City vs. Country This Time


What was not the American “civil war” – because the Southern Confederacy wasn’t trying to take over the country; it was attempting to secede and form a new country – was a geographical war. The North sought to force the South back into a “union” the South wished to not be forced to be a part of.

Kids in school are taught something else, of course. They are told the North’s refusal to allow the South to peacefully separate itself from a “union” it regarded as exploitative and insufferable (very much of a piece with the attitude of the 13 American colonies that successfully separated from “union” with Great Britain) was about the South’s enslavement of black people. It was in fact partially about that – but mostly in the sense of political apportionment. If more “slave states” were admitted to the “union” then the political power of the South would wax and the North very much opposed this.

It is easy, at any rate, to prove that the war – which was far from civil – was not fought to “free the slaves.” The famous Emancipation Proclamation was not issued until January of 1863 – two years into a war that, at the time, the North was not winning. It was issued because the North was losing – something kids are not taught, either. The Proclamation was a war measure – meant to foment a slave uprising but only in the states of the Southern Confederacy. The Proclamation freed not one slave held in”service” – as it was styled at the time – in states not “then in rebellion.”

If Lincoln wanted to free the slaves, why did he not free them all? Why did he “free” those over whom he – at the time of the Proclamation’s issuing – had no power to free?

Of course, the North eventually did win the war. That is to say, the North succeeded in forcing the states that had left the “union” back into it – at bayonet point. Lincoln had the gall to call this “government of the people, by the people”  . . . never mind the Southern people.

Something similar is coming into focus in our time. It is also geographic as well as political – and it will not be civil.

It already isn’t.

The two sides that are forming up are city vs. country and this division is as divisive as the Mason Dixon line that divided the North from the South. We can view this division in red vs. blue, very much in the same way that blue vs. gray could be viewed in 1861. Interestingly, blue is the same today as it was then. It is the color of what was then referred to as the “Yankee” mentality, which was a synonym for Puritan or – in our language, today, busybodyism. The idea that other people’s business is everyone’s business. Centralization vs. decentralization. An industrialized falling-in-line and doing what you’re told.

By busybodies, who were typically of the most unctuous, insufferable sort. These people were no friends of black people. They were annoyed by the competition of  slave labor and  interested in enslaving everyone – though of course they did not say so. They meweled the words of compassion- always backed by the sword.

And so it is with today’s blues – who control the levers of power because they control the cities. A state can be almost entirely red (today’s gray) in terms of the color of the majority of its geography and yet be controlled by one or two cities that are controlled by the blues. California is an example. It does not matter that rural California – which is most of California – is not blue. What matters is that San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego are blue. The rest of the state has no voice, politically. They are dominated by the blues who control the cities.

It is the same in my own state – Virginia – which is overwhelming not blue, too. Yet because Northern Virginia and Richmond are the state goes blue at election time.

This is political dynamite.

It also gives the lie to the prattle about “our democracy” in that these “democrats” openly say they want the not-blues to have no say. They want to elect their president directly, bypassing the Electoral College, which was put in place in order to serve as a check on the otherwise-lock that cities would have on national elections. On state elections, too – as the Senate is now determined by popular-vote state elections that are – once again – largely determined by the vote-count of cities vs. the rest of the state.

If the president – who has become an elected dictator (just like Caesar, by the way) – is elected by majority vote, then the majority in the blue cities will elect their president and control the Senate and at that point, why even bother with elections?

The country begins to recognize that it cannot reconcile with the city via the ballot box. That a crucible is coming that will determine whether the blues will rule uncontested.

Will the not-blues accept their subjugation, again?

. . .

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  1. The leftists love the power to print fiat….and their new MMT… them power over the slaves…..and cash to give to the replacement slaves……and to buy votes…..rate cut before the election…

    Back to a gold standard by 2030?………..

    2nd video on promissory notes…

    I promise to pay the bearer on demand …a look at self liquidating loans…

    An interesting video on fiat printing….includes Nixon’s speech when he suspended convertibility of the dollar…@ 6:00 in video…

    Stage 1…
    Promissory notes convertible for monetary precious metals ….to get confidence in them…

    Stage 2…
    Suspend convertibility and expand the supply exponentilly….Until…

    Stage 3….
    Gold and silver revalued to account for all the promissory notes created since the last time….cycle repeated….back to stage 1….

    @ 46:30 in video….Cash, currency promissory notes are all the same…not money….money is only gold or silver….

    • Nixon’s speech in 1971 when he suspended convertibility of the dollar…

      Look at a chart….inflation has gone straight up since then…now slaves can’t afford food and rent….

      brandon loves it….he can print fiat to give to the replacement slaves….and other projects….buy votes….

  2. You know we know that it’s all fake and that Trump is one of them?
    Because Trump claims that the 2020 election was rigged, and yet he’s running again, when nothing has changed (So the same thing could happen again) and he was even judicially scolded for asserting that the election was rigged and for trying to do something about it, while his “enemies” -the supposed election riggers- suffered no consequences.

    If this were real and not theater, why on earth would any sane person put themselves in the same position again? It would be tantamount to opposing the leader of a banana republic in an election, only to be shot, while your opponent “wins” 100% of the vote, anmd then turning around and running again in the next election, thopugh no reforms have been made.

