Charger Elephants


What if you – they – build it – and no one comes?

The line is borrowed – and bowdlerized – from the old Kevin Costner movie, Field of Dreams. Costner’s character, an Iowa farmer, builds a baseball field in his corn field, so as to attract the ghosts of the legendary baseball players he has always wanted to meet.

It’s a charming film, in part because it’s harmless. More finely, no one else’s corn field is plowed under to build the field of dreams. And no one else is forced to pay for Costner’s dreams.

It’s a different kind of dream – a nightmare – when it comes to what we’re being conditioned to refer to as public “fast” chargers for battery-powered vehicles. Which aren’t fast – unless you consider a 20 minute wait for a partial charge to be “fast.” Meaning it will be necessary to stop – and wait – again (and sooner) for another “fast” charge.

Maybe it’s faster than the wait at home, where it takes hours to charge a battery powered vehicle. Assuming you have a home – that is, a home with a garage – where there is a place to charge.

But it’s not fast relative to the five minutes or less it takes to fully refuel a typical gas-powered vehicle. The use of “fast” in the context of a long wait is akin to the use of “reduces symptoms” in the context of vaccines, which until just two years ago were understood to be defined by their power to immunize. A “vaccine” that does not immunize is not really a vaccine.

It is a palliative.

But the people pushing these palliatives insisted on (and still insist on) using the word “vaccine” to describe drugs that are no such thing.

In the same way – and for fundamentally similar reasons – “fast” is being used to wheedle people into accepting long waits to charge the battery powered devices being pushed on them. This ought to be called out. Just as it’s important to call out the despicably disingenuous use of the word “vaccine” to refer to palliatives.

By that standard, aspirin is also a “vaccine” – just without the clots.

Back to the fields of other people’s dreams. People like Joe Biden’s transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg. He will probably return for another four years if Biden’s unelected replacement is (s)elected by the determiners of who will be the next president – who aren’t the people voting in the (s)election but rather those who count the votes and whose claims about whom the voters (s)elected must be accepted.

People like Buttigieg dream of “fast” chargers cropping up all over the place. They believe – so they say – that if they are built, they will come. They being people with devices to charge. But they aren’t coming, at least not in my area. I drive by two arrays of “fast” chargers almost every day and it is unusual to see even one device hooked up to one of the several-available chargers. It’s a weird scene to see half a dozen empty parking spots in a high-traffic area such as a supermarket parking lot, the chargers literally just standing there like plastic-sheathed tombstones.

It must have cost at least several hundred thousand dollars of other people’s money to build out just one of these “fast” charger cemeteries.

Sometimes, I grab some chow from the supermarket and go back to my vehicle to sit and watch – and wait. It’s peaceful, just like a cemetary.

So far, no one has come for a charge before I’ve finished my lunch – and that probably explains it. Even Leftists – especially affluent Leftists – don’t like waiting. They like the idea of other people waiting, of course. Which is why they describe the minimum 20 minute wait for a partial charge  at one of these chargers as “fast.” Just as they described the drugs they were pushing on other people as “vaccines.”

But they themselves avoid the wait.

Which they’re able to do because most of them – in the range of 90 percent of them – have a gas-powered second vehicle – usually, a luxury-brand vehicle – to fall back on when it’s inconvenient to wait 20 minutes or longer at a “fast” charger for a partial charge. In the meanwhile, their device takes its time charging at home and is ready to be used eventually, when it’s convenient for the owner.

They are indifferent to the inconveniences their dreams impose on those who cannot afford a second vehicle – and who may not have a home with a garage to charge it at their convenience.

But affluent Leftists who can afford an EV and a back-up luxury-brand gas-powered vehicle are a relative minority. Most regular people can’t afford to buy a second vehicle to make up for the inconvenience of owning a vehicle that makes them wait. And they can’t afford the wait when they have things they need to do such as get to work on time – or want to get back home in time for supper. That is why they are “hesitant” to buy a battery-powered device, leaving aside the problem of not being able to afford the cost of one.

And the mostly affluent Leftists who can afford a device aren’t interested in the wait – for the same reason they’d balk at paying twice as much for a first-class airplane ticket if they had to wait in line to get on (and off) the plane longer than the people who bought coach tickets.

