Diaper Report: 10/06/2024


If you thought the evil idiocy of “masking” was officially over, you may not have seen the “mask” wearing FEMA officials pictured in the photo accompanying this report. The photo was apparently taken just the other day in one of the areas devastated by the recent hurricane.

One can see five FEMA personnel – all of whom appear to young men – wearing black “masks” over their faces. This suggests an order to “mask” as it is not likely all five would be “masking” on their own. Especially in view (literally) of everyone else around them who isn’t “masking.”

It cannot be on account of the smell – as “masks” don’t “work” against stench. There’s nothing else in the air, either. At least, nothing that a “mask” would keep from getting in. So in all likelihood, FEMA – which is to say, the federal government –  required these government workers to “mask up.” It would make sense, in the sense that the federal government under the Biden Thing (and now the Harris Thing) has consistently pushed both “masks” and the drugs that “work” as well as “masks.” If you want to work for the Harris Thing’s campaign, you must be “up to date” on all your mRNA injections. This gives one a sense of what the Harris Thing will do when if she is (s)elected in about five weeks from now and acquires the mandate to do it.

So, “masking” is far from over. It is merely quiescent, for now. Like a case of Herpes that goes away for awhile. The sores will return. It is just a matter of time – and this picture indicates there may not be much left.

Five weeks not being a long time.

Certainly not long enough to “de-maskify” the country.  The term is a riff on what was done to Germany – to Germans who’d supported national socialism (it is always important to spell that out) after Germany had lost the war. They were “de-nazified.” That is to say, anything smacking of affection for national socialism was rendered socially and even legally verboten. To this day – when there are almost no Germans still alive who were actually national socialists 80-something years ago – it is illegal to display the regalia of national socialism, including the wearing of things indicating approval of national socialism, such as the notorious armband.

That is apparently what it took to stamp out national socialism in Germany. At least in terms of any public sense.

It will take something like that to stamp out “masking,” the symbol of sickness psychosis – pathological hypochondria – and the underlying political sentiment that insists others must be forced to participate in the kabuki rituals of pathological hypochondria.

In the first place, “masking” must be rendered ridiculous. A public embarrassment on par with walking around in public with your fly open (if you’re a man). Something that causes people who see it to snicker and point, so as to induce the person to zip their fly. Or take off the “mask.”

Better yet, never put the damned thing on.

That might take more than snickering and pointing. It may take overt shunning and social ostracism. “Masking” would cease tomorrow if the rest of us refused to pretend not to see the “masks” and stopped dealing with “masked” people as if they were normal people. Few people would pretend not to see the notorious armband if a checkout person was wearing one.

Why then do we pretend not to see the “mask”?

Both are, after all, symbols of the same tyranny. “Masking” – when it was at its peak – turned 98 percent of the population into Party Members. Those few who refused to put on a “mask” found they were visibly like the small handful of people during the era of national socialism who refused to wear the armband. In both cases, the refusers were regarded as pariahs and dangers – and treated accordingly. People who refused to play kabuki were kicked out of public places; in some instances, they were arrested for showing their faces. Many had to choose between keeping their job – and keeping food on the table – and keeping their self-respect.

It is imperative to never forget this. For exactly the same reason we are lectured to never forget what occurred in Germany when the national socialists controlled Germany. It literally happened here, too. And those who downplay what happened here are no different than the people who downplayed what happened in national socialist Germany. They are the same people, though some of them either cannot understand this or try to deny this.

And some of those people are still in positions of power over us. Which is a difference vs. the national socialists, who are pretty much all gone by now.

. . .

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  1. What’s it looking like out your way? Here, there’s been a bit of sudden jump in the numbers of people wearing face diapers at the grocery stores.

    The scene of, rushing back to the car in the parking lot ’cause they forgot their face diaper, has been spotted.

    What’s suddenly got the clueless so scared?

  2. Another interesting bit:

    “… the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19? […]

    Why did the Department of Defense pay a company that is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”, to help implement a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’? […]

    But if the contract evidence isn’t enough for you to come to this conclusion (it should be), then perhaps coupling it with evidence that the US National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Moderna had a coronavirus candidate in December 2019 will be.

    A confidentiality agreement which can be viewed here, states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.”…


  3. ‘Official US Nursing home data shows that the COVID vaccines did NOTHING to reduce COVID mortality. ZERO.’

