The $71,000 Accord


The Lucid Air – which is a mid-sized, battery powered sedan – claims a standard range of 420 miles. As is usual with EVs, the actual range is much less. Car & Driver got 300 miles out of the one they test drove – probably because they drove it at 75 MPH on the highway, which is driving slow on the highway. If the thing had been driven at the same speed as the flow of traffic – closer to 80 on most highways that have posted speed limits of 70 – the Lucid’s actual range would likely have been around 270 miles and maybe even less.

But that isn’t the focus of this column.

The focus is the gyp – which goes unremarked, by C&D and pretty much everyone else “covering” the Great Battery Powered Vehicle Grift – and never mind the federal regulatory apparat that would savage the manufacturer of any vehicle with an engine that similarly gypped buyers.

Imagine that you bought a new Honda Accord – which is a mid-sized sedan powered by an engine rather than a battery. It advertises 429 miles of range in city driving – the kind of “stop and go” driving that reduces range in a vehicle with an engine. On the highway, the Accord touts a range of 547 miles. If you average two figures, you come up with a combined (city/highway) range of 488 miles – 68 miles more range than the advertised combined city/highway range of the Lucid Air.

But it’s actually a lot more than that – because it damned well better be.

The Honda’s advertised range is what you can expect to get. If it turned out to be 25 percent less than advertised – which is what C&D got out of the ’25 Lucid Air – Honda would almost certainly find itself having to refund people’s money; Honda would also be facing a federal inquisition over its false advertising, which is exactly what Lucid (and every other EV manufacturer) advertises.

Why does C&D – why does pretty much every automotive publication – let it slide?

In its review of the ’25 Lucid Air, C&D cites “lows” – as in, the things about the vehicle that aren’t quite up to snuff: “Not every part of the interior screams luxury, the cabin’s quietude is marred by tire roar at high speeds, touch-sensitive controls may irk some drivers.”

Nothing about the fact that they only got 300 miles of range out of a device that advertises a range of 420 miles. Just a bland statement of the fact – with no follow-up: The base Pure trim C&D tested “went on for 300 miles before the battery depleted.”

That’s all.

As if it were not worth noting that the device went 120 miles less-far-than advertised. That its actual range was 25 percent less than advertised. There is also no explanation about the way EV range is touted – i.e., the combined figure. EVs do not tout city and highway figures separately. This is a deliberate omission – part of the gyp – because EV range is much worse on the highway than it is in the city because it takes energy to keep a 4,536 pound device like the Lucid Air (which is about 1,200 pounds heavier than the Accord) rolling at 75-80 MPH highway speeds, especially with the AC on. The combined range is used to fluff up the average range. Put another way, if EV manufacturers were obliged to separate city and highway ranges people would see just how not-far battery powered device actually go when they’re moving.

Of course, they don’t want you to see that – and the automotive press helps with that.

C&D also says “Plugged into a fast charger, the sedan is said to be able to recoup 300 miles of range in 21 minutes.”

No follow-up there, either. As if it to normalize the new abnormal of regarding a 21 minute wait as “fast.” Orwell got into this in 1984, in a scene about the government’s declaration that the chocolate ration would be increased by 10 grams per week when, of course, it had been decreased by 10 grams per week.

The gyp – and lack of comment about it – doesn’t end there. Nothing is written about the fact that the Lucid Air’s base price of $71,400 is just shy of three times as high as the price of a new Honda Accord sedan ($27,895) that’s almost exactly the same size and actually does go as far as advertised. The difference in price between the two amounts to $43,505 – not counting the difference in what you’ll pay to insure a vehicle that carries a $71k vs. a $28k price tag.

That’s the price of “electrification.” And it must be paid – if you can afford it.

But the Lucid Air is much quicker than the Accord! And so it is. The Lucid can rocket to 60 in 4.3 seconds vs. about 6 for the Accord. C&D does not explain what will happen to the Lucid’s range if that quickness is used more than sparingly. And if it is used sparingly – so as to avoid having to wait at a “fast” charger for 21 minutes and never mind how long it’ll be if you have to wait at home – then what is the point of having capability that costs so much to use?

That’s also illegal – and unsafe, so we’re endlessly told – to use on public roads?

