Devolutionist Dementia


Did you know that Trump and the military are actually “in control” of the country – and that Biden is “the front man waking up the entire world and showing the people how corrupt the system really is”?

Welcome to the ultimate expression of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is called Devolution. The gist of it is that Trump and the actor playing Biden (this is a key part of the “5D Chess” game being played) “put together a seven year plan” that is just now coming to fruition:

Law of War Manual is the Department of Defense War Manual. It was signed June 12, 2015. It’s a combination of Military and Federal Lawyers who took the Lieber Code of 1863, Geneva Conventions, Hague Conventions, Nuremberg Trials, the Law of War Manuals from the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and Australia, and all the strengths of those to strengthen the Uniform Code of Military Justice which is Military Law.

DJT 2016 Candidacy Announcement. What are the odds of riding down escalator 4 days after the Law of War Manual was signed?

Military Justice Act of 2016 was the Supreme Court clarifying Military Laws and Courts are SEPARATE from Civil Laws and Courts. It clarifies Military personnel are DIFFERENT from Civil.

Federal Continuity Directive 1: Signed January 17, 2017… THREE days before DJT took office. Look in the appendix… it talks about DEVOLUTION and RECONSTITUTION.

DJT didn’t sign or pass this.

Federal Continuity Directive 2: the IMPLEMENTATION of COG and so much more.

Now apply the timelines:

Law of War Manual, June 12, 2015, updated December 2016.

Donald John Trump rolls down escalator June 16, 2015, to announce candidacy 2016.

Military Justice Act of 2016; the Supreme Court clarifying Military Laws and Courts are SEPARATE from Civil Laws and Courts. Military personnel are DIFFERENT from Civil.

Federal Continuity Directive 1, January 17, 2017.

Executive Order 13818, Human Rights Abuse, 2017, with National Emergency

Abraham Accords 2017.
Steps in front of Queen 2017.
Walks into North Korea 2017.
Crowned King of Saudi Arabia 2017. Declares Jerusalem Capital of Israel 2017.

Executive Order 13848, National Emergency, 2 months before any Election from 2017 to 2021. Two years before the Presidential Election of 2020. Meaning the only evidence of Fraud was 2016 and prior.

Executive Order 13848, specifically says, no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or voter tabulation in ANY United States Election.

Executive Order 13848 = Domestic = Washington Establishment = Deep State = Cabal = the Swamp.

From 2017 to March 2020, DJT declared 9 National Emergencies, 7 in Executive Orders, all were unaddressed by Congress = Military Operation = COG = destroying Federal Corporation.

Space Force was established December 20, 2019.

Executive Order 13912, March 27, 2020, was DJT Federalizing the National Guard and Reserves to Active-Duty because of those unaddressed National Emergencies.

“Biden” has extended every single Executive Order with National Emergencies and the 13912 that Federalized the National Guard and Reserves to Active-Duty.

Every Executive Order had expiration dates. Why did he extend policies that do not align with his?

EO 13912 didn’t set to expire until March 2022. Why did he extend it in 2021? LOL Extending it in 2022 now makes the NG and Reserves on Active-Duty to March 2024.

The Space Force has never been uttered from “Biden’s” mouth. The Space Force articles have never mentioned Joe Biden.

If a fart had a face…

The Army transferred ALL communications to the Space Force in August 2022 for ONE Command. Who’s that commander if Joe has never been mentioned by the Space Force? Who established the SF as an independent Military Branch in 2019? #45

The Air Force did not give “Biden” the traditional ride into D.C. on January 20, 2021. Guess who the Space Force is a Department of? #TheFlyBoys

There’s multiple documented pictures on the Flight App of Coast Guard on Navy Bases and Naval Helicopters on Coast Guard Stations = Coast Guard is a Department of Homelands Security during Peacetime, they operate under the Navy during times of War.

The Marines are a Department of the Navy. That makes ALL Military Branches operating under Military Operation, Continuation of Government, none of which recognize “Biden” as CIC.

In every single National Guard article, “Biden” has not been mentioned. Only the Secretary of Defense and/or the Commanders of the Brigade, Battalion or Unit.

It gets worse:

“Biden” campaigned that he was going to shut down Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay). Why has he not revoked Executive Order 13823, which is DJT’s EO that revoked Obama’s EO to shut it down? If he was President, he would have the same powers and authority as every other President.

November 15, 2022, speech by DJT full of Comms and Codes:

The Pause. “We’re going what I call the pause.”

Pause = Public Alert; Unregistered Soliciting Entities: ctitiousRegulators#:~:text=These%20are%20entities%20that%20falsely,as%20they%20claim% 20or%20imply.

“I gave Angela Merkel white flag of surrender.” = Law of War Manual Chapter 12.4. If he’s civilian and former President… when did she take the Nord Stream 2 deal? July 2021 = gave her White Flag of Surrender = July 2021.

“Nancy Pelosi has been fired; she’s on her way to another country right now.” = Gitmo = Military Tribunals.

“If Governors don’t want our help, we will insist.” = Martial Law = National Guard.

“We are going to eliminate MS-13 gangs, street crimes by 75-85%” = Martial Law = National Guard.

“I asked President Xi what they do for Drug Problems?” = We don’t have problems. We have Quick Trial = Trial in the morning, Execution by end of day = Military Tribunal.

“We are going to seek execution for Drug Traffickers.” = Quick Trial = Military Tribunals.