That’s why these “fast” charging fields sit empty of players, notwithstanding the dreams of the people who believe that if they force us to pay for them, eventually, we’ll come.

. . .

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  1. The Tesla Supercharger station that went into our local shopping center is almost always empty. The most I’ve ever seen in 3+ years is 6 devices sitting at the 12 available “pumps”.

    I think there’s a word for this: “malinvestment”.

    • Elon’s gonna fix that:

      ‘Auto blog Drive Tesla Canada has been tracking the progress of Tesla’s Hollywood Diner and Supercharger project, located at 7001 Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood.

      “Plans reveal the company is building unique destination for Tesla owners, including a two-story restaurant with seating for over 200 diners and a separate theater area that accommodates up to 77 guests,” Drive Tesla Canada said, adding, “Those guests, and Tesla owners plugged in at one of the Supercharger posts, will be able to watch movies on two towering 45-foot LED screens located in the parking lot.”

      Brilliant … or desperate? This strikes me as totally delusional. A business catering to one brand of car owners is severely limiting its market.

      Rush to the Hollywood Supercharger to get there for show time, in L.A. traffic? NO THANKS.

  2. I stopped at the Casey Jones Museum in Jackson, Tennessee recently and the parking long closest to the museum entrance was nearly all EV chargers. A quick search on “” lists the museum as having 24 chargers! When I stopped there on a Monday morning very few chargers were in use. FYI, Jackson has a population of about 68,000 and is about an hour outside of Memphis, so I’m not sure who the target customers are. Maybe they’re counting on folks taking the museum tour, spending time in the gift shop, or eating at the nearby restaurant while waiting for their EV to charge. There’s a chapel there too – maybe find a fellow EV lover and get hitched.

  3. Leftist communists helping China….

    80% of the important parts in EV’s and the batteries come from China…..Give all the world’s auto manufacturing and parts industry to China…….

    …apparently Mercedes buys it’s EV batteries for Chinese manufacturer, while buyers are lead to believe another EV battery is used from a higher quality and more reputable manufacturer .

    On August 8, an automotive industry insider revealed a significant discrepancy in the battery components of Mercedes-Benz’s high-end electric vehicles, sparking concerns over transparency and safety in the electric vehicle (EV) market.

    The insider pointed out, “Mercedes-Benz promoted that the EQS SUV, which sells for 255 million won (around $188,000), is equipped with the world’s No. 1 CATL battery, but in reality, it was also using China-based Envision’s subsidiary AESC batteries.” This revelation has raised eyebrows, especially since AESC holds only a 0.5% market share globally.

    • The Chinese have a saying: “Best price.”

      It means they’re coming in with the lowball offer that no one can match. Then the dance is all about timelines and scale. Even if you’re looking at other bids, the bean counters who know nothing but “lowest offer is the right offer” will go for it. Then for the next 9-14 months the QA team is going to spend their time going through all the shipments to pick out the rejects. Actually scratch that. The first few deliveries will be perfect. Then things will start to slide. Better make sure your team is paying attention.

      Probably could have saved a few bucks on personnel if they went with the South Korean or Japanese bidders, but that’s a different line item, one the bean counters don’t care about.

      BTW like the kid with drugs who was confronted by his father, they learned this trick by watching us.

        • This is a sparkling, literate essay, consistent with my own experience in Third World Chinese cultures. A few excerpts:

          ‘Mr Cha Buduo doesn’t understand why he misses trains by arriving at 8:32 instead of 8:30, or why his boss gets angry when he writes 1,000 instead of 10, or why Iceland is different from Ireland. He falls ill and sends for Dr Wāng, but ends up getting Mr Wáng, the veterinarian, by mistake. Yet as he slips away, he is consoled by the thought that life and death, after all, are close enough.

          ‘For critic Hu Shih, the cure for this hazy malaise was modernity; the tick of the railway station’s clock, the carefully kept account book, the doctor’s prescribed remedy. But the flood of modernity, already lapping around China’s cities even before Hu Shih’s time, didn’t bring care and precision; it destroyed it.

