Making Us Pay For What AGWs Do


A man – sober – is pulled over by an armed government worker who says he is driving too slowly and changed lanes without signaling. The man was driving through Loveland, Colorado trying to find an address – which is why he was driving below the 45 MPH speed limit, in order to be able to read street signs. He changed lanes – without signaling – to get out of the way of the AGW who was following him. Who then pulled him over.

Almost immediately after pulling him over, the AGW asks the man: “How much have you had to drink tonight?” The man declines to answer the question, thereby affronting the authority of the AGW. Who then claims that  he “smell(ed) the overwhelming odor of alcohol” – which is interesting in view of the fact that a Blood Alcohol Test established that the man – Harris Elias – had not been drinking any alcohol at all. He “blew” a 0.00 after his arrest – for “drunk driving” – and this finding was confirmed by the blood-draw test Elias was subsequently forced to take after the breath test did not produce the wanted result.


Elias was, in plain language entirely innocent of the charge of “drunk driving,” but that’s not what’s most interesting.

What’s disgusting is who paid for the abuse of this man by the armed government worker. It wasn’t the armed government worker. It is almost never the armed government worker. They enjoy what is styled “sovereign” or “qualified” immunity, which amounts to droit du seigneur.

Meaning, they can have their way with you.

And that, of course, is why armed government workers so often abuse what are styled “civilians” – i.e., citizens – by armed government workers, who are also civilians in spite of their military affectations.

Elias was not merely falsely accused. He was falsely arrested – and in addition to being treated like a criminal and having to deal with the courts, he also ended up having to deal with the FAA over the false charges, because he is a pilot and the FAA – which oversees the licensing of pilots – takes a dim view of drunk driving. It didn’t matter – for some time – that Elias had not been drinking while he was driving. Once charged, everyone – including your employer – assumes you are guilty.

What mattered was that he got “pulled over” – as it is styled – by an AGW who lied about what he claimed was the “overwhelming smell of alcohol” that he could not possibly have smelled because there was no alcohol to smell.

But he “smelled” it when the man declined to show obedience to the AGW by not answering questions he had no legal obligation to answer. This sort of thing happens a lot. Also with regard to the “smelling” of marijuana, which gives AGWs “probable cause” to search any vehicle they want to search; sometimes, a canine (who cannot be cross-examined) is called in to “confirm” the “smell.”

The AGW decided to punish Elias for failing to respect his authority by falsely accusing him of “drunk driving,” a charge that – in this man’s case – could have ruined his career as well as resulted in his driving “privileges” being limited or rescinded, to say nothing of the many thousands of dollars in lawyer bills that attended defending himself against these false charges.

Back to what’s interesting.

The city of Loveland eventually had to pay Elias $400,000 in compensation for what was done to him by the AGW – who was forced to pay not one red cent of that. The taxpayers of the city had to pay for what the AGW did to the man.

This amounts to a get-out-of-jail free card for AGWs. Both literally and financially. Literally, in that had any civilian abused another civilian in this manner, they’d be the ones arrested and charged with a crime. It’s an even worse crime when it is committed by AGWs, who like to style themselves law enforcement. In italics to make a point. Those who are endowed with the legal power to enforce laws ought to be held to a higher standard of responsibility than the rest of us when they abuse the laws.

Because they are in a unique position to abuse the law.

We can’t “pull over” people; if any of us tried that, we’d be charged with a serious crime. But AGWs not only can do that – at will – we’re the “criminals” if we decline to comply.

It is pretty evident that the AGW in this case was annoyed that the man he’d pulled over wasn’t being sufficiently obedient – and decided to teach him about Who’s Boss in way that’s even worse than roughing him up some. He arrested Elias for a “crime” the AGW knew was trumped up because he trumped it up. That “overwhelming smell of alcohol” that was an outright lie. But how does one contest such an assertion – either by the side of the road or later, in court – when the “word” of an AGW is regarded as evidence?

If the AGW knew he might be criminally charged for trumping up a “crime” to make a point about Who’s Boss, do you think the odds are greater or less that the AGW might not have claimed to have been “overwhelmed” by the “smell of alcohol”?

And if the eventually $400k that was paid to Elias (and others who are similarly abused came out of the AGW’s – rather than taxpayers’ – pockets, do you suppose AGWs might be a little more careful about using their state-endowed power to abuse people?

To ask this question is to answer it.

Much talk has been devoted to this business of defunding the police, with Leftists all for it (until they decided it was more prudent, politically, to pretend to be against it) and those on the Right vehemently opposed to it. How about expecting the police to fund themselves – when they abuse civilians?

Can anyone come up with a good reason why an AGW ought not to be personally liable for abuse? Would not the knowledge that he might be sued into ruin – bankrupted and his family put on the street – have served to restrain the AGW who ended up costing the taxpayers of Loveland nearly half-a-million of their dollars?

