And What’s Next?


Volvo is the latest automaker to back away from its prior commitment to offer nothing for sale that is not a battery powered device – by 2030, that number that keeps popping up. Mercedes – which cancelled my access to its vehicles to test drive because I’ve questioned this business of “electrifying” everything – has also walked-back its previous commitment to offer nothing for sale that is not a battery powered device.

Chiefly because they have had to – because people are still free to not buy a device, take-it-or-leave it. The praetorian press – i.e., the corporate press that is owned and so controlled by a small handful of interlocking corporations – tried mightily to market devices as the thing, just as they tried to do the same with “masks” and then those strange drugs that were “vaccines” like Dylan Mulvaney is a “girl.”

It worked for a little bit. But – as always – the truth has a way of breaking through the cordon of lies. Things just don’t make sense. The evidence – especially the stuff you can see with your own eyes – disputes what you’re being told you see. And before you know it, the lies lose their puissance.

Far fewer people still believe that “masks” – as those grotesque things are blandly referred to – “work” except as theater props for a carnival that was truly dark. Many are very “hesitant” to take the drugs being pushed by the pharmaceutical cartels that everyone (just about) finally realizes have a controlling interest in the government, like the interests that have made worship of the government of Israel mandatory for politicians and “anti-Semitic” if questioned.

Similarly, the lies about devices are now understood. Especially the lies by omission – about such things as the fact you cannot “fast” charge at home. Yet most of what you heard and read about EVs focuses on how “fast” they can be charged (which still takes a long time) with the unsaid implication that devices are as or even more practical than a car with an engine that can be gassed up in three minutes or so. But they did not explain that you have to drive to – and wait at – a “fast” charger for at least 20 minutes, nor that you won’t leave with a full charge after 20 minutes because a full charge will take at least45 minutes to an hour or longer.

People have found out – on their own – that how far an EV goes on a charge is greatly dependent on how cold (or hot) it is. They have found out that if you do not leave a device plugged in overnight on a cold night especially – this assumes you have a place to leave it plugged in overnight, which people who live in apartments generally do not have – the device will lose a significant amount of charge/range from just sitting overnight.

They now know about the battery – as opposed to the “no oil changes!” they were sold.

And the result is that most of them no longer want a device. This includes about half of the people who bought a device and have decided they do not want another device. The result of that is an impossible-to-deny wilting of demand for devices, which has resulted in big financial problems for the car companies that committed to offering nothing for sale that isn’t a battery powered device.

But how will this problem be solved? It is much too late for these car companies to walk back their commitment. They have “invested” too much money – which was not invested in cars that are not devices and most particularly, in engines that will be able to “achieve compliance” with the pending set of regulations designed to push more devices onto the market by making it much harder to keep in production engines that cannot “achieve compliance” with the pending set of regulations.

The solution to this problem is obvious even if it has not yet been spoken. It is to out-regulate the alternatives to battery powered devices. And the car companies that bet the farm on offering nothing for sale that isn’t a battery powered device will be the fiercest advocates for this, in the manner of a jackal pack vying over the scraps of a lion’s kill.

They will seek regulations imposing onerous requirements both technical and economic upon owners of vehicles that aren’t devices. They will insist that, as a condition of being allowed to use these alternatives to devices on “public” (that is, government-controlled) roads, they must be as free of “emissions” as a device is claimed to be. Or registration fees will become usurious – and applied with vicious gaslighting about making the “polluter pay,” as if carbon dioxide were a “pollutant.”

This sort of thing is already being imposed in several European countries and the odds of it being imposed here are high, especially if Harris Walzes into office. She has already all-but-promised to double-down on what has already occurred. To not expect her to do so would be like expecting Trump to not be obnoxious.

But which would you rather have in office?

. . .

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  1. America is a communist shithole and even stupid people will figure that out in November. You will have no choice after 2030. You will submit or die – similar to Islam.

  2. My new most hated word: “compliance”
    It makes me envision throngs of beta-cuck sheep anxious to comply to anything commanded by “authority”. “Authority” nuzzles right next to “compliance” on that list.
    I guess I got that ODD they are all talking about because I am not nor will I ever am electric car.

    • Amen, Alex –

      That word summons the same urge to smash something in me as well. Since when did Americans become so . . . compliant? I suppose they have been for much longer than I realized.

