How “Safety” Reduces Family Size


People old enough to remember the Before Time – i.e., the time when in most everyday matters, people who weren’t causing harm were generally free to do as they liked – know what it was like to be a parent or a child and go for a drive in those times.

As opposed to what it’s like now. More finely, – what it requires you to have and to pay for now.

J.D. Vance, Trump’s vice-president pick, got heckled for saying out loud that government-mandated “safety” seats for kids are an effective form of birth control. But he’s right. For at least two reasons that have nothing to do with the cost of the seats, themselves.

The first is the disincentive to have kids knowing that if you do, you’ll have to deal with “safety” seats for years to come. In some states, until the kid is a near-teenager. That is a long time to have to spend every day strapping a kid in and out of a “safety” seat every time you drive somewhere with a kid in the car. It makes you not want to drive anywhere. It makes you not want to have kids – so you can drive without having to first deal with strapping a kid into the seat and then unstrapping the kid when you get where you were going. This probably adds at least five minutes to every trip, which doesn’t sound like a lot but it adds up and not just in terms of the time spent.

It costs ease and spontaneity and – yes – fun.

It is dreary to have to deal with these got-damned “safety” seats all the time. Even to watch some other poor bastard dealing with them makes you not want to deal with them. But the only way you can avoid having to deal with them – legally – is to avoid having kids.


Of course, the immediate heckle that sallies forth is that if you don’t want to deal with strapping kids in and out all the time, you are a selfish person who does not care about the “safety” (gag me) of your child.


So all the parents who didn’t strap their kids in and out for all those decades before the neurotics and busybodies and control freaks (I repeat myself) succeeded in getting mandatory child-seat laws passed beginning in the ’90s were selfish people who didn’t care about the “safety”of their kids? And all those Gen X and Before Time kids who grew up free to just jump into the back seat or the front seat or the rear-facing jumpseat in the Vista Cruiser wagon were put in danger by their selfish, uncaring parents?

I was one of those kids and never felt that. Also, I never got hurt, either. But I did love to go for a ride in my parents’ car. And they seemed to enjoy it, too. We all liked cars – and driving – which is what “safety” seats cause us to dislike now.

More finely, I and many others dislike this neurotic obsession with risk that’s disproportionate to the costs of mitigation.

There is always a degree of danger when riding in a car. It may be hypothetically greater to ride in car not buckled-up or not strapped in (if you’re a kid). But just because something might happen does not mean it will. And obsessing over the might is . . . neurotic. In the Before Time, only neurotics strapped their progeny into “safety” seats. Just as in the Before Time, only neurotics walked around in public wearing “masks.”

But that was before neurosis metastasized and became normalized. In this time, a parent who does not strap the kid in is regarded much the same as one who who refused to “mask” the kid.

It is a different manifestation of the same illness.

And the only way to avoid it is to have no part of it.

There’s a subtler – secondary – way that “safety” seats work to reduce the birth rate, even among the reproducing. It is by effectively requiring couples who want to have more than two kids to buy a vehicle with at least three rows of seats. Because it is generally not feasible to have three “safety” seats installed in a vehicle that has only two rows of seats. Even if it were possible to fit three of them side-by-side in the back seat, it would mean having no seats back there for adults. Or having to detach one or more of these seats and put them . . . somewhere. Probably in the cargo area behind the back seats, thus taking up most of the vehicle’s available cargo space.

If it’s a sedan we’re talking about, it will not have room for these bulky “safety” seats in the trunk. Plus even full-size sedans are relatively small in comparison to what used to be available (and affordable).

This is one reason why crossovers – which are car-based vehicles shaped to look like SUVs – have largely replaced what used to be the family sedan.

Regardless, you’ll need a third row if you have a third kid that “the law” says all young kids must be strapped in a “safety” seat. And that means you will have to buy a larger, more expensive vehicle as there are no smaller vehicles (and not many mid-sized vehicles) that have a third row.

The problem there, of course, is that many people cannot afford the additional thousands (if not tens of thousands) it takes to move up to a three-row crossover or SUV and that serves as a very effective form of birth control.

On top of the shoot-me-now willie-wilter that comes along for every drive when you can’t just go for a drive anymore but instead have to strap ’em in and then unstrap them when you get to wherever you’re headed.

. . .

