Orange is Better Than Red


This is a little follow-up to my article the other day about Trump at least not being a communist:

. . .

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  1. Leftists pushing poisonous non food…and banning healthy meat….bug meals are coming…

    The slave owners…the control group own big food and big pharma…big food is feeding health destroying food to the slaves…

    RFK Jr. Sounds the Alarm!

    He looks at Tartrazine ……that’s just one of at least 100 chemical poisons that our health agencies allow into our children’s food.

    Kennedy says Tartrazine causes tumors, asthma, developmental delays, neurological damage, ADD, ADHD, hormone disruption, gene damage, anxiety, depression, and intestinal injuries. It also potentially causes learning problems in children.

    Over the past 16 years the government has banned eight chemical additives that cause cancer, genetic damage, asthma and many of the other self conditions as Tartrazine does…and you know what’s interesting?

    NOTE:….. All eight of those crucial steps forward in our kids health were taken under President Trump.

    Kommiela doesn’t support having healthy slaves……

    The Democrats who claim to be all about healthcare have stood by watching other countries ban these poisons that make our kids sick, asthmatic, hyperactive, and depressed. They left them on every supermarket shelf in America. They even used your tax money to put them in your kid’s school lunch.

  2. Whoopi Goldberg Calls Trump a Bug, Then Biden Pretends to Kill It in Shocking Moment Live on Air

    Well now we know who is behind the assassination attempts on Trump – Biden. Dummy Trump said yesterday that Iran is trying to kill him. LOL Sorry, Iran has nothing to do with US politics.

    “On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump pushed a narrative being spread by US intelligence officials that Iran is trying to kill him even though there’s no evidence of Iranian involvement in either attempt on his life.”

    The Demoncraps are desperate to eliminate Trump because they know they will lose the election. But for some reason, Trump doesn’t understand that, which is very hard to believe, or he is reading his lines again. It is just more evidence this whole election is a huge staged sham.

    • I guess with enough censorship and PR one can be rebranded from a commie to a libertarian these days!! As it does seem the young are not impressed by the left anymore!

    • A Libertarian with a huge Super Yacht….

      As digital waves crash against the hull of free speech and fair play, billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s latest shiny toy, LAUNCHPAD, has reportedly hit the water. The astounding 387-foot megayacht features a robust steel hull, paired with an aluminum superstructure and is rumored to have cost the social media mogul around $300 million, making her among the most expensive yachts in the world.

      A nautical palace equipped with four MTU engines delivering 5,846 horsepower apiece (23,384-hp total), she can reportedly hit max speeds of up to 24 knots

      Diesels will be banned for the slaves….but the slave owners…the control group… will still have them….

      At a cruising speed of 16 knots, the estimated diesel consumption is 1,165 gallons of diesel per hour of navigation….about 58 gallons per mile….

      It’s support vessel WINGMAN…..

      LAUNCHPAD and her companion ship WINGMAN comprise an impressive fleet to behold. The smaller 220-foot WINGMAN is a superyacht support vessel that was designed to complement the capabilities of her mothership and accompanies LAUNCHPAD wherever she goes. Built by Damen in 2014, she’s rumored to be worth around $30 million and has undergone significant upgrades, including a $5 million refit in 2020.

        • Right….

          Carin ll only 90 feet long…. Zuckerberg’s support yacht is 220 feet long…..

          The 387 foot LAUNCHPAD and her companion ship WINGMAN comprise an impressive fleet to behold. The smaller 220-foot WINGMAN is a super yacht support vessel

          The Carin ll was renamed 5 times….
          other ship names
          HMS Royal Albert (1946–1950)
          Prince Charles (1950–ca. 1960)
          Theresia (1960–1973)
          Carin II (1973–ca. 2017)
          Prince Charles (ab 2017)

          At the end of 1945 the yacht was officially taken over by the Royal Navy and put into service as HMS Royal Albert (after Albert von Sachsen-Coburg and Gotha , the husband of Queen Victoria ) and temporarily used as a transport boat in Hamburg and Wilhelmshaven . The crew consisted of German personnel in British service. In 1948 she was used as a protection boat against fishermen from Heligoland who, contrary to the regulations of the British military government, visited their old fishing grounds around Heligoland. In 1948 and 1950 it was overhauled and used by British officers for port tours in Hamburg.

