One Person’s Neighborliness


It appears the undemocratically selected replacement for the Senile Man as head of the Leftist (to all them “democrats” is like calling feces fudge) presidential ticket will be Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who says “one person’s neighborliness is another person’s socialism.”

Making it clear that Leftists have not the slightest comprehension of neighborliness. Or – for that matter – of socialism.

Neighbors ask. To borrow something, for instance. With permission – and the understanding it will be given back. Socialists – like Walz – take. Because they can. And if you object, they call you “selfish.” If you refuse to “help,” they call you a “criminal” – and sic the hounds on you for the “crime” of not handing over what they insist is someone else’s “fair share” of what you own or worked for.

This includes – in this case – the country Americans worked to build and whose taxes are used to buy the votes of (among others) legions of Somalis and other “immigrants” and “refugees,” whom socialists such as Walz insist have a right to as much of Americans’ money (and other resources) as they say they are “owed.”

That’s the “neighborly” socialism that Walz brings to the ticket. An even more “neighborly” version than that espoused by the head of the ticket. So this lets us know where she stands.

What’s yours is theirs and what’s theirs is no longer yours because “you didn’t build that,” as another “neighborly” socialist once said.

They will allow you to have what they deem you need – from each according to his ability, to each according to his . . . well, there you go.

It is the leering face of “comradeship,” as in the old Soviet Union – where everyone pretended to be everyone else’s “comrade,” because those who didn’t were in peril of being locked up.

Or worse.

A place where there is no point in working because working is punished while not working is rewarded. Sort of.

Equality of misery. Except, of course for certain “comrades.”

It is the end of goodwill among men and peace on Earth, too – because there can be no peace where “comrades” replace neighbors and the former do not respect their neighbors’ right to keep what it is theirs and to be let alone by their neighbors. It is what happens when neighbors become threats who must be regarded as such, no matter how much “comradeship” they ooze.

It is a place where people learn to hate the “comrades” next door – who also hate them, in their turn.

The good news – maybe – is that the selection of this two-generation government worker, who (like most government workers) believes he has a right to make others pay for his work – isn’t likely to improve the electoral prospects of the undemocratically selected replacement for the Senile Man, as Minnesota is reliably socialist and has been so since the days of Walter Mondale.

Plus, even Minnesotans may remember the “comradeship” of COVID.

The bad news is that the undemocratically selected duo are likely bets to “win” the selection regardless, as the Left has control over the electoral process, as it did when the senile man replaced the Orange Man.

If that comes to pass, again, we’re all going to find out just how “neighborly” socialism can be.

. . .

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  1. “one person’s neighborliness is another person’s socialism” – more correctly, “one person’s rape is another person’s date”.

    • Israel Channel 12 News poll:

      Do you agree that a soldier is allowed to rape a Palestinian?

      47% Yes
      43% No


      Clowngress appropriated $30 billion to the zionazi rape state this year, and gave its war criminal prime minister 58 standing ovations last month. Any questions?

  2. My biggest issue with most of these people who get off on running people’s lives is how truly unimpressive as men they are. I live in Wisconsin and I wonder all the time about how the hell our governess, whatever “his” name is, got elected (I know how, of course.)

  3. Well, here’s one thing that’s backfiring for Jewish people:

    Thanks to uncontrolled immigration from the Middle East, Muslims are on track to outnumber Jews, and thus change the political landscape—Michigan is a case in point.

    I’ll get the popcorn.

  4. China owns the brandon Camela administration.

    Kamala Harris Chooses VP with Deep Ties to Communist China: Tim Walz Visited China Over 30 Times, Had a Special Work Visa, Set Up a Student Program to Travel in China, and Even Honeymooned There

    80% of the important components in EV’s, plus their batteries, all come from China….so mandate all EV’s for everyone…..Chinese EV’s are here…just assembled somewhere else…

    Almost all after market car parts come from China…almost killed off the auto wrecker used part business…
    (is there any parts from China in Toyota’s blowing up transmissions and V6 turbo????)…..