          ‘The greatest gulf of all is between the planners in Beijing and the workers on the ground who implement their policies. Huge swathes of the country still operate under the logic of the planned economy, reacting to government quotas and guaranteed bailouts. Craft requires the feedback of users and the marketplace. But the quota, set for everything from word counts for journalists to arrests for policemen, is a powerful spur to value nothing about the product except the speed of its production. Chabuduo: good enough for government work.’

          Or in American terms — a worthless, corrupt partisan hack like ‘Biden’ is good enough to impersonate the president. And down into the sewer we go …

  4. EV Explosion in Korea: Parking Garage Incident

    A terrifying incident occurred in Korea on August 1, 2024, as an electric vehicle exploded in an underground parking garage, injuring multiple people and damaging over 140 cars. Watch the security footage revealing how quickly the fire spread and learn about the critical safety measures that failed. Discover the truth about lithium-ion battery hazards and what can be done to prevent future tragedies.


    Good vlog site by Firefighter..
    This Korean EV fire topic is going viral.

    Apparently the one EV vehicle was not being charged at the time and sat parked for 3 days.
    (ie…. it appears the EV was not igniting into thermal runaway during or immediately after a charging session.)

    As per usual…the resulting fire could not be put out and ultimately damaged 140 surrounding vehicles…many of them charred 100% write-offs. (Allegedy the sprinkler system didn’t work but with EV fires that may be irrelevant…as they are extremely difficult to suppress.)

    A parking garage is one of the worst placed for EV’ when they burn they will create much damage and danger with limited access for firefighting., as well as the toxic/deadly fumes emitted..which will concentrate underground.

    Private Ferries in the Martimes has banned Chrysler EV Pacifica model.

    Viewing these EV fires videos the takeaway is RUN…again RuuUuNNNN !!!! ….one has split seconds to vacate…usually starts with fumes emitted from under the chassis then “BOoOoOM” almost immediately after!

    ****Hopefully one can open the vehicle doors and run but if they are electric locks…and don’t UN lock or power windows don’t retract ..keep a hammer ready to smash the glass windows.

    We’ve postulated its only a matter of time WHEN…not IF…an EV will have thermal runaway on a Ferry or other crowded car carrier(ie crowded on a transport provider such as ship or plane with limited if any exit options) with passengers and crew in sheer and utter panic.

  5. Charger elephants need EeeVee hogs to sip juice from them. And the price of entry is going up:

    ‘Over the weekend, Tesla halted orders for the rear-wheel drive (RWD) version of the Cybertruck, which came in at around $61,000 and offered 250 miles of range. Now the “cheapest” Cybertruck on sale is the $99,990 all-wheel drive (AWD) version, with a range of 318 miles.

    ‘Per Tesla’s website, the Cybertruck AWD — which is the limited-edition Foundation Series model that will only be offered in the first year — can be ordered with immediate delivery in August or September. The higher-end tri-motor ‘Cyberbeast’ version, costing $119,900, can be ordered with delivery estimated in October at the earliest.’

    Gaze, if you dare, upon the repellent visage of the Foundation model. It resembles a person who got their nose chopped off, and covered up the hole with a stainless steel plate. Its proportions are ALL WRONG — zero front overhang vs normal rear overhang.

    Seriously, in the unlucky event that I chance upon one of these disfigured bungles in person, I will feel compelled to pull out a tire iron from under the seat and smash the living shit out of it — to express my unquenchable aesthetic outrage. BAH! *hurls a table lamp, Hillary-style, against the wall*

    • When I first heard about these “trucks”, I thought it was just a publicity stunt. That was, until I recently saw one driving past as I was waiting at a red light. I swear, people will buy literally ANYTHING from a ph-ILL-anthropist, even if it’s the most hideous, unreliable POS on the planet!

  6. “He will probably return for another four years if Biden’s unelected replacement is (s)elected by the determiners of who will be the next president” -Eric.

    And he will probably remain there even if The Dullard is (s)elected, too -as demonstrated during his first occupancy of the WH, when he left three-quarters of Obama’s people still at their posts. That is what voting accomplishes. Absolutely nothing. (Oh well, to be fair, he did replace some…with nakes, Swamp-scum, Jews, and Neocons)

    • Too true Arthur,
      The same neocon warmongers seem to infest Mordor on the Potomac no matter which political party is ostensibly in charge.

