Diaper Report: 07/09/2024


It turns out that not only do “masks” not work – to “stop the spread” of anything besides fear, that is.

They also get people sick.

According to a study published in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety – the wearing of “masks” constitutes “a potential source for (the) inhalation and oral uptake of inanimate toxins.”  These include “micro and nanoplastics,” as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) leaching from the material that the wearer breathes through. There are also acrolein and phthalates, neither of which are good for your heath.

Here is the full quote from the Abstract:

24 studies were included (experimental time 17min to 15 days) evaluating content and/or release in 631 masks (273 surgical, 228 textile and 130 N95 masks). Most studies (63%) showed alarming results with high micro- and nanoplastics (MPs and NPs) release and exceedances could also be evidenced for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), xylene, acrolein, per-/polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), phthalates (including di(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate, DEHP) and for Pb, Cd, Co, Cu, Sb and TiO2.”

This confirms common sense. The same common sense that told sensible people that wearing a “mask” could not possibly “work” – especially if one wasn’t sick to begin with. That would be like saying wearing Depends “works” to prevent the continent from having accidents.

Common sense says that wearing a “mask” to filter out dust – as while using a power sander, especially in a confined space or while cutting the grass – might “work” for that purpose but wearing one all day long – for days and weeks and months and years – is probably not a good idea.

See that part above about what “mask” wearers have been inhaling.

What kids have been inhaling. More finely, what kids were forced to inhale – for weeks and months and years – by “authorities” who had the effrontery to insist that this forcing of “masks” on kids’ faces (and by dint of that, whatever went into the lungs of those kids) was for their health and safety.

Marvel at the audacity of it. Of the callous cruelty of it.

It was evident to anyone with any sense that forcing kids, especially, to wear “masks” was exceptionally vicious because of the fear it imparted. A fear that was – as is well-known now and was also known within months of the beginning of the “pandemic” – absurdly  disproportionate given that kids’ stood less risk of dying from “COVID” than they did from football practice or tripping down the stairs on the way to the cafeteria for lunch.

Yet “masking’ was imposed most mercilessly on kids – who were otherwise not allowed to attend school or participate in after-school/extracurricular activities such as sports. Kids playing sports were made to “mask” – and so forced to breath hard through the “masks” they were made to wear, increasing the quantity of crap that they were breathing in.

This was even more vicious than what was done to adults by employers who demanded workers “mask up” as a condition of employment because adults were free to quit and find other employment. Kids, on the other hand, have little choice about anything. The adults tell them what to do. And the kids can’t just quit school unless their parents back that up.

Most didn’t.

Most went along with “masking” their kids because they didn’t want to deal with having their kids at home – and schooling them at home. They were used to having government schools take care of their kids for most of the day – and they sure did, didn’t they?

Now that the science is clear about the dangers imposed by forcing people – adults ad kids alike – to “mask up” for says, weeks, months and years on end, will anyone be held accountable for the damage done to people’s health (physical as well as psychological) by “masking” them up?

It’s a fascinating case study of inversion and hypocrisy. The very same people who insisted it was a moral affront to not wear a “mask” because – so they asserted – it was “putting people at risk” to not wear a “mask” and for that reason, it was justifiable to punish people for refusing to “mask up” have thus far not-so-much-as-been-reprimanded for the actual harms they have caused to everyone who was forced to “mask up.” Including God-only-knows how many people (including kids) who may have damaged their lungs by breathing in the VOCs, nanoplastics, acrolein and phthalates that were in those “masks.”

How many future cases of emphysema, COPD and even cancer will ultimately be sourced back to “masking up” for weeks and months and years on end? And will anyone who was responsible for this ever be held accountable?

Or even say they’re sorry?

. . .

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  1. Well, let’s be realistic. A good well fitting N-95 or full face respirator will absolutely be helpful for the radioactive fallout.

  2. Who’d have thunk that inhaling our own exhaust could bad! For the next test, they will be requiring the obedient slaves to insert a tube ion their rectum that leads to their mouth. Recycle those farts!

  3. Here in SE TN, I still see people masking up….if I get close enough I just stare at them and shake my head……they all look unhealthy, stressed, ghosts, mere wraiths where once walked real human beings. To my relatives, the ones who went insane and shrieked derision at me, I still love them and pity them for their insane grasping to their dogmatic and anti-human religion…..but I will never trust them again and will never attempt to have meaningful conversation with them. Like Heinlein said, Never try to teach a pig to sing….the good news is that while I was out walking today a carload of teens drove by singing along with whatever music they were playing at the top of their lungs full of joy for life….made me smile….not a mask to be seen….