  5. The mass arrests of the J6 demonstrators was a warning…not to get involved in exercising one’s basic rights, especially when one’s political and social beliefs go against that of the prevailing “deep state”. The condition in the D. C. “gulag” where defendants are being held speaks VOLUMES. The torture and deprivation of rights are right out of the bolshevik jewish communist playbook.
    This is all by design.
    There is a jewish component to this whole thing. As jewish supremacy has been declared to be “the law of the land” in many states where BDS movements are outlawed if one wants to do business with the state. In fact, state contracts have specific language mentioning israel, prohibiting potential contract holders from supporting such movements.
    In Florida, vulnerable public school students are required to make visits to “holocaustianity” temples in contravention to the (supposed) “separation of church and state”. Brainwashing at its finest.
    Official jewish supremacy hasn’t gone national as of yet, but the time is coming.
    Protesters who advocate an end to the genocide in Gaza and the West Bank are being put on lists as we speak. Regardless of who attains the presidency, look for more “purges” to take place directed against those who are opposed to the jew-run state.
    Jewish control of the USA is evident with congresscritters like Brian Mast (R-Fla) proudly wearing his IDF uniform in the halls of congress. Just who does he work for?
    The Kamala crowd was correct in not choosing jew shapiro as VP candidate.
    A severe course-correction is sorely needed in the USA with the recognition that the USA is being run by a foreign country-israel.
    The prohibition of ANY “dual citizen” holding any USA government position and the permanent loss of citizenship for any American who serves in any foreign country’s military (not just israel) would be a start. Permanent loss of USA citizenship and mandatory deportation should be imposed on anyone claiming dual-citizenship or serving in a foreign country’s military service. Since EVERY jew claims that israel is his or her “homeland”, EVERY jew must be thoroughly vetted and subject to permanent deportation if claiming as such.

    • “War is Peace”
      “Freedom is Slavery”
      Best for last ..
      “Ignorance is Strength “!!!!

      Coming soon to be law near You!!!
      George Orwell had it dead to rights in 1948 when he wrote 1984…he was only about 40 years off or so…YMMV

  6. Don’t forget that the only thing in rural Minnesota is “rocks and cows.” This came from Walz when outstate folks were fed up with his ‘rona edicts. The only thing that got him reelected is abortion. Too many people wanted to be able to murder babies.

      • I actually like my electric chainsaw, Lonewolf. Of course, it’s often powered by my propane-fueled generator, but that is much easier to start and keep running than my gas chainsaw. I’d almost rather use an axe than that bastard.

        • Electric saws do have there place, and are nice for some things. Our family logged until I was in my late ’20’s. In that case an electric saw would have been almost useless. My biggest issue is being told that I MUST use one.

          • I agree that being forced in some BS. I’m sure this guy would have a problem with my generator, even though it burns quite cleanly.

        • Hey, BaDnOn,
          Back in my carpentry days (kick ass and take names), my Homelite Super XL Automatic was one of my main and essential tools. Homelite. of course, invented the chainsaw, back when.

          You can still find these online at a reasonable price. Mine started first pull nearly every time. The only drawback was the included “leg kit,” meaning they walked off into someone else’s pickup with some regularity.


          These days I use an electric Stihl, since I have only suburban homeowner requirements, which is basically cutting up downed branches.

          • Thanks for the recommendation, Adi. Maybe I’m just being lazy and not adjusting the thing properly, but it seems like a pain-in-the-ass much of the time. A one-pull start would be miraculous.

            • Both need chain oil.

              An electric chain saw is a good choice. Comes in handy.

              Still have to have a Stihl gas engine chain saw.

              Place your right foot on the sole of the trigger handle and pull, it’ll start and go. Your left hand on the grip, it’s a chain saw.

              Don’t do it any other way.

              Buy chain oil.

  7. Tyranny is only successful because “it only happens in the past”. In other words, most people get so comfortable in the present, that they deny the possibility of any current regime ever turning against them/us.

    Needless to say, humans will never learn.

  8. Vote for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate for POTUS.

    You won’t have to feel guilty for voting for the greater of two evils, there is no lessor of two evils. At this point, it is the stupidest thing you can do. So don’t do it.

    Much satisfaction will be the result.

    When you lead a horse to water, they will eventually drink.

    You gotta know the useful idiot candidates Trump and Harris are not equipped for the job, the job for preznit is the stupidest political game played on the planet.

    Keep on drinking. Everybody else does too.

    Come on.

    • Jorgensen was the 2020 LP candidate, Drumph. This year’s candidate is Chase Oliver. While most of his stances on issues are decent, I’ve read that he was content with or even supported the COVID tyrannies, though I’d like to do more research into that to be sure.

      Drinking, however, is a requisite practice to keep one’s sanity during these times.

