He Just Can’t Help Himself


This (s)election is Trump’s to lose – as has been observed (correctly) by many. And he seems determined to lose it.

The other day, at a Vietnamese restaurant in Northern Virginia, Trump told the people eating there – and the Internet, because it was video’d – that Hung Cao, who is running for Congress, ought to be elected because of his name. “This is a great gentleman. I love his name, Hung Cao. That name alone should get you elected to serve.”

Get it? Every 14-year-old boy gets it.

Hilarious, right?

Sure. To 14-year-old boys. Not so much to adults. Particularly female adults. Such comments serve only to convey to adults that Trump is a child. A 78-year-old man with the mentality of a 14-year-old boy. One who likes to “grab them by the pussy,” which is what 14-year-old boys tend to think about doing. It does not come across well when said by a 78-year-old man running for president.

It’s a measure of cultural decline. Vulgarity was first normalized during the era of Clintigula – him rather her – when, for the first time in American history, a president parsed the meaning of “sexual relations” on live TeeVee.

Now we have a candidate for the presidency who thinks it’s hilarious to talk publicly about how “Hung” Cao is.

Trump’s mostly middle aged male base loves this stuff, of course. Because – truth be told – many men like such jokes and tell them to other men in their private conversations. Italics to emphasize the point, which is important. Men are just that and sometimes talk that way among themselves. But only a man with the mentality of a boy talks that way in public when he is trying to persuade people who want to know what he thinks that he is thinking about more than things such as that.

Trump also seems unable to cease being self-referential. At the same restaurant, he adulated himself, telling the people there that the Vietnamese people love him. “I don’t know what it is. You’ll have to explain it. But the Vietnamese community loves me, and I love them.”

Oy meet vey.

It takes a five-star narcissist to tell people how much people love him – and an idiot narcissist to say so out loud.

Is he running for president? Or American Idol?

It is possible he thinks of the two as the same.

And that’s his fatal flaw. He seems unable to understand that the country’s situation is what matters; not how much people love him. Instead of talking about himself – often in the third person – about how wonderful he is – he ought to be talking about how serious things are.

Reagan never once congratulated himself in public. There were many people who disliked Reagan – but not because of what he said about himself or even what he said about others, because he rarely said anything about himself and he rarely said anything personal about others, including his political opponents.

Well, nothing sexual or scatalogical.

Reagan talked about his policies – and those of his opponents. He publicly urged Mikhail Gorbachev, then the leader of the old Soviet Union, to “tear down this wall.” And he called him Mr. Gorbachev – not “Gorbachev” or (worse) “Mikhail.” He did not make fun of Gorbachev’s birth defect, the red blotches on his head. That’s exactly the kind of thing Trump does all the time – and it makes people hate him, personally.

Talk to people and see. Yes, there are objections to some of his policy positions but these are superficial. Just below the skin lies disgust and contempt – for him. It is not unjustified. It was disgusting of him to make a dick joke about Hung Cao with Cao himself standing right there. And not just because it was a dick joke. It was also the kind of joke that some people might hear as a slur. How many times do you suppose Hung Cao had to listen to dick jokes growing up? Asian names are easy to make fun of.

Trump is oblivious. Or he is callous. It might be both and – regardless – it does not play well to the 2-4 percent of the electorate in 5-7 key states that will determine the outcome of the (s)election in November.

Paraphrasing Reagan: Mr. Trump, please shut up! We don’t want to hear about you. Or hear dick jokes. We want you to win – so that America doesn’t lose.


. . .

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  1. Trump vs. the other wealthy people continues to remind me of Rodney Dangerfield’s characters in “Caddyshack” and “Back to School”. Of course Trump lacks the likeability of Rodney.

  2. The other thing to keep in mind is that despite all the vapors, huffing and puffing, and “Well, I never!”s, a good number of them are laughing in private. The ones who matter anyway. Sure the vanity girls won’t vote for Trump now, but they were not voting for him anyway. Most of the factory floor types were already on board — they’ve seen the disaster that Biden has created in terms of how far their paychecks go. Sure, some of the customer service types blush appropriately while concealing a laugh, while the ones printing invoices are openly sharing the joke with each other, and one-upping each other with the Ho-Lee Fuk and Wei-Tu Lo, and the classic Wayne’s World soup order, Cream of Sum Yung Gai.

    Its good to see people laughing. I wondered what it was all about. Glad I had time to look at your page.

      • Chinese dick jokes have a meaningful effect in some countries:

        ‘When Nissan introduced the Bluebird model in Malaysia, the Chinese name picked for advertisement in Chinese language press was 蓝鸟, which literally means Bluebird. However, the name was quietly put aside soon after Chinese Malaysians started making fun of the name.

        ‘The pronunciation of 蓝鸟 in Mandarin is Lan Niao, which is fine. However, the character 鸟, besides meaning bird, also mean penis when pronounced as “diao” in Mandarin. And when you combine “lan”(Blue) and “diao” (penis), it sounds like the Colloquial Minnan word 朖鸟, pronounced as lān-tsiáu in Minnan language, which means “dick”.

        ‘So, instead of Lan Niao, the Chinese school boys in Malaysia had a field day calling the car “Lan Jiao” instead of “Lan Niao”. Later, the Nissan models named “Bluebird” elsewhere are named as Sylphy in Malaysia.’ — quora.com

        Orange-maned Trump would have a field day with this ribald badinage … if only he spoke Chinese!

        *gropes filthy Sylphy’s fertile crescent with his grease-stained hairy paws*

      • I actually know a medical doctor named Hongphuc Ha. He likes to be called “Rick.” No idea if he has a brother named Yi.

        Old joke:
        My name Yi Ha.
        I go to Texas, go to lodeo. Everyone there know my name.

        And, of course, there was José Canusí, who climbed the flagpole in center field to get a better view. 🙂

    • Hi Steve,

      I have just one question: Why give them the ammo? What positive purpose is served by making juvenile comments? Does it enhance his chances of winning? If not – and I do not think it does – then why do it? Trump cannot afford to be gratuitous. It smacks of arrogance and that often leads to failure. He can be confident – cocky, even – without being an obnoxious boor.