Are you more or less careful when you know that whatever you’re doing will have consequences if you do it wrong, to say nothing of with egregious recklessness or maliciousness?

We’re held fully accountable for not wearing a seatbelt. But an AGW can use his authority to ruin a man’s life – or try to – and others get to pay for it.

. . .

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  1. Something that might go a long way to solving this would be to require AGWs to secure bonding to cover their actions in the same way that private security personnel have to. Part of their pay package could be enough to cover the cost of a premium for a well-behaved AGW. Any more would come out of the cop’s own pocket. This would be instead of jurisdictions just assuming all liability for whatever their thugs do. A few lawsuits would make a bad cop unbendable and hence unemployable. It would also prevent him from just moving to a new jurisdiction and continuing his bad ways.

    I’d read of this idea a few years ago and I really can’t see any reason it wouldn’t work.

  2. My female partner got one of those camera tickets in the mail today, a fine of $165 for going 37 in a 25. Her biggest complaint was how she didn’t like how she looked in the car. LOL Anyways, she has to pay or they send out a bench warrant, and/or suspend your license until you do pay, probably with fines. So I guess we’ll be eating ramen noodles next week – while those pricks eat steak.

    The location was some intersection in Medford, Oregon – which has allowed a private company to set up these camera traps to ka-ching the city tills. It is a money raking exercise, they just set up their traps and then fine us, raking in the mula so they can waste it on other government project we sure as hell don’t want. Some dilwad called an “officer” signed the ticket.

    Our society is sick and evil. People claim government is a necessary evil, and the Libertarian replies, why is any evil necessary? As far as the laws go, the criminally insane write the laws and then these same criminals break every moral code known to man. Like genocide. They rape us for taxes then use the money to send Israel huge bombs to kill woman and children. Then they say you are anti-semetic or with the terrorists if you have the balls to protest their mass murder.

    Both candidates promise to continue the genocide. I do not understand how any sane person could vote for either one of those Jew whores. The fact that millions will vote for one stooge or another is unsettling to me, that means I live in a sea of morally reprobate ignoranuses. And only if Putin nukes the USA into radioactive dust could any justice be served on the people and the assholes they elect.

    It is quite clear to me that the United States needs to be completely wiped off the face of the earth because the people refuse to jail the heinous criminals that are running the nation into the ground. You all might want to read this:

    Biden and Blinken should both be immediately arrested and send to Gitmo until they die of torture.

    • ‘only if Putin nukes the USA into radioactive dust’ — Yukon Jack

      After the visit of leftist, zionist UK prime minister Starmer to the White House, your apocalyptic scenario just become more likely. I sincerely hope that this post on X is untrue. But my gut tells me it is probably accurate:

      ‘Biden and Kamala are expected to launch WW3 this weekend and authorize attacks deep in Russian territory.

      ‘Sec of State Blinken will announce tomorrow that the US has given Ukraine the green light to strike deep inside Russia using Western made missiles.’

      The post includes a video clip of Putin explaining in a calm, measured, moderate tone, that attacks on Russia with Western-made long-range weapons will result in Russia regarding itself as directly at war with the US, EU and NATO.

      Brits, just like the Israelis, have become our dangerous, subversive enemies.

    • Awman you’re not really gonna eat the ramen noodles though are you? That’s like lettin’ the govt screw you twice, and where your health stands to take more of a hit for it than your wallet did 😭

      Post-mulcting meal planning (been there before) 💡 Maybe a budget-friendly pot of homemade soup you could stretch for a week, free of all the nasty oils and soy and MSG you get dosed with in ramen.. Could add a discount fresh baguette from the bakery markdown rack at dinnertime.. And then ya got yourselves a few days of comfort food instead of processed punishment 🍲

      It ain’t steak but at least it’s not the exact packets of antinutrients that the govt wants y’all to feel stuck eating after they stole your damn lunch money

    • Bombs away!

      Russia has 100 megaton hydrogen nuclear devices strategically placed deep in the Atlantic waters off of the eastern seaboard of the US that when detonated will inundate the east coast with flood waters for miles inland. Plus all of the radiation, Armageddon will arrive suddenly.

      Or so they say.

      You gotta love the bomb, stop worrying, be happy. You’ll die suddenly, so make the best of it.

      What Ziocracy looks like, the Jolly Roger is the flag to wave.