    • Good morning, Giuseppe!

      Similar here. There is always at least one person wearing a “mask” in the supermarket or Lowes. The extent of the damage done to these people is hard to quantify but it’s surely enormous. Imagine how badly damaged you’d have to be to walk around in a store wearing a “mask” on a nice late fall day with everyone else in the store not wearing one. What’s next – hairshirts for the faithful?

      • Hey Eric, it’s late summer, not late fall 🙂 I know, it feels like late fall though, right? Ahh, good old “global warming” and “the hottest year on record so far!” [Brought to you by the same people who gave us “The cases! The cases!”].

        With all of this global warming and ‘record heat’, I’d say we’re going to be in for an early and cold winter 🙁

  4. It was clear at the beginning 2020 that the whole Covid thing was a scam. Everything from the shutting down the skoolz, events, stores, restaurants, many of which went out of businesss. The Paycheck Protection Program, and giving huge amounts of money to businesses and goverments. Being yelled at to ‘put your mask on’ at any business, they were all in on it. Going to the airport and having National Guard there making everone fill out Covid tracking paperwork.My company requiring remote work only even though we needed to meet with each other and then firing half of us. I remember being awake at night many times in the spring of 2020 and wondering what in the world is going on and how much worse is this going to get?

  5. There is a guy who uses the public library who not only wears a heavy-duty mask, but also plastic safety glasses. The kind that cover the whole eye area, the kind you would wear in a chemistry lab when working with caustic liquids.

    This guy is young, 30s, maybe. Certainly not elderly. He’s not overweight. He appears to be healthy, although I know you can’t always tell by appearances.

    A lot of people really drank the Covidian Kool-Aid.

    • Safety googles? Well of course! One of those little periods or a sharp exclamation point could just come flying out of one of the many tens of thousands of books in that library at any moment without warning! Then where would the guy be?

      • Happened to be indulging in some trash TV earlier tonight, this doesn’t explain the mask but maybe Goggles heard this guy’s story and decided daily protective eyewear wasn’t such a bad idea:


        I once worked with a young guy who’d lost vision in one eye in a degreaser accident, sounded real painful, life’s scary

        But after hearin about that first poor bastard losing his vision one eye at a time, whether it’s a real backstory or just a put-on by producers, I’ll be helpless not to grab a couple extra pairs on my next Harbor Freight trip 🥲 Safety first 👀 🥽

        • That Chiti story sounds fake as hell. An apple hitting him in the eye? One’s other eye doesn’t go blind because something happens to the other one, either. Maybe a tze-tze fly ate his eyeballs or something, or he got maced while “pursuing another relationship” on the street one nigh… 😀

          That coal-burner bimbo with 2 kids is just full of bad decisions, isn’t she? Has 2 kids by absentee fathers, and not learning her lesson, is apparently shooting for a third! (Keep burning that coal, baby! Once you go black, we don’t want you back! ) If she doesn’t like her own kind, maybe she should at least shoot for a Jew. But then again, a Jew wouldn’t beat her, so then how would she get that punishment she is so desperately seeking for being a very bad girl? And these people vote…

          That being said, I’ve always been one to take realistic precautions against actual hazards. I wear earmuffs when operating loud machinery, and safety glasses when reasonably necessary. I’m the one who gets to choose and assess my own risks though. I don’t wear protective crap because someone tells me to, or because “it’s the rule”, or to “protect” me from invisible “germs” which can are of no consequence to a healthy immune system, and which can still sluice right through, -you just can’t see them.

          But hey, how would they throw a “pandemic” when everybody isn’t dying? Ya need a visible indicator. Can’t convince people the building’s on fire unless you spread some smoke, right?

