At Least He’s Not a Communist . . .


Trump is exasperating.  But he’s not a communist. The election that’s already under way (in part because of Trump’s exasperating failure to do anything to prevent states from turning Election Day into Election Months during the last year of his presidency) can be reduced to this simple maxim, which maybe Trump ought to tout.

At least I’m not a communist.

I’d vote for that. Probably a working majority of Americans would vote for that as the alternative to that is something most Americans never imagined could actually come to America. And that is precisely why it already has.

Most of the major planks of the Communist Manifesto have been part of American life for a century or even longer. Government control of education; “progressive” income taxes. And – above all – the effective elimination of private property by eliminating even the possibility of ever owning it. If you don’t think so, see what happens when you fail to pay the property taxes on the home you allow yourself to think you own but which you’re merely allowed to occupy, for as long as you keep paying for the privilege. That is not owning. It is renting.

Americans have not only gotten used to communism, many of them are communists. They prefer to call themselves Democrats – and Republicans, for that matter. But both believe in the same things that communists do, just to lesser or more degrees. Neither believes that what you earn is yours and that no one else has a right to a “fair share” of it. Neither believes that the education of children is the obligation of parents and – failing that – of other adults who are willing to pick up the slack at the expense of their own time and money. As opposed to voting to have the slack picked up by other people’s time and money.

Neither likes the idea of leaving others alone, even if they don’t like those others and disagree with whatever it is those others are doing, so long as whatever they’re doing isn’t actually imposing costs on others or harming others. They are both in favor of plans – theirs – and you are expected to abide by them.

Trump is cut from the same cloth – but he is at least not a communist. He has lots of plans, as for instance his plan to (somehow) reduce the exploding cost of car insurance. His plan does not include ending the compulsion that is fundamentally responsible for the exploding cost of car insurance. So we cannot expect to be allowed to eliminate the exploding cost of car insurance by being freed to not buy it.

But at least he’s not a communist.

Trump continues to take credit for the “beautiful” drugs he helped to push, by using the power of the federal government to eliminate the usual safety testing protocols (bad enough) and enable the drug-pushers to be in a position to literally push their drugs on people, something no seller of what are styled “street drugs” has ever done. People have always been free to Just Say No – to marijuana, cocaine and so on. But millions of Americans were not free to Just Say No to the “beautiful” drugs pushed on them by Pfizer, via the weight of the federal government.

But at least he’s not a communist.

It seems it has come to down to that. It is not much and yet it may be everything. Emphasis on may. Trump talks a lot – in his disjointed way – about a lot of things, most of which he never does anything about, such as lock her up as a for-instance.

But at least he’s not a communist and – just maybe – this time he will do rather than say he’ll do. And we can be sure of what the communists – the last Democrat, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,is now a Republican – will do. Because we know what communists always do. Their plan is always the same.

Ergo, the appeal of at least he’s not a communist.

It is a choice many of us would prefer not to have to make, but it is the only choice on the table. And – just maybe – a sufficient number of Americans will begin to question the acceptance of communism by drabs and dribbles that led to the current state of things.

Maybe Trump, himself, will begin to understand that the lesser of two evils is still evil and that communism is just about as evil it gets.

. . .

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  1. Not a communist? Perhaps, leaving the question, what is he?
    Definitely a narcissist, perhaps a psychopath? The former are usually the latter.
    He’s all in on corporate/government fascism.
    My main problem with him is, there’s no telling what he’s going to do, or not do.

  2. Trump isn’t attacking the whites….Kommiela is…..

    RE: the current attack on the white tribes….

    from Eustace Mullins

    Nimrod became the first man to rule the whole world.
    Nimrod also introduced the practice of genocide to the world.

    Nimrod, who was born on December 25th, the High Sabbath of Babylon, was the founder of Babylon and the city of Nineveh. In the history of mankind, Nimrod stands unequaled for his symbolism of evil and Satanic practices. He is credited for having founded Freemasonry and for building the legendary Tower of Babel, in defiance of God’s will.