  3. What then? We will not be driving. At least that’s the way it’s looking for all but a chosen (as well as The Chosen) few.

    I’ve long said that this whole EV charade has been nothing but a device to destroy the auto industry as well as the availability of older (read: affordable) used cars. And that’s where we pretty much are right now.

    The auto manufacturers are dinosaurs, making $100K+ pick-up trucks and SUVs that no one wants or can afford. They’re on the verge of bankruptcy after spending BILLIONS on pie-in-the-sky ridiculous boondoggles like EVs and self-driving cars. And cars made i9n the last 10-15 years are so complex (largelyu due to government safety and emissions mandates) and and a result so expensive to maintain and repair as they age, that the number of truly viable used cars out there has become quite small (also thanks to Cash4Clunkers) and is getting smaller every day, and that is causing the prices of the remaining viable older vehicles to ascend to insane levels.

    Tl;dr; We’re screwed!

  4. OY! South Carolina’s situation with VW’s Scout EeeVee plant is worse than I could possibly have imagined. I was thinking hundreds of millions in sleazy subsidies. But N-O-O-O-O-O …

    ‘South Carolina’s governor Henry McMaster asked lawmakers to approve nearly $1.3 billion to bring to the state a new electric vehicle plant by the Volkswagen Group-backed Scout Motors. [The bill was approved and signed on March 20, 2024.] The VW Group announced its intention to revive the Scout brand two years ago, under then-CEO Herbert Diess.

    ‘Leaders in the Republican-dominated House and Senate appear to fully back the project. When fully running, Scout Motors hopes to be making 200,000 vehicles a year, exporting them around the world.

    “They always have said you have to spend money to make money,” McMaster said. “Time has proven those are wise decisions.”

    Subsidies for Scout are a sad example of retarded, retrograde Romney RINO Republiclowns, doing what such pompous pissant poseurs always do.

    Meanwhile, with Volkswagen in crisis, the German state of Lower Saxony is going to exercise its minority-owner prerogative to spare German jobs by cancelling foreign projects, such as the grandiose Scout Motors white elephant, with its delusional dreams of building 200,000 units a year.

    In Caroline did Kubla Khan
    An EeeVee pleasure-dome decree:
    Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
    Through red ink measureless to man
    Down to a sunless sea.

    — Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan

    • South Carolina does such a bang up job building BMW X5 series vehicles.

      Before the Leasing class shifted to Tesla here in Austin, I would see an X5 broken down at least once every three months on a stretch of road leading from my house to the big box retail near the freeway — Sam’s, Home Depot, Best Buy, etc.

      I’ve already seen my first broken down Tesla, but when I circled back to get a picture, the vehicle was gone.

  5. It is my humble opinion that us boomers are of the last generation who took science and technology seriously, with a hunger to know how and why things work. Us boomers had electrical and mechanical systems that we could work on and improve on ourselves. Basic scientific principles were taught in school and reinforced with hands-on experimentation.

    In today’s climate (and the climate of two previous generations) experimentation on the level of the 1950s and 1960s is seen as “too dangerous”. I can remember the chemistry sets of the day being sold with toxic compounds which could be used for nefarious (and fun) purposes. Such sets are banned today.

    Today’s prime example of the public’s scientific stupidity being pushed by political considerations is that of electric vehicles, most people (even supposedly “educated” types) enthusiastically jumping on the bandwagon despite the major deficiencies and problems these vehicles have.

    Let’s look at the technical side of electric vehicles vs. ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles.

    Range is a large factor in the desirability of ICE vehicles vs. today’s electric vehicles. One can fuel up an ICE vehicle in approximately five minutes and be on his way.

    Not so for electric vehicles. Quite often electric vehicle charging stations are few and far between, which contributes to “range anxiety”. For short hops and city driving, electric vehicles can be an ideal solution, but for extended “road trips” forget it.

    Electric vehicle batteries lose power even when the vehicle is not in use. (This is akin to a gasoline vehicle with a leaky gas tank). Add to that, cold weather and the use of accessories (air conditioning, heat, lights, etc) will reduce range considerably. Electric vehicles may be somewhat suitable for a California climate, but will fail in sub-zero Michigan winter snow and ice.

