Blame Republicans . . .


The truth is often uncomfortable. Here’s one of them: The reason why the country is on the verge of a tipping point – of tipping over into overt socialism, a country in which everything is planned and so controlled by the people who control the apparatus of government – is because Republicans wanted it that way.

That is not, of course, what Republicans have said they wanted. They always say they want “less” or “limited” government. Republicans have apparently never read Lysander Spooner, who explained why “limited” government always becomes unlimited government. Because how does one “limit” what one has already accepted as fundamentally “necessary”?

Principles might help – but Republicans have never had those. They have rationalizations instead.

They never oppose taxes as such, for example., That is to say, they do not oppose the use of government’s legalized power to take people’s money and jail or even kill them – legally – if they attempt to defend themselves against legalized, strong-armed robbery – if it the money taken from people is less than Leftists would take or it is used for purposes Republicans consider to be worthy of forcing people to “pay their fair share” toward financing. That is to say, they have the same principles as socialists. Which is why Republicans always lose to socialists. Are always trying to explain how they would manage socialism more efficiently.

Never that socialism is immoral.

A fine example of this being Republican proposals to “mend” the socialist takeover of what used to be free market health care – rather than end the socialist takeover of what used to be free market health care.

Republicans do not disagree, fundamentally, with the principle that government (that is, the busybodies who control the apparatus of government) has a “role” to play in “managing” (that is, controlling) the formerly free (because voluntary) interactions between individuals and doctors.

So how would such Republicans make a principled argument against government interposing itself between the individual and his doctor?

They cannot. And so they do not.

Similarly, most Republicans support mandatory car insurance. In other words, they support using the power of the government to force people who drive a car to pay the car insurance mafia for harms they have not caused – because they might cause them. And because – so the socialist argument rolls – if they do cause harm and they don’t have insurance, then “society” will have to pay.

Of course, the only reason “society” – which just means other people – has to pay is because government makes other people who didn’t cause the harm pay for harms caused by others whom, they have somehow become “responsible” for.

A principled argument against socialism would be: Hold individuals accountable for the harms they cause and do not harm people who’ve not caused any harm.

Republicans rarely, if ever, make such arguments. And that’s why we have socialized medicine now. It is why people are required to buy health insurance, even if they don’t want or need it. Because – bet you see this coming – they might transfer costs onto “society” if they get sick or hurt and aren’t “covered.”

It is also why it is probable socialists will succeed in forcing people who want to own a gun to buy insurance as a condition of being allowed to own a gun. Assuming they are allowed to keep one at all. Because they might use the gun in a reckless or criminal way and someone might be harmed and then (yep, here we go again) “society” will have to pay for that.

Another example is Social Security – more accurately, socialist insecurity. The system invented by socialists  when they were still masquerading as “Democrats” to force people to “contribute” funds to finance the “retirement” of people who are too old to work and lack the means to pay their basic living expenses.

The people “contributing” are made just as dependent as those who are receiving. The worker who is forced to pay while he works is less able to save and invest what he earns so that he can take care of himself in retirement. And so he ends up dependent on younger workers to finance his “benefits” when he gets too old to work – and is lacking the means to care for his own needs, having been forced to “contribute” 15 percent of all his earnings to “help” those who were tool old to work while he was still young enough to work.

Republicans rarely, if ever, question the underlying socialist principle of this intergenerational wealth transfer scheme; they are scared to death of telling the truth about Social Security – because most Americans are now dependent upon socialism and would chafe at being told socialism is destructive and immoral.

And that is why Socialist Insecurity persists and metastasizes like an aggressive cancer, eating up everyone’s wealth while increasing the power of those who control the apparatus of government upon which a large and ever-growing portion of the population depends.

The longer this acquiescence goes on, the more socialism becomes the accepted basis for all discussion. And that is why the country is already, for all practical purposes, a socialist country. There is almost nothing left to the individual’s discretion beyond the most trivial of things, such as what to eat for breakfast – and even that involves more socialism than most Americans realize. The government allows you to have milk  . . . that is pasteurized and homogenized and government (FDA) approved. it will sic body-armored and heavily armed goons on you if you raise a cow and sell unpasteurized milk to people who freely would like to buy it.

There is no hope of defeating socialism until people stand up to the principles of socialism.

How it is applied is superficial. What matters is that it is applied. Once that happens, it is very difficult to prevent its wider application because it is much harder to coherently object to its wider application, except on the basis of superficialities. The principle of the thing must always be identified – and repudiated. Even when – especially when – the socialism being discussed seems (to some) like “society” would benefit.

In fact, society is existentially threatened by socialism in any of its forms and no matter how seemingly superficial. Because when any individual is no longer free to go about his business on account of harms someone else says he might cause – or because others have caused them – he is no longer free. He is chained to others. Just as an individual who must hand over a “fair share” of what he worked for is a slave. The degree of his slavery in no way changes the fact of his slavery.

Society – in its once-upon-a-time sense, before the word was corrupted by socialists – is rendered impossible by socialism. Because people are no longer free to participate in society with others, each according to their own willingness. In its place, a “society” that regards the individual much the same as a bee in a hive. One of many. All of them under the control of a few – or even just the one.

Brought to you by Republicans – who either do no understand the existential threat that socialism is – or want the same things as the socialists they pretend to oppose.

. . .

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  1. The argument that, if we didn’t have “coverage”, that “society” would have to pay for anything that an individual caused because, bullshit if it would have to do so outside of the govt. forcing people to do so.

    Am I missing something?

    If you get wrecked, or wreck other people, and they go to the hospital, incur bills that can’t be paid (for example), then the hospital will just have to write that off and purse the individual(s) that are responsible using existing legal methods. And yeah, that might mean that they never get their money. Then they just write that off of their taxes as a loss.

    That is when people start talking about “society”… “having to pay” for the situation because it’s taken as a given that, if some corporation writes off some amount, then that is what “society” must somehow make up for rather than the govt. just rob less money.

    It’s all bullshit. That’s the same premise that Obamacare invented from “whole cloth”. The fuck if I care about either: 1) hospitals that fucken murder people for profit going under, or 2) the govt. being able to rob more money.

    Fuck that noise! Fuck ’em all. It’s not on me or anyone else to make up for that shit.