          At the end of 1950 the yacht was transferred to the Rhine . She was stationed in Krefeld- Uerdingen and now served as the Prince Charles motor yacht, principally for the British royal family , but also as a representation ship for the Royal Navy Rhine Flotilla . The regular crew now consisted of British naval personnel and German personnel. As guests, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip , and their son, Prince Charles, after whom the yacht was named, were occasionally on board as passengers.

          In June 1954, the Prince Charles was used by Princess Margaret , the queen’s younger sister, for representative purposes when visiting troops in the Federal Republic of Germany . In September 1954, the yacht was used by Herzog Philip on a representative trip to Basel . The Prince Charles also made a trip to London , with the German crew members being replaced by British.

          Renamed Prince Charles (June 2017)
          The yacht is still in the old marina of El Gouna and is called Prince Charles again . Valletta is specified as the home port . Work was being carried out on board at the time of recording.

          • Agent of the Garter: Adolf Hitler

            WW2…..the internal war within Pharaoh’s Nobility…the slave owning control group…. and its three parties, namely the Royalists, the Republicans and their Compromise between the two of them by the name of the Order of the Garter…..

            At the end of 1950 the yacht Carin II was transferred to the Rhine. She was stationed in Krefeld- Uerdingen and now served as the Prince Charles motor yacht, principally for the British royal family

            The royal family….the Carin II and the order of the garter…all connected….


  3. Trump won’t stop the slaves eating meat….
    Kommiela and the communists will stop them eating meat….and force feed them insects….

    The slave owners…the control group…. wants to stop the slaves eating meat…and feed them insects….they want the slaves sick. stupid and weak…then they can’t revolt…there is also a slave herd reduction agenda….

    This Food Reverses Aging

    In this video, he talks about the importance of including more red meat in your diet if you want to live a longer and healthier life…

    I firmly believe that diet is the biggest lever you can pull to heal and improve your health…

    It’s always meat / organs / fruit / honey / raw dairy.

    This is an ANIMAL-BASED diet, and I believe this is the most optimal diet for humans on the planet…

  4. Harris wants price controls.
    Trump wants price controls.
    The only difference is: Harris says it plainly; Trump couches it by saying that HE’LL lower the cost of car insurance….

    They are all Zionist shills who are there to enforce the dictates of those who are truly running things, and to destroy America; Anglo-European culture, and any vestiges of liberty that still remain.

    • One reads a report like this one with rising hopes:

      ‘Sean “Diddy” Combs’ former bodyguard revealed the disgraced rap mogul kept tapes of politicians taking part in his infamous ‘freak off’ sessions, and claimed his arrest is tied to an alleged corruption scandal currently gripping New York City politics.

      ‘Gene Deal, a former insider who protected Diddy through the 1990s, told The Art of Dialogue podcast that the producer’s indictment could expose high-profile officials and celebrities in the Big Apple. “This is all bigger than Diddy,” he said, without naming who the alleged tapes are of.’

      Then you smack yourself on the forehead — what am I on about?:

      ‘If there is any issue related to Sean Combs that represents a risk to high-profile celebrity Democrats (likely), the presence of the FBI would be to protect the interests of the political leverage the connection represents.

      ‘In historically accurate terms, the FBI would be covering, controlling, shaping and mitigating the risk in favor of those most politically useful to the government. Those of lesser value would be left exposed to the legal consequences of their perversions.’


      Might as well huff some more glue …

      • Hi Jim,

        It is always amazing to me how many people know something horrible is taking place, but refuse to speak up…or worse, they participate!?!?

        I expect this to be a big nothing burger. There will be no mention about who has crap on who, Diddy will take the fall, Epsteined, and all.

        Screw Hollyweird, politicians, and the music industry. They are sickos. Every last one of them. I can only hope there really is a Hell. They can spend their time in Eternity begging for ice water. People who hurt children deserve a slow and miserable death.

        • P. Diddy Epstained? Many are already saying he’s been suicided. I don’t know, but the idea is sound, anyone with that kind of information that can hang the elite and the Hillary crowd are soon dead. Think Vince Foster and Michael Hastings.

          • Hi Jack,

            This is the bit that I don’t understand. Did Diddy and Epstein not have back up videos? In this day and age, all they had was one copy?