Probably because if EVs could not advertise how quick they are – however briefly – people might pay more attention to how far they don’t go.

. . .

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  1. A vital thing to remember about any battery powered device is that the battery capacity DEGRADES every single time it’s charged. It degrades faster the hotter it gets which relates to how fast it’s charged and environmental conditions.

    Every time you drive the car it will go a little less as far on a charge. Simple chemistry.

  2. Don’t buy an over weight EV pig like the Lucid for $70,000…..

    Buy something with a good name…like a Ferrari

    You can buy a 1980’s Ferrari Mondial for around $50,000…it has more prestige, it is fully analog, it has a dogleg 5 speed transaxle, a midengine V8, it sounds great and it looks different then today’s designless cars…

    This is Ferrari’s most unloved car…partly because it is a 4 seater…not a 2 seater….so the price is reasonable….the owner wanted an aircooled 911, but they are very expensive now…..

  3. I have mentioned multiple times about the dangers of running out of EV battery range at -40 below type temperatures during the Winter months in these parts, and subsequently getting stuck in the middle of nowhere. Which can be down right deadly. But another thing, Eric: These EV makers tout these “fantastic” EV ranges of 400 miles or more, when real life driving, road conditions, cold weather, cabin heater usage, etc. decrease such range significantly. Therefore, aren’t EV makers, in essence practicing false advertising, and how are they not getting sued for this? My only answer (to myself), is that the EV makers are protected by the Feds, because the Feds want us out of gas powered vehicles, and ultimately vehicles entirely. Thus, whether EV rangers are false or true, forcing us into EV’s are one more step towards that goal of enslaving us little people who just want to be left alone.

    • I agree, Shadow –

      It’s revelatory that the feds turn an indifferent eye toward this – especially given we know what the feds have done to companies that “cheated” even in a pedantic way when such “cheating” gave the feds an excuse to go after them. Battery powered vehicles also get a pass when it comes to the inherent fire risk – one that exists without the vehicle needing to be involved in an accident. And then there is the fact that the feds act to prevent inexpensive EVs from being available … which really tells you the truth about the whole Grift.

  4. These days, the car magazines are impulse purchases at airport newsstands, and the cover story has to be appealing.

    Here in Austin, the Tesla logo looms large outside the windows of the airport, the Gigafactory located just across the parking lots from the main terminal building.

  5. The WSJ had an article recently with the theme that EV’s are fine, we’re just too stupid to realize it. The gist of the story was all you need to do is to charge it at home overnight and you’re good to go the next day; rinse, repeat. No mention of having a driveway to charge it in if you live in an apartment and park in the street, or what happens if you need to drive further than within your 15 minute city. How much kool-aid did that author drink?

    • I live in an area that has frequent fires. The people I know who live even closer to them never let their vehicles get below half a tank. How does WSJ guy manage that?

      Other than live in the big city, of course.

  6. “Deutschland has elected a majority right wing government for the first time since Hitler.”
    The AFD is not a Right-Wing Party unless you compare it with the Left-Wing Radicals in power at the moment. Their Platform: ‘No Autobahn Speed Limit, cars should not be looked at as an increasing Revenue Stream, Controlled, Merit Based Immigration, Man Made Climate Change is a Hoax, “Green Energy Sources” are a scam, Germany First, etc.’

    • Right Doug, the AfD is mostly in the center since the rest of Germany’s parties are so far to the left they’re off the road. Of course the MSM paints any political party that employs common sense as “far right wing” while ignoring the insane policies that they support.