    Batteries can be charged only to 80% of full capacity as overcharging will reduce battery life considerably. “Fast charging” is also detrimental to battery life. It’s all about time and convenience vs. battery life.

    Gasoline and diesel fuel has an large energy content (density) in a small package, something that, in their present stages of development, electrical vehicles cannot achieve.

    Let’s make a comparison…gasoline contains approximately 33.7 kwh per gallon. A gallon of gasoline weighs approximately 6.1 lbs. The typical ICE vehicle can hold about 15 gallons of gasoline with a weight of approximately 90 lbs. total, with a total energy content of approximately 500 kwh.

    High-end electric vehicles have an energy capacity of approximately 120 kwh. This is equal to less than four gallons of gasoline. The typical electric vehicle has a 75 kwh battery pack, equivalent to approximately 2 ½ gallons of gasoline.

    Keep in mind that the battery pack weight is well over 2000 lbs (1 ton) and still has a limited energy capacity compared to gasoline. The typical electric vehicles weighs approximately 2 ½ tons (5000 lbs.), having to haul around a heavy battery pack. This also contributes to “wear and tear” on other automotive systems such as brakes and tires.

    From an environmental standpoint, lithium is nasty stuff, reacts with water violently and is much more volatile than gasoline. Electric vehicle accidents are much more hazardous than those of ICE vehicles. Water cannot be used to put out a lithium battery pack fire.

    Yes, gasoline is dangerous, but we have learned to control it and live with it successfully for over 100 years.
    Most of today’s generation do not understand scientific principles; hence the enthusiasm for electric vehicles which are “not yet ready for prime-time”. The inability of today’s generation to understand basic scientific engineering principles is responsible for their gullibility and ignorance.

  6. The American nation of good souls need to change their names to John Wilkes Booth and shoot every politician alive.

    Booth acquired plenty of gold and silver on his farm in Maryland, he escaped the manhunt and became a fugitive from justice, he ended up in Utah then to San Francisco. Booth and his wife, Izola, traveled to India.

    Some crazy secret group paid Booth 3,600 USD per year to hide his whereabouts and identity.

    It’s a nice story, could be true.

    Lincoln saved the Republic with 700,000 dead bodies.

    Lincoln would have crucified Jesus Christ.

    Harris will achieve the same result with even more dead bodies. Already has. Walz will multiply the total with a blessing from the Ziocrats.

    Have to include Palestinians, the new Rebel Yell in progress.

    You fought all the way, Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb, yeah, you fought all the way, Johnny Reb – Johnny Horton, Johnny Reb

    At least the band played Dixie.

  7. ‘an impossible-to-deny wilting of demand for devices’ — eric

    Big Gov does this over and over, Eric — starting pharaonic ‘programs’ without even so much as a pilot project. How could 535 Einsteins be wrong?

    Take Obamacare. Fifteen years ago, DemonRats thought it would be transformative. Whereas this year, the ‘Biden’ regime admitted that 21.3 million are enrolled — a piddling 6.5% of the population. And most who did enroll are straight-up welfare cases:

    ‘Thanks to the IRA, four in five customers were able to find health care coverage for $10 or less per month for plan year 2024 after subsidies.’

    Ten dollahs a month? HA HA HA hahhhh. Offer me ‘beer coverage’ for ten dollahs a month, and I’ll back up the truck and sling cases into the bed till my frickin’ hands bleed. Ah ha ha ha … what a sick joke! Make stuff free, and people … sign up. DUH! Econ 101, d00d.

    Speaking of which, it’s a new entertainment season! Yes, Clowngress is back in town, and tomorrow morning, the DC freak show strikes up the band. On the menu is a continuing resolution with a tight Sep 30 deadline which could shut down the fedgov.

    Shut down, hell. Burn it down, I say … so I can relieve myself on the smoking ruins, with a smirk like peeing Calvin. Losers!

  8. The perceived masters of the universe have completely destroyed public trust these last few years. Formerly vaunted institutions have been reduced to shilling for shekels. The whole fake Co2 scam is being seen by the majority for what it is, fake and gay, as you so eloquently pointed out in the previous article. The world we grew up in, was a high trust, high functioning society. It will probably take a generation or more to rebuild trust at anything resembling that former level.

