Diaper Report: 10/12/2024


Why do I keep filing these Diaper Reports? Because people continue to wear Diapers over their faces – in spite of the fact that it has been admitted to now – for years – that “masks” (as Face Diapers are politely styled by the people who continue to wear them) do not “work,” except as tedious sickness kabuki enforcement devices.

The pathological hypochondriacs who were egged-on by the puppetmasters behind the  mass-hysteria event styled “the pandemic” adamantly refuse to accept “the science” they once insisted must be obeyed – now that the actual science has established the degrading absurdity of walking around dressed in surgical suite mufti.

But it’s not just the terminally mentally ill  derelicts one still sees walking around in surgical mufti – oblivious to the sight of everyone else (just about) walking around without the garb of the mentally ill. This of course proves the point that the surgical mufti-wearers are terminally mentally ill, for anyone who still possessed a viable capacity to deduce and infer would see that everyone else was not wearing and not dying.

Ergo, it is safe to take off the “mask.”

But they don’t – and they probably won’t. Ever. For the same reason that there are people who adamantly believe the Earth is flat – a kind of celestial pizza pie with ice walls on all sides and a “firmament” above. You cannot reach such people with facts. They are believers – and more to the point, they want to believe. No one wants to believe that 2+2=4. It just equals 4. Belief doesn’t enter into it.

And that is why math is comforting.

But this report isn’t about the street-walking mentally ill. It is about the ongoing egging-on of mental illness. It hasn’t stopped. It is kicking up again, in fact.

In California, of course.

It is the state most populated by the mentally ill and their eggers-on. The epicenter of this sick duality being San Francisco, where five counties have just re-imposed mandatory sickness kabuki, again. According to KTVU News, a local Fox News affiliate, “mask mandates are returning in health care settings” – italics added to highlight the sick irony, that of people who know better re-imposing kabuki they know is exactly that.

Full bio-suits with their own recirculating air supply prevent the inhalation and exhalation of viral particles, which are really small. “Masks” prevent dust particles from getting into your nose and lungs, which is why wearing them when woodworking or leaf-blowing “works.” Surgical masks prevent the surgeon from getting blood spatter in his mouth or nose. That is why surgeons were them in the operating theater. They take them off when they are not operating or dealing with open wounds.

Well, they used to.

But that was when doctors were not yet suborned employees of octopus-like “health care” cartels who do what they were told, because it is understood that if they don’t, they will no longer be practicing their trade. Which has become a guild and for exactly that reason corrupt and not to be trusted. White-coat poltroonery is now the prescription – and it is combined with the shit-flows-downhill sadism of a victim who takes it out on the people underneath him, over whom he has some degree of power. So as to make him feel better about the power he lacks that is exerted over him by those above him.

And so it has come to pass that “local health orders require masks to be worn in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and other healthcare facilities” located within the nimbus of Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Napa counties, effective November 1.  Doctors and patients and in  some cases, visitors also.

This is likely to spread – perhaps even going national again. Just in time for the pending election. There is still time, after all, to fix things so as to assure that the same pathologically sick people who invented sickness kabuki, who egged-on pathological hypochondria, retain their hold on power – so as to assure that everyone is “kept safe” from mental wellness.

It will not stop until it is ended.

And the only way it will ever end is when a majority of mentally healthy people stop pretending that “masking” is a harmless oddity and that it’s the nice thing to do to pretend not see the “mask” when dealing with a mentally ill  person. It is actually the opposite of nice to be an enabler of mental illness. The mentally ill need treatment, which is compassionate. It is not compassionate to pretend the mentally ill aren’t because this normalizes mental illness.

This incudes being pathologically afraid of things unseen. Parents who aren’t negligent help their children learn not to fear the Toe Monster who isn’t under the bed.

And adults who are tired of deferring to the mentally ill and those egging them on can just stop doing that. Refuse the “mask” – even if it means getting kicked out of the hospital or doctor’s office again. They can’t kick us all out and if enough of us stand firm and soon enough, they will have to stop trying to “mask” us again for the same reason that the hysterics who tried to make having a beer a sin (and a crime) also had to stop, once-upon-a-time.

Most people are sane, you see.

It’s just a matter of all-too-many people being unwilling – or afraid – to call out the crazies.

. . .

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  1. Something more sinister to the mask mandate?….were they all cursed?….a good argument to refuse it….

    Should you buy or accept a voodoo mask as a gift?

    why bring in voodoo practicing migrants?

    Vodou originated in the African kingdoms of Fon and Kongo as many as 6,000 years ago. In modern Haiti, this spiritual practice is a creolized version that incorporates Amerindian TaĂ­no and Arawak deities, Medieval Catholic influences, and even Masonic rituals!