      • Germany has been saddled with its own “Stockholm Syndrome” ever since the summation of the Second World War.
        There are some brave Germans who have gone against the “official narrative” of WW2 with Germany seen as being on “the wrong side of history” and as such are (still) considered to be “the bad guys”, but they are either too few or afraid of being “outed” as “holocaust™ deniers”, subject to severe punishment, and yes, Nazis (which is unfairly still a pejorative term in Germany and in much of the rest of the civilized world).
        This is especially bolstered by the (in)famous “jewish holocaust™” which was created by the Allies in order to keep Germany permanently demonized.
        Hollywood movie producers were dispatched to the “camps” to “prove” that Germany was guilty of genocide (which was not the case as the victims who were filmed perished from typhus due to infrastructure collapse, not in “death camps”. These Hollywood producers should have been taken to Dresden and other real genocide areas to see what the Alles were capable of.
        In fact, it was Russian jews who “rebuilt” Auschwitz after the war in its own propagandistic way, creating and amplifying engineering errors that the Germans would have never done.
        From non-sealed “gas chambers” with wooden doors that “swing the wrong way” to no means for inserting and ventilating the poison gases, using a delousing agent as an ineffective “poison gas”, anyone with an engineering background can easily poke holes in all of the claims made by holocaust™ promoters.
        Let’s not forget that jewish “holocaustianity™” has been deemed to be a state religion in many countries from which no deviation of belief is permitted.
        Prosecution, fines and imprisonment await those who seek the truth about this false, contrived event in history.
        Even Canada has criminalized any criticism of this “event”.
        Recently, Florida Governor DeSantis traveled to israel where he signed legislation to outlaw and prosecute (certain) “hate speech”. He signed this legislation while in israel and made it known that it was to outlaw criticism of the “holocaust™”. Now, who does DeSantis work for?
        It is only a matter of time before “holocaustianity™” becomes the “official state religion” here in the USA.
        If the “holocaust™” is based on “truth” why not encourage a full impartial investigation into this “event”? What are “holocaust™” promoters afraid of?
        Jews have always been excellent propaganda agents, tugging at heartstrings by always showing jews as being “downtrodden” victims and always being marginalized and victimized. This is a “feature” and not a “bug” as it has been successful in keeping the holocaust™ fable alive to the present day.
        Jewish “holocaust™ museums” (actually jewish freak shows) display piles of shoes, glasses, clothing, and other piles of “who knows what” in order to claim that 6,000,000 jews were “gassed out of existence”.
        These jewish freaks shows get massive amounts of taxpayer-funded dollars despite being totally out of place in American society. Schoolchildren are brainwashed and propagandized in these freak shows, which is actually child abuse to allow children into these jewish freak shows.
        Florida Governor DeSantis mandated that ALL Florida school children will visit these “holocaust™ museums” (jewish freak shows) under penalty of law. Gotta keep the fraud alive.
        It could be safely argued that even Americans have been unwitting victims of “Stockholm Syndrome” especially when it comes to “all things holocaust™”.
        It is long overdue to conduct a full, impartial, honest of all holocaust™ claims and to “let the chips fall where they may” and finally expose it as the fraud that it is.
        This is the only way out of the Stockholm Syndrome for Germany, the USA and the rest of the world.
        The only way for the Germans to “wake up” is to throw off the jewish / American boot heels, get out of NATO and restore their long-deserved honor by getting rid of the foreign influences that still rules German society. German pride was outlawed with the summation of WW2 on terms imposed by the “allies”. It’s been long overdue to “let Germany be Germany”, unfettered by outside forces.
        It would appear that Theodore N. Kaufman’s vile tome “Germany Must Perish” was at least partially used on the German people in order to “neuter” the German citizenry and their country.
        Germany was saddled with jewish holocaust lies about masturbation machines, electric floors, phony gas chambers, delousing agents used as “gas”, shrunken heads, fingers for light switches and jewish “soap”. These fabrications are still taken as “truth” despite such claims being laughable, totally ridiculous and impossible.
        Even the supposed “numbers” (6,000,000) don’t add up. The engineering claimed by holocaust promoters itself was impossible. Every holocaust claim can easily be debunked and shown to be a fabrication.
        That being said, Germany’s subservience is imposed by external forces. It is long overdue for Germany to be restored to its rightful place in the world of nations. Of course, the jews will never go along with it.
        There is one solution: A certain sh!tty little country in the middle east and its upcoming eastern European version 2.0 must be returned to their rightful inhabitants. I don’t care where the jews go…