      • Is that just nutz, or what?, “Chase Oliver. While most of his stances on issues are decent, I’ve read that he was content with or even supported the COVID tyrannies”

        That would not surprise me one bit.

        Via Laurence M. Vance, “Libertarianism is not a lifestyle or social attitude. It is not a synonym for libertinism. It cannot be simplistically defined as being “fiscally conservative and socially liberal.” Libertarianism has nothing to do with tradition, custom, religion, or morality—but is not inimical to these things.

        Libertarianism is concerned with the proper use of force.”…

        #1. on Oliver’s Presidential webpage: “Reduce Federal spending to pre-pandemic levels”

        Because, taking just a little bit less money from people is an ok amount of force?

        #2. “Reduce the red tape and barriers to entry that inhibit new businesses and entrepreneurial growth.”

        Note keyword, “reduce” rather than, ‘eliminate’ thuggery, a.k.a. forced prevention & monopoly of .gov. Pay to play, just pay less?

        Again, “reduce” the theft: “Significantly reduce the money supply” as if stealing a little via the effects from inflation is better than a lot?

        While a bunch of his platform makes for a good read, his first bits make him out to be a faker. So, all the rest prolly is too.

        • I reckon a better choice could’ve been made, Helot. I really question how serious the Libertarian Party is much of the time.

          That said, is Oliver better than Trump, Harry, or RFK Jr.? Possibly. I’m still impressed with RFK Jr’s knowledge of the true workings of things, though he’s not expressedly libertarian. Orange Man is a joke and never has made freedom a priority. The Kommie-Waltz states all kinds of support for “freedom”, but by that, they mean a carnival of nightmares.

          (Per Jim H Protocol…)

          “Everybody’s doing the Kommie-Waltz!
          Kick your friend in the head and have a ball!
          Come on and do the Kommie-Waltz!
          And slam your freedom against the wall!”

          Exodus, “The Toxic Waltz”

      • Who in their right mind would vote for Trump? Who in their right mind will vote for Harris?

        Who would do that?

        I don’t follow politics closely enough, however, it is still a good idea to vote Libertarian.

        Any ignoramus should know that by now.

      • I guess I won’t be voting for Oliver.

        The woke Libertarians chose a candidate that will lose.

        I’ll write in Jo Jorgensen.

  9. I’ve been to Minnesota a few times. The “Minnesota nice” thing is real. —once you get out of the twin cities.

    Therein lay the divide. Urban effete snob lefties hoodwinking the urbanites vs everyone else.

    Waltz is a batshit crazy lefty who’s unliked by the few rural Minnesotans I keep in touch with.

  10. Vaccine shill Peter Hotez recently called for military & police action against “Anti-vaxx aggression”. Will someone ask Donald Trump or even Kamala Harris about Hotez’s remarks, or will a President Kamala Harris dutifully follow any suggestions from this evil scientist should we have another “pandemic”, say, BIRD FLU?

  11. These Democrat assholes like Shapiro rant about “freedom” in these rallies like they have any clue what the word means. Makes me fucking sick.

    • Josh Shapiro on his service in the Israeli Occupation Forces: “I was engaged in mostly peaceful massacres of brown sub-humans.”

      ‘Cause I live and breathe this Israeladelphia freedom
      From the day that I was born, I’ve waved the Magen David flag
      Israeladelphia freedom took me knee-high to a man, yeah
      Gave me peace of mind my daddy never had

      — Elton John, Philadelphia Freedom

    • The “freedoms” being espoused by Harris:

      “Reproductive freedom” – Because someone is stopping people from reproducing. (In some cases, that might be a good thing.)

      “The freedom to be safe from gun-violence” – Betrays an egregious misunderstanding of liberty: A very Orwellian “Restriction is Freedom”.

      “The freedom to proudly love who you want” – Not illegal. Even if they’re married to someone else.

      Again, it makes me sick to hear these people invoke the word “freedom”. They don’t know the MEANING of the word.

      Also, this Tim Walz seems to be fond of the phrase “Mind you own business!”. Socialists have no fucking idea how that’s done, either!

      • Hi BaDnOn,

        Here’s some more “freedoms” a President Kamala Harris may espouse and what she may try to enact accordingly…..

        “Freedom to be safe from bird flu.” (while enacting MANDATES for people and livestock they raise to take experimental mRNA bird flu jabs)

        “Freedom to be safe from climate change!” (MANDATES for people to give up their gas vehicles and gas stoves for an electric one)

        “Freedom to be healthy!” (mandates for people to give up eating meat for bugs)

        “Freedom to be safe from Putin” (Drafting men and women to fight in the nonsensical proxy war against Russia)

        Feel free to add to the above list.