          • 🤣 Your Chidi theories are more plausible, but I think they just meant that due to his being down one eye and probably not having the greatest vestibular system or spatial awareness at that point, he ended up falling and injuring the second eye. It could happen, the universe is cruel. But TV producers are always covering for people living up to horrible racial stereotypes too 😂

            One alternative explanation for the young guy at the library, suppose he could have mold allergies — That “old book smell” people love is unfortunately just mold, and when you’re sensitive to mold, being exposed to it can make one’s eyes and throat burn. The mask shit is so depressing it’s hard to believe why anyone in their right mind would still be wearing them out of fear of the coof. The goggles are extra though. Maybe he’s allergic to libraries and can’t keep away from them 💔

            • I just hope that the guy wears gloves while handling those liberry books! Imagine the spores and smegma one is exposed to from the dried boogers and other nasties on the pages of some of those books! A full hazmat suit should be required 😮 Boogers and mold and spores, oh my! 😀
              IU once ripped a good fart whilst cruising the aisles of a liberry. Where do you think the farticles (Aerosolized particles of dookie) go? They certainly must land and fester on the covers of books, probably contributing to that old book smell. Libraries are toxic!!
              //////////////,DANGER, Will Robinson! DANGER!V//////^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

  6. I still see them. Yesterday I went to a barber shop Los Alamitos with 8 barbers cutting hair. Nothing fancy, just assembly line like in true Asian fashion. Walk ins only, 15 bucks, in and out, your done. When it was my turn, luck would have it I got stuck with the elderly Asian lady. The only one in the entire shop wearing a mask. I was polite but refused, saying ‘No thanks, I’ll wait for the next barber, unless she wants to remove the mask.’ After muttering some choice words to me (in Hangul or Mandarin, couldn’t tell which) under her mask, the next sucker in line stepped right up, got in her chair and she hooked him up. When it was my turn, as I sat in a chair across from her, I could swear she was shooting eye darts at me. I guess I should feel joy joy that they didn’t fv*k my s)-(it up to bad.

  7. World Economic Forum finally tells the truth about Covid: It was a ‘test’ of our obedience to rapidly forming new world order



    Always stick with your guns, never back down, the WEF and Bill Gates of Hell are pure evil. Never take a knee to evil. Never give in, never comply, push back hard as you can, but do it in such a way to stay out of jail. There are 8 billion of us against a few hundred of them.

    • Amen, Jack!

      I thought os at the time – four years ago – when this “masking” crap began and I determined to never put one of the goddamned things on. I only wish more had made the sane decision as well. That said, maybe it was a lesson people had to learn. I hope enough have learned it.

      • Hi Eric,

        I hope enough people have learned as well, because these authoritarians & globalist technocrats want to do this crap all over again, under guise of “________ emergency”. They could try to impose MANDATES for people to take the next experimental mRNA “vaccine” Big Pharma makes, give up their gas vehicles/ gas stoves/ gas powered lawn equipment for an electric version, give up eating REAL MEAT for bugs and frankenfood, move out of rural areas for urban shitholes like Chicago & Portland, etc.

    • Hi Jack,

      None of us should be surprised. How long does it take a conspiracy theory to become truth…about two years.

      “COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.”

      The wording is a bit of unusual though. Of course, the first part “test of social responsibility”. The second sentence regarding “unimaginable restrictions”. The third part with “numerous examples”. And of course, the final sentence to tie it in a big beautiful bow “the core of individual social responsibility.”

      It is pretty damning. It had zero to do with health (which everyone on this site already knew) and I believe we are only starting to see the beginning of what will be a generational fight of a rapid increase of disease and death. Then you have the psychological impact which I don’t think anybody was lucky enough not to have to deal with.

      In truth, I don’t even think the WEF realized how quickly the average Earthling would fold up like a cheap suit. Their own wording is one of surprise. I don’t think they will play the same game twice. They were so successful at it during Round 1 there is no need to. Round 2 will not be about our health, but separation from our finances. They have already sickened 60-70% of the population…now go after the assets.

      • Good morning, RG!

        In re: “Then you have the psychological impact which I don’t think anybody was lucky enough not to have to deal with.”

        Absolutely. People I had known for years, some of them people I considered good friends, turned on me with a viciousness I could never have imagined. They are dead to me now. But a part of me has died along with that. I am a harder man than I was. I have developed zero tolerance for this sort of thing and am not willing to abide it, ignore it or pretend it’s no big deal. You may have seen some of this manifest in the last conversation I had here with Mike Pizzo, on of our regulars. He accused me of being mentally ill because of what he considers my “sensitivity” over the mask business. He’s right, partially. I am “sensitive.” Like a kid who got touched by a creepy uncle. I’m ready to smash the uncle’s face in. And the face of anyone like said uncle.