    But Hulk Hogan vs. the love child of Janet Reno and Big Mike Obama sure makes for good theater to keep the masses passively in their seats and cheering for the players. Wave that banner, say woo-hoo and stick your hotdog up your ass! They’ll be a rematch, and maybe the referee won’t be deaf dumb and blind then and ignore all of the rules. Yeah! I’m sure when Hulk and The Love Child are sitting in the bar after the show, they’ll be coming up with an even better shiow for next time!

  3. 8,000,000,000 hungry souls need sustenance. Four ounces of protein each day is a requirement. 2,000,000,000 pounds of food for every empty stomach on the planet. Yak milk included.

    If you are raising 300 head of cattle, you will need to be on the ball. Five acres per head for grazing, 1500 acres to graze 300 head. 100 new calves in the spring, you can haul 100 head of steers to market. 1200 pounds, 150 dollars per hundred weight, 12×150=1800 dollars per head.

    180,000 dollars when you sell, you have 100 more newborn calves, a goose laying a golden egg. You will mind your p’s and q’s, your products and quotients, your pints and quarts. har

    After several years, you have a steady income until the cows come home. 180 years later in Iowa, you can see for yourself what works. Corn, soybeans, hogs, what else is there?

    Nobody out there is going to starve.

    Farmers and ranchers have deep pockets, don’t kid yourself. All sorts of new equipment, buildings, and storage facilities. If it needs updating, that’s what they do.

    300 bushel per acre down in Louisiana is a top notch yield.

    Plant genetics, research and development, makes for progress in crop management. What was once mostly wheat, barley, and sunflowers became corn, soybeans, and canola, some sunflowers, not what they once were. Blackbirds will eat for days on end, scare them away.

    Time of year for too many flies, the pesky devils. Fucken flies, there’s a reason for a fly swatter and a damn good reason for winter. Fucken flies.

    An evolution in agricultural crops planted did take place in an agricultural region from the 1960’s to the 1990’s. Even if everything continues as such, changes take place anyhow.

    What agriculture has become and the resulting infrastructure is amazing and incredible. Grain trains from Chicago to Portland in Oregon to export wheat to South Korea is what you call mechanized economies at work.

    Gotta have that Lucerne hay if you want good milk. Also called alfalfa.

    Mechanization rules and makes the rules.

    Hence, the market becomes huge, 24/7.

    The Chicago Board of Trade does an active business every doggone bidness day. The citified busybodies have to do something, they have to eat too. You gotta do something.

    To market, to market to buy a fat pig, home again, home again, dancing a jig

    In the early 1800’s, lobsters would walk out of the Atlantic waters and up onto the shore. You could just go and get one, it was that easy. What I have read from a long time ago. Don’t ask me where.

    Not enough room on the planet for any kind of war.

    All war can stop now, it’ll do a world of good.

  4. America is a large country in land and people. There are currently about 330 million people here. No one knows the exact count even the Census Bureau doesn’t. A vast growing multicultural empire that wants to impose its vision of world control. Almost like the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel. The people living here are not of one mind. This is a divided country and only strong central controls will keep it together. Some groups get special privileges like Affirmative Action for example. USSofA touts itself as the land of freedom and opportunity. On the surface that’s the way it appears but underneath but there are so many laws and regulations here and there will be more as the population grows.
    Some one/some people want the population to keep growing. Itz almost like a Ponzi scheme
    structure because once the population stagnates then the inevitable will occur.
    I give this nation about another fifty years before the various groups start trying to impose their will on the rest of us. There will be conflict.

  5. I love you all and especially Eric for taking a stand. :*

    Love you all, brood of bothers.


  6. Well-stated, Eric ..

    But c’mon folks! This election is just like all the past elections; it’s
    a multiple-choice IQ test. Pick the most correct (least wrong) answer
    from the only two viable answers offered to you. In all cases, don’t
    look for the absolutely ‘correct’ one; isolate and discard the most
    wrong one.

    Applying that logic, I didn’t vote FOR Trump in 2016 or 2020; no, I
    voted AGAINST the DEMWIT candidate, unlike my dearly-departed mother, I
    suspect .. who died decades before 2016, here in Virginia, but surely
    voted BLUE, in both of those elections.

  7. Reuters – The Harris- Trump debate, hosted by ABC News, will take place on Sept. 10 at 9 p.m. EDT (0100 GMT on Sept. 11) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    Trump is going to cremate the brainless Kameltoe Ho who slept her way to the top.

    August 30, 2024
    Kamala finally submits to an ‘interview’… and it should be the end of her campaign

    So what will the Demoncraps do to stop the slaughter of the Kameltoe Ho? First they tried to jail Trump, then assassinate him? WW3 with Russia? Call off the elections like Zelensky?

    • The Frog Prince Macron (Rothschild fascist dictator) called snap elections and refuses to allow a Left government

      Sounds familiar. The 2020 election was a Demoncrap coup, jailing the J6 protesters is a coup, removing Biden from the race and installing Harris without any voting is a coup, so why wouldn’t the Biden-Harris plot to not allow Trump to come to power? Afterall they could be prosecuted for their coups, stealing an election is treason, and for treason you hang.

      Look at Ukraine, the Democrat installed puppet dictator Zelensky called off elections. Why wouldn’t the Biden team do the same? I think we are in for much more fireworks, starting with the Trump-Harris debate – which will be Trump destroying Harris as a credible candidate – just as Trump did to senile Biden.

