“There You Go Again”


One of Ronald Reagan’s most famous lines – uttered in one of his debates with Jimmy Carter – was “there you go again.” It is said with nostalgic reverence by many who admired Reagan at the time.

But it’s interesting to remember what Reagan also said when he said it.

He said he didn’t oppose – in principle – the idea of the federal government involving itself in (that is to say, controlling) the relationships people have with doctors; rather, he opposed the Democrat’s plan for such involvement.

He preferred the Republican plan.

Point being, the plan was always to have the government involved in health care, as it has become involved in nearly everything that doesn’t involve what time you decide to go to bed at night – and there is likely to be a plan for that, too.

It’s a point worth remembering now because it’s been the plan for at least the past 45 years, which was how long ago (just about) that Ronald Reagan said “there you go again,” which in a really bizarre act of doublethink has come to signify Reagan’s supposed “conservatism.”

And yet – per doublethink – it kind of is just that in that “conservatism” is characterized  by this bizarre duality of mind that allows for being (putatively) opposed to what “conservatives” will vaguely style “big government” yet be all for it at the very same time. And then claim they are the advocates for “small” or “limited” government.” The Reagan quip is an excellent example of this psychosis. The Gipper – as he was admiringly styled – managed the feat of criticizing Carter while agreeing with him. And – at the same time – getting his supporters to think he was disagreeing with Carter.


It continues to this day.

Trump is taken by “conservatives” to be a “conservative” – and he is, in just the same way that Reagan was. That is to say, he has different plans than the communists (Democrats are an extinct species; the last one was Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) have.

But they both have plans for you – and me, too.

Trump’s plans – like Reagan’s – are more businesslike, if you like. That is to say, he – like Reagan and like most “conservatives” – would like to make the federal government’s limitless involvement in things that are (morally as well as constitutionally) none of the federal government’s legitimate business more “efficient” and less “wasteful.”

That is what “conservatism” ultimately boils down to.

It does not disagree with the communists about government involvement, per se – which is what you’d expect from a political movement that reveres Abraham Lincoln (who was admired by Marx) as one of its founding fathers. Also Alexander Hamilton, who wrote into the Constitution much of the weasel-wording about the “general welfare” and “necessary and proper” that was later used as designed to enable the federal government to involve itself in practically everything shy of micromanaging our bedtimes.

This fundamental agreement is why “conservatives” do not oppose things such as the federal income tax as not merely the theft-under-color-of-law that it is but also the invasion of our privacy that it is. We are obliged to report ourselves to the federal government every April and everyone we do business with is similarly obliged to report on our relationships with them as well. What you have in the bank is not between you and the bank; the bank is the minion of the government – and whatever you have in the bank is available only for as long as the government decides not to seize it.

“Conservatives” do not oppose this. They want it to be more “strictly regulated” and “fair.” They want to “prevent abuses” but amen the fundamental abuse.

Similarly, the rent homeowners are obliged to pay the government in order to be allowed to occupy what they, in a very doublethinkian way, delude themselves into thinking of as “their” homes. “Conservatives” do not object to this business of forcing “homeowners” (sic) to pay rent to the government. They want the rent to be less. And they want the rent collected to be used “properly.” That is so say, in a manner that they approve of. This does not, of course, include returning it to those from whom it was extracted via threats of eviction by armed government workers.

Another example – especially relevant at the moment – has to do with the drugs that were pushed on people by a putative “conservative,” whose apologists claim people weren’t actually pushed into taking them. They could have refused, you see. Never mind that such refusal often entailed loss of income and even career. The latter in italics to focus attention on the military many “conservatives” say they love. Countless officers lost their careers for refusing to be pushed into taking the drugs that a “conservative” president enabled the pushing of, even if he didn’t technically push them, himself.

All part of the plan, you see.

. . .

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  1. I think Reagan was OK until Bush the elder tried to whack him on March 30, 1981. From then on Bush was effectively the president.

  2. Walz started losing it…getting angry, when he was losing in the debate…he is a hothead…a bit deranged….

    Kommiela…the same problem…she was abusive to her staff….

    Former aides to Vice President Kamala Harris charge that she terrorized them in a hostile work environment, continuing a pattern that dates back to her time as San Fransico district attorney.


      • Another government diversity hire….

