“Furry Car Culture”


The country went crazy back in 2020.

More finely, crazy was normalized. It is not a coincidence, probably, that once pathological hypochondria was normalized, another kind of crazy was normalized. Men insisting they had become women (and the reverse). Not merely dressing and acting like the opposite sex – which isn’t crazy if you know you’re still a man (or a woman).

It’s a kink.

A good (because sane) example of this being Tim Curry’s Dr. Frank N. Furter character in the ancient film classic, Rocky Horror Picture Show.

He never claimed to be a woman. He knew he was a transvestite – a man who wears women’s clothes. It was funny – at the time – because seeing a man prance around in lingerie, high heels and lipstick was exactly what men didn’t do. It wasn’t what it has become. That being a belligerent insistence that reality is fungible – based on how crazy people feel about it –  and you’d better agree that it is.

Which isn’t funny.

Because it has become crazy.

Which – inevitably – has encouraged more craziness. Enter the “furry community,” as it is styled. It consists of people – adults – who dress like animal cartoon characters. Some of them even do car reviews.

I’ve been doing them myself for about 30 years at this point and that history gives me perspective in that had I shown up at the Ford or GM garage back in the ’90s to pick up a press car to review wearing a Wiley Coyote outfit, they’d have called a car for me, alright.

To take me to the loony bin.

Old Eric (who was a young guy back then) had lost it. Maybe someone slipped him some acid. Put him in a room for awhile and maybe he’ll recover. But – for God’s sake  – do not give him the keys to that Cobra Mustang.

Times, of course, have changed.

Now you can experience “furry car culture” at car shows. It consists of “a community of people who consider themselves a mix of fans, artists, writers, gamers, and role players. Furries often create anthropomorphized animal characters called fursonas (pronounced like personas) and wear elaborate costumes to represent themselves and role play as their fursona.”

Perfectly normal.

Like walking around wearing a “mask” to “stop the spread” of a sickness you haven’t got. Or standing six feet apart. Or acting like an autistic kid when you’re all grown-up. At least, chronologically.

“(F)urry car culture celebrates affordable and friendly vehicles which compliment the owners’ imaginary anthropomorphic animal personas.”

Italics added. It is a tell that we who have not yet lost our minds – who cling to an increasingly tenuous sanity – are endlessly badgered to “celebrate” the deviant. It plays upon the instinctive kindness of most normal people; their laudable desire to not be mean. It is a big part of the reason why so many who knew that wearing “masks” and al the rest of it was ridiculous theater nonetheless went along with it. They didn’t want to offend the feelings of people who’d gone nuts.

But is it kind to encourage people who’ve lost their minds to believe they haven’t? There is also an element of poltroonery – such a fine word! – in this. That is to say, a kind of cowardly obeisance to orthodoxies we all know are idiocies – but some of us are too afraid to say so openly.

A recurrent theme in the old Warner Brothers cartoons that Gen X people like me grew up watching when we were kids in the ’70s and ’80s was the character who was driven nuts dressing up and acting like Napoleon. The men in white coats would chase him with nets.

But that was another time.

Now, if someone in the family loses it – and decides they are Napoleon the convention is to address them as Emperor. I actually kind of like this idea as I have always wanted to see how I would look in Napoleonic drag. David Lee Roth of Van Halen used to dress up that way back in the day, too. But Dave – though flamboyant – wasn’t crazy.

Honestly, it sounds like ‘traditional’ car enthusiasts could stand to adopt some of the accepting and welcoming aspects of furry car culture,” says one of the crazies. “Either way, you can now say you read a story about furry car culture and I’m proud of you for being so open-minded.”

“Please leave your judgmental tendencies at the door and proceed with an open mind and a prevailing sense of curiosity.”

And they ask me why I drink.

. . .

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  1. The crackdown on bullying in school is one of the causes… Bullying was a way to make sure the weirdos didn’t become too “flamboyant” or prideful. Back in the 90’s when I was in high school, “furries” would have been beaten up, as nature intended.

    Bullies were kind of like the white blood cells of the school system. Seeking and stamping out illness. Was it perfect? Nope. Sometimes the white blood cells would attack healthy cells, but overall it was a system that worked.

    I, like a lot of people my age had run ins with bullies as a kid. It made me a better person. I learned how to deal with assholes.

    Bring back bullying.