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  1. I often drove our ’37 Pontiac age 9 on Turkey Mt dirt roads West of Tulsa. Gas rationing plus lousy recap tires kept civilians near home during WWII. Our first postwar family road trip was May’46 to CO/NM using leftover 100+ octane gasoline available for awhile. Dad advanced the spark and bought new tires–80 octane reg gas took several months to reappear.
    Re ride freedoms– crews of 2 dozen men sat unrestrained in open trucks.
    Kids just told to sit down. Child seats no way ever!
    1958 my first job (BSME degree) at Chrysler Corp experimenting w seat belts several years before required. Earliest ones “pinched” and quickly frayed belt material –worse than useless.

  2. My dad was a mortician and I grew up in the funeral business. Prior to that , he was a medic and drove an ambulance . I would go with him on “death calls” all through my teen years. He refused to wear seat belts even after it became “law”. In my early twenties , I asked him why he never wore seat belts. He told me that seat belts saved lives and they also cost lives. By his estimate it was about a 50/50 chance of the seat belt saving you vs killing you . He told me it was wrong for the gov to demand you to do something that had a 50% chance of killing you. Years later when I was taking flying lessons in a Cessna 172 , we always checked to make sure there was a seat belt cutter aboard the plane because if you wound up upside down in a body of water or in a plane engulfed in flames , the weight of your body would prevent you from opening the seat belt and you would have to cut it to escape.
    Years later in my 60’s I was traveling on a secondary highway in Missouri. There was an electric sign flashing “712 deaths on this road last year. 47% unbuckled.” I immediately thought “Well that means 53% WERE buckled and they died anyway.” There’s the 50/50 my dad spoke of. He was way wiser than I ever gave him credit for ….

    • Good point!
      A good friend of mine fell asleep at the wheel and hit a garbage truck while going 70mph. He also refused to wear seat belts. He is still alive today as the driver’s side of his pickup was smashed down to the seat. He was able to move over in time and avoided being crushed. He had not a scratch on him. If he had been wearing a seat belt, he would not be here today…

      • I’m confused. You said that your friend was asleep at the wheel but he was able to move over in time to avoid being crushed…….?

    • Reminds me of the “33% of traffic fatalities are cause by drunk drivers”. So 66% of fatalities are caused by sober drivers?

    • I had readd that article. It did NOT support the claim that car seats reduce the desire to have a child. There was a tiny reduction in the desire to have a third child. About 0.7%

      It is possible that was offset by the safety effect of child car seats the author ignores:

      When used properly, a car seat cuts an infant’s risk of death by 71 percent, with a 54 percent risk reduction for kids over the age of one. Not important to the author?

      • Richard,

        What’s at issue here is not whether child seats confer a “safety” benefit. The issue is whether requiring them is legitimate. I say it isn’t- because if you say it is, then you are saying the government is our parent and that the only limit to what our “parent” can impose is what the “parent” arbitrarily decides is what’s “enough” (or “not enough”).

        Exercising every day – and maintaining a certain BMI – definitely reduces health risks. Is that “important”? Certainly. But that is beside the point. Unless you are one of those busybodies who thinks other people need to be parented.

  3. Or…how about riding on the back tail gate of the station wagon with your feet hanging over the edge as I used to do with my cousins on the way to the beach. Dangerous? Yeah, a little. Fun? You bet. Great memories too.

  4. Just like you, Eric, I was a Before Time kid. From when I was about 5, I was able to read a road map better than my mother, and my dad was always asking me to read it for its purpose. So he always wanted me in the front seat (gasp! the horrors!) when we went on family trips in the family wagon with 5 people. So I know that this obsession with saaaaaaaaafety is a criminal joke.

    If I ever would become President, my first Executive Order would be to permanently close every entity within the government that has “Safety” within its name. I guess I can dream, right?

  5. For those old enough to remember and for those that are not old enough to have seen the single start of the safety propaganda used to control people. Let’s go back to the 60’s when a lot of people smoked cigarettes. Cigarettes are not my point regardless of the serious health effects that smoking is responsible for. But the match packs started the in your face safety agenda with the federal government demanding the manufacturers of the match packs putting a warning on the match pacts: CLOSE COVER BEFORE STRIKING.
    Bottom line: Give the government parasites who want to be your overlords to live the easy life as tax-feeders an inch and our problems will never stop growing. Will it grow to the point where the last 2 people alive are parasites with one killing the other to take what he has?

    • Funny how in the name of “safety”, cigarettes were never banned, as they cause hundreds of thousands of deaths every year. Oh, yeah, it’s all about the money.

