Honest Language


It is silly to refer to the party that imposed the choice of party insiders on the party as the Democrat Party. It is akin to referring to what people are forced to pay into Social Security as a “contribution.”

One cannot have an honest conversation using dishonest language.

Ghandi understood this when he said “All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take.”

He was not talking specifically about language, of course. But it amounts to the same thing. If you are a democrat, then – ipso facto – you must agree with the idea of majority rule. At the very least, that the majority has a right to a say. If you do not agree then you are like a “Christian” who does not believe in the divinity of Christ. If you do not object, then you are a coward, a hypocrite – or something much worse. 

No one – outside of the small circle that encompasses Nancy Pelosi and other inner party apparatchiks – who are in fact bolsheviks – had a say as regards the replacement for the obviously senescent old man who had been rejected by the majority of rank-and-file Democrat Party members. Polls – all of them – indicated more than 50 percent (a majority) wanted Old Joe to stand aside. But when he did, why didn’t any “democrats” – outside of Nancy’s small circle – have a say about who would take his place?

So much for “democrats” and “democracy.”

Which brings us to bolsheviks – as the Marxists led by the despicable fomenter of terror and inciter of murder Vladimir Ulyanov (who styled himself “Lenin,” which was not his real name) like to style themselves. These Marxists were not in the majority – which is what the word “bolshevik” means in the Russian language; they simply appropriated the term to use it against the majority.

Just as today’s Marxists like to use the word “democracy” as a weapon against that very thing.

The Marxists who control what was the Democrat Party anointed their chosen Lenin -Kamala Harris – and told the “democrats” who constitute the political base of the party to fall in line. That they have – so it appears – is testimony to the discipline of Marxists, who always fall in line with whatever the Party says – because the Party has said it.

This is the “democracy” of Marxism – which also says that any questioning of the Party’s leadership or its policies constitutes a threat to “our democracy.” No matter how many question the leadership or its policies.

Because all that matters – to Marxists – is Marxism. That is to say, the unquestioned power of Marxists. Whatever serves Marxism – however ephemerally – is good until the moment it no longer serves the interests of Marxism. Free speech, for instance. Marxists – who will pretend to be “liberals” for as long as it takes to further Marxist ideas and undermine contrary ideas via “free speech” – stop pretending to support free speech once Marxists have effective control over the freedom to speak.

At which point, people are free to speak  . . . in favor of Marxism. Any contrary speech is (first) vilified and (second) marginalized until (thirdly) it becomes “criminal” to speak anything that isn’t orthodox Marxism.

We are well on our way there already.

It may not be more than another few months before it becomes a “criminal” offense in this country to say or write or even hint that you think something that runs contrary to the Holy Tenets of Marxism, which are as fungible as they are absolute. Emphasis on the latter. It does not matter – to a Marxist – what was said to be “Marxist” yesterday if – today – Marxism says it is something else. Orwell made the point better than anyone in 1984 when he described a party orator shifting ideological gears in mid-sentence, tearing into Eastasia rather than Eureasia as the current (and always-has-been) enemy of the party.

Or was it the reverse?

It doesn’t matter – to Marxists. Only that Marxists vociferously agree and denounce anyone who disagrees in the slightest as an “enemy of the party.” Which is just another way of saying, a “threat to our democracy.”

What can we do, then?

The first thing to do is stop allowing Marxists to get away with their etymological games. It is silly – it is dangerous – to allow a “democrat” who supports the minority-rule of Kamala Harris to call himself that without calling attention to his fatuity. More finely, to his  hypocrisy.

Or his derangement.

That would be the beginning of some honest conversation. The type of conversation that Marxists will do anything to avoid having.

. . .

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  1. Do? Nothing you can do to “change the system from within”, so to speak. Its over. You lost. The bad guys won.

    “Get ready for hell”-J. Palance, Young Guns

    Stay. Or leave. Only choice you have left, how much longer you can leave remains to be seen. My guess is…not much longer.

    If you stay, reap the whirlwind.

    Leave this tottering house of cards? Best move ever.

    Maybe less than 10% of what you call America gives a damn about your rights, your Constitution, and any modicum of belief in consent of the governed.

    It’s over. The teeming masses? What a laugh.

    You really think you will survive Kamala or Trump? Warp speed!

    If Trump wins, the Marxists will burn it all down.
    If Kamala wins; hello comrade! Welcome to the new USSR.

