Orange Crush


This (s)election is Trump’s to lose – as many have observed. It ought not to be even close. But Trump has succeeded in narrowing the gap, if the polls are to be believed. And even if not, it’s beside the point because what matters is that Trump appears to be losing ground. Not because Kamala Harris – let alone Tim Walz – are appealing characters and certainly not because they have a strong record of positive accomplishments to crow about.

Rather, they are ascendant because Trump keeps pulling himself down.

it is beyond exasperating – to those who dread the idea of Kamala Harris becoming the (s)elected dictator of the United States, which is what the office of president has effectively become – to watch Trump help her get (s)elected. Because it is something that ought to be a political impossibility. The fact that it appears likely – at least right now – is astounding. It is a measure of Trump’s capacity to wreck things.

Like his presidency, for one.

Rewind your mind to late 2019 – the end of the third year of the first Trump presidency. The man seemed unassailable. Chiefly because things were pretty good. Gas was under $2 per gallon and a $100 bill bought a cart full of groceries – as opposed to now, when it buys two plastic bags of groceries and a gallon of gas costs $3.50 or more. Unemployment was low and most people who were willing to work were doing ok.

And then Trump gave it all away. He not only didn’t do anything to counter the mass panic that was fomented by his political enemies (who are our enemies) he allowed them free reign to continue fomenting it – with him literally standing like a spray-tanned wooden Indian behind Drs. Fauci and Brix while they stood at the presidential podium fomenting mass panic.

He did nothing to prevent the shenanigans that turned what had for more than 240 years been Election Day into Election Months; he did nothing to prevent key states from collecting “votes” from people who or may not have been eligible to vote and then counting them without first having vetted them.

This enabled the grifting old hack who was recently summarily removed from this year’s (s)election to be shoo’d into the presidency and that led to gas prices almost doubling, the price of the average new vehicle increasing by $15,000 and that $100 bill that used to buy a cartful of groceries buying two plastic bags of groceries now.

It could lead to no groceries at all – if Kamala Walzes into the White House because Trump decided to lose the (s)election.

It’s all on on him – just as it was back in 2020, when it ought to have been an easy victory for Trump over the grifting old hack – who ended up “winning” because Trump let him. Trump could have stopped him – by doing what only the president has the power to do. That being the power to address the nation. FDR used it. JKF used it. Reagan used it.

Trump failed to use it.

He could have told people to take off the “masks.” He could have excoriated the tyranny of “mask” mandates. He did not have to stand like a spray-tanned wooden Indian by the side of the presidential podium while evil scumbags such as Dr. Fauci fomented mass panic.  He had the authority to end the “emergency” that was declared and – had he done that in time – he could have greatly mitigated the ballot shenanigans attending absentee/unvetted voting for months prior to Election Day.

Instead, he went along for the ride – and so did we, on account of him.

Now he’s doing it again. He had a golden – so to speak – opportunity after the attempt on his life to be serious about the Left and the attempt the Left is making on the life of America. He could have talked about what the Left has done to America already. How its hystericization of everything has deranged millions of people, who are now so fear-anger-addled they can no longer think rationally. He could talk about how the working and middle class is being enserfed deliberately by a one-two punch of rising prices and devalued currency; that these people intend to push them out of their homes by taxing them out of their homes, using “unrealized gains” to do it.

There are so many serious things for him to talk about. And what does he talk about, instead? That he’s “better looking” than Kamala, who is also “stupid.” Which is as actually stupid as standing like a wooden Indian by the side of the presidential podium for months on end, while Dr., Fauci egged on the mass panic that led to Trump being de-selected in 2020.

And unless he gets it – and gets back on track – the same thing is going to happen again in a couple of months from now.

If it does, may God damn him. Because it’ll be on him – and it will all come down on us.

. . .

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  1. “I Hear You, I Heard You, and Tell Your People I Hear Them” – President Trump After Private Meeting on Vaccines and Medical Freedom

    President Trump is adamant on NO vaccine mandates……He was lied to and conned by big pharma

    2020…..He did not shut the country down when others were advising such and he never mandated any vaccine. He was for Therapeutics such as Hydroxychloriquin and Ivermectin.

    Trump and JFK Jr against big pharma….

    Kennedy has also critiqued big pharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies that license the distribution of processed foods packed with artificial sugar and seed oils. The mass consumption of this garbage has deteriorated the physical and mental health of tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans, many of whom suffer from obesity and chronic illness at rates never seen before.

    Of course, Kennedy’s critique of the pharmaceutical industry dovetails with his campaign against injections, like any one of the co vid vaccines, that bypassed FDA-clinical tests to reach the masses, in a campaign that was spearheaded by behind-the-scenes operators, like Dr. Anthony Fauci, who macabrely profited, and did so quite handsomely, off the mass rollout.

    • Actually Trump did shut down the country. That was the entire point of “2 weeks to slow the spread” which became over 6 months was we all know. He used Presidential Emergency Authority to do it.

      And he has continuously lied about the fake vaccines, bragging that they save over 100 million lives and have done zero harm to anyone. He said these things from the start to this year, repeatedly.

      Since both Trump and Biden praised the vaccines, and nobody in a serious high power elected position has dared contract either of them, our hospitals are still giving the death jabs to infants, toddlers and everyone else who is stupid and follows the advice of the past two Presidents. So the death count keeps rising.

    • “President Trump is adamant on NO vaccine mandates……He was lied to and conned by big pharma ”

      Bull. Shit!
      The guy who wanted to use THE MILITARY to “distribute” his wonderful drugs”.
      The guy Obediently did whatever his Israeli masters decreed.
      Mr. “Just take the guns; worry about due process later”.
      Mr. “We’re gonna replace Obamacare on day one”.
      Mr. “Clean-up the Swamp” who proceeded to surround himself with Swamp-thangs once in office (And left 75% of Obama’s people at their posts- More than any other president ever!)
      Mr. Do-nothing-about open borders even when he had the chance, except seeing to it that his favored donors received huge lucrative contracts to build a stupid fence.

      Why would you believe ANYTHING that turd says, especially after having been fooled by him in the past?

      Hey, your shoe is untied! (Made ya look!)

  2. Canada Hits China With 100% Tariff On Electric Cars

    From the ZH comments….

    The United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) Free Trade Agreement is fast becoming a free trade agreement for the world, whereas any multinational with a presence in Mexico can set up shop and make the U.S. its number one target. China is doing that now.

    The auto sector is top of mind for the Chinese. They know that most industrialized nations have a native auto sector. Korea followed in Japan’s footsteps. China is following in both. With tariffs on mainland China automotive, their automakers and auto parts manufacturers are heading to Mexico. Their prime market is the U.S.

    Since June 2022, 29 Chinese auto parts manufacturers and car makers like native brand Chery and MG Motors (SAIC Motors of Shanghai bought the iconic British car company in 2007) have announced a combined $7.06 billion in investments in Mexico. Of the $14.2 billion in Chinese corporate investment in Mexico in 2022 and 2023, for example, a little less than half came from companies that make cars and car parts, based on a collection of local news articles and data from J.P. Morgan analysts led by Rebecca Wen.

    EVs and Mexico is China’s beachhead into the auto market throughout the hemisphere. China can, of course, greatly underprice their rivals. And of course China has entry level EVs that like the BYD Dolphin, that sell for $14,000.

    China’s No. 1 selling EV maker, BYD, is looking to Mexico to make cars for the locals, and the U.S. BYD executives have been cautious to say that they are building for export, but the location of the factory will be telling. The closer to the U.S., or a Tijuana port, the more likely the new BYD assembly line has the U.S. EV market in its sights. If it is close to the Port of Veracruz, it will be safe to say what BYD’s main goals are.

    On May 14, the Biden administration put high tariffs on EVs coming from China, but not on China EVs coming from Mexico. Many of these Chinese EVs will be reliant on Chinese auto parts companies, like battery giant CATL, which planned a $5 billion factory investment in Mexico. That investment, like a similar one in the U.S., is on hold.

    China makes 85% of the components for EV’s and their batteries….they can be assembled somewhere else…in parts of Asia the labor is cheaper then in China.

    Brandon and all the lefists are owned by the CCP…China…they push EV’s to benefit China…no one else benefits….The EV’s will just be assembled somewhere else…
    The electrification of everything…driven by fake global warming bs….only benefits China.