  6. …”It’s estimated that at least 11,606 children under the age of four have been saved by car seats between 1975 and 2017.”…this from the NHTSA, March 2020 report. Okay, that’s good to see. But we are talking about deaths and no matter how people or children die, a death is a death. No mention of the millions of deaths caused by big pharma and the medical mafia over that time. Those deaths don’t matter, I guess.

    • Hi Tom,

      I hone in on the “estimated” part. That is a weasel word. It does not mean “did save.” So, it’s a guess. Also, I think it’s important to dismiss out of hand this entire business, which is fundamentally arbitrary for one thing. And illegitimate. It is arbitrary in that why not require kids – and adults – to also wear helmets? Wouldn’t that “save lives”? What is the standard? Well, it’s whatever arbitrary thing they decide to impose. And that gets us back to the illegitimate aspect. Legitimate government – if such a thing is possible – does not parent adults. It does not assert ownership over other people’s kids. It leaves adults alone unless what they’re doing is causing actual harm to some innocent party. It does not arrogate to itself the power to make risk-reward calculations for free adults.

      It concerns itself only with national defense and with a system of courts to adjudicate civil and criminals matters.

    • The same establishment that is so concerned about children’s safety and yet (if we really want to get controversial) think aborting 65 million said children in the name of “women’s choice” is just fine. Or killing or maiming them with vaccines is also acceptable. I wish they would just stop with the safety sh** because that excuse just does not work any more.

  7. The thing is for the elite it’s perfect to keep family sizes down. The people still having large families are the folks they don’t want around anymore.

    I see custom SUV builders making 6 or even 8 door vehicle designed for large families. And they are EXPENSIVE! (Granted they are built so you only have to buy one). No wonder the DOT is cracking down on custom vehicles more and more.

    The elites big problem though is, the few people they want, are the people that don’t have kids….. Lefty’s rarely have 5 or more kids, but some religious people are having 10 or more. So they are still going to be out numbered because few will leave to be left wingers…..

  8. The whole safetyism business is the fallout of our nation turning its back on God and Judeo-Christian morals, values, and traditions.

    When we did that, what happened is that we sought false gods and false beliefs to fill the void. Safetyism and wokeism are two of the worst of these.

    • I disagree vehemently with your premise of “judeo-Christianity”.

      Christianity has to get rid of that mindf#ck that was imposed by Scofield with his translation of the Bible which Protestants subscribe to. Scofield was responsible for grafting judaic practices on to Christianity.

      Vatican II did much worse, declaring that jews are “our elder brothers”. If Christians knew of the talmudic beliefs that jews have about Jesus Christ, they would abandon the judaic aspects of judaism immediately.

      Jews are parasites who graft themselves on to successful, functioning gentile societies, rather than creating their own. WHY?

      Jews grafted themselves on to Protestantism in order to legitimize themselves in a predominantly Christian world.

      Jews have never renounced their talmudic world vision in which they are the supremacists and everyone else is “less than human”.

      If you disagree, read the jewish talmud.

      In it, you will find that us gentiles are considered to be “less than human, on a lower spiritual plane, given long lives in which to serve the jews”. In fact, jews have never repudiated slavery, declaring that when their “messiah” arrives, each jew will have 2800 gentile slaves

      Unlike, today’s Protestantized version of Catholicism, us pre-Vatican II Catholics DO recognize jews as being our mortal enemies to be looked upon warily,with valid suspicion as to their motives and power especially over today’s western societies.

      Protestantism is much more in the jews’ camp as they regard anyone who is not successful as having a moral failing, not unlike jews. That is one of judaism’s basic beliefs. Follow the shekels.

      Also, Protestants do not believe in temporal “good works” as having any bearing on the human condition, insisting that “faith alone” is necessary for “salvation”.

      According to Protestant doctrine, one can be a ne-er-do-well all of his life and on his deathbed profess a belief in Jesus Christ and will automatically be “saved”. I have a problem with THAT.

      Even if “good works” are not necessary for salvation, they can’t hurt and can even help to make the world a better place.

      My third and final criticism of certain Protestant beliefs is that Protestants believe that the Bible (both old and new testaments) are the “inspired word of God”. One only has to read the old testament to realize that it is violence porn in which genocide is not only recognized but encouraged. THAT is a problem.

      The old testament should never have been a part of the Christian Bible, but should be recognized as lessons in how NOT to behave.

      That being said, Protestants are good people who have been a great asset to western societies.

        • Jesus Christ was of the Essene sect, whose lineage was from the House of David. The Essenes were a minor jewish sect which espoused many Christian-like principles and were severely criticized by the Pharisees who pretty much ran the whole public jewish show of the day.
          The Pharisees were the moneylenders of the day and were evil bastards, not unlike the talmudic zionist supremacist jews of today.
          I urge you to look into this. Thanks,

  9. The government in Britain requires people who house just one chicken has to register the chicken with the dept of AG or something.