    The medical establishment, especially deserves zero trust. The pills and potions they peddle are little more than poison. Not on any meds myself, no vaccines in decades outside of a tetanus shot, I will stay this way until the end. Other than a GSW, or heart attack, I’m staying far away from them. And even then, if you showed up bleeding at the ER, what would stop them from pumping you full of orange goo before they would work on you? I mean, you could sure the crap out of them after the fact, but you’d still have the safe and effective flowing through you. I realize because of this my time may be short. I’ll take my chances and just be grateful for another day in paradise.

  9. Those who founded this country would be ashamed to see what we have allowed it to become. We can change that and we had better do it soon! We are precariously close to losing everything that we value.

    • I think that if they could look down at us, they could pin point the precise moment in history when this country ran off the rails. And yeah, they would be shaking their heads, and probably (my own opinion) commenting to each other, “…they could not keep it…” The Republic, that is.

  10. It’s far past time to lump EVs into the same category as fusion reactors and airships. They’re always a billion dollars and ten years away from being a “game changing technology”.

  11. The EV is in the “fake it ’til you make it” phase of engineering. Everyone knows they have massive shortcomings, and the early adopters are willing to accept them. But the Silly-Con Valley optimism has infected every technology, every engineer and every idiot with a business plan.

    The regulators are the worst, because they see some grad student’s one-off experiment and figure it’s just a matter of iteration to make it happen. So they throw taxpayer money at whomever they know in the industry who can convince the regulator that they’re up to the challenge. What the regulator can’t see is that the “New Ventures” department is where old executives go to live out the last few years of their tenure. They’re often put there because they were once vital to the company and the CEO feels the need to keep them employed out of loyalty or because they have some dirt on the company that they need to keep under wraps. They get a little budget, a small staff, and travel budget to network at trade shows. Maybe get a few interviews and sit on boards of non-profit trade groups.

    Then there are the journalists. Used to be if you went to write for an industry publication you probably worked in that industry. In many cases you might still work in the industry and get to be a “contributing author.” But the majority of journalists these days have no specialization, other than being journalists. A J-school degree isn’t all that valuable, I’d say on par with a library science or English lit major. But with the rise of the 24 hour news cycle, blogging, YouTube, etc. the need to feed the beast has skyrocketed. Some independent news sources (epautos) have figured out that having seasoned journalists (or maybe the old-school journalists themselves) in production roles is actually quite useful for seeing the BS.

    Add to this Vulture Capital money. Most ventures fail to produce anything and actually are nearly always money losers. But the very few that are hits make 10X or more (actually these days 100X) back to make up for all the losers. Same model as Hollywood and the recording industry, which I believe is why tech companies keep dumping money into film and TV production. Problem is these days the hits aren’t coming. So much of the VC money is being directed at government spending, and lobbying government regulatory agencies for preferential treatment. Not to mention In-Q-Tel…

    The problem comes in when there’s an agenda aimed at pushing a technology that’s not ready yet, or defies the laws of physics. In that case it’s always going to be fake. The argument is always that “well, often times new tech starts out as sub-par but eventually will catch up,” along with a reminder of Moore’s Law* or something. But that’s on the assumption that there’s room for optimization. In the case of battery tech, there’s a very hard limit in the amount of energy that can be stored, and that limit is no where near the amount of energy stored in an equal volume of gasoline. People who understand that will know that EVs are a subpar technology, but they’ll continue to push them because it creates a market. Or they “reduce” emissions somehow. Either way, no one who’s pushing this stuff has any understanding of how they work, or they’re caught up in the “fake it ’til you make it!” optimism.

    *Problem is, many people who know in the semiconductor industry are whispering that Moore’s Law is played out, that we’re now at the point where quantum effects are stopping further progress, but that’s not my point.

    • In the case of battery tech, there’s a very hard limit in the amount of energy that can be stored, and that limit is no where near the amount of energy stored in an equal volume of gasoline.

      It appears that what has not been (and perhaps cannot be) fixed by actual engineering is instead being addressed through social engineering. Hence the prevalence of brain rot-inducing boilerplate about how EVs are charged while people eat/drink/sleep/shit/shop/work, even though none of these activities have an actual impact on charging time and performance, and charging is just as slow whether people do these things or not.