      • Hi Eric, et al,

        This, IMO, amounts to an existential election….no sane person likes the choices here but a Harris presidency will be even worse than Biden, and that’s a mean feat. Despite whatever warts he has, RFK could serve as a moderating influence on Trump. The other side of this coin is that neither administration will do what needs to be done WRT Israel’s genocide in Gaza and now the West Bank. Here’s to the brightest possible outcome….shitfire I’m getting too old for this stuff….

        • Hi Giuseppe!

          I agree. Orange Man may be bad in many ways – but the alternative is far worse. And I take it as cautiously optimistic sign that he has brought RFK, Jr. on board – as well as Tulsi Gabbard. They are strong personalities and Trump – in the past – has appeared to prefer obsequious ciphers such as Mike Pence around him. In any event, I agree – Trump is probably the last chance we’ve got to stop this train.

  3. Some thoughts in no particular order:

    As mentioned earlier, the intended effect of polls is to influence swing voters into staying home on Election Day. That backfired spectacularly in 2016–and the Ds are doing their darnedest to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

    One also has to consider the kinds of people who respond to polls: they’re not really representative of the people at large, and most people don’t respond, because they don’t want to be bothered, and because they wisely keep their political views to themselves.

    It’s also important to note the down-ballot contests also matter. If the Democrats end up with a majority in Congress, they can block the Orange Man—and it works both ways: if Heels Up is elected, a Republican majority Congress can block the worst of her excesses. Not to mention that, as we’ve learned the hard way during the past few years, governors, state legislators, county commissioners, sheriffs, prosecutors, judges, county row officials, mayors, and city councils have as much, and even more, influence over our daily lives than anybody in the Capitol or the White House.

    The Orange Man, methinks, understands that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Every crass, crude, and vulgar remark and mean tweet keeps him front and center in people’s minds. And people just eat that up, if only for the same reason people rubberneck at traffic accidents.

    I still think that there is a strong possibility of the Orange Man winning—and a kayfabe in the form of a severe economic downturn or war conveniently taking place soon after he’s sworn in, which results in Orange Man taking the blame and a Blue Wave in 2026 leading to a super majority of Democrats in Congress who at least block his legislation or even push for impeachment, and a Democrat win in 2028.

  4. I uploaded this to Fartbook and they immediately informed me that they took it down.
    As a Vietnam Vet who referred to the native population as “gooks and slopes” during my 14 yr old phase in my 19 yr old mind, I’m shocked! SHOCKED, I say, that there is lunch room monitoring at Fartbook. LOL!

  5. Can someone give me a sanity check? Trump said he’s going to deport all of the illegal migrants. He needs every vote he can get to beat the massive fraud — yet he’s throwing ~30 million illegal migrants’ votes out the window. I don’t get it. Why not allow the illegal migrants to become citizens — then they will all vote for Trump. But deporting them is going to lose the election so now he won’t even get into office to do all of the other good things he wants to do. This was a very bad chess move.

    • Trump says a lot of things.
      He said that bit about the invaders last time, when he was in office for four years.
      Did he do it?
      No. He wasn’t allowed to then, and won’t be allowed to now. And what he could have done, he traded away the ability to do in one of his great “deals”.
      The public has a very short memory. Trump doesn’t, but he knows that the public does, so he can rehash his words from ’16 and people will still believe him.

  6. “We want you to win – so that America doesn’t lose.”


    I think the best way to initially improve things is to reject the major parties. In fact, if we could do away with parties altogether, that would be the ticket.

    Perhaps instead, ranked-choice voting could be used, or even successive voting cycles in which those candidates garnering the least votes are eliminated. But this “two”-party monopoly must go.

    In the end, the only way to truly win is dissolving political power to levels making most votes inconsequential. In the meantime, becoming “ungovernable” is the right idea.

  7. I don’t believe they would make a Clinton a Master Mason. He is a bastard, grifter, and very careless person. Whatever you think of them, the Mason’s have standard near top.
    Or maybe they evolved into a complete joke over the years.

  8. I wouldn’t vote for him, if it weren’t for the fact that his opponents are even worse.

    And for that matter I’ve got half a mind to go with”even worse” at this point, just so we can go over the cliff and get it done already, instead of incessantly trying to postpone the inevitable. The sooner the country goes over the cliff, the sooner we can get started on picking up the pieces and see if we can build something that will work better.

    That said. It will be a hard fall.

    • Yeah, really. The fact that we live in a country where the Kommunist Whore could even run and not be booed off stage wherever she shows her ugly face; and that +/-50% of the people will vote for her is proof enough that we are done and elections don’t matter. Even if it were possible to have some semblance of liberty in an authoritarian police state, one can not when half the population is unabashedly communist/socialist and will vote for their own enslavement and that of yours and mine.

      At this point it’s no longer just government which is the problem. We’re living among people who advocate slavery, injustice and robbery. The left unabashedly so; the right too, but just slightly less.

      • Good morning, Arthur!

        Your assessment of the situation isn’t wrong – but what is to be done? I vote – so to speak – that we try to do anything we can. Including vote – of it might help. I regard the latter much as I would “voting” to spit in the face of the guy who’s lining me up in front of the ditch, prior to shooting me. Or kick him in the nuts. Maybe it won’t prevent my being shot but it will serve to give back something. And maybe – by kicking him in the nuts – I can get away. A long shot. But a shot worth taking, eh?

        As much as I understand the frustration with the Hobson’s Choice that voting is, it’s a choice that will be made, regardless of our feelings about it. If a sufficiency of us who despise authoritarian collectivism decide to forgo voting, then authoritarian collectivists will win, ipso facto. It’s as much a dream to believe that we can end voting by not voting as it is to dream a purely libertarian society will ever exist. The best we can probably do in this world is minimize the damage. And I’ll vote for that.

