Stalin’s Ok


It is interesting that you can travel to Russia – the old Soviet Union – and take a tour of Stalin’s dacha, complete with pictures of him on the wall and even dummies of him dressed like him sitting at the desk where he no doubt signed the execution orders of countless victims. You can walk past the embalmed corpse of Lenin – founder of the most murderous regime in modern times – and pay your respects. The Soviet star – symbol of that regime – is still a common sight in Russia. It is still displayed on Russian military aircraft, in fact.

But you’ll be arrested – in Germany – if you attend a model RC airplane show with your  Messerschmitt BF109 displaying the period-correct symbol of national socialist Germany on its vertical stabilizer. The former headquarters of Reichsmarschall Goering’s Luftwaffe still exists, but there is no indication it ever was the headquarters of Reichsmarschall Goering’s Luftwaffe. The eagles holding swastikas on the plinths in front are long gone – and there are no pictures of Der Dicke – the Fat One – hanging on the wall, let alone effigies of him dressed in one of his gaudy uniforms.

It is absolutely verboten, of course, to display a portrait of you-know-who and it is inconceivable to even imagine that – had his body survived the war – you’d be able to walk past it encased in glass and guarded by government soldiers.

This is interesting when you ask why this is.

Why is it apparently ok to display the symbols of communism but not those of national socialism? Why is it ok to display the body of the founder of the communist Soviet state – and effigies of the man who was responsible for the mass murder of tens of millions (rather than six million) but it is absolutely verboten to so much as paint the historically correct national emblem on a model airplane?

Let lone the real thing.

Well, the Soviet Union won the war, of course. But it is deeper than that. The real reason why is that communism won.

It is still winning.

A communist in everything but name is running for president. Communist ideas are politely entertained – even though we have the knowledge (and the body count) as regards where those ideas inevitably lead.

National socialism – it is important to say it out loud and to spell it out loud rather than to say and use the acronym that obscures the socialism – was an authoritarian collectivist system very much in practice similar to communism in that the individual was considered a widget, the collective everything. In both cases, the party ran things; “the people” ran nothing. The leader ran it all.

But communism is ok. Politically acceptable. Including its various avatars. National socialism isn’t.

That’s interesting.

You can safely wear a Che Guevara T shirt or even a Marx T shirt on any college campus in the United States. But you take your life in your hands if you wear a T shirt with you-know-who’s face on it.

This is not an attempt to say national socialism is ok. It is not. Like communism – which is the more aggressive etiolation of socialism – it is system that is based upon rigid hierarchies kept in place by force. Either will kill you – the individual – if you dare to assert yourself as an individual. Your individual existence means nothing and counts for nothing except insofar as it serves the collective, which amounts to serving the interests of the minority that controls it. The party appartchiks and – ultimately – the leader.

Communists like to pretend their dictatorships are of “the proletariat.” But it was Lenin – then Stalin – who ran things as absolutely as did you-know-who.

So, both forms of the same thing are at least equally loathsome because both are equally  murderous – including literally but also figuratively, as of the human individual. But communism is ok because they say it is ok. Rather, they insist it is ok. While – at the same time – insisting its nationalist (rather than internationalist) iteration is very much not ok.

This is very interesting.

They hold positions in academia and the media and – of course – government, where they are able to aid and abet communism while at the same time excoriating national socialism. It is schizoid. Or – perhaps more accurately – it is self-interested. A tenet of communism is that anything goes when it comes to advancing communism. Orwell – better than any other writer – dissected this habit of mind in his novel, 1984.

For a communist, nothing matters more than communism, including objective reality. If the party says 2+2=5 rather than four, then it does equal five. Just as a man who says he is a woman is a woman. This is not feigned. It is taken as literally true, in a fanatic way, because it is what the party says it is (per Orwell).

Communism persists because it never went away. And it never went away because it is still regarded as ok. More finely, because it is ok to regard it as ok. Whereas it is very much not ok to regard its dark twin as even remotely ok.

A pithy quote attributed to the 18th century French philosopher François-Marie Arouet – better-known by his pen name, Voltaire – says that “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

As it turns out, Voltaire didn’t say that. An admirer of national socialism by the name of Kevin Alfred Strom apparently did. Strom wasn’t a nice man but that is entirely beside the point.

His statement is born out by the dissonant facts – and that’s a very interesting thing, isn’t it?

. . .

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  1. Sorry guys. It has to be said.

    You guys have Jyooooooo Derangement Syndrome. It says more about your own unbalanced mental state than it does about The Jyooooooos!

    Tyranny is always a threat. So is pure obsession and paranoia.

    But, I guess it isn’t paranoia if all The Jyoooooos are all gonna put y’all back in chains, right?

    Bush Derangement Syndrome. Trump Derangement Syndrome. Jyoooooo Derangement Syndrome. Common denominator: Derangement

  2. As long as Americans and the world loves Chinese communism and the cheapest “landed cost” for everything under the sun, communism will never go away. Korea and Vietnam War soldiers who died while battling Chinese communism are rolling over in their graves now. Our greed for cheap shit knows no bounds.

  3. Man, that DB601 engine in the Bf109 sounds SWEET! It’s similar, but not identical to, the sound of either the Rolls Royce Merlin V-12 or the Allison V-1710; the DB601 has a different sound. I can’t quite describe why the DB601 sounds different; I can only tell that it does.

    It’s much like the difference between the sounds of American radial engines, such as the Pratt & Whitney R-1830, vs. the Sakae 31 powering the Japanese Zero fighter-similar, but definitely different. The R-1830, a 14 cylinder, two row radial like the Sakae 31, powered the F4F Wildcat, the Zero’s adversary during the early part of the war in the Pacific.

    As for why it’s verboten (I LOVE the German word here! Its connotation is perfect) to mention National Socialism vs. Communism, I don’t get the objection on the part of leftists. How can they not see that they’re both-gasp-SOCIALISM? Isn’t the distinction between the two a distinction without a difference? I never understood that one. But then again, as Michael Savage always said, liberalism (i.e. leftism) is a mental disorder-how true it is…

  4. Good news Goyim, in only two weeks the 2024 farce election nightmare will be over. The owners will announce to us who they picked, and fooled us with the vote.

    I think the new Stalin, DJT, will be installed to do the dirty work for the Jewish bankers, WW3, Goyim slaughter #3.

    Makow writes:

    “World wars are Gentile genocides designed to replace a God of Love (Christianity) with a God of Hate (Cabalist Judaism.) This is the essence of the New World Order. The COVID scam failed to impose Communism so the Rothschilds are turning to Plan B, Zionism and world war.