  12. Given that Kamala Harris has been part of the most authoritarian regime in our lifetimes, people who vote for her have got to be the biggest chumps ever. If we end up with a Harris-Walz regime, it would likely make the Biden-Harris regime look like a benevolent dictatorship. We could see sinister things like MANDATES to take the next experimental mRNA “vaccine” that Big Pharma makes, a return of the draft should we have WWIII, CBDCs, digital ID, censorship on steroids, loss of American sovereignty to the UN & WHO, a BAN on meat consumption & driving gas vehicles under guise of “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaving the planet from cliiiiiiiiiiiimate change”, mandatory gun registration with the feds, foisting a diet of bugs and frankenfood on the people under guise of “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaving the planet”, “Sustainability”, or “Improving human health”, shutting down American farms in pursuit of that demented idea known as NET ZERO, etc.

    • There is no point in the red states sticking around if Heel’s Up Harris gets installed. They may as well secede from the blue ones, and tell them where to shove the EV’s, the vaccine mandates, the gun control, etc. The problem is, I do not think that the blue states will let us without a bloody fight. Which is what they want.

      • Out here in the red counties which make up 98% of the US, the blues are very outnumbered. But they exist in sufficient numbers to spread terror and misery, and they are thoroughly mixed into the general population.

        In the big blue urban areas, the blue nutters may or may not have a slight numerical advantage. But they are fanatics, insisting their subpar IQ fever dreams are possible, and the ends justify the means because all the poor rubes will be better uff under their communist absolute rule.

        This is an infection, and there will be a horrible period of fever and convulsions getting it out of the body.

  13. How is it, this thing called government, has managed total control over our lives?

    From genocidal wars to what it allows us to purchase to what we are allowed to say. We own nothing that isn’t taxed in some way. If the tax isn’t paid they have given themselves the right to confiscate our property we paid for. The banks buy them up then resell them to new suckers.

    They have taken complete control of our medical system, monetary system leaving us sick and broke. They are providing the tools of war and protection for a tiny nation in the ME. They are poking what is arguably the most powerful nation on the planet,,, Russia.

    Airplanes are falling apart in the skies,,, rail system is in complete disarray, maintenance non existent,,, and space… big disaster there as well.

    Children being maimed and butchered, indoctrinated in the most disgusting life styles. After 12 years of school cannot give correct change. Importing millions of leaches from around the world with no skills, zero education and with dozens of kids we forced to support.

    It’s one thing being generous,,, quite another being used and abused. In Calipornia they are doling out taxpayer money to first time house buyers but those ‘citizens’ paying for it are disqualified by government decree. And how can they afford the payments? They can’t. Corpgov pays that as well with counterfeit money it prints up out of thin air inflating/devaluing the currency.

    How in hell did we allow ourselves to be cajoled in to this sorry state of affairs,,, this gullible? The Declaration applies more to us in this time than King George III in revolutionary times.

    • How in hell did we allow ourselves to be cajoled in to this sorry state of affairs?

      Financialization of the marketplace.

      By making the CEO only accountable to the investors, and making the argument that marketing is the most important task of any business. Now we see the results. Boeing adopts Jack Welch’s 6 sigma management system, in order to scare more productivity out of the workforce, with disastrous results. And because on a practical level they’re a monopoly (yea, Airbus and Embalmer exist), at least to their customers, they can optimize for profit and shareholder value over long term investment or product improvement.

      Warren Buffett buys BNSF. He only buys monopoly firms (think Coke’s secret formula), and manages his companies quarter by quarter. Under his tutelage the railroad has done… nothing. Basically just run the railroad as it is, make no effort to expand into other lines of business, no effort to improve operations… and probably put off maintenance. Anecdotal for sure but the trains that run around here are very dirty these days, their bright yellow livery dulled by years of neglect. I have to wonder what’s happening with the company now that coal power plants are being shuttered? And what of the villainization of China and all those shipping containers? But it’s earning a great ROI this quarter for Berkshire Hathaway, so “he’s still got it!”

      We’ve gotten so used to “just throw computing power at it” as a solution to everything that we’re now going down this road of AI will fix everything. The thing is, what it’s being used for is art, writing and music, the activities that humans have generally not held at high value. And things like driving, which again are typically not considered a high income career. Will an AI design the next 787? Will an AI figure out how to manage a portfolio while reinvesting in R&D? Will an AI optimize free markets? That’s something I’d be interested in, and something that computers helped humans do in the past.

