Insults Matter


No one likes being insulted – especially people without a sense of humor. But whether one likes it is beside the point.

“Insult” are – or at least, can be – subjective. A matter of feelings. Some people consider it insulting – hateful, even – to (as they style it) “misgender” someone. That is, to use the pronoun (e.g., Mr. or ma’am, or sir) that objectively and so correctly corresponds with their biology rather than their feelings. There are many other similar examples of affronted feelings, with the affronted characterizing those who affronted their feelings as having insulted them. This has elaborated into their being hateful – with that latter being tantamount to criminal.

Which is to say, actionable.

Not in the sense of flipping whomever the bird. In the sense of demanding the person deemed insulting – or hateful – be punished for his “crime.”

It is said – by the affronted – that this is necessary else “hate” will spread. In fact, what will happen is that truth will be suppressed, because practically anything that someone says can be said to hurt the feelings of someone else. Note that it does not matter whether what’s been said is true.

The latter was once considered an absolute defense – irrespective of what anyone felt. There  have been attempts to render the truth of whatever was said an irrelevance, usually on the pretext of “national security” as during the presidency of John Adams, though that term hadn’t yet been invented. Adams’ administration conjured something styled the Alien and Sedition Acts, by which was meant that it was actionable – seditious – to state true things about the Adams administration’s actions as well as about Adams, himself.

There was also something in both law and journalism called the absence of malice, a doctrine that essentially said if a reporter told the truth or even something not entirely true, so long as it was not done with malice – that is, meant to cause harm – he ought to be free to report. The idea being that it is important to get at what’s true, even if it offends someone in the process.

Nowadays, hurt feelings – on the part of the hearer or reader – have become intent to hurt feelings, on the part of the sayer or writer. And synonymous with actually having hurt the person who hears or reads whatever hurt his feelings.

Irrespective of the truth of what is said or written.

This uses people’s sense of justice against them – to silence them. They are told they are “hateful” if they refuse to pretend that a he is a “she” – even if they do not “hate” the person but merely hate being told they must pretend to deny objective reality; i.e., to deny the truth because it “hurts.”

Once that is accepted, everything else follows. Except the truth – which must be left behind in favor of whatever falsehoods other people insist must be believed. We got a heaping spoonful of that during the event they insisted was a “pandemic” (much as they insisted that those injected with drugs that didn’t prevent them from getting – or spreading – the cold that masqueraded as the Black Death were vaccinated).

The truth became “misinformation” – and those who dared utter or write it were almost turned into criminals. Not surprisingly, it is becoming a crime to speak the truth – or to question what we’re told we must believe to be true – about what the government of Israel does and has done, in the past. To bring up the case of the USS Liberty, for instance, is to all-but-assure one will be characterized as an “anti-Semite.” And “anti-Semitism” – which has nothing to do with hating Jews merely because they happen to be Jews – is already criminal in Germany, where it is illegal to question out loud or in print to even the smallest degree anything that deviates from what the people are told they must believe to be the truth about what happened to Jews in Germany during the Late Unpleasantness there.

Were six million actually murdered? Or was it five million? Anything that’s not exactly “six million” is literally a crime if said or written.

This latter business can be viewed as a kind of test-run for what’s being done to Americans now – and not just them, either. See, for instance, what is being done to Britons. It is “far right” and – here you go – “hateful” – to object to gangs of Muslims attacking Britons (and killing little British girls).

It is why the entire West is now being subjected to an in-your-face subjectification of objective reality. You are not allowed to object to six-foot-four men such as “Lia” Thomas swimming competitively with women such as Riley Gaines, who is supposed to pretend she didn’t see “Lia’s” dick as it was waved in her face in the women’s changing room.

It is insane – but purposeful. The point being to destroy the West by destroying the truth  – by using the instinctive decency of the average person – the desire to be kind and polite – as weapons against them.

By turning sympathy into submission.

And that is why it is essential to defend the right to insult. More finely, the right to say or write anything at all no matter how someone else feels about it. Because there are people whose feelings will always be hurt by the truth – and people who will say their feelings have been hurt. The former is unfortunate. No decent person intentionally seeks to hurt the feelings of other people, just for the sake of making them feel bad.

But the possibility of hurt feelings are a necessary cost of being free to say or right what is true.

And being free to say or write the truth is the only way to defend ourselves against the existential threat presented by people who say we’ve hurt their feelings.

. . .

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    • ‘Veep Throat’ — that’s a good one.

      Incredible that Kakamala — for whom no one voted in a primary — is now proclaimed the D-party nominee, in a non-transparent, non-auditable online vote run by a private organization (the DNC).

      Democracy and the rule of law are now a complete joke in the United States. The power elite does anything it wants. A supine Lügenpresse assures us that it’s ‘all legal.’

      What a steaming crock.

  1. “And that is why it is essential to defend the right to insult. More finely, the right to say or write anything at all no matter how someone else feels about it.”

    That’s why I come back to your site again and again Eric. This is the only true libertarian site – you don’t censor comments, no matter what they say or who they may offend. I commend you for that.

  2. Firstoff — Eric is one of my top role models — honor, plus genius. A real man.

    Sorry if off topic:

    Trump was not reading a teleprompter when he pumped his fist and said “Fight!”. That made me respect him more. He survivived a bullet — I love him now JUST FOR THAT. He’s still doing rallies all the time, like when does this guy rest?

    We might as well all vote for him, because we know no one else has a chance right now. It’s better to put a ballot in EVEN IF they flip/change it, because it makes it HARDER for them to win — the MORE ballots they have to flip makes it a little harder for them to commit their fraud. So “VOTE” even though it’s a joke, there is SOME CHANCE of him winning.

    So I’m going to vote for him even though I like Shiva, because this is not a vote, this is a game to try and make it harder for the gremlins to fraud us.

    • Hi Harry,

      Thanks for the kind (and humbling) words, first of all!

      And: I agree with you and like the way you put it when you wrote: “…this is not a vote, this is a game to try and make it harder for the gremlins to fraud us.”

      I think the thing that hangs many people up (and I understand the sentiment) is exasperation that better options are not available right now. Indeed, that they may never be during our lifetimes. It feels like a gyp – and it is, of course. But life is often not what we’d like. It is what it is. Of course, we ought to hold the ideal as a kind of beacon to seek. But will we ever get there if we don’t do something to get there, even if it doesn’t get us all the way there right now?