      And I do not feel sorry for her at all, some heels up DEI hire has no business being given the keys to the kingdom when she is unqualified and did not earn it, it is the ultimate chutzpah to accept a title to which you should not have, and lack the integrity to refuse it.

      • James Kunstler – “As it happens, Ms. Harris’s poll numbers have begun to sink the past week, as the tactic of hiding the candidate from the press has backfired. As of August 29, Nate Silver has her chance of winning down at 42.7 to Mr. Trump’s 56.7. Voters have begun to notice that the candidate represents nothing except whatever happened the past four years in Biden-Land — which is to say, open borders, war for the sake of arms profiteers, flagrant censorship, inflation, cratering business activity, and overt DOJ political persecutions. Martin Armstrong, for instance, has estimated Kamala Harris’s true polling number in the ten percent range. Yikes.”

        The polls for Harris are massively overinflated, the Amerikan sheeple are being gaslit by the MSM, and come Sep 10th interview, they will find out Harris is some black Indian brunette air head, with air whistling in one ear and out the other.

        Harris did extremely poor in her CNN interview, over half of it was cut out. Trump is going to rip her to shreds, and she knows it, which why today she was drunk at a Georgia rally and her word salad was scrambled. Drunk. I think she is an alcoholic – which explains why 96% of her staff quit – because she flies into rages as alcoholics often do.

        Is the Kamal a drunk washed up bimbo? Is she going to crash and burn like Joe Biden after the next Trump debate? I think so. Is Big Mike up next?

    • Do this: (less than symbol)(a)(space)(href)(equal sign)(quotation mark)(url)(quotation mark)(greater than symbol)(word or two)(less than symbol)(forward slash)(a)(greater than symbol)(period)

      How you embed the link.

      American thinker url is too long. Unable to read all of the text.

      Kamala and her campaign

    • I’m not as confident, Jack –

      Trump may blow it. He might make the idiot mistake of talking down to a “strong woman of color.” He might make the mistake of talking incessantly about how marvelous he is.

      I do not expect much from him.

      • Remember when Rick Lazio approached Hillary Clinton during a debate for the NY Senate? He was accused of moving aggressively (against a poor, helpless woman) when he walked across the debate stage and demanded Hillary sign a pledge against “soft” campaign money. Trump is in a quandary as you mention here. There are different expectations, drilled into us from the last several decades of fake racism and feminism, for men and women when they “debate.” Trump must tactfully and carefully explain his points without appearing aggressive or condescending. It will be tough. There will be no expectations for Harris other than to survive.

    • “Trump is going to cremate the brainless Kameltoe Ho who slept her way to the top.”.

      It doesn’t matter. If libturds were smart and cared about facts and reality, they wouldn’t be libtards. Most women and effeminized man-boys act solely on emotion and with very limited knowledge. Not to mention that the topics addressed in the so-called debates are mostly fluff, “social issues”, party rhetoric.

      Kuntmala could giggle and say “Don’t ask me, I’m just a girl” (Which is pretty much what she does) and half the country will still cheer for her.

      At this point they could run Karl Marx and Bozo The Clown, and it would still be a tight race with 100+ million people still voting for one of them. [Sniveling idiot in a Wally Cox voice: “But we’re still free, because we can vote!”]

  8. From what I understand the war between the states was over economics,,, a tariff.

    Most slavery was already being phased out in the South as the plantation owners discovered slavery cost too much. But like today’s bullshit being thrown around the winner usually determines history.

    Yes, the 14th was in fact illegally ratified. How could the Confederate States vote for a US amendment when they still were not in the union? Doesn’t matter to corpgov,,, like today,,, it does at it pleases while the people seems to ignore it all. And for the war itself.

    Israel looks plumb dumb innocent compared to the Northern US war operations in the South. Every city and most farms burnt down. Women and children raped and killed. US corpgov are experts and are arming and advising Israel.

    • The war was indeed about blocking the south from exporting raw cotton and other crops directly to England instead of pushing them up to the north for processing and export of finished goods.

      Not to mention that fancy new atmospheric engine from Newcomen and Watt. The northern factory owners figured out pretty quickly that southern plantations could easily install a steam plant, run by slaves, and undercut them out of business after one winter.

  9. I graduated high school in 2013 in northern blue Virginia. The civil war was 5 test questions on the state’s end of year testing, and you didn’t even have to get them right. 3 or 4 of them were what battles were where. The impression you were supposed to get was it was about slavery, and the south was racist. That is all that was tought.

  10. The enslavement of Negroes was a convenient moral pretext to justify the killing of Southern whites by Northern whites. Aside from a few fanatics and zealots like John Brown, few Northerners wanted anything to do with Negroes. To this day the North remains far more segregated than the South.

    Lincoln himself stated that the war was not being fought to free the slaves. Four Union states remained slave states throughout the duration of the war. Lincoln further opined that he would deport the Negroes to Africa if it were possible.

    The Civil War was really about the fact that the Northern capitalist swine wanted to transition away from a rural, agricultural economy to an urban, industrial economy, and import white laborers who were cheaper than slaves and could be treated worse than slaves.

    It is generally not acknowledged today that the master had a paternalistic duty toward his slaves, and had to take care of them when they were elderly and infirm (Jefferson wrote about this in Notes on the State of Virginia). Many (not all, of course) slaves were treated like part of the extended plantation family, and house servants lived a very good life compared to the jungles of Africa.