    “The CDC lied. People died.

    The COVID vaccine had no benefits

    It actually increased your risk of getting COVID. We know that from the Cleveland Clinic study.

    It did nothing to reduce your risk of hospitalization. We know that from the data revealed in a study published in JAMA by a top epidemiologist at the VA.

    The vaccine did absolutely nothing to reduce your risk of dying from COVID. I’m going to show you that below. It’s crystal clear. Rarely in science do you see anything that is this perfect.

    In short, the COVID shots were all downside with no benefits. The vaccines and the vaccine mandates cost a lot of people their careers or their lives.

    It was a massive con job by the FDA and CDC to make us believe that the vaccines worked when their own numbers show that it didn’t do a damn thing. In fact, I’d bet that they probably didn’t even look at their own numbers from CMS.

    No upside, all downside.” …


    • Hi helot,

      Except they did work. They played on Americans fear and had 85% of the public run to their doctors for testing on a flu virus. That testing allowed the CDC (and probably the DoD) to gather DNA samples on a large majority of the population. These DNA samples will now allow the government to enforce biometric databases. Every doctor visit, your meds, your surgeries, the schools you attend, the jobs you apply for, your family, etc. They know it all including the magazines you read, the sites you visit, and the porn you look at.

      It did work, but not for the stated purpose.

  4. You know it’s a criminal organization when they force employees to mask, especially for the cameras. Remember all those evil politicians and public health directors, flanked by masked deputies, issuing one edict after another in 2020 and 2021 to violate the most basic rights of the people. Nothing good ever came from a masked public official standing behind a podium.

  5. This is an interesting twist. So the mask is being used kind of as a cop uniform, kind of in addition, but to reinforce.

    I am hating this country more and more every day.

  6. New York Slimes today:

    Another Hurdle in Helene Recovery: Misinformation Is Getting in the Way

    In North Carolina and other states, conspiracy theories and false claims over efforts to bring relief after Hurricane Helene are alarming officials.


    ‘Conspiracy theories’ … ‘false claims’ … ‘alarming officials’ … BINGO!

    This is how we know we’re winning — when grifting, sniveling elitists are forced to deploy the heavy artillery of their Lügenpresse stenographers to protect the incumbents.

    And to show us they really, really mean business, the Master of Deceit has been wheeled back onto the stage to sing his pathetic swan song:

    Anthony Fauci: My West Nile Virus Nightmare

    OUCH! Skeeter bit me, mommy! 🙁

    • This 10-minute Meet the Press clip is nearly unwatchable. Reporterette ‘Welker’ has prepared a lengthy screed ‘debunking’ ‘baseless’ claims about a botched hurricane response, and citing government officials as if they are unimpeachable founts of truth.


      Clearly the Lügenpresse has circled the wagons to protect the Harris/Walz campaign. They are all reading from the same script ripped from the Operation Mockingbird teletype, straight from spook HQ in Langley, Virginia.

      For them, this is a must-win. Fifty-one bent spooks who authored the ‘Hunter Biden laptop is Russian tradecraft’ memo four years ago stand to lose their security clearances if Orange Man Bad takes over again. Hundreds of loyal Democrat stenographers now cry, ‘No you shan’t, you baaaaaad man [who reminds us of daddy]!’

      • Jesus, Jim!

        I couldn’t watch that bug-eyed, gesticulating termagant for more than 24 seconds. What is it with these bug-eyed things? I’ve noticed this characteristic a lot recently.

        • I watched it all. He is so good on so much and she is so sound bite scripted that you can just mute button it and appreciate the amped up theater major take her big shot.
          Then it got to the “Back Isreal to the Hilt©” moment and well…
          Shit’s complicated man.

  7. OH WAIT … there’s a little detail we forgot to mention:

    ‘Homeowners are rushing to file insurance claims after Hurricane Helene left a trail of destruction across six states. Many of them will likely be left empty-handed.

    ‘Property insurers in recent years have hollowed out coverage and sharply increased rates to make up for steep underwriting losses driven by natural disasters. Owners of homes and businesses slammed by Helene could be in for a nasty shock when they check the small print of their policies.