        Blackface’s diversity hire……..

        Julie Payette, appointed in 2017, was the governor general until her resignation in January 2021, amid a scandal over her workplace behaviour.

        Was once criminally charged with beating her husband with a hockey stick and she also killed someone else with her car……Probably had criminal record, shouldn’t have been hired.

        Accused of screaming at and physically assaulting her staff, she is nuts, a psycho.

        40 months on job now gets $150,000 year pension for life…theft from the taxpayers….

        • DEI hiring….

          This sets a bad example….

          Julie Payette, appointed in 2017, was the governor general…..Accused of screaming at and physically assaulting her staff..

          Former New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern ….the most abusive tyrannical prime minister in history…

          The ancient pharaoh’s….the most abusive, satanic, slave owners in history…which was a matriarchy….

          next up kommiela….

  3. There are seven (7) presidential candidates on my ballot for November.
    The corruption is immediately noticeable – Republican and Democratic
    parties/candidates are always listed first in every election. Candidates
    and parties should be randomly listed.

    My choice, Jason Oliver, is listed third, Jill Stein is shown last.

    If the Libertarian Party wasn’t recognized, I’d vote for one of the other
    four candidates. I would not vote for Armageddon, the tax and spend
    uniparty/war party.

    • Surely the BleachBit Battle-ax would be saving the steely knives of her October surprise for the King of the Deplorables, the Orange Ogre of Oafishness.

      But I’ll say this for the bitter ‘beest — she certainly has contributed meaningfully to an upgrade of hygienic standards in my residence:


      • Hi Jim,

        “Her October surprise for the King of the Deplorables, the Orange Ogre of Oafishness.”

        Would she? Do you think the Lady MacBeth of Little Rock wants to see Harris in a position that she, Hillary, greatly coveted? There is no greater threat than another woman taking the place of what you believe is your right. Clinton does not want Harris in the history books taking “her” spot. Just saying.

    • The guy is a total sleazeball. While married to his first wife he fucked the kids’ babysitter and she had his abortion. Then he hooked up with Willie Brown’s former ho.

      It won’t make a bit of difference, though. The Democrats pride themselves on their degeneracy. Look at Biden’s kids. His son is literally a crackhead who knocked up a stripper and banged his dead brother’s widow.

      As long as the Democrat voters get their abortions and their sodomy, it’s all good.

  4. Fuck St Ronnie. Grew government faster than anyone until that point, ramped up the drug war and gave liability immunity to the vaccine makers.

    The hero worship of that piece of shit is aggravating.

  5. [Similarly, the rent homeowners are obliged to pay the government in order to be allowed to occupy what they, in a very doublethinkian way, delude themselves into thinking of as “their” homes. ] Eric

    This is what eventually will happen to all of the dumbshits out there that think they own their homes. Admittedly many are already aware but simply don’t give a shit. Same as they don’t give a rats ass about allowing the world to vote in our elections. See Calipornia governor Grewsom signs a bill to prevent local jurisdictions from checking id.

    Personally,,, the faster this insane nation breaks up,,, the better. The Mayor of this city needs to visit the trap door… soon. But knowing dumbshit Americans,,, he’ll likely be reelected.


  6. Ronald Reagan was once a leftist.

    There was a radio program from the 1940s featuring Ronald Reagan speaking against corporations, how they profit at the expense of the working stiff and other such topics concerning excess profit taking by corporations. That speech has disappeared from YouTube.

    Then Ronnie saw the light and got new religion as a conservative.

    Can’t look like a hypocrite and be duplicitous, that doesn’t look good for his image.

    Being a liberal maybe didn’t pay as much.

    Who knows?

    Saskatchewan is on Central Standard Time year round.

    The Yukon Territory does not observe DST, Mountain Standard Time there.

      • I liked Reagan then, and I still think he was a good president, but the fact is that he basically always was and remained a New Deal Democrat when the party shifted to the radical left.

        So he appeared to be “conservative,” just as a 1930s Democrat would appear “conservative” to us today.

        And relatively speaking — he was.

        But he was no Taft-Coolidge Republican. He talked a good game but was never able, and never really tried, to eliminate the bureaucracy created by Johnson. A few years ago Christopher Caldwell wrote a good book about how the “civil rights” bureaucracy basically ate the Constitution. He partially blamed Reagan’s inaction.