    By contrast the capitalist pig could simply discard a crippled or elderly worker and had no social or moral obligation toward the worker other then his hourly wage. This is why the capitalist pigs happily closed thousands of factories in the United States over the past fifty years, and offshored labor to China and Mexico where some peasant will happily live in a shithole and work for a fraction of what the American worker needs to sustain a middle-class lifestyle.

    • X: “To this day the North remains far more segregated than the South.”

      And, from my observation, the North has more outright hostility between black and white than in the South. Perhaps it is the city (non?)culture. The south had many rural families, and they had common ground regardless of race. Hard work, church and family ties, for instance. I guess to quote Steven Foster “Gone are the Days” in more ways than one. Some southern cities are pretty hard core danger zones, too.

      BTW: I grew up drinking from “Whites Only” fountains in NJ. My school district was desegregated when I was in 2nd grade (1947?). Moved to Alabama in 1968.

    • X: (again) on slave vs hired hand

      Walter Williams used to point out how the (I want to say “responsible” here, but that doesn’t quite fit. Maybe “wise”) slave owner had a vested interest in his slaves. If he had a dangerous job where one might get crippled, or blown up, he would hire some poor Irishman for $1 a day to do that kind of work.

      Another thing The Ministry of Truth has buried is that there were numbers of black slave owners. Some, and their slaves, fought on the side of the Confederacy.

      Surely, none of this justifies one man owning another. But unless one remembers that history is written by the conquerors/victors, it is to easy to take everything laid out in it as truth.

      • “ If he had a dangerous job where one might get crippled, or blown up, he would hire some poor Irishman for $1 a day to do that kind of work.”

        One of my mother in law’s ancestors was one of those poor Irishmen. There is no record of a grave anywhere because he disappeared whilst clearing a swamp in Louisiana—work that slaves were too valuable to do.

        • loading the old sailing ships…When the black slaves threw the cargo for the ships down into the ship’s hold….it was Irishmen down in the hold catching them…..

          Most of the firemen killed in 911 were Irish….

    • >some peasant will happily live in a shithole
      Or not so happily. If conditions get bad enough, he or she may decide to venture al Norte in search of a better life. I certainly cannot blame people for wanting a better life.

  11. It is obvious Amerika is drifting toward another civil war, a real one this time. The WSJ reported months ago that the US government spent $144 billion on the illegal immigrants in 2023. Finally that story is in the headlines:

    That is a whopping figure, 3,000 million dollars per state spent on illegals. This spendthrift will probably not continue much longer, it is reasonable to expect a whopping ass financing crisis could soon come down Albert C. Pike highway to hell. At any time, especially as we are in the countdown to nuclear war toe to toe with the Russkies, that interest rates could rise in an uncontrolled way as the “full faith and credit” of the United States evaporates. Do you really believe the criminal government in D.C. can pay back $35 trillion in debt? Do you remember interest rates in 1980 were 20% when the national debt was less than 1 trillion? Do you remember that Arizona threatened to leave the union if the debt went to 2 trillion?

    It is also a moral outrage the criminal government is forcing us to pay taxes so illegals can replace the white population. To his credit, Trump threatens J-w Zuckerberg he will be jailed for life if he interferes in the current election. Why not prosecute that bastard for interfering in the 2020 election?

    To interfere in even one vote is a felony. To steal an election makes the government an illegitimate entity. Suckerborg ruthlessly suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story – which turned out to be true. All the social media is infested with ADL and SPLC spies eliminating any truth tellers about the Covid hoax, death jab fatalities, crimes of Israel, stolen election by ballot stuffing, etc.

    Trump’s problem is he is fighting corruption when his J-w buddies are the center of it. You can not serve two masters, either you are loyal to this nation, or to the hell tribe. Take your pick.

    • Who actually runs Amerika? Do you know, or even care?

      What did Bibi Netanyahu says about our nation? From VT archives:

      Bibi and Fink’s Bar (1990)

      In 1990, after returning to Israel and after being Israel’s UN ambassador in New York, and before the First Gulf War, Bibi Netanyahu was in Jerusalem at Fink’s Bar – dining and drinking with high level U.S. Embassy staff and others.

      Bibi and his loyalist group at a Fink’s Bar private table in Jerusalem had just stolen five (5) NSA-developed KG-84A cryptographic devices in Golan Heights (with help from Canadians serving with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization), giving Bibi, his loyalists and others real-time access to all U.S. State Department, U.S. Navy and NATO communications.

      This is what Bibi Netanyahu said while sitting at the head of that private table in Fink’s Bar (transcribed from a secretly recorded audio of Netanyahu at that meeting – words that few Americans, Israelis or others have seen or heard until today):

      “If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So, it does not matter what you do. America is a golden calf; and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit; so, we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” [Confirmed by an “attendee” during a debriefing.]


      And don’t forget that Israel has promised to exercise the “Sampson Option” if it goes down, they will nuke every western capital. Israel is going down, Amerika’s days are numbered. It is not Iran that is the threat, the real threat is Israel. In fact, Iran is of no threat to the USA, they do not have nukes, nor do they have missiles to reach us. And, if you all remember, Iran used to be our #1 Middle East ally when our puppet the Shah ruled.

      • >Iran used to be our #1 Middle East ally when our puppet the Shah ruled.
        Yeah, buddy, but Operation Ajax:état
        >Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration decided in early 1953 to overthrow Iran’s government.
        was kept secret from the American public, so when the Iranians threw out their U.S. installed dictator, Shah Reza Pahlavi, in 1979, the U.S. public was like, “WTF is wrong with these towelheads?”