        • Most people are unaware of the existence of “real” “death camps”, not the phony death camps where jews were (supposedly) dispatched to the “great hereafter”.
          Eisenhower was a greater “war criminal” than any German “war criminal”. Unlike General George S. Patton, Eisenhower was a “paper-pusher”, not a real combat-hardened military man. Patton did not see eye-to-eye with Eisenhower, especially when it came to military tactics and even geopolitics.
          Patton had to be eliminated because he protested the brutal treatment of Germans after the war. He was a true statesman who recognized that Germany was dragged into war and then blamed for it all–victors’ revenge.
          Patton saw the German people and society as honorable, deserving of respect and wanted to preserve it. Unfortunately, the jewish interests of the time differed and exacted their revenge.
          He recognized the jewish menace for what it was (and still is).
          Since American troops were still in Europe, he wanted to roll into Russia, using German troops, eliminating the jewish communist menace once and for all that threatened eastern Europe and which would have forestalled and prevented the sacrifice of eastern Europe to the communists.
          He publicly protested against the treatment of Germans and Eisenhower’s Rheinwiesenlager death camps in which ordinary German soldiers were interned after the war. Eisenhower declare that these unfortunate occupants were not “prisoners of war”, but were “disarmed enemy combatants”, not entitled to “Geneva Convention” protections as to their denied status as “prisoners of war”. The Rheinwiesenlager camps were a series of camps without housing, sanitary facilities and the like. The internees were exposed to the elements and were starved to death. Although Red Cross packages and food were readily available, none was permitted to be given to the internees.
          Those who attempted to do so were threatened with death.
          Eisenhower was a mass murderer beyond anything blamed on the German people or government. To this day, there is little, if any mention of Eisenhower’s German death camps in any history texts.
          Eisenhower was a jewish “paper pusher” who hated everything German with a vengeance (except for the Autobahn which he copied for the American interstate highway system).
          The “best and brightest” on both sides were sacrificed and led to the slaughter for jewish hatred of Germany and for the international banksters interests.
          Imagine where we would be today if Germany had been allowed to prosper politically and technologically…the jewish menace would have been eliminated or largely controlled.
          There would be colonies in space and on the moon among other technological and social advancements. The world would be 100 years more advanced than it is today.
          There is an old saying about “sins of the father should not be visited on the children and grandchildren”. It would seem that this does not apply to Germany to this day.

  7. ‘The focus is the gyp – which goes unremarked.’ — eric

    Car & Driver’s advertorial grift starts with the topic sentence: ‘Goodbye range anxiety, the 2025 Lucid Air is rated for up to 512 miles of driving per charge.’ [Drew, your comma should be a semicolon. — Ed.]

    ‘Up to’ is the reader’s clue that a scam is unfolding. C&D doesn’t tell you until way down in the article that ‘The Grand Touring model offers up to 512 miles of range. On our 75-mph highway route, the Grand Touring went 410 miles.’

    What kind of sleazy rag would highlight the manufacturer’s claimed ‘up to’ 512 miles of range, when their own real-world test achieved 410 miles (20 percent less than claimed)? Moreover, the Grand Touring with larger battery costs $41,000 more than the base model.

    Car & Driver was my staple auto ‘zine, as a pimply, gearhead teenager. It featured iconoclastic writers such as Brock Yates and David E Davis, who expanded the boundaries of automotive journalism. Now C&D is just a Weekly Shopper pulp piece of shit, featuring product-placement ‘reviews’ of crap EeeVees, scribbled by simpering soyboys.

    Burn it down.

    • Comment on C&D, to paraphrase Ripley in Aliens,
      Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
      (C&D has always been an advertising rag for Detroit’s crap.)

    • Unfortunately, Car and Driver, much like the rest of the automotive media, is just like Brock Yates and David E. Davis’s status these days….

      “They’re dead, Jim…all of them…. Dead!!!..”

      Stealing Bones line from Star Trek….

      The Fifth Column. Is alive and well, however!!!

    • This test should be done on all EV’s…find the real range…

      The EQE350 Mercedes EV features a 90.6-kWh battery pack that’s expected to provide a driving range of more than 300 miles.

      Re test: the test driver took the new EQE on the autobahn…. which they say….has a 400 mile range, and recorded how much the range dropped at top speed…..

      at top speed the range is only about 100 miles…..if something bad is chasing you…you won’t go very far….a safety hazard….

  8. Another example of the saturated EV market where most of those who can afford a $71k EV Accord, and want one, already have one. The suicide death spiral continues.

  9. NIO, (NIO), is an electric car company.

    They have battery swap stations in 1300 locations in China where NIO drivers can meet to swap batteries.

    In early 2021, the share price was nearly 67 dollars. Today, it will open at 4.18 USD. It must be the ground floor.

