one million dollars in gold to move from the New Ulm area in Minnesota to the Dakota Territory back in August of 1862, except for 29 braves that were hanged in one day by Lincoln.

      August Schell had Schell’s Brewery, still there, and was supplying the Sioux with firewater. August’s brewery was untouched by the Sioux uprising.

      “Let them eat dung.” – BIA agent’s words

      The Sioux went postal.

      Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North and South Dakota has been on the dole ever since. Sitting Bull went to work for Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show, it was a good gig for Sitting Bull. Sitting Bull earned 50 dollars per week, sent it back home. That was good money in 1885.

      Walmart stocked up yesterday, it’s the first of August, payday for the local natives, not a day to go to Walmart.

      Back in the summer of 1958 I remember my dad telling my uncle that the Chippewa were war dancing on the nearby reservation. It was a night to remember.

  18. Yeah, our governor Maura Healy, who appropriately resides in The People’s Republic of Cambridge, just signed a budget that allocates $1billion to housing migrants. Guess she doesn’t want them sleeping under bridges that might fall down on them since repairing them would be a better use of taxpayer money. Let’s see if she sets an example by sharing her house with a few illegals. Next up will be the housing commissar who recreates the scene in Dr. Zhivago where Yuri comes home to find his house overrun with peasants because he doesn’t need all that space for himself.

  19. The governor-ess of Massachusetts is *asking* for people to provide housing for the Marxist crisis they created. Only difference is she isn’t quite yet *telling* people who will be taking in these migrants. Coming to a soviet style country soon.

    Remember, we live in a banana republic.

  20. A minor correction Eric. In the book Starship Troopers service to the Federation could be anything they felt you were capable of doing. The purpose of testing before taking the Oath was only to insure that you were capable of understanding the oath and what it meant. If you could understand the question/ Oath you were eligible to take it even if you were only physically capable of blinking.

    In the Tom Kratman “Carrera” book series a book was commissioned called “History and Moral Philosophy” that expands on what RAH wrote.

    When you get down to it limiting the franchise only to those who have skin in the game would be the only way to protect the Republic from the Free Sh*t Army. After the revolution this was done by limiting voting to those who owned property and were most likely the ones who paid spending decisions made. This of course changed long ago.

    As Porter Stansberry said :“You can tax the rich to pay for current spending. You can even tax them very heavily. But when the rich look forward for decades and see nothing but increasing taxes, debts, and government control of their businesses and assets – they will leave.”

    I’ll leave others to guess what happens next.

    • Amen, Landru – and thanks for the addendum.

      I see no legitimate/rational/moral reason say that it is wrong to deny those from whom nothing is taken a say in what is taken. Because nothing is taken from them – except their supposed “right” to have a say in what will be taken from others, which they have no right to take or vote to have taken on their behalf.

      If anyone can present an argument to the contrary that isn’t an argument for authoritarian collectivism, I’d like to hear it.

      • I did forget to say thanks for a very good article dealing with what the responsibilities of being a citizen should be.

          • Eric, you left out one salient point from S T. Office holders were also required to meet the same standard.
            It matters little. Being psychopaths, governments are all inherently evil. They move ‘forward” by killing people.

  21. Today’s so-called “liberals” might as well be called AUTHORITARIANS or SOCIOPATHS, given what they wish to do (and have done) to people who don’t subscribe to their demented ideas. Liberals used to be against censorship, war, Big Pharma, and even billionaires, but over the past several years, they’ve effectively become PRO censorship, PRO war, and PRO BIG Pharma. They also continually advocate some of the insane stuff that billionaire sociopaths such as Bill Gates are pushing such as Net Zero.

    P.S. Eric, you misspelled Bob Barker.

  22. “I know a lot of people want to send blankets or water… just send your cash”

    “It’s amazing how terrible tragedies can bring out the best of the human spirit. We’ve all seen that firsthand when American citizens responded to the tsunami or to Katrina or the earthquake in Pakistan and President Clinton and I are going to work to tap that same spirit of giving to help our brothers and sisters in the Caribbean.”

    Bush was right of course, Americans are very charitable. We are because of our history of self-governance, and of course the protestant ethos. Europe, with the tradition of divine right monarchy, figures that the king, representing heaven on Earth, should be handing out the help. Unfortunately since the 1960s we Americans have also subcontracted out charity to the state, as a replacement for the church and other institutions that became complacent.

    It all goes sideways is when we trust politicians, hardly divine, with the role of charity.

    Doesn’t help that the US worker is just so good at what they do that the economy can handle a large number of hangers-on. Not only the direct recipients of the government’s “charity” but also the workers and structure built up to distribute the dosh (while wetting their beaks too). And because you can’t trust a bureaucrat, you need a bunch of auditors and accountants to track the pennies while ignoring the dollars. They say 98 cents of every dollar earmarked for government charity goes to the bureaucracy. Even if that’s completely made up, no one really sounds shocked when they hear that statistic.

    Two thousand years ago a charity was created. It did OK for itself over the centuries, sometimes taken over by politicians, sometimes breaking apart into factional divisions. The fundamental premise was that the average worker in the charity took a vow of poverty. Some still managed to live quite well, even in excess, but they owned nothing outright. And even that got corrupted, probably by political infiltration. These days most churches have greatly reduced their role as charitable organizations, instead handing off that task to the state and choosing to focus on expanding their numbers (er… spreading the good news). Shame that.

  23. ‘If, that is, one does not wish to see a nation vote itself into oblivion.’ — eric

    The Motor Voter Act, passed in 1993 under Bill Clinton, requires states to register individuals who interact with the Motor Vehicle Division. Since dozens of states offer driving licenses to non-citizens, they get registered as voters unless they check an obscure box asking not to be registered.

    To summarize: the US fedgov itself acts as an engine of organized vote fraud for migrants, of whom some 10 to 15 million have entered during the ‘Biden’ regency. States are NOT ALLOWED to demand proof of citizenship in federal elections.

    When the US fedgov fraudulently dilutes the votes of lawful citizens, Americans are ethically entitled to refuse to participate in a dirty, rigged game, in which the government itself acts as a perpetrator, facilitator and malefactor.

    Smash the illegitimate fedgov. It is an impostor regime, headed by an impostor ‘president,’ engaged in flagrante delicto in industrial-scale vote fraud. Arrest its Depublicrat ‘leaders’ and lock them in cages. These people (often in a literal sense, with their dual loyalties) are not Americans.

    • This madness has gone beyond voting registration at the DMV. An article posted on the Gateway Pundit revealed that voter registration was also taking place at welfare offices in 49 states with Arizona being the exception. All those leeches pouring in over the border and being flown in and released are all being signed up for “benefits” and given voter registration forms. All of this massive fraud make the legendary Tammany Hall of early NYC look honest in comparison.

      • ‘Twenty years ago such an incident would be widely regarded in the UK and Europe as a terrorist attack. In the woke haze of 2024, though, the 17-year-old child of Rwandan migrants who went on a stabbing spree at a kids dance recital in the town of Southport, England is treated as a run-of-the-mill criminal. The response from the British public is one of rage, as riots erupt across the country.

        ‘Despite three dead children and ten others injured in the streets of Southport, journalists have sought to humanize the attacker, likely because of his Rwandan migrant family.’

        Looks like the English peeps are rising up against the same sort of HIAS-sponsored chaos inflicted on us. Is that young Rwandan registered to vote? Remind him that knives are not to be brought into the polling place! 🙂


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