    ‘Policies in hurricane-prone areas are now more likely to have higher deductibles for wind damage, reduced payouts for older roofs, limits on interior water damage and exclusions for damage from wind-driven rain, according to insurance agents.

    “Insurers are strategically working to limit what they pay for water damage from all sources,” said Amy Bach, executive director of consumer group United Policyholders.

    ‘Insurers could say the damage was in fact caused by flooding and isn’t covered at all. For a policyholder, the decisions could determine the difference between a big payout and a flat-out rejection.’


    HA HA HA. You thought you were insuring your house. But it all depends on what the definitions of ‘flooding,’ ‘wind damage,’ ‘interior water damage,’ and ‘wind-driven rain’ are.

    The Mafia saw you coming. This way to the egress, folks. 🙂

    Ain’t that America home of the free, yeah?
    Little pink houses for you and me
    Oh, yeah, for you and me

    — John Mellancamp, Pink Houses

    • That’s been my experience. Insurance is a complete and utter scam. In all its varieties, it’s a dishonest form of gambling where the house let’s you throw money on the table all day but never pays what they promised. They have plenty of legal weasels to make it so.

  8. More proof of fedgov malfeasance:

    ‘In a letter to Clowngress on Oct. 4, “Biden” warned that the SBA’s disaster loan program will run out of funding “in a matter of weeks and well before the Clowngress is planning to reconvene.”

    “I warned the Clowngress of this potential shortfall even before Hurricane Helene landed on America’s shores,” the president stated, adding that he had requested more funding for SBA “multiple times” in the past months.

    “Small businesses and individuals in affected areas depend on disaster loans as a critical lifeline during difficult times,” he said. “The Clowngress must act to restore this funding.”

    ‘The “president” did not specify the amount needed to replenish the disaster loan program.’


    Effing clowns … why don’t y’all just crawl in a hole and die?

    • “disaster loan program”* They are there to help.

      *Side effects may include pledged collateral asset forfeiture. In cases of loss through eminent domain, all loan obligations will have priority claim on compensation funds.

      Have a nice day.

    • Hi Mike,

      It won’t be long until corporate/ establishment media calls that “misinformation pushed by Trump” if they’re not already. Heck, they’re already calling reports of FEMA giving MILLIONS of dollars to illegals and denying aid to hurricane victims “Misinformation/ false claims made by Trump”.

        • Mike,

          Who even watches corporate media anymore, let alone listens to them and thinks they’re reporting NEWS? If anything, just the past 4 years should definitively PROVE corporate/ establishment media CAN’T be trusted, but there are still some real chumps out there who trust what the government & establishment media says.

      • Rumor: FEMA will only provide $750 to disaster survivors to support their recovery.

        Fact: This is false.

        This is a type of assistance that you may be approved for soon after you apply, called Serious Needs Assistance. It is an upfront, flexible payment to help cover essential items like food, water, baby formula, breastfeeding supplies, medication and other emergency supplies. There are other forms of assistance that you may qualify for to receive and Serious Needs Assistance is an initial payment you may receive while FEMA assesses your eligibility for additional funds. As your application continues to be reviewed, you may still receive additional forms of assistance for other needs such as support for temporary housing, personal property and home repair costs. If you have questions about your disaster assistance application and what you qualify for, contact us at 1-800-621-3362 to speak with a FEMA representative in your language.


        ‘Mayorkas’ can’t even type good lies. This is prevaricating, incoherent horseshit directed toward low-information victims.

        Americans are in need. But ‘Mayorkas’ is not American. Sorry, Charlie.

  9. No money for Americans but trillions for jews and illegals…
    What’s wrong with this picture?
    If I had my way, ANY politician or public figure who pledges allegiance to any foreign country would be tried and convicted of TREASON with appropriate punishment applied.
    We have plenty of rope…

  10. These are corpgov rottweilers. They follow orders. They would shoot you on sight if ordered to do so. It’s what the Nazi party used to enforce its rules. They’re everywhere,,, in every nation. The really hardcore ones wear party uniforms like all the alphabet agencies and law (rule) enforcement types.

    The Fema group in the disaster areas are there to increase the suffering by their rules, regs and other requirements. They reserved entire hotels for federales keeping disaster families on the street. They threaten private help by threats of arrest. Only Fema and their money laundering partner in crime The United Way are allowed to help .