    Brandon and all the lefists are owned by the CCP…China…they push EV’s to benefit China…no one else benefits….the real reason the leftists don’t want Trump to win….

    Currently in Thailand, there is quite a few BYD’s. Crazy for Thailand to go for EV’s. Last I checked, their electricity is 85% generated from hydrocarbon fuels, so there is no difference…except EV’s get 25 mpg…ice cars get up to 50 mpg or more….wasting more fuel…

    Plus, their electric grid is, charitably speaking, pretty ragged and it’ll be hard for them to transmit as much power as is going to be needed to meet the kind of demand increased EV adoption will require.

    EVs are yesterday’s bubble. Millions of them sit rotting in Chinese fields, leaching battery chemicals into the soil.

    • China makes 85% of the important ingredients in Allopathic medicine drugs and injections

      Brandon and all the lefists are owned by the CCP…China…these allopathic medicine drugs and injections are promoted to benefit China…no one else benefits except the marketing arm… big pharma….which is owned by the slave owning control group….RFK and Trump mighty disrupt this…..the real reason the leftists don’t want Trump to win….

      Meanwhile in China, India, Japan and Korea…they have their own traditional plant/herb based alternative medicine also available for the slaves…in the G7 the slaves are forced to take big pharma drugs and injections….

      • these allopathic medicine drugs and injections are promoted to benefit China…no one else benefits except the marketing arm… big pharma….which is owned by the slave owning control group….

        What is the next big marketing campaign?….the last one was mild flu relabeled as deathly bat germ disease….

    • EVs are yesterday’s bubble. Millions of them sit rotting in Chinese fields, leaching battery chemicals into the soil….

      Remove the wheels…ship them to mexico…bolt the wheels back on, assembled in Mexico….dump them in the N. american market….


      from zh comments….

      Dude… the ccp allowed their regional banks to print margin for every mom and pop in china for 15 years to invest in their stock market post 2008, it was their form of a full market bailout… They did not regulate it. The numbers on that are staggering… Zhedge used to do articles on it.

      So china is now laundering their currency thru our treasuries at a record turnover rate, and our congress and whitehouse are knowingly facilitating that…brandon and the leftist/marxists are owned by china…. Much of the inflation you’re paying is actually a hidden bailout for china. The more you know…

      Trump mighty disrupt this…..the real reason the leftists don’t want Trump to win….

      most US soldiers and sailors are wearing footgear made in China

    • Just to prove I am not partisan, here is President Biden on his knees in the White House slavishly kneeling before the President of Israel and his staff:

      This obsession with Israel must end. We are Amerikans, we stand for freedom, and we do not tolerate slavery to other peoples and nations.

    • You never see a President kissing the Blarney Stone in Ireland, but you will see every President after the JFK assassination wearing a kippah praying to the Wailing Wall. Using image searches I have found these whores of Israel at the wailing wall:

      GHW Bush
      Bill Clinton
      Hillary Clinton
      Donald Trump and his wife Melania
      Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump
      Barak Obama
      Boris Johnson
      Mitt Romney
      John McCain
      JD Vance
      Kamala Harris and her J. husband
      Senator Chuck Schumer
      Argentina President Javier Milei (is Milei short for Mileikowsky?)
      Benjamin Netanyahu (Mileikowsky) aka Satanyahu

      Note: Josephus wrote that every stone was torn down when Rome sacked the Second Temple in 70AD. So that western or wailing wall is not from the temple like those fools think, it is actually the surviving wall of the Roman Fort Antonio.

      Those idiots are all kissing the Roman fort wall NOT Solomon’s Temple. Idiots may be to mild of a word. Total drooling imbeciles. And don’t forget, the Torah Rabbis dry hump the wall when they pray to it. Would you kiss that? You have to be sick in the head to worship, pray, some ancient wall – which is not even the real wall.

  3. This weekend JD Vance said Trump is 100% for abortion. Trump’s base are conservative Christians who are 100% against abortion, and in fact, are single issue voters against abortion. For a conservative Christian, protecting innocent baby in the womb is the utmost priority, but after the grow up they will be ready as tank fodder in another Zionist war of attrition. Christians are pro-life and pro-war. Insane.

    Like I said, Trump is a complete phony. It seems to me Trump has gone totally hysterical because a woman is beating him in the polls. Trump and his supreme ego is not happy that a woman is more attractive than Trump, Trump views himself as God’s gift to the world and Israel. Trump loves to brag he is the best thing for Jews and Israel, he proclaims he is the King of Israel, while running for president of Amerika.

    I see two Zionist clowns fighting over the votes of really stupid people, how could any sane person vote for either candidate? Both candidates are total frauds, both have an anti-Amerika agenda. Trump says MAGA but is really an Israeli firster. How much longer can this nation survive these Kosher Nostra idiots?

    • Indeed, Jack –

      There is something tragic-sad about a man pushing 80 talking about how “good” he looks. No one looks good at 80. Maybe better than worse. But not good. And – regardless – it’s juvenile to be publicly worried about looks when you’re trying to be elected president. RFK, Jr.’s voice is shot but he comes across as a serious man, an adult. Trump comes across like a petulant almost-80-year-old child.

      • I agree and Trump has a juvenile personality – the tragedy of an adult who never overcomes their ego. The personalities running for president should be in therapy sessions, not of the television running for office. Neither candidate is acceptable, one is an outright Commie Marxist and the other a raging narcissitic Zionist loon.

        Orange Ball of Confusion (Temptations, 1970):

        Lyrics modified by YJ

        Amerikans moving out, illegals streaming in
        Why? Because of the color of the green money
        Run, run, run but you sure can’t hide
        An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
        Vote for me and I’ll set you free
        Rap on, brother, rap on

        Well, the only person talking about love thine brother is the Libertarian
        And it seems nobody’s interested in learning but the teacher
        Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration
        Aggravation, humiliation, obligation to our nation

        Ball of confusion
        Oh yeah, that’s what the world is today
        Woo, hey, hey

        The sale of pills are at an all time high
        Young folks with their heads inside the cell phone
        The cities aflame in the summer time
        And oh, the beat goes on

        Evolution, revolution, gun control, sound of soul
        Shooting rockets to the moon, kids growing up too soon
        Politicians say more taxes will solve everything
        And the band played on

        So, round and around and around we go
        Where the world’s headed, nobody knows

        Oh, Great Googa Mooga, can’t you hear me talking to you?
        Just a ball of confusion
        Oh yeah, that’s what the world is today
        Woo, hey, hey

        Fear in the air, tension everywhere
        Unemployment rising fast, the Taylor Swift’s new record’s a gas
        And the only safe place to live is on an Indian reservation
        And the band played on

        Eve of destruction, tax deduction
        City inspectors, bill collectors
        Retro clothes in demand, population out of hand
        Suicide, too many bills, hippies moving to the hills
        People all over the world are shouting, “End the war.”
        And the band played on

        Great Googa Mooga, can’t you hear me talking to you?
        It’s a ball of confusion
        That’s what the world is today, hey, hey
        Let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya
        (Sayin’) ball of confusion
        That’s what the world is today, hey, hey
        Let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya, let me hear ya
        (Sayin’) ball of confusion
        That’s what the world is today…


        Nothing has changed in 50 years because the nation is run by totally insane lunatics. I can imagine a EP/David Knight ticket. Sane, calm, logical, Libertarians who are for prosperity and against war, against foreign intervention, who work for our nation and tell all the special interests to go to hell.

      • What’s with all the bad press? You have valid points all the time but there is no shortage of negative press. Like 96% negative coverage over 8 years 24/7/365. It’s like poking pinholes on a life-raft while we’re on it. The edgy thing to do is support him.

          • I’m left wondering who it is you’re trying to appeal to? I know you know better, so why not write about why.

            I mean you run with Orange Man Mostly Bad every two days.

            I’m not saying don’t criticize him fairly. I’m saying you are missing a golden opportunity as independent media to amplify what is worth and needs amplifiying.

            Que the sunday show

   to ~17 minutes in rather than 19 minutes in.

            Oh wow, he’s telling the public that there are 325K children trafficked, probablly mostly dead and the rest in sex slavery that we won’t get back because of the current leadership.

            He IS saying something more substantial than his looks. So build on that momentum for the readers who want to be informed. Anyone can try and walk it back to how orange he is, like the mainstream media does.