    • Disagree…
      I’ll bet that you were (and probably still are) a bully…
      When you are the smallest person on the block and three or four bullies gang up on you while school officials are watching, and doing nothing, just what the hell are you supposed to do?
      Many times bullies get that way because of defective home dynamics. It is likely that the bully’s father was a bully himself and imparted his knowledge and wisdom on his son. Was your father a bully?
      Keep in mind that most bullies gravitate toward “law enforcement” as it is but another way for them to practice their “craft”.
      Yes, being of small stature, I was bullied for being smart and endured the treatment. Fighting back was always punished by school officials. You see, many times the bullies were a part of a “protected class” (jocks, sports players, etc.)
      Here is a story that proves that the glorification of team sports to the extreme promotes bullying and indeed does overrules true justice.
      In Texas, football is looked upon as being next to God, country, mom and apple pie. Many Texas public high schools have sports facilities that rival that of college and professional facilities.
      A number of years ago football jocks from an Amarillo Texas high school tormented and eventually murdered a “goth” kid. This youth was harassed without end (for being “different”), while school officials turned a blind eye to what was going on. These jocks (football heroes?) ended up murdering this youth by running him over with a car. The “goth” kid (not a “homo”) was from “the poor side of the tracks” while the jocks were all relatively wealthy (spoiled POSs).
      When the case came to trial, the jocks were acquitted.
      You see, the “big football championship” was scheduled for the following week, and the jurors felt that their players would be needed on the field, rather than incarcerated (where they really belonged).
      The good side of this story is that the ringleader of the jocks was eventually prosecuted for other crimes, committed a few years after the murder.
      So much for sports “teamwork” and your concept that bullying builds values…
      I make no excuses for school shooters but, just maybe, the school shooter is reacting to being bullied. I’ll bet that is the case in some of the school shootings.
      Look in the mirror. If you are (now) a decent person, look at your past…you may not like what you see…

    • Hi Philo,

      I won’t defend bullying because a bigger kid picking on a smaller/weaker kid is a dick thing to do. Bullies deserve a kick in the balls. That said, I think we agree on the essential thing you’re bringing up – that being healthy ridicule of idiocy. Like “mask” wearing, for instance. I do not consider it bullying to openly laugh at idiot orthodoxies – and those who practice them. It is a good and healthy thing for kids especially to not want to look (or actually be) stupid.

      • Hi Eric,

        You think psychological bullying (laughter and ridicule) is easier on a kid than physical bullying? I’d say definitely not.

        Like living in a sterile environment will make you weak and prone to disease, growing up without experiencing physical adversity (especially as a male) will cause you to be unprepared for bullies later in life. There will be bullies later in life.

        Zero tolerance policies for fighting in school is a sterile environment for young males. Re: Furries

  2. Everytime I see these people I can’t help but think of that Neil Young song: “♫He’s a perfect stranger… like a cross of himself and a fox ♫”…

  3. The furrys are attention seeking cunts. If you want to be something your not, just sell your soul to pedowood and live happily ever after. I saw one of the tools this past Saturday while officiating a child’s sporting event,I think it was foxy loxy

  4. It’s about the kids, always has been with these degenerates.

    Normalization of these types of behavior and access to the kids.

    NAMBLA and others were the beginning of the “slippery slope” and here we are now – mentally ill trannies reading to little kids in the library, general faggotry promoted with your tax dollars (schools, military, general government, etc. etc.)

    I think that the idea that we are ruled by a bunch of blackmailed pedophiles is more true than not.


    • I agree, Anon –

      There is something off about adults who wear costumes to be around kids. There is a reason why clowns are suspect. Even leaving aside the sex/grooming/predator stuff, these people are not right in the head and that’s usually a good reason to keep them away from kids.

    • It started about 15 years ago in the southeastern Michigan community of Huntington Woods…the library system in this community started a “tranny childrens’ reading hour” receiving no “pushback” from community residents. This program has mentally-ill trannies in full dress read stories to toddlers and older children. They even allow the trannies to hug their children. What the hell were these parents thinking?
      This was all that the “grooming community” needed to further their aims.
      In some school districts, teachers have established preferred gender “cross-dressing closets” where children can change into the clothing of their declared “choice”. The children are told not to inform their parents.
      Any parent who allows their children to attend any tranny event or sends their children to government schools without investigating their gender-bending policies for themselves is guilty of child abuse.

