Electrified AGWs


Those who get paid to Harass & Collect are not happy about being pushed into “electrified” vehicles.

“Complaints have emerged,” according to an MSNBC story that describes the unhappiness of the Hut! Hut! Hut! crew about being tethered to an electric umbilicus like the rest of us, as per the order of political commissars such as California Governor Gavin Newsom. The latter has decreed that by 2035 all new vehicles sold in what was once the Golden State must be “zero emissions,” which is defined by the regulatory apparat as not “emitting” anything at the tailpipe.

Battery-powered devices such as electric vehicles do not even have tailpipes, of course – so they qualify as “zero emissions” even though plenty of “emissions” are “emitted” during the manufacture of these devices as well as by the utility plants that generate the electricity that keeps these devices charged up.

Never mind.

What matters is the performance of Green Kabuki. It is of a piece with the Sickness Kabuki performed during the contrived event that some people still insist on referring to as “the pandemic.” This is like Tim Walz using the word “neighborly” to describe government forcing you to hand over money to the government.

We must pretend, first of all, that the “climate” is “changing”  . . . whatever that means, exactly. Note the inexactitude. Precisely the point. How does one refute that which is never closely defined?

Never mind.

We are also expected to pretend that this “change” is so apocalyptic – and imminent – that it is necessary to almost literally shove everyone into an EV. Never mind that almost every EV being manufactured is a high-performance, luxury-priced vehicle that most people can’t afford that also requires more electricity than all of a typical household’s appliances use when they are running at the same time. How does one reduce “emissions” of the dread gas CO2 by causing more of the dread gas to be “emitted” in some other place?

And never mind the fact that the same government commissars who insist an existential crisis approaches nigh also refuse to allow low-cost, low-performance EVs that almost anyone could afford and that do not require nearly as much electricity to provide basic transportation from A to B into the country.

It’s all an obvious fraud – like “the pandemic.”

And – as happened during “the pandemic” – the commissars and their enforcers do not play the same Kabuki. Gavin Newsom was caught partying it up – maskless and in close proximity to other Special People. The people who are in a position to not have to play Kabuki. Just as the COVID Creep in New York who was damning the low (and lowing) people for not playing Kabuki was enjoying maskless sex parties while everyone else was not enjoying much of anything.

So it’s interesting to hear the squeals of the enforcers who are now having to play Electric Car Kabuki.

Menlo Park, CA police chief David Norris is unhappy with the functionality of the three Tesla Model Ys that the tax-sheep of Menlo Park, CA were forced to finance to the tune of $50,000 each – not counting the peripherals needed to charge the things up. This, by the way, is about $20k more than a cop shop used to fleece the local taxpayers for to buy a Ford Crown Vic – a car that had many virtues, not the least of which was that it would reliably “serve” for ten years or more, saving the tax sheep some shearing.

Norris told MSNBC that battery powered devices are not the “patrol cars of the future.”

And not just because they don’t go very far – and take so long to charge, although the latter is one of the issues grumbled about by the enforcers forced to use these devices to transport arrestees. If there’s not enough charge left, the enforcer is forced to stop at a “fast” charger and wait (along with his prisoner) while the device charges. If the charger isn’t working, then the enforcer is stuck with his prisoner.

Without AC – or heat.

There are also “issues off-roading due to the autopilot safety not letting the police ride on curbs when needed,” according to the MSNBC piece. That’s good to know – if you’re being pursued by an enforcer in a device. Just pop the curb – and leave the enforcer behind. Hear the angry squealing receding. 

The MSNBC piece also quotes another unhappy enforcer, the aptly named Ukiah, CA chief of police Cedric Crook. His “department” – in the bland usage of tyranny – forced the tax-sheep of Ukiah to pony up $150,000 for just two “modified” Tesla devices. That’s $75k each – to be used to further shear the tax sheep. 

Assuming the devices are fully charged. 

It hasn’t been working out very well.

Just as it hasn’t been for us.