        By temperament, I’m a non-confrontational, live-and-let-live dude. But I have had it with people who won’t leave others alone. And people who think it’s no big deal to not leave others alone.

        Game on.

        • Hi Eric,

          I agree with you. I think most of us have become desensitized with people in general. I look back and I find myself disappointed in so many people that succumbed to this narrative. I lost respect for many that I once admired. At the same time I have been lucky to find level headed and intelligent people that could see through this. Although, I think many relationships were torn apart by the propaganda the relationships that stayed intact are stronger and more fortuitous because of it. Yes, we have less friends, but we have better friends. I much rather have ten good solid people in my corner than a hundred “friends” that would turn on you in an instant.

        • It is sad, Eric, to realize those you thought were your friends were anything but when said “friends” were squeezed during a time of trouble. But really, count your blessings that you figured it out now. For when SHTF (nuclear war, economic collapse, etc.) you would not want to have learned the hard way, then. Better that they left you now and disowned you (or you had to leave them for your own sanity and safety) and during the COVID years, which, sadly, maybe a walk in the park compared to what may becoming. On a positive note, however, you may find some people unexpectedly becoming your friends (real ones) and allies, whom you may not have ever looked twice at.

        • The COVID hysteria was a major turning point that really freaked me out. It made me realize more than ever that we do not live in a free country, we do not have any rights, and that the average schmuck is not only 100% good with it but 100% willing to enforce the herd mentality against anyone who dissents.

          If that Norman Rockwell painting of an American guy standing up and freely speaking his mind while his fellow citizens politely listen to his argument was ever true, it sure as hell isn’t any more. If any of that Thoreau/MLK civil disobedience stuff all the liberals loved to talk about so much back in the 1970s was ever true, it’s bullshit now.

          And lest us not forget that the COVID nonsense was 100% part and parcel if the 2020 election and 100% intended to defeat Trump. Ask yourself, how many of the maskholes and mask Karens out there were or Biden voters? The whole charade was designed to exacerbate the “us vs. them” mentality and to use masking and vaxxing as a moral bludgeon against the benighted Trump-voting untermenschen.

          • Very well-said, X –

            I agree. Completely. My illusions about living in a generally reasonable (and sort-of free) country were shattered by “COVID.” More finely, by the way most people either sighed and went along with everything or actively supported everything that was imposed. I have always understood that most cops are government mercenaries and will follow orders – because it is “their job.” But it took the Dark Comedy of 2020-2023 to make me fully appreciate how many Americans are not only slaves by inclination but also deeply resentful of those who would break their chains and be free.

            It is going to come to a fight, inevitably.

            • Well said, Eric. I think that realization is what shocked me in 2020 more than any other: the fact that most Americans were exposed as being slavish by disposition. Before that, I had always assumed that Americans in the aggregate were inherently freedom lovers. Boy, was I wrong! The true freedom lovers among us are self-evidently in the extreme minority.

            • Of course, it is possible that we were wrong and it was never as free of a country as we believed. The covidiocy helped my understand how the public got whipped up into hysterical support for needless wars like the Civil War, the Spanish-American War and WW I.

              In 1918 Nebraska actually outlawed the German language, FFS. The law later got overturned by the Supreme Court, but still…

    • Right on Jack. A few hundred, maybe a few thousand at most if you count their servants, slaves, and families. Even accounting for the number twelve, as in 12% of humanity awake or waking up to the fact that our right to our lives is being hijacked, that makes a billion against a handful. A mere fraction of a fraction. If we tighten up our shot groups, I like our odds.

  8. “ will anyone who was responsible for this ever be held accountable?”-Eric.
    The answer is no, absolutely not. Govco is never held to account for its actions, downright lies, and malice. The Biden zombie continues to send (our) money and weapons to Ukraine and Israel for mass murder, and it will continue no matter who gets (s)elected in November. Would be great for a meteor strike on DC and Tel Aviv, not to mention Keeneeeeeev.

  9. Willing to bet you’ll see legal ads on tv for a class action lawsuit against the mask makers (not the bureaucrats who forced it or the popo who enforced it). Imagine a deep voiced narrator “are you or someone you love impacted by the evil mean and nasty chinese mask manufactures faulty product during the pandemic? Don’t let them get away with their negligence. Call blah blah blah”.

  10. Those masks are bad for ya.

    I see some people still wearing masks, you just shake your head.