  7. As I’ve said time and time again, the whole business model behind EVs is set up such that ultimately, you won’t own one in the way one owns a vehicle one buys/finances/leases.

    You’ll subscribe to them and/or rent them.

    If you’re rich, you’ll subscribe to them for a hefty fee, which may include a home charger installation and a “new every two” upgrade of your device.

    If you’re not rich, you’ll have “transportation as a service” aka Uber where you pay by the ride, and maybe have a “plan” where you get a free ride every 10 rides or can rent one for a road trip. Otherwise, it’s the 3B’s: bus, bike, or boots.

    Once you look at that model, things make a lot more sense.

  8. This reminds me of when I lived in Los Angeles. People there keep voting for more and more funds to go to public transit, because they want everyone else to take public transit. That leaves the roads available to them without congestion. Except the roads are still congested with all the other people who also voted for public transit to get everyone else off the roads.

  9. On two recent trips up to Flagstaff I noticed a change in the habits of Tesla drivers. Gone is the aggressive ludicrous speed of the past. I see many driving below the speed limit. They still like to hog the left lane though. I guess range anxiety is a real thing when going 150 miles from 2000 feet elevation to 7000 feet in 100+ degrees. If they had any real conviction on climate change they’d be rolling around here with Mexican air conditioning.

    • Good observation Norman. And the one’s going slow are obviously nervous and where they should be. This is where a manual transmission would be good thing in say a Caddy Blackwing, where I could hit the V button, hit the clutch and sing beautiful engine music for their ears……….. haha.

      • Nice. I sometimes wish I had one of those dually diesels. I could leave them coughing in a cloud of black smoke as I passed.

        • Hi Norman. While not an expert on rolling coal; would injecting diesel into the exhaust downstream of a gasoline engine’s catalytic converter still give you that cloud of black smoke? Think of the fun you could have fitting that to a Geo Metro.

          • I don’t know much about rolling coal Landru. I just see a few of the good old boys around here doing it from time to time. I’d want something more than a metro though. It’d be fun to get in front of any EV virtue signaler, let the smoke fly, then take off as they’re left in the dark.

  10. I bought a 2024 car with a nice 3.0T inline six. Cost a pretty penny. I felt as though I had to do it when I could, before more retarded bullshit happened (e.g., forced driver “assistance” tech). I was wanting to wait but I’m glad I have it now. Looks like six cylinders are getting harder and harder to find without spending a fuck-ton of money — driver’s “assistance” or not.

    And, yeah, I do have a second car. The wife and I collectively have 3 cars. She drives the ten-year old 2014 A8 with a big fat 4.0T V8. And then we also have the 22 year-old 2002 A6 Avant which is beat to shit.

    When one of the good cars (i.e., the 2014 or the 2024) are in the shop, we use the old-ass beater to get around. If the A8 is in the shop, I’ll let my wife drive the 2024, and I’ll drive the beater.

    But, in any case, the point being, even people that can afford to have a brand new car and even a second car, don’t want that bullshit EV deal. NFW I’m not dealing with that shit. I can’t have a 220V put in the garage without MAJOR expense because of the other idiotic “regs” that resulted in my house being built by retarded standards.

    Maybe, it’s the “affluent leftist” kind of people that think, “yeah, an EV for a second car is a good idea.” I sure as hell don’t. It’s a failed idea. And just like the poisonous experimental gene therapy, it was a bad idea from the outset. Let all the idiots that think it’s a good idea have it. Looks like there’s not many or not enough to make Buttigay’s dreams come true.

  11. Like the terms “Vaccine Hesitancy” or “Anti-vaxxers” were used as pejoratives against people who refused to be guinea pigs for Big Pharma, I wouldn’t be surprised if the government, establishment media, or even the green energy lobby concocts the terms “EV hesitancy” or “Anti-EVers” as a pejorative against people who REFUSE to give up a gas vehicle for an EV.

    • The fact that a person can go from “good citizen” to “TERRORIST!!!” and back again, all without said person having to even lift a finger, means we’re definitely living in the End Times!