  5. Remembering the little cat girl that wanted and got a litterbox put in the classroom or the little boy doggie that was trying to lick himself,,, couldn’t quite reach the target.

    Can anyone really blame the Russians for aiming their nukes this way? They’re scared these furry Americans might want to cross breed!

  6. Well, Eric, I’ve been waiting for you to finally go for a drive in your Great Pumpkin wearing your lobster suit, so now’s your chance! It can be your Orange Revolution tour!

  7. The lasting damage this nonsense causes includes new departments or offices embracing the mentally ill, so now we have another government grifting operation my property taxes pay for, forever. The freaks now have lifetime employment with the State:


    Then the local university is spending $6 million for expansion of the “multicultural center” in the midst of declining enrollment, hiring freeze, and paying the full time teaching staff peanuts:


  8. ‘The country went crazy back in 2020.’ — eric

    Then Commiefornia left mere ‘crazy’ in the dust:

    ‘Truckers aren’t buying electric big rigs because they can’t afford them even with $40,000 in federal tax credits. Electric trucks cost twice as much as diesel-powered rigs and have a limited driving range —150 miles on average, compared to between 1,000 and 1,500 miles for diesel trucks. There are also few truck charging stations.

    ‘Yet under California’s rules, “dealers are restricted from selling a diesel truck unless they sell a ZEV truck,” a dealer group reports. The result: “New class 8 truck sales (ZEV and diesel) were down 50 percent year-over-year in June 2024.”

    ‘Dealers say trucks are piling up on their lots — electric models because truckers won’t buy them, and diesel rigs that dealers consequently aren’t allowed to sell. Dealers say they incur monthly interest penalties on unsold truck inventory that can amount to more than $99,000.’ — WSJ


    Welcome to the Left Coast Worker’s Paradise, where Class 8 truck dealers are being liquidated like kulaks. Taking a break from his new job of shoveling shit for Satan, Joe Stalin leers and winks at his star pupil, Governor Hair Product.

  9. Even corporate America has embraced such mental illness manifestation…
    The most repulsive commercials on television are the Amazon commercials—one which shows what is (presumably) a woman sashaying down a school hallway until (s)he turns around and is sporting a mustache.
    A second Amazon commercial attempts to legitimize the “furry lifestyle”. A “furry” individual sporting a dog’s head is sashaying down a street while mimicking dog behavior till the end of the ad where “it” removes the dog head showing that “it” is indeed human.
    Legitimizing both forms of mental illness is a form of mental illness in itself.

  10. I was a social worker 40 years ago, almost. There are people who cannot function fully, they are either mentally or physically handicapped.

    Some are indeed psychopathic, there is no real sentience like the normal human being has.

    They’re out there in outer space and there is no bringing them back.

    Always in need of care, housing, food, clothing, the works.

    They are unable to do it for themselves, they have to be institutionalized. There really is no hope whatsoever.

    There is no waking up for them, coming to their senses, their brains just don’t work like they should.

    A whole tray of drugs were dispensed to clients for their own good. Phenobarbital, lithium, cogentin, plenty of drugs to control the behaviors of those clients.

    One client wore women’s underwear, another client was just plain goofy, just a happy-go-lucky not quite there anymore but made no difference to him.

    A couple clients were potentially dangerous, so you made sure they were drugged all of the time.

    You have to take them away to the Funny Farm.

    That’s where fursonas belong, not at car shows.

    I resigned the position, it was driving me insane.

    Forcing mentally and physically handicapped people to arise at 6:00 am to go bake some cookies was definitely an abuse of those poor souls.

    Let them sleep and relax, they’re not really ever going to produce anything. Feed them bacon and eggs in the morning, roast beef for supper and a grilled cheese with tomato soup for lunch.

    They can play croquet on nice days. Give them a serious break.

    A few clients had normal brains, they were physically handicapped and had to be there anyway.

    Pretty soon, you are filling out paperwork and reporting results on a series of questions involving the clients’ level of development. Time to call it a day.

    You have to figure it out, come to your senses, that’s all it really is, boils down to it is all about the money. Then you finally see the light.

    Have a car show for those with IQ’s of less than 60, it’ll be a better show than some stupid abnormal furry at a car show for ordinary local yokels.

    Set up a dunking tank, have baseballs and trip target to dump the furry into the tank.