    NOTE: that incorporates Masonic rituals….so the freemasons have something in common with Voodoo worshippers…

    The freemasons are a cult/religion that worships satan….who they say is actually the good guy…

    In a republic the president is always a freemason…the political arm of the slave owning control group…


    • so the freemasons have something in common with Voodoo worshippers…

      kommiela is a freemason….

      …the order of the eastern star…the women’s branch of the freemasons….is really far out….they say the satanic power, running the control group, comes from the eastern star….another solar system….

      word salads…..maybe there was a bad connection to the eastern star….

      the satanic power, running the control group, comes from the eastern star….another solar system….

    • The freemasons are a cult/religion that worships satan…that can be traced back to the Pharaohs 6000 years ago….

      still running the planet….

  2. The founder of allopathic medicine…..

    Did you know that the “father” of pharmacology….Paracelsus was an occultist?

    He was a worshiper of Satan! He is a hero in the church of satan today…..

    Entering a Doctor’s office is entering an occult temple….

    @ 12:50 in video…..in the practice of surgery…..sadists are over represented…a high percentage are sadists…..


    • Aaah yes, I am aware of this, Anonymous. One of those things you learn when you grow up in hell. Ironically, the word “pharmacy” is from the root word “pharmakeia” which has its roots in sorcery and black magic.

      • Right

        pharmacon = poison,
        pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
        pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil).

        Why would someone trust an injection or drug from a satanic witch?…..


    Oh man, I was afraid of this… I just went to a used bookstore earlier today, and I was checked at the entrance by a Mask Nazi insisting that I wear a face-diaper in accordance with their business “requirement.” And lest you think this incident transpired in some blue coastal jurisdiction, allow me to state on record that it was in fact Iowa – in the heart of the Heartland – about as far as you can get from Commiefornia or Maskachusetts. Granted, this is a liberal college town, but I was nonetheless thunderstruck to find myself momentarily transported back in time to 2021, which was the last time I was forced to confront these mentally ill tyrants on the issue of slave-muzzles. I can scarcely bring myself to believe that this madness is occurring yet again in the year 2024 A.D.

    I came here to check the Diaper Report, which admittedly I have not read in a little while, and my fears were quickly confirmed. They are seriously trying to push this dystopian quackery once again, for reasons beyond my ken. All I know for sure is that I will never, ever wear a face-diaper (or get the jab; or take the mark) for as long as I live. I will live free or die.

      • Yes Eric, they absolutely insisted that I wear a face-diaper, and since I obviously wouldn’t, I was forced to leave the establishment.

        I visited their website (https://www.thehauntedbookshop.com/) after the fact, and they have a whole section on their front page about their “mask requirement,” which, by the way, one of the employees said he was “proud of” – they’re actually “proud” of this crap.

        Anyway, when I first entered the building, a female employee presented me with a face-diaper wrapped in plastic, and I responded with the usual, “No thanks, I’m good.” But that wasn’t good enough for her. She insisted that I must wear it, and when I told her that, “The pandemic is over. It’s 2024”, another male employee came to her aid and accosted me. We actually got into a lengthy back and forth in which I explained the studies on masks, et cetera, and at one point a face-diapered customer even joined in to gang up on me, but that was the incident in a nutshell. They have a mask requirement and they’re “proud of it.”

        The subtext is, it’s not about health, it’s about making them feel good. They get to larp around as petty tyrants (with safety as their excuse), and that makes them feel good. But not me. So I guess I’m never visiting that place again, which is fine at the end of the day, because I don’t need used books (not from them), but heaven help us if this crap spreads to grocery stores and the like again. I sincerely hope this is just an anomalous business in a liberal city, and the mind virus does not spread any further.

        • Yes, Iowa City is a Blue city. Not Pink, Blue.

          I can hardly stand going to a Pink city such as Clinton or the almost-Blue QCA, I can’t imagine what Iowa City turned into since The Plandemic. In The Before Times it used to be such a fun & not-so restrictive of a place.

          • Indeed, I went to college there years ago, and it was a fun place, but yesterday was really my first time back since the scamdemic (I live 90 minutes south on the Missouri border), and although I know how liberal it is, I was not expecting freaking Mask Nazis. Thank goodness I did not experience the place during the peak madness of 2020-2021.

  4. USA Insanity… off topic.

    A police detective keeps his pension after being convicted of wire fraud.

    He keeps $5000 per month because his crime was committed on his personal time. Apparently murder, robbery etc doesn’t matter so long as it’s done on personal time.

    He’s not the only one,,, cops convicted of homicides are also collecting. Even Derek Chauvin who was the poor bastard patsy in the fentanyl overdose death of another Obama and Big Mikes son, Sir Saint George Floyd.