    What happened? People registered chickens bought at a grocery store, a dozen eggs were registered, rubber chickens were registered, in all over 400,000 registrations that were ersatz reached the government to meet the one chicken requirement, all kinds of chicken besides a live one.

    If you want to move away to new digs, you can move to northwestern South Dakota. Probably 10,000 square miles north of the Black Hills and east to the west banks of the Missouri River, you will have lots of company with all of the cattle and sheep there. Maybe 10000 ranches, if that, not much more.

    You’ll be home on the range where the deer and the antelope play.

    Basically much like a desert, with some cold during winter months.

    It’ll be a lonely planet, not much human presence out there.

    Not many will bother you, not that many volk out on the open range. You will pine for the old folks back home.

    You will be on your own. Dot gov won’t even know you are there.

  10. There’s a more direct way to reduce family size:

    “A study about covid and asthma in American kids and teens [had] stunning figures buried in its appendix about deaths among mRNA Covid-vaccinated kids.

    ‘They show that 354 of the 64,000 children and teenagers who received a covid mRNA shot died within a year after vaccination – a death rate of almost six kids per thousand.

    ‘In contrast, only 309 out of 320,000 unvaccinated kids died, fewer than one per thousand.’

    Heck of a job, Mandy [Cohen]! /sarc

    Hey, hey, Mandy K [née Krauthamer]
    How many kids did you kill today?

        • “Nearly a quarter of Americans… died from the shots”! OMG that’s like 87,000,000 people!

          But it’s “know people who died.” I see the Know People trick increasingly as TPTB want to control me. Last time I was using Facebook, I had over 200 [f]riends. And I knew many more that I was not connected to on FB. All of those people were known to other people. If we all know 200 people (very conservative. Most of my [f]riends had far more contacts.) then every person who died from a shot, was boogied by a bad man, had an abortion, preferred Pepsi… will be reported by 200 people. “People know someone…” is a lie because the real numbers aren’t impressive enough. If everybody knows 200 people then your shot deaths are 450,000. And probably less because the 200 is way too small.

      • From: ZH comments…

        Haven’t you guys ever heard of sunk cost fallacy?… He….predicted at the very outset of the mass campaign that no matter how bad the outcome was that big pharma and politicians would get a free pass, because if people weren’t going to do their own DD before getting it, the likelihood that they were going to do so afterward was near zero.

        After all, what parent wants to confront the possibility, however remote, that they might have participated in the cull of their child?

  11. Old cars are usually somewhat exempt, the whole point of the safety seat or booster was to make the shoulder strap usable. If you have a car that never had a shoulder strap, you don’t need a booster. At least in Illinois, if your kid is over 40lbs, no seat needed if you have only lap belts.

    You also consider they dont want safety seats in the front, but consider in an old car, there is more car from front bumper to the front seat than a lot of smaller new cars have from front bumper to back seat

  12. Off topic: The current pirate regime said there’s no money for the hurricane victims, except for $750 (just like they did to the Maui fire victims). HOW are they going to get one single vote now? They just lost ALL their votes from that alone. Yet they’ll pretend like they won with 53% or so. Who is going to believe they really won? This regime doesn’t even pretend anymore — it’s open war on people now. There’s just not enough money for disaster victims etc, but there’s always plenty of money for their wars (wars on civlilians). They literally just type up money numbers on a computer for whatever they want, yet they say there’s not enough money. The people must suffer and die so we can keep the precious money-economy game going. They spent 500 million a year in 1995 for their off-the-books black budget. But there’s just not enough money for the victims. I can’t stand it anymore. Can we all just stop letting them rule over us please?

    • Actually, those affected are from Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” (MAGA). That’s why this happened to them, that’s why the government is preventing assistance instead of providing it.

  13. Similar to many of you, I’m sure, I began learning to drive when I was 11, taking the wheel of my dad’s ’63 Chevy and cruising down the desert dirt roads.

    Think how easy that type of thing will be if your 11 year old kid has never even sat in the front seat.

    Then again, there are kids like this one, who give me some hope that there are still smart young people out there ready and willing to give the finger to the Man:

    • LOL. I loved it BaDnOn! A true go-getter. 🙂 I would be a bit worried on how she walked in with $400. It sounds like she has sticky fingers. Her parents sound like libertarians though. How else does a child learn to drive by the age of 8 and also know how to order a Frappuccino. She will be dangerous by the time she is 16.