    • Amen, XM –

      A doctor has the right to decide to offer his services at no cost, to care for someone who cannot pay him. But he has no right to force other people to pay for his services – and that is the nut of the issue here. If a hospital elects to take in an indigent patient, then the cost ought to come out of the hospital’s pocket; that is to say, out of the pockets – paychecks – of the doctors and nurses who agree to work for free because they want to help.

      • Hi XM and Eric,

        First, you can’t write off a loss for income not received if you are a cash basis business. An accrual basis company can, but that is only because they have already claimed it under income and paid taxes on it. If I prepare someone’s return for $500 and that person doesn’t pay I don’t get to expense it on my taxes. I am out my labor and my employees labor costs.

        If someone chooses not to pay you or cannot afford to pay you…to be it simply…you are screwed. Very few businesses have the ability to work for free, but hospitals are required to accept anyone that walks through the door whether they can pay or not.

        Ask any business what happens when a client doesn’t pay…the revenue has to be made up somewhere. It is then passed onto through higher costs to your current clientele.

        I am not for society “having to pay”, but the end consumers that do use the service will make up for it otherwise the business goes bankrupt. I am a believer that services should be decided by the person performing them. A business should not have to be forced to take on someone that they do not want or doesn’t have the ability to pay. Maybe that is harsh, but that’s life.

        • Right but that does not extrapolate to the entirety of “society”. If your customer doesn’t pay for some good/service, you can elect to just eat or, or charge more for your services, if that’s what you need to do.

          Nobody outside of your customers will have anything to do with it.

          If you keep experiencing such problems, then maybe your way of doing business just won’t work in your circumstances. Sorry if that’s the case but “society” doesn’t have to pay you to make up for it.

          You already do write off your labor costs, right? That’s whether or not the client pays. And also any supplies or other expendables used. Those are written off as they normally would be. You aren’t suddenly excluded from writing off the things you already do because the client didn’t pay.

          What you will have is less profit. Less profit for the govt. to take their cut from. I understand, that’s less profit for you as well and would likely result in you having to raise prices. That’s unfortunate but not a society-wide responsibility.

          BTW, I’m not advocate for people to do any such thing. But you do have existing legal remedies which may or may not result in relief. And because some person, or some number of people have not fulfilled their end of the deal, and therefore other people *might* follow suit, doesn’t mean that you’ll suddenly have a flood of non-paying customers.

          My wife runs a business. I do her books. I file her taxes (with help from TurboTax). She’s had customers who bounced checks and never paid up but, by and large, the vast majority of the people that she sees do pay. And, I’m fairly confident, even the couple/few that had issues did intend to pay and she could have pursued legal remedies but did not. Similarly, my wife has never once considered, “should I raise prices to mitigate non-paying customers?”, i.e., socialize the loss or the potential for loss.

          She has only ever compared her services to others performing similar services in the area, and against her normal operating costs. So sometimes prices have gone up but never once because of anything like non-paying customers.

      • Hi anon,

        Government, in pretty much every country already does this. They are called real estate taxes and are already based on the unrealized value of a property determined by the very robbers that benefit from it.

        I have been in my home for over 20 years. Am I being taxed annually on what I paid for it? No, none of us are. It is assessed by some government stooge who demands that you allow them inside your home and property to determine if “improvements” were made. We have already paid tax when we purchased the materials and labor to “improve” our home, so why are we now forced to pay annually for it. Does my bathroom tile get better each year? Does my roof increase over time? No, if anything they should decrease due to wear and tear…better yet, they shouldn’t be taxed at all.

        The public is already being taxed on unrealized gains…they just refuse to acknowledge it.

          • Hi John,

            Realized by whom? The government that stated your asset increased? A gain should only be realized when the asset is sold. Anything else is a projection of possible gains and should never be considered especially pertaining to taxation/theft.

        • This is a really incisive and important point, RG.

          Like you, I am paying taxes on property now assessed at twice the value of what I paid for it. We’re already there. Now it’s just a question of making it federal as well as local.

          • The end goal is to force people out of their homes and off their land. What better way to do that then to tax them right out of, and off of both? TPTB really want and need us herded into the minute ghetto cities where we will be more easily controlled. As for how to stop them? A very good question indeed.

            • Hi Shadow,

              I agree with your analogy, but (there is always a but) what happens when the government separates people from their assets. There is no tax revenue. Government does not produce. So where does the money come from? This is why communism never survives for very long. When people are not compensated they don’t work harder. When people don’t work harder nothing gets completed. The system implodes. The government then starts selling off assets and reduces restrictions/regulations on the public. The public, in turn, begins producing, because there is now something to work toward.

              • Oh, I wholeheartedly agree with your comment, RG. Unfortunately right now the term “Communism” has a sexy alluring appeal to those who never suffered under it or who did not grow up with the threat of then USSR possibly nuking us. Remember the head-under-the-desk drills in school? As though that was going to save us. The scary thing is we have a dangerous combination of the unemployed hurting people and the just plain lazy and greedy, something-for-nothings both seeing Communism as their answer to everything. And if it means disarming us, and stealing our homes, land, vehicles, etc they are fine with that because they never had anything to begin with. If they suffer they demand by force that we suffer with them. As you correctly stated however it will not work. But if those stupid enough to think it will live long enough to see said failure they will never admit how wrong they were. They will never have enough humility to admit they were wrong about anything. I just wish they would not try to drag me down with them because I have already been there before.

        • City gets property tax….

          but…..maybe this a new federal tax on unrealized gains….10% or 20%?….paid with cash or a heloc or refinance?

          It would pay off a huge amount of government debt….

  2. Oprah Is An Idiot…..Paul Joseph Watson

    from the comments….

    The richest black woman on the face of the planet is complaining about income inequality? What is she going to do next, promote Socialism?

    the receiving end of income inequality. She’s received billions of dollars

    Oprah is one of the first DEI academy award winners..

    Imagine being the richest woman in the world and trying to portray yourself as a victim of racism and financial inequality

  3. Pastor Chuck Baldwin asks, is Trump trying to lose the election?

    “Trump is a shoo-in, right? He should be, but he’s not. He does what Trump does best: He makes people hate him. He can’t help it; it’s just the way narcissistic people who think they are God affect folks.