      • I wouldn’t discount the “Samson Option”.
        The jews are stupid enough to try it, especially if the world goes against them and demands a real solution to the “Palestinian situation”. Notice that I did not call the Palestinian situation a “problem” as it is the foreign zionist jew interlopers who are the “problem”.
        Keep in mind that no country that possesses live “nukes” will be attacked or invaded. North Korea, India, Pakistan, and other countries are smart to keep their nukes under wraps and not succumb to the demands of “international nuclear arms inspectors”. This is the only thing keeping the world “deep state” from attacking them.
        That being said, the same should apply to israel (but does not). Every country’s nukes are within the borders of their respective countries, but not so for israel.
        You see, israel’s nukes are already “in place” in cities around the world and as such, no delivery systems are needed. Israel’s nuclear “Damocles swords” are ready to go at a moment’s notice. This is a major reason why israel refuses to allow “international nuclear arms inspectors” to perform inspections. Israel could not account for all of its nukes without revealing that they are not on israeli (Palestinian) soil.
        The next “9-11” will be a nuclear detonation (not an exchange or other conflagration) in a major American or European city. Look for an israeli nuke to be detonated in Houston, Chicago or Atlanta. “Jew York City” is “off-limits” as it is the jewish seat of power in the USA. European targets will be Rome, Brussels or Paris. Jews would LOVE to destroy the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, so look at Rome as being a prime target.
        Of course, the nuclear detonation will be blamed on an Arab country, passports being found in the “rubble”, just as with 9-11 (yeah, right).
        I pray I am wrong, but fear I am right…

    • Hi Jack,

      37 in a 25… oy vey. As you say, a money-raking exercise, nothing more. Well, actually, it is more – because now you have less. They literally took money you’d otherwise have had for food away from you on the basis of an absurd “charge” that everyone knows to be just that. At some point – I hope – people are not going to take it anymore.

    • You may have a way out with your ticket camera scam.
      Many municipalities threaten non-payment of such fines with warrants and the like, but in reality, they have no “teeth”. Forcing one to pay a “fine” to a private entity without a physical person witnessing the “crime” is actually illegal and unconstitutional.
      I have known people in some areas who refused to pay fines imposed by red-light cameras…nothing happened. The fine eventually just disappeared.
      I don’t recommend doing this without further research, but it just may be doable.
      Best regards,

  3. I lost my faith in police protection after reading about the heartbreaking Petit family murders in Connecticut in 2007. It was surreal to me that the mom did everything right and was still utterly failed by the local police who surrounded the home for hours after she reported the home invasion in process and let the criminals rape, murder then strangle and burn alive the mother and her two daughters.

  4. “Municipal police departments” are a relatively new phenomenon in the grand scheme of human civilization. This concept of “law enforcement” is beholden to the power structure and not to the citizenry.
    In “the good old days”, the “sheriff” was the chief “law enforcement” individual in the county and had broad reign in his respective jurisdiction. When the need arose, ordinary citizens were “deputized” and were given limited “police authority” at the discretion of the “sheriff”. This was used during emergencies when there was a need for “manpower”.
    Today, this has morphed into the need for permanently appointed sheriff’s deputies.
    In order for a sheriff to be elected (and re-elected) he has to have a good reputation among the citizenry. Accountability to the citizenry is a major part of the equation.
    Fast forward to today, where the “chief of police” in major urban areas is quite often a political “hack” whose allegiance is to the mayor and power structure, not the citizenry. This is a large part of the problem as it fosters an “us vs. them” attitude, where the citizenry (us) is considered to be the “enemy”. It gets worse, as city officials “pull back” their police when they should be doing just the opposite.
    The concept of “qualified immunity” for public officials has been expanded to the point that police departments operate with impunity and have no problem abusing their power as the prosecutors, courts, and in general the “system” is heavily stacked against the victim of police abuses. It is almost impossible to sue police departments for abuses committed by their personnel.
    Individual police officers cannot be sued as they are “protected” from lawsuits by their official “immunity”. Even with incontrovertible video and audio evidence, police are rarely convicted of crimes. Juror intimidation is a large factor in the inability to reign in the “bad apples”. Police unions play a large part in whitewashing criminal behavior by police.
    Immunity negates responsibility and must be abolished across the board.
    Let’s not forget the “israelization” of today’s police departments where “escalation of force” has been replaced with israeli-style “command and control” tactics in which immediate compliance with police commands is demanded.
    American police departments routinely send their personnel to israel for (free) training in how to handle Palestinians (oops, I mean American citizens) to “see how it’s done”. We are all Palestinians, now…

  5. An AGW, a DEA agent, was sitting at a local bar, a popular strip joint.

    After sitting there at the bar drinking a favorite libation, he removed his piece and shot himself in the head.

    Not everybody shoots themselves in the head.

    Everybody in the bar left immediately, leaving everything they had, coats, jackets, weren’t going to leave with them.

    Another LEO was on the lam for killing a truck driver during his safe-cracking days. Just plain criminal behavior 24/7, doesn’t stop.

