No One Dreads the Plumber


Do you feel anxious when you glance in the rearview and notice there’s a plumber’s truck behind you? You might even feel relieved – if your upstairs bathroom piping failed and water’s rapidly ruining everything below.

But otherwise? Why would you? Plumbers don’t constitute a menace. Law enforcers, on the other hand. . . .

Almost everyone gets a little edgy when they glance in the rearview and see one behind them – or up ahead, sitting by the side of the road. Why is that? After all, the majority of us are not criminals.

But there is a law we may have failed to obey.

The distinction is important.

Criminals, properly speaking, are the minority among us who actively seek to harm others, in the literal sense of the italicized word. Criminals deliberately commit acts of violence. They accost people physically – sometimes just because they’re thugs and enjoy doing that sort of thing. Or they threaten to accost them physically, so as to get them to hand over their property. Some just take (or deliberately damage) the property of others when the owner isn’t there to accost.

This is the essence of criminality.

Then there are “offenses” against “the law.” These are usually not criminal in that no one has been done violence by someone else driving his car without an up-to-date inspection sticker or windows tinted “too dark.” There are many such offenses. Arguably, too many.

These “offenses” are – fundamentally – affronts to the authority of the government – and that is fundamentally what law enforcement exists to punish.

The term itself conveys this. Laws are to be enforced. Not because anyone has been harmed but because the law must be enforced. One often hears law enforcers themselves admit this.

They will say, “it’s the law.”

Not that whatever it is you did was criminal.

They know it wasn’t – and you know it wasn’t. Yet it doesn’t matter, to the enforcer of the law. Consider the mentality of that. Try to get in the headspace of that. How does a psychologically normal person square a sense of personal decency with getting paid to “pull people over” – who are not criminals – and hector them over contrived offenses, ending with the gussied-up extortion of handing them a “ticket” that will cost them  possibly hundreds of dollars they probably worked very hard for?

Isn’t that the sort of thing a criminal does?

Indeed it is. The difference is that one kind of criminality has been legalized. We know it – and they know it. And that is why the bulk of us who are not criminals tense up when we see a law enforcer behind us. We know that our not being criminals is no defense against criminals who work for the government.

This is obviously bad for us. But it is also bad for them. Because they are at best regarded with unease by many of us and often with the outright contempt many of them have earned as enforcers of the law. Imagine what it must be like to live as a member of a pariah caste. To be feared and disliked by your neighbors, who maybe wave and pretend a smile when they see you but do their best to avoid you. Who likely despise you.

It must instill a degree of out-group/in-group paranoia, which of course only makes the dynamic even more poisonous.

Imagine regarding your neighbors – and those you “pull over” because they are driving a car without an up-to-date government sticker or because the grown man or woman behind the wheel was not “buckled up” for “safety” – as civilians.

The implication being that you are not.

Now dress up like the soldier you aren’t – and imagine how you’d be inclined to behave toward the “civilian” you just “pulled over.” Would you regard him as a fellow citizen? Or a threat? Or something worse. Something like an indig – to use soldier-speak to describe the native people of an occupied foreign country.

And that is why we “indigs” are on our guard whenever we see one of you – and it is why you are on guard whenever you “pull over” one of us.

Wouldn’t it be better – for both of us – if you regarded us as fellow citizens and yourself as the civilian you are? Wouldn’t it be even better if only criminals had to worry about police? If that were the case, most of us would be happy to have police – that is, peace-keepers – around.

We might even invite you over when we grill burgers.

. . .

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  1. Off-topic, but relevant to issues of mala prohibita laws and their draconian enforcement: Those of you who are in business, self-employed, and use a corporation to conduct the business, such as a LLC, have a new reporting requirement to the fed gov. By Jan. 1, 2025, you need to file a beneficial ownership report to the Dept. of Treasury. The penalty for failing to do this: fines up to $10,000 and two years in federal prison. Details are here:

    • Hi SLH,

      This is all true, but I plan to sit back and wait until the last minute. I don’t see how they do not extend this out. Very few businesses are aware of it and then you have the hurricane damage in states like GA, FL, NC, SC, and TN. They can’t even get US taxpayers to file FBAR reports (and this has been ongoing for decades). I love how they expect 30 million + businesses to register in one year.

      This is also going through the courts right now. It is likely if Trump gets in this will DOA by the end of January 2025.

      My guess is the US Treasury FINCEN doesn’t have anywhere close to the 32.9 million small businesses in this country registered. When Yellen say “millions of BOIs have been filed” that does not equate to businesses, but partners of said businesses.

      Never rush to give Uncle Sam info it will usually be used against you at a later date.

      Just my $.02.

  2. Latest Kamala Word Salad Drops

    When speaking she is probably drunk….and laughing in the faces of the useless eaters….who don’t get it when she cackles at them….

    From ZH comments….
    I am a proctor for Mensa. I imagine that if Kamala took an IQ test, she would do poorly. ….

    Her speech appears to rely on her tone of voice, like when you are talking to a dog or cat.

    …..talking to a dog or cat. ….she gets it….see it from her viewpoint….in her mind she is talking to animals…useless eaters……

    When you become a citizen of an international corporation…you are no longer considered a human…a citizen of an international corporation is considered a creature…the definition of a creature is an animal in the dictionary…

    • Good stuff, Anon –

      I agree with the general sentiment that Harris is – at best – a cunning mediocrity who excels at the games played in backroom (and bedroom) politics but is fundamentally a know-nothing and a cipher. Exactly the sort of tool that is useful to the Left.

    • ‘I am a proctor for Mensa.’

      That’s hilarious!

      I myself am a proctologist for Mensa, often called in to diagnose ‘shit for brains.’

  3. The root cause (big picture) is that the cops enforce laws made by the legislators — so the problem isn’t really the cops, it is the system that dictates that the legislators make the laws. We people should make the laws.

    Also, another root cause problem is that we people don’t have control or power over the cops — we need both — we should be able to fire them at any time and have an honest justice system with which to have a case, and we should have a ‘posse’ that has more physical power than the cops in case the cops ever go rogue.

  4. No One Dreads the Dumber

    Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️

    EXCLUSIVE: Kamala Harris plagiarized at least a dozen sections of her criminal-justice book, Smart on Crime, according to a new investigation. The current vice president even lifted material from Wikipedia.

    We have the receipts.

    “Kamala Harris plagiarized at least a dozen sections of her criminal-justice book, Smart on Crime (2022),” and “even lifted material from Wikipedia.”

    Plagiarizing? That ain’t very smart. And it could be a copyright crime.

    But when she has only a dozen brain cells (bathed in chardonnay), and can’t formulate a declarative sentence, what’s an ambitious middle class woman to do?

    She put the her in hurt
    She put the why in try
    She put the S-O-B in sober
    She put the hang in hangover (hangover)
    She put the ex in sex
    She put the low in blow

    She put a big F-U in my future
    Yeah she’s got a way
    She’s got a way with words
    Yeah she’s got a way with words

    — Blake Shelton, She’s Got a Way With Words

  5. So completely and utterly off the topic, but I found this article through ZH (it was in the comments section of today’s article on Bill Clinton assisting Trump in a new campaign ad).

    The article is dated August 2017. To practice due diligence I did look up a few items to make sure the article didn’t come out of left field. Bieber did cancel his World Tour at that time, as well as, conducting Bible studies. With what is going on now with the music industry, Sean Combs, etc. it validates how truly sick the world is. I cannot imagine the horrible things that he had to see and experience as a child. May his parents and the entire music/acting industry rot in hell.