    As the covid hoax demonstrates, mankind is controlled by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, led by Cabalist Jewish bankers and their Freemason flunkies.”

    Obviously Trump is in bed with the Satanists, and probably one himself, and we know this by his own words and policies. Like his endorsement of Israel and the Covid death jab.

    Trump says Netanyahu is doing a good job, and Biden is trying to restrain him.

    Donald Trump: “No one in history has ever stood with Israel or the Jewish people like I have!”

    Israel did 911, only an insane traitor would be for Israel. Trump is a slavish Zionist whore endorsing the most evil genocidal maniac on the planet Netanyahu. Anyone who votes for Trump is literally complicit in the genocide.

    Nine Inch Nails lyrics – Head Like a Hole:

    “God money, I’ll do anything for you
    God money, just tell me what you want me to”

    “Bow down before the one you serve
    You’re going to get what you deserve”

    Trump is a money junkie beholden to Jews. If elected, he will do the wrong thing again and again because he is in service to Satan (the bankster cabal). Trump’s second presidency will end badly, and probably worse than his first term. And you don’t have to be a Nostradumbass to see it coming!

    • Hi Jack,

      I know I will probably regret it, but I am going to vote for the Orange Man. Because orange is better than red. Because at least Trump appears to be a cultural conservative; more accurately, he seems to be kind of populist 1960s Democrat – and I’ll vote for that if the only alternative is these blue-haired, face-diapered freaks. Yes, I know – they are herding us toward accepting 1960s Democrat politics as “conservative.” But even if we only buy a few more years of not-entirely-evil, maybe it’s worth it . I dunno. Maybe I ought to write Hitler in.

      • Good morning, Mark!

        I don’t think Harris is stupid; I think she’s mediocre – and evil – as most of her type are. They do well in government because in government, mediocrity rises. Especially when it is evil. These people know how to jockey for position within an organization where being competent is an irrelevance.

  5. In the video….

    The slave owners…the masters are trying to cause division, infighting within the slave freedom movement….make them fight with each other… instead of going after the masters….

    The slave owners destroy, erase, the slave’s history to keep them down.

    The slaves are now bainwashed to hate old people….old people are dangerous because of their knowledge, experience…..

    In the end old people are ignored, locked away and offered MAID…..

    The slave owners control the media…to make sure the slaves are misinformed, not informed….to prevent a slave revolt….

    In 2020 he believed the hoax…then after 2 weeks….. saw it as bs…but…the majority of slaves still belive in it….

    he pushed back against the lockdowns…but was surprised when only .000001% of the slaves protested…..

  6. jews can’t relax till the goyim are dead. The whole point of the clotshot is to wipe you out. Your replacements, ready and waiting, are already here. It’s a kinder, gentler version of Lenin’s revolution, which left 60 some million Christians dead. It’s nicer if you die in hospital, more profitable too, than nailing your entrails to a pole and making you run in circles around it.

  7. I remember reading about 450 revolutionary Jews from New York City who took a train full gold to Russia to overthrow the czar. The Bolshevik Revolution was a Jewish movement organized by criminal Jewish bankers from the USA:

    “According to the U.S. State Department’s documents, a group of powerful Jewish financial elites were planning the overthrown of the Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, in 1916. These plotters included Jacob Schiff, Mortimer Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn and Issac Zeelman. They decided that Russia should be destroyed and a communist dictatorial regime would be implemented, subservient to the dictates of International Jewry.

    The fact that is never taught in school, or talked about in the media, is that Communism was a Jewish totalitarian ideology invented by Jews, funded by Jewish bankers, and economically managed & brutally enforced by Jewish Soviet Bolsheviks.”

    • If you want to understand why Hitler feared and opposed the Bolsheviks,why Germany invaded Red Russia, and what could happen to Amerika, read this:

      Eric never writes about the Jewish component to Amerikan politics. Whatever his reasons, you simply can not understand what is going on in Weimar Amerika outside of Jewish conquest of the world. Amerika 2024 is Weimar Germany 1928. Amerika faces collapse just like Germany, and the rise of Trump dynasty is a result of Jewish financial machinations and policies, false flags and wars which bankrupted the state.

      Weimar Amerika is ripe for a strongman dictator.

      The good news is that Jews already have taken our government over, which means they do not have stage a Neo-Bolshevik revolution.

      I think the Jewish coup should be called a rolling coup, bullet points:

      1913 Federal Reserve Act signed by traitor Woodrow Wilson

      1932 confiscation of gold by Jew traitor FDR

      1963 assassination of JFK by Jews and Israel over their secret nuclear program (see MC Piper book Final Judgment)

      9-11-2001 False Flag attack by Israel and Gulf Wars for Israel

      2020 stolen presidential race by Obama-Biden Communists

      It will be interesting to see how the Left reacts when they lose the 2024 election to strong man Trump – and if Trump makes it in will he have the balls (like Hitler) to take out the Jewish run blob and forcefully return tens of millions of illegals.

      Trump can only hold power because he has courted a faction of wealthy billionaire Jews. I think the biggest counter-coup would be to break the monopoly Jewish controlled media. The Amerikan slaves need to know who conquered them.

      • You can add 1964 US Supreme Court “ Reynolds v. Sims “ which destroyed your state internal “republic” system and turned your state senates into just another legislature “democracy” body. This is why today your state is ruled by the liberal major population centers and your rural conservative areas are powerless, this outlawed 1 state senator per district or county. My rural county gets one, while liberal-ville King County has dozens.

        Oh and prior, the 17th amendment what a travesty.

        One more knife in the republic the 1965 immigration act.

      • You left out the deliberate “act of war” against the USA by israel with its attack on the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) on June 8, 1967.
        All hands were supposed to perish so that LBJ (yes, he was jewish) the planned USA nuclear attack on Egypt could be consummated. When a brave sailor reconnected an antenna reestablishing communication with the Sixth fleet, the “false flag” operation was compromised. Despite the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) crew members contacting the fleet, LBJ refused to send help. It was only after the second attempt at getting help that the israelis broke off their attack.
        LBJ wanted everyone on the ship DEAD.Most people are unaware that israel’s “six day war” was not a response to an attack but was a purposeful invasion of Egypt. Add to that, the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was privy to genocide of Egyptian troops and civilians. Sound familiar?
        To this day, USS Liberty (AGTR-5) survivors meet every year to demand a “redress of grievances” which is never given.
        Both LBJ and McNamara should have been tried and convicted of treason.
        israel should have been turned into a glass parking lot on June 9, 1967.
        When the jews saw that they could do anything against the USA and the USA government either wouldn’t react or would offer a cover-up all bets were off. israel established itself as the power with the USA being israel’s b!tch.
        As far as I am concerned, israel and all jews owe me for 43 dead and 173 wounded Americans.
        The USS Liberty (AGTR-5) is the most decorated ship in the U S Navy.