            Keeping the conversation at how orange he is and focusing on things we can’t change about the past is a job for the mockingbird media.

            It is serious this time, and petty criticisms don’t move the ball. Putting a flashlight on the irrevocable damage being done to the globalists might sway libertarian/independently minded folk.

            Somebody said once to focus on the content of one’s carachter rather than the color of their skin.

            Pledging to have Elon and RFK JR in government speaks to one’s carhacter.

            And I think it boils down to not wanting to loose the voting block of dumb bush voters who were instrumental in the 2016. People who were dumb enough to get the shot would have clamored for it anyway, and they did. Let RFK be the one to tell them campaigning along side him. Meanwhile he DID take the mask off when he got back to the white house and the mockingbird media freaked.

            There’s a learning curve with this one. It’s better than having a globalist puppet V globalist puppet. I never thought I’d live to see a president in my lifetime. But he is a real one, one worth voting for and supporting, it is serious because if not I’m sure I won’t live to see it again.

            Keep it goin’ Eric. I’ve wanted to buy a clover magnet but I wouldn’t dare advertise Orange Man Mostly Bad during this cycle. The stakes are too high. Also I don’t have two nickels to rub together being unemployed at the moment. Business was booming under Trump and I had a machinist job manufacturing in the good old USSA. If it goes our way and he gets inaugurated without a bullet in his head I’ll pledge right now. But for that to happen I think he needs good press. I could be wrong.

            • Hi Steve,

              I’m not trying to appeal to anyone. I’m just calling it as I see it. If some people don’t find that appealing, it’s ok by me. This isn’t an Eric uber alles joint!

      • Maybe he stated it incorrectly…..

        The big problem is age…brandon just got booted because of age and it’s effects…

        Maybe Trump was trying to say….she looks older then me….he is right…look at her face and neck….without multiple surgeries, her face would look like her neck….

        too many face lifts…you can’t smile…so you cackle instead….

        without her multiple surgeries, her face would look older then Trump’s….

        fake face….everything about the leftists is fake….

        • Trump was an athlete…the only president to ever qualify for a major league sport?….baseball…

          All Kamula did was drink and screw around….

        • Re: brain damage….

          brandon just got booted because of age and it’s effects…

          being replaced by someone who can’t talk because of booze…it kills brain cells…

  4. If Orange Man had any sense, he would sit back and let Heel’s Up Harris do the talking. For she CANNOT talk, and will simply sink herself. Let her try (and bury herself) trying to explain why she is advocating for Communism that has never worked. Instead, he is blowing it with his big mouth.

    • At Trump’s age, his NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is deeply ingrained and untreatable.

      It is literally his Achilles heel — although dim-bulb Kamala likely is too clueless to exploit it.

      Cackling is her way of avoiding dead air while her three-neuron squirrel brain stumbles and misfires.

      • Funny. It used to be that those proffered on the stage before the voters used to at least have an image of respectability, dignity and refinement. They played the part and maintained the illusion necessary to uphold the fantasy of “the sacred institution of democracy” with hushed tones of awe and respect.

        Now we don’t even get that! Now the worst scum are paraded before us. Characters whom one would expect to see on the Jerry Springer Show, who are not articulate, and who are openly and unabashedly scoundrels who have no shame nor dignity. In comparison to high-schoolers running for class president, these two look like the Three Stooges, only they are not funny. They are sad.

        It’s kind of fi8tting. It’s like this formally marks the end of America, now that the once most highly respected nation in the world is represented by bumbling openly dishonest oafs who don’t even do a good job of repeating the dribble which has been written for them to utter.

        You would think every American would be ashamed and embarrassed, but no. Instead, 100 milliuon of them will line up to cast a vote of approval for one of these disgusting turds. Instead of hanging their heads in shame, they attend rallies and wave flags and wear hats and display bumper stickers displaying their approval of these assclowns.

        • Saw my first Harris Walz bumper sticker this weekend. Shocked the system. As in this is really happening, and she legitimately has followers willing to make public their stupidity that is beyond belief. Trump is what he is, but his vapid hyena opponent is next level.

          • Well, as the saying goes, BAC, never, ever underestimate the stupidity of the American voter, and sadly, there are plenty of them out there.

        • Ever wonder IF in reality there’s some sinister, “Alien” power that has dropped all pretense of even propping up a coherent candidate and, by the binary “choice” set forth, is MOCKING us? Oh, yeah, there is…and it’s name is ISRAEL. “Bob Dole’ (Kodos) was, indeed, refreshingly candid…either way, we ARE DOOMED!

    • Trump’s doing this because he’s being (((told))) to do this by his ziomasters. Everyone is distracted by the “drama” of the (s)election faux paus foolishness Please see this Kabuki theater for what it is, not a solution, simply more of the same problems that have gotten us $35 trillion into debt.The sooner everyone realizes we won’t be able to vote our way out of this mess, the better. Become ungovernable. Bleed the FEDGOV anyway you are able.

      Good luck, (((they))) are more scared of us than you think…what do you think Trump really meant when he said “Fight Fight Fight” after his (((assination attempt)))???

      • 1) People who are obsessed with the jews tank their whole argument when they are so close to the truth. But I would argue AIPAC can Fu*k off out of congress no doubt.

        2) I am convinced we have a shot of voting our way out maybe this time, but I would never have come to this conclusion in a million years before Trump came along and otherwise would be right there with you. I consider him the only president worth voting for since Kennedy.

        3) I don’t think the national debt is an arguement anyone who is anti-trump wants to make when you compare him to other administrations. It is messed up that people are so dumb that any solution to that problem is political suicide, but he’s poised to drill baby drill and turn the damn cheap energy on. When you lower the cost of doing business that’s how you get companies to pay taxes because otherwise they don’t do business here. Is just one of the arguments on this point.

        4)I agree they are more scared of us now more than ever. We are on the cusp of walking back agenda 2050.

        5) I would be in shock after getting shot at, but if I had to guess it would be to motivate the public to F the globalists up and never give up while he’s thinking if he’s a gonner to die in a hospital in about 40 minutes in that moment.

        6) For anyone claiming it was staged… Hell yes they wanted to kill his ass. Ronald Rowe and Myorkas were probablly in the room giving the order to let failures happen. No I don’t believe it was ketchup or some crackpot theory, it was an engineered failure with maximum plausible deniability. Of course the feds knew about the kid if it was him. I take it you were sugguesting he timed it to miss a bullet an inch from his head and that sounds way more rediculous than prima-facia the feds want him dead.

        7) For anyone reading my main thing is this anti-trump nonsense by Eric is hurting our chances not helping, and every time I consider donating is the day he goes off and sugguests crap like this like he’s the one sandbagging his chances. He’s up there on TV saying 325,000 children are probablly dead or in sex slavery because of this administration, and Eric is the one writing that he’s not doing anything.

        I’m pracitical, and we either go with Trump on this or we may as well go back to sleep while the world continues to burn.

  5. Orange Crush reminds me of the orange Hari Krishna book “Monkey on a Stick”. When monkeys in India raid the local garden, they kill one and put it on a stick (like a scarecrow) to horrify the monkey tribe not to come back. Orange man could be the next monkey on a stick to teach the nationalists not to rise up. Already the J6ers were ruthlessly jailed (sometimes with no charges just like Gitmo) and then they botched the assassination job. Orange man was to be made an example and teach the tradition Amerikan slave population who is really in charge – the globalist J tribe.

    But Trump survived, and could easily win by a landslide, even though the MSM is gaslighting the electorate that it’s a neck to neck race. It isn’t. Musk took his own poll, and Trump leads by 79%. Like I have been telling you all, everything is rigged, including the polls. And let me remind you all, the only reason for electronic voting machines is to calculate the election before anyone even takes the first vote, the selected candidate is programmed into machine ahead of the election remotely by Communist George Soros and son.

    Like George Carlin says, you have owners, they own you. Thus some speculation what happens if Trump gets elected against the wishes of the owners. They pull the plug on the economy, and Trump is dealt a depression economy (see Brandon Biggs prophecy). But that will not be all. If you all remember, Hitler wanted peace with Britain. But they would have none of that because Nationalist Germany was the shiny city on the hill during the Great Depression. Thus Nazi Germany could not allowed to exist because it was putting the FDR J-Leftist economy to shame. The J-banksters want misery, not prosperity. So they forced WW2 on the Reich by having the Poles pogrom Germans. When Germany invaded Poland to save the ethnic German peoples, the Rothschild owners started their story in the middle of the manipulation.