      I grant that we may get gypped even worse. That is always a possibility. But why not pursue the possibility of better rather than worse?

      That’s my 50 after my first cup of coffee this morning!

      • From wikipedia: “Perfect is the enemy of good. Achieving absolute perfection may be impossible; one should not let the struggle for perfection stand in the way of appreciating or executing on something that is imperfect but still of value.”

        As bad as he is in some ways, Trump is a far better option than the alternative choice.

  3. Eric, thank you for coming around and talking about the Holocaust narrative. Takes a lot of balls to do that. Admittedly there is the malodorous whiff of Bigfoot and UFO-type cranks when it comes to questioning the Holocaust, but that is only because the “serious” people refuse to do so. Because when serious people like David Irving questioned it, they got destroyed.

    One need not get into the various details of the Holocaust narrative, though. The simple fact that Germany was willing to put a 96-year-old woman like Ursula Haverbeck in prison for saying that the Holocaust is bullshit is simply breathtaking.

    Whether she is right or wrong is immaterial. Who cares what she thinks? The sheer cruelty and illiberalism of incarcerating a woman almost 100 years old for having an opinion, whether false or true, is incredible. If she had been incarcerated for saying that the virgin birth of Christ is bullshit you’d never hear the end of it. The outcry would be epic. But prison for questioning the Jewish narrative? Crickets.

    Paradoxically, when you are forced to pay lip service to a falsehood or potential falsehood, you start to dislike the people forcing you to do it, even if you had no truck with them previously. If they had merely left you alone you might not dislike them quite so much.

    But one cannot blame the “heretic” for disliking the Grand Inquisitor during the auto-da-fe…

    • Indeed, X –

      It’s whistling past the graveyard to think that what happened in Germany to Ursula Haverbeck (and others) merely for expressing their opinions could never happen here. It is already happening. Not yet as extreme, but only an imbecile cannot understand that once something wrong and abusive is accepted in principle, that principle is always expanded. Americans are being conditioned to accept that “hate” speech is unacceptable. Well, who gets to define what “hate” speech is? Why, the very people who have criminalized it in Germany. It is obvious the Left wants to make it actionable to disagree with the Left. A “threat to democracy” is an implicit threat to those so regarded, is it not? The fangs are being bared. The time to smash that wolf in the face is right now. Teach him a lesson about snarling at us.

      Americans have got to recover their sense of I don’t give a shit. Without which, this will never again be a free country.

      • In the US, there is no such thing as “Hate Speech”, only “Free Speech”. SCOTUS held in Matal v. Tam (2017). American jurisprudence does not recognize hate speech, only free speech. You have no right, nor any expectation to not to be offended. Speech that is disagreeable or outright offensive is exactly the type of speech the 1st Article in the Bill of Rights is meant to protect.
        Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express “the thought that we hate.” (Matal v. Tam, 2017).

        Transformational Marxism and its weaponized Hate Speech doctrine has been defeated. I won’t touch on the “Right to Hate” as a genetically programmed defense mechanism, and anyone trying to disarm it is your enemy.. That’s another topic for another time…

      • “It is obvious the Left wants to make it actionable to disagree with the Left.”

        We should note that when it comes to fellating Zionists and punishing people for questioning the Holocaust Narrative, the “Right” (DeSantis, Graham, Noem, etc.) is just as zealous as the “Left.” Perhaps more so.

        • The so-called “jewish holocaust™” is on its way to being exposed as the fable and massive grift which is totally based on lies and fabrications.
          There have already been ChatGPT and AI inquiries into the claims made by “holocaust™” survivors and their fellow jewish grifters.
          In EVERY case, claims made by the “holocaust™” promotion crowd are easily debunked by these new methods…ChatGPT and AI.
          When the numbers are punched in involving cremations, the numbers involved and the amount of time needed, both ChatGPT and other AI programs claim that cremations would have been going on into the 1950s.
          Wait until ChatGPT and AI gets a hold of the claims as to the size of “gas chambers”, methods used, the short times claimed, and the use of “bug spray” as an execution agent as well as the claims that decontamination and disposal method used were not needed. There were no “gas chambers”…
          ChatGPT and AI will destroy the “holocaust™” fable once and for all because of the impossible extermination methods and materials used, the minimal time involved, claims about decontamination and disposal being nonexistent.
          The jews will have to pass laws to prevent people from using ChatGPT and AI to investigate the so-called “holocaust™”

    • “Admittedly there is the malodorous whiff of Bigfoot and UFO-type cranks when it comes to questioning the Holocaust”

      You forgot to mention the “flat earthers”, X.

      This is the default dodge of those that refuse to be questioned. It’s a slick little diversion that takes objection to a given narrative regarding the, usually criminal, acts of people that turns the conversation to questioning physical reality. Just because I don’t believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone does not mean I think the moon landing was fake. One is a criminal act with the prosecution’s version of events being questioned (as should be done with any criminal prosecution) and the other is to deny a time/speed/distance problem coupled with controlling the energy required to break the gravitational pull of the rock upon which we live. The two are the ultimate apples/oranges comparison.

      Remember, when one questions The Holocaust™ you are attacking the underpinnings of The Chosen Ones, the capstone on the obelisk of oppression. If you question the prosecution’s JFK, RFK murder you are at risk of exposing those that run the show, The Deep State and the money men (see The Chosen Ones above) behind their shenanigans.

      When ad hominem attacks are at the core of accusations you know the person trotting them out is full of crap and has nothing but their own personal animus driving them, not reason or logic.

    • “Auto da Fe? What’s Auto da Fe? It’s what you “auto” (ought to) not do, but you do ANYWAY!” Mel “Brooks” (nee Kaminsky), 1981, “History of the World, Part One”.