    I was near the scene of the crime, a patrol car shined a spotlight on my car. I was there, but didn’t know what had happened.

    As Burt Lambaster once emphatically stated, “There is corruption in anything.”

    Alcohol is a solution, you can drink it!

  6. From The Mencken Chrestomathy, excerpts from The Malevolent Jobholder, originally published in The American Mercury, June 1924:

    In the … monarchies of Europe, there was an intelligent and effective way of dealing with delinquent officials. Not only were they subject, when taken in downright corruption, to the ordinary processes of the criminal laws, in addition they were liable to prosecution in special courts for such offenses as were peculiar to their offices. [There was] a tribunal in Berlin that devoted itself only to the trial of officials accused of malfeasance, corruption, tyranny and incompetence, and any citizen was free to lodge a complaint with the learned judges. The trial was public and in accord with rules fixed by law. An official found guilty could be punished summarily and in a dozen different ways. He could be reprimanded, reduced in rank, suspended from office for a definite period, transferred to a less desirable job, removed from the rolls altogether, fined, or sent to jail. If he was removed from office he could be deprived of his right to a pension in addition, or fined or jailed in addition. He could be made to pay damages to any citizen he had injured, or to apologize publicly.

    All this, remember, was in addition to his liability under the ordinary law, and the statutes specifically provided that he could be punished twice for the same offense, once in the ordinary courts and once in the administrative court. Thus a Prussian official who assaulted a citizen, invaded his house without a warrant, or seized his property without process of law, could be deprived of his office and fined heavily by the administrative court, sent to jail by an ordinary court, and forced to pay damages to his victim by either or both. … The law specifically provided that responsible officials should be punished, not more leniently than subordinate or ordinary fenders, but more severely. If a corrupt policeman got six months and corrupt chief of police got two years. … The jails were constantly full of errant officials.

  7. Israeli methods are easily discerned in American police departments, who have, almost all received “free” training in israeli methods in how to handle us Palestinians (oops, I mean American citizens).
    American police officers used to be considered “peace officers” in which the citizen was held supreme, but no more.
    “Escalation of force”, once a staple of American police doctrine has been replaced with israeli “command and control” doctrine which subordinates the citizen to the demands made by American police officers. This is the same method used in israel and in the occupied territories.
    A prime example of this is the murder of Daniel Shaver, who was ordered (commanded) by police officers to crawl with his hands behind his back–an impossible task. He received multiple conflicting commands from multiple police officers and then was shot in the back by police officer Philip Brailsford who had the words “you’re f#cked engraved on the dust cover of his weapon. To add insult to injury, Brailsford was not held responsible for his actions and was rehired for one day so that he could be awarded a “disability pension”.
    So much for “the rule of law”.
    We are all Palestinians, now

    • ‘Israeli methods are easily discerned in American police departments’ — anarchyst

      In an article written for the 9/11 anniversary a couple of days ago, Wyatt Peterson summarizes the overwhelming evidence that the notorious terror incident was an Israeli plot — both the event, and its extensive coverup in the years following. He cites dozens of nodes in the vast plan and names the names, all of which share something in common. As Peterson dryly notes:

      ‘Try as you might, dear reader, you will find no organized groups of Afghanis, Russians, Syrians, Iraqis or Chinese involved in the terror plot; only Israelis and sayanim … extremely dedicated to the Zionist cause.’

      I read all this info in real time, from 2001 on. Dominic Suter, one the ‘dancing Israelis’ who headed the Mossad front company Urban Moving Systems, lived in the same town as me, a few blocks from my house. I first learned of Suter’s sudden, dark-of-night escape to Israel not from the national media, but from the local Shopper newspaper.

      Even though all of it was already familiar, reviewing this info 23 years on still makes my blood boil. Americans have been comprehensively, cynically SOLD OUT. This year alone, we got our pockets picked for another $30 billion by our Israeli enemies.

  8. My encounters with AGW’s have been limited to roadside encounters. In light of these stories, mine is rather dull, but I think it’s worth mentioning anyway. It kind of sums up the encounters most of us have had behind the wheel. Some may have heard this already. If so, sroll down.