            Maybe I think differently, but if I am Sean or Jeffrey and my life was on the line I would have a second copy made and held by someone I trust. If something happens to me I would have that person send that information to someone on the Dark Web or a journalist who remembers how to be a journalist. If I am going down so is everybody else involved.

            • My wife, who spends time on social media, told me a couple of days ago, he was killed in prison. I searched for it online, and could not verify it. P. Diddy is very wealthy and can hire a gaggle of top lawyers to defend himself, and turns state’s evidence to hang all the pervs in the music industry.

              News – “A wave of CEOs are resigning since Diddy’s arrest in September 2024. Social media has been keeping track of who is fleeing the coop. ”

              I don’t know jack shit about Sean Combs or his doings, and don’t really care because I already know the entire entertainment industry is pedo, sex couching, trannys, gays, pervs, and left wing lunatics.

              I am active in bringing down Taylor Swift, who IMO is a “big ‘ole man” as we say about “her”. Most Hollyweird actresses and pop stars (like Lady Gaga) are actually male. Lady Gaga show her screaming audience her penis and now admits to being male.


              BTW I worked tirelessly to uncover Michelle Obama as Big Mike in Obongo’s second term. Now, most conservatives do realize she is a he. Bathhouse Barry and Michelle Obama are both males, they are homosexual who posed as a heterosexual couple with kids. Fooled Amerika good, lol.

                • Jesus, Jack. Why? Why can’t we just have a good debate on how Puff Daddy is a scumbag?

                  Do you believe the more you post that Taylor is a “man” (who has pics abound of her being a little girl) is going to change my mind?

                  I give up. I am going to go chat with someone else. Better yet, I am going to go home and open the bottle of Roseland I have chilling in my fridge.

                    • Yep, totally. I know when I would dress up my kids at 18 months of age for Picture Day I would always put a little pink bow in my son’s hair (sarc).

                      Also, the pink dress below with the strawberry…definitely a little boy’s outfit. 🤦‍♀️

                    • Ignore the dress and curls. T.S. looks definitely male. What you are missing is that Hollywood/pop stars are transitioned early on in life. It is extremely common, it is the rule in the industry. T.S. has huge hands and is above avg. tall – and is a very weird looking female with no hips. All signs of a trans.


                    • Hi Jack,

                      I am reminded of the saying that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to substantiate them. There is no real evidence that Swift is other than a female. Absent real evidence to the contrary, it just makes us look deranged to assert she is actually male.

                • Hi Jack,

                  I’m with RG on this one. If Swift is a male then they have done a truly epic job of confecting a fake history and convincing a guy to “date her. I agree with RG also in that this is counterproductive – absent real proof – in that it just makes people on our side appear a little off. And it’s important that we come off as sane.

                  • Here is a photo of a young Taylor Swift, looks like a boy to me:


                    In Hollywood, the rule is the kids are trans. For instance, Charlize Theron is trans, a male, with trans kids. They are raised that way – given hormone therapy to make a male baby as female as possible. T.S. is the queen of transfoolery.

      • All the stuff that came out about Epstein and his many clients…and nothing happened to anyone but Epstein and Winestein.

        Andrew Cuomo kills off thousands of elderly nursing home patients by filling the homes with people dying from the flu. He goes quietly off into the sunset and is forgotten about.

        No one does anything.

        These people are untouchable. Not only that, but people act like their crimes never happened, or simply don’t remember, and rather than demanding their banishment, continue to give them credence, and continue to participate in the system which shelters them.


      I tend to agree with that because both candidates are working for the same power. And when it comes to voting, I am skeptical also, I believe the candidates are selected by the owners – ahead of the election. My dad told me he was told who would be the next president in the 1976 election, this was before the 1976 election – that Jimmy Carter would be the next president, and he was told this by FBI agents who were briefing executives on the matter. At the time I was a teenager and did not care but decided never to vote,because I trusted and believed what my dad told me.

      There is a picture on the web that “proves” this, that elections are actually “selections” by the owners. Here is the link, a yandex image search of Nixon, Reagan, Bohemian Grove:

      The picture shows Dr. Edward Teller, father of the atomic bomb, briefing the attendees at a morning breakfast at the infamous (but never discussed by MSM) Bohemian Grove gathering, every July in the redwoods in Northern California. On either side is Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, both became presidents later on.

