AM and EMF


Congress is about to mandate something that used to be standard in most vehicles – AM Radio. This is an interesting inversion in that it’s usual for Congress to mandate things that ought to be optional – like air bags and back-up cameras for “safety” – that many people would choose not to pay extra for, if they were allowed the choice.

AM radio, on the other hand, has been a given in cars for at least the past 50 years. Until the advent of electric vehicles, which emit signal-interrupting electromagnetic radiation. Rather than sell people electric vehicles that have radios that work as they have for the past 50 years, several manufacturers of these electromagnetic radiation-emitting devices quietly deleted AM receivers. You can’t even buy them as optional equipment, which is kind of like not being able to buy a heater (which is probably the next thing they’ll delete from electric vehicles as that would improve the range in winter).

Some people like AM radio, though.

Maybe because it’s free. Maybe because AM can hold a station’s signal for longer, over greater distances. Some fondly remember listening to Art Bell’s coast-to-coast AM show, for instance. It was the perfect accompaniment for those long drives through the empty deserts out West. Regardless of why they like it, the point is that the mandating of electric vehicles (via regulations that effectively mandate them because only electric vehicles can comply with them) has resulted in the deletion of a feature that used to be standard. Cigarette lighters are another example of this – for politically correct compliance reasons. A subject for another rant.

Anyhow, the feds now want to mandate what their mandates have caused to be deleted. A bill is working its way through Congress that would require all new cars be equipped with AM radio as standard equipment. But don’t expect the feds to rescind the “zero emissions”
vehicle and Minimum Miles-Per-Gallon (CAFE) mandates that have effectively mandated the manufacturing of electric vehicles.

Isn’t government great?

Naturally, everyone will have to pay for this – for the additional shielding or other such necessary to tamp-down the electromagnetic emissions being emitted by electric vehicles, even if you don’t own one. Just as we’re all paying more to the insurance mafia for the “coverage” we’re forced to buy because some people have bought electric cars that cost much more to repair  – and replace – than other cars. Not to mention the costs associated with the spontaneous fires that have to be “covered,” by which is meant forcing others to shoulder these costs via “adjustments” of their premiums.

Including their home insurance premiums.

But a more interesting question arises – regarding these electromagnetic-emitting electric vehicles. Are these emissions dangerous? No one seems to know, exactly – which is alarming in that these EMF-emitting devices have been pushed onto the market very much in the same way that “safe and effective” drugs that were “vaccines” in the same way that Dylan Mulvaney is a “she” were pushed onto the market. That is to say, with essentially no testing to determine whether the electromagnetic fields generated by extremely high voltage EV battery packs and powerful electric motors that people are being exposed to constitute a potential health hazard.

There are no regulations defining and limiting how much electromagnetic radiation an EV is allowed to emit and so no compliance incentive for the manufacturers of EVs to shield the passenger cabin of EVs from the electromagnetic radiation generated by the massive, high-voltage electric battery pack and the powerful electric motors that propel the vehicle. It’s akin to the way cars were made back in the ’60s and before, when no one cared what was emitted from the tailpipe.

It is interesting, isn’t it, that the government seems uninterested in the what is being emitted from the devices the government has (effectively) mandated yet at the same time is obsessed with the almost nonexistent emissions produced by cars equipped with engines rather than high voltage battery packs and powerful electric motors?

It’s probably just a consequence of the incompetence of government; specifically, the incompetence of the government workers who are in charge of such things. Such as the current head of the federal Department of Transportation. Pete Buttigieg has no academic or experiential background in any technical field, such as electrical engineering. Yet he is is charge of the federal department that issues edicts about electrically powered things. Michael Regan, the head of the apparat that oversees “emissions” – the EPA – has an undergraduate degree in “earth and environmental science.” Meaning he holds a degree in a political “science.”

These are the kinds of arrogant know-nothings who are empowered to impose things on people who are the guinea pigs that get to pay for their own being experimented-on. They are even worse than people like Dr. Fauci – who is at least a doctor (in the Mengele sense). But they all share the same attitude of We Know Best and you’ll do as we say.