        • G’morning, Eric,
          Well, cast your vote if you must, but I must say it surprises me that you believe that one of their candidates will do anything different than the other. The only thing that changes, is that by voting you are consenting to their system and the things they do by casting that vote.
          This same scenario gets played out every four years. “We MUST vote this time, even though our guy isn’t very good. Just to keep the other guy out”. But our guy always does the exact same thing the other guy would have done, and vise versa.
          I still remember the ’72 election when decent people voted for Nixon to keep that commie McGovern out. Did anyone who voted for Nixon imagine that HE would institute wage and price controls? No, they voted for him to oppose such things, but they got them anyway, along with the War On Drugs, the next step towards socialized medicine, and the first step towards exporting 90% of our economy to China [etc.].
          Did their vote for Nixon make ONE iota of difference? (I just vividly remember that election, even though I wasn’t old enough to vote, because my dad was a big Nixon supporter -and even after Nixon’s true colors were revealed, my dad still tried to save face and believe in the hopium. And sadly, he still does believe. I would think that you are more advanced.)
          Even worse, Trump has already shown his true colors in his debut performance, in he enabled the taking of more of our liberties than ANY other president since Lincoln, and killed more of our people [Via the clot shot. The true tally will not even be known for some time yet] than even Lincoln did, while doing more than any other statesman in the world could do to further the encroachment of global government and destroy the sovereignty of nations -including our own.
          I just fail to see how that is any different than the other side of the same coin. Only if you believe their carefully-crafted lying words would you think that there is any difference, or that the next few years will be any different based upon who wins the election.
          And I hate to say it, but the last four years under the watch of Pants Pooper Joe have been rather uneventful compared to Trump’s first go-round. In fact, the same can be said for just about all past administrations. If we’re going to vote, maybe we should vote for the worse of the two. Trouble is, it’s almost impossible to tell which is the worst, since just below the [not so] carefully rehearsed banter they both ultimately serve [and have openly pledged support to] their true masters.
          In my estimation, voting is a tacit admission that one believes in the their lies; believes in the rhetoric they spew, even if it were sincere; and believes in “democracy”. I reject all of that, so I don’t vote.
          It’s much like a choice between someone who advocates killing your mother and someone who advocates killing your father. “Well, we’ll get one of them, so we might as well pick the one we want”. Only now we have politicians who have killed many mothers and fathers…and people STILL vote for them because they don’t believe in reality, but instead believe that they saved us from “The cases! The cases!”. We know better, but we’re going to vote anyway?

  9. Clintigula – that made me laugh. I like it. Hellery. Slick Willie is still the best. Got so many meanings, especially since “Bill” went to Epstain island 34 times, you know that nice 33 degree Mason number.

    Newsweek – Bill Clinton Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Island With 2 ‘Young Girls,’ Virginia Giuffre Says. Virginia, was of course, Bill’s underage lover. And we got lots of pics of them together.

    “The 33rd Degree – The 33rd degree is a supreme honour bestowed only on those who have demonstrated outstanding service to the Brotherhood, as well as professional and personal accomplishments.”

    Them Masons are swell, a honorable bunch. Funny how every president since George Washington flashes those Masonic hand signals. I’m not one, but years ago I was cutting firewood in Missouri, and the guy driving the wood truck, was drunk, and a 33 degree, and the sheriff pulled us over. The driver, just flashed the officer his mason ring and nothing happened. They knew each other, went to school together, in the club – you know that big club that George Carlin jokes about.

    Trump’s airplane was having trouble, just like JD Vance’s airplane, Air Force 2, so Trump bought? Jeffrey Epstain’s Lolita Express. Best of buds, until poor Jeffrey, such a liability to the royals, hung himself with the cameras off and the guards gone, this happened when he was on special suicide watch. Rumor has it the world’s #1 pedo was living out his days in Tel Aviv – the Khazar hub for child trafficking.

    Trump seems reformed, and I give him credit because over the weekend he blasted the Biden/Harris human trafficking scam, he actually said 238,000 illegal immigrant kids have gone missing, for child sex trafficking and are “mostly dead”. Hollyweird snuff films? Child sacrifice? But Trump called attention to the underbelly of the beast. Publically. Not something Harris would ever do.

    I think Trump is going to win, regardless of his foul mouth and immature teenage mind. Reason? The real owners still like capitalism and are not going to allow an outright Commie in the White man’s house. But those two losers is not what worries me, I wonder what Israel is going to do to us, because Israel is going down, and Israel says if it goes down it will use the Samson Option on all the western capitals.

    The USA and Israel lead the world in child sex trafficking. Why is that? Explained in one chart:


    The holy Rabbis explained to us that abortion is a J-wish sacrament, and so is child trafficking. How can that be, I thought those people were the chosen ones of God? No, they are the Synagogue of Satan (source – Jesus)


    “In the letters to the early Christian churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, Jesus makes reference to a synagogue of Satan (Greek: συναγωγή τοῦ Σατανᾶ, synagoge tou satana), in each case referring to a group persecuting the church “who say they are Jews and are not”. ”

    We, are not even human, according to (((them))). We are Goyim, to be exploited. Rabbi Schneerson (the ChaBAD Lubibitcher that Jared and Ivanka Kushner follow). In fact, Trump family Rabbi doesn’t even think we Gentiles have souls!

    “The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”

    “The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”

    According to their end times eschatology, after these supreme Jews wipe us all out, every Jew will have 2,200 Goyim slaves. And those are the people that Trump adores. So Eric, good luck believing Trump is going to save us.

  10. Trumps flaw, or perhaps his gift, is that he openly states what his opponents are actually thinking. How can people who openly endorse genital mutilation of children possibly be truly offended by the Hung Cao reference to unmutilated genitalia?

  11. Everybody needs a serious break from all of this senseless bickering.

    Rapper lyrics can be kind of graphic, nasty stuff.

    That’s where Trump is, his vulgarity is not needed.

    Cancel the election, it’ll be a relief, the anxiety will evaporate.

    Harris and Walz are just plain obscene, not qualified to be in any kind of party politics.

    All elections do is cause division, then conflict. It all ends with no election.

    People might actually be happy about it.

    Might be some peace for a while.

    • And that pair makes a much better joke of the farce lie psychopathy than even Trump, hence their overwhelming appeal to voters.