    In talmudic literature, he is noted as “he who made all the people rebel against God.” Pes. 94b. The legend of the Midrash recounts that when Nimrod was informed of Abraham’s birth, he ordered all the male children killed, to be certain of eliminating him. Abraham was hidden in a cave, but in latter life he was discovered by Nimrod, who then ordered him to worship fire. Abraham refused and was thrown into the fire.

    The legendary symbol for Nimrod is “X.” The use of this symbol always denotes witchcraft. When “X” is used as a shortened form meaning Christmas, it actually means “to celebrate the feast of Nimrod.” A double X, which has always meant to double-cross or betray, in its fundamental meaning indicates one’s betrayal into the hands of Satan.

    When American corporations use the “X” in their logo, such as “Exxon,” the historic Rockefeller firm of Standard Oil of New Jersey, there can be little doubt of this hidden meaning.

    The importance of Nimrod in any study of the occult cannot be over-emphasized. Because of the powers given him by the clothing of Adam and Eve,

    He indulged that power by launching excesses and horrors which have never been equalled. Ever since the time of Nimrod, Babylon has been the symbol of depravity and lust.

    His grandfather, Ham, having consorted with other races, and brought children of mixed race into the world, was persuaded by his consort, the evil Naamah, to practice ritual murder and cannibalism. She informed Ham that by killing and eating fair-skinned people, his descendants could regain their superior qualities.

    Throughout the ensuing centuries, the fair-skinned descendants of Shem, Noah’s oldest son, have ritually been slaughtered by the darker descendants of Ham and Nimrod, in the world’s most persistent campaign of racial and religious persecution.

    Not only did Nimrod kill and eat the fair-skinned descendants of Shem, in his fury and hatred he often burned them alive.

    The type of human sacrifice involving the eating of the slaughtered human victims derived its name from the combined names of his uncle, Canaan, and the demon god Baal, the two names being combined to form the word “cannibal.” Nimrod was also known in ancient history by the names of Marduk, Bel, and Merodach.

    Because of his importance in its history, Babylon was known as the Land of Nimrod. Nimrod is also cited in the most ancient Masonic constitutions as the founder of Freemasonry

    • NATO’s Nimrods plan our dark future:

      ‘BERLIN, Sept 25 (Reuters) – NATO plans to coordinate the transport of a large number of wounded troops away from front lines in case of a war with Russia, potentially via hospital trains as air evacuations may not be feasible, according to a senior general.

      ‘In a conflict with Russia, Western militaries would likely be faced with a much larger war zone, a higher number of injured troops and at least a temporary lack of air superiority close to the front lines, the German general said.

      ‘Differing medical regulations between countries are another hurdle to overcome. A “military medical Schengen”, akin to the political Schengen zone that allows free movement within most of the European Union, could be a solution.

      ‘It could entail an area of free passage for sensitive medications such as narcotics or strong painkillers, which would be needed to treat wounded troops but whose cross-border transport is regulated.’

      JFC, what’s wrong with these clowns? Use the CIA ratline to move dope to dying soldiers. Or the Albanian mafia. Maybe ZATO should take a clue from WW II mythology, and ‘invest’ in industrial-scale crematoria for the 6 million corpses they plan to generate at the Russian front. ‘Never again,’ L-O-f*ckin’-L.

      • They won’t need the crematoria because when Putin has finally had enough of being provoked he might just launch a few nukes at these a-holes. Hope he sends a few towards DC as well, because that’s the only way we’ll ever get rid of our psychopaths in charge.

    • The Dumocunt Death Cult attacks straight white men so that they can more easily own everything and everyone. They are literally a death cult…not really communists.

      • Hi Anne,

        In re your comment that “The Dumocunt Death Cult attacks straight white men so that they can more easily own everything and everyone.” It’s an accurate statement. Every one of my male friends (and me) are divorced. I do not say our exes are responsible; certainly we share responsible as well. But the culture – which made divorce as common as it used to be common for marriages to last a lifetime – is also responsible.