        • I’m angry at the Admirals on-scene when the Liberty was attacked. HOW DARE THEY NOT HELP THEIR MEN! There’s this thing called the Law of the Sea, where mariners, i.e. sailors, help one another in distress; even if it’s your enemy whose ship you just sunk, you rescue the survivors. If that’s true, then how much MORE of an obligation does a superior or commanding officer have to help his men when they are in trouble? The Admirals out there that day should’ve told LBJ and McNamara to SHOVE IT! They should’ve disobeyed Washington’s orders, and rescued the men of the Liberty. If it hurt Israel or made them look bad, oh well. They shouldn’t have attacked our ship then.

          • And it’s happening again. Secretary Lloyd Austin just dispatched a THAAD missile defense system and a hundred US troops to operate it, to the Israeli war zone, giving aid and comfort to our enemy.

            I am raging against this treason, denouncing ‘Biden’ and Austin to Congress Clowns; demanding their impeachment and removal from office. US troops THE HELL OUT of apartheid Israel!

          • LBJ and McNamara should have been tried for treason and executed, for giving aid and comfort to an enemy which attacked an American warship operating in international waters and killed multiple members of its crew.

            The designation USS (United states Ship) means it was a commissioned ARMED warship of the United States Navy. What kind of country allows its warships to be attacked on the high seas and fails to retaliate against the attacker?

            A chicken shit country, led by cowards, is my answer.

    • Yukon Jack: ” The Bolshevik Revolution was a Jewish movement ”

      EVERY communist/Marxist revolution was a Jewish movement. It’s how they plan to take over the world. (For all intents and purposes, that’s already been accomplished, and they’re now just starting to implement the mechanisms of finer control to bring it all together on a worldwide basis). The scamdemic was a test run. See how much people would take and what they’d do; test the performance of worldwide travel restrictions and tracking; establish a global framework of administration under the guise of “health” and “climate”…and start killing off the unusable varieties of goyim.

    • >The fact that is never taught in school,
      Oh, of course not, and if you dare to point out the historical fact that most of the original Bolshies were Jews, you are “guilty” of promulgating an “Auntie-sea-mitic trope.”

      You may be pressured to recant. But, as Galileo once said, “Nonetheless, it moves.”

        • It starts with the “bris”, (circumcision) the intentional removal of a healthy body part without medical necessity. Not only that, the male jew infant gets his first blow job metzitzah b’peh from the “cutter” (mohel) after the deed is done.
          There have been many cases of STDs transferred from mohel to infant; the NYC health department issuing warnings against the practice of metzitzah b’peh.
          Since many STDs do not manifest their effects until near adulthood, that could be a major reason why so many jews are so f#cked up.
          Infant male circumcision should be outlawed. It serves no health purpose al all.

    • >Russia should be destroyed and a communist [atheist] dictatorial regime would be implemented

      But Christian Russia has re-emerged:
      which pisses off people like Victoria Nudelman (a.k.a. “Nuland”)
      To hell with her kind.

      Most of the Jews who founded the modern “State of Israel” (David Ben Gurion, et al) were in fact atheists. The “State of Israel” has very little, if anything, to do with religious tolerance, and everything to do with territorial aggression. It was founded by terrorists and mass murderers, such as Menachem Begin.

  8. “National” Socialism (Fascism), and “ABCXYZ” Socialism (fill in whatever descriptive adjective you might wish), are merely different pews of the same church. Each receive the same “sermon,” each adhere to the same catechism, and each produce the same result. The brutality, carnage, depravity, and injustice, that ANY political “house of worship” produces, which does not respect the sanctity of individual lives, and the responsibility and rights necessary for each life to remain free to live it!

    Unless or until the moral ideal of altruism and replaced by one that acknowledges the MORAL ideal of each of us to live our lives as we wish, with the only moral requirement that we respect all other’s responsibility and “right” to do the same, freedom (Capitalism!) will continue to be seen as but an evil “necessity.” One whose unquestioned, inescapable, dramatically-obvious, benefit to mankind, will be constantly, repeatedly, embarrassingly, impugned and rejected!

  9. Hey Eric, thanks for the Saturday morning thought piece…. An interesting thing Ive noticed is the most awake people ive seen anywhere are the eastern European ex communist countries. They totally get the danger of how western governments are going. I remember travelling to Albania during covid (when you weren’t supposed to travel). Everything was open…. EVERYONE knew it was a scam.. Interestingly – on this bridge in Tirana there were numerous street side book sellers – most had a copy of “the book” that will get you in a lot of trouble here…. Or when I went to Bosnia earlier this year – in Sarajevo there was an ally where they sold old memorabilia from communist times. There was a stall where there where they were openly selling trinkets from the Nazis! Imagine that in the west. I asked the guy who ran the stall why – hes like whats wrong with it, saying something on the lines of every leader does horrible things – why only him? Told me he doesnt care either way and it’s up to people to decide what they want about these past leaders but im here to make sure they realise these things were real…..

    Really makes you wonder who is really free and who’s not….

  10. They all get the label “authoritarian” in my book. Communist, Nazis, whoever…… People get caught up with the little differences (like left or right). They all do have one common thing, and it totally is awful, the authoritarian part. They are in charge and you ain’t.

    • For a long time, I have asserted that what I call “political space” is curved, and that the so-called “far right” and the so-called “far left” meet each other …. somewhere on the Dark Side.

      Did I say they colluded with each other once they hooked up? No, I didn’t, but you are welcome to draw that conclusion if you like. 🙂 Dictators of a feather hang together. Or else they hang, separately.

  11. Trump would probably say Stalin is “good people”. Clinton (either one) and Kuntmala would probably sodomize him. Hmm…that’d serve the bastard right!

  12. Can’t quite figure out why, when Germany & Russia both invaded Poland at the same time, England only declared war on Germany.

    Today, it is no stretch to call England quasi socialist. Mussolini admired FDR. The US is definitely a fascist economy/government.