    Good luck

  2. I’m wondering lately if the ‘marxist’, ‘communist’ and ‘socialist’ labels are becoming as tired as the ‘racist’, ‘homophobic’, ‘transphobic’ and ‘antisemitic’ labels are.

    I’ve been called so many names I just no longer care. And I truly think the vast majority of people in this country have no idea what separates a marxist from a fascist. One-on-one I can usually persuade both lefties and righties that they are victims of propaganda and bad history, but I haven’t a clue how to do it at scale.

    All I know is I’ve completely stopped using the labels.

  3. Still no one much commenting on the Democrats’ bastardized version of “freedom”. This is important, as when this word is twisted and perverted to suit the needs of the parasites, it will be a whole new battle to get people to understand what we, as libertarians, are fighting for.

    Orange Man never concerned himself with, and hardly ever mentions, “freedom”. That’s because, like his Hillbilly Jesus, he doesn’t much care for freedom. That is, that the populace should be free. Only that he and his familia are. The rest of us get Thin Blue Lined and Bordered.

    I was planning on voting for RFK Jr. for some time, but am now leaning toward Chase Oliver, and will decide after doing some much needed research when the shit of life takes a pause.

    Right now, RFK Jr. Is a traitor and coward to me.

    “You are part of a phony rebellion and a traitor. Take him away!”

    • Personally, I would love to be governed by the party that tries to force experimental medicines on me under penalty of unemployment, shuts down my internet accounts for disagreeing with the official narrative, shuts down my church, and would love to send me off to war.

      Can’t think of anything more free.

    • Voting for a Sodomite is a TERRIBLE choice. Chase Oliver is what dooms the LO to obscurity, which it deserves for allowing a sick pervert like him.to even be cons.

  4. I’ve spoken with a few lifelong Democrats, trying to bring them to see the reality that their party is no longer the moderate mainstream party they’re used to. Most of them seem obsessed with “woman’s rights” and have bought into the media narrative of the Republican = Handmaid’s Tail story, despite no evidence of such a ridiculous notion. Other than that they’re unable to focus on one single policy that the democrats are in favor of, except maybe universal health care, which they can’t pin down to any sort of specific policy, just that they want someone else paying for their doctor visits (even though every one of them has insurance and isn’t in danger of bankruptcy from health care… however many of them are obsessed with their health and bodies maybe there’s a connection).

    What they always ignore is the Bernie Bros, the Occupy Wall Streeters and the Confucius Institutes on college campuses. They seem willfully blind to the obvious communist/socialist infiltration, and what will happen to the US if these more radical types get in power. Oh sure, they’ll call me a “Bircher” or whatever modern equivalent might be, but these movements move the past 20 years didn’t just fizzle out and everyone went to work for Goldman Sachs or Keller Williams or Oscar Meyer. They’re still around, just kept quiet because the party leadership knows they’re only going to poison the well if they get a voice. So they stay in the shadows of the party, threatening to unleash their woke army on anyone who doesn’t do their bidding. Kingmakers.

    And of course there’s the group who sees the president as figurehead with no real power. They want “nice,” never bothering to look beyond the superficial or still photos. Harris always smiling, “joyful” and photoshopped pretty. Trump, always scowling, trolling and photoshopped ugly.

    Problem is, there’s more registered Democrats than Republicans, although the biggest “party” is independent/unaffiliated. It’s a travesty that 40% of the voters aren’t Democrats or Republicans, yet they’re largely ignored by the media, probably because there’s no ad money coming in from independents. Of course I imagine a large number of independents are Republicans who don’t want to be looked down on in fashionable circles, so they take the chicken’s way out and pretend.

    • Democracy in Amerika means rule by the Left, mostly Jews, so in Amerika, Democracy is code for Jewish run Marxism. The modern Demoncraps are Marxists. It is always good to check Ayn Rand Lexicon ARL when discussing these topics:


      “The Communists’ chief purpose is to destroy every form of independence—independent work, independent action, independent property, independent thought, an independent mind, or an independent man. Conformity, alikeness, servility, submission and obedience are necessary to establish a Communist slave-state.”

      When a modern Democrat says Trump is attacking our democracy what they mean is that Trump is like Hitler attacking Jewish Left controlled Amerika. They do no want some upstart overthrowing their dictatorship, like total government control over transportation.

      EVs are being forced on us because of the lie of global warming from man-made CO2. Facts do not matter to these people, they are bribing tens of thousands of scientists to write papers in concert with their political truth. No nothing Greta Thunderborg is elevated to saint status to shame us into giving up our ICE vehicles.