      • You’re damn right, Raider Girl! And good. We need some more dangerous rebels and less moronic push-overs. She’ll need to learn a sense of honor and respect, just like I did, but in the end, how’s that for hope?

    • “a neighbor provided them with Ring camera footage that showed the little girl getting into the SUV and driving away”

      This is the pisser for me. I also have a neighbor with cameras on his house. Some of them point at my house and there’s nothing I can legally do. For all I know, this bastard could be watching my kids playing outside.

      I was not born in the right time. I want to go over to his house and rip the cameras down and shove them… but the modern world says I can’t.

  14. A little off topic, but it deals with yet another catastrophic effect that resulted from the draconian COVID measures taken by governments in 2020-22. There was a global study indicating that COVID lockdowns negatively impacted children’s eyesight, with 1 in 3 children now shortsighted as a result…and yet, there are people out there who STILL think these draconian measures were about “Protecting public health”. Nope, it was a giant experiment run by billionaire & government sociopaths, and WE were the guinea pigs….

    • Looks like they are blocking shipments of new systems. Luckily not blocking the satellite signals. Well, not yet. Probably until they work that one out.

      But this is an excellent demonstration of the value of government in a “Who would maintain the roads?” type argument. Truth is, many people are happy to help others and contribute their blood, sweat and tears to fixing things and getting the less fortunate back on their feet. But gov’t can’t have THAT now, can they?

      Without government, who would suppress the aid?

      • Well well, gots money for Lebanon but not for hurricane victim aid:

        $386 million over the last year plus now another $157 million, going to other countries. Also FEMA spent their wad on illegals and the sly “misinformation fight” statement they just put out “ no money is being diverted from federal Helene disaster response” sure skirts around what Myorkas said, they’re out of money if another disaster hits. Where DID their budget disappear to?
        Also where is the Republican response and truth digging? McTurtle yet to be heard from even though his Kentucky state affected. They’ve all rolled over and licked their nuts once again.

    • That’s how I see it too, Dan. Not in a true diametrically opposed way, but perhaps it could be refined to say that the relentless pursuit of (the feeling of) safety is undoubtedly the enemy of freedom.

  15. When I was 3, I was sitting in the front with my parents. I yell at my friends all the time for putting kids older than 2 in retard seats as I call em.

    Me, my future plan is to limo tint the rear windows, tint the fronts and if stopped, claim the wife told me to get them and it’s my personal vehicle.
    Fuck outta here with all these rules and regs, we all survived decades without lawyers and Karen’s dictating how we live, and rules are meant to be broken anyway.

  16. THIS is what happens when you give women the vote! This is what happens when women are given power. Why? Because their first priority and desire is for safety and security, and they’ll sacrifice almost anything to get safety and security. Why do you think dodge ball is no longer played in schools? Why do you think recess has been banned? Because women overwhelmingly control and work in the schools.

    Cato, the elder, of ancient Rome, said it best: “Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal, and it is useless to let go the reins and then expect her not to kick over the traces. You must keep her on a tight rein . . . Women want total freedom or rather – to call things by their names – total license. If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters . . .” If modern history hasn’t proven THAT in spaces, nothing will…

    • What!? Dodge ball is no longer played in schools And recess has been banned?

      I would’ve likely died in such an environment, I cannot even imagine spending all day in a classroom without recess.

    • Sorry, Mark, but dodge ball was played while I was in school…all the way up to high school. At that time women had already been voting for 76 years.

      It isn’t safety, but control they are after. Who are they? The oligarchy. The cabal. TPTB. Whatever you want to call them. The top is dictating the enslavement of the bottom. We are in a caste system and refuse to acknowledge it. It is not man vs woman, black vs white, or urban vs rural. That is who they tell us the enemy is. The indoctrination is slow, little by little, start with the transformation of the youngest and wait for the oldest to die. It is a waiting game.

      Hubby and I watched Wolverine and Deadpool last night. We thought it would just be a fun movie for a couple of old people to watch on a Friday night. Was it? Nope. It was horrible. There were a few chuckles throughout and the music track was pretty good, but EVERYTHING was the pushing of “man on man” sexuality. A joke or two I can understand, but the whole movie? When it was over hubby looked over at me and said, “That was bad.” I agreed.

      The message is coming from the top down. It is not the American citizen pushing this agenda. If we realize the objective is to 1) decrease population, 2) control the resources, and 3) demolish Western Civilization it makes sense. The only way they succeed is if we are too busy fighting among each other to see we are being played.