    • In a master slave system…the slave is the property of the master..the slave owner…they can kill the slave…….

      the government gives their sovereign power to the agw (who are citizens)…the enforcers…to enforce their laws….(actually…policies, regulations, statutes) an agw is a sovereign citizen….the only sovereign citizen…..a cool exempt card…

      NOTE…They enforce policies, regulations, statutes and other fancy words… but NOT LAW
      They use doublespeak / Black’s Law Dictionary Legalise language crap, to confuse the slaves….

      so…the agw can kill the slave….has the right to….was delagated that power…

      also…….are the agw gangs?


  5. The maskers I see fall into two categories: a) elderly and b) young women.

    The elderly I’m willing to give a pass to. The young women are just –well– stupid. There’s two of ’em at the local Publix. One in the deli and the other at the cash register.

    Such a shame.

    • A lot of old people actually believe (almost) every word in the media.

      That may even have been a winning strategy, once upon a time.

      Also the degree of skepticism required to be healthy, requires challenging and even upending a lot of closely held fundamental beliefs about society & those who govern it.

      And old people vote, for some reason.

      I think if you’re on social security or Medicare you should forfeit your voting rights.

      • Publius,

        To assert that the elderly as a group have bought into the masking propaganda is actually collectivist thinking of the first order. Imagine that people are individuals….some of us old farts have been resisting this shit since before you were in diapers.

  6. This medical system of Paracelsus is the foundation on which modern allopathic medicine is built

    Did you know that the “father” of pharmacology….Paracelsus was an occultist?
    He was a worshiper of Satan! He is a hero in the church of satan today…..

    This was a very radical practice during his time. He treated many diseases with mercury better known as quicksilver. Many physicians who bought into Paracelsus method and used quicksilver (mercury), also known as Quack Salber, were known as “quacks”. This was a very rebellious way of treating the body at the time……Many died as a result of Paracelsus way of treatment.

    So the doctors that used allopathic medicine in the 1500’s were called quacks (allopathic medicine is using poisonous drugs and injections to cure diseases)….

    pharmacon = poison,
    pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
    pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil).

    Entering a Doctor’s office is entering an occult temple….

    William Rockefeller copied Paracelsus…a snake oil salesman….

    John Rockefeller created the monopoly……
    his father William was a snake oil salesman posing as a fake doctor, pedaling fake cures, he was also a horse thief and was indicted for rape in 1849………pedaling fake cures….looks like the son is too…..and his helper fauci…


    • So the doctors that used allopathic medicine in the 1500’s were called quacks (allopathic medicine is using poisonous drugs and injections to cure diseases)….

      Now they are seen as gods…and all other methods of treatment are banned…a monopoly….

      • >Now they are seen as gods
        More like, “regard themselves as gods.”
        Most likely Bacchus, in some cases.
        A high school classmate of mine who became an MD had the nickname “Fish” in high school. As in “drinks like a.” Would I go anywhere near this guy, a.f.a. medicine is concerned? Hell, no.

        Based on my experience, the people I knew who chose medicine as a career were mostly not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier. A few, yes, but mostly not, and i would avoid them like the plagues they are peddling. I’ve read that doctors are something like the third leading cause of death in the US. Want to get sick? Visit a hospital. They have many diseases from which you can choose.

      • >Now they are seen as gods
        Very few medical doctors are trained to work in IDLH (Immediate Danger to Life and Health) environments. Only those who work with deadly pathogens as researchers would be likely to have that training, which involves working in fully encapsulated suits with supplied air.

        Those of us who *have* been so trained (industrial environments, e.g., the petrochemical industry) realize the proper expertise required to specify the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is industrial hygiene, *not* medicine. We tend to laugh hysterically at the idea that a surgical mask, or an N95 (a dust mask) could protect you from viruses.

        Even the Harvard Medical School, as well as the Harvard School of Public Health, realize that surgical masks are useless against airborne pathogens and/or toxic chemicals, and have so stated for public edification.

        Yet, some of your garden variety MDs, with egos the size of Montana, think they “know better,” because they are Doctors, who see themselves as Doctor-Gods.
        Are there kachina dolls which depict such creatures? Possibly.

    • Port Hedland Council Votes to Expose ‘DNA Contamination’ in mRNA Vaccines, Demands Immediate Suspension of COVID-19 Shots Nationwide

      from GP comments…

      Some Scandinavian countries have banned this death shot for over a year. Unsafe at any age or health condition. One review of most hospital websites in America, still shows a headliner about getting your covid shot….so these hospitals are still carrying the water for the giant pharm industries.

      When eugenist say they want to depopulate the globe with injections, it would be wise to listen


  7. I don’t see many people wearing masks no matter where I go.

    Once in a while, I see a person with a mask on, maybe it is where they are, I don’t really care, go for it.

    There will be a mask mandate, after that, there will be a hard plastic cone-shaped e-collar for dogs mandated to wear all of the time. Bugs can be poured into the hard plastic collar and you will have your daily meal of bugs.