    Faithful readers of this column know I don’t like Trump. Call me what you want, but I speak and write with honesty and sincerity. And I honestly have zero respect for the Orange Man. But, then again, I have zero respect for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They are all disgustingly revolting to me—down to my core.

    Trump knows almost nothing about ideas; and he doesn’t care that he doesn’t know. He has the attention span of a gnat. With Trump, it’s ALWAYS about personalities.”


    I have to say I completely agree with that pastor. Maybe there is hope for all these dumbass Christians worshipping Israel and Zionism.

  4. As the quality of food drops….the slave’s health gets worse….

    @9:28 in video….there is 60 harvests left…60 years left…because of destruction of the soil, through industrial farming, etc…..then starvation….

    60 harvests left… the control group wants to reduce the slave population so they can hog the small amount of food that is left?….

    reduce the slave population how?…war, starvation, injections…..

    Sperm counts in indusrialized countries are down 60%….33% of males are infertile…there is 80 years of human fertility left….then gone….extinct….

    All the pension funds are unfunded, so there is no money to give the old people the money they are owed…..

    • Catherine Austin Fitts says around 1995 during globalization, money was looted, went offshore, all the pension funds were looted, there is no money left.

      Note: Dr. Marc Faber says all governments steal between 5% (honest governments) and 100% (crooked governments) of the money collected, borrowed.

      in 1998 they knew the math didn’t work to fund pension plans, wouldn’t be able to pay the pensions.

      ATTENTION: in 2003 they said between 2020 and 2025 there would be a huge drop in the population numbers.

      The government is promoting MAID….medical assistance in death….

  5. This is hilarious:

    ‘Why was Walz picked as Harris’s running mate in the first place? One midwestern friend might have hit upon the answer. Tim Walz, he said, was what the coastal elites of this country believe a midwesterner looks and acts like. He has all the “progressive” attitudes of the Left, but he articulates them accoutered in a more string-tie, aw-shucks manner.’

    So Tampon Tim is just an eccentric Uncle Fester character actor, straight outta Hollyweird. Noted.

  6. What happens when your pay social security tax? Does it go in a big piggy bank? No, it goes into the stock market (think BlackRock and Xerox) and the government makes dividens off your money. Pretty much all government money to my knowledge is being used to make money untill it’s needed.

    Pretty much any state could do what Alaska does, which is use a fraction of the profits of their shady dealings to pay you to live in their state.

    As for republicans, never donate to the RNC! What did they do with funds solicited for republican campaigns? Run Nikki Haley and others against Trump to blow the fund.

    Screw the republican party! We’re taking it over and primarying the war mongering rinos with Rand Paul and MTG types and establishing an anti-war, freedom oriented beachead.

    • ‘What happens when your pay social security tax? Does it go in a big piggy bank?’ — Steve

      Your FICA tax used to go into the Social Security Trust Fund, which holds non-marketable Treasury bills and bonds coyly called ‘special issues.’ They are the equivalent of an IOU scribbled in a cocktail napkin, having no collateral or market value.

      But those days are over. Since Soc Sec operates at a loss, now it adds nothing to the Trust Fund. To the contrary, the Trust Fund is being drawn down. It’s only 20% of what it should be to cover the unfunded promises. In a decade, like an ice cream cone melting in the sun, the Trust Fund will hit ZERO — looted, in its entirety, by the 535 thieving, rum-soaked dwarves of Clowngress. In all fairness, their pensions should be zeroed out and confiscated.

    • Actually the money paid into Socialist Security is immediately spent in the general fund. What is required for payout is theoretically made from the receipts. Any excess is sent to cover whatever the Frick government pisses all the money away on.
      The funds transferred to the general fund cause the treasury to issue a special non-marketabke bond. ( indistinguishable from an IOU) The actual money is long gone.
      If SS needs additional funds they redeem the
      bonds. But the government has no money so the treasury must sell a T-Bill ( borrow money) in order to cover the redemption. If they can’t sell enough bonds then they print it.

      This is much worse

      • I was thinking along the lines of the local/state/federal CAFRs (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) to which all the pension funds for government employees and most of the slush funds for development, and tax revenue are actually in the stock market where the government profits off of the pensions before they are paid out.

        In the case of federal taxes I believe that’s a joke because the money this year was spent in 2 months on wars, funneling it to defense contractors and anthony blinken through other countries.

        If those funds were held by you then you’d be free to make the same investments to help hedge against inflation. But retirement is usually part of a package and in the free market it’s optional.

        The situation you guys discribe for what happens to FICA is way worse. If FICA were managed like a fund in the CAFR it might be halfway solvent.

        Note when a state government puts out a CAFR, the actual report used to be like 6 inches thick before the public caught on.

        Say your states report says it collected 10 taxes, and made a budget of 20. There’s a deficit of 10, therefore we need to increase your taxes to 20 next year. THE CAFR shows all the state slush funds for development and programs and pensions that are being managed like a trust fund, and the revenue for those funds is 50 this year. so the state makes 60 per year but your taxes of 10 don’t cover the budget of 20 so we need you to pay more!?!?!

        • Government pension plans get the first lien on any tax revenues. Pensions get paid 100% before a single dollar goes to schools, police or any other gov service.

          this sounds like the old soviet system…..

          How Public Pensions Turn Cities Into Unlivable Hellholes

          Public pension funds are grossly underfunded. Consequently, more and more pension funds are borrowing money to play the markets. The goal is to boost returns to cover their massive funding gaps.

          pension funds can attempt to fill their funding gaps by requesting increases in yearly contributions from governments and workers. But the public-employee unions go full ape when such measures are proposed. So the remaining option is to take on greater risk. What could go wrong?

          Standing behind these pension funds are state, federal and local taxpayers – that’s you, acting as the ATM. Moreover, when the investment returns of public pension funds fall short, governments are primarily responsible for filling the void. This means cutting other spending and services or increasing taxes.

          Covering pension fund obligations is a massive drag on state and local government finances. The fact is, there’s a legion of public workers out there who’ve been promised a retirement that’s no longer affordable.

          These grand promises must be broken.