      Ha ha ha. . .

  12. Democrat sleazeballs are obscene, disgusting, outrageous and lewd, the comment X made is well taken. It’s just that some of us don’t want our side to become like them as it seems everyday we are (d)evolving in that direction with morons like Trump leading the way. We need to speak out loudly and denounce the bad behavior of that idiot and any other vulgar clowns like him (are you listening Joe Rogan?). However, few actually do so, understandably fearing repercussions from the PC crowd.

    As a side note, someone once said, “For quite some time, serious public conversation has becomes a form of baby talk.” How apropos for Trump.

    • Amen, Billy –

      I write what I write about Trump because – maybe – it’ll help him to stop acting in counterproductive ways. Just talk about what these Leftist shitbirds do. We already know they are Leftist shitbirds!

  13. On a certain level it does feel like Trump is trying to throw the thing. Or, it could just be his age. He’s not the same guy he was in 2016. Lets face it, his time has long passed, we’d be better off with an organ grinder monkey than either ‘choice’ we’ve been offered. At least the monkey would make more people realize what the owners really think of us. Both parties represent the banking interests of the same old world money thats been pushing their final solution for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. Party politics is a losing game for we the people, yet like ole Chuck we keep trying to take another kick at it, when we should be kicking Lucy in the face, or just walking away en-masse.

    The thing so incredible to me, is how on a certain level, most people know 2020 was stolen. They know the improbability of a 3 AM hockey stick save overrode the will of the voting public. Yet, here we are, talking about percentages of he said, she said, fractions of fractions, and which states/counties will determine the outcome. When in reality, we the people have no say in any of it. The thing has already been determined by a small handful of deep state actors, at the behest of the owners.

    The season is over. The shows are in the can, and we wait like harp seals on the dock for the next tasty scrap, in the form of the next episode. All while we’re fooled into thinking we have a say in the matter. It really has become like American Idol, a theatre of the absurd. And you can bet whichever of the two numbskulls are tapped, he/she will be the one that most benefits the long term interests of GlObOhOmO

  14. I don’t get it. Trump is still a breath of fresh air to me. He treated this Hung Cao gent as a fellow human being, made a joke on a common level, and went on his literally merry way.

    He made a “dad joke”. Good on him.

    We got in the mess we’re in by being nice and by being patronizing, by polished lawyer politicians who won’t say anything naughty while they are condemning your son to death for breaking a rule. By trying not to offend insane people whose whole raison d’ etre is to be offended and wield power over you.

    I wish he would be more offensive. I’d like to hear some pointed humor in the face of the tranny freaks, the the professional niggers, the unforgiving Jews.

    But as a practical man, I don’t see him ever doing that. Those things have power now, and the point of the exercise is for real, decent people to take it back, to put the lunatics back in the asylums, the communists in the camps they so love. And since Trump is a truly decent human being and quite serious about what matters, he won’t cross that line and go there.

      • Is it harmful? At a minimum, it stimulates conversation, and publicity is publicity. In 2024 america where censorship is pervasive, it will get noticed. The professionally aggrieved will be outraged, and won’t be able to stop chattering about that awful orange man, and the lower and middle class will mostly laugh out loud or at least guffaw at it.

        And the leftists have been insinuating and outright saying for 8 years that his junk is fun sized.

        Put another way, Saddam Hussein took himself seriously, he never made a public dick joke. Nor did Hitlery.

  15. ‘I love his name, Hung Cao.’ — Donald J Trump

    Sounds like a tranny name, don’t it? Bulls are supposed to be hung, not cows.

    Time for Trump’s handlers to step in and ‘clarify’ that he was actually talking about Big Mike Robinson and Brigitte Macron/Trogneux, not the NoVa Congressional candidate.

    Those who object to Trump’s vulgarity can write in the name of Cao’s Chinese opponent, Wun Hung-Lo. It’s all a lot of bollocks.

    • Isn’t it actually Dong Hung Lo? That guy is great!

      And by the way, weren’t the professionally offended making fun of the North Korean ICBM, the No Dong, just a few years back?

      • The funniest (internet) name of all time is Ho Lee Fuk.

        Urban dictionary: Ho Lee Fuk

        The name of and what is said by a korean piolet say before he fucks up and crashes the plane:

        Capitan Ho Lee Fuk: “Ho Lee Fuk”
        Captain Wi Tu Lo: “Wi Tu Lo”
        (Plane Crashes)


        Just wait until the Goyim learn what the J-ws of Europe did to those missing children of the Middle Ages – they stuck them in an Iron Maidan to drain the blood for their matzo bread. When you find out that it was real, that blood libel is a very real charge, you might say Jesus H. Christ! or Ho Lee Fuk!

        ADL – pay no attention to internet rumors of blood libel, that is vile anti-semitism, do not cross us Goyim or we will 911 you. Wake up people, the purpose of the antisemitism scam is to stop you all from talking and learning about what they are doing to us.

        In related news, and connecting the dots, LA Times reports California’s dead will have a new burial option: Human composting. LOL Oh yeah baby, got to get rid of the evidence!

        “New California law will allow human remains to be used as compost, beginning in 2027, as an alternative to cremation to fight climate change. The process involves placing the body inside a long, reusable steel container along with wood chips and flowers to aerate it – allowing microbes and bacteria to do break down the remains.”

        The rage in new resteraunts in Los Angeles: “They have all eaten human flesh at LA’s notorious cannibal restaurant, Cannibal Club.
        The private restaurant has long operated under the radar in Los Angeles, with rumors circulating about who has attended and what is really served behind closed doors. Now a leaked Cannibal Club document has exposed some of the notorious restaurant’s “elite” patrons.”

        Who was on the Lolita Express besides Bill Clinton to Epstein Island? Kevin Spacey. Alan Derchowitz. Prince Andrew.


          • Back in high school Ted Nugent was my idol – Cat Scratch Fever and wang dang sweet pootang. I will not post the lyrics so as to not offend your readers. LOL

            Ted became a raging pro-gun conservative and I believe a big Trump fan. I do remember one interview in which Ted told the audience how he got out of the Vietnam draft – he said he shit in his pants for two weeks – then when he went to his induction they threw him out.