        Part of the reason why things have changed, I think, is because most of the time, because of economic pressures (taxes especially) both the man and the woman work outside the home and that makes it easier for the woman (and it is usually the woman) to bail on the marriage. And maybe that’s not a bad thing, for the woman. But it is bad for marriage. And that is bad for the community, ultimately – as well as the country, in time. Many men who have been married dread risking court – again. Especially if the man is the one with the most to lose (financially). This is why I favor marriage returning to what it was, once – a religious and personal commitment that does not involve the state. People ought to stay together because they want to. Not because they are under duress to stay together.

  3. The bright spot for Trump is that he’s universally hated by the “one world” people. He threatened to pull funding for the UN, NATO and crossed the 38th parallel. His rhetoric and actions did little to change the status quo… but Europe is building armies, the UN is back to irrelevance and China has begun showing their plans to take over Southeast Asia. Before Trump none of this would have been even thought about. If Clinton had been selected we’d be under UN rule, with blue helmets “protecting” us.

    • It’s also becoming increasingly apparent that the “One World” fantasy is not feasible because of nasty old human nature—just like fascism and communism weren’t feasible because of human nature.

  4. Soon the nightmare of the 2024 election will be over. No longer will the MSM try to capture our attention of these twin Zionist whores called Harris and Trump. Neither should be elected, both are loyal to a foreign state, Israel, and thus treasonous.

    Conservatives think Harris is a Communist, and Trump is not, thus Trump is the better candidate. Is that so? Have you been paying attention to the incredible (totalitarian) statements coming out of the Orange Buffoon’s mouth? Trump says he is going to make antisemitism a death sentence. He wants to murder anyone who doesn’t ass lick the Rabbi’s anus like he does.

    He also says drug dealers should get the death sentence. I wonder, does that include all the US Army and CIA agents involved in the heroin trafficking out of Afghanistan? Trump also got the Supreme Court to agree that whatever the president does, is not prosecutable. Gee, I wonder if that will lead to POTUS tyranny?

    So I for one, am skeptical that Trump is the better candidate. I wish he would go away, and take all his love for Israel with him. I say, if you love Israel you are a very sick and deranged lunatic. Amerika is funding the horror in the Middle East, it is beyond disgusting and criminal, it is pure Satanic reptilian evil. Both Harris and Trump are whores for Israel, rubber stamps for genocide, both can go rot in hell with Bibi.

    • Hi Jack – So on twitter Trump is now pushing the official swamp narrative – that “Iran” was behind both of the assignation attempts on his life…. so disappointing to see him cucked and selling out like this (though in retrospect hard to know if he was ever not compromised)….

    • Trump is also on record saying “take the guns, due process later. That does not sound very “conservative” to me. That is just as evil.

    • Remember the Nimarata entity signing bombs in Israel — bombs that were used to blow up schools, hospitals and refugee camps? Well, it’s happening again:

      “Pennsylvania governor ‘Josh Shapiro’ signs a bomb as ‘Zelensky’ and crowd applauds. Disturbing.”

      It’s more than disturbing. These individuals are Nazis, of the zionist flavor: enemies of humanity, recklessly trying to start WW III and suck us into it.

      • It is genuinely sad to see western culture reaching the point where signing a bomb destined to likely kill civilians is just a prop for politicians…..

        • Good morning, Nasir!

          I see you’re also a creature of the night, like me! In re your comment: The cowardly cruelty is striking, isn’t it? That piece of shit – profanity is sometimes appropriate – governor of PA signing bombs that will kill and maim other people far, far away while he is far, far away from any danger both disgusts and infuriates me. I would like to see him and all such chickenhawks sent to Gaza (or Keeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvv) to “stand” with the regimes they support without cost or consequence to themselves.

          • Hi Eric – I guess you’re either up v early or v late depending on what point in life you’re at ! For me it’s morning, im back in the UK. Yes – I think there should be some sort of law that any politician who pushes for a war should have themselves or an immediate family member be shipped out there. I dont think anyone I know who actually fought in war (and I know people from multiple countries) would ever act like this as they’ve seen the reality of it….