    They have built 500,000 cars, not an easy thing to do.

    With 32,000 employees, they are doing something.

    Don’t spend 71,000 dollars on an EV, a purchase that won’t last, buy some NIO at four dollars and let EV buyers help you profit.

    LUCID, the stock, is 3.82 USD today, it was about 55 dollars in late 2021. Lucid will build 9000 cars this year, go with NIO. About 40 cars per day being manufactured, you won’t cover production costs.

    Both of those stocks were over-priced by some 15 times, what happens when you speculate. Some got out at the top. Lulu Lemon went from 3.50 USD per share to an ATH of 516 USD per share. I remember when Lulu was under four dollars per share. Makes me cry.

    Electric cars are the sizzle that gets sold, the steak is your ICE vehicle, what counts the most-est.

  10. “Why does C&D – why does pretty much every automotive publication – let it slide?”

    Because Car & Driver is owned by Hearst. Yellow journalism ya know. I’m sure their website touts their commitment to diver-thit-ty & tho-thial responsibility and such.

    • It’s been enlightening to watch the buff magazine world go woke as they fade into irrelevance.

      Sad. They have joined the automotive OEMs in a suicide pact.

      But. . . Good riddance. Thank God for the likes of EPAutos, some of the good hobby forums, and the grassroots stuff on YouTube.

  11. News from across the pond: Petrol cars ‘rationed to meet eco targets’

    “As Carlos Tavares [chief executive of Stellantis] has said, why should they sell cars at a loss because of UK government policy?

    “The new car market is no longer a market, unfortunately. It’s a state-imposed supply chain.”

    I’m beginning to think Brexit was a set-up to push the UK further into the liberal abyss ahead of what Brussels could do. Meanwhile Deutschland has elected a majority right wing government for the first time since Hitler.

    • ‘Deutschland has elected a majority right wing government for the first time since Hitler.’ — ReadyKilowatt

      That’s an odd analogy, given that Adolf H headed the National Socialist party.

      CNN headline: Volkswagen could close plants in Germany for the first time in history. After Germany shut down its nuclear plants, ‘invested’ in intermittent solar and wind power, and stood with its thumb up its ass as the US blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline offering cheap gas, one can understand why voters are lashing out.

      Cucked Germans — writhing under the hobnailed jackboot of their yankee occupiers for 79 long years — probably won’t be able to vote their way out of socialism. But they are entitled to try.

  12. My 2012 Acura TL got about 28.0 mpg freeway driving at 80 mph cruise speeds. The EPA rating was 30 mpg on it. The EPA range is 555 miles while I only get 518 miles out of a tank of gas. That’s a 7 percent difference.

    If I ramped up to 90, I would likely get around 26.5 mpg.

    That’s why they say mileage may vary.

    I’m not defending electric by any means, but range varies by driving conditions.

    I would never buy a vehicle that gave me less gas mileage (or range) on the freeway at my cruising as it does in the city. It’s just counterintuitive and wrong.

    As I remember, the government sued Hyundai back in the early 2010s for their cars not getting advertised mileage. I don’t know how that lawsuit made it through court. I would have tossed it in the garbage can where Obama and the rest of them belong

    • Hi Swamp,

      It is true that mileage (with gas engined vehicles) varies according to driving habits, etc. But not by 25 percent and not when driven pretty much with the glow of traffic, which is what I was was trying to convey.

      • Absolutely. The hypocrisy is palpable, though the original EPA tests were done at an average speed of 52 mph on the highway portion with a peak of 60 mph, I believe. They revised the test to make it resemble more realistic operations. The updated tests required an occasional use of Air Conditioning, more elevated highway speeds (80 mph as a top) with an average of around 65. The city cycle was revised to include more lengthy idles. In any case, there is no way that automakers would be able to get away with a 20 percent change in gas mileage. I bet Hyundai was taken to court for a lot less. That’s why that bullshit lawsuit should have been tossed in a landfill.