The upside, as regards the AM radio mandate, is that at least the manufacturers of EMF-emitting devices will have to find a way to shield both the radio receiver and by dint of that, the people who are within these mobile microwaves.

The downside, of course, is that the mandating of EMF-emitting mobile microwaves isn’t going to dailed back because that would entail directing challenging the underlying lie about the “climate changing,” an orthodoxy that cannot be questioned, because that would undo almost everything else these people intend to impose on us.

. . .

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  1. Hell, I would be happy to have an 8-cylinder engine. Or a 3 gallon toilet flushER. How about bringing back the incandescent light bulbs? The right to be left alone? Okay, sorry, I was dreaming there for a minute…

  2. I grew up on Rush Limbaugh and Curtis & Kuby, plus Mark Simone, not as much Clay & Buck as X and Eric are talking about.

    This and all the other tech are why I won’t look at a new car, and also always state that had Dieselgate had happened during Orange Man, be a slap on the wrist like Harley and Hyundai and we’d have Diesel powered vehicles rather than PHEV and EV’s. Who died because of Dieselgate vs the countless spontaneous combustions from EV’s?

    Off topic, but I argue that had Dieselgate not had happened, it’d go mainstream rather than everyone being like “Americans hate diesel, it’d never happen.” Thoughts?

    • Diesels were popular in Europe because the taxes were lower. In Colorado and many other states the road tax used to be about the same as regular unleaded so often it was cheaper per gallon and you went further as a bonus. But about the same time as dieselgate the legislature raised the road taxes so now it’s usually about the same price as 94 octane and in the winter will be even higher. Makes the advantage of diesel a lot harder to justify unless you need the grunt for towing.

    • Diesels never really “caught on” in America, because GM tried experimenting with them in the 70s-80s, did a bad job, never did really figure out how to do them well, and got the regulations changed to disfavor them.

      A classic was when they tried to make diesel cars using an Oldsmobile 350 engine, without redesigning the head so they could share tooling, and they all blew head bolts b/c the compression ratio is way higher in a diesel. Add in some transmission problems & the cars never recovered, even though by the end of the run the issues were pretty well fixed.

  3. Isn’t Soros in the process of buying 200+ radio stations from Audacy’s bankruptcy? I suspect a large number of them are AM stations. Crony monopolists just love mandates. I’m guessing there’s no mere coincidence here.

  4. About 20 years ago, I was hanging around in Connecticut with some enviornmentalist libs. One of them had bought a Ford Escape Hybrid. What she noticed about the car was that when she drove it for a while, her battery powered devices, iPODS, laptop batteries discharged quickly.

    I’m pretty sure it was because of induced magnetic fields from motor operation. You can’t easily shield that either.

    Hybrids are bad as well.

  5. I suspect that studies have already been done linking higher EMF with negative health outcomes. I also suspect the cost of shielding the passenger compartment and people in close proximity to the vehicle won’t be cheap. That is why they don’t want to talk about it.

    I guess we’ll have to go back to driving ICE vehicles then. Safety first don’t you know. 🙂

  6. “Pete Buttigieg has no academic or experiential background in any technical field, such as electrical engineering. Yet he is is charge of the federal department that issues edicts about electrically powered things.”

    Buttigieg was not named Transportation Secretary for his technical expertise. Technical expertise is subordinate to ideology. He was appointed to the position as a political commissar just like the USSR. His job is to promote the Party Line normalizing and mainstreaming man-on-man anal sex and EVs, and to demoralize the kulaks with his presence — the same way that a foreign black lesbian in an interracial homosexual “marriage” with clown-like frizzy hair was appointed White House press secretary.

    The intent is to rub your face in something you find repellent, like smearing shit on a bad puppy’s nose.

  7. Terrestrial radio was the second corporate media outlet to go. First were the newspapers, who were killed by eBay and Craigslist of course. When the revenue from classified ads dried up the papers cut staff and consolidated.

    When the iPod started siphoning off listeners from the FM band, no one noticed. But the advertisers did, and they started demanding lower CPMs. Then the stations started going with syndicated programming, much like their AM sister stations did in the 90s. Again, staff cuts and consolidation, and today there’s basically one massive conglomerate that owns the FM band (aside from the low power stations dominated by NPR).