      Yes, I’ve figured out a long time ago that the Holohoax was, indeed, probably the greatest CON JOB ever foisted upon Western man. Were the account actually faithful, at least to a reasonable degree, the truth, the very elderly Ursula Haverbeck, who was not of legal age when WWII ended (she was 16), but aware enough of goings-on about her, to have personal knowledge of the Germany she grew up in, could simply be IGNORED as an old crank(ess). No, the very same CUCKED Federal Republic of Germany, not content to supply Isra-Hell with ballistic-missile-capable submarines (“Dolphin” class), PERSECUTES this old crone for what’s, in effect, HERESY against the State RELIGION of Holocaustianity. As well as persecute a now 99 year old woman for the “CRIME” of being a SECRETARY, y’know, typing, filing, answering the phone, greeting visitors, and *ahem*, taking “dictation” from Der Kommandant. Not being the psychotic wife of a former KZ Kommandant, he having been executed not by Soviet and/or Allied captors for “crimes against humanity”, but, rather, by the Nazis themselves for EMBEZZLEMENT and MISTREATMENT OF PRISONERS, labeled the “Bitch of Buchenwald” and alleged to strut about with a whip and riding crop, tormenting inmates, and making LAMPSHADES out of the SKINS of inmates with interesting tattoos! BTW, a rather interesting note about tattooed inmates in WWII German KZs…as tattooing was considered the habit of drunken sailors and the criminal element, or PROSTITUTES, that would tend to lend credence to the “apologist” observation that the concentration camps were meant to hold and house the CRIMINAL ELEMENT of German society, a rather logical procedure in any country involved in a existential war; i.e., for SURVIVAL. This, of course, led to the trope of the crazed Nazi bitch, usually a lot more attractive than Ilse Koch (though the infamous, downright fuckable 20 y.o. Irma Griese, when famed UK hangman Albert Pierrepoint asked her last word(s), simply replied, “Schnell!”), culminating in an infamous 1975 semi-pornographic film titled “Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS”, starring the late (and very lovely) Dyanne Thorne, who had a brief part in Star Trek’s “A Piece of the Action”, as one of the *ahem* “ladies” that complains to Bela Oxmyx’s Lieutenant, Kalo, about the poor street lighting (“A ‘girl’ ain’t ‘safe’!”) and lack of laundry pickup (they hadn’t seen a truck in three weeks, so their reputations likely weren’t the ONLY things “soiled” with THOSE “doves”), after all, they protested that they HAD paid their “percentages”.

      The entire point of the Holohoax has been, of course, to paint “Die Juden” as the ultimate VICTIMS, in a culture of victimhood. No criticism of the Chosenites is ALLOWED, because, after all, they’d soon be gathered into concentration camps AGAIN (“never again”, but who sez it was in the FIRST PLACE?), to be gassed and grilled and go “up the chimney”! Even many Israeli scholars have openly ADMITTED that the entire Holohoax narrative is necessary to JUSTIFY the existence of Isra-Hell at all! Funny thing is, it’s come mainly at the expense of FELLOW SEMITES, i.e., Arabic peoples, mainly descendants of Ishmael, who, along with his mother, Hagar, was sent out into the desert to DIE, thanks to the “Patriarch” Abraham, who had to satisfy his wife’s ever-mounting jealousy over her desert-wandering husband’s “side chick”. It took the administration of an angel to keep Hagar and her toddler son ALIVE, such was then the “Tender Mercies” of the ancestor of the Chosenites (and, if you take the Bible literally and seriously, us all as well, at least those than can be considered “white”, though they’ve usurped his legacy for themselves!). Never mind the utter sickness of watching members of the Clowngress, BOTH political parties, practically line up to fellate the murderous PM Netan-Yahoo.

      • From an engineering and logistical standpoint, NONE of the claims made by holocaust™ “survivors” and promoters is possible.
        –Killing jews with “bug spray” (Zyklon B) is not only impossible, but is laughable on its face.
        –Transporting jews to “camps”, utilizing scarce energy sources, transportation and logistical difficulties only to kill them is not only problematic but impossible as well.
        –Tattooing camp inmates only to kill them is also problematic.
        –If the “camps” were truly “death camps” why would medical facilities, recreational facilities, brothels, movie theaters, and other amenities be needed?
        –“Gas chambers” with non-sealed wooden doors and the lack of ventilation systems for such facilities, once again, disproves the claims made by holocaust™ promoters. Doors that “swing the wrong way” would make retrieval of the bodies impossible. Ordinary light fixtures, rather than explosion proof lighting fixtures are claimed to have been the norm.
        –Claims by holocaust™ promoters that gassed bodies were blue or green (rather than bright red) from poisoning are totally false.
        –Claims by “gas chamber operators” that they retrieved the bodies as soon as the “gassing” was complete are false. Decontamination which takes hours is never mentioned. Retrieving the bodies without decontamination would have killed the “gas chamber” operators.
        –Claims that the inmates could tell when jews were being cremated by the color of smoke emitted from the crematoria chimneys are patently foolish and false.
        –Let’s not forget “lampshades, wallets, soap and shrunken heads” made from jews is also laughable,
        –Crematoria running 24 hours a day, without “downtime” for maintenance on the muffles and flames “visible out of the crematoria stacks” are also impossibilities. Crematoria are designed to burn “clean” with no visible smoke and definitely no flames outside the stacks would be possible. Not only that, the claims that thousands of bodies were cremated daily are a statistical impossibility as it takes approximately 1.5 hours to cremate a human body. If cremation were used on “6 million” jews, the cremation process would have been operating into the 1950s.
        –The lack of depositories for bodies and ashes is more proof that the “camps” were not “death camps” but rather “work camps” for the German war effort.
        –Anne Frank’s “diary” partially written with a ball-point pen (by her father) which was not invented till the 1950s. Time travel, anyone? Lol
        –Anne Frank’s father, Otto Frank was treated in a camp hospital and survived the war. What the hell is a hospital for residents doing in a “death camp”?
        Germans were (and still are) excellent engineers and could not have engineered the grievous errors that are claimed by holocaust promoters.
        As to the arrest and incarceration of Anne Frank and her “family”, they were arrested for black-marketeering and smuggling of stolen products, not because they were jews.
        Follow the shekels…

  4. Ain’t gonna be no peace here in America no matter who is the preznit, Donald? Give me a break. Kamala, who wants something like that for a president? Easy answer there.

    Kamala should ask for donations to support EP Autos all over the internets, she ain’t gonna win the election. Might as well give all that money the Democrats hoard to Eric.

    Donald Trump should do the same. The Republicans should give every penny in their campaign war chest to EP Autos.