  5. I like this line, “At Least He’s Not A Communist”. Other people think it would hasten the collapse & thus bring on the rebuilding sooner if Kack&Waltz win. Walter Block took the same position in 2016 & encouraged voting for Hitlery for those very same reasons.

    I dunno, seems like a Communist win prolongs the time until any collapse as they’ll take out all the stops they can to keep their power party train rolling & increase the suffering of people & raise taxes moar, whereas the other wing of the same bird of prey might not? …Would the prospects for less war be the same with either party wing in charge? …That seems to be The question.

    Anyway, congrats to EPautos, the website has joined the ranks of in that I can type the letter ‘Y’ into the search bar of my Firefox browser & it will auto complete the address for & all I have to do is push the ‘enter key’ to go to that website.

    The same goes for say: Zerohedge, TheLibertyDaily, or CitizenFreePress. Type a ‘Z’ or a ‘T’ or a ‘C’ and the web address gets auto completed by the browser. Or, if I type ‘Yo’ it will auto complete for YouTube.

    Type an ‘L’ or an ‘E’ and nothing auto completes. I can type out the whole web address except the ‘m’ at the end of .com and the browser Still won’t auto complete the address.

    Funny, that.

  6. Some good Libertarian points Eric. Another problem with Trump is his lack of philosophical understanding of freedom, free markets, etc. According to his own hand picked Sec. of State Rex Tillerson (Former CEO of Exxon) – Trump never reads. Tillerson complained after working for Mr. Trump in his first term, that his boss President Trump never reads the briefs, then in the actual briefing Trump didn’t listen. Tillerson’s criticism was scathing as was a British observer Kim Darroch who resigned his position after his emails were leaked which starkly revealed the level of incompetence in the Trump administration:

    “Lord Darroch left his post in July 2019 amid a huge diplomatic row over the leaking of a series of private cables, in which he had questioned the competence of the Trump administration and its handling of major foreign policy issues, such as relations with Iran.

    In a wide-ranging interview with the BBC’s Newsnight, to be broadcast at 22:45 BST on BBC Two, he said he accepted his position had become untenable after his observations became public, leading Mr Trump to describe him as a “stupid guy” and “pompous fool”.”

    “This new spat in US-UK relations came after sensitive diplomatic cables were leaked to the Mail on Sunday newspaper, in which Darroch warned senior diplomats that Trump was “inept”, “insecure” and “incompetent”, and that his White House was “uniquely dysfunctional”. In one of the most sensitive documents, Darroch admitted:

    “We don’t really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept.””

    Tillerson was a competent CEO of the world’s largest corporation, he did not rise to the top of the oil industry by being intellectually lazy, or by being a “personality” in the media. My first wife’s father was VP of a much smaller oil company, and I was very good friends with him, and his knowledge of oil industry was remarkable. He could not of been in that position if he was unburdened by knowledge.

    Harris, of course, is a DEI hire, and extremely incompetent, far more than Trump. Exactly, what qualifications does Harris have to be hired as the president of the USA? None IMO. She is only a face reading lines in front of a camera. At least Trump built hotels and ran million dollar businesses. What has Kamala done to prove herself worthy of that job? Does she even have a history or political science degree?

    So one reason to vote for Trump would be his level of competence is far higher than Kamala who is shockingly clueless, as this video mocks:

    I have my own reasons for not liking Mr. Trump. But I do think Mr. Trump shows some level of competence while Mrs. Harris shows next to none. I would not hire her to run a McDonalds unless she was sufficiently trained, because I would not hire some bimbo who gave blowjobs to Willie Brown as an accomplishment on a job resume. Blowjobs and quick f-cks are whore behavior, not qualifications for a senior executive position, unless of course, you are being hired only to read lines from a teleprompter while deep state operatives run the presidency.

  7. Lesser of two evils…. mind fckery.

    The same philosophy got us gun control, wars, the covid, the TSA, the Real Id, lousy schools, child mutilation and much much more.

    What if there was an election and no one showed up to vote?

    Next time the Orange Peel or his equivalent come up with a vax there won’t be a way out. The covid scam was a test to see what will be required for future scams.

    The country,,, its people,,, are way beyond redemption. Once evil,,, always evil. No vaccination for evil.

    • “What if there was an election and no one showed up to vote?”