  5. Dye Trump’s hair dark, put a uniform on him, and
    voila, Il Duce – Mussolini.

    Democrats as communists, Republicans as fascists.

    The uniparty is in agreement – y’ all are our property.

  6. “such as lock her up as a for-instance” -EP

    I wish he would have followed through. Maybe he would have gotten more of them.
    Most likely he would have gotten killed.

    But then, the truth would have been laid bare years before the covid scam.

  7. I used to be a pretty pure libertarian/anarchist. Aging has taught me a few things.

    The enemy of my enemies may not be my friend, but I should encourage and help him. Vote for Trump. They’ve spent 8 years lying about him, and trying to cage and murder him. That counts for something.

    The communists have destroyed the currency, the culture, the cars, education, religion, medical care, banking, and everything else they’ve touched with their vile evil. They claim to be capitalists while using the corrupt and evil legal system against each and every one of us.

    We could take a fraction of the military budget and provide medical care for every American. We are, after all, the militia and a healthy militia is vital to a polity. Yes, it flies in the face of the free market, but the free market is currently in hiding due to the communist takeover. At least we could have medical access without the scumbags in sui9ts skimming the whole damned mess. Nationalize the whole damned mess, including pharma. Once the despicable psy op that is pharma loses its ability to terrorize people out of millions, their practices will change. Also shed the grifting communist lawyers who caused so many of the problems- no more megamillion dollar settlements grifted onto the wage slaves paying for it all.

    Enough with the barbaric mutts from every shithole third world place flowing in here like effluvia from a broken sewer line. Turn the citizens loose on them, put a bounty on every illegal alien (dead, worth little, alive, worth thousands). Then punish the criminals by renting them out as indentured servants until they’ve worked off all the costs they’ve incurred on us, minimum wage to pay cost of arrest, room, board, excise tax, and eventually transportation back to wherever they came from.

    So yes, it is entirely possible to have plans. They won’t be perfect or libertarian, but they may result in far better conditions for most of society. We no longer have the luxury of being libertarian purists, we’re in a battle for our very survival and the sooner we act appropriately the sooner we can begin to be free again.

    I have a dream. And I want to wake from this nightmare.

    • Some crazy Polish statesman announced that Antony Blinken needs to go home. We don’t want you here, you hear?

      Something about Polish lives being sacrificed for the Zionazi faction of the warmongering warmongers.

      Not going to happen.

      I would heed those words. Why should Poles die so the Jews can profit?

      Blinken is gone. From secretary of state to stupid dunce, must be what is happening.

      Blinken has been Biden-ed.

      The Pentagon, like Popeye, has had all it can stands and it can’t stands no more.

  8. If nothing else, Trump seems less likely to lead the US into a nuclear war with Russia. During the debate, when asked about the Ukraine war, Kamala sneered and said that we Americans do not surrender in war and that the war will continue under her rule. Trump then pointed out that Russia actually has nuclear weapons. This fact seemed to go completely over her head, as though the possibility of nuclear war with a nuclear superpower was somehow an irrelevant detail.

  9. Something Ive been noticing – is tump even trying ? He seems to have gone pretty quiet and low key compared to his track record… has a selection been made and he’s just playing along now half heartedly to give the impression of the choice of the people and all that?

  10. Personally I would prefer 1980s – 1990s peak America. We had cars that worked, computers, internet, vaccines you could trust, decent music and a lot less tattoos.

  11. Didn’t Trump stiff Deutsche Bank for millions? Evidently, he didn’t pay what he owed. Pulled a Milken/Madoff flim flam?

    Maybe, Trump is a master at borrowing money and wants everybody else to pay for it, apparently. Some say the Russians own Deutsche Bank and the money laundering never stops there.

    Trump is owned? Who knows?