    • Big d,
      Note that the west coast of South America is on eastern std time (EST)….

      Thus the proper geographic reference for these “large islands” should read…NorthWestern America….and

      SouthEastern America…..

      Pretty much , nada with jet lag. 😉

  7. Oh boy!!! We all better get out and VOTE NOW!!! This time its really the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER!!! ~Sarcasm

    Sorry to have to say this but..

    At some point we are going to have to strap on our balls, pull up our big boy pants and begin to act like real men. Giving our consent to all of this ‘over the top ridiculous’ political theater and actually showing up to vote for it is a severe act of cowardliness.

    The longer we allow this absurd theater to continue the harder it will be to resist the end game of total domination and slavery.

    This is why it is SO IMPORTANT for THEM.. that we continue to be scared and continue volunteering our consent to our own blatant and openly obvious demise.

    If we do not stand tall against the banking dynasty and their minions who have orchestrated this situation.. we are done.

    People get the government they deserve. Because too many are afraid to deal with reality.

    • How do we stand tall against the banking dynasty, the taxation/regulation industrial complex and the rest of it. Roberts rules of speec supression and “order” prevent anything from chagning.

      • There is only one way.

        Do not participate. Rise up. We outnumber them.

        Peaceful non compliance. Vicious self-defense.

        “Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.”

        ~Josey Wales

        • If you vote correctly this time, they’ll leave you alone. Promise.

          Nope. “Doin’ right ain’t got no end.”


          The zealots on both sides believe they are righteous in their directing of your affairs.

          Whomever wins in November will hound you to the ends of the Earth with near unlimited resources and manpower until you comply with their version of utopia, or you die. Whichever comes first.

          Man, it’s hard being a libertarian.

  8. Eric, you are absolutely correct.
    In government there are no actual ‘conservatives’ and no actual ‘liberals’, just corrupt and brainwiped statists. The meaning of ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal’ has been made meaningless.

    • Thanks, John!

      I just got off the radio – Bill Meyer Show – and we talked about how you can’t defeat the Left by agreeing with it, which is exactly what Republicans and most “conservatives” do.

      • The old saw describing the difference be D and R:

        “The Democrats are introducing a bill to burn down the White House –
        the Republican response? Well, humm, OK but only if you phase it in over three years.”

      • Yeah, but the terms “Left” and “Right,” “Republican” and “Democrat,” “liberal” and “conservative” largely have no meaning.

        The U.S. has been a radical revolutionary state since 1861. The “conservatives” at the time were Southern Democrats and slavemasters. You will scarcely find anyone willing to defend them today. Perhaps the last conservative Democrat was the segregationist George Wallace — and even he was a Southern New Dealer.

        The “RADICAL Republicans” burned Atlanta, militarily occupied the South, issued the Emancipation Proclamation as a domestic military order, and pushed through the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. You will not find ANY “conservative” today who objects to these things.

        The Republican Eisenhower sent armed troops with bayonets fixed into Little Rock High. The Republican Harry Blackmun wrote Roe v. Wade. The Republican Anthony Kennedy discovered a “constitutional right” to anal sodomy and gay marriage which nobody thought existed from 1789 until 2003. The Republican Ronald Reagan pushed for the federal MLK holiday despite FBI records detailing King’s communism and perversion being sealed by court order. He also signed legislation forever banning the new manufacture of machine guns — unless they were for the government or the police.

        So, what is an actual “conservative”? Lindbergh did not think it was our business to fight Germany in World War II. Try making that argument on the Hannity Show tonight, LOL. George Washington would have been aghast at the slavish bipartisan support for Israel and Ukraine while the problems of Americans and the open border is ignored.

        The Founders of this country were white, they were Christian, they were heterosexual, they were nationalists, they owned guns, and even the ones who were not slavemasters did not believe in racial integration. None of them believed in an imperial army, in government police, in a global empire, or in slavish subservience to foreign nations like Israel.

        If you hold the views of the Founders today, you will be regarded as a “white supremacist domestic terrorist” and placed on an FBI watch list.

        And “conservatives” will clap like trained seals in the circus.

        • I agree, X – and well-said.