        • The first CIA coup was the overthrow of democratically elected Mossadeq by Kermit Roosevelt. Mossedeq had nationalized the oil industry, no different than in Mexico, where the only gasoline seller is Pemex. Many socialist countries without a manufacturing tax base use petroleum sales to fund the state – so it not like Iran was the only nation to nationalize oil.

          The history of western intervention into Iran starts with the discovery of oil after WW2. The CIA installed the Shah, gave him an F-4 fighter as his private jet. He created a secret police called the Savak which killed 50,000 Iranians until the 1979 revolution which ousted the western puppet government (which allowed Iranian woman to not wear Burkas) – and the Ayatollah fundamentalist hardliners took back power.

          So to punish Iran, Reagan had Saddam (our ally) attack Iran in a 10 year war, both sides lost over a million men. Donald Rumsfeld gave Saddam chemical weapons in 1982 to kill Iranians. Years later (after 911 (CIA/Israel job) Colin Powell accused Iraq of Weapons of Mass Destruction – we knew he had them because we gave them to him, but Saddam had destroyed them. Didn’t matter, we hunted him down like a dog and hung him.

          Since 911, the Zionist crazies have taken control of US foreign policy and now Iran is the enemy, when at one time it was our ally. Bibi Satanjew has been lobbying for the USA to destroy Iran, but so far no go. We’ll see what Trump does once installed.

          No worries about Kameltoe Ho – in the upcoming debate Trump will destroy her just as he did to old Joe.

    • >Do you remember interest rates in 1980 were 20%
      I bought a house (still live there) in 1981 with 10% down to a 16% (+ 1/4%PMI) 30 year mortgage loan. It was a no brainer decision, due to the confiscatory federal income tax. As almost everyone knows, the early payments on a level payment loan are mostly interest, all of which is/was tax deductible. The alternative, absent the tax deduction, was to pay ~70% marginal federal income tax rate.

  12. One aspect of life before the “War of Northern Aggression” was the fact that the federal government had little power and was subservient to the states.
    In those times, an individual citizen regarded himself to be a citizen of his respective state–NOT a “citizen of the united States”. A person living in Virginia considered himself to be a citizen of Virginia and likewise citizens of other states who were citizens of their respective states.
    At the time, the only responsibilities that the federal government had was to coin lawful money, run a post office, and have the ability to gather troops to repel invasions, nothing more.
    The “War of Northern Aggression” was illegal on its face, as states always had the right to secede from the “union”.
    The requirement that the “states in rebellion” sign a statement recognizing the inviolability of the federal government before readmission was done under duress and were not valid contracts. The only state that never signed a “no secession” clause was Texas. To this day, Texas could tell the feds to “take a hike”. There would be very little the feds could do about it.
    That all changed with the conclusion of the “War of Northern Aggression” when the states were subordinated to the federal government, illegal powers being taken by the federal government. It was all downhill from there…
    P. S.: Notice that the word “united” was never capitalized until after the “War of Northern Aggression” was concluded.

  13. A flaw of human thinking, due to our short lifespans is “it’s always been this way and so it always will be”.

    Wrong. It’s been this way during your lifetime, you’ve known nothing else except this.

    “My plans for you are an inevitability.” So sayeth the State. “For you are powerless and I am all knowing and all powerful. To resist is futile.”

    We are bombarded with this message from cradle to grave. “Waking up” doesn’t only mean being able to see the show, it means an awakening to the knowledge that it wasn’t always this way and doesn’t have to be this way and you have great power, and that their system is a complex yet fragile house of cards and can be blown away by a stiff breeze.

    The State attempts to define the ways in which you are allowed to make changes to their system. “Vote for your masters. Protest, peacefully. Speak out, within legal limits. Never take violent action! That is our domain alone.”

    That is our domain alone… the biggest lie of all.

  14. ‘the [civil] war was not fought to “free the slaves.” — eric

    If anything, it was fought to enslave the free. Apparently it succeeded:

    “Our society is now a strange hybrid of the Middle Ages, the Third Reich, and Brave New World. We have two classes — lords and peasants; we are in the midst of a very profitable genocide; and it’s all infused with surveillance technology, mind-altering drugs, and wall-to-wall propaganda.” — Dr. Toby Rogers

    • “If anything, it was fought to enslave the free.”

      Excellent point, Jim. Dr. Rogers is right as well.

      Today, I read a study that prior to COVID the depression rate in the country (on average) was around 8%. Today, it is 28%. That is ridiculous, but not surprising. TPTB brain shagged us good (decided it was a nicer word than mindf-). They didn’t even use bullets…just fear. When almost a 1/3 of the population is walking around with no hope, optimism, or ambition have we lost the battle?

      • ‘Biden,’ I suspect, is among that demoralized third. As you may have noticed, the addled old geezer has simply checked out in response to being discarded like a used Dixie cup.

        Today ‘Joe’ is sitting listlessly on the deck of his beach house — shaking his fist at the clouds, spitefully refusing to eat his corn flakes, and yelling ‘get off my lawn you little peckers’ when gulls alight.

        ‘What a drag it is getting old’

        — Rolling Stones, Mother’s Little Helper (1966)

  15. Lincoln caused plenty of suffering and misery for four years, 700 thousand dead bodies, Americans. If you want to prosecute a war, you have to tax citizens to finance the wars.