    This is precisely what happened when the USA overthrew the elected gov’t of Ukraine (by Hillary and Nuland) and put in gay dancer J-Zelensky, who went to war against the Russian speaking peoples of Donbass, for 8 years Kiev shelled Russians, before Russia intervened with their Special Military Operation.

    When Russia invaded Ukraine, the Rothschild owned press started their story in the middle of the manipulation. It was all Russia and Putin’s fault. It has been now admitted that the Minsk Accords were a tactic to buy time and arm Ukraine by both Angela Merkel and EU queen of deceptions Ursula von der Lying. The US Navy blew Nordstream, and now puppet Zelensky invaded Kursk region with NATO troops and US armor.

    How much more humiliation is Russia going to take? And what will become of Trump peace mission if he is installed? It does not matter if Trump wants to end the wars, he is not in charge, he will be forced into wars. The Bidenista J-regime got this Zelensky scum bag in a war with Russia, they really don’t want Trump and Vance to end funding for their new Khazar superstate project. Thus Trump must be stopped at all costs. But they failed to kill him, so what will they do next if Trump wins? Remember they need to teach us a lesson to submit to their rule just as the Germans were defeated in WW2 and now are completely under the thumb – not even allowed to question the Holohoax.

    So what I am trying to tell you all is that Trump is being setup like Hitler to take the nation down – to kill all nationalist desires of the freedom seeking Amerikan workers – who came to this nation to escape J-banker tyranny in Europe. I will also remind you that the MSM narratives are complete bullshit, the only way to actually understand the real politic is to frame world events in terms of a J-conspiracy to dominate the world.

    Both candidates are pathetic Zioclowns. MAGA Trump said the other day that he will make AIPAC powerful again. Harris said their support for Israel would be “Ironclad”. The pandering to a foreign state’s interests is beyond pathetic, it is treasonous. Both candidates pledge they will continue to underwrite Israel genocide. Pure evil.

    After Elon purchased Twitter, and the J-advertizers canceled his company, he took a tour to the Wailing Wall with Ben Shapiro to slavishly bend a knee kippah and all. Musk now has a big lawsuit against the ad companies. It is obvious who is controlling us, but outside of Candice Owens, no mainstream actor is willing to take them on. Until we can talk openly about how (((they))) control us, we will be pummeled into dust.

    I can not believe in Trump because he panders to the enemy, you can not make Amerika great when you are on your knees busy licking the Rabbinic a-holes. Amerika is being taken down and is facing an existential crisis, and we know who is doing it yet we refuse to openly talk about it – so we are in for a long hard road to recovery. If we allow our nation to be manipulated into WW3, and it goes nuclear, it could end us.

    IMO neither candidate is acceptable. I tend to think Trump could win, because Communist Harris is completely unacceptable. But even if Trump makes it the owners will punish us severely for wrong think and wrong vote. How can we save our nation and the world from these treachorous tribe of chosenites? They have to dealt with one final time by those who have the will and wisdom to put down immoral behavior – but we can not – because they destroyed our traditional values of hard work, thrift, morality with welfare, inflation, and porn. Amerika is fully Judaized and thus is doomed. Your nation has made homos and trannies it’s highest value and aspiration, see it as a road marker to annihilation.

    • ‘Trump is being setup like Hitler to take the nation down.’ — Yukon Jack

      For sure, Trump is being set up to be Hoover II. Reliable indicators show that the US economy has entered recession. Yet even if politicians know that a recession is arriving, few care. Why? Because crisis is opportunity, if you seek power.

      Candidates look to the examples of Roosevelt and Hitler, both of whom used economic depression to usher in radical programs of socialist militarism. Hitler’s flavor of socialism left Roosevelt’s in the dust, with the German economy growing 67% during 1933-1938 as compared to Roosevelt’s 47% — hampered by three-letter agencies and dumping milk into ditches.

      Recessions compel Big Gov to ‘do something,’ more often harmful than helpful. Look how covid stimmies cranked inflation to 9 percent. Question is, what will they do this time?

      Trump’s economic illiteracy suggests that the Tariff King may virtually shut down America’s international trade, which would indeed be a Hoover II move. This famous ‘swirling down the toilet’ graph from Kindleberger’s book shows trade collapsing along with US living standards during the Hoover I administration:

      Nobody knows what kind of trouble we’re in
      Nobody seems to think it all might happen again

      One hundred years from this time
      Would anybody change their mind
      And find out one thing or two about life?

      — Gram Parsons, One Hundred Years From Now

      • You nailed it, and “Trump’s economic illiteracy” is a good phrase to remember – his former Sec. of State Rex Tillerson said on his departure – Trump reads nothing and doesn’t listen. Trump, the reality TV actor, is not competent like the CEO of Exxon Mobile.

        Count on the politician to do the wrong thing. Much discussed on the Libertarian site Elliott Wave, Prechter often wrote how politicians do the wrong thing like tariffs at the bottom of the depression making it last longer.

        Woth a listen, Blackbird9 interviews Dennis Fetcho:

        (((They))) have declared war on us.

      • Last week at the Arizona border Trump declared war on human traffickers, drug dealers, illegal immigrants, MS-13 gang members. Well, if you know who is behind all of that, how soon does Judea declare war on Trump?

        Oh yeah, they already declared war on him and tried to assassinate him. If Trump is re-elected we should expect their war on us to be amped up. How many cities will burn this time? Dark days are upon us, and just wait until the massive government overspending is forced to be trimmed back.

        It seems reasonable to me that some day, the Fed Gov will be forced to cut spending, and since we live in a state infested with parasites addicted to free gov’t grants, EBT, housing, etc. how will they react to getting their free gravy train cut?

        Someday the Amerikan parasite paradise could end. I’ve read in the WSJ that in 2023 that $451 billion was spent to house and feed the illegal immigrants in the USA. I’ve read that illegals get up to $2200 a month in cash on top of their free EBT food stamp card. I’ve read that current Ukraine refugees get full Social Security benefits. I live and work in the USA and bust my ass everyday and get nothing but a tax bill and an arrogant attitude at the DMV. The black uniform is sounding good to me. Can you see why? Amerika is Weimar Germany all over again.

  6. In 1954, Representatives were paid 12,500 USD.

    In 1955, US House Representatives were paid 22,500 dollars.

    1965, 30,000 dollars.

    I970’s, 42,500 dollars.

    1980’s, 60,000 to 70,000 dollars and up.

    2001, 145,000 USD.

    2012, 174,000 USD.

    The price of silver is at 28 dollars per Troy ounce, 28 times 12,500 USD in US minted silver coin will be 350,000 dollars, US Representatives are being paid about half of what a 12,500 dollar salary is worth in 2024 dollars.

    A 400,000 dollar salary for the POTUS is 30 grand each month plus a little bit more. Nice work if you can get it.

    If you are elected to serve as a representative in the US House, you will be paid about 14,500 dollars each month.

    Come the next election cycle, you’ll be used to having the kind of money that is rather easy to obtain and you can let the good times roll.

    You’ll work hard at being re-elected, you might have to find another job, would be devastating, humbling. Becomes a Catch-22. Their salaries prevent them from doing what they should do and ignore the problem, politicians are the problem.

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair

    You have to ignore all politicians, you are beating your head against the wall.

    If the Apostles can commit apostasy, then everybody can.

    Ain’t nothin’ sweeter than a watermelon dream
    ‘Cept sittin’ on the front porch eatin’ that peach ice cream
    When life is really sweeter than it seems
    That’s what you’ve got to call a watermelon dream
    – Watermelon Dream by Guy Clark

    • My view is this. Pay the scum scads of money, but no more PACS and corporate contributions to campaigns. I know. It’s pipe dreaming.

    • If you believe that the members of the American version of the House of LORDS, most of whom are ALREADY multi-millionaires when they enter Congress, do so for the Congressional salary, then please, let me talk to you about some “beachfront” property in Gila Bend, AZ…well, there IS an abundance of SAND!

  7. I understand the population has been gradually dumbed down and indoctrinated in the public schools, made to accept dependency, follow orders and believe whatever is reported by big media. But it is impossible now not to see that the economy is imploding. Even savings that earn decent interest are being reduced by inflation and currency devaluation. So when Kamala states that she wants to add a wealth tax you would think that might raise peoples hackles.

