Almost as insufferable as the (it is not our) government sluicing billions of dollars of our money to the dictator of Ukraine is the way the capital of that frictious far-away country is superciliously enunciated by the so-called “elites” in government, as well as the “media” that is their PR firm.
They say keeeeeeevvvv rather than Kiev. The latter being the American English way to say it. Just as one says Paris – if one is an American English speaker – rather than Paree. To say it the latter way would be to adopt an affect – and people would look at you funny. Like Richard Simmons/Liberace funny.
But we’re supposed to take this Keeeeeeeevvv business seriously. That is, respectfully. Those who say it with an affect are educating us Deplorables how to say it properly. More finely, they are letting us know they know how to say it properly. And that we require them to elocute for our benefit.
It is also why Peking is now “Beijing” – and Turkey is “Turkii.” Though – interestingly – one never hears foreign elitists elocute Atlanta with the proper southern drawl. Supercilious affectations are a curiously native phenomenon.
One might say with more than a small measure of plausibility that this affectation is a manifestation of the loathing of the “elites” in the United States for the people of the United States. It can also be seen as a subtle stab of cultural-national diminishment. When the United States was a strong country, with a healthy common culture that had not yet been taught to be ashamed of itself, Americans used American English to speak of foreign capitals and foreign things.
There was no such thing as Chicken Keeeeeeeeeeeeevvvv, for instance.
And the capital of China may have been “Beijing” – but Americans said Peking when they spoke of it conversationally. Only in commercials for things like the Chrysler Cordoba did you hear it said Cordoba. If you went to buy one at your local Chrysler dealership, you did not ask to test drive a Cordoba – unless you were Ricardo Montalban (and he was sui generis).
You just test drove a Cordoba.
By superciliously correcting Americans for using American English instead of affected English, the “elites” are denigrating America. It is just another country. How dare Americans not use the correct affect when they speak of other countries.
Back to the dictator of that frictious country that Americans have been told by the elites they must “stand” with – to the tune of billions of their money, taken under the color of presumption it would be used in the interests of Americans rather than to prop up foreign dictators.
The italics are used – twice – to emphasize a fact the “elites” effronterously ignore and (far worse) rub our faces in it by superciliously lecturing us about the trumps-everything-else importance of “democracy.” As in people electing representatives. That is something that has not happened in Keeeeeeeeeeevvvv since the insolent little actor who plays the piano with his penis and pretends to be “president” (a democratic term for an elected official) cancelled elections.
The people of Ukraine are, of course, no more to blame for this than the average German was for the Austrian gefreiter who became Reichskanzler. One can feel sympathy for the people of Ukraine (and the people of Germany) while at the same time feeling contempt for the dictators who rule over them.
And the “elites” who rule over us, too.
. . .
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They said you would own nothing……
Tax slaves trying to avoid more taxes…
Protecting your home with a trust…in video….
In the U.K. they are considering a 50% exit tax if you leave the country…50% of all your assets…
Americans and their schools. They want it all free. (like everything else) Here in Floriduh one can avoid property taxes if their over 70. But school taxes still must be paid. Poor 90 YO grandma has to save over 500 dollars per year out of her $1000 monthly SS check…. And some don’t want her to have that! They think at 90 she can go grab a shovel and work like everyone else.
Bad enough everyone locally has to spring for someones offspring education but now the federales want the entire nation to pay for their offspring’s student loans.
Americans are now paying for the Ukraine government operational costs, pensions, war, etc. Even the individual States here don’t get that. And who knows how much that penile piano playing dicktater is skimming.
Locally,,, a 1/2 penney sales tax is being pushed. They have been trying that ever since I moved here over 30 years ago BUT this time they claim it is for the schools. It has failed every past election but I’ll wager it will pass this time.
“It’s for the children” is always the f-ing pretext.
‘North Dakota voters could end property taxes — and pour ‘gas on the spark’ of a growing tax revolt’ – Published: Oct. 21, 2024
I thought of you guys when I read that headline. Could you imagine?
Then, later in the article, “…property taxes need fixes — but not a “sledgehammer approach.” […]
“It will create chaos, frankly, if it passes.” [And then, the real kicker:]
North Dakota voters easily rejected a 2012 proposal to end the state’s property taxes.”…
It seems sooo absolutely bonkers that people went out of their way and voted against getting rid of property taxes!
In a twisted way, “The People” must – Want – to be ruled by The Power Elite?
…Hope it goes the other way, this time around.
Psft! “It will create chaos”… for whom?
Hi Helot,
I’d seriously consider moving to North Dakota if it abolished property taxes – because then I could stop working because I have to and work because I want to. The distinction is important.