    Bugs on Monday, bugs on Tuesday, bugs on Wednesday, bugs on Thursday…

    That’s the ticket, force the Biden regime nutjobs to wear masks and hard plastic cone-shaped e-collars 24/7. Tazers will discharge an electric shock if any attempt is made to remove the e-collar.

    Dr. Fauci can be in charge of the e-collar mandate, he’ll wear one all of the time himself. He won’t be able to remove it without getting a few thousand volts of shock therapy. Force feed a cup fleas into Fauci’s forced open gaping maw and make Foie gras of his worthless liver.

    Let them eat bugs. Bugs are all they deserve for what they have wrought.

    Like Einstein said, there is no limit to human stupidity.

    Kamala Harris is proof enough.

  8. Eric, thanks for continuing the Diaper Report. It’s vitally important that we never allow this mental illness insanity to be the “new normal”.

    As for the Bay Area mandates, technically speaking, they are not bringing back mandatory diapers in medical and “health care” facilities. The county health czars have written standing orders since 2022 or 2023 for the mandates to take effect every year from November – March.

  9. One of the worst developments in “medicine”, in the last couple decades, is turning doctors from small businesspeople-entrepreneurs into state employees. It’s just as bad for the doctors as the rest of us. Only they don’t see that for some reason. Just the loss of income should have clued them in.

    I took a rare trip out of town for a cousins wedding last weekend. I stayed at a hotel overnight, and when checking in, the clerk was wearing a mask. I am very hard of hearing-basically deaf so I read lips in noisy areas. Only you can’t when someone is wearing a mask….. So I can’t understand a word she is saying. Since she wouldn’t remove the damn thing, the manager had to step out of the office to check me in…. Sigh……

  10. We should never let them forget what they stand for. The despotic power of an old syphilitic king. The kind of king who upon hearing about a few of his subjects having difficulty walking barefoot on the blazing desert sand, overreacts. Instead of giving them all sandals made from the skins of animals, he decries all the animals killed, all their skins stripped, in order to cover every single inch of sunbaked soil and sand in the kingdom. Its the modern day Emperor with no clothes with a twist

    Pretty sure they wont try the same thing again though. Even the dumbest among us are now on the lookout for the ‘ole’ banana in the tailpipe routine.’ It wouldn’t get far. Last week on a white sand beach in Florida with my family I saw a large humanoid looking creature with a black face diaper in ninety degree, high humidity conditions. Cant fix stupid. Only choice is to mercilessly mock it.

  11. The most dangerous messages these faggots and freaks can send is not to us. It is to the powers residing “upstairs,” and it is this:


    And you can bet they will once they realize it.

  12. The favorite “excuse” for the insane who wear these abhorrent rags is:

    1) I am a high-risk patient, or
    2) I have a high0risk patient in y household and I have to protect them

    It doesn’t matter since the mask offers no protection anyway.

    So then why were they not wearing them before 2020? Stupid fucks and faggots can never come up with a coherent answer to that one.

    • Amen DC –

      I’ve mentioned this before but I will again because it’s relevant. Both my dad and grandfather were doctors. I grew up around doctors and hospitals. I never saw a doctor wear a surgical mask outside of the surgical theater or obstetrics. A doctor who wore one to go shopping at the supermarket would have been regarded as not-right in the head. Of course, that was the ’90s. And that might as well have been another country.

      • There was an episode of MASH where Hawkeye wanted some leave, which was denied. So he proceeded to act like he flipped his lid. In one scene he went into the mess hall in full surgical garb and proceeded to eat a piece of liver. Made Klinger look like he was playing Milton Berle.

    • The ultimate irony (which is lost on these devoted, mask wears), is that the damned things are made in….China! You seriously cannot make that up. I had read (not sure if true or not) where someone heated a mask up in the microwave, looked at it under a microscope, and found microscopic worms in the mask. If that is true, it is just one more reason (not that I needed any) not to wear the stupid things.

      • Who benefited from the bat germ psyop?….China did…

        80% of the ingredients for drugs and injections come from China…and the masks and the ventilators, etc…

        80% of the ingredients for drugs and injections come from China….walz set up these deals?…..


        All the slave owning control group… and their billionaire friends…. (and all the politicians) are exempt, no injection , plus they wear no masks, they travel all over the world in private jets, they have huge parties with no social distancing.

        They are just laughing in your face like their ccp buddies partying in china….

        In 2020 in china while the G7 was locked down they were partying in nightclubs….all this bat germ bs was to torture, eliminate the whites in the G7…..


  13. RG had it right.

    Too little anger directed at the source of the masking. There has been no accountability for those that pushed masking and vaccination from the top. Likewise I will never forgive the medical community for going along with something they know (or should have known) would have no effect upon a virus.