          You can witness the effects when traversing through just about every city in America that has been in existence for more than 60 years. By repeatedly reallocating spending from much needed services, the present and future conditions of cities and municipalities are being transformed to unlivable hellholes.

          Your neighbor, who retired from the city over 25 years ago, may frequently lament the shoddy conditions of the streets and sidewalks. He may bemoan the lack of resources to address burgeoning homeless encampments and the mobs of mentally ill zombies flailing about on the tired asphalt. All the taxes went to pay his pension…lol..

          An audit showing where all the taxpayer’s money went would be nice….lol

          in 1998 they knew the math didn’t work to fund pension plans, wouldn’t be able to pay the pensions.

    • Pay us to live in the state. That is a good one Steve and if you do not think we don’t have corrupt politicians waiting to seize all that oil money and spend it on stupid sh** I have a bridge in London to sell you for real cheap. Also, the cost of living is so high that yearly check is not going to get you very far. So for those who move up here for that “free check”- like those who view socialism as getting everything for free-are in for a rude surprise when reality hit them. And do not blame me when I tried to warn you.

      • Around 10 years ago, if you compared all 50 states CAFRs (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) you’d find each state at the state level would be able to pay citizens $600/yr and still get by and their funds would still be solvent for 50 years, without collecting property tax. The states each manage massive wealth which is in blackrock and zerox and everything else, but lucky you, you get to pay taxes to afford them a budget for what they’re planning to spend.

        In the case of government pensions they sell some stock to pay your retirement, IF you live longer than they were expecting.

        In the case of SS, see above thats really messed up that it’s completely insolvent and you’re not allowed to not pay, and do with the money as you’d like and maybe stand a better chance without FICA.

        Taxation is theft!

  7. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.

    It began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf-Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and the will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made. Deep in the land of Mordor, in the Fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged a master ring, and into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.

    One ring to rule them all. – Prologue, Lord of The Rings, Fellowship of the Ring, as spoken by Galadriel

    People like to dismiss myth and folklore (real or invented) as entertainment, especially the western tradition. But there’s a lot of truth in those old tales. Real truth, the kind that can be reproduced in sociology experiments. Yet they’re still poo-pooed by the people who act exactly as the mythical characters they dismiss.

    The rings of power couldn’t be trusted to those who desire power. Better to bury it with a simpleton. But the problem with simpletons is they lose track of things and let them get away. So the ring of power reappears. Might be given to someone who doesn’t desire to rule, but they’re not offered the chance.

  8. “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.” ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

  9. Eric: “Brought to you by Republicans – who either do no understand the existential threat that socialism is – or want the same things as the socialists they pretend to oppose.”

    Socialist Rs & Ds – exactly why I don’t usually discuss or vote for them.

    “Don’t blame me, I voted Libertarian” And will again.

    “An evil enemy [politician], will burn his own
    nation to the ground…to rule over the ashes.”

    – Sun Tzu

    • “Don’t blame me, I voted Libertarian” And will again.

      Translation: “I proudly participate in their evil games, making me an accomplice.”

    • Libertyx,

      What do you make of Chase Oliver? Were the accusations that he supported the COVID tyrannies true, or were they just a smear campaign? I haven’t set aside the time to do the proper research yet, I’ll admit.

      • People like Chase Oliver, Gary Johnson, Bob Barr and Jo Jorgenson continue to demonstrate that the LP will forever remain a joke. Watching the LP national convention/shit show demonstrates why participating in a rigged game like U.S. elections dirties people who actually pretend to have consistent principles. The early LP was actually pretty good. Chase Oliver represents the unserious, woke rabble of the party…yes he was pro all of the nasty Covid perfidy. Dave Smith, Angela McArdle, Spike Cohen and the folks in the Mises Caucus were out maneuvered and that, as they say, was the ball game.

      • “What do you make of Chase Oliver?”
        He was on a C-SPAN program – very articulate. His views were all libertarian,
        certainly superior to Rs and Ds. I like to give folks a chance, especially when the evil of the competition is so obvious.

  10. Let’s not forget “knesset west” (U. S. Congress) whose slavish allegiance is to a rogue foreign “sh!tty little country in the middle east.

    Congress introduced Netanyahu (nee Miliekowsky) as “his excellency”.

    It was shades of the old soviet politburo in which no one wanted to be the first to stop applauding.

    Until we excise the parasitic cancer that is talmudic judaism from our society, it’s all downhill from here.

    Jews worldwide need to feel the pain of ostracization, marginalization, and even contempt for their actions in the middle east and around the western world. Using the jewish concepts of collective responsibility and collective punishment against the jews themselves is the only way.

    I realize that there are some jews who, realizing that their self-preservation is threatened and at stake, are against the present situation in Gaza and the West Bank, but there are not enough of them to make a difference. At this stage of the game, I DON’T CARE if “good” jews feel the pain of ostracization, marginalization and contempt from gentiles. Just maybe, if there is enough pressure put on “good” jews, things will change.

    I won’t hold my breath.

    All good people must apply the same standard to the JEWS that JEWS apply to (the rest of) us goyim.

    You see, in civilized cultures, individual responsibility and individual punishment is the norm. Collective responsibility and collective punishment is illegal and does not figure in civilized “rule of law”.

    Not so when JEWS hold gentiles responsible…collective responsibility and collective punishment are always the norm that the JEWS use to justify genocide when it comes to gentiles.

    Yes, every JEW who observes their talmud IS responsible for genocide. It’s baked into judaism. There is no getting around that.

    Let’s not forget the biblical book of Deuteronomy where, according to its proscriptions and advice, nothing (gentile) is to remain alive…

    This is where JEWS get their genocidal attitudes.

    When it comes to attitudes of jews themselves, they are among the worst behaving people on the planet. Their air of “superiority” and “supremacy” permeates the atmosphere wherever they go.

    A refreshing incident took place in Vietnam (of all places) where a restaurant owner kicked israelis out of his restaurant just because they were jews. It was easy to tell because of their condescending, snobbish attitude that almost every jew possesses.

    We need to see more of this worldwide.

    If I had my way…

    1. Outlaw infant male genital mutilation. Removal of a healthy body part without medical necessity is a crime. Removing a healthy body part from an infant who cannot consent is doubly criminal.