      ARL – New Left

      Old-line Marxists claimed [falsely] that they were champions of reason, that socialism or communism was a scientific social system, that an advanced technology could not function in a capitalist society, but required a scientifically planned and organized human community to bring its maximum benefits to every man, in the form of material comforts and a higher standard of living . . . . [T]oday we see the spectacle of old Marxists blessing, aiding and abetting the young hoodlums [of the New Left] (who are their products and heirs) who proclaim the superiority of feelings over reason, of faith over knowledge, of leisure over production, of spiritual concerns over material comforts, of primitive nature over technology, of astrology over science, of drugs over consciousness.

  5. Honest language? From a politician? Seriously?
    They lie for a living, even if the truth would serve them better. They can’t help themselves. Neither do they want to. They thrive on their ability to fool us, and they’re doing a bang up job of it among far too many of us.
    How can you tell when a politician is lying? Their lips are moving.

  6. I’m pretty sure Marx and his early acolytes were all rich kids (usually chewish) and had zero connection to the proletariat they claimed to adore. Reminds me of the scene in “The Aviator” where Katherine Hepburn’s family proudly proclaims they don’t care about money. Howard Hughes rightly corrects them by saying “that’s because you have it”.


    • Indeed, Mike –

      Marx was a parasite who leeched off others, including his family. He felt owed a middle class lifestyle. His works are suffused with the malice of the resentful loser who cannot get people to deal with him (much less pay him) on voluntary basis.

    • Marx himself was poor, but his patron and collaborator, Friedrich Engels, was a wealthy bourgeois capitalist. Marx was a racial Jew whose parents had converted to Christianity; Engels was raised a Calvinist.

        • Marx’ parents were hard-working middle class people who lived in Prussia. His own mother realized there was something wrong with her son Karl. If you ever read Marx’ writings, he is a Satanist, as well as being so lazy he refused to bathe, and suffered from sores all over his body. But yes, Karl arrogantly expected his family, and those around him to simply give him money because he felt entitled to it. And to think that a government run system was modeled after this fool. It is one for those who want to control the greedy and lazy. And the greedy and lazy who want to do nothing, but expect to be rich. It is truly, a match between the two, made in hell

  7. RFK, Jr’s speech reiterated Reagan’s statement years ago that “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the party left me”. I was going to vote for him, write his name in if necessary, but now I will vote for Orange Man with the hope that he will appoint RFK to a position that will lead to some swamp drainage.
    Attorney General would be a good choice, or maybe director of the CIA so he can finally get the evidence of their involvement in the murders of his father and his uncle, JFK.

    • Mike,
      I believe RFK said he wants, and Trump agreed, he would head the NIH. He could be the one guy to clean up that corrupt sewer. I like a lot of what RFK has said and written on Fauci and the needle and the damage done. However, he needs to be kept far away from any power regarding environmental protection agency and ATF. On those subjects he is a Marxist. Beyond that, I’ll take my chances with him at NIH.

      • I think that he may be in the process of flipping.on the climate change thing, though puttingbhim near anything cars is dangerous.

        • RFK Jr did say in an interview with Kim Iversen that the global elite is using climate change as justification for trying to build global tyranny, so he may have had his own awakening on that.

  8. It’d be nice just to have a top runner declare loyalty to this nation instead of arguing with each other who is the best choice for some little trouble making nation in the ME.

    Then,,, there’s Ukeland. Defending fascism probably isn’t something our grandfathers would likely rave about as millions of them died in a previous war. Today we openly insult them making their deaths pointless.

    Our nation is in shambles. Government is importing tens of millions of unskilled and uneducated foreigners that will very soon take the helm and turn the country that used to be the lighted city on the hill in to another shithole. Almost there now.

    There is no lesser of evil,,, there is no savior,,, only the natural citizens can save the nation or just let it sink to the bottom.

    • Importing tens of millions of uneducated from third world shitholes all the while sending American jobs to the same third world shitholes. e.g. John Deere and Harley Davidson here recently.

      • Don’t know about Deere but HD has had a production plant in Asia for quite awhile. All the pretties I bought for my Road King was Made in China or Hecho en Mexico.

        It was all our fault… Going through the change over in the 80s we couldn’t get Americans to stop buying foreign. Americans put themselves out of work. Always there to help the traitorous retailers (Walmart, Kmart, Sears, M-Wards, etc) would raise prices on American made and lower prices on foreign made until there wasn’t any American made.