    Legitimately transfer all of that Jewish wealth into Eric’s bank accounts. Every single penny. It’ll stop the slaughter. All the Jews do is kill people, they don’t need a red cent.

    If you want to save America, please donate all you can to EP Autos, it’s your only hope.

    It’s never too late.

    It’s war a-go-go.

    You go, you Jews, kill them all!

    What goes around comes around, bullies get theirs in the end

    So why be a bully? A bully never wins

  5. So stop insulting my intelligence by pretending we have any choice but to go full bore for TRUMP if we don’t want western civilization to collapse or at least be salvagable. I get it these articles are bringing hardcore libertarian leftists into the fold by presenting reason and making them think, but we lose the battle when you surrender to the presumption of there’s something wrong with Trump to begin with. This lesser of two evils presumption was designed to sabotoge us to begin with. When being dragged on social media, the worst mistake you can make is to apologize first. I’m voting for Trump and I don’t apologize for thinking he’s a good guy, he’s the first guy the state has tried to assassinate in 40 years, probablly the first one WORTH voting for since then. Down with the oligarchy of Bush/Clinton/Obama that’s stolen and rigged our country.

    • Assassinate? Did you see Trump’s ear two weeks after the alleged assassination attempt? No scar whatsoever! What a medical miracle for the ages! Come on, man, use common sense. No one tried to assassinate Trump; it was a staged event (and yes, I realize someone actually died in the crowd). The lesser of two evils is still evil, and the U.S. isn’t salvageable at this point–certainly not by the one who presided over our nation’s fall into communism in 2020. Just remember, you can vote your way into communism but you can’t vote your way out.

      • “Use common sense … no one tried to assasinate Trump … I realize someone died in the crowd”

        You realize you sound bat-crap crazy right? Of course Trump must have orchastrated the whole thing! Certianly not SS putting him out there to be shot by brainwashed kid they knew about.

        Speaking from experience, large cuts and scabs on the ear produce a hell of a lot of blood, but there’s nothing to the ear and it heals over in a few hours. If it’s picked at it’ll start all over again until it doesn’t want to heal right.

        Trump isn’t the lesser of two evils in my book. He’s George Washington 2.0 this time on a war path against the permanent buracracy and that’s why the DOJ wants him dead.

        • Indeed. A barber nicked my ear once, you’da thunk he cut the thing off the way the towel looked. But in a few days you’d never know anything happened.

  6. Everyone, get your affairs in order immediately:

    “Nasdaq futures dropping as if it’s the end of the world; memo to all: it isn’t.”

    — Jim Kramer, August 2, 2024

  7. Retired Gen. Lloyd Austin, Biden’s pick for secretary of defense, and Antony Blinken, his choice to lead the State Department, worked as “D.C. partners” for Pine Island Capital Partners, an investment firm specializing in defense companies. They advised the firm alongside several influential lawmakers-turned-lobbyists, including former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt, each of whom run their own lobbying firms that attract foreign and domestic clients.

    8.5.24 6:30 am Opinion Biden’s Indo-Pacific diplomacy has made America’s future more secure; Antony Blinken is the U.S. secretary of state, Lloyd Austin is defense secretary and Jake Sullivan is President Biden’s national security… just last month, we unveiled plans to modernize the command and control of U.S. forces in Japan — the largest upgrade to U.S.-Japanese military ties in seven decades. The defense ministers of Japan, South Korea and the United States met together in Japan for the first time ever. And we announced a once-in-a-generation investment of $500 million to support modernization of the Philippine military

    Biden announces he’s giving up the presidency 21 Jul. 22 JUL Blinken and Biden announce trip to Asia 7-29 to 8-3-2024 –
    US-Japan security talks focus on bolstering military cooperation, underscores threat from China

    From 2017 to 2019, Blinken served as the managing director of the Penn Biden Center, a University of Pennsylvania think tank based in Washington.[49]

      • Be assured that the tech to track and FINK on us has been in place in ALL makes for some time. I can see a MASSIVE, MAJOR MALFUNCTION on November 5, 2024, which is the USA “Election Day”, of SELECTED motorists who haven’t voted, who likely won’t vote the way their professed “betters” have deemed they must. Let’s also remember, remember, the Fifth of November, as it’s also GUY FAWKES day!

        • Douglas: But this one is kind of like kids reporting their mom and dad’s behavior.

          It signs your up as a deputy LEO. Your car rats out the other guy lby comparing his speed to yours and then sending out info on the criminals in the other car. One little thing no one has pointed out is that the gadget has to know your speed to make the calculations, and will likely rat you out too, if it is out of bounds.

  8. Oh baby that Nikkei made a typical topping formation (Head and Shoulders). But it is the futures, not the cash. Here is the graph:

    Here we see that the Nikkei 225 came up against the 1989 high but did not exceed it to confirm a breakout. The reason why the Nikkei rise to that level in 1989 is that our stupid policy makers wanted to devalue the dollar so that we would be more export competitive. The Japanese said, “Holy crap our dollar denominated stocks, bonds and properties are becoming worthless vs the yen. Sell! That drove up the Nikkei and cause the 1987 crash

    • Yes, it is the first essay I have read on the web describing how they are using our own gentle polite behavior against us.

      Cut this out and nail it to your wall:

      “The point being to destroy the West by destroying the truth – by using the instinctive decency of the average person – the desire to be kind and polite – as weapons against them. By turning sympathy into submission.”

      Those who act without sympathy, have weaponized our sympathy. That is demonically diabolical. Obviously we are being lorded over by non-human reptilian psychopaths. In the case of Kumaloho the air brained psyHOpath.

  9. This is what I wrote, but it truncated perhaps because of the long stock link, so I deleted it. I have no idea why this happened.


    Outstanding essay.

    You all got to see this Nikkei Futures chart, in a matter of days from 42500 to 30000 just like that. You have to wonder if the 1929 repeat is now, are we entering the Greater Depression right now? And don’t forget the stock market election forecast, if it drops more than 20% the odds favor the challenger (Trump). If the stock market is up, it favors the incumbent (Harris).