    2. Close every yeshiva in the western world. These “schools” that teach nothing but hate and contempt for all gentiles are breeding grounds for jewish terrorists. These same “schools” fail to teach basic subject material to their students.

    3. Close every holocaustianity™ temple in the USA. These temples violate the “separation of church and state” in the USA and are illegally receiving taxpayer dollars.

    4. Outlaw menorahs and other jewish displays placed on public property. As Christian displays have been marginalized through jewish lawfare, so should jewish symbology as well.

    5. EVERY tax-exempt jewish organization must be recognized as an “agent of a foreign government” and should lose their tax-exempt status. This applies to synagogues as well. Synagogues are “breeding grounds” for jewish terrorism as well.

    6. ALL USA politicians of jewish extraction as well as any politician who supports israel must be thoroughly “vetted” as their loyalty to their home country (USA) is in question. EVERY politician who holds “dual citizenship” with israel must forfeit his or her government position and be deported with permanent loss of USA citizenship. If wishing to re-enter the USA and regain their USA citizenship, they must renounce their foreign citizenship.

    7. ANY citizen of the USA who joins the IDF must automatically lose his or her USA citizenship and be permanently deported. We should start with Brian Mast (R-Fla) who proudly wore his IDF uniform in the halls of congress.

    Jews in the western world must be held to the same standard that (((they))) hold for “the rest of us” (gentiles).

    Turnabout is indeed “fair play”.

    • I agree 100% with everything you wrote and second the agenda bullet points.

      How many schools has Israel blowed up this month killing the school kids? Day after day I look at pics of dead school kids Israel blew up. And the Biden thing just gave those genocidal maniacs another 20 billion in bombs and airplanes.

      And that disgusting Orange Turd says if you don’t love Jews and Israel you are not welcome in this country. I think Trump should run for King of Israel and get the hell off our free soil and GTFO of our nation. Trump can go to hell, fuck him.

      • Second that Jack,
        Every Congress clown that puts the interests of a foreign nation, be it Israhell, Ukraine, or any other, should be stripped of their US citizenship and deported to that country. Would love to see that warmongering chickenhawk Lindsey Graham sent to the front lines in Keeeeev.


      Wikispooks – Kay Griggs (Katherine Pollard Griggs) was the wife of U.S. Marines Col. George Griggs and a personal friend of White House correspondent Sarah McClendon.
      Kay and her husband Colonel George Griggs

      During a bitter 1998 divorce, Griggs gave a remarkable 7.5 hour long video interview for her pastor, Rick Strawcutter.[1][2][3][4] Per Griggs, her husband was involved “wet ops”, which made him bitterly depressed. He would drink himself to near blackout state and tell about is improper and illegal activities for the US Government and NATO.[5] Due to threats on her life, Griggs initially filmed the interview as a dead man’s switch, and it features shots of documents and photographs corroborating her story.

      The interview reveals sexual blackmail and corruption at the highest levels of the US Military and in Military Intelligence circles.[6] Many of Griggs statements such as the intelligence ties of Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky have since been corroborated. Perhaps most remarkable is Griggs’s stamina through the nearly eight hours of interview. The interview is also remarkable for explaining the psychopathy of those working in the intelligence community.

  11. Is the rise and fall of civilization an inevitable process? Is socialism inevitable as a society matures and enjoys the fruits of it’s long centuries of hard work and thrift? I think so. A civilization starts off heterosexual then tops and declines when homosexuals dominate. You can not start a civilization when everyone is degenerate – an impossibility.

    So at the top of the long wave, the halls of power are lined with homos and trannies (and other liars) – an outward sign of the moral degeneracy consuming the nation, now into currency debasement, anti-religion of the ancestors, anti-work ethic, anti-family values, anti-traditions, and a huge obsession with perverted sex.

    Last night the Obamas spoke at the DNC, what I call the DemonCrap Convention. Here is a pic of Big Mike pretending to be a woman, he-she’s do not age well:

    The Obamas are LIARS, they pretended to be a heterosexual couple with children when in fact they are homosexuals with rent a kids (borrowed from the Nesbitts). Big Mike was not nominated, like Hillary she was pushed aside for the LIAR Kameltoe Harris who claims to be black.

    How I see Amerika at the moment is an animated corpse being feasted upon by maggots, there is still some meat left on the Republic’s bones for the maggots to consume, the DNC is a feast of parasites ready to finish us off with totalitarian socialism. The mobile abortion clinic outside the convention was a nice touch (and illustrates absolute immorality).

    Where we are headed is a very dark place, I see Amerika at the edge of the abyss regardless which killer clown is elected (or should I say selected by the owners). I read this morning that Alex Soros has a back door access to thousands of voting machines. I also was reading a thread last night about which South American country to flee to. Costa Rica?

    I have never in my life witnessed two worse candidates than heels up Harris or the Orange Zioturd. My god, can we not do better than that? And both of those killer clowns promise to keep funding the Israeli genocide. Both will stomp on any free speech exposing the crimes of Israel.

    But can we stop our own demise and descent into socialist tyranny? I doubt it, because the process of gaining wealth and spending it is inevitable. Last night was the Feast of the Parasites. What they have planned is the final wrecking ball to the Republic.

    • What kind of choices are these? In the red corner, an orange narcissist and a pudgy jackoff. In the blue corner, a communist imbecile and a tyrant puke who might fellate horses.

  12. The polls are showing Harris in the lead in several states, California has Harris at 59 percent.

    If Trump is elected, all hell might break loose.

    If Harris wins, the fun then begins, you won’t like it.

    Kamala is all about telling people what to do and she is speaking.

    Mostly out of her ass, it will help if she keeps drinking like a fish.

    • Hi drumphish,

      Which may very well be the reason that they let Trump in through the gates…the left will lose it. It is what will instigate the Second Civil War. Cities will burn, looting will be prevalent, and chaos will be the order of the day. They will send in police and/or the National Guard and someone will get killed and then the Biden Administration will put this country on lockdown.

      The Communist Carousing Courtesan is leading in the typical blue states…New York, California, Illinois, etc. She doesn’t stand a chance in Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Wisconsin.
      Young men are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Expect women to vote for her 52/48, but men it will be 60/40 (maybe higher). The Left selected a flawed candidate. It was intentional. With the exception of a heart attack or an assassination Trump will be the next President.