    They like to have vanity masks, what I see.

    Those mask-wearers have Howie Mandel Syndrome.

    Give it up. The masking days are over, lots more to life than making sure you get sick from wearing masks. Good Lord!

    There are thousands of nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles aimed and ready to blast off, you should worry more about that than a corona virus that will give you the sniffles.

    How dot gov did stop worrying and is learning to love the bomb.

    Bikini Atolls across the planet, something to fear.

    Influenza is far more physically debilitating.

    You are sicker than a dog. It’ll take two weeks to feel better.

  11. There have been many claims about the origin of viruses, especially today’s latest
    “COVID-19 coronavirus”.
    However, there is a long history of viruses throughout human history and false claims as to their points of origin.
    In fact, the “1918 Spanish flu” virus actually originated in the United States of America and was spread to Europe during the First World War, transmitted by the U. S. military during American military transports to Europe. It was an experimental meningitis “vaccine” which spread the disease. The commonly-accepted misinformation that this virus originated in Europe is false and can easily be proven by careful research.
    A majority of “1918 Spanish flu pandemic” deaths were not from the virus itself, but were from the then common practice of mask-wearing. In fact, “mask-wearers” were being buried by non-mask-wearers.
    You see, just as is the case today, breathing in one’s own exhalations is dangerous and is being promoted by the misguided government-imposed mandates to wear masks.
    99% of the deaths during the “1918 Spanish flu pandemic” were a result of bacterial pneumonia, NOT from the virus itself. As there were no treatments for bacterial pneumonia in those days, the death rate was horrendously high. Those who contracted the flu, but not pneumonia survived. As is the case today, almost everyone that dies with COVID-19 dies from complications from other causes, NOT from the virus itself.
    Fast forward to today, with our latest “COVID-19 pandemic”.
    Today’s “Chinese COVID-19 pandemic” actually originated at the American bioweapons research facility at Fort Detrick Maryland and was purposely brought to China by an American military “trade delegation” where it was released into the Chinese population. Biowarfare at its worst…
    The “COVID-19 vaccines” being pushed are “game changers” as they are replete with substances which will materially change human DNA, unlike previous vaccines which were merely weakened or killed virus remnants which would evoke a protective antibody response.
    Sound familiar?
    Today’s “COVID-19 pandemic” is actually a “plandemic” that has been used to take down a legally elected president and to usher in a “new world order” in which medical tyranny will be used to subjugate an entire world population, using FEAR as a weapon.
    Today’s “pandemic” is misnamed as it does not meet the definition of a “pandemic” but is being touted as such for political reasons—nothing more. Observe non-medical types such as Bill Gates and others touting untested vaccines with questionable substances, mask-wearing, and other social restrictions such as (selective) business closures, lockdowns and social distancing.
    For one, Bill Gates is not a “doctor”, has no medical training, and is a major proponent of “depopulation”–genocide. Gates is a “silver spoon” recipient, both of his parents being proponents of forced sterilization and eventual world depopulation.
    In fact, Bill Gates’ “vaccination schemes” have resulted in not only diseases being spread, but the use of birth-control and sterilization agents surreptitiously being a part of Gates’ “vaccination” schemes without “informed consent” being a part of the vaccination protocol speaks VOLUMES. Recipients of Gates’ “vaccines” were not informed that they were being sterilized—a violation of the Nuremberg protocols on “informed consent”.
    Quite some time ago, the U S “Supreme Court” ruled that artificially constructed DNA sequences could be patented. As the COVID-19 “vaccines” contain artificially sequenced DNA it could easily be argued that once a person receives the mRNA “injection” he becomes the property of the artificially-constructed DNA “owner”–a slave.
    It is easy to see that there is much more going on than a response to a minor seasonal “flu virus”.
    Its about CONTROL and eventual human genocide—nothing more. The “jabs” are genocidal poisons.

    • The masks we were told would prevent the spread and keep you healthy, and the opposite is true. Just like we were told how well ventilators work on helping the sick.

  12. “How many future cases of emphysema, COPD and even cancer will ultimately be sourced back to “masking up” for weeks and months and years on end?”
    The answer to that question would be NONE. Even if such were to be found, they will not be recorded or published. The Medical Industrial Complex won’t allow it, just as it did not allow the publishing of adverse events from the “vaccines”, as athletes in their prime dropped dead on the field.