    On Nov 27, 1974, when I was 10, we were headed to Vermont to go skiing. Night had set in and my dad was passing some guy on I-91 in Massachusetts. He dropped a gear and was traveling north of 70 mph in the new 55 mph zones. The speed limit was 65 a year earlier. The cop pulled him over and sternley told my dad he was going 72 and asked for his license and registration. A few minutes later, he came back and issued my dad a warning for doing 60 in a 55. Watching it all from the back seat, I was mad as hell. The thought went through my head, why was he getting a warning for traveling slower than what the speed limit was a year earlier (Massachusetts had a 65 mph interstate speed limit)? Why didn’t that cop just leave my dad alone. If he was going to warn him, I thought that he should be warned for the full number and sent on his way. It struck me as insulting that the cop put us through all of this trouble. At the end of the stop, i started asking questions and my parents stated that they were happy he got a warning. I wasn’t. Later that night, my dad said that we should not be as mad as the cop as at the 55 mph speed limit. He explained that it was a bad law and didn’t do anything. I completely agreed and but I couldn’t shake my thoughts about the cop. I thought he was an asshole (though by today’s standards, he would be mild).

    I have been pulled over by police probably 50 times for this or that in the ensuing years. Some were better, most worse than that night, but nothing has changed my view, that in 99 percent of cases, these people are bullying and abusive things to be avoided.

    As for ways to neuter them, the best way is to push for more relaxed laws. That encounter was the sole reason that I actually put some skin in the game to repeal the 55 mph speed limit. Today, it’s hard to remember the gravity of what people like me, who liked to drive a mere 80 mph on the freeways had to deal with. Up until the late 1980s, 70 mph was considered aggravated speeding and 80 mph was reckless regardless if you were driving I10 in West Texas or I-80 in Ohio.

    Repeal of the 55 mph speed limit and decriminalization of drugs have done much to diminish the influence and mandate of AGWs at the street level, however, they have way too much authority and enforce laws with way too much capriciousness than a normal person should feel comfortable with. It’s worth a try to take away some of their toys, but pushing for relaxed laws protects enough people from a nasty encounter that it was worth a good part of my 20s to get part of it done.

    • Bingo.

      I’ve had good & bad interactions with cops. The best interactions usually start off with the cop being civil.


      If there weren’t so darned many laws out there needing to be enforced, most of the time the cops would leave everyone alone unless there is a traffic accident, or a fight, or some other kind of disturbance.

      There would be less for them to go on a power trip over.

      Also, I submit, that if there were fewer & more reasonable laws, people would have more respect for the law, and for the cops too for that matter. Especially if they had confidence that they would be heard and that they would be treated fairly.

      Sure tgere are some really rough customers out tgere, but most people aren’t like that.

      • Same here, Publius –

        It’s a stupid game one plays to try to deal with a shitty situation. We’re polite because he has it in his power to screw with us. Since we’d rather not be screwed with, we speak civilly even though we’d like to tell the AGW he’s nothing more than a government parasite and pit bull who ought to find honest work.

  9. “Can anyone come up with a good reason why an AGW ought not to be personally liable for abuse?”

    Because muh Thin Blue Line!

    And Orange Man wants to bolster AGW’s lack of accountability while giving death sentences to drug dealers. But not the drug dealers who “warp-speeeded” his beautiful transfection systems…

    Also, cops often LIE THEIR ASSES OFF.

    They’re expected to pass (pseudoscientific) lie detector tests to become AGWs, but the truth is, lying psychopaths can EASILY pass such tests, even if they’re being given in earnest. And when YOU lie to THEM, well that’s a CRIME. “False testimony”.

  10. “Can anyone come up with a good reason why an AGW ought not to be personally liable for abuse?” No, and I can tell you as a former Illinois officer, I would absolutely be personally liable civilly for a false arrest like that. I wonder how it even got that far.
    What can you do on the roadside? I’m no lawyer and this is just my opinion, but I personally would respectfully disagree with his assertion of the smell- assuming you don’t have any plainly visible evidence like an empty bottle, it would make the officer think twice after that and maybe drop it for whatever minor infraction he pulled you over for. I would decline the field sobriety test respectfully and go sit on the curb and wait if ordered out of the car. Everything is on camera, they are looking for you to put on a drunkard’s “show” for court so I wouldn’t give it to them and don’t chat but be a likable person too, even if you don’t want to be. They would have no justification legally for a DUI arrest. If you seem drunk but they cant really prove it, they may even offer you a ride home if you’re close or to call a cab and have a friend drive your car away. I’ve seen this happen (the person was a dui attorney too. He smelled it, the eyes were glassed, but we could not prove anything on camera and he refused tests). Weed is different, you are required to do a test roadside or your license gets suspended in Illinois. Those DUI attorney websites say something similar, good idea to check them out.

    • “be a likable person too, even if you don’t want to be”

      I understand this is the prudent thing to do, but it sure is a shame an innocent man has to act as if he’s not a little perturbed about being punked on the side of the road by an armed and dangerous thug. And I use the word thug because a person’s actions and attitude define a man. What is thuggish behavior if not forcibly accosting a man and accusing him of breaking rules that have caused no harm to anyone?

      A decent police officer should be catching murderers and rapists and pedos. Or finding the asshole who stole my kid’s bike.