    The Allies fought with commies against the fascists, while creating fascist countries, then turned against the commies after the war.

    Why didn’t they just fight on the side of the fascists to start with, since that’s who they seemed to admire more?

  13. “The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects – his laziness, incompetence, improvidence, or stupidity.” ― Henry Hazlitt

  14. Who you are not allowed to criticize? In Germany now, it is the Covidian regime. As noted elsewhere in the comments, the playwright C.J. Hopkins has been convicted for his book cover, which featured a barely visible swastika on a face diaper. Even worse is what is happening to attorney Reiner Fuellmich, who has been a strong critic of the COVID nonsense, but who now is confined to prison:

    And, we have those here who undoubted think Germany’s approach is fine and dandy. Like John Kerry, who took a oath of office, as a Senator, to uphold the Constitution. He now whines about the First Amendment. The same First Amendment that, decades ago, protected him when he was a Vietnam veteran protesting that war.

      • And in Amerika. How many Holocaust indoctrination centers are there? How many kids get schooled in Jews are the only race which ever suffered?

        Jews need to be removed from state, banned from politics, education, pharma, banking, finance, religion, and most of all banned from our minds – which means their horrible holy book called the Torah and Talmud should be classified as terrorist literature.

        When are the people going to confront Clowngress for giving the homicidal maniac, the butcher Satanyahu, 58 standing ovations? Amerika is morally dead. Uncle Schmule a rotting corpse.

  15. My wife’s German grandparents got a Seattle FBI visit during WWII, they had an attic light visible by the nosy neighbors. Turned them in convinced they were radioing “home” from the attic.

    That wasn’t as bad as the Japanese American (citizens) family employed by my grandpa, again in Seattle. FDR’s goons rounded them up and off to the internment camp they went. My parents raised holy hell with the government of course to no resolve.

    Today any better? Nope. Ask the Jan 6ers still held captive.

    • We can attribute this result to the Stalinist ‘justice’ of Merrick Beria Garland [not his real name].

      ‘Former President Donald Trump said once again Wednesday [July 31] that he would pardon Jan. 6 rioters if he wins the election.

      “Oh, absolutely, I would. If they’re innocent, I would pardon them,” Trump said during a panel at the National Association of Black Journalists. “They were convicted by a very tough system.” — NBC ‘News’

      ‘Tough’ isn’t quite the term Trump wanted from his 2,000-word vocabulary. ‘Rigged,’ ‘stacked,’ or ‘weaponized’ would be more like it.

      As kids, we were told that the Soviet Union’s 99% conviction rate proved it was a communist dictatorship. As America’s Justice [sic] Department racks up 95%-plus conviction rates, what exactly is this regime?

      Ain’t no God in Mexico, ain’t no comfort in the cane
      When you’re down in Matamoros gettin’ busted by the man
      If I’d never felt the sunshine, hell, I would not curse the rain
      If I hadn’t been railroaded, well, I guess I’d a been a train

      — Waylon Jennings, Ain’t No God in Mexico

      • Merrick Garland (nee Garfinkle) is merely acting according to his talmudic judaic precepts, going after traditional Roman Catholics, parents who speak out at school board meetings, those who are pro-life, political opponents and yes, J6ers, who are languishing is a special “gulag” prepared especially for them (dissidents) while they still await harsh sentences for almost four years. Whatever happened to the concept of a “speedy trial”?
        ANY jews in such powerful positions is dangerous for all of us gentiles and for the republic itself.
        There are those who still dismiss the fact that we are living under a zionist occupation government (commonly known as ZOG). Almost all of Biden’s appointments are jews who effectively run the government. Biden and Harris are merely figureheads with little power.
        Let’s not forget the American “mainstream media” who is fully in the tank for israel (and will most likely play a part in fomenting WW3).
        Keep in mind that what the jews are doing in occupied Palestine, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, they have planned for the rest of us.
        We are all Palestinians, now.
        That being said, an experiment was performed in the seat of jewish power in the USA–NYC.
        A White gentile was placed in a jewish part of NYC posing as someone in distress who needed help. Every stinking jew passed him by, not only refusing to render aid, but purposely looking away, avoiding the least semblance of concern.
        A person posing as a jew was placed in a non-jewish section of NYC who also feigned needing help. The response was overwhelming as many decent people (gentiles) stopped what they were doing and offered to render assistance.
        So much for “tikkun olam”…

  16. As in all wars…WW2 was an internal dispute between the slave owners…the control group..A new world order republic…Germany… was trying to switch back to an absolute monarchy…absolute monarchy…king at the top…slaves on the bottom…one feature of the absolute monarchy was they didn’t mix up the slaves…a homogeneous society…no mixed tribes….

    The royalists lost…the republicans won….now in some German cities migrants are over 50% of the population…huge problems now….the original white tribe there will be completely replaced…gone…the end…in other G7 countries…the same agenda….

    The best system for the white tribes in Europe was before they got invaded and enslaved 2000 years ago…they lived happily in their mud and straw huts before they were genocided and enslaved….they only needed one law to live under…do no harm…don’t do anything to anybody…. you wouldn’t want them to do to you….

  17. Take heart, Eric.
    I do know of at least one Bf109 on static display in the US which has the period correct Hakenkreuz on its tail. I suspect that anyone who dared to whine to the museum directors would be told to take a hike, preferably a long walk off a short pier.

    That said, the Hate Germany campaign in the US, as you are probably aware, predated WWII by 20 years. It was initiated by the US government (Woodrow Wilson administration) to get the US involved in the war in Europe, the one we now know as WWI.

    We Americans of German heritage have the dubious distinction of being the only ethnic group (the largest in the country, at the time) to have been the target of a campaign of hatred directed against us by our own government, as a matter of national policy. It was very real, and very ugly. Of course, I was not alive at that time, and neither were my parents, but I have second cousins who changed their last name, out of fear, to something which sounded English, rather than recognizably German.

    And yet, I was required to attend Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, which is kind of like requiring Jews to attend Josef Goebbels Gymnasium, eh?

    • ‘I was required to attend Woodrow Wilson Junior High School.’ — Adi Heidler

      Just as I was required to attend Communist Martyrs High School. Didn’t leave a dent, though.

      Only 535 duly elected Congress Clowns are required to attend joint sessions honoring foreign dignitaries. This is how the next lame duck session, after the election, will open:

      Makes ya proud, don’t it? Amerikkka! Ethnic supremacy at gunpoint. We furnish the ammo. Nose to the grindstone, serfs. 🙂

        • Good stuff, Adi!