    Doctors are now scum in my book and are to be avoided at all cost unless it’s a medical emergency.

    The retards we see shuffling around masked up are just a symptom. They are mentally ill and willingly self identify as such.

    • I am RG, and I approve this message. 😉

      Thank you, BID. I also agree with you on doctors and their equivalency to scum.

      My nephew (a toddler) was recently diagnosed with EoE. The first thing the doctor pushed were steroid injections (these were to last a lifetime). When my sister (who is as distrustful as doctors as I am) put her foot down and asked the doctor for a more conservative approach (changes in diet, allergy testing, etc.). The doctor actually told her to find another doctor if she was not going to listen to his recommendations. Fortunately, she did.

      Illegal drug trafficking has an annual revenue of about $24 billion. Pharmaceutical drugs (in the USSA alone) is $550 billion annually. Who is the bigger King Pin?

      • Hey RG. Good on your sis for not caving in. I hope she also walked out without paying for the visit. I would have and if they made a stink, my response would have been: SUE ME. They refused to provide a service, so they are not entitled to payment. If I had prepaid, I would have disputed the charge on my payment card if it was used as payment.

  14. Slave herd reduction/replacement agenda…

    How do you get microplastics into slaves?….masks…..

    Microplastics in Your Bloodstream Can Harm the Heart and Brain

    Microplastics found in blood can trigger inflammation, leading to heart disease
    Microplastics may penetrate the blood-brain barrier, contributing to neuroinflammation
    Studies show microplastics in everyday food items like salt, sugar, and water


  15. I am one of those “ignore the maskers”. Why? Multiple reasons: 1) If one thinks it is safe to continue to breathe polypropylene particles and your own carbon dioxide…be my guest; 2) As long as it does not trounce on my rights (or others rights) to not wear a mask we should accept how others decide to live their life; 3) It allows me to spot crazy that much quicker. Very much like a serial killer that walks around with dead eyes and a switch blade knife it is a warning call to the rest of us. Personally, I think they are providing us a public service announcement. I am grateful that they are so willing to announce “I am a nut job” so openly, therefore the rest of society can avoid them.

    • Hi RG,

      Normally, I’d agree. But these aren’t normal times. This “mask” idiocy is not merely idiocy. It is evil. And I submit that evil must be confronted and repudiated else it is established. These “maskers” are not the problem, per se. The problem is that “masking” is still regarded as legitimate. It must be rendered illegitimate. More than that, it must be stomped into the earth so that this evil business never sees the light of day again.

      Never forget what they did. Because they will do it again, if we tolerate it (or them).

      I have become a harder man than I was – because I understand that these mentally ill Communists and their puppeteers cannot be treated with kid gloves. It is quite literally going to come down to us – or them. I do not like this. But I understand it and accept it.

      So be it.

      It is all on them – and may God have mercy on their souls. If they have them.

      • Hi Eric,

        What is normal? We have never lived in “normal” times, just sheltered times. There is much evil in the world. This isn’t new, we have just decided to remove the rose colored glasses from our eyes.

        The focus of anger should not be on the delusional maskers, but governance from the top. Going after maskers is not holding a grudge against your three year old for touching the stove after you told him four times not to. My animosity is not toward those too stupid to see their masks won’t save them from a gnat much less an airborne virus, but toward the very people that demanded such complacency.

        If we are to be upset by the maskers should our anger also not be directed toward people who remove their shoes at airports, those that actually applied for REAL IDs, or even those who pay their taxes? We are all complacent to some degree. Those that call the shots are the ones that deserve our wrath.

        • Hi RG,

          I hear that; and generally agree. Let me try to reformulate what I was trying to get at. I would like to see “mask” wearing rendered the same as Dunce cap wearing.Or wearing a KKK hat. Go ahead and do it; it’s your right and I will defend it. But expect to be the object of general scorn and ridicule.

          This is not offensive shirt/hurt feelings stuff. This is evil stuff.

          Remember what was done – and remember that it can be done again.

          • Hi Eric,

            The mask wearing was the prerequisite of fear to push the vaccines. That is the true evil. TPTB got what they wanted….72% of human arms and 85% of human noses. The game will not be replayed and there are a new set of rules being established. Never give your enemy a chance to succeed. If you run the same play down field they know the outcome. TPTB have moved on and we need to as well.

        • “The focus of anger should not be on the delusional maskers, but governance from the top…My animosity is not toward those too stupid to see their masks won’t save them from a gnat much less an airborne virus, but toward the very people that demanded such complacency.”

          This is wrong-headed. The elected politicians did nothing. The so-called mask mandates were not law. They were pieces of paper signed by un-elected county “health” workers.

          Why should I be mad at government officials who are and have always been evil? I am angry at the people who went along like sheep, the businesses who voluntarily shut down, and those store workers who enforced the non-legal “mandates”, which is why very few police actually cited anyone for not masking indoors, but did ticket for trespassing if the maskless refused to leave – which was also gay and retarded on the part of police.