    • Kamala is worth 3.4 million, so she should pay the US Treasury 800,000 dollars plus right now. Kamala needs to pay her fair share first before anyone else.

      Don’t hold your breath or stand on one leg.

      She’s a duplicitous hypocrite, she needs to drink to get drunk.

      Trump should be given the bum’s rush like Biden and a new candidate for President can be selected by the Republicans.

      Not a one of them is electable, just like the Demo.rats.

  8. Someone will “win” the election. In my opinion, the 2020 election was engineered to be stolen from Trump. I saw it happening as I watched the returns. Trump was ahead as the vote counting was suspended and, guess what, Biden was leading when I woke up in the morning. I concede that Trump exhibits all the negative characteristics noted here in the comments but I will vote for him again. AND I WILL VOTE. Biden’s term in office has been a disaster by any measure and I need to do everything in my power to prevent a repeat performance. The Democrat evil is pervasive. I suspect this election will be stolen as well but I don’t know how to prevent that. If the RNC isn’t addressing this issue, Trump will lose again.

    • The RNC is beginning to address the issue, I think. That’s something that wasn’t even discussed 4 years ago or as recently as 6 months ago when they replaced Ronna McDaniel with Lara Trump.

      We all know the playbook. They may try to vary it a little, but people will be watching more intently this time. It’s not enough to vote. Register to become a poll watcher or a poll worker. Throw them off balance. Make the election theft harder.

      The Republican party has been forced to accept a much more rightward tilt than previously. The people have nominated a much better slate of candidates than in the past.

      Do I think this is going to go well. No, but I don’t think that we should be sitting down, either

  9. Eric wrote: “There are so many serious things for him to talk about. And what does he talk about, instead? That he’s “better looking” than Kamala, who is also “stupid.”

    You nailed it Eric.

    Why he talks like a 17 year old boy I will never understand. Stop calling people names. It is beneath the dignity of the presidency. Stop engaging in discussion about things that don’t matter (like the size of Tester’s stomach). Stop attacking those in your party who differ from you a bit (like Kemp and DeSantis). Stop giving your opponents ammunition with which to snipe at you. Stop tweeting. Stop the stupid huge rallies – they don’t mean anything and are an opportunity for Trump to extemporaneously say stupid things. Instead focus on the main themes, like the terrible inflation (which Trump got started), the spying on Americans by the IC, the weaponization of the DOJ, the crime, the horrendous medical system grift, the invasion at our border, the costly wars. Forget about who is prettier, or smarter. Can he do this? If he can’t, he may very well lose to the two biggest airheads ever to run for office.

    • ‘Stop the stupid huge rallies’ — Howard

      I’m with you on most of what you said, other than this. Humans are herd animals. Rallies are self-validating: the bigger they get, the more others want to join.

      Adolf H and Leni Riefenstahl got it, with their big Nuremberg shindig in 1936. So does Taylor Swift, a billionaire whose globe-spanning rallies [concerts] are breathlessly reported as among the most important events on earth.

      If only TS weren’t a leftist. (If only TS hadn’t jettisoned country music … but that’s another subject). Trump appearing at a rally of 100,000 people, with RFK Jr on his left and Taylor Swift on his right, would nail 80 percent of the vote instantly.

      Hint to Señor Naranja: give her a call, man. Offer her Secretary of State …

      • Or simply make her attorney General.

        After several attempts at MAGA, Trump gave up on logic and reason, and simply told the country he knew what it craved, and that TS was the best man for the job.

  10. Along these lines, one thing that struck me was that COVID was the perfect opportunity for the Orange Man to actually be the dictator that the left makes him out to be.

    Under the guise of stopping the Covfefe Virus:

    He could have sealed the borders and used the military to do so.

    He could have suspended immigration indefinitely.

    He could have nationalized the health care system “All your hospitals are belong to us.”

    Hey, he could have declared martial law and suspended the 2020 elections…like Zelensky did.

    And people of all political stripes would have gone along with it.

    But he did none of those things.

    What he did do was let a lot of governors, state legislators, county commissioners, mayors, and city council members actually act like dictators.

    Which leads me to believe that the Orange Man is actually rather incompetent.

    • Or Orange man is actually in on it, playing a part in Rothschild theater. They rule us by 2 steps forward, 1 step back. If you take a look at Trump, he is the actor POTUS taking one step back after Obama took two steps forward, Trump one step back, then Biden a big step forward.

      Trump now embraces abortion, Trump says he wants to make the AIPAC lobby supreme, Trump wants many legal immigrants. The way I see it is Trump is completely fake, a Vaudeville actor fooling the conservatives. His base are conservative Christians, but he is not.

      Does Trump work for Rothschild? Rothschild created the central banks, and the State of Israel. The USA was captured by Rothschild with the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. The USA is the servant of Rothschild WHICH IS WHY THE USA BACKS GENOCIDAL ISRAEL. Think about it, the theory makes sense.

      The USA has no strategic interest in backing Israel. Israel has no oil. Israel has no resources. Israel is a trouble maker which alienates the USA empire from Arab oil nations. So why do we back Israel? Because Israel is Rotshchild’s private fiefdom – the headquarters for the Khazar mafia. Trump is simply an agent of the Khazar mobsters “the Don”.

  11. Does anyone actually sit through his 2+ hour long speeches? I’m sure he says something that just about everyone will want to hear, how could he not? But he also says a lot of stupid things that get his meme army fired up, or are just there to piss off the Important People™ and generally that’s all we get in the soundbites and editorial rants.

    I’m sure with a good bit of editing Trump could sound like Thomas Jefferson, if only because he talks so much. Like infinite monkeys typing out Shakespeare.

  12. Yesterday in Glendale, Arizona, the scion of a Democratic dynasty received rapturous applause from an arena full of 20,000 wildly cheering Trump supporters:

    This is one of the more mind-bending videos I’ve ever seen. Political lines have been crossed, blurred and erased.

    It ought to strike fear in the hearts of every doctrinaire Harris/Walz Democrat: your leftist fantasy world is unraveling before your very eyes. And there will never will be a Harris/Walz rally with one-tenth the energy of this one.

    • This is what I got out of RFK’s endorsement of Trump in that speech: “Don’t you want a president who’s going to protect America from totalitarianism?” (Sorry Bobby, but Trump manifestly DIDN’T protect us from tyranny in 2020). “And don’t you want the regulatory agencies to be free from corporate corruption? That’s what President Trump told me he wanted.” (No Bobby, most of us want the regulatory agencies to go away; they’re the root of the problem.)

  13. Trump will never change. His people love him. The dems hate him. There are a lot of us who find certain aspects of him hilarious, but mostly wish he would just shut the fuck up.

    However, the incorporation of Vance, Vivek, Tulsi, RFK2 and others is interesting. I know there are many people who think bringing RFK2 on board is a big meh, but I don’t think so. Two Scoops attended the Libertarian Convention, along with a bunch of other hitters. We are still a binary system but it’s obvious that there are at least a few people in his camp who understand the concept of a union of rivals and what that can do. I am quite likely full of shit, but I think there is a chance that this Kamala love is fake and transitory. Look for everyone other than Trump to be doing the heavy lifting for the next few months. He will do the rah rah, but the others will be hammering the policy. No war, economic recovery and not murdering little kids is going to resonate with a lot of normies.

    • My cousin, who lives in Atlanta and is a complete Mainstream media follower, told me that she has registered to vote again and will be voting for Trump this time around. Even she understands the shit show of the last 4 years. Even a month ago she was saying that Kamala would win, but she isn’t saying that anymore. I don’t know what got into her, but I’m proud.

  14. The Great Orange Hope. Creator of the National Emergency. Enabler of the lockdowns. Father of the beautiful vaccines. Narcissist par excellence. Yet, he – a rotten, broken bulwark – is all that stands between us and Euroweenie-style socialism and communism. Thank you, MAGA asshats, for all that comes next. God help us.

    • I get your despair. Long ago I quit voting. I re-registered to vote for Jesse Ventura in ’92, and haven’t been back since.

      So what would your answer have been? Cruz? Rubio? Christie? Kasich? Jeb? Apart from Rand, everyone else would have been even worse. And Rand is unelectable, hated by neocons and GOP alike.

      So these “asshats” spared you from Hillary’s tender mercies. Personally, I’m grateful they made the best of a terrible situation.