          • Unfortunately BaDnOn, you could be right. However, Kamala Harris’ pick of Tim Walz to be her running mate could be defined as “One sociopath choosing another sociopath to be her running mate.”

  12. ‘Minnesota is reliably socialist and has been so since the days of Walter Mondale.’ — eric

    Man, don’t we miss old Wally Mondale! Truth to tell, his name hasn’t even entered my mind for twenty years. But I still recognize it, just as I recall Enver Hoxha, the communist dictator of Albania for forty long years.

    No such mnemonic references exist in my mottled mind for Timmy Walz. I think of Timmy and Lassie, from an ancient black & white TeeVee show of my childhood. But young Timmy wasn’t a f*cking communist. And neither were his mom and dad; much less the noble Lassie.

    As of today, Timmy Walz is the elderly girly-man sidekick of Kakamala — a simpering leftist Sitzpinkler, dedicated to castrating and destroying white males like his embarrassingly melanin-starved self.

    Half a century ago, Minnesota was an idyllic enclave of Nordic white people, where Norwegians and Swedes traded friendly ethnic jokes about each other. That all ended with the death of Saint George Floyd in Minneapolis. Mass immigration has transformed Minnesota:

    ‘Somalis are an ethnic group in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area that makes up the largest Somali diaspora in the United States. By 2018, approximately 43,000 people born in Somalia were living in Minnesota, and approximately 94,000 Minnesotans spoke Somali language at home.’

    What Timmy Walz has to teach us is a cautionary tale: don’t let your state turn out like dystopian, leftard Minnesota.

    • As anonymous1 mentioned below, Walz presided over a redesign of the Minnesota flag. Now it look likes this:

      On the plus side, it’s graphically simple. Simple is good.

      But eight-pointed stars are foreign to our tradition. The most prominent example of a flag with an eight-pointed star is that of Azerbaijan, which features an Islamic crescent right next to its eight-pointed star.

      How blessed we are by the cosmopolitan diversity of Timmy Walz! /sarc

      • More to your point:

        ‘Walz even looks like the typical dickless, White beta-male bastard who would just stand there looking fat and useless with his finger jammed in his bloated rear as President Harlot permanently opens the border, makes all the illegal bastards U.S. Citizens, brings over a kajillion pajeets and rice-cooking pajeetas, and finally pushes the nuke button.’ — internet commentator ServesyouallWhite

        • Hi Jim,

          Walz strikes me as the archetype of the white guilt-addled cuck who wants women to love him by showing how eager he is to defer to them. Of course, this kind of man is generally held in contempt by most women – at least, most of the ones that aren’t (per Vance) childless cat ladies.

  13. The United Nations Endangered Species Committee needs to pass a resolution that Palestinians are an endangered species to be protected from Jewish wrath.

    If the Jews don’t abide, annihilate them. If they die prematurely, that will be God’s will. har

  14. The only saving grace for those of us stuck in communisota, is that maybe we can flush this disgusting turd and his cadre of cat lady femmunist public school teachers. But probably not.

  15. Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, who cares? Anybody? Probably not. At this point, what difference does it make? As long as any of them follow Satanyahoo’s diktats, it’s all bad it’s gonna be all bad.

    All of them, from Congress to the executive branch, are farqing iceholes, admit it. Don’t need to be a Rhodes scholar to figure it out.

    Look at what they do, not what they say. All total el toro poopoo.

    I was in Minneapolis in 1960, I saw regular Minnesotans.

    Minneapolis is now Minneapolistan and Hmongville.

    It’s like a foreign country. A no-go zone.

    2002 was the last time I visited Minneapolis.

    Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded… with idiots like Walz. Al Franken a disgraced senator from Minnesota, was just a liver fluke. Alfred E. Newman would have been a better choice.

    Expect some Paul Wellstone activity this election.

    England swings like a pendulum do, rioting too.

    The rosie red cheeks of the little children – Roger Miller, England Swings

    Not anymore.

  16. Minnesota produces some real winners in politicks. Like Michelle Bachman (Jewess) who announced her candidacy in a snow storm and her priority was climate change. You can’t get dumber than that.