          The Radical Republicans (and Lincoln) were admired by Hitler, who wrote about them favorably in his book. Of course. Lincoln reduced the states to administrative districts of the central authority, as Bismarck did in Germany.

  9. ‘What you have in the bank is not between you and the bank; the bank is the minion of the government.’ — eric

    Rewind sixty years: anyone could open a checking account with just a name and a mailing address — no ID or SSN required. Didn’t even have to be your real name. You could just make up one, like ‘Merrick Garland.’

    It went even further. In our small town, blank check drafts from the two local banks — the national bank and the state bank — were placed in the back of church pews. Any congregant could write a draft, and as long as the bank could read the signature, payment would be made as instructed.

    This is a lost world, scarcely believable even to those who were there and witnessed it. Statutorily, it vanished on 26th October 1970, when Nixon (a ‘conservative’ RINO) signed the Bank Secrecy Act, requiring every bank account to have a taxpayer identification number. Note the familiar, sadistic elitist inversion of reality, in which the Bank ‘Secrecy’ Act actually served to destroy privacy. They were taunting us, then and now.

    But in a time of mass migration and endemic identity theft, a homogeneous culture of trust in which blank bank drafts could be supplied to the public — yet no one forged them to steal — is even more mind-boggling. How did that even work? Who took this lost civil society away from us?

    And who designed the fucked-up substitute we have now? Fake and gay information sources such as G**gle and Wikipedia no longer remember which bent, slithering Congress Clown(s) authored the Bank Secrecy Act’s writ of financial serfdom. But it passed the House of Ill Repute by 302-0, which demonstrates the unalloyed evil of ‘bipartisanship,’ then and now.

  10. The Abraham Lincoln quotation in the article could be used by an abusive husband to convince his wife not to try to leave him.

    • Hi Ricardo,

      I appreciate your posting about CJ; this is serious business – because it’s not just confined to Germany. That sort of thing is going to come here, too, if these Leftists aren’t stomped. I use that word deliberately. There is no reasoning with them. There is no live and ket live with them. There is only us – or them. And the sooner we understand this, the better our chances of winning.

      • Wait till “holohoax” (oops, I mean “holocaust™”) heresy is criminalized. American politicians have already declared “anti-semitism” (anything the jews disagree with) to be a violation of (jews) civil-rights.
        It’s coming.
        “Swiftboat” John Kerry has already eviscerated the First Amendment to the Constitution of the united States of America with his remarks.
        As far as I am concerned, judaism must be redefined as a foreign political system with all of its adherents and supporters (israel) required to register as “agents of a foreign government” with the U.S. State Department.

        • Hi anarchyst,

          Swiftboat Kerry is 80 years old. The man holds no relevancy or power. He is nothing more than a propaganda machine that everyone ignores. I take his words as serious as I do Greta Thunberg…which means not at all.

          I can only hope that Puff Daddy has a tape of him somewhere. That will shut him up.

  11. I don’t know if anyone noticed it in last night’s VP debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz, but when the topic of health care came up, Walz inadvertently admitted that he supported the individual mandate in Obamacare. So he supports the government FORCING people to buy health insurance. What other insurance might he support the government FORCING people to buy if he and Kamala Harris get into office next year, insurance to own a gun? Insurance to avoid taking the next experimental mRNA “vaccine” Big Pharma concocts? Or perhaps even insurance to exercise free speech? Given that he also inadvertently admitted he supports censorship in a relatively recent interview with establishment media, I hope we won’t have to find out.

      • Hi Mike,

        The moderators in last night’s VP debate were about as biased as the “moderators” in the awful ABC debate between Trump & Harris last month, but JD Vance held his own against them & Tim Walz compared to Trump’s performance in the ABC debate. One narrative that was pounded endlessly was the BS narrative about cliiiiiiiiimate change and how “experts” said it caused Hurricane Helene. Another narrative that was pounded throughout the debate was that we should “Trust the experts”, never mind the fact that these same “experts” either LIED about stuff or got a LOT of things wrong just over the past several years. One GOOD example of that is the COVID stuff, face diapers, and vaccines.

        • Hi John,

          I watched the whole debate and I came away actually liking Vance. Or maybe I am just turned on by intellectual men. I found him to be calm, direct, and a damn good debater. He knew facts. He pushed back. He was quick with an answer and didn’t talk in circles. Don’t get me wrong he is still a politician, but I like him a bit more than the guy at the top of the ticket. He is the Bruce Banner to Trump’s Hulk.