  13. Mercedes EV with a 90 kwh battery normal range/mpg and flat out on freeway range/mpg….

    Normal driving range/mpg……..
    In ideal conditions a mercerdes EV used 49.6 kwh per 100 miles = 1.42 gallons of gas at the wall plug = reality 5.7 gallons of fuel burnt at the power plant to make the electricity = 17.5 mpg…
    the Mercedes EV gets 17 mpg in the real world driving…

    so range = about 200 miles, but you can only use 60% of battery capacity…between 20% and 80%… so range = 120 miles

    Flat out on the freeway driving range/mpg…
    under ideal conditions …..but at top speed ……a mercedes EV used 90 kwh of electricity in 100 miles which = 3 gallons of gas at the wall plug….back at the power station reality = 12 gallons burnt = 8.3 mpg
    the Mercedes EV gets 8.3 mpg in flat out on the freeway driving…
    flat out….only 100 mile range…lol

    …….so range…flat out… = about 100 miles, but you can only use 60% of battery capacity so range = 60 miles

    but what if you go top speed, flat out in very cold weather what would it be?….lol….what if you are towing something?….lol

    Tesla wide open on the race track range….
    On a race track driven at ten tenths a tesla used 80 miles range in 8 miles, a 90% drop in range, driven fast EV’s get very bad fuel economy…….

    • Truth in advertising……

      At top speed your new EV has only the equivalent of 12 gallons of fuel in the battery….and it gets 8.3 mpg at top speed….so you won’t go very far….lol

      Buy a diesel….with a 12 gallon tank and 60 mpg = 720 mile range….

      • At top speed your new EV has only the equivalent of 12 gallons of fuel in the battery….and it gets 8.3 mpg at top speed….so you won’t go very far….lol

        This information has been deliberately concealed from EV buyers….from day one all they have done is lie about EV’s…24/7 spreading disinformation, misinformation about these highly dangerous, useless, expensive, defective devices….billions of $$$ spent on misleading sales and marketing propaganda, lies…

        • Actually, equivalency to ICE (internal combustion engine) mileage is much less.
          Gasoline and diesel fuel has an large energy content (density) in a small package, something that, in their present stages of development, electrical vehicles cannot achieve.
          Let’s make a comparison…gasoline contains approximately 33.7 kwh per gallon. A gallon of gasoline weighs approximately 6.1 lbs. The typical ICE vehicle can hold about 15 gallons of gasoline with a weight of approximately 90 lbs. total, with a total energy content of approximately 500 kwh.
          High-end electric vehicles have an energy capacity of approximately 120 kwh. This is equal to less than four gallons of gasoline. The typical electric vehicle has a 75 kwh battery pack, equivalent to approximately 2 ½ gallons of gasoline.
          Keep in mind that the battery pack weight is well over 2000 lbs (1 ton) and still has a limited energy capacity compared to gasoline. The typical electric vehicles weighs approximately 2 ½ tons (5000 lbs.), having to haul around a heavy battery pack. This also contributes to “wear and tear” on other automotive systems such as brakes and tires. (Yes, I am aware that regenerative braking exists and is a part of electric vehicle technology).

          • What is it about an EV battery pack that makes it so heavy? I was never good with the sciences and chemistry in school but would like to understand further as I found your post interesting.

        • Your new 90 kwh battery EV has only the equivalent of about 3 gallons of fuel in the battery….

          Actually….by the time the energy…the electricity…gets into the battery 3/4 of the energy has been lost……most of the conversion process has already happened..

          a mercedes EV used 90 kwh of electricity in 100 miles which = 3 gallons of gas equivalent in the battery….back at the power station…the reality = 12 gallons burnt, to end up with the 3 gallons net…in the battery = 8.3 mpg

          • It is more efficient, easier and cheaper to convert the energy in the gas inside the ice engine in the car….

            With an EV, the energy in the gas, coal, etc., is converted into electricity, at the power plant 600 miles away, then transmitted over transmission and distribution lines, to a charger, then it is stored in the car’s battery….

            There is billions of dollars wasted building power plants, transmission and distribution lines and installing 100’s of 1000’s of chargers to get energy into EV’s……

            When comparing the costs of running ice cars to EV’s….this is never mentioned……..

            an ice powered car does this conversion inside it’s engine without all these billions of dollars required to build power plants, transmission and distribution lines and installing 100’s of 1000’s of chargers

            Who benefits?…China…they supply most of the important parts in EV’s and the batteries….and the equipment to expand the electrical grid….plus solar panels, wind turbines…..


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