      • I did a little happy dance when Cankles went down in flames. But in hindsight, I’m convinced that those flames meant that the “pandemic” and the pants-shitting kid sniffer were inevitable. Trump is fool, and his abject failures in Round 1 have put us where we are now. Attempting Round 2 with this same fool, who apparently has learned nothing, will mean that they unleash a holy hell that will make us wish for the golden days of 2020. We, the hoi polloi, must and will be punished. He should have ridden off into the sunset. I will never forgive him for his Covid response, to include his beautiful vaccines. What he brings upon us next will be even more beautiful, I’m sure.

        • Same question. Nikki? Christie? Asa? Pence? Vivek? In this case, the part of Rand was played by DeSantis, who is probably as polarizing as Trump, for his part in eventually opposing the CoViD narrative. Long after most of us had decided it was all hooey. Sure seemed to be opportunistic timing to me, rather than some matter of principle about liberty. He could have bailed at the same time Noem did if it were principle.

          Don’t know if Trump has learned anything or not. Hard to believe he’d surround himself with commie finks again, but stranger things have happened.

          • Steve, you are SO missing the point. Nikki, Christie, Asa, Pence, Vivek would have given us their own version of what Trump gave us in 2020. The point is that you can’t vote your way out of communism; voting only enable further tyranny. The answer to your question is: “None of the above…including Trump!”

            As for your question as to whether Trump “has learned anything or not,” the answer is an emphatic “No, he hasn’t!” He continues to brag about his “beautiful vaccines” and still surrounds himself with swamp creatures. As they say, you can’t fix stupid or teach an old dog new tricks.

            • Hi Jason,
              “ you can’t fix stupid or teach an old dog new tricks.” definitely applies to Trump, unfortunately for us. My vote is none of the above but the uniparty controls the process so we’re doomed no matter who the figurehead president is.

            • I get that you have to shoot your way out of communism, but I don’t think we are out of Claire’s awkward stage yet.

              But I don’t get the “voting enables further tyranny” bit. How exactly? More to the point, how does not voting inhibit tyranny?

              • Voting enables tyranny, IMO, by virtue of the fact that you’re giving your consent to be governed regardless of who you vote for. And since both candidates on the federal level are always tyrannical, you’re basically assenting to tyranny whenever you vote. Remember, in communist countries voting is almost always mandatory (even when only one candidate is running for office), which begs the question: why is voting so important for a tyrannous government? Answer: they need the consent of the people (even if forced) in order to maintain the fiction of “democracy.”

                • “Voting enables tyranny, IMO, by virtue of the fact that you’re giving your consent to be governed regardless of who you vote for. ”

                  I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, but if someone is going to kill you, and offers to merely curb-stomp you, have you in any meaningful sense given your consent to be curb-stomped? Or a woman who decides getting raped is better than having her throat cut?

                  Not sure that’s what “consent” means.

                  • With due deference, Steven, I’m not sure your curb-stomp analogy holds in this case. A better one would be if the schoolyard bully demands your lunch money every day and you acquiesce, in which case you have consented to be bullied. By refusing his demands, you’re refusing consent–even if it means getting beat up. More importantly, you can always fight back against your oppressors–and with greater moral authority if you haven’t consented (i.e. voted).

                    • OK, so do you do that when you see the red and blue lights in your rear view mirror? Do you tell the insurance mafia to take a flying leap? When the assessors office sends you their statement, do you just toss it in the trash?

                      Or do you “consent”?

          • Hi Steve,

            I hope Trump has learned something. But – so far – it seems as though he hasn’t. He continues to cheerlead for himself while making fun of others rather than focusing on us – the people of this dying country – and hammering the Left’s ideas rather than its personalities. Pandering to the Red Hats is not going to win him the (s)election. He already has their votes. He must have the 2-4 percent who are not Red Hats but who are also not Marxists. Otherwise he loses – again.

  15. Recall that throughout 2016, the Lügenpresse presented Hillary as having already won. All of their polls said so. They published fantasy articles about Hillary’s cabinet; Hillary’s first hundred days; Hillary’s new curtains for the White House (black, presumably).

    They were truly shocked when Trump won. Hillary’s celebratory fireworks show over the Hudson River had to be cancelled. Trump expertly trolled her by offering to buy her fireworks stash for five cents on the dollar.

    Fool me twice, shame on … but it’s all happening again. Polls are picking up a biased sample, just as they did in 2016. The Lügenpresse cheerleaders are blinding us with razzle-dazzle, as the oom-pah of their big brass horns blares for Kamala, a ridiculous nobody.

    Kamala’s only hope at this point is a massive cheat. Which certainly will be attempted. But it’s unlikely to succeed. The heehawing airhead is a blithering moron. Trump will eviscerate her at the debate.

    Crying won’t help you, cackling won’t do you no good
    No, crying won’t help you, cackling won’t do you no good
    When the flimflam breaks, mama, you got to move

    — Led Zeppelin, When the Levee Breaks

  16. Who were the people most afraid and wore masks almost always? As far as I could see there were some very intelligent and educated people wearing “The Masks”.
    As a boots on the ground example; During the Covid time I happened to be staying in a very rural southwestern town and almost no one wore masks. But when I visited the state capitol a day later I saw people walking around wearing masks. I asked one young man who had on a MIT cap and was with his wife, young son and grandfather why everyone was wearing masks. He replied that it was the state law. I said that the small rural town where I was staying no one wore masks. He replied “Oh that town” meaning that all the low income uneducated folks lived there.
    Sure enough I saw a sign that said “Masks required”. Smart people are sometimes the first to be brainwashed/fooled.

  17. Infostormer criticizes the dumb things Trump attacks Harris with, like condemning the Harris campaign for failing to condemn antisemitism. Harris is married to a Jew, and has pledged full support for Israel:

    Amerikan elections are sad testimonies to the overwhelming cucking of the candidates to Israel. Trump is running to be president of Amerika, not Israel. Like who cares about Israel or Jews? I do not. Israel can just dry up and blow away for all I care. If Trump loves Israel so much, and claims to be the King of Israel, he should move there.

  18. I wish Bobby Kennedy Jr. were the nominee of an independent party and Trump had just thrown support of the MAGA movement behind him. I wish Trump had never supported lock downs and the vax. I wish he wasn’t so narcissistic and petty. I wish a lot of things, but most of all I pray for the sake of our children and the country that the racist communists are defeated in November.

    There are difficult economic times ahead. We need politicians who don’t hate the country and its’ people to avoid generations of poverty and oppression. If you don’t vote, don’t complain when your bank account is emptied and your property seized by the communist, because after all you are “privileged”, didn’t give others a “fair shot” and now must pay reparations.

    • “If you don’t vote, don’t complain”

      Yawn. As if the only way to affect change is by participating in their evil games. If only there existed a better plan than to vote harder!

      • Hi Philo!

        I don’t see why we can’t use every tool at our disposal to fight back – including the vote. I am very skeptical of Orange Man. But Orange Man might do some good and that seems worth trying for while at the same time using other tools to try for better. If a thug breaks into one’s home and a gun isn’t available, you use whatever you can grab. You use your fists. You use your teeth, if need be. It does not make sense to me to say: I won’t fight back unless I can get to my gun.

        • By any means? Does that include nuclear weapons? Where does the hate and violence end? Certainly not at the ballot box. Voting only encourages it.

          • Hi John,

            When it comes to the state? That is to say, legalized thuggery? Absolutely. Anything we can do to lessen its depredations is kosher in my book.

          • And your suggestion is to pontificate about how you’re supposedly morally superior because you won’t vote? What do you SUGGEST take the place of the popular vote? I’m waiting…

        • Hi Eric.

          I understand and respect your position. I however do not have any misconceptions about my ability to save the world of even myself from what’s coming. I have decided to live a principled life to the best of my ability. Those principles do not allow me to take part in my enemies’ games. I can only take a proactive defensive position to the best of my means and abilities and take care of business when the time comes.

          • I hear that, Philo –

            But let’s consider it. If – as another poster already asked – you are faced with a mugger who is armed and has you at his mercy, is it wrong to do what you can to minimize the damage while hoping for an opportunity to do more?

            We are all under duress and that alters our obligations some. I feel no compunction whatsoever about lying to a cop, for instance. It is an act of self defense. Similarly, I do not vote for Trump because I approve of Trump. I vote for him in the hope that maybe he’ll be less damaging to us all than the only other alternative on the table.