    (stock market chart link deleted)

    “Were six million actually murdered? Or was it five million? ”

    Red Cross documented 284,000 died in the work camps. It has been long proved no gas chambers and the 6 million number a magic number that rabbis us hundreds of time long before anyone ever heard of Hitler. At the end of WW2, the German soldiers were starving, and those in detention camps were the lowest priority – malnutrition and disease overtook the camps.

    The Holocaust narrative was created after WW2 for propaganda purposes, and it has become the new religion of the west. They even have Holocaust museums to indoctrinate you into this new religion. Jews own and control the west, and Jews are imposing the Holohoax to control us with guilt.

    The real tragedy is that Hitler did not exterminate the jews. Look at what the Jew hellions are doing to us – endless inflation, endless wars, endless propaganda, and now they are literally exterminating us with endless illegal immigration. People need to wake up, what is happening to the Palestinians, is what the Rabbis have planned for all of us non-Jews.

    You may find what I write offensive – but that is only because you do NOT understand what is really going on.

    • Mike Rivero has a webpage explaining where the 6 million number came from, and it is worth a read:

      Don’t forget, that the Jews in Israel have now killed more Palestinians then all the Jews killed in German camps. And don’t forget that the Amerikans put ALL the Japanese into internment camps also.

      The Holocaust myth is used to justify new exterminations, and you’re next Goyim!

    • The “6 million” number is a Kabalistic magic number just like 666.

      6 million is 10 to the six power 6x10e6

      During the Covid hoax, you were told to stand 6 feet apart. They used the magic 6 number to control your brain. 6 feet deep is how they bury you. Their intention is clear.

      It was used over a hundred times by the Jewish press long before WW2, here is an example:

      6,000,000 Jewish souls facing poverty, starvation and disease
      The New York Times – Published November 12, 1919


      Felix M. Warburg Says They Were the Worst Sufferers In War.

      Felix M. Warburg, Chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee of American Funds for Jewish War Sufferers, who returned several days ago from a trip to Europe for that organization, made public yesterday some of his findings.

      “The successive blows of contending armies have all but broken the back of European Jewry. he said, and have” reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease about 6,000,000 souls or half the Jewish population of the earth.

      I love that name “WarBerg” the “war jew”, which is almost as good as Charles”Krauthammer” (means hammer the Germans) or CNN host Wold Blitzer which means “wolf blitzkreiger” (means wolf rampage tearing up the enemy – which is us). Jews often change their names to hide their real identity, like Victoria Nudelman (Jewish name) became Victoria Nuland (Gentile name) – who was the primary architect of the 2015 Maidan Coup and the current Ukraine war deaths over a million. Her husband, Robert Kagan is the architect of the Gulf Wars killing many millions. Neither has been charged or prosecuted for mass murder.

      Yes Virginia, you CAN watch Goyim TV exposing the heinous lies of the Jews:

      It’s time to wake up and start defending your race and sanity!

    • Are you wondering how low the stock market can go? I do know the theoretical answer. The stock market is a fractal pattern, corrective waves go down into the range of the 4th wave of lesser degree. In a 1-2-3-4-5 up pattern, the A-B-C correction will go down in the range of wave 4. This is all spelled out clearly in the rules of Elliott Waves, and you can easily find resources on the web describing how that works.

      If you are in a Grand Supercycle Wave blowoff top, like we are now, the inflationary bubble can crash to the previous 4th wave which is the DJIA from 1929 to 1932. That is orders of magnitude lower, and would require a huge deflation.

      It is also known that all bubble will eventually deflate to lower than when the started, the classical example of this is the South Sea Bubble stock which crashed lower than when the stock first traded as show in this chart:

      If this stock crash continues into the election, the incumbents will get blamed and the rival will win. Thus if the stock crash continues, and an economic depression ensues, expect Trump to win but he will preside over another economic depression.


      Oklahoma preacher Brandon Biggs prophecy about Trump:

      Newsweek – “Speaking with Cioccolanti in the video posted on March 14, Biggs said that he saw “an attempt on his [Trump’s] life.” While some of the details are incorrect, the method by which the near-miss assassination was attempted is correct.

      “This bullet flew by his ear, and it came so close to his head that it busted his eardrum,” he said. Trump did not suffer a burst ear drum from the incident.

      Biggs continued: “He fell to his knees during this timeframe, and he started worshiping the lord.”

      In the interview, Biggs also claimed Trump would win the presidency “through the patriots coming out and voting,” and there would be a subsequent crash in the economy that would be “worse than the Great Depression.” ”

      I am not so sure about the part of Trump worshipping the Lord, LOLROFL

      • Hi Jack,

        I actually saw that video with the OK pastor’s prophecy. It was pretty eerie on how correct he was.

        Based on today’s stock market, as Jim pointed out due to the unraveling of Japan, Trump may be a shoo in come November. If we include the beating of drums from Iran to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth I have a feeling there will be a lot of August, September, and October surprises coming forth.

        Apparently, Kamala was taken off the campaign trail today to sit with Uncle Joe in the Situation Room and to determine out how much it will take to buy out Iran.

        • After the volatility index VIX spiked to an incredible 65 this morning (vs 100 in the 1987 crash), I expect some short-term recovery. Sep-Oct 2024 could be brutal, though.

          Recall that a credit crunch, market dip and recession in Feb-Mar 1980 ended Jimmy Carter’s sole term. Likewise, a 15% market slide into late 2000 (which bloomed into recession in Mar 2001) ended the D-party’s two terms in the presidency. Finally, a 34% stock smackdown (and two-month recession) in Feb-Mar 2020 ended Trump’s single term.

          As you say, market crashes are confidence destroyers. They act to the benefit of the non-incumbent party. My three-factor real-time economic indicator, courtesy of Ed Yardeni, has weakened. But it hasn’t plunged over the waterfall yet, as it did during Feb-Apr 2020. Chart:

          • Hi Jim,

            There is no doubt that the Fed will come out with an emergency rate cut, but a 1/2 point deduction is only going to cause more panic in the Markets and what good is a .5% off one’s credit card bill if one has no job to pay said credit card bill.

            The market sell off this morning would have been much higher if traders were actually able to get into their accounts. Nothing like a little market manipulation to make the numbers look better than they are.

            It will be interesting to watch the Asian markets open later tonight. I expect a bounce back in the next few days to cover the 1000 + point deficit of today, but the oligarchy cannot hide the cracking in the global economy.