            • He later said the entire story was made-up bullshit, to see if the Rolling Stone reporter that interviewed him would believe it. The damn fool did. Teddy actually got college deferments (yes, he went to COLLEGE, believe it or not), and when the lottery system was re-instituted in 1969, his number was in the 300s, meaning it’d be highly unlikely he’d be called up.

              By then, “Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming” aside, ol’ Tricky Dick actually began his “Vietnamization” program, and withdrew over 125K personnel in the first year alone. So the manpower requirements meant that many fewer young men were being drafted, and most whom were ended up in Europe anyway, as the Army and the Marines had enough of trying to get draftees to fight effectively in combat units.

  16. the same empty circus plays out every 4 years and the same hopes for the outcome that ends in misery. putting faith in cowards in suits. monsters at best. murderers at worse. the clot shot comes to mind. the orange man caused the deaths of millions and people see that demon in human clothing as their ‘savior’…the same circus. different clowns. the same outcome.

    let the hunger games begin. year after year after year! nothing changes. every 4 years the same lies. the same false hopes from the same citizen slave group hoping the worse one doesn’t get the office.

    they are both evil….both….and people invest themselves in the outcome. it makes no difference. one or the other. evil left or evil right. demons on the left demons on the right. your still investing your life and linking yourself to the outcome! nothing changes with the latest ‘selection game’ and never will….that is a fact! inconvenient…even if your preferred demon wins you still lose! he lies….and he says what people want to hear…he gets elected and backhands the citizens, spits in their faces…..and the next 4 years…another liar takes his place and still people have a type of religous faith in the madness….year after year…decade after decade

    see it for it is….not what what you want it to be!! just another game…another circus that the slaves of this country have no control over. not a bit! and yet they run to polls and beg…beg….SIT UP AND BEG….and maybe their newly chosen master will not beat them death or might even throw a few pennies in the dirt at their feet for them to fight over.

    for the love of God….it never fails to amaze me how gullible people are that they keep believing in the insanity run by the insane. they think they can vote their way out of their chains and that THIS TIME…a newly chosen master will take good care of them and their country….never has happened and never will. it is a false belief in a idol that needs to be torn down!

    • Well said Highlander,
      Elections are the ultimate circus of the “bread and circuses” regime we live under. Promise the serfs more/better bread while entertaining them with promises that will never be fulfilled. Repeat every four years ad infinitum.

      • trump caused the destruction of tens of thousands of small businesses with lock downs, masks and his clot shot murdered millions of people and the family of those victims beg for him to be their new whip wielder!

        the candidates are pre selected. the outcome is already decided but they do need obedience and people to worship them. put their life force energy into their every 4 year circus. and it works. the people decide nothing. the stage play. the game winner is either candidate. because the end result is government wins and the ship of state stays on course. period.

        • MeTV Toons plays Total Television’s “Underdog” show at times. Recently they had the arch-villain, Simon Bar Sinister, do one of his schemes to be elected “dictator”. At least, ca. 1964, they got it RIGHT.

  17. Trump should know better than to say such things, as there are lots of people out there (in addition to establishment/ corporate media) who hate him soooooooo much that they’ll use literally anything he says as PROOF that he’s a “Fascist”, “White Supremacist”, “Monster”, “Hitler 2.0”, etc. If voting for someone like Kamala Harris keeps such a person from becoming President again, they’ll do it.

    Trump should be talking about REAL issues facing Americans (that a President Kamala Harris will likely do NOTHING about or, if she does do something, make them FAR WORSE), such as corporate capture of government agencies, the ever rising costs of living, rampant illegal immigration, WWIII, the attacks on free speech, the attacks on home/ car ownership, etc. Trump should also talk about Harris’ REAL RECORD, as the Democrat Party establishment and their lapdogs in media have been trying to whitewash her record and transform the LEAST popular Vice president in years into some MAGICALLY POPULAR presidential candidate, and there are people I know who fell for it hook, line, and sinker and now sing her praises.

  18. The democrat scum are obscene, disgusting, outrageous and lewd, the point made by X’s comment is well taken. It’s just that some of us don’t want our side to become like them as it seems everyday we are (d)evolving in that direction with morons like Trump leading the way. We should speak out loudly and denounce the bad behavior of that idiot and any other vulgar clowns on our side (are you listening Joe Rogan?). However, few actually do so, understandably fearing repercussions.

    As a side note, someone once said, “For quite some time, serious public conversation has becomes a form of baby talk.” How apropos for Trump.

  19. “many men like such jokes and tell them to other men in their private conversations… Men are just that and sometimes talk that way among themselves. But only a man with the mentality of a boy talks that way in public…”

    Lots to unpack in that paragraph. A few posts back Howard Stern was brought up, who created the Shock Jock morning radio genre. Late 90s and early 00s radio took the morning zoo format and pushed all the sliders up because tasteful comedy is hard but fart jokes always get a laugh from someone. And people tuning out and opting for iPods or alternatives like NPR encouraged outrageous material in an effort to reach a broader, downmarket audience.

    Then came social media, and the ability to say what used to be “said in private conversations,” often after a few drinks, in the public square. Oh it doesn’t feel like it, because you’re only “sharing” with your “followers.” But then they also have a share button, and their followers share it, and soon it gets noticed by the algorithms, who have automated share buttons, and the whole thing snowballs. Whoops. Now the schoolmarm “moderators” have to come in and put you in timeout for a little while -be lucky they don’t have a chalkboard to make you write out “fart jokes and insults aren’t intelligent humor” 100 times.

    Thing is, now the mainstream is in a bind. The public tuned out. So they have to drop down to the old yellow journalism days of sensational headlines and over the top crazies, just like the Shock Jocks who were competing with iPods. Down side of that is big corporations bought ’em out in the 90s and 00s, and they weren’t going to put up with bad press from their own properties. So have to find something. International? Well, we’re the baddies and no one really cares, so that didn’t play. But here’s Trump, with his inability to self-sensor and potty mouth! Perfect! Get a rise out of the old fussbudgets and keep your corporate lapdogs in the Democratic Republic Party of Kamala in power. Add a few snappy headlines, interview a celebrity or two and that’s a story people will sit down to watch… (crickets).