    AOC energy saving device, 100% free renewable energy that will save Amerika!×577.png

    Does anyone actually think it will ever stop snowing in Minnesota? Do you really think a slight increase in the trace gas CO2 is going to change the thermodynamics of earth? The world IS batshit crazy. Socialism is one aspect of the overall insanity.

    • The biggest socialistic scam of all time was not the Bolshevik Revoluton that killed 66 million peasants, or China’s cultural marxist revolution that killed 50 million. The biggest socialist scam is not the green new deal, or welfare, or social security. It’s central banking, where the government creates a unbacked script, calls it money, makes laws forcing you to use it, then the government inflates the money supply, which causes price inflation.

      Over at Lew Rockwell, this essay explains the socialist problem in terms of Cain and Abel. Cain was the first socialist, he became jealous of Abel’s success, so he killed him and took his stuff. Socialism is driven by envy, practiced with deceit and violence, and never solves anything.

      “Cain is not rejected by the whim of a capricious deity. He fails because he does not apprehend natural law, cause and effect, and therefore is unable to manipulate and control his environment.

      Faced with the bitter reality of his failure, Cain has the opportunity to do the right thing. He can humble himself, go meekly to his younger brother, and ask for instruction that he might learn and improve his situation. But Cain, like most people, is unable to do this. He is unable to accept the fact of his inferiority and thereby acknowledge the superiority of his brother.

      Ultimately, Cain cannot live with the fact of his inferiority. Hour after hour, day after day, envy gnaws at his ego, and Cain’s mind responds by torturing and twisting reality. He attributes his failure to Abel. Abel is not an example to be emulated and admired, but a villain that has somehow, through a million devious devices, exploited Cain. Cain imagines himself to be a victim. Once the nature of the crime and the identity of the perpetrator becomes established in Cain’s mind, there can be only one redeeming act: Abel must be killed. The killing of Abel achieves two goals simultaneously. First, Cain obtains all of Abel’s possessions and wealth, items that he considers to have been stolen from him. Plunder is transformed into reparation. Second, Cain wipes away the stain of inferiority and establishes in an unmistakable way his own superiority. He has survived and triumphed. Cain is alive, while Abel lays dead, having lost everything. Surely, this is proof of Cain’s superiority.”

      Trillions and trillions of dollars of wealth are stolen by the magic of inflation. This puts millions and millions in poverty, starvation, etc. Inflation gives debtors an unfair advantage, it creates a hierarchal stratum where the wealthy top 1% own most the wealth, while the bottom 90% struggle to eat and pay rent.

      Every single government practices the central bank scam. Every single government robs the citizens blind with inflation. And it has a profound moral and cultural effect as well. Thrift and savings are punished, while prolifigate spenders and debtors are rewarded. After decades of monetary inflation the cultural effect is total moral decadence, where homos and trannies rule the once strong, moral, hard working nation of heterosexuals who built it.

      Komrade Kamala is a product of that immorality. She rose to the top by sleeping with Willie Brown, she represents the thieves, the scammers, the inflationists. She will continue the out of control spending, ruinatious socialist programs, and transfer wealth to those who do not deserve it, and she will do it at your expense with an supreme arrogant attitude of moral superiority.

      There is nothing more obnoxious than an arrogant parasite. Kamala Harris is a dumb bedroom whore, to stupid to know she is stupid, to arrogant to know she’s arrogant. And she is a product of decades of societal welfare cheating, a perfect candidate at the end of our civilization cycle. There is a certain inevitability between the rise and fall of a nation. When a nation becomes wealthy, the urge to splurge is irresistible.

      The execution of state requires excellent reading skills. A president must be an avid reader with excellent comprehension. Neither Trump or Harris are readers, so how is it these illiterate morons are even qualified to have that job? They don’t read, but their advisors do, which means they are easily duped by those around them.

      • Over at Lew Rockwell this essay caught my eye:

        Netanyahu, and the Terrorist Zionists and U.S. Government, Should Be Damned!
        By Gary D. Barnett August 6, 2024

        “When, if ever, will Americans understand that they are nothing but cannon fodder for the U.S. and Israeli governments, and stop this government from participating in the genocide of others, including the murder of tens or hundreds of thousands of children and innocents around the world. If you vote for any master, whether for the evil Trump or Harris, support either government, you are supporting the slaughter and murder of innocents, and allowing your earnings to be used for that effort. You are doing this voluntarily, and are just as guilty as those who are actually committing these heinous acts of terror in your name.