      • Indeed, and now vaccine shill Peter Hotez wants Homeland Security and the FBI to go after “Anti-vaccine aggression”. Well considering that a recent Gallup poll shows that far fewer Americans regard childhood vaccinations as important compared to a few years ago, Hotez is essentially calling for the government to go after MILLIONS of Americans.

  12. Besides killing people, another thing FedGov is really good at is spending money it doesn’t have on projects that won’t work. Regardless how much non-existent money they throw at it.

    • Yup, they sure are but one qualification: they’re good at spending *other people’s* money! Those fucken bastards are like crackheads. Super good at spending but zero ability to earn money. Also, like crackheads, they accel at stealing other people’s property, money or things that can be sold for money… and crack… or war… or sexual deviance.

      Total and complete inversion of what is needed, i.e., where’s the people good at *earning* and *saving* money?!?! That’s who we need (and will never get) in the govt. mafia.

  13. Electricity powered boats….

    The Trawler crowd and others…….

    They have a have huge resistance to hybrid or electric only powered boats.

    A lithium battery on a boat is very dangerous…catches fire and you are dead.

    Only super reliable, long life, very simple, super fuel efficient, diesel power is wanted or used… should be the same in road vehicles….but the government is banning them to force slaves into EV’s….

    If you have a small boat, that gets used very little, for very short trips, four cycle outboard motors make sense.

    Electric power on a boat or ship doesn’t work and probably never will….except for a boat that goes a very short distance, for a couple of hours max, very near to shore…..also tiny, 1 HP electric trolling motors have been around for a long time and run off very safe, lead acid batteries…..

    The uselessness of electric or hybrid power is revealed on a boat…….

    Except under around 3 mph a hybrid burns more fuel then a diesel only powered boat….over 3 mph a diesel is far more fuel efficient…..

    Audi made a 100 mpg diesel powered car, no hybrid comes remotely close to that….diesel is best…..hybrid power is overly complex, expensive crap…..

    but…..VW did make a very small. very light, diesel hybrid that got 300 mpg….lightness matters….and aero…..

    On a boat….. the power station, transmission and distribution lines and battery charger are all contained within the boat….no hiding behind….the power just comes out of the wall plug bs….and zero emission…because all the pollution is at the power plant…..or hiding how inefficient this setup is…..

    EV’s are 25% efficient but that fact is hidden….they only talk about the 90% efficient electric motor…..which got it’s electricity by magic…..

    When you are going 1000 miles, or 6000 miles across an ocean, you don’t want a highly dangerous lithium battery on the boat/ship…..these hybrid systems are also very complex, so unreliable compared to a totally reliable diesel engine…..

    The next problem is they are very complex, so are difficult and very expensive to repair and parts are not available….and there is almost zero techs that know how to fix them….

    you don’t want this complex, unreliable, very difficult to repair crap, powering your boat in the middle of the ocean 1000 miles from shore….you will die…..

      • Well, here in WA the absurd always becomes reality:

        Fits in with the agenda to stop all slave mobility….broken down ferries….too expensive and or impossible to fix….

    • It’s cause boats propulsion is a constant load. A car is not a constant load.

      On the WA ferry edict, note it says hybrid. They are going to spend a fortune on this system but at the end of the day they can all sing kumbaya songs, while the intended fuel, e-power, maintenance, etc…. costs will skyrocket over standard diesel power today.

      Here’s some basic numbers, they said 19 million gal diesel used per year:
      = 2.6 Trillion BTu’s.
      = 790 Million Kw/hrs.
      oyy vay………….

      • “while the intended fuel, e-power, maintenance, etc…. costs will skyrocket over standard diesel power today.”

        Trawler owners and others have already experienced that….

        Buying a hybrid powered boat or converting it to hybrid power….

        The systems are very complex so…they are, unreliable and highly dangerous, difficult and very expensive to repair and parts are not available….and there is almost zero techs that know how to fix them….plus the suppliers usually go out of business….so you are left with expensive junk that doesn’t work….

        Then the owner has to remove the expensive defective hybrid system and reinstall totally reliable diesel power…$100,000 or far more later…lol…

        hybrid boat power…. unreliable and highly dangerous….1000 miles out in the ocean, in a storm and your defective, complex hybrid system breaks down….kiss your ass goodbye as you drown….