    The effect of nationalization on broadcast radio has been devastating. Other than a very few morning commute shows there’s almost nothing local about radio, which was always its strength. Many “stations” are nothing more than a satellite receiver connected to a transmitter.

    But the broadcasters still punch way above their weight when it comes to political power. So they get the state to force people to buy radios they don’t want. At least Sirius/XM pays manufacturers to put their receivers in cars (and gives them a commission if you keep it after your free year). Will the FCC be handing out checks to Tesla to make sure the AM band remains?

    • AM: Advertising Medium. Anything thats made to sound useful is bait for the insidious commercial broadcasting revenue agenda. The morning drive time local contractor spam is now 30 minutes per hour. Nashnull propaganda radio is your alternative. FM is the same.

  8. AM is also the backbone of the EAS System. When the “Big One” is dropped only a handful of stations will be on the air, virtually all AM. The nighttime footprint of AM is amazing. WBT in Charlotte, NC can be heard “From Canada to Cuba” at night but, due to the directional signal, can’t be heard 20 miles to the west of town. Were it non-directional it would cover most of the country east of the Mississippi.

    I’ve also noticed in the last few years when I pass a semi while listening to AM the signal has interference from the cab of the truck. This must be part of their electronic logs or such.

    Side note, legend has it that when Dean Smith was coaching UNC basketball he’d tell a recruit’s parents in New York that they could listen to the games on WBT from the comfort of their living room.

    • Most of the EAS ENDECs (encoder/decoders) use the Internet as the primary source. AM station engineers are usually still running the system, but there are usually several radios and the Internet feed connected. In the case of most cable systems there’s a master receiver in a large headend which then runs the secondary ENDECs in the remote hubs (over the in-house intranet), many of which are using FM stations because there are no AM stations that can be received well enough in the headends.

      At least that was the case back in the olden times when I did such things for a living.

      • I know. It’s such a shame that radio has gone down the path it has. Radio was one of those bedrocks of the cities, especially if there was a baseball team. Many of the stations didn’t earn big profits, but the owners didn’t care because of the status radio stations had. But the old man dies, the new owners didn’t have the same passion… and they sold everything off to an Internet streaming company that had deep investor pockets.

        I’d probably do the same thing, BTW.

        Hard to say what the future of broadcasting looks like. Radio found its niche after television destroyed the medium back in the 1950s but it took a baby boom of new listeners. Today’s up and coming generation doesn’t seem to know about the radio bands, nor do they care.

  9. KOMO in Seattle, Washington came in as clear as a bell in Lethbridge, Alberta in the dead of night. 650 miles distance from Seattle to Lethbridge.

    Drive underneath a power line, the AM station will have some static from the electro-magnetic field from the power lines.

    Besides, all FM radio stations basically suck.

    AM stations do have some entertainment value.

    KOA in Denver could be heard for hundreds of miles at night, especially during the winter months. Rick Barber was the host of the radio program back then. Rick said at the time that the border wall was to keep Americans in, not illegals from entering.

    Back in 1987, AM stations from all over the United States could be tuned in so you could hear and listen. A Sharp receiver with a crystal for tuning brought in plenty of stations.

    AM was great radio in those cotton fields back home, Art Bell and all.

  10. Microwave your lunch in your EV when it is charging?….lol

    Sit in your EV when charging and get microwaved and if you are unlucky the lithium fire bomb battery will catch fire and incinerate you….

    Health damage from EMF radiation from EV’s

    Since Tesla is an electric car with a large battery and an electric motor, it emits high amounts of EMF radiation. The latest models emit high levels of electromagnetic radiation.

    Dangers of EMF Radiation from Tesla Cars and Other Electric Cars
    According to a study by Scripps Clinic Research Foundation, high levels of EMF from EVs make the drivers drowsy and sleepy while driving. Based on the study, drivers who are exposed to high levels of EMF while driving are likely to sleep 52 minutes faster than those exposed to low levels of EMF. Is this why there are so many tesla, EV, crashes?

    In addition, exposure to radiation while driving can result in headaches, neck stiffness, and dry eyes or blurred vision. Long-term exposure to these sources of EMF radiation may have long-term health complications.EMF Radiation from Electric Cars
    blurred vision… this causing crashes?