    You’ll have a good crowd then.

  11. The psycho’s have surpassed the psycho’s!

    You do know that when people are scared or angry mortality sky rockets?

    Why do you think they’re doing all this? The wars,,, constant threat of nuclear wars,,, 180mph hurricanes,,, floods,,, attacking food production (EPA shutting down hundreds of meat processors).

    Then there’s tranny’s, homos and women killing their kids. You are aware that to use a organ for transplant, the person must be alive when it is ‘extracted’,,, and there is no such thing as ‘brain dead’ where pain and organs are concerned? That was made up so we wouldn’t complain.

    Like the vaccinations, and pills for this or that,,, the medical system makes out like a bandit doing the abortions and ‘sex’ changes and child mutilations. Our society just stands back and accepts it all.

    The ACLU has won a case in Indiana forcing the prison to do a ‘sex’ change on a dude that murdered his 11 month old child at taxpayer expense. They said it would be mental torture to force him to stay in his male body. No mention of his 11 month victim. He is now the victim. I am surprised they didn’t give him a standing ovation like they have that other baby killer in the ME who was in Washington awhile back. Washington, the epicenter, of baby killers.

    They’re insane alright but it’s insanity with a purpose. Our deaths and societal destruction. The furries, tranny’s, homos and medical nutjobs are now in charge!


    • The outright promotion of the LGBTQXYZ “lifestyles” and the demand jews make on “the rest of us” for not only tolerance but acceptance of perverse and vile behavior has its roots in jewish talmudic rabbinical teachings.
      The talmud contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including: 
      1. Zachar, male.
      2. Nekevah, female.
      3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
      4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
      5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
      6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
      7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
      8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
      This is the source for today’s perversion of the genders…
      It’s the JEWS…it’s ALWAYS the JEWS

  12. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Regular (Brian) of Regular car reviews back in 2019 I think, where he came to Chicago. Seemed like a normal-ish dude and was just making funny videos at the time. Great knowledge of cars and motorcycles he has. Then he came out as gay after the wufllu…which doesn’t matter really since the videos didn’t change and shortly after went to the furry stuff. Haven’t watched as much since then. What are you promoting in the furry convention? What does that have to do with cars? This kind of thing attracts children to deviancy and the mentally ill. Roman was there too. Both he and his videos always seemed ‘off’ to me, I would always skip them.

    • I only watch his videos that interest me, but basically stopped as of late. Idc that he’s gay either, and sometimes he does literary analogies that put things into different context, but yeah, since he came out, he’s been off as well.

      What a shame, it’s not that he’s wasn’t always weird, just lately has been shifting, and that’s before the furry crap

  13. I live near Pittsburgh, which hosts Anthrocon, the largest furry convention in the world.

    I do cosplay, mostly Star Wars cosplay where I dress as a Jedi and a storm trooper for parades and visit children’s hospitals, mostly as a fun way to give back, but furries are a bridge too far for me—there’s a lot of, well, creepy behavior among furries.

    I do know several furries, and while lots are sane, level-headed people, lots aren’t, unfortunately. While as a libertarian, I believe in live and let live and what two consenting adults do in private is their own business, it ends where others’ noses begin. Basically, it’s wrong to hurt you because you’re furries, LGBTQIAMOUSE, or whatever, and it’s right to insist that others not hurt you, but it’s also wrong to demand that others accept you—and demand the force of law to make others accept you.

    • My son was a big fan of the ComicCon conventions, and still goes occasionally as a forty something. He also liked to wear Star Wars costumes and once went as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, but he never imagined he was doing anything other than playing a role for a day.

    • I was invited last min to Comic Con back in ’19 by my cousin, I still remember how badly they all smelled. Also threw on Green Cargos, my black shirt/Jacket and sneakers and stumped the well dressed folks as I was Claude from GTA 3, fun times.

      What was the old joke, paraphrasing it here, Troons & Furries don’t like Halloween as they celebrate it every day? Also, as this meme goes: https://ifunny.co/picture/movie-ideas-a-90-s-bully-is-sent-into-the-hsxKRDeL8, by removing predators from the ecosystem, disrupted the natural order of things, leading to this crap

      • I’m a rarity in that I go to these events and I practice good personal hygiene, which puts me in the minority.

        I’m also in the minority in that I am a registered Republican and conservative in my social, political, and economic views.