        The hybrid system burns more fuel….and might kill you…green…lol…

        • right on anon1. any half decent engineer can figure this stuff out in their heads. ALL alternatives fail on all fronts except ‘exhaust out the tailpipe’.
          What’ve very sad is these politicians are being SOLD a bill of goods to fleece their constituents more and more with each new SELL. I wonder were the breaking point is…………
          I wonder of maritime power is now required to use Tier4 diesel specs?

    • All the slaves forced into EV’s they can’t afford….so they will walk…agenda 2030….no economical diesels for the slaves….

      Meanwhile….what do the slave owning, billionaire, control group ride around in?…..

      400 feet long super yachts….powered entirely by…. totally reliable, very safe, long life, monster diesel engines producing 10’s of 1000’s of HP……which are followed by their 120 feet long chase boat, powered 100% by huge diesel engines….partly redundancy for safety and to fetch supplies when anchored…or to go ashore….

      And their fuel sucking private jets….one billionaire slave owner producing as much pollution as 10,000 slaves….

  14. EVs are solutions to a non-existant problem. At least at this moment in time, you’re not forced to buy one. I struggle to have sympathy for those who have to wait for a “partial” charge.

    When they are forced upon us en masse then the charging lines will make the gas lines of the 70s look like child’s play.

    This all asumes the current infrastructure won’t completely collapse…

  15. I believe it was Simon Wiesenthal said about the Soviet Union was there was no basic understanding of common sense or what facts dictate. Only what is political is the truth.

    I think we are there now; in the general proletariat believing in fantasy doom stories they’ve been told about the environment getting warmer, and it is up to the common man to solve…via a political solution.

    • It’s all numbers games. Universities want students, students want degrees. Professors want tenure, and prestige. Problem is, there’s really not all that much basic science that needs investigating, at least the stuff that someone with a slightly above average IQ can research, at least on the cheap. So studying the mob becomes the easiest way to get a paper published. Just gather up a few decades of census data, or health records, or whatever, and look for patterns. Easy stuff, only requires a few months of tracking down record keeping departments and asking for a file. Might have to track down a CD ROM or 9 Track tape drive, but that’s all part of the fun.

      Thing is, no one ever bothers to duplicate the work. Because no one gets noticed for replication, so don’t bother. And if the findings match whatever is politically popular, well that’s a slam dunk! Maybe even get the university’s press office to put a story out on the wire. Local TV station might even interview you… a big deal, old school style. And if it gets picked up nationally… your ticket just got punched! Now you can talk to political staffers, podcasters, maybe even get cited in a congressional position paper.

      All for a few months in front of a monitor looking at numbers.

      But what if there’s no connection, no needle in the haystack? Well, you’d better find something or you’ve just wasted a year on a bad hunch. The upside/downside risk equation is all out of whack, and won’t get any better until society figures out that scientists shouldn’t be rock stars.

  16. Part of the problem with EV charging is that at high demand times you have to wait and wait for a charger to become available. One solution might be going at your lunch time; of course by the time you drive to a charger and recharge your lunch break is over but at least you got to virtue signal.

    Assuming the cables haven’t been cut for their scrap value doesn’t guarantee the charger will work either. With a gas pump even if you had a damaged filler neck on your gas tank you could always just fill a small gas can and pour it in real slowly.

    Just wait until even 20% of the cars on the road are EV’s and just imagine how long the wait is going to be on a cold winter’s day.

  17. ‘Even Leftists – especially affluent Leftists – don’t like waiting. Which is why they describe the minimum 20 minute wait for a partial charge at one of these chargers as “fast.” ‘ — eric

    Funny: desperate for his party to cling to presidential power, the ‘Biden’ cadaver just announced — oh, this is rich! — a ‘Time Is Money’ regulatory initiative:

    ‘The Biden administration on Monday unveiled a new ‘Time Is Money’ multi-agency regulatory initiative to target corporate practices that officials claim are designed to waste consumers’ time and needlessly burden them with red tape, in order to maximize profits.

    “For example, you want to cancel your gym membership or subscription service or newspaper. It took one or two clicks to sign up. But now … you have to go in person, or wait on hold for 20 minutes … just to opt out,” said Neera Tanden, domestic policy advisor.’ — CNBC

    Well, that’s nice. And I do hate it that one is obliged to call on the telephone to cancel subscriptions with cable companies, newspapers, and other corporate chiselers and belly-crawlers.