But the MSNBC piece does not get into the why for all of this – beyond the brief mentioning of the Newsom Thing’s “zero emissions” decree. It also did not dissect what another enforcer quoted in the piece – Fort Bragg Police Chief Neil Cervenka – said about enforcers being pushed into devices.

Here is what he said, as quoted by MSNBC:

Tesla isn’t the right answer in the law enforcement market currently for electric adoption . . . but there might be better options.”

Italics added.

Of course, there is no “market” when a product is forced onto what was a market, in which people were free to not buy what they don’t want in favor of what they do want. There is a “market” for EVs like the government “asks” you to pay what are styled “taxes,” so as to give legalized expropriation a better mouth feel.

“Adoption” also carries the twang of consensual – as in the choice to adopt a child. Devices are not no more being “adopted” than the masks people were forced to wear.


You mean like being free to choose among various options – as opposed to having no choice at all?

There is some schadenfreude to be savored, though, in reading about the enforcers being forced to play the same kind of  Kabuki they enforce upon us.

. . .

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  1. Maybe the cops could buy the Jeep Wrangler/Cherokee plug-in hybrids instead of the Teslas?
    More room, off-road ready. And ‘environmentally friendly’, for sure! Even comes with their own battery-provided heating!
    There should be plenty of them for sale used now, at top-notch low prices:

    (BTW Eric, your RSS feed’s on the nod again. It worked for a while and now it’s stuck on the ‘Latest Radio: Bill Meyer’ story from October 17.

  2. Here in St. Mary’s County, probably most/all of Maryland I would guess, the water utility METCOM has been sending out increasingly threatening letters about “overuse”. Before the very last letter they didn’t bother quantifying what that meant. In the last letter they said that I am using 4x what is allowed. The thing is that I don’t remember ever agreeing to any usage allowance. They’re talking about “fining” rotten, no-good, over users like me with $25 should I continue overusing water.

    So that part, I think, so what?! That means they want to charge me an additional $25 service fee. They’re already charging like $60-80 a month (I forget but, no less than $60/mo), before we use a single drop of water. You know, “Bay Restoration” and other liberal lunatic bullshit.

    But the more worrisome part is the implied threat of “other” ways to get the rotten selfish people like me to comply. Gee, are we really talking about rationing ground water to a family of two?

    This is fucken nuts.

  3. hahahahaha….. any half decent engineer could have told them EV’s would be a horrible police car and will cost way more in time and money and could be deemed unsafe in many instances.
    I believe in most instances the Chiefs make these decisions, so I will blame them or whoever pushed them.

  4. ‘It hasn’t been working out very well.’ — eric

    I’ll say. In this clip, the KAH ma la entity attempts to wow a modest-sized Pennsylvania crowd with garbled Malibu Serenity Sayings from her Left Coast pleasure dome. They sit there like cigar store Indians. Word salad — it’s what’s for dinner!


    Anybody with three brain cells can see that this election is OVER. KAH ma la = Michael Dukakis = John Kerry = Hitlary Clinton. It’s all over but the tearful emoting.

    • I agree. It has become fully apparent. This was further confirmed in my mind when the LA Times, a bastion of leftist politics and agent of the blob, announced its non-endorsement of her. Like a rat jumping from a sinking ship.

      • That’s a tell, for sure. Reminds me of when the formerly conservative Arizona Republic, after getting bought out by Woke leftist Gannett, endorsed the Clinton entity in 2016.

        Now it is forever known as the Arizona Hilla-Republic … a no-account commie rag, fecklessly shaking its tiny fist at the impassive saguaros.

  5. A few years back, some mischievous teenagers would intentionally have an accident with a police car in hopes of setting off the airbags.

    Everything is funny until somebody gets hurt, after that, it is just hilarious – Bill Hicks

    Malevolent teens could intentionally collide with an AGW electric vehicle in hopes it will auto-immolate. Just have to get out and run.

    Teenagers are savvy enough to fool you big time, it’s called fun in their minds. The temptation eventually gets there.