    It is time for Hollyweird to release the names of those guilty of their association with Combs and Epstein. How many children were tortured and then killed because everyone kept their mouth shut? The people that brought these subjects up were vilified and labeled crazy. Justice is long overdue.

      • Hi Eric,

        Personally, I was always been pro-vigilantism. Round up and hand them over to the victims or their families.

        Or as George Carlin suggested in one of his comedy routines a few decades ago…build a huge complex in the middle of nowhere (I think Carlin suggested Kansas or Nebraska) and toss them all in. Once a month for five seconds the gate will open and whomever can get out is a free man.

        I think Carlin’s scenario is much too nice. Let’s go with round them up and hand to the victims families. Show no mercy to the pedophiles. They didn’t show their victims any.

          • Hi BID,

            I read that yesterday and I don’t see how they are going to be able to prosecute the father for anything. If they do a jury of his peers will let him off. Every parent out there can understand why the father did what he did and the “victim” has a history of child stalking and predator behavior.

            If the prosecutors are going to tie up the courts to bring justified killings under first degree murder charges then people will stop contacting the police. People will take the law into their own hands if they believe the system is two tiered and corrupt.

            • Reading the story, the predator was a police chief somewhere in Indiana.
              The thin blue line attempts to protect its own, right or wrong…

    • Epstein was 100% a Mossad operator. If you want to know why both parties are ready to go to war for Israel… they’ve got tapes on everyone.

      • Hi X,

        Yup. I think it was Greenwald who reported he’d gone to interview the bastard in NYC. When he arrived at the sick SOB’s place, he was offered a “massage” prior to meeting Epstein. He declined – and left. I agree with the idea that many – possibly most – of these people (the ones who rule over us) are owned because they are compromised, which they are because they’re creeps. The real owners, of course, are people most of us have never heard of.

    • NOTE…They enforce policies, regulations, statutes and other fancy words but NOT LAW

      They are not LAW enforcers and they CAN’T create LAW.
      Law stands for LAND, AIR and WATER.
      We have received dominion over LAW from God.
      They can’t create Land, Air and Water.
      By definition they CAN’T create LAW or enforce LAW.

      They use doublespeak / Black’s Law Dictionary Legalise language crap.

      That’s how you deceive the population.—How-Common-Law-Can-Work-For-You-(Romley-Stewart—Justinian-Deception)-pt1:5

    • The slaves gave their sovereignty to the government to run everything…

      …….the government gives their sovereign power to the agw..they are the hammer…the enforcer…

      In a master slave system…the slave is the property of the master…the master has the right to kill the slave….be careful when interacting with agw….

      • Citizen of a country…a corporation….countries are incorporated…they are a corporation…run under corporate law…

        @ 8:00 in video….When you become a citizen of an international corporation…you are no longer considered a human…a citizen of an international corporation is considered a creature…the definition of a creature is an animal in the dictionary…

        …considered a creature…that is why the slave owning control group call them useless eaters…

        • …a citizen of a country…actually an international corporation…. is considered a creature…the definition of a creature is an animal in the dictionary…

          The slave owning control group manage the herd size, whenever they want to…

    • The slaves were sold off by FDR or Wilson, earlier. Of course, they voted for FDR 4 times. They have the same mentality of the 55’ers and the COVIDIOTS.

      They seem to revel in subjugation and their own self oppression.

  6. I don’t know that the Adam-12 portrayal of cops was ever accurate. Cops have always been corrupt goons, both big-city ones and small-town Southern sheriffs. Look at what happened to Frank Serpico in NYC… and that was fifty years ago.

    What is different is that the power structure used to keep cops on a shorter leash. The power structure knew that most of them were retards. They were allowed a certain level of corruption as long as they were not too brutal and cause political blowback. Today they are given carte blanche to “keep us safe” in the post-9/11 world.

    Cops used to be afraid to shoot people lest the power structure abandon them and they get charged. They tended to rely more on tuning people up with nightsticks or saps or fists than shooting them dead. They carried “drop guns” to plant on a dead guy to cover their ass if they shot him and it turned out that he was unarmed. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, liberal cities were skeptical of arming the cops too much. NYPD resisted transitioning from revolvers to semi-autos because they did not trust trigger-happy cops with more than six rounds. When they finally did issue Glocks they initially issued FMJ ball because hollow-points were “too deadly.” NYPD cars were painted powder-puff blue. Politicians did not want cops to have AR-15s, they had pump-action shotguns.

    Today the cops are like occupying soldiers, kitted out in black tactical gear, driving MRAPs, and toting “assault weapons” that YOU are not supposed to have because they are “weapons of war.” Every traffic stop is like a checkpoint in Iraq. YOU might be a “terrorist.” You are under constant surveillance through Stingrays and license plate readers and cameras and RFID tags and biometric ID. All that shit was used to secure the “Green Zone” in Iraq.

    If cops shoot first and ask questions later, they nearly always get a free pass with “qualified immunity” if the victim is white. If they shoot a Negro and the blacks riot, they will be called out. So they have resorted to abandoning the feral minorities and illegal aliens in the cities, and started hassling the law-abiding, passive whites who are the low-hanging fruit, like that poor airport bastard deliberately they shot to death in Arkansas.

      • That’s really pretty accurate about Hollywood wallpapering over reality. By the 1960s cops were seen as corrupt buffoons, enforcers for the power structure. The ghetto riots in that decade made it clear how the battle lines were drawn. Before that the Jim Crow was enforced by them, marfia shakedowns were known, etc.

        The suburban white population really is only just now starting to understand it. Not to minimize what Eric points out, since this fear of cops being subconscious to them and perhaps largely still is. You see plenty of people pulled over with a fraternal order of police donor sticker or blue line of tape on their back window. They just don’t put it together in their minds.

        • You make a good point.
          In black urban areas, police are seen as “occupiers”, not unlike the IOF in Palestine.
          In white areas, police are seen as “protectors”. Fortunately, as more whites get caught up and harassed in dishonest police dealings, they are starting to see the police as “occupiers” as well.

        • I’ve heard that cops actually target those with a fraternal order of police donor sticker or blue line of tape on their back window, because they think they’re just being ass kissers.

          During the course of my entire life I have never seen an encounter with a cop result in a net positive outcome. At best it’s an utter waste of time and at worst it’s a deadly encounter. NEVRER EVER call the cops. It is guaranteed that they will make the situation worse.

      • Ahem!…SM,

        I beg to differ…..
        …making that statement I assume you are under the age of 60, For Certain!!

        Growing up in a middle class neighborhood in CT. (Early 1960s)…the Police Officers acted EXACTLY THAT WAY…”To protect and Serve”…..Yup.

        When they birthed SWAT in the late 70s?….that was the first step to acting nasty.
        the 9/11 false flag really allowed for full Asshole blue boys…
        Sorry to correct you …..but my memory is exemplary..

        Semper Fi, Mac

    • Your statement: “Cops used to be afraid to shoot people lest the power structure abandon them and they get charged” was the case until cops were granted “qualified immunity” which gives cops a “license to murder”.
      The “bar” is set so high in lawsuits against those who enjoy “qualified immunity”, one must be able to ascertain the cop’s “state of mind”–something that is impossible to do.
      Most payouts are a result of “bad publicity”, without admitting that the cop’s actions were illegal. Municipalities use their insurance coverage to pay out to those aggrieved.
      If I had my way, “qualified immunity” would be totally abolished and replaced with a “bond” system. The basic cost of the”bond” would be paid for by the municipality. Any surcharges would be paid by the individual bond holder. The inability to secure a bond would result in loss of employment. No bond=no job.
      While we are at it, get rid of “asset forfeiture” (legalized robbery) as well.