  14. I hate to be critical of Eric’s writing.

    The idea that Trump is going to save us from EVs is laughable.

    Trump famously said “take the guns first, go through due process second.”.

    This is with respect to a question of gun ownership that is clearly stated, and protected by the Second Amendment (as if the constitution means a damn).

    ICE ownership and use has no such constitutional protection.

    So tell me again why a man that cares nothing about the Second Amendment is going to protect our rights to own and drive an ICE vehicle?

    Ladies and Gentlemen, no one is coming to save us. It is up to us, our friends, and our families to resist (forcefully if needed) these overreaching mandates. Until people are willing to protest, strike, and refuse to comply with these inhuman mandates that are impoverishing us, we are at the mercy of tyrants of both the orange and brown variety.

    • I don’t disagree, Burn it Down!

      But the alternative is certain to cement this evil agenda in place such that we will be living with it for the rest of our lives, probably. I understand the argument about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic but if there’s a chance the ship can be prevented from sinking or even just the sinking delayed so that more can escape and fewer lives are lost, then I am prepared to do whatever serves that end.

      I don’t trust Trump. I don’t look to him for salvation. He is – to put it succinctly – very far from perfect. But unless he is (and he may be) a kind of golem being used to pull the Ultimate Gag on us, I think he is the last chance we’ve got to at least slow down some of what’s happening and just maybe, reverse the worst of it.

      • Eric – I totally respect your point of view as a fellow traveler.

        “But unless he is (and he may be) a kind of golem being used to pull the Ultimate Gag on us, I think he is the last chance we’ve got to at least slow down some of what’s happening and just maybe, reverse the worst of it.”

        We already had this gag pulled on us in 2016 and saw the results including Trump’s “beautiful” warp speed vaccine.

        I think there is another politician that summed this up

        “There’s an old saying in Tennessee—I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, ‘Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me—you can’t get fooled again. ‘” – Nashville, Tennessee, September 17, 2002.

        There is no last chance. This is a lie the country tells itself every 4 years as it continues the decent into the abyss of tyranny.

        The last chance is when we personally fail to stop complying with the madness at every level (local, state, and national).

        We are failing by constantly expecting some lying scum politician to “help” us.

      • There are lots of problems with burning it all down, not the least of which is where do you stop? I can pretty much guarantee “our side” is much more merciful than “them.” They also seem to be pretty good at unifying themselves to attain a goal. Our side doesn’t like to follow orders even when doing so would be in our best interest.

    • I sadly agree Burn it Down,
      Trump didn’t do squat for us in the four years he had last time, I doubt he’ll be any different in a second term. All of us have to channel Nancy Reagan and just say NO! to this idiocy. We outnumber the AGW’s by tens of millions, if everyone just ignores the fatwas and goes about their business they can’t arrest all of us.

      • I agree with you Mike, and Burn it down. The power of NO is one we have yet to try on a large scale. Good news is 5-10% of us already realize, if a law only applies to half the population, it applies to no one. So their fatwas really do have little meaning outside their own little circle jerks.

        The only thing that would change my mind about Trump, is action, not more bloviating words from Orange jeebus. If he’s selected, he can show he’s changed easily. First, Stephan Miller as his press secretary, next Vivek as SOS, Tulsi as Secretary of war, Judge Joe Brown as AG, Elon in charge of some kind of auditing agency, and Tucker, for a position thats yet to become clear. I know many of these folks are captured as well. However, they represent a certain level of disruption to the system. The kind of shock thats needed.

        If Trump is going to go with more Neocon/rhino garbage, while listening to his beautiful daughter extolling the virtues of the “Good People”, then he can piss right off. I’d rather we face reality that its over. Heels up will be very useful in clarifying things to those of us on the freedom side of the ledger. She will make it abundantly clear that we have to carry our own water and get our own hands dirty. She will end the fantasy that someone is coming to save us.

