“Check The Air Cleaner “. . .


The communists’ choice for vice president recently published a “Pro Tip” on X about maintaining an old vehicle that strongly suggests he knows next to nothing about maintaining an old vehicle.

But he’d very much like people to think he does – because then they might vote for him, thinking he’s more like one of them.

Paraphrasing Aldo the Apache from Inglorious Basterds, he ain’t.

The clip shows him in a very scripted way removing what appears to be the already loosened wing nut holding down the air cleaner lid atop the engine of his old International Scout. Which he lately likes to be seen in, much as Senator (and actor, but I repeat myself) Fred Thompson liked to be seen in his old truck. More finely, liked to make sure the rubes whose political support he was courting saw him in an old truck. So they’d see – and believe – he’s a “regular guy,” just like they are.

That’s what we’re seeing here.

Walz removes the air filter and explains: “You can always tell something about somebody’s maintenance when how clean their air filter is.” Behold a product of government schools who was a teacher in those schools – who seeks to be one heartbeat away from controlling the government. It is almost as marvelous as “rarely is the question asked . . . is our children learning?”

Walz continues: “Look, to be able to work on this thing, you’ve got a manual”  . . .  like Trump’s manual, Project 2025. He segues from one to the other as seamlessly as Sean Hannity works a plug for dubious car repair warranties into his pro-Israel commentary.

Back to what Walz said.

“It shows exactly what to do to fix things on this,” as he fiddles with a Johnson Rod.

It reeks of being staged because of course it was. Of the Fake and Gay, which it seems that practically everything we see has become. It’s all contrived, a pose to impress the rubes. Like George W. Bush’s Texas-isms. He may live there but he’s not from there. Just as Walz – who bought the ’79 Scout he likes to pose with didn’t become an “old car” guy until he himself was middle-aged.

That’s not usually how it works. Usually, one becomes an “old car” guy when one is still one young. Is there any evidence that Walz was into old cars – or cars, at all – before he himself was getting old? Prior to the Scout, he owned a minivan.

It’s what you might call a clue.

“Donald Trump and J.D. Vance have a manual, too. It’s called Project 2025 and it’s a way to stick it to the middle class while giving tax cuts to the wealthiest.” Oy meet vey. This from a lifelong tax parasite who has never held a job outside of government. But the Scout gives him cred – with the credulous media. Vanity Fair says Walz is “an honest product of the Midwest” and that he is “rugged and reliable, but inventive.”

Well, the latter part is certainly true. 

Keep on mind that Walz and his running mate insist there is an existential crisis caused by the rest of us owning and driving vehicles with engines. Never mind old vehicles that have engines that don’t have computers, like the ’79 Scout. Of a piece with Joe Biden’s ’60s Corvette. And John Kerry’s private jet.

“Look, they didn’t give me manual for this,” he continues. What is it with all this looking? Take note of the lecturing-aggressiveness of his language. As in, look – you’re too dumb to see.

Except we do.

“Look, they didn’t give me manual for this, if you didn’t plan on using it to fix your truck,” whatever this is supposed to mean. Remedial English grammar and composition might help and keep in mind, Walz was a government school “teacher.”

What he was trying to communicate, I suppose, is that repair/maintenance manuals were written to provide service information. Just like Trump’s manual, you see. The whole thing is just a prop for Walz to go after Trump’s supposed playbook in a homey, just-folks way. It reeks of patronizing falsity.

“If they keep a clean air filter, they do good maintenance,” adds toward the end of spiel.

No one who knows old cars talks like this. It’s like John Kerry talking about getting him a fishin’ license. And Kamala’s situational blackness.

People who know old cars know that a clean air filter is the first and easiest thing someone who wants you to think they “do good maintenance” would replace, to fool a rube. Look here! See how clean it is? Never mind checking to see what the brake fluid in the master cylinder looks like or whether there’s varnish on the oil dipstick (which Walz probably requires a manual to locate).