    • Cops began behaving even more poorly when the laws were turned against average citizens. The most common one is speed limits. Other examples include prohibition, the war on drugs, and now questioning the security surveillence state laws such as real id, the patriot act, and the TSA.

  7. Eric If people are depending on the aGM s in a life or death situation, they may want to research the Nova Scotia Mass murder event in 2020. Where one of their(RCMP) assets went full postal for a 18 hours. no roadblocks, no plan. He was eventually caught at a gas station with the car of his last victim, because she always had it on Empty. Post event the AGMs lied about every thing. to cover their shortcomings. The only people alive today that encountered him during that 18 hour murder spree had guns.

  8. Why do we fear cops? Because the government is corrupt and we know the armed servant of Satan could do us harm, kill us, or hand out a fine. Anyone who smokes pot, where pot is illegal, is very nervous when getting pulled over, especially if the inside of the vehicle reeks of pot. You can hear the paraphenalia hitting the floor as the hippie bus slows to a stop.

    (In Oregon the criminals in charge legalized pot, this after putting millions in jail for a joint possession.)

    Where does this “magical” authority come from? From belief in a higher power than self. Religions teach that God is a supreme authority and has ordained governments. Amerikans, mostly Christian, have been brainwashed by Romans 13:

    “1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God.”


    Atheists and anarchists scoff at this godly authority claim. Richard Dawkins wrote a book “The God Delusion” adding to the debate that god is only a meme in our brain. The bottom line is if you believe in the all powerful god you will submit to the all powerful government because they are one in the same.

    The ruse is practiced this way. Before governments were secular, the state was run by the church. (The Iran state is still run by the clerics). The priest said he was the intermediary between god and man, so man must obey the priest in the name of god.

    I write extensively on this topic, scroll down through my numerous comments:

    “what is never mentioned in this Ziopocalypse debate is the role of the Holy Bible bringing total destruction and misery onto mankind. Why is it, that the Jewish holy book escapes scrutiny as the causal force in our collective destruction? The Holy Bible is Satan’s terrorist manual. Nearly everyone I know holds the this Jewish Bible as holy and good, they have them in their homes, they listen to Bible verse at church, they believe in that book as the “word of god”. But if you actually read what the book says, it is demonic text – instructing the believer to kill others in the name of god.”

    Example of Bible text using authority for war making:

    [The LORD] will destroy these nations before you, and you shall dispossess them. Joshua is the one who will cross ahead of you, just as the LORD has spoken. “The LORD will do to them just as He did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites, and to their land, when He destroyed them. “The LORD will deliver them up before you, and you shall do to them according to all the commandments which I have commanded you.”


    Inside the heart of every cop is the feeling he has the right to use force against you. And power corrupts, so as power is waxxed it grows and monopolizes. Power is jealous of it’s rivals. Cops fight over jurisdiction. Most cops were raised into religious households. If you believe in the authority of god it is only a short stretch to believe in the authority of state. The Cult of State was derived from the Cult of God.

    But the fact remains, there is no such thing as authority outside of self. You do not have to submit. You can, in fact, form an army and kill cops and destroy governments – which is exactly what governments do to each other every single day.

    • Your comment makes perfect sense. Thank you,

      The goal of any religion or belief system must rest in “the golden rule”, nothing more. Treating your fellow man as you would wish to be treated is the essence of any decent civil society.

      The rest of “religion” or any belief system is actually superfluous and is pretty much ritual. Once the basis for decent, civilized behavior is established, organized religion can easily be disposed of…

      That being said, a good example of a belief system going off the rails is that of “judeo-Christianity”. Grafting parasitical judaism on to the root of Christianity is a jew-imposed control mechanism, nothing more, which does have a destructive effect on Christianity to this day.

      Good examples of this are the “prosperity gospel”, a Protestant belief that “god” will make you rich, if you only “believe”. Of course, shekels in the collection basket are a part of the “prosperity gospel”. Joel Osteen would never be seen in an “off the rack” suit or be driving less than a luxury automobile..

      The fat bastard pig Hagee and his shilling for jewish zionism and israel is but another example of Christianity being co-opted by jewish interests. Scofield and his “interpretation of the”Bible” claiming that the “rapture” will take 128,000 directly to heaven is but another jew-imposed scam. Hagee’s followers and other Christian zionists are waiting for the “end-times”. How can people be so stupid?
      Of course, just recently, the jews just bought Hagee a new jet.

      Let’s not forget “sola scriptura” in which Protestants believe that the Bible is the “inspired word of God” despite being translated and reinterpreted by MEN, with their own agendas. Thankfully, Roman Catholics do not subscribe to “sola scriptura”.

      Roman Catholicism was infected by the jewish parasite with the imposition of the changes wrought by the “Vatican II Ecumenical Council” which both “Protestantized” and “jewified” the Roman Catholic Church.
      Absolving the jews of responsibility for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ is a major theological error as well.

      Judaism itself is parasitical as jews have never established their own purely jewish societies. All one has to do is look at the present-day (illegal) state of israel which is imploding as we speak. The talmudic jewish concepts of supremacy, regarding all non-jews as no better than livestock, to be used for the advantage of the jews is but one prime example of jewish perfidy. Jewish supremacism, indeed…

      Jewish supremacy results in genocide which is being done in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and who knows where else…

      A major error made by Christianity was not disavowing actions spelled out in the Old Testament. It could easily be argued that the Old Testament is actually violence porn, not worthy of emulation.

      Belief systems do have the potential to guide humanity, but quite often are counterproductive in nature.

      As always best regards,

      • anarchyst: “fat bastard pig Hagee” LOL

        Spot on, great comments as always. I’ve been roasting that pastoral pig for at least 10 years. The entire tragedy unfolding in the Middle East is all being driven by belief in a fake narrative. Belief in ancient religious text is driving the madness in Israel, and it is fully supported by the Bible literalists in Amerika, the brain dead Evangelical movement and fat pastoral pig John Hagee who runs Christians United for Israel.

        Roasting the Hagee Pig

        I can’t tell you how much fun this is for me roasting these fat pastoring pigs waddling around the stage, waving the Bible all around in mesmerizing circles claiming this and that and are absolutely sure they know what God says (or thinks). Sure they do. Like that soulless puddle of pork knows anything about God. Why he’s got a PhD in Bibliology and knows the inner mind of Jehovah.
        Isn’t it funny how these religious types so obsessed with ‘saving their soul’ are so soulless? Ever notice that? Hagee is a heartless bastard glorifying the God of Israel which is essentially glorifying the Israel since god is a fiction and he worships the Jews since they have all the money. Rabbi Hagee wants in.

        If you ever hear Hagee’s roar, he’d make Al Gore’s testicles shrivel into little acorns. The man (if you can call him that) is a a fire breathing dragon of everything Jewish and Israel. He roars about Yahwey, the lord god who is sending us signs in the heavens but does nothing about hellish conditions on earth caused by his tribe.