          The media says that VP picks don’t sway an election. Will Vance sway suburban women to leave their one issue voting platform? No, but those few who were contemplating between both sets of candidates should have their mind made up this morning.

          • Hi RG,

            I agree with you re JD Vance in last night’s VP debate. However, like Trump in his debate with Harris last month, Vance had some opportunities that he didn’t take, such as the COVID nonsense, endless wars, the climate change BS that Margaret Brennan kept insisting was real, etc. However, Vance did touch on censorship that a Harris-Walz regime would enact on steroids if they get into office.

            • Hi John,

              I think there are missed opportunities in all debates. I am sure there is an amount of nervousness that one feels when being judged by 70 million people. One also has to keep an ear open listening to your opponent and their words so a viable counter argument can be made.

              Other than the interference from the moderators, which seemed to disappear as the debate rolled on, Vance was wise to steer clear of COVID (not Trump’s strong suit) and the climate change crap. He did bring up a few times that no endless wars were created under Trump. I am not a Trump fan, but I do applaud the guy for allowing us peace for four years, decreased regulations, enticing American manufacturing back to the mainland, and tax cuts. Was it perfect? No, but it was a start.

              I agree with you with respect on Vance’s discussion on censorship. I don’t believe any other Presidential/Vice Presidential politician has brought it up, at least in a debate. Americans need to realize that their First Amendment rights are at stake. I always become suspect of any individual that starts sprouting off words such as “misinformation” and “disinformation”. All that means is instead of keeping their boot on your neck they also want to cut out your tongue.

            • That’s disappointing. I’m tired of people dismissing the real issues of the campaign and shoving this abortion and immigration nonsense down our throat.

          • Tim Walz is what you call a woman, a wuss. ‘You woman’ as they say in the vernacular.

            Your general run-of-the-mill garden-variety clueless idiot.

            And then some.

            Paul Wellstone was a US Senator from Minnesota, he tried to raise awareness, but his plane crashed while on the campaign trail.

            Paul was opposed to some kind of war resolution back then.

            His death is suspicious.

            It’s the World Socialist website, so it might have a bias against the United States and Israel.

            Those Ziocrats must be drinking plenty of Mogen David wine.

            Lox and bagels, you know who is up to no good.

            Netanyahu, too, what a wuss.

            A woman like Bibi always wants you to fight, his son is safe and sound in Florida.

            Freaking wuss, a coward nonpareil.

            Get lost and good riddance.

            Go War!

          • I agree RG, maybe they should flip the ticket and have Vance be the presidential candidate. Was nice to watch a debate without gratuitous insults and name calling.

  12. Recall the roots of health insurance came out of the WW2/great depression labor price controls. Companies couldn’t compete for labor on price, nor could they reward workers for their above-and-beyond effort, so they started adding on “benefits” that weren’t subject to the price controls.

    Once everyone got used to having their employer pay for their health care, it was expected. Written into union contracts and eventually required by law.

    But what happens when you retire? Well, no more employer health insurance. And hard to get insured when you’re old and getting into “maintenance mode,” so expensive too. So when some politicians come along and offer “free” insurance (paid for by workers who are getting “free” health insurance from their employer), it’s a no-brainer. Free stuff beats moral behavior every time.

    Government breaks our legs, then gives us crutches. That we then pay for collectively. At least most of us do.

    • > the roots of health insurance came out of the WW2/great depression labor price controls
      And the big name was Henry J. Kaiser.
      When I bought my house in 1981, I could look out the kitchen window and see the stack plumes from the blast furnaces at Kaiser Steel in Fontana, CA.
      Kaiser Steel and Kaiser Shipyards are gone, though Kaiser Aluminum remains.
      But most people today know Kaiser as a hospital company.

  13. When the Affordable Care Act was passed Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) made the comment that it was the culmination of over 100 years of efforts by both Democrats and Republicans such as Teddy Roosevelt. Ol’ TR began the process in 1906 with the signing of the Pure Food & Drug Act which declared Federal GovCo in charge of opiates and began what we know as prescriptions. And NO Republican would challenge that in a million years. (Except, perhaps, for Ron Paul) It was that action that brings us to today. To recall the old joke, “Madam we’ve established what you are, now we’re haggling over your price”.