      • “be a likable person too, even if you don’t want to be”

        Funny how this never pertains to the useless AGW.

        The double standard says it all.

        • It depends on the culture of the department…some are rotten, some don’t care, some do watch for that. Big cities and state police tend to not care or be rotten, and that’s what most people deal with. Young (or old) people on ego power trips, officer 82nd airborne could put you in fear of your life. Happened to me for no reason in my 20s. In my department, it was interesting as some of the ‘liberal’ cops- while I found their overall views often disagreeable, often were nicer on the street and the conservative ones were more judge Dredd, throw the book at them as far as enforcement.

          • “officer 82nd airborne could put you in fear of your life”

            And there is the problem.

            The situation will be reversed eventually and AGWs will be in fear for their lives as well as for their families. The smartest and most likely to survive will be the cowards that abandon post and try to pretend they never were AGWs. Those that stay will be hunted for sport and as payback.

            Karma will be a bitch, especially as Christian morals like turn the other cheek are continually being denigrated.

      • Youre right, one of the many reasons I dont do that anymore. But it unfortunately is a business. There are no specific quotas, but stats are tracked and higher ones are encouraged verbally and looked at during performance reviews for promotions. When youre in a small low crime town, they look to random little violations that cause no harm so they can show the mayor your department is ‘active’ and gets funding

  11. What was done to the hapless pilot has been done before in Loveland.

    The Loveland Gestapo will do everything it can to make your life a living hell and for others too.

    A helping hand they won’t do. Can’t help a stranded person out of gas, no, not that, that makes too much sense. Instead, charge them with a crime and make it cost in the thousands.

    The scam has been purdy much exposed.

    They’ll rob you and leave you in the ditch to fend for yourself.

    Basically what they do.

    Ask me how I know.

  12. Trump has stated that he wants to give AGWs even MORE protection than they already have!

    Our savior!! Go vote! It’s the most important election, like ever!!

  13. This “qualified immunity” BS was made up by the courts, part of the “Just Us” system that the AGW’s are part of. It’s a double whammy since you’re already taxed to pay their bloated salaries and pensions. Good solution would be to take a portion of each cop’s salary in that department to pay the settlement, that would weed out the bad ones in a hurry. Of course file that under never gonna happen.

  14. Police………..”policy official located inside corporate entity”. Enforcing administrative policy not law. Giving the force and effect of law by the administrative procedures act. Only answers to the unelected city manager of the corporation.

  15. Law enforcement is the job of the citizen militiaman. AGW is a very good acronym, brown shirt and black shirt are others. The very concept is un American and anti constitutional. But this cancer has been allowed to grow and metastasize to the poi t where the only hope is for the host to die and a clean slate happen. But when that happens, stronger outside invaders will seek to impose their illicit power.

    I don’t have an answer, there isn’t one except repentance and humility.

  16. This is a topic that boils my blood and part of the reason I spend half the year living abroad now. You haven’t seen abuse until you’ve seen a SWAT team go crashing into someone’s house at 3am, often the wrong house, and never even apologize much less pay for any damage they cause.

    What “Free country” are you on about? Soviets sent out their night raid teams too to terrorize sovereign citizens.

    And the reasons for these very dangerous tactical raids are becoming more and more flimsy. Neighbor rolls over on you and send anonymous tip that you may be growing ‘illegal plants’ in your garden. Videogamers getting mad and “SWATting” their opponents IRL by having them terrorized by sociopathic roided out cops.

    Or in my case, a text message. Yes, that really happened. Someone who had very bad intentions towards me, a brown person, weaponized a joking text message and because I live near the sewer of DC they take “threats toward brown people by white people” as VERY serious business. 3am crashing my door down throwing stun grenades around my house pointing full auto M4s at me and my family serious. Terrorizing the hell out of us serious.

    Fuck this joke country, I’m 9,000 miles away from DC as I type this. Why on earth would I want to return to a place like that. Right after that happened to me I swore I would start my escape plan, it took 10 long years but I never forget that my life was destroyed over a text message. And the charges they put on me cancelled my ability to earn for over 7 years. Enjoy your negro gods, sociopathic cops, tax cattle status, and failing society folks! Land of the Free and all that, innit? 🙄

    • Good morning, Anon –

      What happened to you and your family is unconscionable. And – as you have written – it happens pretty regularly now that SWAT teams have proliferated and the Hut! Hut! Hut! mindset have become the norm. I haven’t had this happen to me yet but – many years ago – I did have something similar happen in that my dorm room in college was raided by cops because someone had squealed on me to them about the pot plants I had. I was arrested and taken to the clink, an eye-opening experience when you’re not a violent thug but rather a 19-year-old middle class white kid who . . . grew some plants.