  13. There was video of a high school student in Oregon who passed out while participating in, IIRC, a track event. At the time, students were even required to wear face diapers outdoors when playing sports, which is absolute insanity. Was then Governor Kate Brown ever held accountable for the MASSIVE damage she caused to Oregonians by playing COVID tyrant? Nope. Instead, had she not been term limited, she may have won ANOTHER term as Oregon Queen 2 years ago.

    Not only that, there were stories of LOTS of face diapers ending up in oceans and causing pollution, not to mention negatively impacting marine life, but as far as I know, NOBODY raised a peep about it, not even those who constantly lecture to everyone else about cliiiiiiiiimate change & pollution.

    • Government officials not only will not be held accountable, but rewarded for their compliance and tyranny the imposed on the citizens.

  14. Eric: And will anyone who was responsible for this ever be held accountable?

    No one will ever be held accountable and many will hail them as heroes for what they did to others. Sadly I still see people wearing their face diapers. I stare at them but they do not say anything, perhaps continued wearing causes muteness?

    In other news I thought I would have gone out for coffee with my terrified friend as he mentioned it in June, no such luck or reply to my latest email. Sad and I thought he was the smart one.

  15. I almost lost my job with a tier 1 injection molded plastic supplier to all the big auto oem`s over those gotdam diapers being on night shift was the only way I was able avoid the diaper Karen’s…Looks like it didn’t matter going to lose it anyway by Christmas 24…..Off shored to Mexico…….Merry Christmas SLAVE. Thanks for this useful report Eric.

    • Good morning, Zane –

      I am sorry to hear about your job being sent to Mexico. This kind of thing has happened to a number of people I know, including people I know in editing and publishing. There are people in Asia and so on who are willing – eager – to do such jobs for a third or half as much as Americans used to get paid to do them. It is tragic what’s happened to this country and what’s yet to come.

      • Thanks Eric …we had a good run used to make almost the whole interior (hard plastics) for the F 150…Plant is Strasburg Va. When Ford closed the Norfolk plant we knew our days were numbered.Tired of huffing ABS fumes anyway….Time to do something different. We are living in a banana republic now.

  16. Two weeks ago I caught the COFF. Tested positive and got an instant 4 day vacation. So I did what I did the last time I caught it: went to the soft drinks aisle and bought 4L of tonic water. See tonic water has quinine to give it that distinct flavor. Up until there were synthetic forms of it (hydroxychloroquine), when you were “in country” you had a daily dose of gin and tonic to stave off malaria. The locals used it like poor Americans use Robitussin, basic cure-all for everything. Turns out it works great for treating COVID (colds) infection, my fever was gone by 2:00PM the day I tested positive.

    Thing is, now that it’s no longer fashionable, you don’t get free PTO, so I had to use sick time despite being told specifically I couldn’t come in until I was symptom free for 48 (well, no 24) hours. I suppose I could fight about it, but really I don’t care enough to raise a stink. The whole thing has become corporate genuflecting.

    But it did bring back the memories of all the ruckus over treating the infection. The “experts” didn’t want to treat symptoms, they wanted an anti-viral that actually works against a cold virus. And after seeing China’s “well coordinated” attempts to suppress the virus, said hold my beer and shut down the world. But China just delayed the inevitable and ended up looking pretty awful on the human rights front (and reminded the world that yes, they are still a communist hellscape even with all the pretty LED lights).

    We’re now in the post germaphobe world. Last time I flew I noticed the 6′ stickers on the floors at the terminal, now mopped so much that their message is nearly unreadable. The ubiquitous hand sanitizer dispensers are still everywhere, getting dustier more neglected as time goes on. Eventually I imagine they’ll just sit empty, along with the boxes of masks and Clorox wipes in the supply closet, just taking up space and rotting away. Eventually some manager, maybe on a slow day between Christmas and New Years, will start to clean out the closet and toss all that stuff, well past its expiration dates. But probably not yet, the memories are still too fresh, the stories still fun to remember. And so the manager will probably ask someone if it’s OK to toss that stuff. “I’ll get back to you” will be the reply… but they won’t. So those old masks will continue to take up space, just waiting like a civil defense can of crackers in the basement.

    • ‘Turns out it works great for treating COVID (colds) infection.’ — ReadyKilowatt

      Didn’t think of that when I had debilitating covid symptoms in mid-July. But I was stunned when a single ivermectin tablet taken at 8 a.m. erased my symptoms by 9 a.m.