        If you support this government, condone this government, and choose this government by voting to keep it in power, you are also involved in genocide. This is not self-defense, it is first degree torture and murder, and supporting this governing system in any way is testament to your complicity in evil.”

        Barnett makes the argument you shouldn’t vote for either candidate as it empowers the government, and that is a good moral argument. But of course, people are going to vote, and someone is going to be selected, so no matter who wins, evil will prevail.

        How other people vote is none of my business, I was happy to share my experience on why I don’t vote (my dad had been told Jimmy Carter would win the 1976 election by the FBI). In fact, even my sharing that doesn’t matter, because this is the internet and people will think I could be bullshitting, and certainly the internet is full of bullshitters, so even if I tell you they have been rigging elections for a long time, so what? Are you going to believe me? Perhaps. Will you stop your voting behavior? Probably not. It is just information you are receiving from some person who goes by Yukon Jack, unvetted, unknown character. In fact I will tell you we are so overwhelmed by so much information, it is like a huge tidal wave has crashed over our heads, and none of us knows which way is up.

        This truth movement exposing government lies is having some effect, but does it really change anything? I have posted this wikileaks clip of the first astronot taking a first step onto the moon:

        34 second clip that destroys the authenticity of the TV movie you saw called the Apollo missions. Does that clip change your mind about Apollo? Perhaps, but if you are a true believer that we landed on the moon then probably not.

        Poster Drumpish says “Expect some Paul Wellstone activity this election.” Paul Wellstone challenged Dick Cheney over the 911 hoax, and soon found himself dead. Free Press says: “On October 25th, 2002 the last great hero of the common people in the US Senate was very likely murdered by agents of the shadow US crime cabal government otherwise known as the Bush-Cheney regime. His wife and daughter and two pilots also died in the air crash. Paul Wellstone’s story deserves to be retold and Americans need to be reminded that criminals in and out of our government still need to be punished for their unindicted crimes.”

        The attempted assassination of DJT, real or not, is the kind of stuff that is happening in this election. Then the Nancy Pelousi coup – forcing Biden to step down and the rise of Kamala Harris WHO STILL HAS NOT BEEN NOMINATED BY THE DNC, and who never earned one electoral college vote.

        I want you all to stand back and take in this information from a non-emotional rational observer like Spock in Star Trek. Raise your eyebrow in skepticism. Consider that we are witnessing well organized deep state theater. Proof of this may come in a couple of weeks at the DNC, when Michelle Obama may be nominated to be the Democratic candidate. A big shake up, more drama!

        Do you see it now, the drama is meant to engage your attention. The whole world is riveted to their seats in anticipation how the USA 2024 election plays out. You are to believe the two candidates are polar opposites, one wing of the vulture is extreme socialism, the other wing extreme Trumpism. You, the Goyim, very worried about your nation, are to choose, to vote harder. Try seeing it as a grand manipulation of your senses, and like Gary Barnett recommends, I will abstain from being yanked and fooled into voting.

        What you do is your business, thanks for listening.

  17. One might think socialists don’t bother thinking at all. To equate one’s generosity to another’s entitlement? Generosity is generally humbly appreciated, whereas among socialists, it’s expected. So much so that they will hold a gun to people’s heads and take their stuff. Much like any other armed criminal gang. But that is exactly what government is, is it not?

  18. Seems like a hot-headed SOB as well. Like AOC, he’s quite enthusiastic about his perceived duties, which could be annoying.

  19. Gov. Walz? — Here’s a Close Look at His Radical Policies That Places Him to the Left of Kamala Harris

    the worst, most restrictive governors during the COVID years.

    Minnesota Somali’s stole $250 million in government money and he covered for them. No one fired. But that’s not all. Walz covered for the Somali’s in the recent autism fraud scandal, then there was the Somali daycare fraud scandal.

    individuals apply for a driver’s license, they will no longer need to verify citizenship or permanent residence

    changed the Minnessotta flag so it could resemble the Somalian flag…..He wants to make sure the Muslim migrants feel at home and welcome!

    • from GP comments….

      Communist ticket

      Tim Walz established a “snitch” program during Covid where people report neighbors for violating his authoritarian stay-at-home orders.

      This is straight out of Fidel Castro’s playbook for anyone that spoke out against his regime.

      Tim Walz admits he’s a socialist and calls it “neighborly”.

      He backs the replacement slaves coming in….

    • Rioting and unrest continued in UK as Muslim gangs armed with clubs and machetes were given free rein to hunt “far-right” protesters .