Walz’s “Pro Tip” is to “clean” your air filter. Most paper air filters are not cleanable. You replace them when they are dirty. Some air filters are oil-impregnated and can be cleaned an re-used. People who know old cars know this. Walz does not explain about this. He briefly holds onto what appears to be a brand-new air filter, probably installed by whoever works on his old truck.

Probably the same person who restored it, too.

Who wasn’t Tim Walz.

. . .

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  1. Just the fact that he said “clean” your air filter proves he has no clue; as Eric pointed out you replace it when it gets dirty. If you have an air compressor with a blowgun attachment you can blow it out from the inside but that doesn’t really do a great job.

  2. From the Project 2025 web site:
    Project 2025 is a historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected organizations from across the conservative movement, to abolish the Deep State and return government to the people. Project 2025 is not partisan, nor is it secret. Project 2025 does not speak for any candidate or campaign, in any capacity. It was stood up in 2022, before any major candidate announced a campaign, to assist the next conservative president.

    This is the old guard Republicans’ last ditch effort to remain relevant in DC. The people behind it is the Heritage Foundation. Saying they’re affiliated with Trump is like saying our libertarian car guy is going to be setting policy in Case Oliver’s White House.

    But all this is just more projection of themselves onto Trump. They have lots of manuals…

    The Communist Manifesto
    Das Kapital
    Mao’s Little Red Book
    The Principles of Communism (Lenin)
    Why Socialism? (by Albert Einstein of all people)
    The State and Revolution (by Vladimir Lenin)
    Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism (by Vladimir Lenin)

    I’ve read a few of them, but couldn’t finish any of them due to outrage. In true Communist style, I borrowed from the library of course. IIRC the copy of the Communist Manifesto was pretty beat up and highlighted, because I guess that’s ok when everyone owns nothing.

    Thing is, all these manuals spell out exactly what we are seeing happening today. History doesn’t repeat itself, but the Communists do. First they end democracy, then they kill the intellectuals and professional classes, and then they kill the rest of us. Just like the manuals say to do.

  3. By the way, what’s wrong with Timmy’s left jaw? Looks like he’s got a golf-ball sized wad of chewing tobacco concealed in his cheek.

    Or maybe he’s just gathering nuts for nuclear winter …

  4. ‘The clip shows [Walz] … removing … the air cleaner lid atop the engine of his old International Scout.’ — eric

    “Ford’s in his flivver; all’s well with the world,” wrote Aldous Huxley in Brave New World a century ago.

    “Tim’s in his Scout; all’s well with the war,” we might assert today, as ‘our’ glide bombs blow up apartments and tank farms in Russia and Lebanon.

    Elect Tampon Timmy, so he can draft your daughter. Then we can scribble new doggerel on transgender bathroom walls:

    ‘Arielle’s in her JLTV
    Driving Palis into the sea.’

    Think I’m joking? ‘Israel’s new order of Joint Light Tactical Vehicles from Oshkosh Defense will keep the company’s production line open into 2025, longer than originally planned.’ — defensenews.com

    Meanwhile, the skies keep darkening for Volkswagen’s white-elephant, ersatz Scout plant in South Carolina. VW bought the badge name, evoking grateful cries of recognition from drooling Boomers banging their spoons on their breakfast bowls in nursing homes. But VW put a stupid battery in it. Dummköpfe!

    And the sign said, the words of the prophets
    Are written on the subway walls
    And tenement halls
    And whispered in the sounds of silence

    — Simon & Garfunkel, The Sound of Silence

    • Indeed, Jim –

      The idea of a battery powered Scout is as absurd as a $40 meatless fast food “hamburger” that you have to wait in line for 20 minutes to get. The whole point of old machines like the Scout and Bronco and so on was simplicity, ruggedness and affordability. I had friends in high school who owned old Broncos and so on. Who will own the $70k-plus device called “Scout”? Rich Leftists like Walz, that’s who.


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