      It changed me forever – along with my understanding of and attitude toward AGWs.

  17. Last Christmas Eve a AGW was having an affair with a married woman. The husband of the woman discovered the adulterous affair, found out where the AGWand his wife were, gained entry into the apartment and began firing at the AGW.

    The AGW was judged, juried, verdict rendered, instant sentencing and punishment, the AGW was dispatched from his mortal coil in seconds.

    A very popular AGW in the court system, people were devastated, grief and sorrow followed.

    Adultery can be a bad choice to make, some folks get upset.

    Many people are affected by wrong choices and bad behavior.

    Always make good choices, crime does not pay. Adultery doesn’t pay either, can cost you your life though.

    You’ll sleep better keeping your nose clean.

    Always let your conscience be your guide

    • Speaking of adultery…
      My niece married a cop who was still going through training–the academy.
      All was well until he got his first assignment.
      He had an affair with a fellow cop (female) after being married for just three months.
      When he went to work, one day, we cleaned out his house and took EVERYTHING to a storage facility and dumped hydraulic concrete down all of the drains and even hit the soil stack for good measure.
      Payback’s a bitch…

  18. This is why gubmint police forces were NEVER going to work. The AGW would likely not want to do the job, apply for the job etc if they are personally liable for their actions. It is equally as absurd that the people who are being shook down have to foot the bill for the AGWs misadventures.

    The best solution always was private policing. A profit driven company will seek to achieve good results a minimize interactions that would cost them money to though lawsuits. Of course this would require that many other things change as well (roads, courts, etc) so while I’m in dreamland I’d like an early 80s 911 Targa in moss green metallic flake please.

    So do we stop paying taxes or what? We know how that turns out, at least in the beginning.

    More AGWs on our doorstep.

    Thank for all you do Eric!

    • Amen, Mike –

      Probably two-thirds of public interactions with AGWs are over “offenses” that are illegal but not criminal – in the sense that no one has been harmed. I mean things like “speeding” and not “buckling up” and so many other such things. If all of those “offenses” were eliminated, most of the justification for AGWs would disappear and then we might have peace officers again, who deal with . .. criminals. And the 90-plus percent of us who aren’t that could live our lives in peace.

      • Cops don’t exist to protect the public. Indeed, the courts have ruled consistently that they have no lawful duty to protect YOU or ME. They exist to serve the interests of their employer(s), the municipality that authorizes them, and, by extension, the STATE they’re, and, of course, Uncle Sugar. More or less, ARMED tax collectors and bureaucrats, or, as you’ve put it, the ultimate oxymoron, “Government WORKERS”.

        • The way I see it, if the cops are not there to protect the public, so be it. Therefore, I should not be forced against my will to pay taxes to what amounts to taxpayer-paid, armed thugs policing everyone but the real criminals. Let them figure out how they are going to get paid, buy new vehicles, guns, and ammunition. It should not be us taxpayers, because if you do not work for us, you should not get our money, either. Not from state, county, local, or federal.

  19. I know the term “Kafkaesque” is something of a cliche, but how else can you possibly describe getting pulled over for driving BELOW the speed “limit”? Over the limit, and you get pulled over. Below the limit… you get pulled over.

    Sort of like the federal banking regulations, they report any transaction $10,000 and over. But if you make a $9,999 transaction they bust you for “evading” the reporting requirement.

    “Free country,” LOL… USSA is more like it.

    • I’ve also heard cops justify a stop because the driver was going at exactly the speed limit. He said it was suspicious that the driver was not exceeding the speed limit, and therefore he must have been doing something wrong.

      • Dang, it reminds me of that Far Side clip, where the guy is standing in hell next to the devil, with the two doors in front of him. One says “Damned If You Do”, the other says “Damned If You Don’t”, with the devil impatiently telling the man “pick one already”.

    • 20+ years ago an article in Reason magazine (I think) had an article about how feds and other agencies tracked drug runners in the Southeast. One of the things that would trigger a stop was “strict adherence to all traffic laws”.

      It takes a special kind of slime to do that kind of “work”.

  20. I experienced this first-hand in PA. The PA SP thug followed me for about 5 miles (for no reason) and then pulled me over for improper driving. He asked me stupid questions like, are you carrying cocaine, fentanyl etc. Do you have guns? Because of my southern license plates. I was not accused of DUI but got fined 175$ for nothing. I hope that guy and his entire outfit goes belly-up

    • Hi ma-up,

      What happened to you also happened to my dad back in the ’90s – also in PA. My dad (deceased now) was an MD and in his 60s at the time. He was “speeding” – not much – on the PA Turnpike in his red ’89 Camaro. Notwithstanding the improbability of a 60-something-year-old doctor in a business suit with no criminal record being a “drug smuggler,” the AGW demanded to rifle through his car and when my dad balked, the AGW called for the dog – who (thank God) did not “alert.” If this sort of thing can happen to an older white professional-kind-of-guy imagine what can (and does) happen to a young guy who looks like a lot of us looked when we were young.