          I think great strides could be made toward vitiating the “anti-Semite” catcall by refusing to be cowed by it. The “racism” catcall has lost much of its former power to shut people up because everyone knows it is a catcall at this point. Similarly, refuse to be cowed by someone who calls you “anti-Semitic” because you question – or even despise – the policies of the government of Israel or its apologists. If enough do this – make it plain they don’t hate anyone just because he happens to be a Jew but do hate assholes who happen to Jewish – then “anti-Semite” becomes a pathetic eructation of people who know they have no argument and we know it, too.

          • Agree.
            >vitiating the “anti-Semite” catcall
            Tooby ginwith, ad hominem attacks are the pathetic last resort of those who have no rational arguments. It is the functional equivalent of the chimpanzee who shits on his hand and then flings his dung at onlookers. Disgusting, and irrelevant, IOW.

            Furthermore, the vast majority of Semites are Arabs. Arabic is the most widely spoken Semitic language, and is considered a major language of the UN, whereas Hebrew is not. Equating anti-Jewish with anti-Semitic means either a) asserting that Arabs do not exist, or b) asserting that Arabs are not human beings.

            Clearly, Arabs exist, otherwise they would not be able to resist Jewish Israeli oppression in the Middle East. So, the Jews must claim, as they do, that Arabs are “not human,” but in fact are “beasts in human form.”

            Sorry folks, but that shit ain’t a gonna flush. You are cordially invited to go fuck yourselves.

            • I’ve been wearing my “racism” and “anti-semitism” labels as badges of honor.
              When I am called out and accused of being “racist” or “anti-semitic”, I hold out my hand, attempting to shake the hand of my accuser(s) (which is sometimes rebuffed, but not always).
              The confused and dazed looks on the face(s) of my accuser(s) is priceless.
              Try it sometimes…

  18. Mother Bloor was an American communist who was an instigator, an outside agitator, raised some hell back in the 1900’s to the 1930’s.

    She was born in Staten Island in New York. Went to Iowa and dumped milk. Ella Reeve Bloor was in Russia long before Bernie was born. Mother Bloor was well-known and was all over the place in America. Mother Bloor had a long rap sheet, she was arrested numerous times, even in Nebraska.

    During the Great Depression, 35 American cities elected socialists as mayors. A county in my home state elected a socialist as Sheriff during the Great Depression. Bankers didn’t like him. Stopped foreclosure sales.

    Then there are the Industrial Workers of the World, aka, I Won’t Work. Joe Hill was an organizer.

    Communists in America have been around for more than a century and they are everywhere you go.

    I doubt very much Kamala has any idea of who Mother Bloor was.

    These days, communists are in your face, just a little too much.

    Once a communist, there is no apostasy.

    Islam too, no apostasy. They will kill you.

    Lincoln too, if you leave, you get killed.

    Communism is religion with no god, no nature’s law, and no moral compass.

    What’s a little more death? No big deal, live with it.

    (((Who))) comes up with such nonsense?

    • Nowadays, Communism is repackaged to-particularly young people-as being a way of getting free stuff forever. What better way to wreck the entire nation, than to lure the young and dumb who never learned from history, and who are too busy with stupid phones to realize they are begging for their own enslavement and ultimate demise? And there again, you have old and dumb like Bernie Sanders who never had a real job in his life wanting Communism, as well, and touting how great bread lies are, and bashing the fact that we have “too many choices”. Who comes up with this nonsense? Brilliant, evil people who crave power and control, who know just how to prey on the greed and envy of the masses, while cloaking the deadly fact from said dupers that nothing is ever free.

  19. “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” — eric

    Likely this provocative quote will have to be outlawed soon, as it is just too inciteful, and too many know the name of Those Who Cannot Be Criticized (ThoWhoCBC).

    Meanwhile, ThoWhoCBC have legislation on deck to make DAMN SURE that they can’t be criticized, without severe legal consequences for the speaker. It passed the House by a 320-91 in May. Rabbi Chuck Schumer has vowed to bring it to Senate floor after the election:

    Without actually including the text, the bill specifies that ‘the term “definition of antisemitism” means the definition of antisemitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the IHRA.’

    At first, one’s heart skips a beat — surely the International Hot Rod Association has not been taken over by Holocaustianity! No … this IHRA is the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance with 35 governmental members [holocaustremembrance dot com].

    Its definition of antisemitism provides eleven “contemporary examples of antisemitism,” seven of which deal with the State of Israel.

    One states that antisemitism is embodied in “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, i e, by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour”.

    It is also antisemitic to apply “double standards by requiring of [Israel] a behaviour not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation” and “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis”.

    Set aside the outrageousness of tying this definition to a controversial historical event which cannot be questioned in most of Europe, including occupied Germany. The International Court of Justice determined on July 19, 2024 that Israel is ‘responsible for apartheid,’ making the Israeli state most certainly a racist endeavor.

    Then, Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, killing tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of civilians, IS comparable to Nazi atrocities — if not worse.

    That is, IHRA’s 2016 definition of antisemitism has been overtaken and made irrelevant by the events of the past year, which have exhibited Jewish barbarity to the entire world. They are now carrying out their own Holocaust 2.0. Therefore, I will speak out against the rancid, murderous state of Israel till they cart me off to prison.

    • Germany subscribed to ALL Geneva Convention protocols as to the conduct of war and treatment of non-combatants.
      Since “world jewry” declared “war” on Germany in 1933, (yes, 1933) ALL JEWS within Germany could have been considered to be “enemy combatants”.
      This was not the case, as many German jews served in the Third Reich military.
      Many jews lived unremarkable lives both in Germany and in occupied European countries for the entirety of the war.
      Not only that, Hitler eschewed the use of poison gas, used in WW1, and still proposed for use in WW2 by the Allied powers.
      The Allied powers violated both the spirit and precepts of then Geneva Convention to a much greater degree than the Third Reich.
      The bombing of Dresden and other German cities are but examples of saturation bombings without regard for non-combatant civilians.
      Sounds familiar, today?
      Eisenhower’s Rheinwiesenlager death camps (true concentration camps unlike the German work camps) were but an egregious violation of Geneva Convention rules on the treatment of POWs.
      Since the victors write the history, these violations of Geneva Convention protocols and outright mass-murder were “swept under the rug” of history.