    According to Dr. Joel Moskowitz at the University of California Berkeley, hybrid cars and other electric cars have increased levels of ELF that cause cancer, increase the level of oxidative stress that leads to DNA fragmentation, cause cell damage, fertility issues, drowsiness, etc.

    So drive an EV and get…..damaged DNA , cell damage, get sterilized, get drowsiness and crash….lol

    Electric cars, including the Tesla EV do emit a dangerous amount of EMF ……….Electric cars do emit more radiation compared to standard fossil fuel vehicles.

    If you sit in your EV when connected to the super charger/ high speed charger you get microwaved, stay away from the car when it is charging.

    Stay out of the car….lol……….this will be interesting in the middle of the night, in a dark parking lot, when it is snowing and freezing out….lol….these Ev`s are a safety hazard in many ways…

    Avoid Sitting in the Car While Charging the Battery
    When supercharging the battery, a high amount of EMF is emitted, therefore, do not stay inside the car.

    Charging the car creates substantial amounts of dirty electricity (DE). When you charge your car in the garage, you are putting extremely high levels of DE onto the wires of your entire home. turn your house into a microwave oven….lol

    To supply electricity for EV`s the electrical grid has to be expanded by 500%, so the EMF radiation from the transmission, distribution lines will increase 500%, destroying people`s health.

    This is especially problematic as most people charge the car overnight when the occupants are sleeping – the time of day when we want our EMF exposure to be as low as possible.

    they went on and on for 2 1/2 years about a mild flu, relabeled as a dangerous bat germ, but haven’t said a word about this health issue, that is actually real and 100 x worse then a mild flu.

  11. Curious – do people in the US still listen to radio in their cars ? Most I know just plug their phone in and listen to a podcast or a music app like Spotify…. I was thinking that soon, as a cost cutting measure, the radio itself will be removed from cars with just a phone interface remaining….

    • Rarely. I typically listen to audiobooks –the one good thing about modern cars is the ability to bluetooth to the car’s audio system.

      Honestly haven’t tuned into AM radio since Limbaugh’s passing.

        • Did this to the 1991 Silverado. The center cubbyhole replaced with a finish matching adapter for a DIN radio/receiver, and the GM radio hole replaced with a cubbyhole insert made for that spot. The GM radio bit the dust $350 plus shipping for a rebuild.

          Got a Sony (the one and only) off EBay for $95, new in box. Great AM/FM reception, Bluetooth, pairs with the phone with a mic for calls. Just a trick remembering which little button to push. Has a remote control as well.

          We would have killed for this kind of tech in the olden days, I paid $65 in 1974 for an under dash cassette player (no radio).

      • Agree. I used to listen to a lot more AM than I do now. Limbaugh for sure, but not just him. It was definitely better 20-30 years ago. Right-wing talk radio had a more subversive edge to it then, now it has become more packaged, more corporate, and co-opted.

        The dude on the “Clay and Buck Show” is “former” CIA, FFS. Can you say “Operation Mockingbird,” kids?

        The supposedly “right-wing” shows today are controlled opposition. They might as well call themselves “Zionist Radio,” all they talk about any more is Israel.

        • Hi X,

          In re Clay and Buck: I listen to these guys regularly when running errands; they will seamlessly go from talking about some news thing to a product pitch without skipping a beat. Sometimes in mid-sentence. The peddlering on radio is insufferable.

          • Yep. The whole shtick is completely the result of corporate packaging and production intentionally manufactured to appeal to the rubes.

            What could be more a stereotypical gimmick to appeal to the white, rural working class than “Clay” and “BUCK,” LOL?

            BTW “Buck’s” real name is James Buckman Sexton, and he was born in Manhattan to a rich Wall Street family. And worked for the CIA.

            It’s completely rigged.

            You sure as hell aren’t going to find any radio announcers named “Clay” or “Buck” on NPR…

          • No one panders and shills harder than Hannity.

            Cutie Pie, as Neal Boortz used to call him back when they were fierce competitors in Atlanta in the 90s, before Hannity went national.


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