    Others had a different idea of what should happen to Honest Abe.

    Biden is doing the same, none of this stops until it can’t work anymore. 600,000 dead in Ukraine and Russia is what you get when there is a war president in office. Every single president from George Washington to Joe Biden instigates a war footing.

    All war – Hunter S. Thompson

    All of them.

    “The difference between death and taxes is death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.” – Will Rogers

    There are always more deaths and more taxes, not difficult to see, an observation that does tell the story.

    You get what you vote for. Kamala will be no different.

    The 535 quislings in Congress could care less about Americans.

    Ain’t no money in helping Americans.

    Plenty of money for death and destruction

    • Biden funded and supplied the weapons for the Gaza genocide, the worst felony on the lawbooks. Aiding and abetting a crime makes one equally culpable. Biden should hang along with Bibi Netanyahu. It will be fun to watch on the news when Russia detonates their tsunami bombs off the east coast, and all the criminals on the Potomac are drowned like rats on a sinking ship. The truth is, the government of the United States and the government of Israel are both so far gone they need to be scrapped. We need to start over, you can not save a rotting corpse.

      • When the jews have their “backs against the wall” they will detonate one of their illegally-obtained nukes in a major American or European city.
        No delivery systems are needed as they are already “on site”, ready to go at a moment’s notice.

        • Correct, Mark Glenn of The Ugly Truth website said they use a diplomatic pouch (which can be as big as a shipping container) to bring in nukes (that we gave them) to blackmail us.

          The unknown story of the secret Israeli nuclear program starts with the JFK assassination, the transfer of the M-29 Davy Crockett Warheads to Dimona, which were photographed by Mordechai Vanunu, here:

          those nuclear weapons cores were made in the USA and after LBJ offed Kennedy, Israel got them and has been using them since.

          Little does the public know that Israel has thousands of nukes and uses them all the time – as documented over at VT

  16. There is a solution, but it will never be implemented. Establish an electoral college system in each state for statewide elections. Each county would have electors that would give each county’s voters true representation
    The country’s founders were not only prescient in their adoption of the electoral college for president, they KNEW that absent an “equalizer”, the major population centers would determine the outcome of elections.
    Without the electoral college system, candidates would have to campaign in only 4 or 5 states and could safely ignore the rest of the country.
    The federal electoral college system forces candidates to campaign in all 50 states to achieve a majority of electors.
    The founders were hell of a lot smarter than those who want to dismantle the electoral college system.
    In fact, the STATES should adopt the electoral college system for statewide elections in order to promote true representation of all the counties in a state.

    • ‘true representation of all the counties in a state’ — anarchyst

      We had that. Then the fedgov’s hacks in black took it away:

      ‘The case of Reynolds v. Sims arose after voters in Birmingham, Alabama, challenged the apportionment of the Alabama Legislature; the Constitution of Alabama provided for one state senator per county regardless of population differences.’

      Amendment XIV, illegally adopted at gunpoint by defeated southern states, was the basis of the Warren court’s decision. In effect, Reynolds v Sims is another toxic legacy of Ape Lincoln.

    • AMEN!!! I’ve thought that each state should have an electoral college system for statewide offices and issues for some time now.

  17. What a world it would be if the south had prevailed. Driving through the old south, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia you get a sense of it. I imagine the phrase, ‘an armed society is a polite society,’ might have originated in the south. They didn’t lose by accident, nor by strategic blunder, although they were way to soft hearted towards their ‘brothers.’ The south lost because the banking elites of the world demanded it. Almost like a hidden hand was at work, even back then.

    This agenda of big cities oppressing rural areas, now runs through every single state. Its made possible by mass media, and special people like G. Soros. He spends a small fortune rigging each states SOS race, so a compromised clown, loyal to him, oversees the statewide election. Nowhere more evident than here in AZ. Our current SOS is/was a real estate lawyer for the Sinaloa cartel. The previous POS SOS had the audacity to count her own ballots, refusing to recuse herself from selecting herself governor.

    Its now to the point where some precincts in large urban areas, usually majority minority will turn out and vote in numbers near or in excess of 100% registered voters. The Rs have been brainwashed with ‘Cant we all just get along,’ say little. The few with any backbone are laughed at as conspiracy freaks and raycissss. Common sense, which we lost somewhere down the road, would demand that in such circumstances as these, where a place has the gall to turn in more votes than registered voters, they should be tossed in the overflowing trash can of fail. But, cant do that, because, feelings, and it fails to exhibit the proper respect for our strong yet fragile democracy.

    This time, (((they))) are really going to have to lean into it. Viva la revolution comrades. Forward, over the cliff.

  18. It was largely City vs Country the first time. The South had few large cities, and most of the people, by a large majority, did not live in one, being mostly agrarian. The North, on the other hand, had built up an industrial population, largely on the back of heavy taxation of the South. That taxation became the driving force behind the secession, and the suppression. And the subsequent annihilation of hundreds of thousands, and the South’s economy.

  19. No state will be able to leave the union…Bite-me or Camel-toes or some future Soft-Mittens type Romney simply has to tell the states contemplating a leave that no more social security for your oldsters. We’ve been weaned from work, production and abundance to the tit of social-Marxism.

    • Why should that be (other than “because we have more guns”)? If you move to France, you still get your Social Security. How would this be any different?