            • I’m afraid they don’t want to hide said cracking. After the rout and the desolation of billions, they’ll hold out their padded cage of UBI in the CBDC as a life buoy, and the unthinking and uncaring majority of lost souls will take it. They weren’t ready in 2008, they are now.

              • Hi Ernie,

                I think you give them far too much credit. They don’t seem any better prepared. Plus, they don’t have to prepare…instead they will threaten, cajole, and cry until Uncle Sam sends them a bailout. The only people that will lose anything will be the American taxpayer.

            • Michael Hartnett of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, has been saying ‘sell the first rate cut’ for months now. That worked beautifully in both 2001-2003 and 2007-2009.

              Yet incredibly, just last month, a broker who advises a non-profit whose board I serve on, said that he would buy aggressively on a Fed rate cut.

              I will vigorously oppose this historically unfounded delusion. When the Fed panics, the best thing you can do is HEAD FOR THE HILLS, and let it bleed.

              • Hi Jim,

                When Warren Buffett is sitting on $227 billion dollars of cash because he has checked out of the Market should be a warning sign for us all.

                I got caught in this tsunami in 2008. I am sitting out this next round.

        • Lots of surprises for sure. The system managers have gone completely insane on the cusp of total madness. They may even try assassinating Trump again. They may accident Harris and bring in Michael Obongo. They may say hell with it and blow up the whole planet.

          That Chinese curse comes to mind, may you live in interesting times.

        • “the OK pastor’s prophecy. It was pretty eerie on how correct he was.”

          Yes, remarkable, unless … someone told him the plan. Back in 1976 or thereabouts, Nixon had resigned, Ford was president, and months before the election my dad (Eng. Mgr, large corporation) was briefed by the FBI that Jimmy Carter would be the next president. When my dad came home from work, he told me, and he was upset, that the elections were rigged. Because of that I never voted.

          The owners may be choosing to select Trump because it is in their financial interest. IMO is a 4 year clown show, 2 losers to choose from. A choice between the lesser of two evils is still a choice for evil.

          As far as some hick pastor’s prophecy, I am a huge skeptic because their job is to lie, and convince the rabble the authenticity of the Gospels, when they are pure fiction. Read Caesar’s Messiah if you doubt that. CUFI is run by Jews for Christ sake. We call that fat bastard Hagee a rabbi, as he has worn the Jewish shawl.

      • S&P 500….test the 2020 low …2174….first….?

        If so….all the money pumped in there since March 2020….vaporized…..

        Was buy the dips…now short the rips?…..

      • Here is a 100 year DJIA chart, click on ALL data

        1. obviously, the stock markets are in a hyperinflationary bubble

        2. the market drop today is nothing, we are still in the stratosphere

        3. the 1929 crash is not even visible on an arithmatic chart, but you can see the 1987 crash

        4. they may try inflating some more, we’ll see

        5. the call to emergency lower interest rates will only add more rocket fuel to the bubble

        6. tens of trillions of debt must be rolled over in the next year, how can they lower rates and still find buyers for US treasuries? Lowering rates again may trigger inflation to take off again.

        7. a big war will only mean more deficit spending, which means more pressure to keep interests at a level to sell debt

        8. a point will be reached where investors will doubt the ability of the USA to float debt – a limit to borrowing could be reached – then the game will be over. BRICS is accelerating the collapse of the hegemon’s USD monopoly

        9. In reality US Bonds are shit paper that only exist because of confidence, a nebulous thing in our brains, which is eroding rapidly because of clown actors in clown world politics.

        Keir Starmer is a clown, as was Borish Johnson, as was that street shitter Rishi poison sumac
        Macron is a clown
        Turdeau is a clown
        DJT is called the orange clown
        JDVance is the eyeliner clown
        Kumuloho Harris is a heels up ho clown
        Ursula von der lying is a EU clown
        Satanyahu is a demon clown

        the only non-clowns on the world stage are the vilified Lavrov and Putin

        It should be obvious that the day is coming when clown world will be challenged by reality. And all this bullshit they are pumping on us will come crashing down.

  10. Outstanding essay.

    You all got to see this Nikkei Futures chart, in a matter of days from 42500 to 30000 just like that. You have to wonder if the 1929 repeat is now, are we entering the Greater Depression right now? And don’t forget the stock market election forecast, if it drops more than 20% the odds favor the challenger (Trump). If the stock market is up, it favors the incumbent (Harris).


    “Were six million actually murdered? Or was it five million? ”

    Red Cross documented 284,000 died in the work camps. It has been long proved no gas chambers and the 6 million number a magic number that rabbis us hundreds of time long before anyone ever heard of Hitler. At the end of WW2, the German soldiers were starving, and those in detention camps were the lowest priority – malnutrition and disease overtook the camps.

    The Holocaust narrative was created after WW2 for propaganda purposes, and it has become the new religion of the west. They even have Holocaust museums to indoctrinate you into this new religion. Jews own and control the west, and Jews are imposing the Holohoax to control us with guilt.

    The real tragedy is that Hitler did not exterminate the jews. Look at what the Jew hellions are doing to us – endless inflation, endless wars, endless propaganda, and now they are literally exterminating us with endless illegal immigration. People need to wake up, what is happening to the Palestinians, is what the Rabbis have planned for all of us non-Jews.

    You may find what I write offensive – but that is only because you do NOT understand what is really going on.

    • September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945, the beginning and end of WWII.

      2193 days, you would be killing Jews at a clip of 2737 dead Jews every day of the war. Looks like kind of an exaggerated number.

      You know how the numbers can get inflated. 6,000,000 is more than a few.

      200,000 Palestinians are now dead, going on 10 months of carnage, 300 days. The Israeli Defense Forces are averaging 666 dead Palestinians each day for the past 300 days.

      Less than one quarter of Jews that were slaughtered each day during WWII.

      The IDF has to get some more war on, they are way behind on body counts compared to what the Germans did.

      They need to go Plaid.

      Completely absurd and insane.

      The first casualty of war is the truth.