    If an AGW electric vehicle has an unavoidable accident, the device will probably be totaled. Ditch the things so they are gone. There they were, gone.

    These decision-makers are just plain stupid.

    The Israeli colonel who got picked off by Hezbollah fighters made a bad decision. No longer a stake-holder, apparently.

    The Jews have been bawling like babies for days now, the loss of one of their dear leaders does hurt. Too bad, so sad.

    Sue for peace and end the wars, you stupid jackasses.

    Can’t generate an ounce of sympathy for any of them.

    OT: Some crazed idiot in Japan asserts that every aircraft carrier is being followed by a Chinese submarine. They’re useless, obsolete.

    Go here, scroll to comment 269.

  6. It gets worse, Eric.
    You might want to add this gem:
    to your article.
    >In May, the Irvine Police Department spent $132,000 for a Tesla Cybertruck
    >Irvine police then spent $21,000 adding flashing lights, spotlights, large tacky graphics, fancy paint and – for some unknown reason given the truck’s purpose – a rifle mount.
    >Did we mention that this tech-bro extravagance won’t be used for any actual police work? Instead, it’s a public-relations tool that will be used to capture the gaze of children unfortunate enough to attend the department’s DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) events
    >It’s been clear for decades that DARE programs are entirely ineffective at discouraging drug use
    Appears to me that eLoon has found his niche market for the “Cybertruck.”
    A) “Celebrities” with more money than brains
    B)” Public” agencies who don’t care how, or how fast, they spend the money they extort from the public as “taxes.”

    Can hardly wait for the factory “Police Interceptor” version of the so-called “Cybertruck,” with the popup Ma Deuce in the covered cargo space. Touchscreen activated, of course. And in the long run, autonomous target acquisition and neutralization (ATAN), naturlich.

  7. ‘it’s ridiculous that even climate controls and audio volume levels hide under layers of digital menu selections. It makes us less excited about new vehicles like the all-electric 2023 Cadillac Lyriq.

    ‘This luxury SUV continues that worrying trend: Using a touchscreen is the only way you can open the Cadillac Lyriq’s glovebox.’ — motorbiscuit.com, quoted by anonymous1 below

    A touchscreen-controlled glovebox door violates every principle of good ergonomic design. A mechanical latch is simple, intuitive (located right on the glovebox door)and understood by everyone, including guests riding in the vehicle. Whereas a touchscreen latch is opaque, baffling to guests, and introduces needless complexity and failure modes.

    Engineering has lost its way. If schooled to produce useless technology like a touchscreen glovebox, I would have dropped out in disgust.

    • Whereas a touchscreen latch is opaque, baffling to guests, and introduces needless complexity and failure modes.

      It does make it easier for the automaker to introduce a monthly glove box access subscription fee…

    • They are just copying the stupidity of Tesla basically. Teslas have almost NO physical controls, by design. Because in Space Cadet Elon’s mind, “Look how FUTURISTIC we are!”. Nevermind the total impracticality of this setup. So all other manufacturers looked at this ahh-mazing setup and went full retard to copy it.

      There is absolutely no good reason to have no buttons or physical controls in a vehicle other than the goofy ‘gee-whiz’ factor which wears off in about 3 minutes. Then you are just stuck fumbling with a touchscreen to do the most -basic- tasks.

      Want open the glovebox? Touchscreen, somewhere… buried in a menu. Oh, you want to use windshield wipers in a torrential downpour quickly? Sorry, its in a menu… somewhere, in the touchscreen. It is the old adage just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you should do something. But tell lefties and goof ball tech bros this and they just blink at you stupidly.

    • It is all about the patents.

      At the next paygrade up where I currently work, the requirement is to produce one potential patent idea per year or risk a lower raise and/or annual bonus.

      Nothing else matters.

  8. “issues … due to the autopilot safety not letting the police ride on curbs when needed” — quoted by eric

    AHHH … now we get to the nub of the matter. We are speaking of algorithmic control. When one attempts to violate an algorithmic guardrail, what does it do? Merely nudge back on the wheel, while caviling like a vexed fishwife?