    Money does more than talk. Power and control does all of the talking, after you have all of the money. Didn’t the Adelson chick give Trump as much as 100 million shekels?

    Who do you think Trump will answer to?

    Everything communists do turns to complete shit. Maybe I’m stereotyping there.

    You know all of those digital displays on the dashboards of every new car out there? They can be turned into explosive devices, not improvised.

    Make EVs go to thermite stage temps, instantly.

    Simultaneous detonations by the millions and millions will wipe out a lot of cars, too bad for the drivers and passengers.

    The Mother of all Trojan Horses. What the Kill Switch is for.

    Such a diabolical plan that is not cool at all.

    Enough criminals out there working on the hack right now.

    Deagle stuff.

    Cyberspace makes for a new kind of danger.

    Beam me up.

  12. Distilled to its essence, Trump’s campaign is that he’s not Kamala. And Kamala’s campaign is that she’s not Trump. Hard pass. We are not a serious country.

  13. Step through all 10 points in the pinko manifesto. 7-8 are sorta nonsensical in 2024 ‘Merica but the goals have been reached starting in 1865 with the destruction of the republic.

    So, vote for a moronic slut or an egotistical boomer? I’m rolling with the egotistical boomer because “Make America Great Again” is better than “America Last”.

  14. I really don’t see any difference between a communist and an authoritarian-collectivist of any other stripe or ism. They all ultimately believe in, practice and force collectivism. They all believe that they have god-like privileges over your life and property. They all will force you to do things that you do not like or want to do.

    The openly communist are a more easily identifiable enemy to most normal people, while those same people think that the closet-communists are their friends and actively support and participate in their nefarious schemes. Criticize the closet-communists, and they think YOU are the communist!

    Re Trump’s lowering car insurance: That SCARES THE HELL OUT OF ME! It’s another “I’m from the government and am going to help you”. God-forbid he gets in and actually attempts to keep his fanciful promise [ha ha]. I foresee the cost of car insurance tripling again!

    When government proposes to fix a problem which government has created…watch out!

  15. I’m still voting for the Orange man. He is not perfect, but he has non communists around him. Unlike his opponent.

    I voted third party when there was no discernable difference between the candidates running. Today, the candidates are more driven by their supporters than before.

    Since they are the same on Israhell, but are sufficiently different on other things, it’s worth a chance for me. I tell you what, there is nothing that you can do about a corrupt system unless it’s physical action. Going in front of a city council meeting or electing some school board member isn’t going to cut it.  

    Every vote counts (or doesn’t) due to the fraud. Still, Trump 2024.

    • I voted for

      Bush ‘04 (reluctantly)
      Obama (thinking he’d roll back Bush)
      3rd party (disgusted with everyone)
      Trump (reluctantly)

      Normally I don’t like to vote for anyone more than once.

  16. Trump may or may not be communist but he is absolutely a Zionist. His first loyalty is to Israel. The Israel that stole Palestine falsely claiming to be descendants of the Abrahamic Jews of long ago.

    If one believes today’s Jews somehow still hold title to the old land of Israel then he/she should be prepared to return his/her land(s) to the tribes of yesteryear. Note these later day European Jews (Ashkenazi) are in no way associated with the historical Jews of early times.

    With the Wests help the Zionists kicked the Palestinians off their land where some had been there for centuries. Doing what the Ashkenazi jews do best the Palestinians were declared terrorist when fighting back. Today,,, only the conqueror has the right of self defense declared by the conqueror!

    The Palestinians are fooked as the entire Western world has sided with the aggressors. The West send tons, tons and more tons of weapons to the Zionists for use against the Palestinians. Half the US Navy is there ready to blow Palestine to bits in case the Zionists lose their edge.

    Every 2024 US presidential wannabee as declared his/her Israel first policy. Nothing, from kissing their feet to kissing their ass seems too outrageous. Dual and multi citizens should be banned from any government position. In fact dual/multi citizenship should be banned entirely. Loyalty to your nation cannot be shared.