“Pretty soon we’re going to put our beautiful Flag on the surface of Mars.” = Military Auxiliary Radio System = Emergency Communications = Emergency Broadcast System.

“I didn’t need this. I had a very nice life. You didn’t need this, but we love our country, don’t we?” = proving Continuity of Government, DJT is the Commander in Chief and the face of the Military Operation, he was too a COG, but he’s the good side of the COG. It will ALL be revealed.

The Blueprint and Timestamps prove Military Operation from the start.

All one has to do is take the order of those, read, and apply.

“We have it all.”

“We’ve caught them all.”

“All crimes and evidence of will be displayed to the public in full accordance to the law.”

So, don’t worry. Trump has been in charge all along. Never mind the “Kraken” that was never released. Or the Jan. 7 people never released, for that matter.

Mark Miley – the general who never saw combat but wears a chestful of ribbons and medals – doesn’t really despise Trump and seek his doom. He is an ally. He is special forces, you see.

And part of the “op.”

Oy and vey.

Someone get me a bottle, please – and quick!

. . .

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  1. Before the internet, when you were a kook, you’d be surrounded by normies all your life, and your kookiness would get subdued. Now, kooks find each other on the internet, and support each other’s kookiness, creating something like a particle accelerator for crazy stuff.

    We’ve got flat-earthers, people claiming that germs don’t exist, people claiming that rocketry is a psy-op and we’ve never been in space, people who still claim that there’s a 200mpg carburetor being stopped by oil companies, etc.

    In the past, we’d point and laugh, but now, they support each other.

  2. I think the secret Trump presidency theory is bunk, and a military/CIA psyop. The people who put these theories out often look like retired special ops personnel. The purpose of these programs is to build false hope in the patriot community so they stand down as the nation is rolled by whoever is actually running the show.

    The website “Before It’s News” is famous for these theories of Benjamin Fulford and XX22 report.

    William J. Casey, CIA Director said: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

    I still think Trump will win the election, and that Trump made a deal with Israel, probably about saving their asses as they lose on all fronts, and I have said for nearly a decade that Trump is false hope, Trump being a slavish Jewish tool, a Zionist whore, a orange faced yellow haired clown, an actor, King Snake of the Swamp.

    • Good news people, in only 3 weeks the nightmare of the 2024 election will be over! The owners will announce who they selected a long time ago late on Nov. 5th. You will hear on the Jewtube the selected winner as “the will of the Amerikan people” and that “the nation must unite” under the new leader.—By-Odd-TV

      Eric’s first paragraph – “Did you know that Trump and the military are actually “in control” of the country – and that Biden is “the front man waking up the entire world and showing the people how corrupt the system really is”?”

      It may appear that way to Trumpers in desperate need of hope. It is sad actually, the endless need of hope as a once free people despair over the loss of their nation. Jim Kuntster’s latest is the antidote:

      Kamala Unwinding
      “. . . we are facing a catastrophic collapse of governance. With democracy reduced to a tragedy or a farce (probably both things). . . .” — Ugh Bardi

      From an Anarchist/Libertarian perspective, is it really that bad if the overbearing state collapses and Amerika returns to the days of the wild west and the rule of the gun?

    • “The purpose of these programs is to build false hope in the patriot community so they stand down as the nation is rolled by whoever is actually running the show.” I think you nailed it there, Yukon. Devolution is designed to keep people from actually rising up and fighting against the REAL “Kraken” that was released in 2020, namely the red dragon of communism.

  3. People in desperate situations will grasp at ANYTHING that looks like a way out.
    Of course the only way out of this situation is to do away with FedGov entirely, not hand it over to a different set of psychopaths.

    • Hi John,
      I guess the Chimp was right when he said the Constitution was just a “goddamn piece of paper”. Seems like anytime it hinders our overlords all they need to do is declare an “emergency” and rule by decree. I’ve been reading about that continuity of government thing for awhile, basically comes down to if the psychopaths in charge turn the country into a glowing pile of ashes one of them will still be in charge. Keep hoping for a meteor to land right in the middle of DC.

      • Hi Mike,

        During COVID, we saw “rule by decree” on steroids. I’d hate to imagine what the Biden-Harris regime might do if the Democrat Party succeeds in stealing another election and people who voted for Trump protest at Congress on January 6th, 2025. Being that the Biden regime has consisted of little more than sociopaths, they could do all sorts of sinister things to ordinary people they deem “Enemies of the State”.

  4. “…some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” – Alfred in “The Dark Knight”

    Most of these are amateur trolls. They’re in it for the LULZ, just to get a rise out of people. In today’s world they’re necessary but annoying.

    Some of them are likely to be fifth columnists for ANTIFA or the leftists. Heck, some could even be Chinese soft warriors. Their goal is to make the Trumpers look kookie. Say something so outrageous that the middle independents who are on the fence will remove Trump from consideration. I imagine that actually works pretty well, considering his true base is the WWE crowd.

  5. Milley should be facing a firing squad.

    He openly proclaimed his treason when he admitted he went behind the Commander-in-Chief to inform a country that is considered an adversary, if not an enemy, that he would give them warning if the CiC did something that would threaten them.

    If that’s not treason I don’t know what is.

    Dr. Strangelove was a warning, not a business plan.

    • “Dr. Strangelove was a warning, not a business plan.”

      I’ve been waiting for someone on the MIC or chewish lobby to proclaim we have a mineshaft gap.

      • Turns out the tunnels under Gaza are proving to be very effective defenses against missiles. Might be on to something.



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