    Thing that gets me is the old fossil Hollywood types who are so desperate to get in front of a camera that they’ll push out the absolute worst views as material and then wonder why they have to turn off comments when everyone laughs at them. Saw a few pictures of Mark Hamill at the DNC come across the timeline. The reason wasn’t because the people who reTweeted it were such big fans, but because it just shows how desperate he is to get himself noticed. Here’s someone who should be in the “whatever happened to” segment, teaching theatre at some private school, but no, out there trying to promote himself as one of the Right-Minded people.

  20. This is why I supported Ramaswamy. He’s an intellect and businessman. He typically avoids cheap shots (though “Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels” is classic). He focuses on policy. And, he’s typical of most Indians I knew in college/grad school/business i.e. polite and thoughtful.

    Maybe 2028. If there’s an America left to save.

    • Hi Mike,

      I feel like the tide is turning. Something feels different. I can’t rally put my finger on it. A shifting is taking place and I honestly feel 2025 is a new dawn. Yes, it is corny, but I feel there are people or universal beings (if one is religious) that are changing the course of history. The 2030 Great Reset will not take place. Maybe it is wishful thinking, but I see a brighter future on the horizon.

      • Hi RG,
        I think the fact that RFK,Jr. and now Tulsi Gabard have joined up with Trump speaks volumes about how corrupt the Democratic Party has become. Now if Orange Man could just STFU and articulate his policies rather than continue tossing out junior high insults he would easily win. Sadly as the title of Eric’s post states, he just can’t help himself.

        • Hi Mike,

          Not to defend Trump, because I can’t stand his ego, but I think a lot of the insults are to keep his audience entertained. Today, sadly, we live in a system where all publicity is good publicity. People spend the majority of their day watching YT, TikTok, and scrolling through Facebook. Everything has to be bigger, grander, more elaborate than the thing right before it, because the average person has an attention span of a gnat.

          Very few people want to hear about policy…most didn’t even know Kamala is the Veep or how many judges sit on the Supreme Court. They like catchy sayings like “no taxes on tips” and gossip. Tax policy? Secure borders? Isolation from foreign wars? Reduction in the size of government? Ha! Let’s be honest more Americans are following the JLo/Affleck divorce saga than what is best for their pocket book.

          McCain and Romney both talked policy…Obama enthralled the audience with “hope and change”. In perception, who got more votes?

          Trump plays to his audience. Their eyes would glaze over if he started starting about the billions sent to federal agencies each year and how that should be reduced if not outright eliminated. Hell, Harris is literally campaigning on no policies.

          We have the choices that we have because no one with any intelligence would want to govern over so many unintelligent people.

          • “We have the choices that we have because no one with any intelligence would want to govern over so many unintelligent people.”

            So true. The only type of man that’s fit to rule is the type of man who would never consider doing so.

    • So itz probably true that we European White people will be ruled over by people from Africa, Asia, Middle East, South of the US border people in the near future. In a Democracy the 51% rule/boss the rest.
      Hell in my city European White people are already at about 25% even though the census says 33%. Who do they count as White people here? People like that police man from the Middle/East/Egypt area who was classified as White originally but now claims minority status because he found out he couldn’t get promoted unless he was a minority. WTF!!
      My guess is that European White people are only about 57% of the USSofA population and not the census’s 62%. They probably count middle eastern people as White. White children are already a minority. I wonder if they’ll get minority benefits like Affirmative Action! Ha Ha HA.
      Most White people live in Whitopias as they have already escaped but They will follow you to get some of that “Magic Dirt”. The change-over is happening slowly as as not to panic the herd. We wouldn’t want that. We want the White people to continue watching/paying the NBA, NFL and eat and drink and be merry. After all the controllers/rulers still need us.
      They got that Wlaz guy into the Democrat party to fool the young White people into joining the armed forces because they need us to fight in their foreign wars. That way more White people will will be killed/maimed to be replaced by Asians, Hispanics and Africans of which there are billions.
      As you can tell I am voting for Trump even though there are a lot warts there. Hell I voted for him in ’16, ’20 as I didn’t want Communists/Socialists/Minorities ruling me.

  21. The problem is that as crude and déclassé and obnoxious as Trump can be, the Left is far worse. Sure, Trump may be making dick jokes, but the Left has gay drag queens reading stories to three-year-olds and gay men in bondage leather marching down Main Street every June and women at Planned Parenthood joking about selling fetal body parts. The Left’s Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge drunk killing a girl he had been fucking, and spent the rest of his life as a man of honor in the Democratic Party.

    it’s ridiculous for the Left to take umbrage at Trump’s crudeness when they are willing to burn cities over a scumbag like George Floyd.

    Harris did not make dick jokes, the former prosecutor who sent people to prison made jokes about being a ganga smoker because she’s 1/4 Jamaican. Her own father called her out on that.

    The actual problem is that Trump is our only alternative – our last alternative. The Left controls every single institution of power in society including the military and the FBI. No one else but Trump was stupid and arrogant and cocky and rich enough to take on The System and actually think he could win the Presidency and then he would “Make America Great Again.” Everyone else is a go-along-to-get along grifter.

    Sure, Romney and McCain did not make crude dick jokes about a Vietnamese guy. McCain killed Vietnamese and then joked about bombing Iran. Romney and McCain politely referred to Hillary as “Madam Secretary” instead of “Crooked Hillary.”

    And when Trump legitimately won, they went over the top trying to ruin him — lying about him, criminally charging him, suing him, trying to take Trump Tower.

    He will not win again, and it will not be because of dick jokes. It will be because the country is too far gone.

    • Hi X,

      I agree with you regarding the Asses…no one is as deranged as they are. Are dick jokes crude? Yes. Do I personally want to hear them? No. But, somehow allowing children to chop off their genitalia is perfectly acceptable to the other side. Let’s think about this…guy who makes dick joke vs guy who chops off dick or pretends he doesn’t have one. This seems to be a pretty easy decision.