      The medical/pharma guild’s withholding of any prompt treatment, when the initial strain of covid in 2020 was quite lethal for at-risk patients, constituted depraved indifference.

      That’s a legal term of art which I deliberately employ to suggest that their health ‘care’ [sic] oligopoly be demolished root and branch — starting by bankrupting Pfizer and Moderna with trillion-dollar wrongful death verdicts.

      • The only reason why those RNA inoculations were called vaccines was because legally a vaccine maker cannot be sued for side effects or malpractice. You can sue Takata for scarring your face and probably get a pretty nice settlement, but you can’t sue Pfizer for causing your Bell’s Palsy after getting injected with their “vaccine.”

      • Thanks for the reminder about mandatory Jabs for contractors. My son along with 7 others, out of 12 in their shop, informed their boss that they wouldn’t be taking any untested shot. Straight out told the management they’d have to fire them and face lawsuits. Since the contract was at a critical production point, the management quickly relented and backed off.

        As for the rest of us, it was right around that time, when I, along with a few million of my brothers and sisters decided we’d rather face death, and end the life of any trying to go door to door to dispense the safe and effective.

        The main reasons they gave up on this idea was because the surveillance state did the math, and quickly confirmed they didn’t have the needed boots and scrubs on the ground. The casualties of trying to enact their fever dream would overwhelm their resources. The internet of things confirmed it. Their elaborate surveillance apparatus informed them that many of us were loading shotguns or assault rifles and placing them strategically behind front doors. The sights and sounds of rounds being chambered and weapons placed within easy reach was all the proof they needed.

        • i remember our governor told the medical establishment that if they tried it here their life would be risk. and he couldn’t protect them. do so at your own risk and expect not to see your people alive again. they will disappear in those mountains..and the mountain folk won’t take kindly to your attempts.

          they didn’t do it, dropped that idea quickly. we were ready for them like a military campaign. those who come at us with needles lose all right to remain healthy themselves.

          the governor at the time was absolutely correct

          • Nice Highlander. Our AZ rhino governor was part of the cabal. Those who come at us with the ole needle rape should be prepared to pay the ultimate price. Would be nice if every American took that view.

            Communist commissioners, county health chiefs, and large HMOs were behind the push here. When they tried tasking hut-hutter support, they got told no.

          • Good morning, Highlander –

            This (your post) is the only way to defeat these creatures permanently. They must know in their bones that it will cost them dearly if they try this sort of thing again. Or ever.

            • your absolutely right. it is because they don’t fear that , that they can continue their tyranny. not in this state but almost all others.

              even the santa klauss says they did it all for a test to see how obedient the masses were and were pleasantly surprised how easy it was. 90% population obedience is a pretty good average for them.

              if people would say no and back it up with their own defense this would all end tomorrow. with few if any harm being done. all it takes is a NO!

        • Kudos to your son, Norman.

          Here in Commiefornia, they were considering mandatory vaccinations … and my employer was poised to go along to get along. About 14 of us “resistors” found each other on Signal, elected me to be their rep, and meet with our CEO. I told him that under no circumstances would our group be taking any mandated jabs, ever … and made it clear that the company would be crippled and unable to ship product for over 2 years without us. I also made it clear we loved the company and our jobs, and were willing to do an end-around: become contractors, or work for a subsidiary they’d set up in a freer state like FL or TX, etc.

          Fortunately, the mandates never materialized.
          And now company management understands there’s a core, critical group within it that won’t budge if push ever gets to shove.

          • Kudos to you as well, Mr. Bill.

            Until the big wigs are forced to face the disruption that comes of having their skilled workers walk away, they live in a fantasy world. Good job giving them a lesson. When you’re younger, sometimes it seems like that paycheck is the only thing that matters. Having no debt and a little bit saved makes everything possible. I always found when a door slammed shut in my face, another one opened somewhere else. Opportunities are like honeys, and buses. you may miss one, but another will be along shortly.

    • Hi RK,
      My dad got malaria during WWII when he was in the Phillipines, I remember when I was a kid we always had a case of quinine water in the house. I thought it was a new flavor of soda and took a swig – blech! The very definition of bitter; forgot about all that until your post. Will have to get some tonic water in case I come down with whatever, already have the gin to add to it 😆.