        • Hi Mark,

          It has not been banned everywhere. I think about 8-10 states will not allow it to be played in public schools, but children shouldn’t be attending these indoctrination camps anyway.

      • Can anyone say Wiemar Republic?
        We are at the same stage with the (((same))) foreign political group, forcing and pushing the LGBTQXYZ agendas on the rest of us (gentiles).
        Guess which books were being burned by German citizens who finally had enough?
        It wasn’t the classics, but were LGBTQXYZ advocacy books promoted by the Hirschfeld Institute, a sexuality and gender-bending advocacy organization owned and run by (((you know who))).
        Sound familiar?
        I am tired of having to point out the destabilization and degeneracy that this one (((group))) pushes so my “triple parenthesis” designation will have to suffice.
        Martin Luther (not King) among many others, like Henry Ford and Father Charles Coughlin were right (and were effectively muzzled for doing so). Sadly, many Protestant sects have adopted a large part of this group’s agenda…the worship of shekels.

        • I believe I know who you’re alluding to, but there must be a distinction made. The Jew who’s the neighborhood tailor has little or nothing in common with the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds, in turn, have more in common with John D. Rockefeller, even though he was a nominal Baptist. There are observant Jews who aren’t on board with all of this either; you see many of them protesting the Israeli gov’t warmongering.

          • Respectfully, I beg to differ…from personal experience dealing with ordinary jews.
            (((They))) may be protesting the Gaza genocide, but (((they))) every last one of them has a visceral hatred of Christianity and especially Roman Catholicism as well as having talmudic supremacy drilled into them from a very early age.
            That being said, on an individual basis, I will assist anyone regardless of their race, color, creed, belief system or other character aspect. It’s the HUMAN thing to do. Would (((they))) offer the same treatment if I were in need? I think not. Their talmud prohibits offering assistance to “goyim”.
            Please keep in mind that those NYC jews (((chabad))) who protested the Gaza genocide were doing so out of self-preservation and not because they give one wit about the situation in Gaza and the West Bank and now Lebanon.
            Were you aware that these NYC jews (((chabad))) who had the child sacrifice tunnels exposed under their synagogue (which were destroyed by NYC authorities) were “outed” by their fellow zionist jews who did not appreciate their opposition to the genocides taking place.
            At the present time, these same synagogues are offering “Gaza waterfront properties” for sale –land that does not belong to them.
            I appreciate your comment but must state that judaism itself has to change. Get rid of the talmudic supremacy aspect of judaism would be a start.
            Judaism itself is a political system and not just a religious “belief system”. THAT is a real problem.
            Best regards,

            • Most Christians have a visceral hatred for Christ too, they just don’t admit it. How many of them obey “sell what you have, give to the poor, and come follow me.” Or, “if someone slaps you on the one cheek, let him slap you on the other.” Look at how many of Jesus’ followers left him (gospel of John) when he said that in order to have eternal life, you need to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

      • You’re right, of course; the WEF and their cohorts have the agenda you say that they do. However, they used women as useful idiots to advance their agenda. Hitler said that if you get the women, you get the children; get the women and children, and you get the men.

      • “The only way they succeed is if we are too busy fighting among each other to see we are being played.”

        So true RG

        They are succeeding.

        Ever notice how it’s always:
        Red vs blue
        Urban vs rural
        Man vs woman
        White vs everyone else

        It’s never the citizens vs government.

        • Hi Burn,

          Here’s some more…

          Republican vs Democrat
          Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed (also called “ANTI-VAXXERS)
          Science believer vs Science denier (particularly with regard to COVID & climate change)
          Masked vs Anti-maskers

          • Funny thing about the vaccines, especially with regards to the COVID jab: I know of half a dozen co-workers off the top of my head that caved and took the shot, and who now deeply regret it. Meanwhile, I filed religious exemptions and prayed I would still have a job after it was all said-and-done. And do not regret doing so. Will these regretful people learn? Hard to say. Do any of them (that I know) see that it was a them-verses-us division trying to be created? I surmise when the next scandemic arrives, we will find out if they woke up enough to learn anything from it.

      • RG, I was sorta forced to go to that stupid movie by in-laws. It was horrible. They loved it. my wife agreed with me though, what a waste of time/money with their BS.

    • “ THIS is what happens when you give women the vote “

      Well, when a guy gets married he gets that vote back. I’d remind the married fellas at work “make sure it’s just you that fills out both your ballots!”