      Here is what is playing out:

      1. The assassination attempt on Trump won a handful of votes, especially with him standing and shouting “fight, fight, fight”. This country hasn’t seen strength in awhile – showing that it still exists, with the American flag in the background, was a memorable moment and probably turned a handful of young men (yes, even soy boys) looking at Trump in a new light.

      2. The economy. It stinks…unless you are Don Lemon and in complete denial. Inflation, manufacturing and tech job losses, the increase in housing inventory, high interest rates, etc. Everyone is waiting for the bottom to drop out.

      3. Trump’s thirty-four political convictions. Anyone who has been screwed over by the justice system can sympathize with the man.

      4. This country isn’t ready for a woman President. Yeah, I said it out loud. The last few years has created a male Renaissance and MGTOW. Believe me, they are not going to be making a U-turn and (s)electing a socialist female from California. Top it off with how many cultures do not look at women on the same equal footing as a man and you will have liberal men staying at home or crossing the picket line.

      5. The polls are skewed. The MSM needs to make the race look close, otherwise people tune out and don’t vote. Stating the polls are close keeps both sides with their clickers on Fox News or MSNBC and increases their blood pressure.

      6. The Democrats have pissed off all religions especially the Muslims and Jews. How many “Free Palestine” voters are showing up at Trump rallies or made an appearance at the RNC Convention? They have lost both bases of very solid Dem supporters. I don’t believe these groups will vote for Trump, but they will stay home.

      7. The amount of rich mega donors making an appearance out of Silicon Valley. When have they ever veered any which way other than left?

      8. Even the MSM is turning on Harris’s economic plans. A write up from the Washington Post on how price controls will not work? Critiquing by CNN on how Kammie won’t answer questions?

      9. Having to bus in (and pay) her own supporters to attend rallies. If you have to pay them…they really aren’t for you.

      Just my thoughts.

        • Either outcome results in cities aflame. The same crew will perform the task, just for different reasons.

          If Trump is selected, its all for the feelz. How the little squish mitten leftists feel about being touched and grabbed by OM will determine timing.

          If Harris is cornholed into office, the fires start when she writes her first check to Israel. Or, when her heels-up level incompetence becomes to overwhelming to ignore, aka, empty food isles.

          Either way its mostly in the big cities and we should let it burn itself out.

          • In a way, fire can be cleansing. A way to create new growth. But in this case, I imagine it will be terrifying, and we can only hope it is contained to the big cities.

            That said, I don’t foresee such fires if Kameltoe is installed. If nothing else, the leftists will be mollified by Orange Turd’s defeat, Israel notwithstanding. Orange Man means Orange glow.

            • If it must be fire, let it be cleansing I always say. No point putting it out, if the arsonists get to live to start another.

              Not sure about the leftists being mollified, but you could be right. At their core, they are malcontents who harbor petty grudges, so, on a long enough timeline…Who knows. Haters of private property, I kind of feel like they’re the same communists that were burning stuff during G10, IOW, the usual suspects, given a pass for the last 25 years….Its who we’re up against.

      • Hillary must be fuming, the alcohol vapors might ignite.

        President Kamala Harris! That’ll be a knee-slapper.

        Run the other way, you’ll be escaping the hell Kamala has wrought and will continue to do more.

        The American Sheeple don’t have a chance.

        Trump is a wolf at your door. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, that too. Have to admit it, because it is true.

        Harris is a wolf at your door, more fierce and vicious, even.

        The sheep vote for their enslavement.

        We’re not in Kansas anymore. We aren’t in Virginia anymore. What state are we in?

        We’re in the state of confusion. har

        Lincoln didn’t free the slaves. Lincoln enslaved us all – Malcolm X

      • 3. Trump’s thirty-four political convictions. Anyone who has been screwed over by the justice system can sympathize with the man.

        And how many american men have NOT been f@$led over bt traffic court, antifamily court, divorce court, or criminal court? That number has to be damned close to zero.

      • 100% on the Money. i also think they are setting Trump to be the next Hoover. Blame the coming downturn/depression on him and then get in a real Communist. As the old Mark Twain expression goes, “History does’ repeat but it rhymes.”

      • California is a big beautiful place, that used to lean heavily Republican. But once communists seize power the counts favor them indefinitely. Until they spread enough misery, poverty, and tyranny to make people repent of their idiocy. It took the USSR 70 some years.

        • And sadly Ernie some would still go back simply because Communism was all they knew. Many try to rationalize the horrors saying it ” wasn’t that bad”. And yet none of them could ever give you anything great that ever came out of it either. No on e is going to invent a great product or work hard when the government is simply going to steal the fruits of your labor and then take credit for it.

  13. The Democrat vs Republican choice is a brilliant bit of marketing trickery. They, together, are the government, and the vast majority of their delegates completely agree on everything. There are some amazing outliers, who tend to come from the Republican side; people like Ron Paul, Thomas Massie, Rand Paul, and even Justin Amash, but their good ideas get lost in the sea of establishment.

    This two party marketing trick is brilliant, in that it divides people against each other and distracts them from seeing their true enemy, the government itself. They will vote for (R) or (D), thinking that they’re voting against the worse choice, making things better, but in reality, they’re just supporting one of two sides of the same coin. Bah!

    I still vote. I don’t vote for people, but living in Commiefornia, we have some ballot issues coming up all the time which are important to vote against. I’m always in the minority, though, since I vote against taxes and bonds and leftist lunacy.

    • “This two party marketing trick is brilliant, in that it divides people against each other and distracts them from seeing their true enemy, the government itself.”

      Well said!

  14. “or want the same things as the socialists they pretend to oppose.”

    Of course they do. Socialism/communism is the only form of government that allows government “workers” to make more money than most of the plebes. Government kickbacks and bribes is the neverending gift of socialism/communism.

  15. Make it simple, and just blame government. Any institution that that assumes the authority to kill you if you disobey, as all governments do, is inherently evil. Doesn’t matter what color tie they wear. Pretending it matters what color tie they were is an exercise in stupidity.