        • You have it fundamentally backwards.

          Retail stocks and sells what consumers demand. That is to say cheaper foreign made products.

          Don’t believe me? Where were your latest pair of blue jeans made? US made jeans are still available but are now a niche product that few buy because a set of foreign made Levi’s are cheaper.

      • Labor cost is like water. It finds its own level. As long as transportation is cheap and international trade is in effect the lowest labor cost will be in play. And like most thriving markets, once someone does something, there will be copycats who undercut the price.

  9. You would be better off slamming your head up against the wall rather than trying to persuade a democrat with logic and facts. Those people do not have the ability to think logically and most of them have an attitude of moral and intellectual superiority while being dumb as a rock. And the bad part is that they think that society owes them a living while portraying themselves as a victim. So they will obey and vote for any communist/democrat that promises free stuff.

    • You are – sadly – probably right, Allen.

      That said, getting the people who have been fooled by Marxists to see what Marxists really are may help. That’s what I try to do, at any rate.

  10. The Democrat(ic) Party has perfected the art of projection…..accusing their political opponents of that which THEY wish to do or HAVE been doing to people who stand up against them. For example, they’ve sued to keep Trump AND RFK Jr off state ballots, not to mention siccing the “justice” department on Trump and his supporters over complete bull crap like the “January 6th insurrection”. The Biden regime has also censored RFK Jr for speaking out against government/ corporate approved narratives on war, COVID, vaccines, censorship, etc.

    If the Democratic Party was smart, they’d have allowed Robert F Kennedy Jr to run AS a Democrat during the primaries, but they were soooooooo consumed by hatred of Trump, plus they wanted MORE power for themselves and had various billionaires & special interests donating LOTS of money to them (e.g. Big Pharma & the military-industrial complex) that they didn’t want to risk losing.

    The Democrat Party is NOT the party of “democracy” (if they ever were), nor is it (as of at least going back to the Obama regime) the party of “the working class”. Instead, it could be called the party of authoritarianism, billionaires, censorship, endless wars, Big _______ (e.g. Pharma, Ag.), etc. But they’ll run obvious BS narratives like the Harris-Walz slogans that they’re about “Joy”, “Freedom”, “A woman’s right to choose” (except when it comes to experimental pharma products), etc.

    • Well said John,
      Back when I believed in fairytales I thought the Democratic Party stood up for the working/middle class. Whatever part of that might have been true went out the window with the Clinton crime family takeover; they pivoted to Wall Street and all the billionaire grifters you listed, and basically told the average Joe to pound sand. I was going to write in RFK,Jr on the ballot so now even though my choice was still “none of the above” I will probably vote for Trump and hope he puts RFK,Jr in a position to do some good for us.

      • Amen those sentiments, Mike –

        I disagree with RFK, Jr. on a number of issues but my sense of him is that he’s basically a decent man – and that’s a rare commodity these days.

        • up until the time he too holds the cat-o-nine tails to flay our backs.

          then JFK JR becomes just what the office is…a tyrant. doesn’t matter who sits in the chair the government wins….vote one way or the other…the government wins. the offices stay the same…the alphabet soup and its characters out of a horror flick stays the same! the demands made to the tax paying slaves stays the same. the IRS continues unchecked. the FDA, USDA, their office stays the same the tyranny of wiping out amish farmers and independents stays the same.

          the figurehead of the ship of state changes (just like the statue at the head of sailing ship…the bust of a lady or a mermaid figure…the trump figure or the chameleon bust takes its place, but the rest of the ship stays the same! on the same course…the same people in the background…the same office. the same tyrants. nothing changes until people learn to say ENOUGH! NO MORE! and stop obeying. stop listening to them. stop paying them. stop serving them. stop working for them. (yeah right…government employees outnumber the private sector. looting their fellow slaves)

          vote all you like. just remove the cloth from your back before they hit you with the whip…that way bits and pieces of toxic Chinese cloth do not imbed themselves under your newly stripped skin. your voting for a figurehead….a toy! nothing more. the mouthpiece for the state the puppet but never does the puppet master change!

          it is the same fake circus…the roman games every 4 years! and the end result is always the same….learn to say NO….and disconnect from them and they systems as much as humanly possible and then and only then will they lose their power over the lives of others.

        • Yup.

          There are basically 3 political factions.

          On the left there is Team Wrong. RFK, Jimmy Dore, etc. And there is Team Evil.