      Interesting theoretical question but someone like the candidate and his family members will always show up.

      “ Next time the Orange Peel or his equivalent come up with a vax there won’t be a way out. ”
      There is always a way out. And last time they tried the resistance won. It costs something, but it only takes a few guerrillas to f@$k up their grand plans.

      • Next time there will be less resistance. If no one questions the mass murdering covid scam then there is no learning from history. Next time I will be the ONLY refusenik at a workplace of 300, instead of one of three. Sad.

        • Pug: “Next time there will be less resistance. ”

          Maybe, maybe not. Headline on UPI this morning:
          “Survey: Most Americans won’t get new flu, COVID-19 vaccines”. Seems at least some are moving in our direction. The the question is how much pressure can they stand.

      • I’m not sure what your definition of winning is.

        I personally lost a 27 year career.

        The clowns in gowns did uphold the vax mandate for healthcare workers.

        No one has been held to account for the death and destruction.

        • The American revolutionaries, the Viet Cong, and the Taliban all won. It most assuredly cost many of them their lives, limbs, and fortunes.
          With all sympathy, you never owned your career, that was under the control of employers and customers.

          As to the supreme vermin, they seldom get it right and cause incredible misery and pain by their political waffling and refusal to revisit clearly wrongly decided issues. What they did is nothing new.

          The enemy always gets a vote and a shot. Doesn’t mean you don’t fight him.

  8. What happens to an untreated narcissist, I asked a search engine:

    ‘Even though a person with NPD usually projects an image of arrogance or haughtiness, they usually struggle with low self-esteem. Personality disorders are characterized by unhealthy and rigid patterns of thought and behavior leading to significant problems in relationships with others. People with personality disorders including NPD don’t think there’s anything wrong with them because their patterns of thinking and behavior seem natural to them.

    Untreated NPD can lead to erratic symptoms and behaviors such as impulsivity, violence or suicidal tendencies.

    Well, durn — this sounds bad!

    In my head I hear the voice of all-American housewife June Cleaver, on a childhood TeeVee show: “Ward … I’m worried about the Trumpy Bear.

    F*ck the President, f*ck your welfare
    F*ck your government and f*ck Fred Bear
    F*ck Nugent, like anybody gives a f*ck
    You like to hunt a lot, so fuckin’ what

    — Insane Clown Posse, F*ck the World

  9. More than 700 members of the war machine/ Deep State, er, “National Security officials”, recently penned a letter ENDORSING Kamala Harris for President. Of course they’d endorse Kamala, as she’s just as much of a warmonger as Joe Biden has been in his 3½+ years as “President”. Their reasons for endorsing Harris are laughable, but not in a HA HA way.

    You’d think that braindead liberals who call themselves “Anti-war” would be ashamed to be supporting Harris after Dick Cheney endorsed her, but instead they act like Cheney’s endorsement of her is a GOOD THING, and may well also look at the war machine’s endorsement of her as a GOOD THING…comedian Jimmy Dore, who is by NO means a “Trumper” or a “Far-right extremist”, had his own take on the establishment’s endorsement of Harris…..

  10. I just can’t bear Trump and his ego. He’s all talk and all talk about himself. You shall know them by their fruits. His fruit is orange, ME, ME, ME!!!

    I’m an one-issue voter – the COVID ME-TOO FREAKOUT. Both asshole selections for dicktator destroyed the world with their actions during the freakout. Both asshole selections for dicktator refuse to talk about it because THEY ARE GOING TO DO IT AGAIN – HARDER.

    I found the Trump interview with his whining response to the covid question. By his response Trump is as bad as Harris. I abstain from this dickator selection.

    • Hi Pug,

      I deeply sympathize with the views you express because I share your anger/disgust in re Trump’s refusal to concede he was wrong about the “vaccines” – not to mention the “millions of lives” (though if you’re into the Devolution hallucination, the suggestion is Trump did “save millions of lives,” by causing the “pandemic” narrative to peter out, courtesy of the “beautiful vaccines…” Yeah, I know… shoot me now).

      That said, I will probably still vote for him. Not that it makes a difference. Not that he isn’t a train wreck. But only because I like the general drift of the populist movement he sparked. Some good might come of that. Whereas nothing good could come of Harris-Walz.