My thoughts, exactly.
I really hope, “it’s different this time”.
I won’t be holding my breath, though.
If (((they))) can throw the national elections,,, State elections would be a piece of cake. There’s only one way to eliminate property/income taxes and that would be at gunpoint. Sure enough,,, That ain’t gonna happen! Not with the 400 pound land whales, girly guys, and the trannees.
Inflation will finish this empire just as it has all previous empires. Anyone trying to do something constructive will be crushed…. ie: Musk. An immigrant from South Africa where it’s always open season on Whitey. BUT a fine example of what America will look like after the reset.
“Anyone trying to do something constructive will be crushed….”
That sure is a whole lotta fellas who know how to work metals.
…How’s about, ‘Door #3’, instead?
The Chamber of Commerce-s in the State of North Dakota used a heavy propaganda campaign to defeat the property tax measure in 2012.
Everything in city and state government was going to go to hell in a handbasket, no doubt about it.
A research group held meetings across the state, paid each invited guest 50 dollars to attend the meeting, the issue was the property tax measure back in 2012. Many participants at the meeting were from out of state and had no argument with property taxes back then, they paid more in the state they were from. I attended the meeting, there was debate if the measure would pass or not. When asked, I said that the measure wouldn’t pass even though I was going to vote yes to eliminate property taxes in the state.
The research group handed me 50 dollars, I immediately went and bought beer.
Bond holders would have gone stark raving mad if it had passed in 2012.
Probably the real reason for the intense opposition.
Now you have the low down, what really happened.
This year, all kinds of property tax relief are being offered to stop the measure from passing.
I don’t have property in my name, just my wife’s. We received homestead credit and a credit for being over the age of 65. Property taxes were zero dollars for the 2022 tax year. After paying property taxes for 35 plus years, finally some relief.
The state’s leaders want to fight off the property tax measure by using credits for people who are older and have lived in one house for many years. In essence, buying votes.
Received a new estimate for the 2024 tax year, property taxes increased by 33 percent.
All property and land taxes have tripled in the last 40 years.
Approximately 550,000 people live in towns from 15,000 population to 150,000.
150,000 live in the countryside on farms and small towns.
If property taxes are eliminated, North Dakota will have a population increase, it will happen.
Dotgov employees at all levels will squeal like stuck pigs. Nothing new there, it’s what they do.
This year’s attempt to eliminate property taxes just might win the vote.
“You can throw a rock anywhere in North Dakota and hit a Republican.” – James J. Hill
Jim Hill built the Great Northern Railway and the Empire Builder.
Some dairy farmers from the Netherlands have a milking facility in North Dakota and sell raw milk to creameries. They were in Canada, but the Canadian gov made it uncomfortable to operate. They re-located near Carrington. Gouda is really good.
Not just a few dairy cows, 12,500 dairy cows to milk every day.
Stay south of I-94, the Sheyene River valley is a top notch place in the state south of Valley City. Rolling hills and gallery forest along the river, a scenic area.
But then, the Turtle Mountains are forested rolling hills at an elevation of 2400 feet above sea level. A picturesque place dotted with farmsteads, a place to be, a popular lake is there, plenty of people around, but you can still be isolated due to the topography. Birch trees, burr oak, aspen, cottonwood, hazelnut, wild raspberry, add some whitetail, moose, bear, wolves, mountain lions, fox and coyote, you have an ecosystem, bugs and all.
You’ll be closer to Winnipeg in Manitoba than any other large metro area, if you want to travel to a metro area for a cultural experience.
Plenty of land and properties for sale out in the sticks.
A cash sale, a trip to the abstract company, the property is yours.
Your standard hick from the sticks report.
“Some dairy farmers from the Netherlands have a milking facility in North Dakota and sell raw milk to creameries.”
Raw milk…great food…
Unfortunately all of the food companies…big food… are owned by the same parent companies…. which also own all of the hospitals and the drug companies…big pharma…
which are owned by blackrock, state street and vanguard…owned by the slave owners…. control group…the masters…
[All property and land taxes have tripled in the last 40 years.] Drump
All inflation caused,,, all caused by excessive corpgov spending,,, wars and shit. Inflation puts you in higher tax brackets where at some point you cannot afford to pay the ransom. The home next to me just sold for $290,000. At best anything over $50,000 would be too much. A Jim Walters starter home with a couple rooms added on. Absolutely garbage.