    Or, ‘I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.’

    When it’s the latter, the enforcers of ‘Thou shalt not’ laws butt heads with ‘Thou shalt not’ algorithms. Hilarity does not ensue.

    Meanwhile, Veloz, a Commiefornia-based agitprop shop, continues its desperate campaign to prop up a moribund EeeVee market. Only Democrats would write bilge like this:


    ‘You can keep your gas-powered car if you want (but why would you?)

    ‘No one is coming to take away your gas car. New tailpipe emissions standards will deliver more fuel-efficient options to dealerships across the country that will save you money at the pump. The goal is to have half of new cars in the U.S. be hybrid or all-electric by 2032. You will still be able to buy a gas car if you want one.

    ‘As soon as you get behind the wheel of your first EV, you’ll be thrilled at how easy and intuitive it is — just like your gas-powered car, except simpler, quieter and cleaner.

    ‘This election, Veloz is [working] to overcome EV adoption barriers, help consumers understand the benefits of choosing an EV for their next purchase, and speed up Veloz’s Electric For All vision.’


    In time-honored communist fashion, Veloz glibly speaks of ‘options,’ even as their Electric for All vision is as sweeping and non-negotiable as collective farming. Commies begone.

    • > The goal is to have half of new cars in the U.S. be hybrid or all-electric by 2032.
      Can’t have biodiesel, because then you could make your own fuel from waste, and not be dependent on large corporations.
      Can’t have hydrogen, because then you could refuel and be on your way in five minutes.

      The goal is to have the entire population be dependent on the government, or its corporate subsidiaries. That is the “environment” these Commies wish to protect. If you are laboring under the misapprehension that it has anything to do with clean air, I have a bridge or two I can sell you. Cheap, too.

  9. So, California only allows EV’s to be the only new sold devices (autos) within the state. Will that also include the Governor’s vehicle and “motorcade” as well?? I guess we all know the answer to that one.

  10. “You can’t outrun Motorola.” will morph into “Big Brother is watching you.”

    The limits of the EV police cruiser will be the excuse to increase the surveillance state. Can’t waste precious range chasing speeders, no that’s not efficient. The fixed radars, the AI camera network, your vehicle’s internal tattler… they’ll all be networked. When all sensors are in agreement, that’s when the kill switch will be activated. Maybe even lock the doors so you cannot run off (another “safety feature” ‘lest you get out on the highway). Just relax and get ready for the wallet rape wagon. Officer do you take Apple Pay?

  11. The only good thing to come out of the scamdemic was the adoption of work from home (not that many of us do anymore).

    I can see the only good thing to come out of governor hairdo’s eeeeveee mandate is that it makes it more difficult for AGWs to harass and profit. After all that’s what they do. Certainly not serve and protect.

  12. The Explorers and Chargers replaced the Crown Vics in the last upgrade cycle for the enforcers here in Austin. The Explorer even had a special high performance engine unavailable to us unwashed masses, but there may have been carbon monoxide issues which Ford still blames on the customizing shops.

    I used to see the heroes pop the edge of the curbs all the time when the Explorers were brand new, even if they weren’t in hot pursuit. The vehicles had all kinds of visibility problems. I can’t imagine that kind of abuse being tolerated by a Tesla.

    The Panther was special. The vehicles could and were maintained by morons, and just changing the oil regularly would give many departments 400,000 miles out of a $25k investment once customization was complete.

  13. “We must pretend, first of all, that the “climate” is “changing” . . . whatever that means”

    they follow activist-based “science”….which is total bs….

    Conspiracy theorists, you were right: The climate change agenda is the depopulation agenda….they don’t even know what the total population is….or that the number is dropping…they are reducing the slave herd…and need an excuse…

    Their green agenda destroying the planet….

    like the deforestation being done to accommodate wind turbines or solar panels; the 17 million trees cut down since 2000 to develop “renewable” “green” wind farms in Scotland, for example. Or Bill Gates’ project to cut down trees and bury them.