      • Well, that comes back to his faith in positive thinking. Of course he’s never wrong, that’s loser talk! He made the best decision at the time and that’s it. No retrospective view of anything, other than the Trump-centric viewpoint.

        Hell, reality is no one really voted for him in 2016, they voted against Hillary. People forget what a train wreck both candidates were, and again in 2020. But to hear Trump tell the tale, he wasn’t just the lessor of two evils, he was the greatest Republican candidate since Teddy Roosevelt. I still have the image of his acceptance speech at the RNC in 2016, the delegates basically ignoring the stage. His wife and family gazing out over the dispersing crowd. That’s your new hope for the Republican Party. At least this time he seems to have attracted the attention of the party he’s running for, but there’s still a lot of left-handed compliments from the conservative pundits, as they still add the “Well, I don’t like him but you have to admit…” boilerplate at the begging of every defense and positive mention of his name.

      • Pug, I agree with Eric. To Trump’s credit he has RFK on his side and likely will be head of the NIH if Trump wins. RFK, I would be very worried about his he was head of the EPA or ATF in that I disagree with RFK’s views on the environment and gun control. That said, RFK was the only political candidate talking about the vaccines and what damage they have done, and he wrote a book about Fauci and what damage he has done to America. So, the Orangeman and his ego will never admit the mistake he made, but there is some reconciliation with RFK on his team in my opinion.

        • Next time there will be less resistance. If no one questions the mass murdering covid scam then there is no learning from history. Next time I will be the ONLY refusenik at a workplace of 300, instead of one of three. Sad.

        • If Trump is selected (highly unlikely) then I bet RFK will NOT be in his administration. Trump only likes lackeys and sychnophants. He’s all talk and no action unless it benefits him.

      • > I will probably still vote for him.
        A vote for Trump is a vote for Satanyahu and the Ashke-Nazis, which is a vote to slaughter the native population of Palestine, amounting to several million human beings.

        Yes, Virginia, Arabs are human beings, and Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to kill every Arab in Palestine. If you are OK with that, then, by all means, vote for Trump. I will not.

        • Who gives a shit about middle eastern countries? We have our own problems. And one of them is that whoever gets into office will send billions of our money to foreign countries. I don’t care which countries or who’s bad and who’s good.

        • Elections are funny things. Here we have people, -even libertarians- willing to vote for a mass-murderer, Israel-first, “just take the guns”,”grab her by the pussy”, frequent-flyer on Epstein Airways, lying sack of shit, because they they imagine that he will somehow do anything different than the other sack of shit, a.k.a. Kamalbel.

      • “Whereas nothing good could come of Harris-Walz.”

        This is where I believe you are mistaken.

        The sooner that people really begin to suffer from the consequences of their decisions to support either of these useless slugs, the sooner we can get back to rebuilding “what has been”.

        Likewise the sooner Orange Fail screws those that vote for him, the sooner we can get to rebuilding.

        Till then, the death spiral will continue.

        • We thought that during the time of Bush the elder, Clinton the slicker, Shrub son of a Bush, and Barack Obastard. There is a lot of ruin in a nation.

          • Yup, that is true.

            But we won’t experience a revival / renewal until the failure is so apparent and painful that all can clearly see what we have become and can unite to improve the situation.

            As far as I can tell, there may be nothing left by that point and a civil war is very bad and unpredictable. The best we can hope for is that we follow the example set when the USSR dissolved without massive bloodshed.

            What I can be sure of is that voting harder isn’t going to get us there.

    • I find his self aggrandizement a bit nauseating, though he has toned it down since the debate with Harris. What Trump did is bring the voices of millions to drive the Republican Party platform and policies. What happens after he leaves the scene is yet to be known, but at no time has the middle class been heard like it is today.

      I voted third party from 1992 to 2008 (I skipped 2012 altogether), but wouldnt entertain the idea today. There is a real contrast between candidates and Trump has adopted more of the issues that are important (trade, immigration and no wars) than any candidate i have seen in 60 years. Clinton, Bush1, Bush 2, Obama, Hillary, and Harris are all globalists. Trump is not one.

      That’s my take

    • Hi Pug,
      I’m also one issue, and that is to stop starting and funding wars all over the planet. Neither of these two will do that, instead they send more money to the Pentagram than they even asked for. I will either sit this one out or vote for Jill Stein.


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