  14. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. I Corinthians 13 v 11 NIV

    Occasionally I’ll see a “princess” at the store. These children are typically under 5 or so and mom indulges their desire to wear their Halloween costume because it’s easier than trying to get the kid in regular clothes (and I’m sure mom likes the attention too). It’s cute. I’m fairly certain I’ve only seen girls playing dress up but I usually don’t interact enough to find out. I don’t go to the big box stores to interact with people.

    Costume parties and Halloween have always been a chance to cosplay. The older you get the less likely you’re going to put effort into your costume. At some point you, being a man, just put on an appropriate suit and grab an eye mask, good enough. Your wife, if she’s still got it, might wear something a little more risqué, but still elegant and age appropriate.

    At some point a group of people decided that a good hobby would be to make costumes and go to comic book conventions. It gets attention and has led to the whole cosplay thing. Would-be strippers can now get work by showing up at conventions, which leads to real modeling jobs.

    But whether it’s the country club Halloween party or the Perth Amboy Comic-Con, once the event is over, time to put the costume back in the hall closet. Eventually store it up in the attic in a box labeled memories of your libido.

    Until now.

    In Weimar America, there’s nothing wrong with being a permanent child. That princess costume is perfect for your job interview. They’ll just love your imaginative and playful nature! Hardly anyone in management will bother checking to see if you actually know anything about the subject, just that (s)he’s a free spirited rebel who thinks outside the box. That is, if you really sell it.

    Of course this is just the sort of thing that leads to sci-fi global uniforms.

  15. I remain firmly convinced that at a bare minimum 20% of the population is clinically insane. That number is much higher in urban areas, not sure why the mentally deficient congregate in cities.

    • They congregate in cities because they cannot survive away from complex support systems, where reality is much closer and less well insulated.

    • Clinically diagnosed Mental illness was present in my family that ended in a suicide. I’ve seen it up close and personal.

      Your number is low.

    • It doesn’t take much to be clinically insane.

      Most people probably qualify, in one way or another.

      Most of us also manage, with varying degrees of success, to run our own lives and to function as members of society most or all of the time.

      Under certain circumstances, certain forms of insanity may in fact be the most rational possible response to a seemingly uncaring and irrational world.

      Except perhaps in extreme cases, though, it does not excuse bad behavior or maltreating others. Especially so if the person in question is genuinely trying.

      • Hi Publius,

        It’s easy enough to know whether you’re insane – or just a little weird. A weird person is able to acknowledge they are weird; the insane person isn’t able. The insane person thinks he’s reasonable. Or he doesn’t think at all. A sane person – when another person points out something about them that’s a little off – can see it and even laugh at it. A really good example of this is the comedian Howie Mandel. He is a seriously afflicted hypochondriac – but he knows he is. He is able to recognize it and talk about it, even as it besets him. Thus, he is not crazy. Just beset.

        Hell, I have a lot of quirks, too, Including an irrational dread of the fresh milk Dawn gets locally. I know it’s me – not the milk. And so I know I’m not crazy.

        Just weird!

        • A late night talk show years ago discussed “quirks”, as known by others not embracing said quirk. Switch and outlet covers in the house – of course the screw slots are aligned vertically you don’t want them gathering dust! That one was new to me. The board op had one of mine, towels have to hang with the tags not visible.

          Sometimes it’s a preservation thing – no eating or drinking in Dads car. The two women of the house don’t share my “zero defects” mindset and have a horrific track record of spills and stains. The last straw was the 1985 door incident. I got in the 71 Nova, went to close the door and stuck my fingers in the open bbq sauce container conveniently left in the armrest pocket.

    • It’s a manifestation of some deep seated stuff, way down in our brains. Ancient and “savage” cultures would wear costumes in ceremonies that were intended to ward off evil. I’m 100% certain there were older men in the tribe who knew it was bulls**t, but also knew that it was tradition and it was good for the kids to have a concrete concept of good and evil.

      In the west our play-acting bible tales did the same thing. We should live our lives like Christ but that’s pretty hard. Having good examples, played out on a stage, helps make the printed word real and maybe helps it sink in. Older parishioners like seeing the traditions handed down, but also don’t necessarily expect anyone to live up to the example. But maybe when faced with a situation the kids will do the right thing.