          Change isn’t going to come from the top. Trump isn’t going to save us. Neither is Thomas Massie. It has to come from the people and they have to refuse to go along with sheer idiocy. If parents stopped sending their kids to public schools, the public schools would go bankrupt, which is a way more effective strategy than complaining incessantly to commie school boards.

          You continue to gaslight commenters by comparing masking to shoe removal at airport, RealID, and taxes. Why not compare masking to wearing pants and a t-shirt while you’re at it? I can easily avoid airports and not switch to RealID, which I haven’t. I don’t see those things either. I don’t see a RealID in someone’s wallet. On taxes, that’s a little more complicated. I don’t think a 5% flat tax on income and nothing else is totally immoral to support a small enough government for protection and enforcement of our natural, contractual, and constitutional rights. I suppose you could just earn (and purchase) less and thus pay less or no taxes. Or just not file taxes and see what happens. But again, I don’t see the tax filers or the accountants preparing and filing taxes. On the other hand, when I go out in public, especially where I live, I see the diapers everywhere. I can’t not go outdoors, go for a walk, buy groceries. I have to do those things. The maskers not only spread fear (mainly to children and the elderly) but make it easier to bring back “mandates” on a wider scale. I care about the younger generation and the psychological effect masking by others is doing to them. It also sets a precedent for what’s about to come next. But nothing is as in-your-face and unsettling as diapering – not realID, taking off shoes at airport, or paying taxes – and should be against the law to conceal your face in public.

          By the way, in the early 2000s, a year or two after “9/11”, I refused to take off my shoes at the airport. And what happened? I got a full pat down. Then I was left alone to go to my gate. I guess a full pat down is better and less humiliating than taking off your shoes and doing the pose of shame inside the body scan machine. But I rarely fly anymore because of TSA. The last time I flew, I argued incessantly to the TSA that I wasn’t going to take off my shoes. They wouldn’t let me fly, not even with a full pat down, and lots of people around me saw what I was trying to do. So I ended up driving 15 hours to my destination.

          I never wore a mask. I had police called on me at least a dozen times. They showed up several times – I don’t run from anyone – and we talked but they never arrested me.

          You strike me as someone who did mask and masked all the way until Ms county Health Czar told you didn’t have to. You probably flew during 2020 and 2021 and masked on the flight. You don’t sound like a fighter to me. You’re probably jabbed too.

          One final thing. It’s not my style to comment on anyone’s handle name, but your’s is “Raider Girl”. Are you a Raider’s football fan? If you are, that’s pathetic. Not because of the Raiders but because you still follow professional sports. I gave that all up in 2020. None of that mattered to me anymore, who won or lost, with the country burning up in flames, monuments coming down – as during a bolshevik revolution – and woke athletes taking the knee and sporting BLM shirts. If you are still a pro football fan, basketball fan, you don’t get it, you’re not awake. I wonder if you still subscribe to cable TV and Netflix?

          • Hi Alvin,

            I agree strongly with your point regarding the importance of noncompliance. And like you, I am bothered by the people who did comply because that’s what enabled the “mandates.” This includes my oldest friend, who is “on our side” and agreed the Diapers were both absurd and evil but who still put one on to get booze at the ABC store. The people still wearing the disgusting things today are a reminder of what happened – and that it can and likely will happen again. I understand that most of the ons who still wear a Diaper today are older people terrified of getting sick. While I sympathy for them, it does not mean their behavior isn’t irrational – and dangerous. Just as it’s wrong, in my view, to not teach a kid not to be afraid of the Bogeyman, so also it is wrong to abide essentially the same fear in adults – who vote. Who – collectively – have the power to envelop us in their madness.

            Some things need to be rendered shameful to do in public. “Masking” is one of these.

          • Hi Alvin,

            Bless your heart.

            If it obvious you are new to the site or maybe just don’t read others commenters post, but I have four years of replies against my adversity to masks and especially vaccines.

            I home-schooled my children and haven’t been on a plane or in an airport since December 2019. I have NEVER worn a mask (unless it was a Halloween one) which I used during the Plandemic to point to the obvious hypocrisy of “masks required”. My children have never donned such a thing because I wouldn’t let them. We showed our faces wherever we went and got kicked out more than once.

            As for my name, who cares that I like football. Based on your name you are a chipmunk. Personally, you sound like a jerk. See, we can all make assumptions about others.

            Have a blessed day.

    • What if their face diapers had, “Let’s Eat Kids! It’s Cool” written on them,… as they looked at yours?

      Would you take the same approach?