Back in my days one could live very well on $40-60,000 per year. Today they are paid 2 to 3 times that and are having a hard go of it. Their income taxes went up 2 – 3 times as well. Corpgov (Biden/Kamala) are throwing the blame on everything (mostly Trump) except the real cause,,,, spending and printing. The USA is now funding 2 1/2 wars. Ukraine/Israel/ Taiwan. Much of it is funneled right back here to the good ol boys in corpgov. Dicktator Zelenski skims his share and the rest goes for useless equipment to prolong the war killing of the Ukies.
Israel? They’re just killing everybody in sight with our bombs and cash.
China so far hasn’t bit although the US is doing everything it can to entice them.
Chicken Kiev….and slave food….
Historically slave food is bread… crappy carbohydrate….the cheap commercial stuff is full of chemicals…15 day shelf life now….zero nutrition….might as well swallow white sugar and die…..
The slave masters eat the good stuff…steak….the slaves can’t afford it….
The control group…the slave masters…. own big food and big pharma….
Big food feeds the slaves poisonous, crappy, junk food…creating customers for big pharma, who treats them with more poisonous drugs and injections….
Poisonous, crappy, junk food… creates land whales…obese slaves….
Find out how they create the obese…..
Clip exposing woke logic in Hollywood goes viral
The interaction, with almost 3 million views and 50,000 likes on X alone
‘you did not ask to test drive a Cordoba – unless you were Ricardo Montalban’ — eric
Montalban pronounces it ‘cor DOH ba’ [the so-called ‘po TAY toh’ accent] to conform to American pronunciation.
Córdoba [note the first syllable accent], in both Spain and Argentina, is pronounced COR duh buh.
But Montalban slyly strikes back 20 seconds later with his comic elongation of Co-reeeeeen-thian leather.
Call it the exorbitant privilege of code switching, if you’re bilingual. Meanwhile, my sister was told by a job interview candidate that his cat is named ‘Zee-us’ [Zeus]. She didn’t hire him.
That’s exactly right, they ARE rubbing our faces in it, saying “what are you going to do about it”.
What can be done?
Vote harder. LOL
Stop paying? LOL
Shoot them? LOL
“Oh, that’s alright. I laugh myself sometimes… Ain’t a whole lot else you can do” – Ed Tom Bell
‘By superciliously correcting Americans for using American English instead of affected English, the “elites” are denigrating America.’ — eric
In a TeeVee interview last week, a conservative candidate mentioned ka MAH la. ‘For the record, it’s KAH ma la,’ the leftist reporterette [is there any other kind?] schoolmarmishly corrected him.
Obnoxious, isn’t it — getting badgered about the correct pronunciation of an Asian name by a 90-IQ stenographer who knows exactly one word of Hindu?
‘Ohayō’ [good morning], a colleague was greeted on our first visit to Japan. ‘Indiana,’ he replied, without skipping a beat.
Brilliant analysis on a matter that, on its face, might otherwise seem unimportant. This language affect is another subtle form of the blob’s propaganda.
The name change itself is ridiculous for the situation, but they changed most names in Ukraine to Ukrainian and expect everyone to change too. On old maps, the city names are all listed in Russian, so Kiev, Kharkov, ect. Now its Kyiiv, Kharkiv, and so on. Similar things happened in other soviet republics. Am I going to change how I speak? Nope…I still read this symbol:# as ‘pound,’ so when someone writes #, then me too, it reads a bit different.
As a Pittsburgher, I say to the elites: Yinz are all
jagoffs n’at!
“I cash my check and POW! It’s off to Pants n’at.”
Go to videos of people talking about Kiev from more than three years ago. I have yet to hear someone say Keeev. It is so funny that people just decided one day to pronounce it Keeev and they are almost all liberals.
Send hundreds of billions to Kiev to kill and maim and destroy. But there’s very little for hurricane cleanup. The US sure has its priorities straight.
Thank God for Judge Napolitano, COL Douglas McGregor, Scott Ritter, Pepe Escobar, et al. Lest we might have believed the bs coming out of DC and kieeeeeeev. Victoria Nuland’s wet dream is a nightmare for the people living in it.
What’s there to eat? Chicken Kiev!
Mince garlic, three cloves, chopped parsley, a stick of butter.
Mix them together with the butter at room temperature, roll into three butter ‘logs’ about 3 inches in length, wrap them with plastic wrap, freeze overnight, ready to roll into the butterflied chicken breast to make two pieces of chicken breast. Roll the hardened butter into a chicken breast, seal the chicken breast and cool in the freezer. Wrap the raw chicken and butter log with plastic wrap again, of course.
You’ll need a chicken breast, use a meat hammer to thin the two pieces of chicken breast, you then can make a Chicken Kiev.
Your two pieces of chicken breast rolled with the seasoned butter inside are then dipped into a beaten egg, drenched with flour, egg drenched again, then bread crumbs. You can do the flour first, then egg, then bread crumbs.