  16. Would like to see both parties pushed into the compactor, to be crushed into a cube of worthless detritus. Would hope the Ds go first because of their smarmy, self important attitude. Yet more and more, it makes little difference as long as all of them feel the crushing force. Here in Az, I believe registered Independents make up a larger block than Ds or Rs. Its a helluva thing when the government you got is so bad, it makes you consider war lords and death squads as possible replacements. All by design I’m sure.

  17. Random thoughts…

    What’s the use of an opposition party that goes along with the entity that wants to destroy you.

    Lenin found out really fast that people do not work for the benefit of others, only their own self-interest. He knew from the get-go that the only way Marxism would work is to create a slave state of gulags and slaves to build their socialist dreams.

    Something Republicans should have known….
    “All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take.” —Mahatma Gandhi

  18. Richard Nixon really “screwed the pooch” during his term. He started the EPA, engaged in price controls, decoupled the Dollar totally from the gold standard and doubled down Johnson’s Great Society programs. All of these government powers are in the process of destroying this nation along with a NSA, FBI and CIA that make the East German Stasi look like boy scouts. 1913 was a shitshow year with the Federal Reserve started, the 16th amendment to tax wages and the 17th amendment to directly elect senators instead of states general assemblies appointing them thus killing of state rights in DC. And no, there are no republicans standing up to reverse any of this!

  19. I rarely disagree with what Eric writes but I think the idea that it’s the republicans (or democrats) fault is ridiculous.

    There is no one to blame but ourselves.

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other” – John Adams

    As a generalized society; we are no longer moral or religious. Except, to the degree that Government is our new religion. Our collective new morality is get as much as you can, at someone else’s expense.

    I’m sorry for the copy and paste but I think George Carlin summed it up nicely.

    “Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from?

    They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from some other reality.

    They come from American parents, American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses, American universities, and they’re elected by American citizens.

    This is the best we can do, folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces. Garbage in…garbage out.

    If you have selfish, ignorant citizens…if you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re gunna get selfish, ignorant leaders. And term limits ain’t gunna do ya any good. You’re just gunna wind up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans [leaders].

    So, maybe…maybe…maybe it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here. Like…the public. Yeah, the public sucks! That’s a nice campaign slogan for somebody: “The public sucks! ”

    • Hi Burn It,

      I don’t disagree with that; I merely point out that Republicans are (generally) hypocrites or (fools) who do not truly oppose – or are unwilling to oppose on a principled basis – the Democrats (i.e., socialists) and so we find ourselves in a socialist polity with a socialist political system.

      There is no “no socialism” option. It’s either a bit less socialism, for the moment – under Republicans.

      Or a lot more – right now – under “Democrats.”

      I grant the latter is worse. But it’s also only slightly better.

      • Cheers Eric!

        I fully understand your point. However, at our core, WE (the people) are socialists now. WE are all Keynesians now (Friedman / Tricky Dick).

        There are no more than a handful of Mericans’ truly willing to give up their socialist plunder of Social Security, Medicare, unemployment benefits, special tax credits, “free” schools, government pensions, etc.

        I know you would. I would too.

        But look around at the Freeshit Army, it isn’t going to happen.

        Pass the bottle my friend!

        • You’re right, of course – sadly.

          I’d eagerly forego the SS “benefits” I’m not all that far away from being eligible for – in return for no longer having to “contribute” one cent from now on. I am uninterested in unemployment or any other government “benefits” and would prefer it if people educated and provided for their own children.

          I suppose that makes me a radical.

        • Totally agree. The US society is way past socialism now. The next stop is communism. We don’t fight wars over the spread of communism anymore, we sign trade agreements and outsource our lives for communism.

      • The difference between democrats and Republicans is that the democrats will just outright shoot you and take everything you own. The Republicans will stab you repeatedly before killing you while claiming to be your friend and denying they are hurting you. And then they take everything from you while you are distracted with defending yourself against the onslaught.

    • It’s easy sometimes to forget that, Burn it Down, but you’re 100% correct. Whenever I’m tempted to think, “If only we could get rid of the tyrants in Washington!” I remember 2020 and how the tyranny was just as visible among the public as it was the politicians. Communism–the sign of a decaying society–starts from the bottom up, not the top down.

      • Amen

        2020 was when I “woke up”.

        4 years later and I’m still in shock how the MAJORITY of my fellow citizens turned on me personally. Wanted to make sure I had no job. Tried to prevent me from obtaining food. Tried to limit my movement. People’s business and livelihoods destroyed. Untold Billions of dollars of productivity lost. All because I wouldn’t take an EXPERIMENTAL drug. Lifelong friendships evaporated.

        There are no signs any of these people learned anything from 2020. They simply went on not hiding like roaches when the lights come on.

        The world is not what I thought it was nor is it what I want it to be. I clearly am in the Minority as are many on EPAutos. Thank God for a little sanity in an insane world. This site has been a beacon of hope for me along with a few others.

        • Hi Burn it Down:

          I went through the same sort of sh*t. I stock all the sorts of things you would need if they pull the same thing again and recommend others to do the same. Live well within your means and have some of your savings outside of the economic system and it will be harder for them to control you.

        • I am sorry you lost so many friends Burn. But they were clearly not your friends if they wanted to destroy you because of a decision you made. That is when you make your own family. It does not matter of they are not blood related. They are the ones that will stick with you through thick and thin no matter what.

    • Hey Burn it down….

      [If you have selfish, ignorant citizens…if you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re gunna get selfish, ignorant leaders. And term limits ain’t gunna do ya any good. You’re just gunna wind up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans [leaders].]

      I’m guessing the “selfish and ignorant” are the citizens that paid upwards to a million fiat in FICA contributions expecting a return? Just guessing….

  20. Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and Thomas Massie. The principled Republican club is very small.

    I read yesterday that 159 countries are abandoning the petrodollar in favor of the BRICS currency. At that point all of uniparty’s lust for warfare and welfare will die in its tracks.

  21. It’s been this way ever since 1912, when you had a progressive warmonger Democrat run against a progressive warmonger Republican. Some choice.

    Not for nothing were the congressional Republicans of the 1860s called “Radical Republicans” — they burned Atlanta to the ground, imposed martial law, and re-wrote the Constitution.

    When that’s your “conservative” party… you’re fucked.

  22. The UniParty.

    A very good critique of it.