          On the right there is Team Right. Ron Paul, Tom Woods, etc. And there Is Team Evil, being one and the same as the left portion of Team Evil.

          I can live with Team Wrong.

          • my choice….NONE OF THE ABOVE…team of NO!! MORE!! no i will not obey. i will serve. i will not work for or pay tyrants to brutalize me. and yes i reserve the right to defend myself. there…my party is THERE IS NO PARTY!

            THE OH HELL NO!! party!

      • Hi Mike,

        I don’t know if you saw RFK Jr’s speech yesterday, but the part of his speech where he blasted the political party that he and his family were part of for decades was spot on.

        Should Donald Trump become President again, he would be wise to put Kennedy in a cabinet position, be it as Attorney General (which Martin Armstrong is calling for), head of the CIA (how ironic would that be considering his family’s history with the CIA), or perhaps even head of one of the corrupt government agencies that claims to be looking out for “Public Health” (e.g. FDA, CDC, NIH) but is really looking out for the interests of the pharmaceutical industry (which became painfully obvious the past few years).

  11. The Thought Police are at it again.

    It is always a crime wave of thinking when you think.

    Netanyahu wakes up every morning just like the rest of us do, all of the necessary morning wake up calls are answered.

    Bibi must know by now that he is a slave to his physical being, the fool is trapped in a human body and is in denial. Bibi refuses to accept the fact that he is mortal and nothing will change that.

    You can’t just go and murder a couple of hundred thousand humans and expect to get away with it, not going to happen.

    If there is a hell, I’ll see Bibi there.

    Our hell is your hell, Bibi.

    Go and sin no more.

    Good advice from some sage from a long time ago.

    That guy could think.

    • Hi Drump,

      He’s “Netanyahu” like I’m Elvis. His name is Mielekowsky. “Netanyahu” is a made-up religious name he awarded himself. Like Yawheh ben Yahweh – for those who remember that guy.

  12. Marxists have always referred to themselves as “democrats” — Democratic Kampuchea, German Democratic republic, Democratic Republic of North Korea, etc.

    • DEMONacracy, by DEMONcrats, masquerading as (((Marxist)))….

      “We will know our mission is completed when everything the American people believe is a Lie”… William Casey, head of CIA, 1981, lifetime FreeMason.

      Secret Societies, always going back to same old source…Luciferian Worship, currently practiced by Jews, who control us and have bought the USA Government, by controlling the dollar.


  13. Democracy: Two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch.

    One part of me says, “don’t stop them, let them do it”. Why? Because the next president’s main job will be to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, which this country has become. Arrogant, prideful, hubristic and charging ahead in dangerous waters with no concern of the outcome because they think they are invincible.

    Warnings by Antony Blinken are a perfect example:


    Meanwhile, the Global Majority is sitting back and watching The Suicide of The West, already in progress. They needn’t lift a finger, Western “leaders” are doing a fine job on their own. Harris will be the cherry on top of the shit sundae being served to us.

    • Hi Mark,
      “Two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch.”
      Never understood this apsurd statement. It implies average man is a wolf and that a sheep with 2 wolfs will somehow be safe under any other system.
      Politicians, monarchs, dictators and other totalitarian buerocrats are wolfs on one wolf there are thousands of sheep. Not the other way around.

      • It’s simply a metaphor for the essence of “democracy” which is majority rule. It’s not meant to be taken literally.

    • satanic pig owned evil wolves running a genocide of the sheep ……….. nation of sheep ruled by evil wolves owned by satanic pigs …..satanic pigs… the slave owning control group

  14. J H Kunstler has a go at honest language:

    ‘Have you heard enough of their fake war-cry: “defending our democracy?” From a party that has tortured the law to jail and silence its critics and scrape its challengers off every ballot.

    ‘This is what Mr. Trump opposes, and has been fighting against since 2016. No wonder it wants to stuff him in prison or kill him. It is a mighty enemy because it holds the levers of official power, especially the federal prosecutors and the state and county prosecutors put in place by the Democrats’ chief “influencer,” the George and Alex Soros NGO empire.

    ‘And the big picture includes the monumental crime against our country — against all the countries of Western Civ, really — which was the Covid-19 operation that left millions disabled or dead from a phony, poisonous “vaccine.”’


    The last ‘graf is Kunstler talking, of course, not Trump. But imagine if Trump were to put Kennedy in charge of rootering out the open sewer of the wholly corrupt and co-opted FDA. Yeehaw! It would end up with the bodies of so-called ‘public servants’ floating down the Potomac.