  11. ‘In Germany, it is illegal to question … anything that deviates from what the people are told to be the truth about what happened to Jews in Germany during the Late Unpleasantness there.’ — eric

    Questioning accepted wisdom is the sine qua non of science. Germany’s legally enforced, canonized WW II historical narrative is a five-century throwback to the case of Galileo, who faced capital trial for claiming (correctly) that the earth orbits the sun. As Hans Vogel writes about the 79-year American occupation:

    ‘The toughest nut to crack has been German popular culture and the sense of pride that comes with it. Hence the long-lasting American offensive against German popular culture. It has succeeded in forcing most Germans to listen to American-style music

    ‘As a first step in the attack on German popular culture, the Americans began to reeducate them. For instance, propaganda movies were made telling the Germans not to march, and how to walk briskly without making too martial an impression. Eventually such reeducation efforts managed to convince German men to pee sitting on the toilet.

    ‘Unlike their counterparts elsewhere in Europe, young Germans almost break under the weight of their guilt feelings. They are so guilt-ridden as to be even unable to support any jokes on these issues, no matter how innocent. Not one of them can grasp the notion that they are absolutely not accountable for the real or imagined deeds of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.’

    Before Americans indulge in too much schadenfreude about Germany’s eunuch Sitzpinklers, recall that we too writhe under a humiliating foreign boot heel, as Netanyahu’s rude upbraiding of our Congress Clowns on July 24 made clear to even the dimmest bulb.

    $26 billion,’ the insolent little martinet hissed. ‘NOT ENOUGH!

      • Yes. When Kamala’s regulators mandate an electronic WC-geist on US toilet lids (‘Please lower the seat now, sir. Do not make me summon the police.’), the same way they mandated the 1.1 gallon flush.

    • That paragraph…

      ‘Unlike their counterparts elsewhere in Europe, young Germans almost break under the weight of their guilt feelings. They are so guilt-ridden as to be even unable to support any jokes on these issues, no matter how innocent. Not one of them can grasp the notion that they are absolutely not accountable for the real or imagined deeds of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.’

      That is the key right there! If the German people could have (or ever will, one day) just face the facts that they didn’t have anything to do with it! They weren’t there. Nobody asked them. They were not involved. It’s not on them!!

      Unless and until they can start to do that, they’re going to be enslaved by emotional guilt for the reset of time.

      Gee, rings a bell, huh? Sounds just like that old thing about “original sin”. I guess that’s their religion then, huh?

      • ‘Sounds just like that old thing about “original sin”.’ — XM

        Indeed it does. And it can be viewed as an inverted version of a bogus social compact — ‘We the People of the United States do ordain and establish this Clownstitution‘ — which not a single one of us ever assented to.

        Claiming to speak for unborn generations is the quintessential original sin. Repudiate, repudiate, repudiate.

    • In Gulag Archepelilgo, Solzhenitsyn says the Jewish run Bolsheviks killed 66 million Russian peasants. Worth a read because the neo-Bolsheviks are in charge of the USA.

      • “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” The Gulag Archipelago

  12. Insults?
    Taxachusettes has just outlawed Mother and Father and the womyns caucus approved the bill. The parasites that call themselves representatives think they can simply pass legislation to eliminate words that accurately describe People and things used for centuries.

    We need to use the terms they dislike as much as possible. If they hand you a birth certificate that does not have mother and father on it,,, shread it.
    If they threaten to force you to sign permission for your son to have his tallywhacker whacked then go to jail. Call their bluff.

    We have a Bunch of Feminazis pretending their real women. Groups like them have encouraged Gender bending swaps of 8 year olds. They are the ones that put women boxers up against men. They are the ones that claim they don’t know the definition of a woman yet use that very definition to identify a woman. They are the ones that say women have no rights because they say women don’t exist. Bunk!

    Today women are identified as a “front hole person”, “bleeding person”, “birthing person”. Talk about insulting!
    My mother was a great person and I don’t give a shit what some feminazi thinks. Our entire society is an insult to humanity.

    Not long ago women were idolized. Open doors for them,,, standup when they approached a table, defend them against aggressors,,, etc. We’re talking real ladies here,,, not the scum that ended all this.

    Do not allow them to control the language at any cost! The people doing this are a cancer on society and like cancer they need eradicated. Maybe WWIII will be a good thing. But the tripe running this shitshow already used our taxes to build their taj Mahal shelters. They must be stopped before reaching the shelter to experience the joys they left for us.

    Check out Armstrong Economics for the article.

    • Ken, the proper term is not actually “front hole person”, but “bio-front hole person”, because a front hole can be added later.

  13. Always somebody berating and belittling someone they don’t like.
    Mr. Market is taking it on the chin today. It’s a movie like Trading Places. Sell is the word in Japan.

    Now some folks they wait
    And some folks they pray
    For Jesus to rise up again
    But none of these folks
    In their holy cloaks
    Ever took Billy on as a friend
    For pity’s a crime
    And it ain’t worth a dime
    To a person who’s really in need
    Just treat ’em the same
    As you would your own name
    Next time that your heart starts to bleed
    – John Prine, Billy the Bum

  14. I always find it interesting that the ink was barely dry on the Constitution and Bill of Rights before the “meet the new boss, same as the old boss” effect took over. The whiskey tax was one of the first insults, along with the Alien and Sedition Act Eric highlighted. At least those are gone, unlike the blatantly unconstitutional “Espionage Act” put in place by Woody worst president ever Wilson. The fact that it hasn’t been struck down by the Supreme Court or repealed by Clowngress tells us what our overlords think about our “rights”.

  15. I remember on old saying from grade skool…50 yrs ago…Sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS can never hurt me….We have come a long way from that…For sure too far.

  16. Among the very few rights we do have, is the right to be offended. Pretty hard to take that one away. Whether or not one has a “right” to do anything about it is up for grabs. And there’s grabbing aplenty going on.
    “They said mean things and made me feel bad.” “Don’t worry my dear, we will take all they own and through them in jail. That’ll show them.”
    Walter Williams once clearly defined the difference between rights and privilege. “The exercise of your rights puts no burden upon me.”