      • Horst,
        We live in a banana republic now. The Marxist feel no hesitation to jail, remove from the ballot, even kill their political opponents. My point is that we (those opposing Marxism) do not have the stomach to leave the union and the simple fact we are tied to social security is an easy string to pull to control the states.

        You are right in that the last vestige of a free republic lies in the hands of the 300MM firearms in private ownership. Otherwise, the Marxist (democratic party) would have full control long ago.

    • Hans Gruber: “tell the states contemplating a leave that no more social security for your oldsters”

      Exactly. Any of of the welfare spigots being turned off would do the trick. States have sold out for less. Highway Funds? Education Funding? Medicare/Medicaid? In a heartbeat. That has been obvious for years, especially to those who control the faucet.

      Also obvious, all that changes when the dollar collapses.

  20. Same thing in Pennsylvania: It’s Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and State College that are blue.

    In 2016, Donald Trump turned the formerly blue Beaver, Erie, and Cambria counties…which was enough to win PA.

    I also think of how ultimately mechanized agriculture and the internal combustion engine made slavery basically obsolete by 1900. Should the internal combustion engines be outlawed, it’s right back to slavery—and this time, YOU are the slave!

    • >the internal combustion engine
      Before there was IC, there was steam.
      This is a faithful replica:

      Robert E. Lee, a great American, is on record as stating, circa 1865, that slavery was on its way out. That turned out to be true for philosophical, but also technological, reasons, as you have stated. Nobody picks cotton by hand, these days.

      • “Nobody picks cotton by hand, these days.”

        My kids do. Their Grandpa plants a row of cotton every year and has the grandkids come over to pick all of the cotton like he used to do on the farm when he was a kid. They love it. They get to keep the cotton they pick.

        • >My kids do.
          Okay, okay.
          Should have said, “No *commercial* grower harvests cotton by hand, these days.”

          At least in California, where I live, the drill is to first defoliate the cotton plants, then machine harvest the cotton. Yes, Virginia, they do grow cotton in California. Arizona, too. The planes which spray the defoliants are very noisy radial engine biplanes.

          • That Model A was loaded down and California bound
            A change of luck was just four days away
            But the only change that I remember seeing in my daddy
            Was when his dark hair turned to silver gray

            California cotton fields
            Where labor camps were filled with weary men with broken dreams
            California cotton fields
            As close to wealth as daddy ever came

            — Merle Haggard, California Cotton Fields

  21. The size of a city used to be limited by the distance a horse cart could travel to bring food. The automobile changed that distance, and large shipping and air freight eliminated distance as a factor completely. My great grandfather was a dairy farmer. His farm was about 5 miles away from the center of town, an easy trek for his horse drawn milk wagon. When he died unexpectedly the land was sold off, because that’s what happens when you have young daughters and no sons to take on the business. But the street he cut to his farm is still named after him, even though no one outside of the family knows who Walter was. Today the farm is a housing development. No need for a dairy farm that close to town when there’s plenty of cheap land for miles around and massive trucks to take the milk to the factory.

    When you lose touch with where things come from, you set yourself up for self-destruction. When you call for the destruction of the very tools that make your life possible you are a societal traitor, a betrayer of humanity, and a sociopath.

    Calling for the end of internal combustion is a call to the end of the massive cities the Klaus Schwab crowd wants to force everyone into. I guess when everyone is under their control they can shut off the gasoline and let ’em starve.

    • >The automobile changed that distance
      As did the steam powered railway locomotive before it.
      The great cattle drives from Texas were to the rail heads in Kansas, and hence by rail to the stockyards in Chicago.

      • Nothing beats the automobile for the ability to go “where one wants, when one wants”.
        Trains and buses might be viable for extremely long distances or even city transportation, but the automobile is still the preferred method of transportation for most Americans.
        Nothing compares to the the freedom that the automobile enables.
        Those on the left, the “urban planners”, environmentalists, and other communist types HATE the automobile, as it is impossible to control those who have the ability to travel on a whim, not constrained by bus or train schedules.
        If the leftists, communists, and environmentalists had their way, most of humanity (after a scientifically-engineered plague) that survives would be herded into cities, living in soviet-style high-rise apartments, limited to using trains and buses for travel–no cars allowed for the masses-“for our own good”.
        Of course, the intelligentsia would have cars to get to their country “dachas”-off limits for us ordinary humans.
        Folks, it’s always been about CONTROL–nothing more.

  22. Excellent write up.
    The “civil war” was a war over the constitution. As a northerner, I can say it is unfortunate the Lincolnian version won.

    Lincoln was a progressive. As all progressives, he believed it was in his authority to force every single person to comply with his desires.

    Just like FDR, he set up the conditions to claim to be a victim and engage in a war.

    I laugh when republicans point to Lincoln as their north star, knowing nothing about his war crimes.

    It is the same today, when the progressives demand we all comply with climate change, forced medical experiments, acceptance of mental illness, exposing children to debauchery, and an ever growing government they seek to use to control our lives.

    Progressives are largely city dwellers, and if they were not, they would cry out about the unfairness of their voices being squelched by the other side.

    The lop sidedness of the Apportionment Act of 1929, capping the house at an unconstitutional 435, makes this problem worse. With 700,000 constituents, we effectively have no representation. The states have been eliminated from the equation with the 17th amendment.