    Or their EV’s destroying the planet….


  14. “ If there’s not enough charge left, the enforcer is forced to stop at a “fast” charger and wait (along with his prisoner) while the device charges. If the charger isn’t working, then the enforcer is stuck with his prisoner.”

    With the SSP Mustangs, B4C Camaros, Challenger Pursuits, and HP spec Javelins (that’s going waaaay back) you had a similar problem. But at least you could cuff ‘em and stuff ‘em in what passed for the back seat if you had to. And you didn’t have to stop for hours to charge up.

    What will happen is you’ll have to call for backup to transport your prisoner, which kinda defeats the purpose of the whole thing—the greenest way is to roll as few vehicles as possible, or avoid it altogether.

    But it doesn’t matter, first because LEOs are “special,” and second, because greens aren’t approaching all things green with cool and careful scientific analysis of costs and benefits, but with heated religious zeal.

  15. The fun will really start if the EVs catch fire when in the garage as I’m sure they will be parked indoors especially anywhere there is any amount of snowfall, hail, freezing rain you name it. In other words everywhere.

    As I also expect they will be charged at the station or pen; does the electrical infrastructure support the many chargers needed? Perhaps it would be better to issue them bicycles or horses. Environmentally friendly and they can trample or assault people with them as an added bonus.

    Government making the worse get worser one step at a time.

    PS- Off topic but useful info.

    Democrat MO Senate nominee Lucas Kunce went shooting today for a photo-op, and a reporter ended up being SH0T. Apparently shooting at AR500 plate from 15 yards away is a bad idea.


    • I vote bicycles. A horse is a decent beast that shouldn’t have to carry Officer Porky around. And Officer Porky would benefit greatly from patrolling all day on a bicycle. He wouldn’t like it, though.

      Too bad.

    • Would be great if they spontaneously combusted during a high speed chase, give new meaning to the phrase ‘hot pursuit’.

  16. The sound of AGW’s crashing into other cars…killing people…..

    “controlled by a single 11.4 inch LCD touchscreen”

    distracted driving deaths way up….because of this….

    on some cars now……go through multiple menus to open the glove box….CRASH….

          • Oh my word,, you know this world has gone to hell in a hand cart when you need a touch screen to open the glove box. What is next? A touch screen to engage one’s free thinking abilities? A touch screen to be allowed to open the door? The possibilities are endless.

      • Manually opening a Tesla glove box…

        Manual release
        This last method is a bit more complicated and might seem like you’re breaking into your glove box as opposed to just opening it.

        To manually open your glove box:

        Step 1
        Open the passenger door and pop off the side panel of your glove box. It’s only held on by a couple of clips, so it’s not that hard to take it off.

        Step 2
        Grab a tool with a hook or an Allen key.

        Step 3
        Insert about an inch of the hook into the far-left hole to release the latch.

        The old analog cars were simpler easier to use….

      • Every single Telsa ever made. As shown here below. There are virtually no physical controls, switches, or buttons in a Tesla. Because… FUTURISTIC! 🙄🫤

    • CRASH….


      distracted driving deaths way up….because of this….

      I am sure this is part of the slave herd reduction agenda 2030….

  17. I think it is funny as hell when the shoe fits the other foot. Serves the officers right, and it will be quite a site to see when a LEO’s EV suddenly dies in the middle of a chase because his car battery ran out of juice. Whoops. EV’s were good for us plebs/useless eaters, but not good enough for them. Until it is. And up here, these vehicles are not going to last, because the LEO’s are going to want to keep warm while chasing said perp at -20 below, meaning they will not be able to chase anyone quite as far-or as fast-for that matter.

    • Hi Shadow, that’s why their putting kill switches on the cars. If they shut your car down there won’t be any high speed pursuit to worry about.

      • True. Until a tech savvy plebiscite figures out how to kill.the engine of the po-po first. For every rule and restriction someone will find a way around it.


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