Latest Radio: David Knight Show 10/26/2024


Here’s the audio of yesterday’s appearance on the David Knight show – hosted this time by my friend Gard Goldsmith! We talked about the Worst Tax, the way the government and corporations have become essentially the same thing and the corrosive effect of societal coercion on society. My segment starts at about the 2:16 mark:

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  1. not to change the subject eric but have you seen this by the gateway pundits? about small businesses being declared terrorists who have to prove their innocents instead of their guilt come jan 1 2025?

    just another blow to small business. wipe out what is left of it.

    i received my new printed yellow pages and white pages phone book for my area. i know most people use their hand held brain in a box to find things and don’t need a phone book anymore but i found it very telling that it is 30 pages when post covid con it was over 100 pages.
    two possibilities. people don’t advertise in the yellow pages for their local level. not the printed version and the cell phone is not listed in the white pages only land lines are listed or lastly…that many businesses have folded and that many people no longer exist in our area. having moved out of the area or moved 6 feet under the ground. which is most likely considered the traffice we have now which is pretty much nothing. no longer have long lines no longer have problems finding a parking spot at the store….less people. lots less.

    and yet the paid liars in government says the area is growing 16 % a year…where? cause the traffic and the number of people is diminishing not growing. before covid the traffic was bumper to bumper. now it is easy to go anywhere. and it isn’t because people are walking or riding a bike. i suspect it is because they are dead, buried or cremated. mostly cremated.

    sign of the times. and people still worry about the selection coming up in a week. it won’t matter which puppet gets put on the string. the end result is always the same. more whip marks on the backs of the slaves and more destruction of people’s lifes and businesses.


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