        Hagee reminds me of that Fat Bastard character from the movie Austin Powers, spewing chunks of corn all over the mouth agaping duped audience of inbreeds. ‘Gawd is sending us signs’ says Hagee. He seems to think moon cycles are influenced by the hand of god even though he’s using NASA’s data for his predictions. What a friggin’ laugh, yeah the devil god is sending us signs alright … with his prophet Fat Bastard.
        John Hagee is a Jewish wannabe Bible thumping bloated bastard son of Israel. Fat assed dispensationalist dipshit Hagee is pregnant with Bible lunacy. He’s getting filthy rich and if he keeps up the good work then maybe he’ll get a private jet courtesy of Israel like those other televangelists and add that to his 7,969-acre ranch and John Hagee Rabbi Trust.
        The ‘Jesus is coming back’ meme is John Hagee’s salvation. Judas goat Hagee is leading the masses astray with endless money grubbing Bible end times fantasies. Blood Moons is going to make a lot of Jewish money for profiting false prophet Hagee. I can only hope he croaks while choking down the next 3 pound serving of prime rib. I’ll be sure to pay my last respects at his funeral by pissing on his grave.
        antichrist and false prophetIt’s easy to figure that John Hagee blood moon theory will fail besides the fact that his interventionist god never shows. His Christian ministry is tied in with Israel, CUFU, Christians United and FU, has 2 million members and is responsible for mayhem on planet earth, isn’t going to get out of their self generated karmic wrath. Talk about wishful supremacist thinking. We get to wreck everything and then go to Jesus while you suffer … you sinners.
        According to these Bible fruitcakes, they bring on the doom but at the last minute get Raptured up into the heavens to be with Jesus, while all the non-believers get french fried on earth by the infamous antichrist, who just happens to be in John Hagee’s inner circle. Such nice thoughts, don’t you think?

        • Amen, Jack!

          As a kid, I used to watch and laugh at Ernest Angley’s schtick, which I thought was funny until I realized and understood what an evil, exploitative fuck he was – and they are.

    • Let’s not forget “Jonathan” and his “senior life insurance” scam.
      He started out as a spokesman, but is now an “insurance professional”. Six months from now he will own the company…lol

  9. “I commanded 500,000 troops in Iraq, now I can’t even get a plumber to come to my house.” – General Norman Schwarzkopf

    You hope you can find one that will be there, maybe not on time, just get there. A clogged waste discharge pipe is the pits, you have no water.

    It’s Columbus/Indigenous People’s Day, everybody gets a day off today.

    Time to drink some libations.

    200,000,000 people on the roads and highways every day are always running into each other and sometimes they speed up to 95 mph in a 75 mph speed zone, there are going to be some accidents and some ticketing of violators. Add some road rage, the day can be a long one if something goes wrong.

    It can become a problem if some drivers and passengers die because an accident occurred.

    It might be a good idea to hire medical doctors to monitor traffic in high traffic areas, a good doctor would proceed with great care to help people through traffic situations.

    If there is an accident, the doctor will be right there.

    The dreaded AGWs are always in the way, what they do.

    Pigs? What pigs? We don’t need no steeenking pigs? Get them back in the sty.

    An age old question when one thinks they can solve any problem: You and whose army?

    When Bibi was asked that question, he answered “America’s army, of course. Who else is dumb enough to follow General George Armstrong Custer into the Little Big Horn, I mean, Gaza?”

    • Thanks for an opening Big d,

      Folks, the World may well be in a “situation” including opening fire with “Magic Mushrooms”..
      I watched a Gruesome movie called “Threads”..back in the mid 80’s ….

      It gave me nightmares!

      Briefly, it shows the effects of a nuclear exchange on the City of Sheffield England…
      And how quickly society falls apart….when the interconnected nodes of civilization “unravel”
      thus the movie’s title..

      The movie is truly well done and TOTALLY CREEPY! .. Spoiler alert..everything goes to shit and does not return……

      Check out the reviews….the thing is scary, exactly what

      Kids need to stop playing of war…fantasy attack..whatever ..and check out reality.

      Good luck

  10. I see a day, not too distant where police require an-la-carte style payment for service. Someone steals your prized garden gnome, sir Donald? pay a fee, fill out a form. An Illegal Alien assaults your wife, or unburdens your cat? pay a fee, fill out a form, and they’ll get back to you.

    If you’re a special person, or an upstanding bolshevik member of the garbage elite, you are exempt of course and officer or officeresseses friendly will be standing by to protect and serve the shit out of anyone who bothers you.

    • Hi Norman,

      In a privatized system that is the way it would work and personally I wouldn’t have a problem with it. The problem today is that taxpayers pay for it, but governments control it.

      We all need to get in the mindset that no one is coming to rescue us with the exception of our families and quite possibly, our neighbors. No one else cares. To file a police report, IMHO, is insane. To contact the police when there is a burglar at your door, also crazy. The thief will have kicked in the door and have shot you before the police even get in the car. Everyone should have an Arnold or a Betsy and know how to operate them. Because, when the chips are down, no one will be there.

      • I agree with almost everything you said there, RG. Strongly with one point, and that is about the system becoming privatized. We’d just end up with more two tier justice BS, and we’d be paying twice. Sounds to me like a deep state wet dream.

        Never thought I’d agree with the filthy communists, but on this issue, outside a constitutional Sheriff who respects peoples sovereign rights, I’m voting for defunding all municipal police forces. They’ve proven time and again that they cant be trusted, and they cant self regulate. Let the ferrules that live in the big cities sort it out.

        • Can’t really just defund/privatize police. The courts would have to as well. The basic question is one of trusted impartiality. Eliminating municipal police would not change the situation since a sheriff’s deputy is given special preference and an unimpeachable trust in government courts. You’d have to have someone who sits in judgement who hears testimony blindly and calls bullshit when it’s bullshit. Maybe the legislature could remain “public government” in the sense that if you have a mostly private executive and judicial stupid or immoral laws would not be enforced.

    • Norman – I think that day is already here, we just dont realise it. Do you think all our dear leaders rely on “the police” to stay safe? Yes the police supplements but most everyone at that level has private security. I remember back in SF with my brother once we got approached by guys in a black SUV in front of Zuckerberg’s house (this was almost 10 years ago). Brother showed us the house, and then we went around and came back quite close to the house without realising (or 3 houses he merged to one house). We were trying to figure out what to do next, and let’s say having a disagreement and a spirited brotherly debate… and they thought we were up to something! Asked what we were up to and that we weren’t allowed to park there and it’s reserved or something. My brother got started pushing back and i guess he saw the kids in the back of the tinted SUV and realised we weren’t a threat and went away….

      As we did back in Pakistan upper middle class and above had their own armed guards at homes and offices. It’s just back there the gov didnt take like 60% of your income for taxes to help “keep you safe”, and we all knew the cops weren’t there for our benefit in any way !

      • Hey Nasir, If I remember right you’re in or were in Britannia? Sixty percent would be more than I would agree too. Here in many parts of the US its getting confiscatory. I think people in Britain and the US should go on strike. Not much more left to lose. Taxation without representation is in full tilt and the very thing that set off the American revolution was small potatoes in comparison to what people pay fedgov now.

        • Hi Norman, Yes home is currently in the UK – though childhood and youth spent between the US and Pakistan (with a brief stint in the UAE). Yes – taxation in the west has gone crazy. I think for a working class person (ie someone who works to pay bills and survive) the total tax we pay is prob closer to 70%. But the worst part, particularly in Britain is the mindset of the people where the solution of every problem to them seems to be another tax….. These days out of work so reaching out to friends/old colleagues from different walks of life all over the world. The amount of tax we pay and how much it degrades our life is becoming very obvious when you talk to say someone in the middle east. And then you hear about where the tax money goes and it make you feel even worse….