      British police began arresting patriots for Facebook posts while Muslim gangs attacked Englishmen with impunity.

      After supporting “Black Lives Matter” riots 2020, Prime Minister Keir Starmer called the unrest “not protest”, but “pure violence”

  20. Personally, I am surprised that Walz was chosen. Yes, he solidifies the far left base, but he is going to turn moderate Asses and Independents off. This is Trump’s election to lose. If he can keep the focus on liberal policies such as the border, economics, global wars, etc. he has this in the bag.

    Many will disagree with me when I say there will be no room to cheat. Minnesota is a solidly blue state…hell it was the only state Reagan couldn’t win in 1984. Personally, it is almost like the Asses are trying to lose this election. When Jim Cramer says if you care about your paycheck, vote Trump, you know the world is upside down.

    Of course, I am wondering what is in store for us if Trump does get into office. We know the Fed is holding up the economy by a shoe string. Is their plan to let it fall under his Administration and then bring in an Ass to shoo in the 2030 Agenda? Right now this is the only thing that makes sense. The Left is losing this and they are doing it on purpose.

      • Hi ML,

        A California liberal heading the ticket and a proclaimed socialist as the potential Veep. I don’t see how they swing this one. They are not even trying to appear moderate.

        • Unless they are that arrogant. But the left is typically more politically astute. I agree they do appear to be setting themselves up to lose.

    • Not only that, but over the longer term, if Trump and the GOP win in November, they could be BLAMED for the economic collapse! When that happens, conservatism and libertarianism will be blamed, thus tarnishing the reputation of both for decades.

      Also, WRT ushering in Agenda 2030, Trump’s the smarter pick. Why? The people with guns won’t resist his actions to bring in Agenda 2030, whereas with Kamel Toe, they would. I’ll explain…

      The present Fourth turning, which began with the financial crisis of 2007-2008, will come to an end in 2029. TPTB that are pushing Agenda 2030 know this; they know about Fourth Turnings, so they’re trying to manipulate events in such a way as to make this Fourth Turning go their way. Why do you think they picked 2030 as a date? Why do you see that date popping up all over the place? It’s because TPTB want their Dystopian world in place by 2030. Why does that matter? Because, whoever is selected next will be the one to take us down the homestretch; whoever occupies the White House next will bring in Agenda 2030, as their term will end 20 January, 2029. Whoa, there’s that date again! That’s when our present Fourth Turning will end.

      SO! So, that begs an obvious question: WHO is the best vehicle for getting us there? Who would be more effective at ushering in Agenda 2030? I believe that that would be Trump. Look at all the SHIT he got away with in 2020! We’re talking about Operation Warp Speed. We’re talking about the CARES Act, which started this present round of inflation; that’s right, the present round of inflation started on Trump’s watch. Ah, but did his supporters raise any objections? NO! Why, it was 4D Chess, everybody! And let’s not forget how he rebranded the so-called “smart cities” as “Freedom Cities”…

      Look, the left wants Agenda 2030; that’s their idea of Utopia. They’re all in favor of the “sustainable” world to be created. The ones who are against Agenda 2030, those of us on our side of the fence, will resist Agenda 2030. Our side also has the guns. How should TPTB tamp down that resistance? Put in their own Trojan Horse, Donald J. Trump. His supporters didn’t resist all his globalist actions in 2020, and none of them will do so now.

      Finally, consider this: ALL POTUSes become worse in their second term-all of them! Think of George Bush, Jr. Think of Barack Obama. Think of Donald J. Trump, as he won’t have to run again after this term.

      For a variety of reasons, it makes sense for the left to lose this election. One, they know that the economy will likely collapse, and that whoever’s in office will be blamed for it. They don’t want to be left holding the bag. If they can have their enemies holding the bag when things go south, that helps them long term, as the conservative/libertarian brand will be tarnished for decades, if not generations. Secondly, losing the election makes sense for them because they’re in favor of Agenda 2030, and the best way to bring it in is to have the “outsider anti-globalist” bring it in. The left won’t resist, and neither will the right, which has the means to do so. If Kamel Toe were to bring in Agenda 2030, millions of conservatives would rebel. Ah, but if Donald John Trump does it, nothing will happen! They didn’t resist in 2020, and they won’t resist now. Anyway, those are my thoughts…

    • Walz was chosen to keep the hard Left, the DFL types, the Muslims, the Somalians, and the other brown people on board. if Harris had chosen Shapiro they would have revolted against the ticket over the Gaza child-slaughter being carried out by his fellow Tribesmen.