    But in the big picture, it’s chickenshit. And corporations’ cost of compliance will be fully passed on to us, the victims.

    Speaking of big money, where is the proposal to cancel the useless, counterproductive $2.5 billion Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program, administrated by the winsome catamite Pete Buttigieg? *sound of crickets chirping*

    • Corporations act like jilted lovers when you want to part ways with them. They send you over to the “retention team” who can offer deals no one in their right mind would refuse, and no one in their right mind would offer, just to keep you on as a customer. And just like ghosting a bad GF because you don’t want to deal with the tears, leaving you on hold forever and passing you around from department to department is part of the game.

      No need for federal action.

    • ‘Time Is Money,’ says the ‘Biden’ cadaver. Yet he does nothing about the biggest government time suck for most Americans: fedgov income tax. So complex is the tax code that it supports a vast army of accountants, tax preparers, and tax lawyers. Therefore it won’t be touched.

      A government offering to save your time is like a pedophile offering to mind your child: it’s a teaser offer, masking malicious intentions.

      • The big deal this week is that the Democratic Party’s nominee is promising to end income tax collection on tips. That’s in stark contrast to the Republican nominee who made the exact same promise months ago.

        What they seem to forget is that most low-paying jobs probably don’t pay much in the way of income tax to begin with.

        I asked ChatGPT to run some figures about how much this proposal might save a worker:

        Long story short, if someone earning $30K annually, with 60% of that income from tips, their tax bill would go from ~$1700 to $0. Pretty much the same as claiming a child. No wonder both sides are looking to buy votes.

        Thing is, the IRS will still require you to report tips, still require more time spent doing your taxes, and still meddle in places it has no business meddling in. And let’s not forget the whole 40,000 agents thing, probably leaked to make the administration look good by “ordering the IRS to hold off” as if swooping in to save the public from the scourge of the bureaucracy. Fact is, 40,000 agents at $50K or more annually will never produce enough unreported revenue from eBay and Craigslist listings to pay for themselves. Even government accountants can’t justify that spend.

  18. The local Giant supermarket has two EV chargers, and I have seen them in use during busy times of the day. I don’t believe that they’re fast chargers though; AFAIAK, they’re Level II chargers. Someone who has an EV uses them just to top off their car’s charge. Since I go early in the morning though (opening time, 6 AM), I don’t see the EV chargers in use. Then again, I see few people there, period, which is why I go at opening time…

  19. Well, the governments are going to have to pull the old “my patience is wearing thin!” threat and start the MANDATES ASAP! No more gas vehicles sold. No more gas vehicles registered. No more gas vehicles insured. No more gas stations selling gas. Problem solved, for the governments. Why they won’t do it has more to do with the gas industry grift kickbacks than any “green” power plays. I hate governments, and the people that comprise them.

    • ‘No more gas stations selling gas.’ — Pug

      Just came across, in a state government grants manual, a 64-year-old program ‘to assist state and local units of government to fund projects on waters where gasoline-powered boats are permitted.’

      Yeah, I understand that submarines need to be silent. There’s even a company called Electric Boat which makes them.

      But electric ski boats? One hopes it never happens … and that the antiquated grant program for ‘gasoline-powered boats’ soldiers on to its centennial. Vroom, vroom!

  20. And the copper thefts continue apace.

    A recent teevee news story talked about the vandalism of chargers. All they could talk about was how it was people who “hated” ev’s that were responsible.

    At over $4/lb. it’s easy pickins for those who own a bolt cutter.

    • Hi Mark:

      The easy solution to charger cable theft would be having to provide your own charging cable that plugs into both the charger and the chargee. Of course cuck addled leftists will be confused by this so it will never happen.

      • Landru, how about a retractable cable? No, no, let’s not give them any ideas that might make this merry little experiment possibly work.

        • Those chargers have lots of scrapable material. Just haul the whole thing away, like is done with cash machines. Then pick it apart at your leisure.

    • People have been stealing the copper wires out of (live and powered) street lights on the local interstate. Even though they have cameras everywhere they are having a hard time stopping the stealing.


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