Fry in oil to a golden finish, bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees.
Just made a meal of Chicken Kiev last week.
You’ll have one chunk of seasoned butter left over for the next Chicken Kiev meal.
The Russian Army and the Ukrainian Army will have a cease-fire just to have a heaping helping of Chicken Kiev for an afternoon meal and picnic.
Some Stolichnaya in your Caesar, gotta go Canadian with the Canadian Clamato juice.
Everybody will be happy, an international shindig instead of a bunch of useless wars that board you on a hellbound train.
And the neo-con/leftist/Dems also HATE, with a Trump-like passion, Putin who has actually stepped down from his post only to return…via the ballot box.
We are constantly told by these vermin that “Putin is a dictator” as Trump “will be”. Note that anyone that dies who has criticized Putin is said to have been killed by him. Often these tales are highly creative to cast Putin in some sort of “super villain”.
Their support of war speaks volumes about their character or lack thereof.
And yet the Clinton murder list is allegedly a crude fiction, with oodles and scads of convincing circumstantial evidence. Truly evil are the children of the father of lies.
Well, what the hell…
The Great Gate of Kiev
The Omniwar Is Everywhere
Bertrand Russell’s essay “Scientific Technique in an Oligarchy” that really captures the menace of our age. In his original passage, Russell highlights the “evils” of Soviet Russia and the “atrocities” of the Nazis, looking ahead to the more insidious possibilities of scientific totalitarianism.
Scientific totalitarianism….total AI surveillance and control of the slaves.
Good link from ZH comments….
NeanderTHALL from the regular ‘60s schooling became NeanderTALL in the ‘90s. No reason given, just elites screwing with the plebes.
RealtER now RealTOR. OK, done with either, who needs them.
We here in the Pacific Northwest known for our “broadcast English”. Was great fun when the east coast Boston guys would get hired. Pass me that draaawering. No, it’s drawing. DRAWING, as in Broadcast English, try again. “Screw Yaou and yer brooadcast Enngglish!” My reply, in my best JFK: “Have saam moar chowda Bobby”.
You misspelled chowdah, Spahkey, as well as moah.

You prawbably cahnt tell nawth shaw from south shaw, let alone summaville.
Go Red Sawx! Go Bruins!
Remembah Bawby Awe.
I did nail the JFK accent for the chowder comment, he was getting pissed especially when I told him “I can talk like you, but you can’t talk like me!”
However were all good drinkin buds for boy’s night out back before the open container law here in WA. Cooler of beer, only the driver couldn’t have an open drink in hand. Then a stop at The Price is Right in downtown Seattle, well drinks 50 cents. Two trays at a time & they had baked potatoes to eat to keep the liquor board off their backs “must offer food with the drinks”. I do miss the ‘80s.
PS: the vanpool, Fridays was drinks on the way home after work. Coolers of booze, beer, and wine. 45 minute ride home got a good start on the weekend. Wasn’t long the open container law put an end to it all.
Good for you.
Twisting pronunciation is a standard old hack for the elites (and up-and-coming elites). In the US it probably began with the Mid-Atlantic accent in the 1920s, as recording and broadcasting allowed culture to be distributed directly, without reading. FDR spoke with this accent, at least when he was being recorded. Katherine Hepburn was probably the last of the masters of this inflection, probably having it beaten into her at finishing school.
The film and radio industry liked it because the voice was kept high in the head, which fit better with the limited bandwidth and lack of bass in the recording systems of the time. It wasn’t until after Ampex adapted the Nazi tape recorders that the affectation was dropped in favor of a more rounded, relaxed tone.
And I imagine it was popular with people who wanted to get away to the big city too. Once there, if you had that hick accent, well, you’d better be pretty or charming, because you’re not going to wow ’em in Manhattan sounding like a hayseed.
Kate Hepburn was nicknamed “Katherine of Arrogance” an obvious parody of Henry VIII’s first frau, Catherine of Aragon. Her contemporaries attested that she more than “urrrned” it!
Ukraine is being prepped to become israel 2.0
It is no secret that most European jews HATE the middle east climate and culture, which despite European jewish incursion still has a distinct middle eastern culture, something that European jews loathe.
The climate and topography of Ukraine is more amenable to jews than present-day israel. Not only that, their criminal base of operations will be much closer to their “markets”. From international prostitution, pedophilia and child abduction to organ harvesting and sales, to reams of criminal financial schemes and scams, Ukraine is ideally located to keep the jewish criminal rackets going.
Jews are using their European and American lackeys to support the war in Ukraine against Russia.
The seeds of WW3 have been planted…