      • Mixing a glass of the stuff with a spoonful of frozen orange juice concentrate makes a pretty decent drink when you’re sick. The side effects were a slight temporary hearing loss, but nothing dangerous. Chicken broth/soup and coffee helps with the congestion, as does NyQuil and DayQuil.

        • Can concur RK, tonic water works great. I’ve used it a couple times these last few years with amazing success, add an ivermectin or two, extreme vitamin C and liquid vitamin D and it beats the snot out of covid in a day or so.

          I had to look hard to find any Tonic water that was sugar free. The stuff tastes awful. Why the heck does it need 30 grams of sugar and still tastes like that? A shot of cranberry juice, a shot of good vodka, and squeezing a whole lime in it works just like the OJ.

          I never noticed any hearing loss, but since last year I’ve had intermittent tinnitus. Cant wait for the class action against GovCo/PharmaCo for causing Covid.

  17. Monday marks the third anniversary of a day that shall live in infamy. On Sep 9, 2021, so-called ‘Biden’ issued two executive orders mandating ‘vaccination’ for federal employees, federal contractors, and large employers (via an OSHA regulation for companies with more than 100 employees).

    These high-handed initiatives now lie in ruins. OSHA was obliged by a court injunction to back off. Almost no one volunteers for covid jabs anymore. Individual record data for New Zealand, analyzed by Steve Kirsch, shows conclusively that covid ‘vaccines’ raise — not lower — mortality rates.

    Multi-vaxxed, multiple-covid victim ‘Biden’ is now sidelined by his mental incapacity; a senile, grouchy ghost sleepwalking through his final months in usurped office, as the nation burns. In a total mockery of democracy, the D party’s new presidential candidate has never received a single primary vote from anyone, anywhere, anytime.

    We marvel at the mass formation psychosis that gripped the nation just four years ago. But of course, it’s not over: it merely changed form. The coercion, the deceit, the censorship, the mindfuckery continues at full throttle. Last month Wesslin Castillo, 18, was arrested under a mask ban passed in Nassau County, New York.

    Full inversion of reality has been achieved: what was once obligatory is now criminal. Are you compliant, comrade? How would you even know?

    • Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

      He set to work to exercise himself in crimestop. He presented himself with propositions — ‘the Party says the earth is flat’, ‘the party says that ice is heavier than water’ — and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them. It was not easy. It needed great powers of reasoning and improvisation. The arithmetical problems raised, for instance, by such a statement as ‘two and two make five’ were beyond his intellectual grasp. It needed also a sort of athleticism of mind, an ability at one moment to make the most delicate use of logic and at the next to be unconscious of the crudest logical errors. Stupidity was as necessary as intelligence, and as difficult to attain. – 1984, Part 3 chapter 4

    • Hi Jim,

      Ah yes, the Biden executive orders requiring federal employees and employers with 100+ employees to have their employees “fully vaxxed”. Guess who was in favor of that? Vice president Kamala Harris, who is now running for President after the establishment forced Joe Biden out of the Presidential race. And people are going to vote for that wannabe authoritarian? Given that the establishment & the global elites want to do a repeat of 2020-22, a Harris-Walz regime will likely try to MANDATE that people take the next experimental mRNA “vaccine” that Big Pharma concocts, citing “Public Health Emergency”, be it over bird flu, Monkeypox, Disease X, or some other gain of function virus.

      • The 1/3-1/2 of the population who works for some level of government or a government contractor, that’s who’s voting for her. Because any threat, even the fake threat of Trump’s “Drain the swamp” rhetoric is enough to get them worried. Better the tyrant you know, right?

        • I agree, RK –

          The number of people in this country who either work directly for the government or whose work is directly tied to the government is enormous. These people – like most people – vote their interests and in the case of these people, their interest is government, the more of it the better. America is the Soviet Union with a better-looking facade.

          • It’s more than just self-interest though. Trump talks about accountability and eliminating waste. The more delusional of the swamp creatures are chronically overworked, their departments aren’t properly staffed, and of course they’re underpaid. And at the surface that’s probably true. But no one ever asks if what the department of Education is up to is actually beneficial work. For certain about 80% of what a domestically oriented department does isn’t wanted by the general population, it’s just a hold-over from “there ought to be a law” style legislation. But the department persists, mostly because there is no way to account for the lack of an outcome… and the excuses for poor performance are actually believed.


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