  20. The most National Socialist regime on earth right now is probably Israel. Think about it. Israelis are highly nationalistic, and completely socialistic. Tribes are socialistic, Jews are completely tribal. There is tremendous cohesion worldwide with this ethno-nationalistic Jewish only state. Israel has mandatory military service, everything is subsidized (by you the Amerikan tax slave).

    Jews are ok with Nazis so long as they are the Nazis. But Germans can not be Nazis in Germany. Why? Because Jews run Germany. Only one supremacist race is allowed on planet earth and that is Jews. BTW Stalin’s regime was almost all Jews. (They change their names to hide their real identity, just like they do in Amerika).

    Leon Trotsky real name is Lev Davidovich Bronstein
    Russian Marxist revolutionary (1879–1940)

    Karl Marx was a Jew, Communism is a totalitarian Jewish revolutionary movement. Hitler and the NSDAP had gun firefights in Berlin against the Jewish Communists in Weimar Germany. When Hitler seized power, in order for the Germans to survive, they too had to organize men into a superstate. The problem was Hitler was a megalomaniac and invaded Russia. You never want to invade Russia before the winter.

    What Eric has yet to realize is that Germans are not naturally socialistic, they are very independent hard working peoples, who had socialism imposed on them to survive the wave of Communism taking over the world back then. They went along with Hitler as a survival tactic. If you lived back then in Germany, and witnessed the Communist takeover of Russia, you too would be frightened of becoming a Communist slave and would of joined the NSDAP.

    I would bet Eric would be in the front of the line for the German officer corp if he lived back then (as would I). Both Eric and I are very individualistic, but when threatened with annihilation we both may have ditched our Libertarian impulses and took up the task to defeat Stalin and the red terror.

    How do I know this? Because Kamala is the face of new red terror and we both oppose her. If Kamala wins and Amerika falls to the red terror, who knows, maybe Eric will be leading the new NSDAP. Just kidding, but understand folks the Communist faction of Jews are on the march to totally overthrow our way of life and impose a draconian climate agenda on us and they do not care how many they have to kill and impoverish to do so.

    So Eric, want to ride your privately owned motorcycle in the future, start thinking What Would Hitler Do (WWHD) if he lived now and was facing the onslaught of Green Agenda and Gavin Newscum who is eliminating oil refineries in California. The UN said this week they intend on resettling 500 million third worlders in Canada and the USA in the next two decades.

      • Man, does she have a rough row to hoe! Her problem won’t be the ‘givemegrants’ It’ll be low IQ Whitey(s) indoctrinated that they don’t deserve their own culture and that they’re all born racist(s) believing the only way to amend is DIE.

    • I wouldn’t sully National Socialism by comparing it with jewish behavior of today and times past.
      The jews are far worse, relying on their talmud as an “excuse” to commit genocide.
      The National Socialists never committed genocide…
      Big difference.

  21. Doesn’t really matter what you call a government, they all exist by assuming authority to kill you if you disobey. One or another may seem less inclined to use or not use that power, but it’s still there.

  22. “You can safely wear a Che Guevara T shirt or even a Marx T shirt on any college campus in the United States.”

    I am grateful for the ego of people who wish to display symbols of their ideology so that I can better recognize the enemy and act accordingly.

  23. “The worst thing that can happen to a socialist is to have his country ruled by socialists who are not his friends.”

    — Ludwig von Mises

  24. Monika Schaefer, Sylvia Stolz, Ursula Haverbeck are three women who have been incarcerated in Germany’s maximum-security prisons for questioning aspects of the so-called jewish “holocaust™”.
    You see, the jewish “holocaust™” has been turned into a “religion”, in which no investigation or dissension is permitted, “under penalty of law” in many countries. Even Canada has criminalized “holocaust™” heresy.
    The “kangaroo courts” that prosecute those who dare to seek TRUTH about this event utilize a concept called “judicial notice”. For those who are uninformed about this practice, “judicial notice” disallows any evidence that goes against the “commonly accepted beliefs”, EVEN IF THE “COMMONLY ACCEPTED BELIEFS” CAN BE PROVEN TO BE FALSE.
    Judicial notice is a dangerous concept, as it is quite often used to make sure that the courts get a conviction. If a defendant cannot introduce evidence on his own behalf, true “justice” is impossible.
    The jewish “holocaust™” is burning itself out, as more and more people are realizing that it is truly the biggest “hoax of the 20th century”.
    Censorship and incarceration for independent “thought” is the last grasp for the holohoax crowd. They don’t want to see their “cash cow” end.
    The holocaust™ promoters are at it again, claiming that memories of the “holocaust™” can be transferred to children, grandchildren, and even unrelated individuals (jews only).
    They want to keep the reparations racket going. What better way than to declare that the descendants of “holocaust” victims are “holocaust™” victims as well?
    Keep in mind that a “holocaust™” survivor is defined as any jew (jews only) who was alive during and up to the end of WW2, no matter where he or she lived. There are jews who never left NYC who are collecting “holocaust™” reparations.
    You see, only jewish suffering counts. The grotesque, American taxpayer-funded jewish freak shows known as holocaust™ museums are proof as such.
    In fact, more Roman Catholics were interned in the work camps than jews, but that fact is never mentioned.
    The official International Red Cross figure of deaths from all perils in the camps is approximately 271,00 NOT 6,000,000
    It has been shown that approximately 40% of all male jews suffer from some degree of schizophrenia, possibly from “male genital mutilation” where the “mohel” fellates the infant, passing whatever STDs the “mohel” possesses….
    Put such people in power, and you have the situation that we live under today.

    • The worst punishment is to be ignored.
      As WWII recedes further in the rear view mirror, fewer and fewer people will give a damn about any tale of woe from that era. The generation that lived through it are nearly all gone, and many of their first generation descendants as well. As time goes by, WGASA is likely to be the most common response to anyone who brings up Dubya Dubya Two.

  25. Bill Whittle has a series on Daily Wire i have been meaning to watch (got spend the $ to join Daily Wire) called *An Empire of Terror*. Where he documents the full crimes committed by the Marxists starting at the source of Lennin and followed by Stalin.

    Whittle makes the same argument of Eric’s essay…everyone knows about the Nazi’s but hardly anyone knows the true depths of depravity the Soviets committed.