      PA (and NooJoisey) are especially bad.

      • Eric,

        Compared to the People’s Republic of NJ where I grew up, PA is a lot better! The proof in the pudding is how many people from NJ moved over here…

      • I have heard nothing good about the New Mexico police force either, Eric. I have read numerous horror stories of their love of seizing anything and everything at a stop, just because they can.

  21. I can’t because there is no good reason why someone who abuses your rights should not pay.

    This is the fault of SCOTUS and their nonsense, illegal qualified immunity opinion. Not fact, not law – opinion.

    AGW’s should be forced to carry insurance and if they can no longer get insurance, no job as a professional harasser.

  22. There are no good AGW’s simply because those that are supposedly good, cover for and excuse the behavior of those that are clearly bad.

    The degree of good or bad just varies by department and its tolerance for abuse of the citizens that pay their salaries and the judgments like this when they misbehave.

    Qualified immunity is yet another reason we can’t have nice things.

    If that $400k were to have to come out of that police departments budget we would see a different behavior.

    Wait until SHTF and see how quickly these AGW cowards turn tail and abandon their posts . . . Just as they did in New Orlwans after hurricane Katrina.

    Until we personally learn to shun AGWs in our personal lives and say NO to casual association with them, nothing changes.

    • ah come on BIT, you got to back the blue.

      They need our support as they harass, lie, plant evidence, fake affidavits for warrants, run drug dogs, smell various sorts of substances, and yell “stop resisting” as they beat our faces in.

      Without our support, they won’t be able to keep us safe from they myriad gangs, drug pushers, human traffickers, and terrorists lurking around every corner, ready to pounce upon infants and old ladies, whisking them into the dark underworld of crime.

      They just want to go home safe at night, and if that means they need to pump an unarmed potential criminal full of lead, then we must support these selfless volunteers who work for no pay, in a job they didn’t even choose to do.

    • “Until we personally learn to shun AGWs in our personal lives and say NO to casual association with them, nothing changes.” -Burn it Down

      This is the key to ending this abuse. I’ve told tis story before, but an old friend of mine is a cop. When we were teenagers we engaged in a bit of pot smoking. Fast forward a couple decades and he’s telling me and some of our other friends cop wars stories. He proudly tells us how he pulled a 19-year old over and found a half-smoked joint in his ashtray. With a gleam in his eye he tells how he violently yanked him out of the car ripping his expensive leather jacket and arresting him. He said when he didn’t comply he punched him in the head a couple times. All of our other friends seemed impressed with the story. To the amazement of him and our friends, I tore into him reminding him that he beat up and arrested a kid for doing the same thing we did years earlier, and that he probably really fucked that kid up because now there’s a record of it (i.e his job and college prospects are likely negatively effected). I told him that he turned into a fucking monster. That put a huge damper on the evening and everybody got quiet and went our separate ways. He called some time later and admitted that what he did was immoral and vowed never to do anything like that again. I have only seen and talked to him a couple times since so I don’t know if he actually found his morality or not. I like to think I made an impact on him.

      • Any cop who brags about abusing the citizenry deserves not only ostracization but complete shunning. I would also include the cop’s family as well. When they have to do their shopping “three towns over” or to go to a large city where they are unknown, they might just want to know what triggered the behavior of the citizenry.
        Ruining the cop’s life and that of his family is real justice.
        Cruel to the cop’s family? YES, but necessary.

    • The only good cop was Frank Serpico.

      “A policeman’s first obligation is to be responsible to the needs of the community he serves…The problem is that the atmosphere does not yet exist in which an honest police officer can act without fear of ridicule or reprisal from fellow officers. We create an atmosphere in which the honest officer fears the dishonest officer, and not the other way around.”

  23. Perhaps the most sickening thing about this “sovereign immunity” is when the AGW kills someone and instead of being charged we are told to have sympathy for them because “they are going to have to live with this”. They actually play the victim and expect others to do so as well.

    They are the epitome of the “but some are more equal than others” mentality that drives GovCo.

    • The JEWS have been attempting to gain sympathy for their genocidal occupation forces in Gaza and the West Bank for some time now.
      Recently, there was an article about the “poor IOF (israel occupation force) soldier who was “burned out” for his service (genocide) in Gaza. Nothing was mentioned about the men, women and children that he murdered.
      Sick bastards, all…

      • I’ve seen videos of “normal Jews” celebrating because of the suffering of Palestinians.

        They are a filthy, evil people.


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