      Now that there’s a Star Trek religion, a Star Wars religion, and a Marvel Universe, that need to make manifest good and evil can be explored in a clean slate way. So why not just dress up like Ironman because it’s Tuesday? Any day you can profess your love of Tony Stark is a good day.

      Nah. Just kidding. It’s all about “look at me!”

  16. I dont know about any of this furry nonsense, but one thing that irritates me pretty good is the late 20th century phenomenon of “car art” where people glue crap all over their car. Its a primarily left wing artistic thing that bastardizes cars and what makes men love cars. Its for car haters. Same thing with that Cadillac Desert thing where cadillacs were pointed nose first in the ground near amarillo. Drinking is not what i want to do…. i want to break something

  17. Eric: “Had I shown up at the Ford or GM garage back in the ’90s to pick up a press car to review wearing a Wiley Coyote outfit, they’d have called a car for me, alright.”

    If it had been the late 60’s perhaps they would have let you catch a Plymouth Road Runner.

    I didn’t watch the furry car review in part because no one is going to be able to drive a car dressed as a giant Easter bunny. Although the inevitable crash due to poor visibility might be amusing.

    I remember the good old days when the difference between crazy and eccentric was a few million dollars.

    Maybe I should start drinking.

  18. ‘It is a tell that we who have not yet lost our minds – who cling to an increasingly tenuous sanity – are endlessly badgered to “celebrate” the deviant.’ — eric

    Raging national insanity exercises another commentator often featured on Lew Rockwell’s site along with Eric, J H Kunstler. An outrageous outburst by his personal nemesis, the cackling Clinton crone, provoked JHK into a mighty blast of wordsmithery, with the volume cranked to 11:

    ‘This might be a book tour too far for Mrs. Clinton and her claque, now that her basket of deplorables shivers in the cold and dark out in Appalachia amid the stink of their kinfolks’ uncollected corpses, their houses splintered, scant chattels lost, and their beloved hound dogs carried away in the roaring torrents.

    ‘The Party of Chaos has managed to piss off the most ferocious demographic in the land, the wild and cross-grained Scotch-Irish who populate those devastated hills and hollows of Western Carolina and East Tennessee — the people who, for generations, were first to volunteer to fight in America’s wars; the Sergeant Yorks, the moonshiners and the stock car heroes, the Johnson Boys, Boones and Crocketts, Hatfields and McCoys, the very warp and woof of our folklore, half horse and half alligator, born fighting.

    ‘And NOW you and your gang of wine-club harpies, Beltway mezza fanooks [gays], Hollywood Satan-conjurors, Hamptons charity-hags, globe-trotting errand boys, color revolution maestros, race hustlers, drag queens, lawfare shysters, spooks, cut-outs, beach friends, car-culture fursonas, and grifters has gone and PISSED THESE FOLKS OFF royally.’

    Ah ha ha ha … YEEHAW! Hitlary delenda est.

  19. Didn’t Elmer Fudd go “full rabbit” in one of the cartoons, imagining that he was Bugs, complete with a fur suit and carrot prop?

    We are blessed in my part of Texas (North Austin) to be within reception range of an affiliate for the new MeTV Toons network, which run the classic Warner Bros. shorts unaltered as far as I know.

    I worked for Poltroons for a couple of years. No other word comes close to describing them. We even had one twit who, during a conference call in the darkest days of Pandemic Kabuki, thanked management for letting us work from home to “survive”.

    These days, he’s one of the Poltroon managers.

    • Hi Roscoe,

      There is an old cartoon where Elmer Fudd went “full rabbit” and wore a rabbit suit. I don’t remember the name of it. Another funny thing in that cartoon is, Bugs Bunny went “Elmer J Fudd, millionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht” after a psychiatrist had him repeat that line and practically drilled it into him. IIRC, near the end of the cartoon, “Elmer” is about to shoot “Bugs” when government agents show up to take “Elmer” away for being behind on taxes, and the cartoon ends with “Bugs” saying something like “I may be a scwewy wabbit but at least I’m not going to Alcatwaz!” before hopping away.

  20. Furry car culture? Is that really a thing? Holy shit.

    Call me a bigot, but I’d be predisposed to believe they tend towards Teslas, not a GMC 3500 dually and such.

    • Visit a geek culture event in Texas. You’ll see Furries, regardless of the theme of the event.

      Car Furries are a new one, but that wouldn’t surprise me.


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