          • Hi Nasir,

            Sorry to hear about your situation; ordinary people in the West generally are facing the same existential threat – which now walks among them because so many have become the useful idiots of the Left. This has happened because of arrested development – many people have the poor impulse control and I want it now! mentality of toddlers – and because people have permitted themselves to believe there is such a thing asa a free lunch. Many do not realize they believe it but that does not obviate the consequences.

            • Hey thanks. Wish me luck – but thankfully – got a decent exit after quite a long stint at one company. As long as I figure out a way to have some money coming in within a reasonable time frame I should be ok. But is a bit strange given I’ve always had money coming in (or a job lined up) since I was like 19…. for the first time I dont have that!

      • The Oinkers in Heavy Metal are where I think its headed. Also, Octavia Butlers book, Parable of the Sower. Cops wouldn’t rouse themselves without a bribe. Odd that the story was set in twenty-twenty four, or five iirc. California coast and southern Oregon.

    • The “system” already does.
      In many localities, those incarcerated must pay a “per diem” fee for their incarceration–something that is already paid for by taxpayers.
      Other examples include “administrative fees” for “services” that are already paid for with taxpayer dollars.

  11. “Municipal police departments” are a relatively new phenomenon in the grand scheme of human civilization. This concept of “law enforcement” is beholden to the power structure and not to the citizenry.
    In “the good old days”, the “sheriff” was the chief “law enforcement” individual in the county and had broad reign in his respective jurisdiction. When the need arose, ordinary citizens were “deputized” and were given limited “police authority” at the discretion of the “sheriff”. This was used during emergencies when there was a need for “manpower”.
    Today, this has morphed into the need for permanently appointed sheriff’s deputies.
    In order for a sheriff to be elected (and re-elected) he has to have a good reputation among the citizenry. Accountability to the citizenry is a major part of the equation.
    Fast forward to today, where the “chief of police” in major urban areas is quite often a political “hack” whose allegiance is to the mayor and power structure, not the citizenry. This is a large part of the problem as it fosters an “us vs. them” attitude, where the citizenry (us) is considered to be the “enemy”. It gets worse, as city officials “pull back” their police when they should be doing just the opposite.
    The concept of “qualified immunity” for public officials has been expanded to the point that police departments operate with impunity and have no problem abusing their power as the prosecutors, courts, and in general the “system” is heavily stacked against the victim of police abuses. It is almost impossible to sue police departments for abuses committed by their personnel.
    Individual police officers cannot be sued as they are “protected” from lawsuits by their official “immunity”. Even with incontrovertible video and audio evidence, police are rarely convicted of crimes. Juror intimidation is a large factor in the inability to reign in the “bad apples”. Police unions play a large part in whitewashing criminal behavior by police.
    Immunity negates responsibility and must be abolished across the board.
    Let’s not forget the “israelization” of today’s police departments where “escalation of force” has been replaced with israeli-style “command and control” tactics in which immediate compliance with police commands is demanded.
    American police departments routinely send their personnel to israel for (free) training in how to handle Palestinians (oops, I mean American citizens) to “see how it’s done”. We are all Palestinians, now…
    Problems arise when multiple police officers bark out conflicting commands as in the case of Daniel Shaver being murdered by Mesa Arizona police officer Philip Brailsford for being unable to crawl on his stomach with his hands behind his back–impossible for any human being to do. Google it… In fact, Brailsford was rehired by his police department so that he could apply for and receive an pension. The “thin blue line” definitely protects it’s “bad apples”.
    What we are experiencing today is “blowback”, something that I feared would occur, with the increasing number of publicized police abuse cases. Those who are attacking police see only the uniform and not the person wearing it.
    Not a good situation for either police or the citizenry…
    Just maybe it is time to abolish municipal police departments and go back to the sheriff model of “law enforcement”.

    • >In order for a sheriff to be elected (and re-elected) he has to have a good reputation among the citizenry. Accountability to the citizenry is a major part of the equation.

      Or just be good at political grandstanding, such as our very own Chad Bianco (Riverside County, CA) who claims to have thwarted a “third assassination attempt” on Donald Trump’s life. The alleged “would be assassin” tells a much different story.

    • [Problems arise when multiple police officers bark out conflicting commands as in the case of Daniel Shaver being murdered by Mesa Arizona police officer Philip Brailsford for being unable to crawl on his stomach with his hands behind his back–impossible for any human being to do. ]

      Yep,,, murder 1 and he got away with it ,,, like so many other ‘officers’,,, and drawing a pension from the frightened citizens of Mesa. I grew up in Phoenix/Mesa. Cops were not murderous like that. They used to keep the road clear when we had races. The po-lice were proud of Shaver. They knew they could murder the lemmings and get away with it. Today highway robbery (ass-et forfeiture) is the new in vogue thing. Careful at the banks. The tellers sometimes have contact with the thug LE’s. They call them when someone withdraws a chunk of cash. Probably get some of the action.

  12. Here is a guest article that deserves the light of day:

    No One Cares If You Go Home Safe At The End Of Your Shift
    Jan 02, 201812:50AM
    Category: Politics
    Posted by: Michael Z. Williamson

    Here at the house, I have a couple of decades plus of military experience. I have tools to dig in or out of natural disasters. I have extinguishers and hoses. I have a field trauma kit and bandages. I have weapons both melee and firearm. I know how to use them. I know how to trench, support and revet. I understand the fire triangle and appropriate approaches. I understand breathing, bleeding and shock. I know how to detain, restrain and control. I have done all of these at least occasionally, professionally. I’ve stood on top of a collapsing levee in a flood. I’ve fought a structure fire from inside so we could get everyone out before the fire department showed up, which only took two minutes, but people can die that fast. I’ve had structures collapse while I was working on them. I’ve been in an aircraft that had a “mechanical” on approach and had to be repaired in-flight before landing. I’ve helped control a brush fire. I’ve hauled disabled vehicles out of ditches in sub-zero weather.

    My ex wife has over a decade of service and some of the same training.

    We have trained our young adult children.

    My wife is a rancher who knows her way around a shotgun, livestock, sutures and tools, hurricanes and floods, and works in investigations professionally.

    Our current house guest is another veteran.

    This means if anything happens at the house, and last year we had a lightning strike, a tornado and a flood within 10 days’ we’re pretty well prepared.

    Now, we’re probably better off than 95% of the households out there. The level of disaster that necessitates backup varies.

    If we find it necessary to call 911, it means the party is in progress and it’s bad.

    You will probably not be going home safe at the end of your shift.

    And you know what? If it gets to that point, I really don’t give a shit. I don’t give a shit if you get smoked. I don’t give a shit if you fall under a tree. I don’t give a shit if you get shot at.

    Because at that point, I’ve done everything I can with that same circumstance, and run out of resources.

    If my concern was “you going home safe,” then I’d just fucking hunker down and die. Because I wouldn’t want that poor responder to endanger himself.

    Except, that’s what I pay taxes for, and that’s what you signed up for. Just like I signed up to walk into a potential nuke war in Germany and hold off the Soviets, and did walk into the Middle East and prepare to take fire while keeping expensive equipment functioning so our shooters could keep shooting.

    There’s not a single set of orders I got that said my primary job was to “Come home safe.” They said it was to “support the mission” or “complete the objective.” Coming home safe was the ideal outcome, but entirely secondary to “supporting” or “completing.” Nor, once that started, did I get a choice to quit. Once in, all in.