            • As the high school instructor, Jean Rasczak, in “Starship Troopers” points out to his class of wide-eyed kids, when one votes, they exercise political power, which, in the final analysis, is FORCE, which is VIOLENCE, or at least the implied threat to use same.

              Violence isn’t necessarily bad. As you point out in your encounter with the “mugger” analogy, since HE has already chosen to employ violence to get what he wants, you’ve no choice but to comply under dire threat, and retaliate only when you’ve a reasonable chance to either get away or subdue him. There is nothing wrong with voting, but it’s a matter of WHAT we vote on…if Doug, Philo, and Eric have a vote on what’s for dinner, and Doug and Philo vote to eat Eric, should Eric meekly submit to being slaughtered and eaten? A ridiculous point, to be sure, but that’s why “Democracy” is an utter CROCK…of SHIT. The very fact is that our FREEDOMS are, in effect, on the ballot, and it’s really a choice between which will take LESS of them, in the gradual enslavement of the Goyim by Isra-Hell, but a CLEAR choice, nonetheless. It’s a shame that the possibility of our “Gawd”-given rights being taken away at all is up for grabs, but that’s been the reality ever since the tyrant “Dishonest Abe” said, in effect to the states that had enough of Northern Corporate dominance and simply wanted to go their own way: “You can ‘check out’ anytime you like…but you can NEVER leave.”

  19. What could he have done? He could’ve resisted, tooth-and-nail, the shutting down of small businesses and the “essential-only” model, at very least. That would’ve halted the impetus for the compensatory checks sent to everyone regardless of need and curtailed the inflation that followed.

    He could’ve elevated and protected the dissenting voices of medicine. Those not-so-few doctors who called shenanigans on much of the COVID response.

    In the end, however, he’s just as scientifically illiterate as the rest of “our leaders”, and therefore just as aimless and vulnerable to false scientific prophets like Fauci. There is no hope that this will change any time soon.

    • That is not a legitimate federal power. Read Article I, Section 8. It’s not there. Or doesn’t that matter to libertarians anymore?

      • What part is not a legitimate federal power, Steve? And what part of the COVID tyrannies WAS legitimate? I’m lost, here. Please be more specific.

        • C’mon, dude. The COVID tyrannies came almost exclusively from states, counties, cities and individual companies. Who locked down the gyms? Who kept Eric out of his favorite coffee house? Who said you have to mask up in public transportation? Where did you see federal agents locking down churches?

          I’m not saying anything about the CoViD tyrannies was legit. There may be clauses in some state Constitutions that granted some of them power to do what they did. But the reason the rest got away with it is most people were too scared to oppose the power grab.

          • That’s the part that really ticked me off. While everyone and his dog was complaining about the tyrannies, and screaming about the President, I couldn’t scratch up ANYONE to go to the county commissioner’s meeting, the guys who put forth the rules we had in our neck of the woods.

            Ignorant, propagandized morons, to a man.

            • “go to the county commissioner’s meeting”

              I don’t beg politicians for my freedom. The only reason I would pay a visit would be to settle things.

              If enough people would have refused to comply, they would have been rendered powerless. Instead, people like us had to stick our necks out and provide an example of how things should be handled at great personal risk.

              • “If enough people would have refused to comply…”

                Exactly! Most people were fine with it, or at least were insufficiently inconvenienced by it. The question is always, given the reality of that, is there any path forward?

                COVIDiocy was my first interaction with the CC in over a decade. After I had complained three meetings in a row, one of them said, “There were no public comments in the first two meetings after the emergency, and since then, you have been the only public comment opposed to them. Why are you the only one who thinks the measures oppressive?”

                That’s the upshot. They use your failure to register an official complaint as proof that you approve.

              • You don’t go to the county commissioner meeting to beg politicians for your freedom, agreed. You go there as a peaceful redress to put them on notice for their destructive policies, and demand, one last time, that they change course.

                Settling things, when they ignore our wishes should be left for other times//places, as in Irish Democracy.

  20. It literally makes me sick to think that either one of these assholes can and will be “elected” as president of the USA. A communist whore, and an infantile buffoon. The whole world must be laughing. It’s DISGUSTING! How could ANYONE ever vote for either of these turds?

    • Its a sad commentary on how far we’ve fallen. I will continue my policy of refusing the lesser of two evils. I voted for Trump the first time, but when he walked away from pardoning Assange and the J-6ers, I was done. Just being entertaining, and making bolsheviks break out in hives is no longer enough for me

      • “I will continue my policy of refusing the lesser of two evils.”

        Excellent, Norman. Vote for evil, “lesser” or not, and boy, you’ll get it every time.

          • “What’s the winning play here?”

            There’s no winning play. We all meet the reaper. Might as well live free and force their hands to violence when it comes time.

          • The “winning play” is to refuse to comply with tyrannous mandates, regardless of who is “elected.” And it’s harder to resist tyranny when you’ve enabled in it by voting.

              • “Why? How does voting enable tyranny?”.

                Because you’re consenting to what they do. You’re formally giving them power; You’re choosing a “leader”; You’re giving legitimacy to the “democratic process” by participating in it, thus agreeing to abide by and respect the legitimacy of the outcome of the election. You’re agreeing and endorsing the policies your candidate advocates (War, welfare, taxes…); By voting, you’re asserting that the obvious lies *your candidate* spews are true and that you believe in them; By voting, you are participating in a process (and thus endorsing it as legitimate) which advocates forcing your neighbor to abide by various policies and decrees which, whether determined by “a majority”, an election winner, or you, is the antithesis of individual liberty and self-ownership. And…much like those who vie for your vote, you’re doing nothing to resist and dismantle the abhorrent tyrannical machine of goernment, but quite the contrary are perpetuating it by cooperating with it.

                • “Because you’re consenting to what they do.”

                  Absurd. If you hand over your wallet to a mugger who says, “Your money or your life!” you have not in any sense “consented” to being mugged.

                  Here’s why I get so irritated with “libertarians”. They have this stupid idea of what “consent” means.

                  • No one is forcing you to vote. By voting, you are endorsing and consenting to a mugging. Either way, vote or no vote, you’ll get mugged, but you don’t have to legitimize it and cooperate with the scheme the mugger’s union has concocted to ensure that the muggers will always be the muggers and you will always be the victim.

                    And why vote when it changes nothing, and when the candidates can (and always do) lie without consequence? Do you believe their lies? If you don’t believe them, then you wouldn’t vote.

              • Steve: “Why? How does voting enable tyranny?”

                As the English say, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” Look at what has happened in every government since the beginning of time. Power is dangerous in the hands of most of us and it takes an extremely unusual man not to exercise it to his own advantage. The last president of the U. S. of A. to show any real constraint over his own power was Coolidge. 1929!

                My thought for years has been “Don’t Vote. You just encourage the bastards!” Look at the swelled heads because one got 51% of the vote. Mindset: “See, the people really do love me!” The one who got 49% of the vote feels the same, and “If I had only shaken a few more hands….”

                My companion call for about the same time is that None of the Above should appear for every position on every ballot. Make them understand that almost no one loves them. We might get a few more than the pitiful sampling of 5 or 10, at the most, who are in Congress who really have the best of what developed as “Western Civilization” (flawed as it might be) and the benefit it provides for the people of the country as their goals.

                • Absolutely agreed on “None of the Above”. I also think that not voting is the correct moral answer, but not for the reason anyone has yet cited.

                  The reason it is wrong is that it puts you in the position of initiating aggression against others with the hope of imposing your preferred policies on them, instead of the other way around. You are put in the weird situation of claiming your use of aggression is defensive.

                  • This is true, Steve! That is what I was alluding to when I said, above, that by voting, we seek to impose our ideals upon our neighbors (Or something like that), or to have those whom we elect do the same; or inflict the will of the majority on everyone else.
                    As someone said above, the best we can do is to live the most principled lives ourselves, and what you stated is a part of that.

        • Hey BaDnOn, as Fox Mulder would say, ‘I want to believe.’ Unfortunately the only possible benefit of voting might be for a down ballot supervisor, school board race where the total votes cast is a few thousand. Its harder for them to cheat in those contests.