        • It’s Pompeo that convinced Trump not to release the JFK assassination records.
          If ALL unredacted records of the JFK assassination and israel’s “hand” in “making it happen” were released, israel WOULD cease to exist and the world would not give a damn and would be a much better place. Jews in the USA would take the brunt of the punishment and would be considered “personae non gratae” rightly so…
          A start would be to identify and “out” EVERY jew who is infecting our political system and require EVERY jew in the country to register under FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) as “agents of a foreign government”. It was JFK who demanded that jewish organizations register under FARA. He also demanded that israel comply with international nuclear arms inspections.
          He was assassinated before his executive orders could be carried out.
          Crypto-jew Lyndon Johnson (whose mother was jewish, making him a jew as well) was a part of the assassination team) rescinded EVERY executive order affecting israel on his first day in office.
          Ray Charles could see that the assassination of JFK came right from the top.

          • His daughter is a jew, so maybe thats an issue, idk. I don’t believe any of his sons are jewish. What is it now, 150, 160 countries? who can say for sure at this point. Maybe the honest ones should show some freaking guts and start a ‘Not in our name’ type group. Might go easier on them if they did.

            I’m not inclined to indict a whole group for the actions of their leaders, however, enough quaking like a duck, I’m gonna take you for a duck. I used to believe Israel was our friend. I used to believe a lot of things, but growing older gives one the luxury of examining ones beliefs, and course correcting when new evidence presents itself. All I know for sure now is, they are not our friend. they want us to do the dying for them as well as foot the bill. Mayhap they (as well as us) should step back and ask, why are we so hated?

            The part I think we can agree on wholeheartedly is they have captured every single institution in this country. The two party system and the media being the most evident.

            • Jews worldwide need to feel the pain of ostracization, marginalization, and even contempt for their actions in the middle east and around the western world.

              I realize that there are some jews who, realizing that their self-preservation is threatened and at stake, are against the present situation in Gaza and the West Bank, but there are not enough of them to make a difference.

              At this stage of the game, I DON’T CARE if “good” jews feel the pain of ostracization, marginalization and contempt from gentiles. Just maybe, if there is enough pressure put on “good” jews, things will change. WHERE ARE THE “GOOD” JEWS?

              I won’t hold my breath.

              All good people must apply the same standard to the JEWS that JEWS apply to (the rest of) us “goyim”.

              You see, in civilized cultures, individual responsibility and individual punishment is the norm. Collective responsibility and collective punishment is illegal and does not figure in civilized “rule of law”.

              Not so as JEWS hold gentiles responsible…collective responsibility and collective punishment are always the norm that the JEWS use to justify genocide when it comes to gentiles.

              Even during wartime, hospitals, schools, and civilian areas are considered to be “off-limits” and are NEVER attacked. 

              JEWS are so brazen in their contempt for gentiles that they video their criminality for all to see.  They are PROUD of their criminal behavior. 


              Yes, every JEW who observes their talmud IS responsible for genocide. It’s baked into judaism. There is no getting around that. 
              Keep in mind, that according to talmudic judaism, ALL gentiles (us) are considered to be “less than human, on a lower spiritual plane, to be used for the advantage of the jews”

              In fact, slavery of gentiles is still condoned within judaism.

              Let’s not forget the biblical book of Deuteronomy where, according to its proscriptions and advice, nothing (gentile) is to remain alive…
              This is where JEWS get their genocidal attitudes.

              When it comes to attitudes of jews themselves, they are among the worst behaving people on the planet. Their air of “superiority” and “supremacy” permeates the atmosphere wherever they go.

              A refreshing incident took place in Vietnam (of all places) where a restaurant owner kicked israelis out of his restaurant just because they were jews. It was easy to tell because of their condescending, snobbish attitude that almost every israeli possesses.

              We need to see more of this worldwide.

              If I had my way…

              1. Outlaw infant male genital mutilation. Removal of a healthy body part without medical necessity is a crime. Removing a healthy body part from an infant who has no say in the matter is doubly criminal.

              2. Close every yeshiva in the western world. These “schools” that teach nothing but hate and contempt for all gentiles are breeding grounds for jewish terrorists. These same “schools” fail to teach basic subject material to their students. It is interesting to note that jews criticize Muslims for operating “terrorist schools” while doing worse. Projection, indeed…

              3. Close every holocaustianity temple in the USA. These temples violate the “separation of church and state” in the USA and are illegally receiving taxpayer dollars.

              4. Outlaw menorahs and other jewish displays placed on public property. As Christian displays have been marginalized through jewish lawfare, so should jewish symbology as well.