      I’d get the occasional harumph from a brainwashed younger guy – have to remind him it’s like training a horse, tighten up those reins before you have a runaway, hobbles if needed.

  17. My 1978 Ford station wagon had facing seats at the rear of the vehicle. The station wagon was great for both work and play, wish I still had it. A concerned policeman stopped me one day when my two sons were not buckled. Got a stern warning.

    You are always doing something wrong in the eyes of the government. Whatever gov is these days.

    Not there for anybody it seems until the gov needs some serious help.

    You’ll be lifting the barge and toting the bale, not dot gov.

    Lindsey Graham won’t be visiting North Carolina in the near future. Dumb as F*ck.

    For the high seas are runnin’
    You will sure enough be done in
    If you dare take that boat out to sea

    Now out there in the Gulf the wind is blowin’ like a bandit
    And I’m talking about a hurricane
    And your rigging cannot stand it
    – Guy Clark, Blowin’ Like a Bandit

  18. My brother and I were never confined to car seats. Nor were we forced to buckle up.

    It gets even worse –we rode in the back of daddy’s pickup truck. If you think that’s ballsy, we rode in both empty and full grain wagons. And we rode in both empty and full cotton wagons.

    Holy shit, how’d we end up living? Both of us are over 60 now.

    • Me and my brothers didn’t wear them either, there weren’t any. We always yelled ‘shotgun’ when running to jump in the car cause that person got to sit next to the window. We tramped all over the neighborhood wherever we lived, either by foot or by bike. My brothers and their friends would go caving when we lived in Huntsville. They walked, none of the parents drove them. Took their camping gear and some food. I don’t think any of the parents had any idea where they were and didn’t care as long as they showed up the next day at an appropriate time. I would walk along Weiss Lake forever down the road from grandmothers—no houses around—no one knew where I was. And yes, we played in the cotton when it was being picked—sure was fun. Have told this before, but Granddaddy Singleton kept dynamite in stock to blow up the beaver dams that flooded some of his cotton fields. Those were good times—complete freedom for a kid.

    • I remember a trip to the movies in the late 60s or early 70s. My father grabbed us kids and asked if the neighbor’s kids wanted to go. We had 11 people (4 adults and 7 kids) in a VW Beetle. Must have been 70s because the Beetle was a ’72. Dad made sure he pulled up right in front of the theater for the unloading. I don’t remember the movie, but I sure remember the ride there and back. Glad I was born when I was. —– Always felt that these safety seat laws were just a cave-in to the companies making them, but also a chance for politicians to invest in those companies before they knew the laws WOULD BE passed.

    • I once rode in the back of the station wagon.
      On my back.
      The harpsichord on top of me.
      My hands stretched out to the rear holding the edge of the keyboard keeping the thing from sliding out into the road.

  19. Corporate/ establishment media has also been trying for years to discourage people from having kids via fear mongering about cliiiiiiiiimate change or claiming that “having too many kids CAUSES climate change”. And then when the media successfully scared younger people from having kids, we end up with Democrat politicians claiming we don’t have enough people for various things and justify mass illegal immigration.

    And, predictably, that same media also is using Hurricane Helene to frighten people about CLIMATE CHANGE, going so far as to claim that climate change CAUSED the hurricane, which is what we also saw in that VP debate a few days ago. And of course, they also cite “experts”. However, as we saw during COVID, many “experts” either got it WRONG or just flat out LIED about various things, while people who were accused of “Spreading mis/ disinformation” ended up being RIGHT.

  20. The article made me wonder how many (& which) other countries have seatbelt & child seat laws.

    Is the safety madness more, or less, worldwide?
    Or, just in the Idiocracies?

      • RE: “Healthier cultures remain.”

        That Is a small comforting thought, that at least somewhere, someplace, it’s not totally f-ing insane.

      • Eric,

        Unfortunately, feminism, and the safteyism/nannyism that come with it, are spreading worldwide. While there are someone more sane places still left, it’s only a matter of time before they have a full blown case of this virus like we do here in the US>

    • Spartan kid,

      Ummm it must be western nanny state PUSSIFICATION…..

      It was NOT uncommon to see up to FIVE adults and children zipping around on a motorbike 🏍️

      Personally witnessed in
      China, Thailand, Indonesia, Dominican Republic and Malaysia…. Honest injin 👍

  21. Hubby and I raised our kids the way we were raised. Of course, this ran afoul of today’s laws, but our kids are also not scared of everything. Both of them were out of car seats when they learned how to unbuckle them, which was around three years old. Our midnight drives to Florida had hubby and I laying down both sets of seats in the SUV with the floor covered with sleeping bags and pillows. Why? How else does a child sleep soundlessly for the duration of a 15 hour trip?