    At some point in the near future they’ll be bombing Americans claiming they’re terrorists just like the nation they’re helping bomb women and children in the ME. 50,000 American troops are putting their lives on the line and no one really know why…. but for now,,, killing them softly is all they can do.

  11. The characteristics of a FEMA worker should not be discounted. These are the on the ground “helpers”.

    What kind of person engages in this occupation? Those who feel they are doing good by registering people for assistance. Those who think the purpose of government is to help people who can’t make it on their own – modern progressives.

    FEMA really doesn’t do any helping. That is left to state & local assets. Money is distributed via state agencies from FEMAs budget.

    When “Brownie” does a good job, he doesn’t have much of a job to do. Some coordination, but not the hands on stuff people think of.

    Can’t say every FEMA on site person has this mindset, but they seem to be “feeling like they make a difference” people. You know, mask wearers.

  12. It’s a badge of honor. They aren’t going to pretend they know, so they trust the experts. The experts said masking works, so that’s what they’re told. The other experts that say masks are useless, well, they’re outsiders… maybe even with an ax to grind.

    Besides, it’s just a mask, what’s the big deal?

    It’s just a bloody ear, what’s the big deal? (in honor of Trump’s visit to Butler yesterday and starting his stump speech with “As I was saying…” LOL)

    It’s just an identification card, what’s the big deal?

    It’s just a little tax on rich people, what’s the big deal?

    It’s just a background check, what’s the big deal?

    It’s just a concentration camp, what’s the big deal?

  13. I always wear an old plaid shirt that is almost a rag.

    Good enough for me. Suits me just fine.

    I ain’t gonna wear no stinkin’ rag that makes me look like a fool.

    I’m a big enough fool already.

    We’re from the government and we’re here to tell you what to do.

  14. I estimate about half of the white population in North America and Europe harbors a secret desire to be Rolf Gruber, the little snot with the whistle in “The Sound of Music”.

    We very nearly had gold stars in this country with The Biden Thing’s mandates. Ze Kampfs would not be far behind.

    (Yes, I understand the meaning of that spelling.)

    • Ugh, I remember Rolf in The Sound of Music. What a little weasel. I knew at that time I hated followers (and wimpy men). I also was disappointed in Liesl for even being attracted to such a little whiner.

      • “The Sound Of Music” used to be on NBC once a year back when the broadcast networks meant something.

        I think that the tradition returned, but it doesn’t mean as much now.

        The annual broadcast served as a warning about the consequences of Rolf-like behavior.

  15. I’m sure that among a great many of those still masking it became a large part of their personal identity. What are they without the mask? Just another human being? The HORROR! After all, “I’m special”, mommy told me so. And they are special, as in bat shit crazy.

  16. FEMA personnel were wearing face diapers at an area devastated by Hurricane Helene? Good grief! It’s a wonder they showed up at all, given that every time I hear or read something about the federal government’s response from non-establishment sources, it’s something more & more disgusting. What next, are they going to insist that victims are “up-to-date on their COVID vaccinations” too?

    Why, they’re even threatening to ARREST ordinary people who try to help victims of that hurricane….


    • “What next, are they going to insist that victims are “up-to-date on their COVID vaccinations” too?”

      Yes. But apparently up-to-date is just two shots, cuz the gov was too lazy to implement vax e-passports or require welfare, disability and SS recipients to get the shots. The gov sucks in everything it does and that is a GOOD thing.

    • Hi Marty,

      That could be, given that FEMA’s response to Hurricane Helene makes their response to Hurricane Katrina back in 2005 seem CARING & COMPETENT by comparison.

      • Yeah, I remember that picture of the Chimp looking down on the victims of Katrina from Air Force One; Biden just did the same thing, after giving another $8 billion of our tax dollars to Zelensky that would have been put to much better use helping the people of North Carolina.

          • The cabal behind the Chimp and “Poppy” want to install another generation of the family in the White House in the form of Jeb!’s son, George P. (Diddly) Bush.

            After the current “Republican” Governor of Texas retires, look for P. (Diddly) to make a run at the office, following in the footsteps of Uncle Chimp.

    • Maybe they got used to being anonymous when they were in the CHAD. Turns out anarchy is hard and led to a lot of stolen laptops, so time to get a job?


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