    Immigrants have been strategically placed in districts in order to keep blue districts blue or sway electoral college votes. A sound plan by the progressives, but one that limits the possibility of power by non Marxists.

    Even if your rep is not blue, he must bend the knee to the voters who are if he wants to keep his job.

    States are far too large. The US has too many states. We have no common culture, language, religion that ties us together. We are like the British drawn Middle East or Soviet block republics; forced to live with those who hate us.

    The only solution I see is to move to an area with like minded people and support secession movements by blue states, laying the groundwork for our own secession.

    • The whole point of these United States was that it was a very large land mass. So distributing power was the best solution for the time. It was only the rise of mass media and telecommunications that made centralization possible. And because of the way these systems were engineered, with large transmitters, geosynchronous satellites and trying to cover as large an area with as little infrastructure necessary, it was beneficial for whomever owned the transmitters.

      But then along came the Internet, which was built on a peer-to-peer structure. No single point of failure also meant no central transmitter. These days the basic structure isn’t as robust as it once was, only as redundant as necessary. And massive centralization of most services due to prioritization of low cost solutions, but there’s still enough distributed content generation that the old model has collapsed. Imagine what’s going to happen when the old generation, who can’t get into the new media, dies off. Those transmitters will still be there, pumping out propaganda, but will anyone notice?

      I know of at least one AM broadcaster who’s transmitter was off air for a few weeks before anyone noticed. The whole “station” consisted of a satellite receiver connected to a PC that played out local commercials and that was connected to the transmitter. That was it. When it went down no one noticed. This is the future of broadcast.

      • Eric, speaking of Civil War, are you familiar with the John Titor material? First appeared on Art Bell in 2000, and the predictions are uncanny.

        A time travelor (TIme TravelOR) from 20236 says a civil war breaks out between the country mice and the cities, it rages up and down until Russia nukes the east coast. This puts the USA back into the 1880’s, people have to travel by bicycle or horse to get around.

        We are very close to civil war and getting nuked by Russia. How could anyone have known that back in 2000 – when at the time Russia was friendly?

    • I have personally seceded from today’s Wiemar Republic society.

      I CHOOSE who I will associate with…
      I CHOOSE who I will do business with…
      I CHOOSE which businesses I will frequent…
      I CHOOSE to avoid certain ethnic groups…
      I CHOOSE to ignore those laws, statutes, commands, and other demands made by our (s)elected representatives that are clearly unconstitutional…

      I live life ON MY OWN TERMS…

      With communication and other platforms that the internet makes possible, it is easy to “secede in place”…

    • ‘support secession movements by blue states’ — Dan

      You bet. In the event that Trump wins, Democrats who were true believers in ‘inevitable Kamala’ (the polls said so!) will go screeching berserk. They will make Jan 6 look like a girl scout picnic.

      California, in particular, has the population and the economy to be an independent nation. Watch this big blue state turn secessionist, arguing that Trump is illegitimate, a dictator, a caudillo, deprives them of their constitutional rights, sends mean tweets, and on and on.

      I will egg them on all the way. From Truckee to Tehachapi, California shall be freeeeeeeeeeee! 🙂

  23. Another state that is overwhelmingly red geographically but nevertheless has had one party DEMOCRAT/ BLUE rule for years is Oregon, thanks to a handful of BLUE cities such as Portland and Eugene. Why, in the gubernatorial election of 2 years ago, the then D candidate for governor, Tina Kotek, didn’t even get 50% of the vote but was nonetheless declared the “winner”. The other 2 candidates for governor were a squishy fmr Republican State Representative named Christine Drazan and a fmr Democrat State Senator turned Independent Betsy Johnson. This year though, there are some good R candidates for statewide office such as Attorney General & Secretary of state. It would be something if they win, as both of those offices have become corrupt under one party D rule.

    Fast forward 2 years into Tina Kotek’s current term as governor, Kotek, like her predecessor Kate Brown, was ranked the LEAST popular governor in the entire country according to polls. BLUES who wish to be authoritarian busy bodies might say it’s because Oregon has too many “White supremacists”.

    • So true John.
      All of Oregon sans 2-3 counties are Red. Yet, here we are with Blue control of the legislature and Governors office. I would be happy if Multnomah county fell into the ocean.

      • Hi Outpost,

        I would love for Arlington, Alexandria, Loudoun, and Fairfax to create a state with Washington DC. It would be nice to have a well functioning government. I don’t know how Youngkin and Winsome got in, but I am happy they did. Unfortunately, the election of 2025 will see Spanberger (ick) at the helm.

  24. I’ve long counseled young people that they can look at a county level electoral map & pick out urban areas, colleges, and racially gerrymandered districts.

    Here’s an example:

    At random, let’s look at Ohio. You can tell exactly where (north to south) Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati. I had to look up the county in the southeast. That’s Athens County which is rural Appalachian but for the liberal arts Ohio University.

    • Oh looky there at Oklahoma. The reddest of the red states. Red man no like ’em liberals.

      Last summer, I heard some hubbub from my office in Tulsa, and down on the street was a Native American parade of some sort. I went down to the street to check it out. A few very pretty native girls dancing around and a bunch of fat ones. Anywho, here comes the inevitable pride flag in the distance. As it got closer, I couldn’t help but snicker at the sight of the middle aged white woman carrying the flag. Of course! I shouted at her, “Yay gay indians!” I got some looks from the crowd and decided it was time to go back to work.


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