    When that 80 year old lady smells smoke or hears a noise outside her first floor bedroom in the ghetto, she doesn’t care if you go home safe, either. She’s afraid she or the kids next door won’t wake up in the morning.

    If I call, I expect your ass to show up, sober, trained, professional. I expect you to wade in with me or in place of me, and drag a child out of a hole, or out from a burning room, or actually stand up and block bullets from hitting said child, because by the time you get there, I’ll have already done all that. And there will be field dressings, chainsawed trees, buckets and empty brass scattered about.

    I don’t want to hear some drunk and confused guy squirming on the ground playing “Simon Says” terrified you so much you had to blow him away. I don’t want to hear that some random guy 35 yards away who you had no actual information on , may have reached toward his waist band. Or that “the tree might fall any moment” or that “the smoke makes it hard to see.”

    Near as I can tell, I don’t hear the smokejumpers, or the firefighters, or the disaster rescue people say such things.

    But it’s all I ever hear from the cops. If you and your five girlfriends in body armor, with rifles, are that terrified of actually risking your life for the theoretically dangerous job you volunteered for and can quit any time, then please do quit.

    You can get a job doing pest control and go home safe every night.

    Until a bunch of fucking pussies with big tattoos, small dicks, body armor and guns blow you away for minding your own business.

    Because what you’re telling me with that statement is, your only concern is cashing a check. That’s fine. But if that’s your concern, don’t pretend you’re serving the public. If you wanted to help people at risk of life, you would be a firefighter, running into buildings, dragging people out, getting scorched regularly.

    If you’re cool with writing tickets, then there’s jobs where you can do just that.

    If you want to tangle with bad guys and blow them away, fair enough. But understand: That means they get to shoot first to prove their intent, just as happens with the military these days. Our ROE these days are usually “only if fired upon and no civilians are at risk.”

    If your plan is “shoot first, shoot later, shoot some more, then if anyone is still alive try to ask questions,” and bleat, “But I was afeard fer mah lahf!” you’re absolutely no better than the thugs you claim to oppose. All you are is another combatant in a turf war I don’t care about.

    Since I know your primary concern is “being safe,” then I’ll do you the favor of not calling. Cash your welfare check, and try not to shoot me at a “courtesy” sobriety checkpoint for “twitching my eye “in a way that suggested range estimation.

    If you’re one of the vanishingly few cops who isn’t like that, then what the hell are you doing about it? If there’s going to be a lawsuit costing the city millions, isn’t it better that it be a labor suit from the union over the clown you fired, than a wrongful death suit over the poor bastard the clown shot? Both are expensive, but one has a dead victim you enabled. So how much do you actually care about that life?

    How is the training so bad that it’s not clear who is the scene commander who gives the orders?

    How is it that trigger happy bozos who, out of costume, look no different from the gangbangers you claim to oppose, get sent up front to fulfill their wish of hosing someone down because “I was afraid for my life!”?

    Why does the rot exist in your department?

    If you can’t do anything about it, why are you still in that department?

    At some point, collective guilt is a thing.

    You’ve probably not been a good cop for a long time.

    And I still don’t care if you go home safe. I care that everyone you purport to “serve and protect” goes home safe.

  13. What would you expect, given that tyrants can’t function without their armed goons. Without the Gestapo and the SS, Hitler was just a not very good comedian with a funny mustache.

  14. The popo in my once sleepy Southern town weren’t exactly the best and the brightest the school system produced. Rather they were in what was coined the “C” class. Learning Disabled was the only step lower.

    It was a small town and we all knew each other.

  15. Marxists thrive in anarchy to which the police have played into.

    The police in the Adam-12 days have morphed into an army of disgruntled AGW’s and have fallen into the trap of seeking out the easy prey, *taxpayers* and left the criminals to run rampant.

    The police are under no legal obligation to protect the citizens as per the Supreme Court. (Then WTF if their job in the first place? And they demand respect for their authority?)

  16. “How does a psychologically normal person square a sense of personal decency with getting paid to “pull people over””

    That premise that cops are psychologically normal is a false premise.

    Cops are not normal decent people. Let that sink in. Cops are not normal decent people.

    The sort of people that seek out the job are psychopaths who enjoy power and wielding it over others.

    Once you made peace with that, it makes sense and you can then act accordingly when dealing with them.

    Shun them and their families. It’s the only peaceful solution.

    • IMO some may think the work will be fun, some are control freaks.

      No matter why one joins the police, almost all seem to become anti social. Talk down to regular people, inflated sense of self worth, yelling, controlling, high alcohol use, high incidence of spousal abuse, ignoring crimes of coworkers, us vs them mentality, paranoia that someone is always trying to kill them.

      This sounds a lot like schizophrenia.

      • A fair number do want to help but they either self choose to disassociate in disgust or are forced out in a hostile work environment by the other costumed AGWs. From what I see sheriffs deputies are slightly better about being a part of the community than police. At least where I live the sheriff also does stuff like search and rescue and some wildland fire. They really do take the role of first responder with some responsibility. Being largely rural their squad trucks are 4WD and have winches, so they’ll pull you out of a ditch in the winter. Not that I would really trust them to die for me as their persona would suggest but they seem somewhat more “fair” (for lack of better definition) being run by an elected official rather than in effect hired enforcers for the State.

  17. Remember defund the police? Didn’t work. Most lemmings didn’t want to defend themselves. Corpgov rigged stats showing huge crime increases. Today cities/counties.States are adding police,,, in fact there are now more than before the crucifixion of Saint Floyd. Not only more but I have seen unmarked cars with police in uniforms I never seen before,,, figuring some sort of federale bullshit.

    There are so many different federale/State/local badged agencies I have lost count. Now they ‘raid’ people’s homes with what they call multi-jurisdictional gangs of cop thugs all outfitted with your usual run of the mill terrorist outfits. Weapons and ammo poking out all over their modified ninja outfits.

    Concussion, frag, smoke grenades ,,, grenade launchers,,, fully auto rifles,,, batons,,, tasers,,, the works! All this to arrest ‘civilians’ that allegedly committed crimes against the State or failed to pay their yearly protection fees. I have seen videos of multi-jurisdictional ‘teams’ of corpgov thugs to serve a warrant or some other corpgov demand papers. Hell,,,Just driving around requires us to have on demand registration, insurance, drivers license (preferably real id), conceal carry license, and many states yearly inspection papers/stickers. Big fines unless you are an exempt from all laws border jumper. They unlawfully track your routes with their license readers and,/or the cars tattletale electronics and/or your smart junk many carry around to impress and bedazzle.

    Whereas in the before times, today we are seriously outgunned and they are hunting ways to strip us of what we have left.

    The land of the free is now the land of the freeloaders.

    • Hi Ken,
      I always blamed the militarization of police on the Chimp and the so-called Patriot Act, but Glen Greenwald had an interesting article the other day tracing it back to Clinton. Makes sense to me now since it was the Clinton administration was responsible for the murder of innocents at Ruby Ridge and Waco. His bitch of a wife is still inflicting us with her demands for control of speech and wrongthink.

      • Ruby Ridge was Bush the Elder, not Clinton. However, there was a huge “crime bill” during the Clinton years, that included militarizing police.

  18. Their justification is the 40,000+ deaths per year on the highways. But as far as I can tell, they aren’t very effective at reducing the death toll. In fact it seems like nothing is really getting that number down, it’s been rising after a brief drop in the 2010s.

    “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome” – Some smart guy

    Once again, the answer is better drivers and training. But that’s expensive and makes a license to drive exclusive, something that isn’t tolerable in the US.