    • James H Kunstler is a great writer. It took some time for me to see him as committed to the cause of liberty. For years I thought he was just moving right to chase a buck. After all, he was pretty ate up with leftism decades ago. Although in retrospect he may be what qualified as a classical liberal. The type which even if you disagreed, you might still respect their positions.

      He’s the type who has the ability to change, like RFK, and course correct, when presented with new info. Its what we need in Journalists and politicians alike, and unfortunately its still rare as hens teeth.

  15. Robert F Kennedy Jr deploys some honest language:

    “How did the Democrat Party choose a candidate that has never done an interview or debate during the entire election cycle?

    “We know the answer: They did it by weaponizing the government agencies. They did it by abandoning democracy. They did it by suing the opposition and by disenfranchising American voters. What most alarms me isn’t how the Democrat Party conducts its internal affairs or runs its candidates. What alarms me is the resort to censorship and media control and the weaponization of the federal agencies.

    “Democrats have become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money wanting to abandon democracy by canceling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president.”

    Zing! Hoisted on their own totalitarian petard.

    • Did Kennedy say “Democrat party?” Marxists always call it the “Democratic Party” as it has been called for decades. Kennedy may be in the process of doing a 180. He deserves some respect for this, whatever his motives.

      • After watching RFKs speech on Youtube I have a new respect for the man. Don’t remember a politician giving a speech that moving in my lifetime. I don’t agree with him on his green fever dream BS, but his anti war, anti Pharma stance puts him in high esteem AFAIC.

        When he talks about the chronic disease and unhealthiness of Americans, (caused by big Pharma/big ag/big gov) he comes across as someone who could begin the long needed reform in those institutions. Or, if Trump wanted to score points, he could appoint RFK as CIA director. So he can find out who killed his father and his uncle.

        • RFK gave a great speech in Berlin on Aug. 29 2020….

          Kennedy cv19 speech:

          The pandemic is a crisis of convenience for the elite who are dictating these policies. It gives them the ability to obliterate the middle class, to destroy the institutions of democracy, to shift all of our wealth to a handful of billionaires [while] impoverishing the rest of us.

          ATTENTION: And the only thing between them and our children is this crowd that has come to Berlin….

          Thank you all very much for fighting. See ‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Speaks at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Peace’.

          RFK Jr. speech in Berlin……8/29/2020

          The history of much of human existence since the Neolithic Revolution 12,000 years ago can be written simply: the endless struggle by those who are oppressed and enslaved against the insane elite slave owners that oppresses, enslaves and kills them.

          Unless we succeed completely in defeating this slave owner coup the very essence of what it means to be human will be taken from us.

          And one consequence of this coup will be human extinction in the near term, by one or more of 3 paths: nuclear war, plandemics or famine

          our own obedience, our own cooperation that will condemn us all to the fate being orchestrated by the global elite nobility slave owners.

          The entirety of human history is one of the few controlling the many because the many acquiesce to the few


          • That was an interesting video from Berlin.

            At a time when most of the cowards in America were still masking up, I didn’t see a face diaper in the entire crowd of Germans. Wonder why our media didn’t cover this? The best line from Kennedys speech that day, “Governments love pandemics for the same reason they love war. Because it gives them the ability to impose controls on the population, that the population would never otherwise accept.”

            He also paraphrased Hermann Goring, ‘The only thing the Government needs, to make people into slaves, is fear.’

            • A fantastic speech…if more people saw it….Trump and RFK Jr would get more support…..

              Meanwhile the leftist’s leader can’t even speak….just cackles….

              • Hi Anon,

                I have become cynical to an extreme I didn’t think possible – even for me! I think Trump has no chance because they control the votes. Plus, Trump can’t control his mouth…

  16. ‘Ghandi understood this when he said … it is all give and no take.” — eric

    Little Pissrael didn’t even exist during Gandhi’s lifetime. Yet he nailed America’s role as the host of a voracious parasite — ‘all give and no take’: half a trillion current dollars spent, in return for nothing but heartache, humiliation and hijacking of our elections.

    Naturally the Democrat party’s platform specifies that its commitment to Pissrael is ‘ironclad’ … even as the Kamala entity insinuates that she’ll encourage the little apartheid colony to wield a kinder, gentler machine gun hand as they exterminate the people native to the region.

    “Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can’t help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.” — John Sheehan, S.J.


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