              5. EVERY tax-exempt jewish organization must be recognized as an “agent of a foreign government” and should lose its tax-exempt status. This applies to synagogues as well. Synagogues are “breeding grounds” for jewish supremacism and terrorism as well. Let’s not forget the child rape tunnels under a NYC synagogue which were “covered up”, destroying evidence of child abuse under questionable circumstances.

              6. EVERY JEW residing in the USA should be required to register as a “foreign agent” with the U. S. Department of State under FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act).

              7. ALL USA politicians of jewish extraction as well as any politician who supports israel must be required to register themselves under the FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) and to be thoroughly “vetted” as their loyalty to their home country (USA) is in question. EVERY politician who holds “dual citizenship” with israel must forfeit his or her government position and be deported with loss of USA citizenship. If wishing to re-enter the USA and regain their USA citizenship must renounce their foreign citizenship.

              8. ANY citizen of the USA who joins the IDF must automatically lose his or her USA citizenship and be permanently deported. We should start with Brian Mast (R-Fla) who proudly wore his IDF uniform in the halls of congress.

              9. Future trials for “crimes against humanity” must hold every dual citizenship American politician, political appointees and all supporter of israel accountable, not just jews themselves.

              Jews in the western world must be held to the same standard that (((they))) hold for “the rest of us” (gentiles).

              Judaism itself is a foreign political system, NOT a “religion” as jews claim…and as such is not subject to Constitutional protections.

              I’m ready for the brickbats…

      • If Trump gets in for a second term, he will have nothing left to lose. He cannot run for a third term, and can do whatever the hell he wants. He could go full-on tyrannical, if he chose to do so……

  15. Hard to say what’s next. But you can bet your last dollar it will only favor the gang of liars, thieves and killers known as government.
    Any time one does an “illegal” thing, one must give them money. Curious how that works. They pay themselves to abuse, neglect, and harass us.

  16. What’s next? Well, just look to Norway, the ice-cold EV dystopia in Northern Europe, where EVs had a 94 % (!) market share in August. The reason for that is simple – due to corporatism, nearly all new cars that are offered at Norwegian dealers are EVs, and the few ICE-powered cars that are still available are very expensive to buy and use. Moreover, many car buyers who don’t want EVs are afraid that the government may make it even more expensive to own and use an ICE-powered car in the future, essentially rendering such cars worthless (and their buyers perhaps unable to afford to change their mind and get the government-approved car they should have bought in the first place), so they buy EVs just to be on the safe side.

    How is this insufferable situation of government overriding consumer preferences portrayed in propaganda outlets? As a stunning success, of course.

    To wit:

    Electric vehicles continued their meteoric rise in Norway, capturing a staggering 94.3% of the new car market in August.

    This unprecedented achievement surpasses previous records and underscores Norway’s position as a global leader in EV adoption.


    Norway’s success is attributed to a combination of factors, including generous tax incentives, robust charging infrastructure, and a strong commitment to reducing emissions. The country’s goal of phasing out fossil fuel vehicles by 2025 is well within reach.

    The Scandinavian country offers generous tax benefits which make electric models competitively priced.

    “No country in the world comes close to Norway in the electric car race,” OFV director Oyvind Solberg Thorsen said in a statement.

    “If this trend continues, we will soon be on our way to achieving our goal of 100% zero-emission cars by 2025,” he said.

    “Norway’s EV sales set new record in August, taking 94% market share”

    So apparently, there’s nothing wrong with EVs, and no reason why they cannot sell, it’s only a matter of implementing the right policies, and then the EV utopia will be within reach, Norway is proof of that. I’m sure EV manufacturers will agree with this narrative, and use arguments like these to double-down on EVs.

  17. The thing that no one is talking about in regards to EV adoption is that if as some predict that we are heading into a depression is that no one will be buying any kind of expensive new cars, be they EV or ICE.

    Whether or not that happens I can’t say but looking at things from a financial viewpoint if the people who want to buy new cars can’t afford to shop for groceries now it’s hard to expect them to buy new cars either.

    • Sounds like a perfect opportunity for politicians to implement policies that will force people out of the cars they have. All in the name of climate change, of course.

      • Well Stufo, Trump did talk about “Freedom Cities”; but what happens to those of us living in Galt’s Gulch who might like neighbors but not as much as we do our old cars, tractors and wood stoves? I guess we might wind up in a “Freedom Camp”.


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