    I asked ChatGPT to compare fatality statistics between the US, Germany, Japan and China. Results aren’t surprising at all. China has the highest rate at 17.4 per 100,000. Then the US at 12.4, Japan at 3.8 and Germany at 3.7. Interestingly, Great Britain only has 2.4 deaths per 100,000 and France is just above Japan at 4.8. I’m sure most of that has to do with the overall number of drivers in each country too.

    Just for grins I added a few more countries:
    Poland – 5.0
    South Korea – 5.3
    Russia – 18.5
    Saudi Arabia – 26.3!
    And the most dangerous country to drive a car… Libya at a whopping 73.4!

    Thing is, I’ll be there is no way to speed in Libya, given the condition of their highway network. But I’ll bet there’s no enforcement of speed limits anyway, and acquiring a license, as much as its a requirement, is probably a simple bribe to an official or visit to the local copy shop.

    • [And the most dangerous country to drive a car… Libya at a whopping 73.4!]-RK

      That’s because they don’t have signs warning of roadside bombs, ambushes and other assorted murder/death/kill. All brought to them by USA democracy bombings that sent their civilization back a thousand years.

  19. “Emergency” replaced “Adam 12” in the afternoons on MeTV last week.

    Firemen are more or less the same as they were fifty years ago, but that show features a whole different era of medicine.

    Can you imagine the reaction of Robert Fuller’s Dr. Kelly Bracket to being told by modern hospital administration that he couldn’t see a patient without a current vaccination card.

    Or Bobby Troop’s Dr. Joe Early?

    Julie London as Dixie McCall RN being told to administer “vaccines”?

    • Could you imagine the producers of Emergency! being told by “corporate” to work a pharmaceutical product into the plot? Happens all the time today. How about an episode about a Neo-nazi who won’t let his daughter transition?

      • As much as I enjoyed them back in the day, all of Jack Webb shows were propaganda. Emergency was made when paramedics started to become a thing in California. The purpose of the show was to get people used to the idea.

        You better believe Emergency would shill for Big Pharma if it was made today.

      • A lot of the equipment shown in the show was state-of-the-art at the time, and the concept of paramedics was brand new. Product placement most likely took place, and every school kid in America at that time knew the Lactated Ringers solution started an IV, a brand name.

        Squad 51 was not product placement. Universal’s fabrication facility built the paramedic truck to LAFD specifications.

      • And both Julie London and Bobby Troop were successful in the music industry before “Emergency”.

        Troop wrote “Route 66”, and Julie London album covers still define “hot” 60+ years later.

        The show probably boosted both artists’ sales.

    • Your statement “Firemen are more or less the same as they were fifty years ago” may hold true, but firefighters have the same type of arrogance that police officers possess. What they say goes, and they are always right…typical municipal employee behavior…

      A firefighter from a certain southeastern Michigan community claimed to have a “arson dog”–one that could detect accelerants. This “firefighter” and his dog were instrumental in ruining many peoples’ lives by his testimony alone. Insurance companies LOVED this guy as he was able to get them out of paying (valid) claims. People were denied valid insurance claims and prosecuted for arson on the testimony of this “arson dog’s” handler.
      Those who were “burned” by this supposed arson dog’s “handler” had no recourse, because of “qualified immunity”. The firefighter (and fire department) could not be sued.
      Finally one citizen who had been accused of arson fought back by suing to prove the “arson dog’s” ability. The dog was found to have NO special ability. The “arson dog” and his human master’s career was finally over. How many innocent people were convicted of arson and lost everything they owned??

      Another case was that of a plating plant that caught fire. The owners had a fire department “approved” fire plan in place which involved shutting off utilities and shutting down processes in an orderly fashion. The firefighters that responded to the fire pushed the owner out of the way, and told him that they were going to do things “their way”. The building burned to the ground.
      A firefighter’s job (for at least 98% of the time) is not inherently dangerous. This does not take away from the seriousness of their job, which is to be commended. but, firefighter arrogance can be just as dangerous as police arrogance.
      To give credit to firefighters, in most cases, they will run towards the source of danger, unlike police officers who “feahed fo’ mah life”.
      As to dogs used in firefighter’s work, they have the same problems (and dishonesty) as police dogs who react on cues (and rewards) from their handlers.

      • I’m surprised that more arson dogs and drug-sniffing dogs have not been discredited by the Clever Hans effect. Clever Hans was a horse that supposedly could do arithmetic. His owner would ask Hans, for example, “What is 4 plus 3?” And the horse would stomp his hoof 7 times. Of course the horse could not actually do arithmetic. He was responding to very subtle clues from his owner. Wouldn’t these dogs be doing the same thing?

        • Yes, “drug dogs” ALWAYS rely on “cues” from their handlers.
          There is a recent video of a “drug dog” acting on cues from its handler in order to “justify” an (illegal) search.
          The rookie cop was supposed to turn his body cam away from the dog handler while the dog handler “cued” the dog to make an “active alert”. The rookie cop inadvertently recorded the dog handler’s illegal behavior, getting the dog to alert (and rewarding the dog with a treat) so that an (illegal) search could take place. The video is available on the internet.
          I am sure that there are many more instances of “drug dogs” being used to justify illegal searches.
          The thing to remember is that cops are not supposed to detain a motorist any longer than it takes to complete the traffic stop.
          Once the “transaction” is complete, if the cop attempts to further the detainment, you must state: Am I free to go? The cop must honor your request unless he is dirty…

          • Hi Anarchyst,

            How does one cross-exam a dog? Does the fact that one can’t not serve to discredit what the dog “says”? I can get my shepherd-lab mix to respond a certain way just by looking at him a certain way. I am sure a “trained” dog can do more – and worse.

            • In the Eastpointe Michigan (oops, I identified the firefighter arson dog scammer’s department) arson dog firefighter case, a court-ordered controlled experiment was set up with various accelerants. Without “cues” from the dog’s handler, the dog detected NO accelerants.
              You see, unlike the dishonest handler’s use of cues to “prompt” the dog to respond, the handler could not use the same “trick” to get the dog to react. The handler was being observed by the court and could not prompt the dog to react.
              At the conclusion of the test proving the dog’s inability to detect accelerants on his own, the firefighter retired, (of course with a full pension).

    • From what I know from the fire fighters and paramedics I know from “back in the day,” the paramedics of Squad 51 were a yoooooge advancement over the days when funeral homes operated ambulances.

      An “ambulance” of that time was typically a hearse painted white with a siren and a gum ball machine light with a cot in the back, and maybe a first aid kit and oxygen tank. They’d just load you in the back and take off for the nearest hospital and hope that you’d make it—if not, they were waiting around to take you to the funeral home.

    • The word “emergency” is the root of tyranny. Its used to rubber stamp every variant of control drama.

      Theres no such thing. Just idiots ramping up stress in terrified animals. For free money.

  20. ‘Now dress up like the soldier you aren’t’ — eric

    Tim Walz misunderstood Eric to say, ‘Dress up like the hunter you aren’t.’ Hilarity did not ensue:

    ‘I don’t fault Walz for clearly being inexperienced with firearms and hunting. Anyone who is proficient in either had to learn sometime. For most of us, I think, the scorn heaped upon him is due to the fraudulent nature of it all.

    ‘What VP candidate takes a day off to go hunting? Well, they don’t unless they see it as a photo op. Dems realize Americans think Walz is a beta male weirdo, so some campaign genius said, “I got it! He’ll go hunting! He’ll look manly!”