  26. The Stars and Bars are outlawed in several States and Corporations, the biggies being Sears and Walmart. The CSA was a last ditch effort to maintain individual freedom. The notion that the CSA fought for slavery is nonsense but IS the propaganda of the day. Just like one cannot discuss the hoax that the Holocaust was/is,,, one cannot discuss the CSA. The statues are coming down and anyone speaking of it is censored and banned. It prevents people from discovering the truth which is always the antidote to official lies aka propaganda. The victim group(s) of that time was people of color,,, mainly Blacks. Today it is Blacks and the J’s with the J’s being all powerful and the Blacks as their militant wing.

    The J’s have infiltrated most of the Western world,,, their central banks, their governments, and their most potent propaganda tool. Hollyweird. No matter what one says about the J victim group,,, no one pays any mind even when proof is shown.

    It is verboten to speak of Chancellor Hitler or the leaders of the CSA in any manner other than despicable. All media, ads, depict them as anti-humanity. No one can display either flag or symbol with out threat of death or arrest. A 93 year old woman was sent to jail in Germany for denying the holohoax. Even though she live during the period the ‘Judge’ told her she wasn’t a reseacher,,, that she was a ‘denier’ just as people in the States are said the be deniers if they refuse the fake covid and its alleged vaxx. Just as they are called Nazis if they speak well of the CSA.

    IMO the USA is the most gaslit nation on the planet. Its citizens deny everything that is true and accept everything that is false.

    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)”

    That day is here and now.

  27. Every time I see a college student walking around with a Mao t-shirt I want to ask the idiot wearing it if he realizes how many deaths his hero is responsible for. Meanwhile in Germany C.J. Hopkins is being prosecuted/persecuted for a barely visible symbol of National Socialism on a book cover. Different standards for sure.

  28. “You can safely wear a Che Guevara T shirt or even a Marx T shirt on any college campus in the United States.”

    Can’t cite the source, but recall reading that comrade Che was virulently racist. Thus, the irony of the young libtards who likely scream “rayyyyyyy-cissst” strut around with the image of a psychopath, a murder, and a racist on their chest.

  29. A Hungarian pianist and historian who escaped the Iron Curtain in the 1960’s by the name of Balint Vazsonyi wrote a book titled “America’s 30 Years War”. He personally lived under Nazi occupation and the Soviet occupation. He explained the slight differences and many similarities between the two. He also goes into detail how America is falling into socialism. I recommend those who would be so interested to get this book. It will definitely open your eyes.

    • I visited the Museum of Communism in Prague recently. One thing I learned is that a lot of National Socialists became Communists—they just changed uniforms.

      It seems that National Socialism and Communism are slightly different flavors of the same turd sandwich: The tyranny turd sandwich.

      Tyranny is a turd sandwich that has always been with humanity—going all the way back to the Garden of Eden when the snake told Adam
      and Eve that they would be like gods if they ate the forbidden fruit—or with the first cave dwellers who found it easier to beat up their neighbors and take their food than hunt and gather their own.

      And tyranny can only be stopped with physical and moral strength and the courage to say, “NO. That is wrong, we will not do that.”

      So we must be careful of ALL tyranny—no matter what flavor—national socialism, communism, Islamic radicalism, safetyism, environmentalism, you name it.

  30. The problem with politics is some one always wants to rule over you, for your own good of course. It seems living your life and following some sort of a moral code is just old fashioned.

    Perhaps the reason for why is best explained by translating from Greek the meaning of the word “politics”; poly for many and tics for small burrowing (and biting) insects.

  31. “…both forms of the same thing are at least equally loathsome because both are equally murderous.”

    Not to be pedantic, Eric, but communism was far more murderous than National Socialism. The Cambodians alone killed two million people in two years. Add to that the Holodomor, the Great Leap Forward, Stalin’s purge, the gulags, the Long March, Trotsky’s invasion of Ukraine and Poland, the invasion of Hungary in 1956, Cuba, Nicaragua, etc. etc. and the number of victims of communism far outstripped the wildest accusations made against National Socialism.

    It’s interesting that people frequently claim that “Hitler wanted to take over the world.” This is totally false. Communism, however, DID literally want to take over the world. Marxist ideology sought a borderless, global communism. National Socialism merely sought a unification of Germanic peoples and the defeat of the USSR.

    No doubt, it sucked to be on the losing end of either system. But it sucked to be an Iraqi, a Gazan, an Afghan, a Vietnamese, a Japanese or German victim of the Global American Empire/ZOG, too.

    • Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts even more. National Socialism might have been fine for the German people but as soon as old Adolph started invading other countries he signed the German people’s death warrant. Soviet international Socialism was even worse. There were many, many people in the United States who adored and believed in Russian international Socialism. They even sent to Russia to work. Soon they found out that there was no heaven on earth in Soviet Russia. Sad to say this group of Americans is growing.

  32. “If the party says 2+2=5 rather than four, then it does equal four.” – Eric

    See, your brain (or maybe Apple autocorrect) won’t let you type the word five. Imagine trying to keep track of all the lies, and how they change day to day. And trying to squeeze context out of a statement where there is none. Even when Kommie Kamala gets a softball question from CNN she can’t seem to produce anything other than word salad. Must be exhausting.

      • This latest No Agenda podcast talks about how that’s an Indian caste technique. The high caste people aren’t used to being interrupted.

        • kommiela’s speech appears to rely on her tone of voice, like when you are talking to a dog or cat.

          …..talking to a dog or cat. ….she gets it….in her mind she is talking to animals…useless eaters……talks down to them….

          She thinks she is far above the slaves…the queen…only one above her is the grand master in her lodge…

          When you become a citizen…a slave…. of an international corporation…the control group…you are no longer considered a human…a citizen of an international corporation is considered a creature…the definition of a creature is an animal in the dictionary…

          • Hi Anon,

            That’s insightful – about Harris talking down to people as if she were talking to a dog or cat. And yet, who is she? A political opportunist who casting-couched her way into office who has accomplished – as far as I can tell- nothing beyond obtaining offices.

            • Ah, but she was born into that space.

              Shyamala Gopalan (Harris’ mother) was born into a Tamil Brahmin family. That fact was likely impressed on young Kamala, that although everyone was equal in the US, she was actually superior due to her ancestry. And imagine what effect that thinking had on Gopalan while she was building up her career, when someone might question her methodology, or didn’t bow down to her superior intellect. That might radicalize anyone into having a chip on their shoulder.

              Parents will tell their kids about the family. “Your great great grandfather had a ticket to come over on the Titanic but got pneumonia and couldn’t make the trip.” “Your great great great uncle fought alongside General Lee.” Imagine hearing from your mother that you are superior by birth, because some God or other ordained you to be an intellectual. But not only that, but because you are superior you have every right to treat everyone outside of your caste like shit. In fact they expect it.