      Trump won’t lose this go around unless the Deep State takes him out. It won’t be a 1984 Reagan landslide, but it will be enough to keep the cheating from making any difference.

      Today’s breaking story


      Silicon Valley is reversing course? They are seeing something and my guess is they want to be on the side of whomever is going to win…right now, that isn’t Kamala.

      • Hi RG,

        I agree with you and X that the Left is far worse. Is actually evil. But that is – in my view – beside the point. Which is that Trump cannot afford to lose even half a percent of the vote. So what purpose is served by making obnoxious, self-serving comments? He’s just feeding the anger – and that does not make him more likely to win.

        • Hi Eric,

          Were you this upset when Barack made a similar comment about The Donald during last week’s DNC rally? Boys are going to be boys. As a woman that grew up hanging out in sheet metal shops where four letter words and dick jokes were in constant rotation this is a shrug of the shoulders and a roll of the eyes for any gal that has heard bawdy stuff on the factory floor.

          • I get it, RG –

            My point isn’t that I’m disgusted. It’s that Trump can’t afford to gratuitously insult people. It does not help his chances. Therefore, it is stupid. He is on the razor’s edge. Give them nothing!

            • Hi Eric,

              I understand your rationale and you make a valid point, the Elephants elected a NYC real estate developer who spent most of his time on construction sites. He talks as they talk. It is too late to spit shine and polish him down.

              The man is 78 years old and has no filter…it will get worse. It is what made him a breath of fresh air for many when he came down the escalator in 2015. He was honest, crude, but honest, with a bit of delusion and narcissism mixed in. I literally cringe at some of the sentences that leave his mouth, but I am trying to think of a politician who that hasn’t happened with…can’t think of one.

            • It’s irrelevant. “They” are not going to LET him win. He’s been convicted on 34 felonies and is waiting sentencing, for Christ’s sake. Sure, the charges were bogus, but the convictions are nonetheless real.

              Do you think the assassination attempt was a pure random event? Where were all the Johnny Tactical cops who are willing to shoot you for going ten mph over the speed limit when a twenty-year old KID casually climbed onto a roof with a rifle to shoot the president?

              Funny how nobody knows anything about this kid and now it’s all but been forgotten. (Oh, the FBI said it was the Iranians… LOL).

              The civil suit in which New York is trying to take a half-billion dollars, confiscate Trump Tower, and ban him from doing business hasn’t gone away, either.

              Trump is not going to win. You can take that to the bank.

              Trump was a temporary reprieve from Hillary. Be thankful for that. Going forward it the U.S. going to be a one-party state.

              • You are probably right, X – but I still cling (perhaps foolishly) to hope that the worst can be averted. By which I mean a total societal collapse. Economic collapse is likely unavoidable. But societal collapse might yet be averted…

              • Hi X,

                They will let him win, because that is the outcome needed.

                Anyone with an IQ above 70 knew that 2020 was stolen. Trump actually received larger support from most minorities than he did in 2016, hence the shipping in of boxes in places like Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc.

                By blatantly displaying the “Big Cheat” the real people in charge were hoping for Trump supporters to take to the streets and begin the next Civil War (ahem, January 6th). The problem was TPTB did not receive the war that they wanted. Conservatives, Republicans, etc. laid low and kept quiet. I believe many realized that this was the intention which is why most were not confrontational. If Trump’s base started anything the new Administration could force lockdowns and input military control. If the other side doesn’t take the bait it makes it harder to impose these strategies.

                TPTB realized they played the wrong side. The next go around will bring chaos, which is why Trump will be (s)elected. They want the cities to burn and the system to crash.

                I said above that I believe days will be brighter. I still stand by that. The Civil War (mainly an uprising that will last a few months) will be short lived. The Rockefeller Foundation already told us how this play out. I see no reason why they won’t uphold it.

              • “Going forward it the U.S. going to be a one-party state”

                For most intents and purposes, it already is and has been for a while. Both are owned by the same group. I get your point though.

            • 1) Polls are BULLSHIT. Even conducted properly and in good faith, they can still be completely WRONG. But they’re not conducted to gauge opinion; they’re done to INFLUENCE it.
              2) Yes, Trump is egotistical and suffers from “foot-in-mouth” disease. AND…?
              3) It’ll come down to which clown(ette) that our purported Zionist “masters” believe will better serve their ends. If they really want the cackling Ho, there’s NOTHING that OM can do about it, as they control the Lamestream Media which HL Mencken’s “Great Boobsie” suckle on for their info.
              4) REALLY. If a certain sibling of mine, my “Gawd”, I still love her, and always will, but what a DINGBAT. Practically has a 10G line directly to the DNC, easily accessed by CNN and that hare-lipped harpy, Rachel Maddow.
              5) Trump is a REPRIEVE, and therefore, just due to his advanced age, is but a step down the correct path. As it SHOULD be. If all we’re doing is picking a dictator and hoping that he won’t be “bought” by special interests and turn upon us, we’re ALREADY fucked.

              • This is the truth:

                “Polls are BULLSHIT. Even conducted properly and in good faith, they can still be completely WRONG. But they’re not conducted to gauge opinion; they’re done to INFLUENCE it.” -Douglas

            • What factory floor? The only thing I see us making is bombs and bullets. IDK, probably not a lot of girls in those jobs.

              • Hi Norman,

                Duct transitions don’t make themselves. There is still a lot more being made in this country than bombs and bullets.

                • I don’t know what that is RG. If you’re talking about HVAC related sheetmetal components then yes, you are right. I’m just thinking how little we still here make compared to the 80s/90s, let alone the times before that.

                  I remember when I started in plumbing/water treatment, every single thing in my industry was made in USA (late 80s) by the late 90s a lot had shifted to Mexico, by the early 2000s, much more had left for China.

                    • I consider RG and you, helot both very smart. So I’m going to take your word for it. FYI though, Govco statistics might not be the best form of proof, since basically everything out of their mouth is a lie. Just sayin.