      • Hi helot,

        Are we not free to express ourselves? Where is the red line? I wear some pretty controversial T-shirts. Does everyone approve? Nope. Do I care? Nope. Is the slogan distasteful? Yes. Are they actually eating children? If they are, then I would say that affects someone else’ right to live…aka the child. We don’t get to sob and yell, “I am offended” when someone takes an approach we don’t like. Are they invading our personal space and our pursuit to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? If they are then you have a case. If not, roll your eyes and move on.

        • Raider Girl,

          I’m with you on all of this. I can’t be angry (at least for long) at anyone for being mentally compromised, ignorant or just plain stupid. Of course, I won’t just stand by while they attempt to run things. Luckily, I’m now far from any of the epicenters primarily subject to the influence of such people.

          And as Tool once said: “I can say what I want to, even if I’m not serious. I can say what I want to, even if I’m just kidding.”

        • I heard some of Roseanne being interviewed by Tucker. She talked about an encounter in a fancy hotel of teens yelling crudely at people in the elevators. She yelled at them, “Shut up! Do your parents know what you’re doing?” Or, some such.

          I dunno, this talk of T-shirt slogans, of freedom of speech, sure, then what of culture?

          Did neighborhood parents ever scold you when you were young, or your kids, for inappropriate behavior? “Hey! You kids… don’t do that!”

          What if the maskers were crazily yelling at an old frail couple in public & scaring the crap out of them? …Just ignore it? It’s their right?

          Is that how we got here, now?

          Is wearing of a mask in public not doing just that, to everyone, to a kind of degree?

          …What of culture? Of, norms?

          Does the mask wearing not silently scream unsaid things? Things destructive to our culture?

          …What of culture? Anything goes?

          Blue hair, hog-ring nose, full body tats, & sharpened fanged teeth,… go for it! No one will say A Thing. It’s all good.

          • Who said anything about screaming at someone? That is harassment. That is completely different than not liking what someone is wearing or how many nose rings they have.

            • …Whoosh. Right over your head.


              #3. “The set of predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize a group or organization.”

              Wearing face diapers.
              Screaming at people.
              Wearing hog rings.
              Anti-social distancing.

              All being normalized as culturally acceptable because people said, nothing.

  16. I’ve noticed an uptick in face diapers around here lately, and lots of signs popping up stating “masks recommended”. Probably not much longer before recommended becomes “required”. Ugh, beam me up Scotty.

  17. This whole face diaper thing was NEVER about “Protecting Public Health”, nor was the subsequent COVID vaxx mandates that governments tried to shove down everyone’s throats. Dr. Joseph Mercola made the case in his interview with comedian Jimmy Dore yesterday that the whole thing of making everyone wear face diapers everywhere was REALLY designed to be spreading fear among the population, which many people fell for in 2020 and to this day some of them STILL buy the BS involving face diapers. The Democrat Party, corporate media, and the federal government have mastered the art of fear mongering. I wouldn’t be surprised if these authoritarians in government who’ve become drunk with power try to bring back mask mandates for ALL public indoor places, not just medical facilities….


    • bring back mask mandates for ALL public indoor places, not just medical facilities….easy way to identify non compliant slaves….

      Very dangerous….for non compliant slaves…

      In a master slave system the master can kill the slave…it is their property….

      The leftists know it….

      University of Kansas Professor Says….. Men Who Don’t Vote For Kommiela….. Should Be Lined Up and Shot


      • “If you believe guys are smarter than girls you have some serious problems,” [ Professor ] Lowcock told the class. “


    • The face diapers are coming back to the hospitals for the regulatory Winter season (at least at my local one) if employees do not get their seasonal flu shot. Have heard they are not mandating the COVID jab, and have not for several years. And then again, Big Pharma is making all vaccines messenger RNA now, so you can get your annual intake of spike protein with your flu inoculation. Those who might have been okay with the annual flu shot, but not the COVID jab are going to have to make a decision one way or the other. Big Pharma is also combining the COVID and flu shots together. Whether they will tell you when you get “just your annual flu shot” is another story. Even today, I still see whole families wearing masks in their vehicles, solitary people in their vehicles wearing masks. I simply do not bother looking at them. They have made their decision. The problem is, when SHTF, they will demand their decision be mine. Knowing how history repeats itself, I wonder what “new” pandemic is coming? After all, the last one worked so well.

  18. Do an image search for “coronavirus” and you’ll get a lot of hits. This is one of my favorites. Notice anything? None of these images are real. They’re computer generated, hand drawn… imagined. But to many people, it looks real enough. There aren’t giant balls of goo with spikes floating around like some dog’s chew toy, but the image is there. And to the maskers, it is every bit as real as the flickering images on the screen you’re looking at to read my drivel.

    You’re only looking at a series of colored squares, but your brain is tricking you into believing you’re seeing words (themselves an illusionary device used to describe something tangible -in as much as my thoughts and opinions exist). Those words exist on a paper analog created out of light, transmitted by optical and electronic waves that, when interpreted correctly by a suitable transceiver, will regenerate my thoughts over distance and time. But none of this stuff is real in any sense of physical properties.