              Silly-con valley is full of Brahmins. I’ve had to deal with them on occasion as they got jobs at the NOC, and run tech support lines for Juniper and Cisco. Because I was “only” the onsite field tech, my opinion carried no weight, none of my suggestions were discussed. Basically I was to shut up and follow instructions, even when I knew what the solution was.

              I got a lot of overtime.


              • Another one….Camilla is the wife of King Charles III and queen consort of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms.

                Shyamala Gopalan (Harris’ mother) was born into a Tamil Brahmin family…royal bloodlines…

                so she identifies as the…soon…. American royalty….queen Camilla….note…her staff wasn’t permitted to look her in the eye…

                maybe switch back to an absolute monarchy?…lol

                Royal bloodlines….

                Brahmans occupy the highest ritual position among the four Varnas of Hinduism. Since the Late Vedic period the Brahmins, who were generally classified as priests, mentor, teacher who were also rulers, zamindars, warriors and holders of other highest administrative posts

                Baghochia Dynasty was founded by Raja Bir Sen and were the ruling dynasty of Hathwa Raj and Bans Gaon Estate. The Cadet branch of the family also ruled Tamkuhi Raj, Salemgarh Estate, Ledo Gadi, Kiajori estate and Kharna Ghatwali.Bhumihar dynasty

                The name “Raj” is of Indian origin and has multiple meanings. In Sanskrit, it means “king” or “ruler,

                • maybe switch back to an absolute monarchy?…like the ancient Pharaoh’s

                  A matriarchy…like the Pharaohs…6000 years ago…they were satanic too…..

  33. Indeed, who can’t you criticize?

    The Jewish Karl Marx was the Founding Father of Communism. Much of the Bolshevik Revolution was run by Jews. Trotsky, the idol of today’s Neo-Cons, was Jewish.

    National Socialism, on the other hand…

    • Correct Mark,
      National Socialism was mostly concerned about the Jews, and as we’ve seen recently one Jewish life counts for more than thousands of ordinary people.

    • And the German army had many Jewish officers. Try to make that compute. How can that be, if Hitler gassed all the Jews? Because everything we were taught about WW2 is post war propaganda and bald faced lies, like lampshades and gas chambers.

      The Reich had zero gas chambers. Jews made up all the stories like being gassed. Total damn lies. Many Jews died from disease and starvation near the end of the war because the supply lines were cut. Hell, the soldiers were starving also. Total Jew deaths was around 284,000 compared to 80 million total deaths in WW2. And don’t forget FDR put all the Japs in camps also.

      Germans did not waste precious fuel (during wartime) roasting Jews in ovens, that is completely ridiculous. Germans turned coal into diesel because they were short of engine fuel. They almost had the A-Bomb, the had working jet engines and rockets.

      They would of won if Hitler had postponed his wars by a few years – which BTW is exactly what Putin did and is doing. Putin is a way smart player, he is fielding some super weapons right now, like the Sarmat 2 MIRV ICBMs, just one can end all cities on our east coast or Britain. Dumbass Biden keeps poking the bear, I am waiting for the Russian bear to swipe the west good.

      Let’s invade Russia said Napoleon!
      Let’s invade Russia said Hilter!
      Let’s invade Russia said Zelensky!

      • I am going to bring the fraud of Anne Frank into the mix…
        Here goes…
        Anne Frank’s family was involved in “black marketing”, document fraud, and other criminal activities and was not the “innocent jewish family” hiding out from German troops. In fact, they made loads of shekels supplying the market with stolen and purloined goods, counterfeit ration stamps and books, and the like…typical jewish behavior.
        Anne Frank’s “diary” is a fraud, portions of it being written with a ball-point pen, not invented till after the conclusion of WW2. He sexualized portions of the “diary” by writing passages in it, typical jewish behavior.
        Otto Frank swindled the co-writer and publisher out of his deserved shekels for getting the book out in-print…more typical jewish behavior.
        Anne Frank died of typhus, while her relatives who were also interned lived out their lives well after WW2. In fact, Otto Frank was treated at the Auschwitz hospital where he survived the war and was able to keep the Anne Frank swindle and fraud alive. One question…what the hell is a hospital doing in a “death camp” ?
        The Anne Frank fraud continues…

  34. Did National Socialism really lose?

    The IG Farben HQ building still stands in Frankfurt and the component companies still exist, now with Monsanto as part of Bayer. Here in the US, Prescott Bush’s great grandson is still a potential Texas Governor and President while the defense contractor cabal are important components of everyone’s retirement savings with most civilian industrial capacity effectively eliminated.

    Elon Musk’s early space efforts were funded in part by a mysterious UK investment group, Ballie Gifford, which also has stakes in the US defense contractors along with being the largest single shareholder of Moderna.

    I could go on with the list.

    The problem with communist flavored socialism, as Margaret Thatcher famously noted, is that sooner or later, you run out of other people’s money.

    Follow the money trail to the next phase of National Socialism.

    • I really need to study up on the Spanish civil war. As I understand it was basically a fight over which “brand” of communism was going to run the country.

      There’s a desire to make communism/socialism the “logical outcome” of the industrial age. Thing is, that’s not in any way a foregone conclusion. Perhaps if you believe that this moment, right now, is the pinnacle of industrial development, where man cannot possibly create any more, or that religion and charity are insufficient to care for those who cannot care for themselves.

      And what of the entrepreneur? I guess I’m one of those people who look at something and see if there’s a way to make it better. Seems to me that if there’s only 1 (or 5 or 10 or 1000) people who are in charge of improving man’s lot in life, we’re missing out on a lot of brain power that could be put into the topic. And even if you could round up the millions of people who build, then what? Who will decide if their idea gets funded (that same 5 person committee)? That’s just not natural.

      • “As I understand it was basically a fight over which “brand” of communism was going to run the country”

        It was the Internationalists(Republicans) helped by the Soviet Union vs the Nationalists helped by the Germans and Italians (fascists).

        An interesting movie to watch is Ernest Hemingways book/movie, For Whom the Bell Tolls. A lot of Americans went to help the internationalists just like a lot went to Russia to help with their social/industrial revolution. There are still a lot of believers here in America. Look at the popularity of Bernie Sanders.

      • “I really need to study up on the Spanish civil war.” – RK

        I have said the same thing. There’s something there to learn, I think. The problem is that most accounts of it appear to be fables written to promote the author’s political agenda.


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