          Yavapai county just primary’d out one of the biggest covid nazi cunts from our board of supervisors. Donna Micheals Commie POS extraordinaire, May her political career RIP, and George Soros wrinkled balls set lightly on her chin.

          However, anyone who thinking there voice matters on the national scene should get a checkup from the neck up. The type of folks who decided to cast Biden adrift decide who the figure head president will be. Honestly, if elections were real and honest the Ds would cease to exist. We’d have the (R)hino light party, and hopefully some form of nationalist independent party, along with a variety of smaller parties. Or better yet, we could outlaw the party system entirely and ban anyone who is a lawyer, dual citizen, or over 60 from serving.

    • How. . .

      Because they invest a percentage of their slave labor into the MIC via 401k tax shelters.

      The MIC depends upon this status quo denial for its existance. The uniparty maintains this psychopathy at any cost. Everyone knows this. 99.9% totally deny participation.


  21. I mean, there are things he could have done, but they would mostly have guaranteed getting evicted from the White House, legitimately.

    He could have vetoed the various spending measures. Net effect? Drive “Independents” into Joe’s arms.

    He could have issued EOs demanding that CDC butt out of evictions. Net effect? Same.

    He could have fired Fauci. That would have cost him all the centrist Republicans, too.

    Had he tried to overrule state and local lockdowns, he’d have even lost the Libertarians. Same for interfering with state authority, by sending troops to deal with the Floyd riots, or stick his nose into legitimate state powers over elections.

    They had him just where they wanted him.

    It’s easy to hate him in hindsight, but what could he have done that would have not cost him the election?

    • Yeah, he could have done a lot of things that would have cost him votes. Yet he ended up losing anyway, didn’t he? The correct thing to do was for Trump to follow his oath to uphold the Constitution at all costs–even his own life. He should have been willing to go out on his shield to protect the people from the tyrants, but instead he chose to cede his power to Fauci. At minimum, he should have resigned as president early in 2020 by saying, “Sorry America, but these tyrants won’t let me do what needs to be done to keep the country up and running, so rather than sit by and comply with them, I’m resigning.” There would have been honor in that.

      • Hi Jason,

        Trump apologists (for what he didn’t do in 2019) do not concede the fact that a president wields immense power – the “constitution” be damned. Does Biden restrain himself because of the “constitution”? Why should Trump have sat on his hands in defense of liberty – assuming he favors liberty? He could have publicly stated that no governor has “emergency” powers to close private businesses on his say-so alone. Or to order “masks” be worn. He could have said the federal government will defend the rights of the people to due process and the rule of law.

        Instead, he stood by the side of Fauci for most of the final year of his presidency, like a spray-tanned wooden Indian.

        • “Why should Trump have sat on his hands in defense of liberty – assuming he favors liberty? He could have publicly stated that no governor has “emergency” powers to close private businesses on his say-so alone.”

          I don’t believe he’s pro-liberty, except by comparison.

          But such a statement would be a lie. My own state’s constitution, Article IV, Section 1 can be reasonably read to mean he does have that power. I’m not saying that’s right, or a good thing. Just that it is.

          Sitting on the sidelines pretending to hold some moral high ground is not going to change those words for the next “emergency”.

      • “…he should have resigned as president early in 2020… There would have been honor in that.

        So Pence, the guy who was in charge of the response, would have been left in the Oval Office. How would that have improved matters?

        • Incidentally, I think the correct play for Trump would have been to “deplatform” Fauci and Birx, and EO the CDC into minding it’s own business or face termination.

          The paths many are championing, giving a platform to Atlas or Yeadon, would be no different than Biden giving a platform to Nina Jankowitz and the Mis- and Disinformation Board, other than we would have liked the former.

          The answer to tyranny has to be something more than cheering on our own tyrant.

          • But those things aren’t what the overlords of The Best Friend Israel Ever Had® wanted him to do, and since he pledged (and reaffirmed) his support to their nation…..

        • “So Pence, the guy who was in charge of the response, would have been left in the Oval Office. How would that have improved matters?”

          It wouldn’t have improved matters at all, but that’s not the point. The point is that the behind-the-scenes rulers of America weren’t about to let Trump–or anyone else–stand in their way of absolute communism. If Trump had tried to do what was necessary to stop the scamdemic, he likely would have been assassinated. What I’m saying is that resigning would have been his only realistic option (if he wanted to continue living) in view of the unstoppable treason afoot in 2020.

  22. I don’t hate him as much as you do.

    Yeah, he could have stepped up and did the bully pulpit on CoViD, but when it would have made a difference, we suspected, but did not know, that it was all fake and gay. Had Fauci been right, The Donald would have been held accountable (probably legally) for millions of American dead.

    Elections are NOT a federal matter, apart from the fact that states have to let women and 18-YOs vote. So that’s not on him. It’s not even on the GOP — courts threw out their lawsuits because of standing.

    You should be placing the blame for everything, even ring around the collar, where it belongs — on the progs, the gorram commies.

    • Hi Steve,

      I knew it was fake and gay after two months – when it was obvious the bodies were not stacking up like cordwood and it was obvious “the cases! the cases!” was fear porn. I knew – as a doctor’s son – that “masks” serve no purpose as a barrier to respiratory viruses. My dad never wore one outside of certain very specific hospital environments. If “masks” worked then why weren’t they worn outside of hospitals prior to the “pandemic”? Why couldn’t Trump explain that to people?

      Trump could have replaced Fauci with someone the current surgeon general of Florida; a reasonable man who does not promote hysteria. So many things Trump could have done but chose not to. As he is doing again, right now. I don’t hate Trump. I hate that his ego trumps his better judgment.

      • Fair, me, too, but two months was at least six weeks too late. Most states, counties and cities that imposed lockdowns did so within the “two weeks to flatten the curve”. Those policies were overwhelmingly popular with the herd, which is why it took even DeSantis so long to get rid of it, and he legitimately had the power to do so.

        Trump wasn’t the one pushing masks. Not even Fauci was doing that at the time, though sub rosa to save PPE for the hospitals and first responders. And, again, it’s not like masks were unpopular to the vast majority. Hell, the local hospital still has a mask mandate and surgical mask dispensers at the front door.

        Replacing Fauci would have cost him the election. Fear sells. Apart from the few percent of us who dissented, the vast majority of people were all in on CoViD measures, to the point of calling the cops on their neighbor for mowing the lawn without wearing a mask. How would you sway them? Or do you just write them off, let them all vote for Joe?

        I do agree his ego is getting in the way of renouncing his “perfect” Warp Speed, but that’s all I really fault him for. No one who is offended by him calling Kamala “stupid” was voting for him anyway.

        • Getting rid of F woulda been the right thing to do. Donald chose to do the wrong thing and stood there like the impotent incomptent fool he IS.

          Now because of that one eensy teensy f up we get to deal with the obama legacy.

          Trump lost most of his support that morning when he ALLOWED Fauci to own him.

          Go play golf at Mira Lago loser.

          • I think he probably lost re-election on election night, 2016, when he told his fanbois that Hillary was a good person, and not only reneged on the “Lock her up!”, wasn’t even going to investigate. Or let some creep like Stone put a bug in some prosecutor’s ear to investigate her.

            He won because Zoomers and Millenials and some of the later X are completely consumed by hate. They absolutely hate the fact that some imaginary past where Boomers just went out in the backyard and picked money off trees is not in their future. He slapped them all in the kisser. The Trump enthusiasm cratered.

            • I’m almost surprised that in between that surprise Election night in 2016 when Trump won, and his Inauguration, which many Dummycrats spitefully boycotted, that the Klinton Krime Kabal didn’t have him “Arkancided”. That would have put Mike Pence in the Oval Office, but he’d have heeded his Kosher masters just the same; and the Klintons would have kept going with their Kleptomania.

      • Don’t sell yourself short Eric. You were one of a handful (3 or4) that called out the BS from the first week, and never folded, never wavered. I cant count the number of supposed smart people, in the liberty media and in my real life that swalloed the fear whole, and never spit the hook.

        I appreciate it. At the time, being the only one in my area out and about, unmasked and unafraid was rather weird. Then I would see the occasional lone wolf and we would exchange knowing glances and a laugh at all the retards walking around in terror. Knowing there were others like me here, and on ZH strengthened my resolve to never surrender to ridiculous demands surrounding the seasonal flu. Your unwavering resistance to the clot shot probably saved lives, Don’t ever minimize that.


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