    Our government needs to stop sticking its nose in other nations business. It does NOT have the right to threaten our lives with nuclear annihilation by prodding another nuclear power trying to defend its ethnic peoples from scum like Zelenski. The West was/is using Ukraine as a central distribution center for child and women trafficking,,, for illegal bio-labs and the distribution of opium.

    • Ukraine is not the only place where child trafficking is occurring on a massive scale. Since the opening of the US border under the Biden administration, at least 300,000 children have been trafficked into the US. Unaccompanied children are being kept in warehouses at the border, until they are given to unknown “sponsors”. There has been no follow up to see what has happened to these children. Who knows how many of them are no longer alive.

    • Yes. No one knows the history behind the European Jews, but just assumes they are people from the Bible. This bothers me to no end, but I can’t change it.

      But our money is continually sent there based on this stupid belief; to be used in furtherance of the theft of land and crimes against humanity by interlopers who take from those that are the people these fake descendants claim to be.

  17. So our choices are communism, fascism, or socialism? Good thing we’re allowed to vote. /sarcasm.

    I’ll abstain and will work to undermine this corrupt system when and where I can.

  18. I was going to write in RFK,Jr. as my choice but since he and Tulsi Gabbard have joined the Trump team I will hold my nose and vote for him. The proper choice is still ‘none of the above’ but seeing how dangerous Kakala – and the people behind her who will actually run things – will be there is sadly nothing else to be done.

  19. Neither of them seem to realize that what makes an economy boom is less government interference in the free market. If Trump would mention free market economics, AND CONVEY THE SLIGHTEST UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONCEPT, he might earn my vote.

  20. People who screech “I’m with HER! are supporting the establishment’s choice for President, Kamala Harris. More than 700 Deep State types penned a letter ENDORSING Kamala Harris, who, if she becomes President, will likely continue the Biden Thing’s agenda of pushing the interests of Big Pharma, the military-industrial complex, the censorship-industrial complex, globalist institutions, and authoritarian wannabes.

  21. You’re onto something, Eric.

    Recently, Kamala Harris made a simple statement that “Trump has no plan for you”. This is a negative, you see, that there’s no plan for your life. Of course, he does have plans, they’re just not as communist as hers.

    Having grown up under Soviet communism, this positively terrifies me. Those leaders were full of plans for everything, and they planned the entire region of the world into abject poverty and violently suppressed any form of dissent or even criticism.

    Good economists, that is, those which aren’t the thralls of the establishment, have conclusively shown that central planning is guaranteed to lead to poverty, with the better alternative being the free market, where people make choices that are right for them, and somehow, without planning or direction, spontaneous order emerges where everyone is better off.

    I’m watching this election with horror. All I can do is spit at the ground and curse the names of the fools who want to make plans for us. Harris’ plans are terrible, because they will lead to more immediate ruin, but Trump’s will have the same net effect, just via a different path. Harris wants to seize what you’ve earned, Trump wants to print money and stimulate, which will indirectly do the same thing. Both of them have favorite pet industries that will benefit from their rule.

    • OppositeLock said: “he does have plans, they’re just not as communist as hers.”Meant to add: To vote is to cooperate!”

      Suuuuuure they’re not! How about his singing us up to fund the 5G expansion so that every new car can be [read: is required to be] hooked up the internet whenever it is running (and probably when it’s not running too)?

      • Hi Arthur,

        It is entirely possible Trump will make things even worse. That said, it is possible he might make things a little better. I don’t see an incongruity in supporting that while also supporting something better, at least in the ideal. Politics is a dirty business and also the art of the possible. Would you be happy to return to an America more like 2018 than 2024? I sure would!

    • ‘Good economists … have conclusively shown that central planning is guaranteed to lead to poverty.’

      Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (1944).

      Hayek demonstrates the impossibility of socialist central planning. The Soviet sphere, pre-1949 China, Cuba and others proved his point in real-life observational studies.

      Road to Serfdom is a massive, potent red pill. One dose inoculates you for life against cognitive infection by communism.


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