  17. How ironic is it that many people on “The Left” who constantly preach that we should “End Hatred” are in reality the biggest haters out there….. For example, they mercilessly insulted people who voted for Trump, questioned the 2020 Presidential election, questioned the Ukraine War, refused to be guinea pigs for Big Pharma, refused to comply with nonsensical COVID diktats, etc. Insults included terms like “Uneducated Anti-vaxxer”, “Anti-vaxxer”, “_______ DENIER!”, “Far-right extremist!”, “Trumper!”, “Putin puppet!”, etc. If anything, these liberal morons act much like the Borg from Star Trek or the global elites/ technocrats who wish to turn us ALL into the Borg.

  18. Happy Black Monday. Did that offend anyone?
    Great quote on X about the markets. Jarvis said:
    “On a scale of one to fucked we’re the nanny”.

    • Planet Japan — the world’s most indebted government (263% of GDP) — hiked its interest rates last week, while the rest of the world is moving toward or already cutting.

      The Nikkei stock average folded like a paper umbrella in a Cat 5 typhoon.

      Japan’s gross bureaucratic f*ck-up rhymes with the Federal Reserve’s final rate hike on Aug 9, 1929 — four weeks before the Dow Industrial Average reached its final record high on Sep 3, 1929, only to slide for the next 46 months, shedding 89% of its value.

      In retrospect, Japan’s epic blunder will be seen as an iconic event that ushered in global Depression II. Stupid ‘crats!

      • Not to mention how convenient it was that Vanguard, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, E*Trade, and RobinHood all suffered outages just when the US stock market opened. Such a coincidence!

        My clients think I am crazy because I refuse to move to the Cloud, my husband thinks I am crazy because I refuse to buy any appliance that has cameras or Wi-Fi, and my kids think I am crazy because I refuse to buy a smart phone.

        The internet, the Cloud, the WWW, whatever one wants to call it are dangerous. In one second everything someone has strived, saved, and scrimped for can be taken away and there isn’t a damn thing any of us can do about it.

        • RG – you’re right about all of it. The only device I have that has wifi and a camera is my phone and of course, my home computer.

        • Hi Raider. Anything in the cloud is outside of your control. it looks like I’ve lost access to another of my old e-mail accounts that were set up long ago. A few people I e-mailed will think I died but such is life. I can shake my fist at the Cloud but I doubt that will let me back in.

          Almost everything I deem important is backed up to off line drives. Your customers should be happy that their tax info is secure in your business and as you no doubt give them their full records back they can also back it up as they feel best.

          But in all seriousness RG haven’t you wished you were able to look into your fridge when shopping to double check the expiry date on those candied yams in the back corner? 🙂

        • “ My clients think I am crazy because I refuse to move to the Cloud “

          You’re wise not crazy. When I updated an old desktop computer I was hounded by Microsoft to use “365” cloud computing. No thanks! I want all my data under my physical control including multiple backups for docs and photos. I trust me, never trusting any “cloud”.

        • Check our Kamala’s great words of wisdom – “…it’s on your laptop and its then therefore up here in this cloud that exists above us; it’s no longer in a physical place.” Unless it’s a deepfake, there is video going around of her actually speaking this idiocy.

          In her world, apparently our digital files are now being stored in airborne water droplets!

  19. It comes down to laymen (laypeople?) attempting to apply Einstein’s theory of relativity to situations that aren’t suitable. If time itself moves more slowly as you approach the speed of light, then who’s to say what’s real? If quantum physics says a photon of light moving through the vacuum of space takes every possible path to reach your eye, and therefore only travels that path after you perceive it, then anything they see is their doing.

    But that’s not what any of that’s about. We cannot perceive the quantum world. There’s only a few hundred people on the planet (maybe a few thousand), who truly understand that stuff. The rest of us have to take it on faith… and we all know where that leads.

    • Whenever I encounter the “only experts understand it” fallacy, whatever the topic is has always been a lie.

      I suspect the same is true for most of the published garbage on the quantum world.

    • Odd you should say that RK, since electricity is a quantum phenomenon. When I tell them nobody really understands electricity, they don’t get it.

  20. It’s all centered around manipulating people with emotional *guilt*. That kind of “guilt” (as opposed to criminal guilt, etc.) is always wrong. It’s not even remotely wrong to hate things.

    In fact, like any of these other diversions from reality, it is totally one sided. The leftists openly hate anyone that isn’t on their side. Fuck, for that matter, they even hate each other when they perceive people getting slightly out of line.

    Don’t love Kamala? Bernie Bro? Oh then fuck off and die bigot. Racist. Blah, blah, blah.

    Nobody talks to others like that with anything other than “hate” involved. These people, and most of the govt. establishment, clearly hate anyone that dissents in both literal words and in deeds.

    It’s all a manipulative crock of shit. And I personally believe that Americans in particular, are the most manipulated and abused of all the “western” countries. They hate us specially.

    Like Bush said, “They hate us for our freedoms” but he just avoided calling out exactly who “they” are in that case. I think it’s pretty obvious by now.

    • ‘Like Bush said, “They hate us for our freedoms” but he just avoided calling out exactly who “they” are in that case. I think it’s pretty obvious by now.’ — XM

      You mean the folks who cost Dubya’s daddy his second term?

      ‘George H W Bush famously complained that “there are 1,000 lobbyists up on the Hill today lobbying Congress for loan guarantees for Israel and I’m one lonely little guy down here asking Congress to delay its consideration of loan guarantees for 120 days.”

      As the Times of Israel sanctimoniously preaches to us lowly Americlowns:

      ‘It was not until the very end of his presidency that Obama allowed the passage of a UN Security Council resolution that criticized settlements, having protected Israel with his veto throughout the first 7.9 years of his time in the White House.

      ‘The fact that he waited until his last days in office, despite an increasingly acrimonious relationship with the Netanyahu administration, was a sign that Bush’s hard-learned lesson has continued to reverberate in Washington.’

      Any questions?

  21. The answer is to reinstate the duel.

    Feelings hurt? Settle with pistols at ten paces. He/She/It who dies, loses. Problem solved.

    • Hi Mike. How about flame throwers at 5 paces? The possibility of imminent immolation might cause people to develop a live and let live attitude to their disagreements.

      • Private ownership of flame throwers is illegal in California, where I imagine that you envision most of the mutual immolation taking place.

        • Hi Roscoe.
          For California might I suggest hair spray and Bic lighters? Still at 5 paces but you have to walk towards each others. Even in California I suspect people would eventually learn to coexist.


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