                  • Hi Norman,

                    In regards to big manufacturing you are right. Since the 1970s/1980s a greater assortment of large goods are made overseas.

                    But smaller businesses are still manufacturing here, because it really doesn’t save them time or money to have the stuff made overseas. If one is Walmart or Amazon and they deal with clothes or small knick knacks mass production does save them money. They also cater to a clientele who wants cheap or is price shopping.

                    If you are Harry Homeowner and need three pieces of ductwork to tie in your furnace you aren’t going to wait for China or Vietnam to get around to it. You would be months without heat.

                    Unfortunately, small manufacturing companies costs are more which they have to pass on to the consumer. Many Americans don’t want to pay these costs so they look for alternative methods.

      • Yep.

        And for all of Trump’s obnoxious, juvenile public behavior, there is plenty of evidence to show that in private, among average people, Trump is really a kind, decent, caring, generous person, which cannot be said of the ironhearted bitches Hillary and Kamala.

        My biggest problem with Trump is that he is instinctual, not intellectual, and can be easily influenced by people to do stupid thinks like assassinate the Iranian general or ban bump stocks. He thinks he can just issue orders and underlings will get things done, when in fact they will stab him in the back like Mattis and Sessions and Wray.

        He deserves credit for saving us from Hillary in 2016. But he is not the way forward in 2024.

      • >allowing children to chop off their genitalia is perfectly acceptable

        Slight correction, RG.
        The children aren’t doing it to themselves.
        At least, not in most cases.
        “Permitting medical doctors to sexually mutilate children” would be more accurate.

        Old joke:
        Q. What did Jeffrey Dahmer say to Lorena Bobbitt?
        A. Are you going to eat that?


        >Castration is the disruption of testicular function, usually by removal of the testes of male animals, and has been a routine management procedure for most bull calves since ancient times.

    • The flip side is that the political theatre was all about decorum and procedure. A state dinner is planned with the same concern over minutia as the French Aristocracy planned the salon at Versailles. Trump serving McDonalds to the basketball team could have been an example of Trump thumbing his nose at the establishment (and perhaps it was), but the (I believe willfully) ignorant mainstream press either didn’t understand or intentionally sided with the Washington establishment. Either way they failed to tell the real story. Without a real story, or the mainstream baking up whatever story they wanted to tell (IIRC it was “Trump’s a racist who thinks blacks like McDonalds”), they just encourage speculation in his base to interpret his actions into whatever philosophical view they wish -hence the 4D chess narrative.

      I’m reminded of the episode of the Simpsons where Homer is made shop steward of the union and put in charge of negotiating the new contract. Burns and Smithers are attempting to play games with Homer in subtle ways, but he’s too dumb to notice. But they assume he’s toying with them (not just having to go to the bathroom) so he ends up getting everything the workers want. The last scene is Homer emulating Curly on the floor of Burn’s office. Burn’s realization that he’s been negotiating with an idiot. Maybe at the end of Trump’s next term the public will realize they’ve been backing a fool.

    • I’m sticking with my prediction that Trump will be selected, as White southern boys aren’t going to sign up to fight and die for Heels Up.

  22. Eric wrote: “Mr. Trump, please shut up! We don’t want to hear about you.”

    Most of the country doesn’t want to hear about him. But his MAGA base apparently does, and they delight in his ego and narcissism.

    Harris and Trump – what a great choice we have. “Vote for me, I’m not the other guy”. The country is doomed with either.

    • The country is doomed period. The debt is literally out of control, it mathematically cannot be repaid without revealing its fiat money for the con game that it is. The freedom is gone, replaced by a literal infinity of rules and traffic cops. The greatness of America came only from the freedom to do things other people hated and to succeed at it. A republican government of strictly limited and defined powers has been replaced by communism, where you have no rights because everything is subject to a vote. There is no coming back from that, it’s time to burn it to the ground and build a new one.

      The question is, who do you want to manage the implosion, a publicity seeking knucklehead with a twisted sense of humor who at least has done something in the real world, or a communist lawyer who likes the situation, has no sense of humor, and wants to make it worse. One choice will throw millions of our bodies on the funeral pyre, the other will work to contain the damage and make sure the site can be re-used in as short a time as possible.

      • I agree, Ernie –

        My worry is that Trump will alienate just enough people to give the communists all they need to steal the election and shove it in our faces. Again.

      • Yes, we are doomed period – our problems are intractable. It’s likely that whoever gets elected will be blamed because I don’t see how the day of reckoning can be delayed another four years.

  23. Rush once said that one would have to have big ego to run for high office and a “fire in the belly”. A big ego is tolerable provided that the individual has a practiced discipline for self control. I’m voting for the “Orange Man” regardless because a vote the other way would bring the “nail in the coffin” for this nation. Hung Cao hopefully took him aside to let him know that was something that should’ve been left unsaid.

  24. “Paraphrasing Reagan: Mr. Trump, please shut up! We don’t want to hear about you. Or hear dick jokes. We want you to win – so that America doesn’t lose.”

    Trump needs to say one thing: “I sincerely apologize for Operation Warp Speed, and the implementation of untested and not safe nor effective shots on the population of America.” That’s it. Then he can shut the fuck up, forever. As for him winning, if he does, America still loses. He’ll only surround himself yet again with bootlickers such as Fauxi and his ilk. Trump does not have humility to be able to govern effectively (nor do ALL other politicians, but I’m only talking about Trump here). Mr. Trump take a lesson from Jesus (which he won’t because he thinks he is Jesus/God):

    “At that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who, thinkest thou, is the greater in the kingdom of heaven?
    And Jesus, calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them.
    And said: amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
    Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven.
    And he that shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me.” Saint Matthew 18,1-5.

    • Amen, Pug –

      It’s so frustrating. If Trump said what you wrote rather than something about how “Hung” Cao is, people – not just his base – would listen. And might actually begin to like him.

  25. That he is the main alternative to a cackling, idiot Marxist for the highest elected office in the land says more about this country than it does the candidates themselves.


    God save us.


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