    An excellent resource for exposing the Rs and how some are actually fighting it id Daniel Horowitz’s Conservative Review podcast.

    The neo-communofascist Democrat party is the overt enemy of liberty, but the feckless establishment Republicans are stealth accomplices and just as dangerous. The “shake your hand with the right hand while the left stabs you in the back.”

    • Here is the description of Daniel’s podcast of yesterday. Spot on.

      “Rather than focusing on the stupid Democrat convention, conservatives should be strategizing about what looks to be an impending election loss. They must figure out how to make a big play to change this election while also building an insurance policy in red states. I continue our discussion from last week on how new data is reinforcing what we’ve seen in recent elections, with Republicans getting slaughtered in critical suburbs. This will not only lead to a Harris victory but leave us in a vulnerable position in Congress and numerous state legislatures. Towards the end, I discuss the big GOP shift on abortion and how it exemplifies an old adage of mine: Republicans will vigorously fight only when the ball is not in play but then lie in a state of coma when the Super Bowl is actually being played. “

  23. Spot on, Eric. Let’s not forget the oldest, and perhaps largest, intergenerational welfare program of all, GovCo’s Schools. Starting in 1851 in Massachusetts it has grown into a massive Education/Industrial Complex. It’s now nothing but a network of minimum security indoctrination centers with the sole purpose of cranking out Obedient Workers [h/t George Carlin].

    This is not just Carlin’s words, either.

    If you ever go to a local GovCo meeting where they are discussing “corporate recruitment”, that is to say, bribing companies to build facilities in your “community”, you will notice that the school system is often mentioned in the context of providing “an adequate workforce”, openly. Not to mention that the idea of people starting their own business is shunned if not outright banned via zoning ordinances. These concepts are accepted across the RepubliCrat spectrum.

    And, let’s not forget they socialist mentality behind vice laws. Spooner expands on that as well:

    Earthly government has been an offence to God and humanity for thousands of years (1Samuel8) and continues to be for us.

    It’s time to end this experiment in organizing Civilization and find other, peaceful means, to arrange our affairs as civilized human beings that do not involve the violent use of force as its basis.

    • Hi Mark:

      While the goal might well have been to create obedient workers (might have been a good idea at the time). The problem now becomes illiterate people who can’t read, write, perform basic math or even understand what sex they are will not be the kind of workers that allow a company to thrive under tough conditions.

      Is it any wonder that the Chinese in China are producing more patents (per capita) than here. If I ran a business I’d rather have employees that came up with ways to produce higher quality products at the same or lower costs than one that demanded Tampons in the Men’s room. But that’s probably just me being old fashioned.

      • “If I ran a business I’d rather have employees that came up with ways to produce higher quality products at the same or lower cost.”

        Serious question – why? Unless a business is totally US-based, all ideas of better manufacturing of products will only be given over to the Chinese who do ALL our manufacturing now under manufacturing license agreements (MLA), which include handing over all specs, designs, patents, etc. The Chinese don’t even need to reverse engineer anything, WE give it to them. And if it isn’t done under MLA’s, then we allow the Chinese “HB1 immigrants” to steal them while doing the jobs here in America that “americans won’t do.”

        • Hi Pug.

          While I was thinking of a U.S. based factory what I wrote also applies to everything from a restaurant meal to getting your car repaired.

          If a business can give the customer what they are looking for at the old price when their competitors are raising theirs they are more likely to stay in business. That was the point I was trying to get across; a more efficient process allows you to either boost your profit or keep your prices the same when your competitors are raising theirs.

  24. ‘Republicans rarely, if ever, make [principled] arguments. And that’s why we have socialized medicine now.’ — eric

    A few days ago, the US fedgov announced that it negotiated lower prices from Big Pharma for ten drugs purchased by Medicare and Medicaid. Four of the ten are diabetes medications.

    The Uniparty presides over a broken health system which got its warped origins under Frank Roosevelt’s WW II wage controls. These regs only allowed employers to compete on fringe benefits such as indemnity health plans. Thus, health ‘coverage’ in the US got tied to employment, which is patently insane: not everyone is employed. Result: the US health care cartel costs about double per capita what it does in other rich countries.

    Meanwhile, its results just suck balls. Americans are so obese and diabetic that the military has trouble fulfilling recruitment quotas, because so many of its youthful prospects fail the physical exam. This is fine with the [unhealthy] food cartel, though.

    Twenty-one years ago, the retarded chimp G W Bush — whose imbecile face still makes me want to kick the R party to the curb and stomp it to a pulp — passed a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan which permanently expanded the welfare state, and enriched Big Pharma. Now Medicare pretends to ‘negotiate’ with Big Pharma to pare a few nickels and dimes off the monster the Bushtard created.

    Worthless Republiclowns showed us their true colors on anti-Independence Day, July 24, as they whooped and hollered for a greasy foreign mass murderer who just picked our pockets for $30 billion back in April. Call Republicans what they are: dual-loyalty traitors. I advocate their arrest, jailing and deportation.

    • That’s why some people refer to the Republican party as the stupid party. The other choice is even worse and that’s the Democrat evil party.
      There will be no Utopia here on earth as here people are created unequal. Whatever abilities we were born with we must all work and aspire to an ideal level. Of course not everyone will reach their ideals because there is this thing called competition. Competition for resources, land, money and women. The problem is that organized government wants to interfere with nature/competition and that requires money and power.
      Bush the Younger disappointed me. He was actually responsible for three of the worst decisions in modern times. He claimed that there was a racial housing gap and government and banks can cure this by giving out un-questioning mortgage loans. He also claimed that there was a racial educational gap and government will “leave no child behind”. He also claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and would attack and destroy American cities unless we killed Sadam and bombed Iraq back to the stone age. This is why other countries know that they will not be attacked if they have nuclear weapons.
      So yes the Republicans are actually the stupid party.

    • Hi Jim,

      Not to mention that Republicans are usually the first to sign on anything that expands our “safety” and invades our privacy. Which President created the NSA, the Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security? Who led us into the Middle East? The Elephants are quick to talk about our freedoms and defending the Constitution, but they have no issue sitting in a back room taking campaign donations from the War Machine. Both parties get a hard on surveilling their own constituents. We used to deem these people freaks, but now we call them politicians.


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