    The truth is Republicans and Democrats both love a large Ship of State…so long as THEIR hand is on the tiller.

  14. After understanding the communists and the conservatives, why
    would anyone, with at least average intelligence, vote for either?

    • I’d like to think I’m of average intelligence. The reason I’m voting for Orange Man is to keep Kommie Kamila out.

      Odds are pretty good that even if the Democrats sweep Washington this fall the internal bickering and infighting probably won’t lead to any massive overhaul. Remember that Obama was held in check by his Democrat controlled Congress.

      But like the old mobster said while deciding the fate of Nicky at the end of Casino, “Why take a chance?”

    • “Why would anyone, with at least average intelligence, vote for either?”

      H.L. Mencken has your answer summed up in two quotations:

      1). “The average man’s love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies.”

      2). “The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.”

      Don’t be average

  15. “it has become involved in nearly everything that doesn’t involve what time you decide to go to bed at night – and there is likely to be a plan for that, too.”

    Oh but the government has been involved in that for a very, very long time. It’s called daylight savings time. Soon it’s a clock-swapping time again. For no damn reason other than the govs say so. Until DST goes away for good and it NEVER will, the govs will be involved in EVERYTHING because they can.

    “that a “conservative” president enabled the pushing of, even if he didn’t technically push them, himself.”

    Yeah he did. He pushed them himself. If there was no bioweapon shot created during his BEAUTIFUL operation warp speed, there would be nothing to push. He was essential to the pushing – like Walter White.

    • Amazes me how quickly people forget Orange Fail’s role enabling the Scamdemic and now think voting for him is going to fix or prevent anything.

      Just as I couldn’t believe so many states re-elected their governor tyrants responsible for the destruction of their vey lives . . . It is going to happen again at a Federal level regardless of which scumbag wins this coming November.

      The fix is in yet most haven’t figured this out and likely never will.
      Some people never learn.

      • At some point we are going to have to strap on our balls, pull up our big boy pants and begin to act like real men. Giving our consent to all of this ‘over the top ridiculous’ political theater and actually showing up to vote for it is a severe act of cowardliness.

        The longer we allow this absurd theater to continue the harder it will be to resist the end game of total domination and slavery.

        This is why it is SO IMPORTANT for THEM.. that we continue to be scared and continue volunteering our consent to our own blatant and openly obvious demise.

        If we do not stand tall against the banking dynasty and their minions who have orchestrated this situation.. we are done.

        People get the government they deserve. Because we are afraid to deal with reality.

      • There is a “fix” that was deemed “unconstitutional” by the so-called “supreme court”. However, legislatively it could reinstituted.
        I am speaking of a duplication of the electoral college system for statewide elective offices in the “several states”.
        For those who are unaware, the electoral college system forces presidential candidates to consider and campaign in the entire country, not just the major population centers. Absent the electoral college system, candidates could disregard rural areas and lesser-populated states and could concentrate their efforts on the major population centers. Without the electoral college system in place, presidential candidates would be selected by three or four major population centers, not the whole country.
        As it stands now, even in areas where Republican support is strong, statewide offices tend to be filled by Democrats. This is the case because voters in most densely-populated areas (large cities) tend to vote Democrat.
        Statewide politicians tend to concentrate on the cities because that is where the votes are. They conveniently avoid less-sparsely populated counties because “the numbers aren’t there”.
        A statewide electoral college system based on the federal system on a county-by-county basis would restore a real balance and true representation for all state citizens.

    • Hi Pug,
      Absolutely agree about DST, all the supposed reasons for it have been proven NOT to be true and yet it continues because Fedgov says so. There will be lots of bloviating about fixing it as the day approaches but as usual nothing will change.

    • ‘Soon it’s clock-swapping time again.’ — Pug

      Two states offer freedom from DST (and I love it, yes I do). Many more states would do so — but for the fact that those two exceptions had to be approved by an act of Clowngress.

      So much for federalism. Ape Lincoln destroyed it. Now the gaunt, syphilitic old specter exults in Hell, with his a-hole buddies Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman, as Americans undergo their ritual, twice-yearly clock humiliation.


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