    ‘As you can see, this carefully choreographed hunt wasn’t so carefully choreographed. It’s become Tim Walz’s Michael Dukakis-in-the-tank moment. It’s also noteworthy that in this gaffe Democrats, for all their faux rage about “toxic masculinity,” unwittingly pay homage to masculinity and its appeal. They do know what it is. They just don’t know how to practice it.’

    Wish I could find the meme I saw yesterday, of Timmy loading a tampon into his shotgun. POOF-ter!

    • SisterSara

      Replying to @LarryTaunton

      My husband looked more masculine holding my purse outside the dressing room.


      BWA ha ha ha … Timmy is slain with a purse to the head!

    • I was going to note Kristi Noem could have shown him how to do it, but I see someone beat me to it.

      Why do the Asses believe that people are caricatures? They sure do like putting everyone in a box and giving them a name. God forbid, if someone strays from the stereotype. 😬

      The sad thing with the Bimbo and Timbo is neither have the ability to prepare for a photo op or an interview. Why would you not contact someone you know that is proficient in what you stated you do, but don’t, so you look less like a fool when the camera starts rolling?

      Can you imagine either of these imbeciles across the table from Putin and Xi? It absolutely terrifies me.

      • The need to categorize everything comes from science. As soon as someone noticed that one tree had differently shaped leaves than the other the effort to pigeonhole everything was on. Heck, it’s even biblical: Adam’s first task was to name all the creatures in the garden. Once people figured out that bad dogs shouldn’t breed it was game-on. I imagine if you’re a biologist and you discover a new bug or different colored flower it is quite a feather in your cap. How many people have “discovered and named a bug” on their resumé?

        This causes a fundamental internal conflict with the modern liberal. We’re all unique snowflakes, yet we’re all the same. At least the progressives were honest in their observation, but after that certain nation actually tried scientific selection on an industrial scale was the whole idea found to be too distasteful for a free people.

        And so we come to the “any random warm body, limited by the bureaucracy” idea. I’m really surprised they let this concept come to the Presidential race, but here we are. I guess the people who are voting for Kommie Kamala think she’ll grow into the role? We do know the people who selected her as the candidate know that she’ll follow orders, if only because she’s not interested in actually leading the country.

        • ‘How many people have “discovered and named a bug” on their resumé?’ — RK

          Lepidopterist and novelist Vladimir Nabokov is known for naming the Karner Blue butterfly, Lycaeides melissa samuelis, a rare and endangered species in the northeastern US.

          Then he used his summer butterfly-hunting travels, which ranged from New England to the Rockies, to paint the small-town Americana background of Lolita, complete with a taxonomy of roadside motels — none of which required ID, essential to both Humbert Humbert’s pedophilic crime spree and the taunting clues left in hotel registers by his nemesis and romantic rival, Quilty.

          “In the Colorado Rockies, between ‘Snow’ and ‘Champion,’ Humbert’s car has a flat tire (p.228). [They stay] for about a week at a luxurious resort hotel in ‘Champion,’ Colorado (p.235).

          “In 1949, about the only fancy resort hotel in northern Colorado on Humbert’s route from Wyoming to Utah would have been in Glenwood Springs. The stay there cannot have been improvised but must have been arranged by Quilty.”

        • If a so-called “scientist” doesn’t personally witness an event or discovery of a species, it just doesn’t exist, no matter how many non-scientists have witnessed or discovered as such.
          A good example of this is the claims that mariners and seafarers have made over the centuries over a “triple wave” phenomenon which has capsized sailing vessels over the centuries. Recently, such waves have been witnessed from space by satellites. Why would scientists not take the word of those who personally witnessed such phenomenon?
          There are many reports of giant “sea creatures” that have been witnessed by mariners and seafarers over the centuries which scientists always discounted as being “sea tales”. It turns out that such giant sea creatures DO exist.
          Another example of scientific arrogance and the unwillingness to take the word of “non-scientists” is that in the cases of weather phenomenon such as tornadoes. Non-scientists who have witnessed tornadoes are quite often dismissed as having “vivid imaginations” and as such, scientists have defined non-scientist witnessed tornadoes as “straight line winds” or given other nonsensical definitions.
          The COVID-19 “plandemic” (actually a normal seasonal flu repackaged to justify the epidemic) has taken science to new heights of scientific malpractice and outright criminality by prohibiting the use of two well-documented and investigated old-line drugs for COVID relief. Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have both been proven to lessen the severity of symptoms but have been prohibited for use as such by the current government medical establishment, being replaced by poisonous mRNA-based injections that are not effective at all and do nothing but assure future problems from extreme side-effects unrelated to the flu.
          Today’s science has not been about the quest for discovery but is run by arrogant, small-minded people with their own agendas.
          Follow the money.

    • Tampon Tim such an appropriate title.

      Not only can tampon Tim not load his shotgun, he’s so proud to announce it’s a beretta A400.

      Not your grandpa’s shotgun like a Remington, or maybe a Savage.

      Nope, Timmy proudly announces he’s hunting with a nearly $2k shotgun. In an era where people are having trouble putting groceries on the table or paying rent, tampon Tim is proudly sporting an A400 yet can’t seem to load it. Tone deaf!

      It’s all so fake and gay I can’t wait for this election cycle to be over.

  21. True story. Years ago, on a construction job I was on one of the guys announced that he had gotten onto the police force. I told him he would have been better off to become a fireman; then people would be glad to see you. His response was he couldn’t get into the fire department.

    The top picture reminds me of the TV show Adam 12 when the police were more likely to be peace officers, sadly those days are now mostly long gone. Now the police are as much of a threat or possibly more so than the criminals are.

    I have to laugh when I hear the phrase “our police”, no there the politician’s and official’s police. You only get to pay for them, not tell them what to do.

  22. It’s actually worse – not only are the “law enforcers” out chasing people for pointless infringements of some statute…. they are actively ignoring and covering up the actual crimes of those in charge… every few days you hear of some financial institutions or some company fined for something or another – most people dont even realise what they are. But what they aren’t is fining a bank for knowingly funding Epstine or his crimes. Or the entertainment executives involved in Diddy parties… or in the UK, every time say they find a nonce at the BBC or in government, they all actively protect him (it’s hardly even news anymore). NO wonder people have no regard for these law enforcers….

  23. ‘Imagine what it must be like to live as a member of a pariah caste.’ — eric

    Imagine what’s it’s like to live as a pariah nation — then to have your own once-admired nation jump to its aid. Message emailed to Congress Clowns this morning:

    Yesterday the Pentagon announced that it will deploy a THAAD battery to Israel, along with a hundred US troops to operate it. I vigorously object.

    Israel is a belligerent regional power which conducts regular cross-border bombings and assassinations; slaughters tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza; and illegally occupies the West Bank. Israel is both a nuclear proliferator and a proliferator of state terror. Multiple US laws (the Leahy law; the Symington amendment) forbid military aid to Israel.

    Secretary Austin’s order to deploy a THAAD battery to Israel, at President Biden’s direction, is ILLEGAL. Despite only three months remaining in this administration’s term, Congress has a constitutional duty to sanction this flagrantly illegal conduct: IMPEACH AUSTIN AND BIDEN.

    Please make IMPEACHMENT the first order of business when Congress reconvenes in November.

    • Good on ya, Jim H.
      Time was, sheriff’s deputies wore a seven pointed star. Seven for luck, I guess..
      These days, many have changed to a yellow six pointed star, which is the Star of David.
      We are all Palestinians, now.


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