    When their mother (me) would get pulled over for speeding or yielding at a stop sign there was a clear understanding what was to be done when I shouted “SEATBELTS”! In all of those years we only got caught once and it was hubby that got the ticket. He had a Ford E350 utility truck which is a two seater. He actually built a box between the two seats (in essence another seat) with a cushion that one of the kids would sit on. After picking up the kids one afternoon so I could work late he got pulled over four minutes from home. The cop refused to allow him to drive off with my youngest not belted in (because the box had no seatbelt) so I ended up leaving work to rescue them. We got smarter after that…built a bench in the back of the transit truck for them instead. Is it illegal to tote your children around in the back of a utility truck? Only, if you get caught.

    • When I was a teenager. before dirt was invented, at least once, and most often 2 or 3 times a week every summer, the entire little league baseball teem would load into the back of a couple of pickups and travel to a neighboring town to “play ball”. No one died, no one got hurt, except perhaps in playing ball.
      To hear tell it, it’s far more dangerous to fall under the auspices of FEMA than to go “unbuckled”.

    • RG, i was going to opine and saw this instead. Yup, we did the same thing, although it took a little forcing on my part “no, I’m not going until that stupid seat is gone………..” haha…..
      I think it was around the same age. I was OK with when they were a much smaller, and understodd the motherly instinct.

      • Hi Chris,

        Foolish me, but I always thought the seatbelt happened to me a mother’s right arm. To this day I still do that when I have to brake suddenly. Doesn’t matter who is sitting in the passenger seat…it is instinct.

  22. Not only are you required to buy them, they have an expiration date.

    Seems that the Canadians implemented that rule, and because manufacturers are lazy, the US market gets expiration dates too. Doesn’t hurt that many nervous mothers will see that the seat has “expired” and put a car seat on the baby shower list. One of the annoyances of modern capitalism is to keep the consumer dumb and malleable.

    The whole used baby supplies industry is one of those under-the-radar small business success stories, or at least it was in the 1990s. No idea what is happening in the space now, probably taken over by eBay and Craigslist, but still if you’re not too worried about your kid’s style sense, probably could save a ton buying used and getting hand me downs from the family.

    Until that’s regulated out of existence too.

      • Right Roscoe, how stupid is that?
        When our grandson outgrew the seat we had there were no family members that we could pass it on to so took it to Goodwill and got that message. So a perfectly good barely used car seat went out with the trash. Just how ‘sustainable’ is that?

        • I’ve seen plastic do strange things in the marine environment in Florida, specifically becoming embrittled over long periods. I kinda-sorta see the point of refusing to take the seats for reuse, but a recycling program breaking down the seats into the plastic components and metal fasteners is the kind of thing Goodwill is supposed to run, not just a collection point for “EBay gold”.

      • R
        I got rid of ours by placing it beside the road …..randomly it wasn’t there 24 hours. And praise the almighty for leather seats , you haven’t lived without removing a child seat and finding assorted treasures under it .

    • ‘Seems that … because manufacturers are lazy greedy, the US market gets expiration dates too.’ — ReadyKilowatt

      FIFY. Same as the Japanese shaken system, where vehicles effectively have a 4-year expiration date after purchased new. It’s a corrupt gov-business partnership. Victims are the citizens who never asked for it, and receive no benefit from it.

      No one has an obligation to obey ‘laws’ that are conspiracies against the public.

    • Hi Ready. If the child seat has an expiry date; how soon will it be before they go after the rest of the car? If the five year old child seat is unsafe then your seat belts, airbags, brake lines are unsafe too. They pull that stunt in Japan in a slightly different way already.

      • Hi Landru,

        Yup. The whole thing is arbitrary which is part of the reason why it’s all so cloying and insufferable. If child “safety” seats, why not also make the kids wear helmets? It’d be safer, after all. How do you determine the appropriate degree of “safety”? Subjectively, of course. And when you add the element of coercion, it boils down to what some other person – some busybody in government – says is “safe.”

    • They “expire” so there is no used market, not even for charity.

      Resale shops will not take them. In fact their “insurance” prohibits it. If there is a resale market, it has to be underground at this point.

      Some seats are so hard to install that local police departments “offer” to put them in your car for you. Hmmmm, you think they will overlook other things in the car that may not be up to snuff?


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