      • Don’t forget that Shapiro also served in the IDF! That makes him persona non grata with certain parts of the Democratic Party. If Shapiro were on the ticket, these folks just might sit out the election, which would cost The Party.

    • The smart move for the demonrats would have been to pick Bershear. That would have given them access to McConnell’s machinery, too. Even though Bershear has a “D” after his name, he is still Mitch’s butt boy.

    • Just to be clear, Minnesota is not remotely a blue state. It is, however a pioneer in election stealing and power seizure by radical leftists, very little different from California. Were votes counted legitimately, the asses would not hold a majority. And it was looking quite plausible that Trump would take MN this time, now that is swayed by enough for the margin of cheat to work again.

    • It is obvious they picked the white man to split the white man vote, and didn’t pick the IDF Shapiro because he represents the Jew war on Gaza, which has enraged the Leftist base. Kamala’s choice could of been predicted – she didn’t show up to chair over Satanyahu’s speech to Clowngress. It looks to me she has a “anti-Zionist” ticket.

      Something to wonder about is that we are at that point in the collapse cycle that the socialists may very well launch a “globo homo cultural revolution” like Mao in China. Mass arrests and executions, like J6 only bigger, badder, real vengeance on traditional Amerka. The Trump deplorables forever marginalized and purged from New Commie Amerika.

      What I am suggesting is that at some point, the last vestiges of capitalism, individualism, and private property must be stamped out of existence for the Neo-Bolsheviks to take total control of the system. All this election business is getting to risky for them – since they stole the last election – they can hang.

      They want to outlaw private automobiles and meat eating. They want a total surveillance grid, they want social credit system, so wrong thought can be punished, no credits on your food card. You won’t even be able to buy crickets to eat.

      I am telling you they can NOT allow Trump to win, Trump has promised to end all EV subsidies on day 1. That is a major threat to the center piece of their green agenda – eliminate gas engines. Trump is like the big block V-8 which they want gone.

      But if the stock market has crashed going into election day, Trump could win. I bet they try to pump it up again. The Fed plunge protection team is fully politicized to help the incumbent.

  21. Does anyone here know if Tim Walz was among those state governors who amassed “mass emergency powers” for himself during the “pandemic” and enacted draconian COVID measures such as mask & vaxx mandates? If he was among those governors who went full authoritarian then, I don’t even want to think what he and a President Kamala Harris might do in the event BIRD FLU or some other gain of function virus is declared a “pandemic”, especially when Kamala Harris was part of the most authoritarian regime in our lifetimes.

    • He was terrible. Shut down gyms and churches. Crushed small businesses and let Costco do whatever. Perhaps worse – and this doesn’t get commented on enough – he killed a shit ton of oldsters by sticking ‘vid patients in nursing homes.

      A true piece of shit.

  22. This seems about right. They chose someone who may actually be more retarded than Harris. Minne was always a blue state but it used to actually work. Unfettered immigration and hideous governance wrecked it.

    I wonder if Walz is the only one who would accept. I doubt MN was in play, but it sure looked like a lot of the other potential candidates didn’t want anything to do with the impending shit-show.

    • Hi Yeti,

      The original pick was Shapiro out of PA. She got a LOT of pushback on that selection. My guess is her own troops started turning against her. Pelosi wanted Walz since he was a former House member. Apparently, he also the ability to bring in a lot of campaign donations. My guess is there was some arm twisting behind the scenes taking place. In choosing Walz she literally threw in the towel. Of course, the die hard Dems of the liberal left will come out to vote and a handful of stupid women who hope to make “history”, but she just lost about 65% of this country’s vote and no amount of cheating is going to fix that.

      • Shapiro would have been the right choice. But the proggies were losing their shit over his Jewishness. I think Two Scoops got a big gift with this moronic choice.

        • Hi Yeti,

          I agree with you, if nothing more than to keep PA competitive. This gives Trump a run on OH (all but guaranteed), PA (likely), and even puts MI and WI into play.

          What a stupid pick.

          • RG,

            I was just reading some commentary that suggested that Pelosi et al are pushing this stupidity to help down ticket races. I guess that makes sense, especially if they have internal data that looks grim.

            We shall see. I know firsthand how bad this piece of shit is. I don’t want to see his stupid face ever again!


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