    Our brains are really lousy at interpreting reality. Yet we do OK for a few decades. Some of us come up with conceptual models that work better than others, but most of us aren’t ever going to really understand what we cannot see with our own eyes. And that includes the science of the day. Now that the majority of the public spends hours per day looking at false images, it’s no wonder many people will fall for whatever their tribal leaders tell them. And a few of them will buy into the illusion long past the fad. After all, there’s still people trading Beanie Babies and accepting Federal Reserve Notes on payday.

  19. Those who have no control over their own lives seek control over the lives of others. Which tickles the Psychopaths In Charge pink. If their subjects are busy fighting each other, they aren’t fighting the monster.

  20. Perhaps O/T but, in the article linked below you will read some truly interesting stuff. The author blames “big oil” for the recent hurricanes and should be forced to compensate the victims. This despite the fact that Our Dear Leader just said thinking that anyone can control the weather is dangerously wrong. But, what’s even more interesting is that this scribe asserts that because Main Steam Media has taken ad money from “big oil” that they have sold their souls to them and cannot be trusted to tell the “truth” about the Climate Crisis [insert dramatic music sounder here].

    The fact that Big Pharma is responsible for nearly 80% of teevee ads is not mentioned when talking about “health care”.

    It’s this kind of cognitive dissonance that is driving the nation and the world, insane.


    • Applying spectral analysis to the Atlantic and Pacific hurricane time series, we found periodicities that coincide with the main sunspot and magnetic solar cycles.


      There has been massive sunspot activity all year. One cluster of sunspots, several Earths in diameter, has been ejecting solar flares that have disrupted radio communications and put electricity grid operators on high alert all summer. People (myself included) have been observing the aurora borealis at very low latitudes, as far south as Colorado and New Mexico. Sunspot activity is cyclical in nature due to the structure of Sol and the revolving magnetic fields. This also explains why the number of named storms hasn’t been rising and the intensity of the storms isn’t really changing as predicted by the models.

      But that’s not Science™, so you won’t hear about it anywhere.

      All these models that predict man-caused doom assume a static unchanging Sun. Just like the priests of old who said the celestial realm was perfect, when Galileo observed something other than their view, he was locked up and forced to recant. Because there’s no money in blaming the Sun for the Earth’s climate.

  21. “mask mandates are returning in health care settings” — eric

    ‘Health care’ is a bizarre expression. At first it might seem to be a tautology, or a redundancy. However, since many of the medical cartel’s interventions are deleterious (e.g., mRNA ‘vaccines’), ‘health care’ can more accurately be termed an oxymoron.

    ‘White-coat poltroonery’ [Eric’s term] can be condensed to the neutral portmanteau word, ‘medgov.’ After all, federal spending already accounts for half of America’s bloated health sector, which comprises 16% of GDP here versus half that in other advanced countries.

    Medgov from the fedgov — what’s not to like? Now bend over …

    • “Medgov” – that does seem like a monster’s name.

      I was looking to the right as I scrolled the article & the photo of the female with the face diaper with the words, “Vaccinated & Still Masking” was out-of-focus a bit & the image seemed like a brown hairy Bigfoot-type monster & the white letters were like long curved sharp monster-teeth. …Spooky pre-coffee stuff.

      Anyway, now I know why there’s been a noticeable uptick in face diaper wearing here in Iowa in the pink city near me. The Medgov has cast its shadow. I hope it doesn’t reach the countryside.

      • Well Spartan kid….
        You just reminded me you’re in Iowa….
        And never sent me a “review “ of the amazing “ loose meat sandwich’s”…
        At Canteen Lunch in Alley …in Ottumwa!!
        However I understand if there was a “Vaxtard infection “ there
        So no worries
        ..Dang forgot to send a pic of their coffee mug….stay tuned

        • “ loose meat sandwich’s” – sounds like a ‘Maid-Rite’ sandwich. They’re okay. Not all that special (rather have a White Castle, there are none in Iowa to my knowledge) so’s I’d prolly not try & go out of my way for one in Ottumwa, which is a bit outside my circle.


          ‘Canteen Lunch in Alley’ <- is that a real place?

    • >‘Health care’
      Got to keep up the happy talk.
      just won’t get it
      Now we’re talking!
      Walter Krankheit (Cronkite) would have to change his last name to Gesundheit, in today’s world, and “das Krankenhaus” has got to go (not the facility, just the name).
      disease -> health
      water -> wine
      That’s what old Stewball drank, and he was a race horse!

      Turn that water into wine now,
      Lord Almighty, Jesus Christ!
      (to the tune of Little Latin Lupe Lou)


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