The “Second Gentleman”


It is interesting that the Me Too Left is not especially concerned – to use the insipid, mewly language of the Left – about the “second gentleman” having been accused credibly of publicly smacking an ex girlfriend in the face so hard it “spun her around.” Those are her words. The words of the woman who was assaulted by this man, who is a “gentleman” in the way that a piranha is a fish.

Aren’t we – aren’t Leftists – supposed to be believe women when they say they have been assaulted by a man? Apparently, only if it is the Orange Man who is accused – by a woman who can adduce no evidence other than what they say happened, decades ago in the cases brought forth against the Orange Man. But when a woman who was publicly assaulted in front of witnesses comes out with accusations that are only a few years old, it is nothing-to-see here.

Of course.

This is what the Left does because this is what the Left is. And what, exactly, is that?

It goes deeper than mere duplicitousness. In order to understand just how deep it goes, it is necessary to get it directly from the horse’s mouth. If you read the writings of Leftists – most especially latter-day saints such as Lenin and Alinsky and Cloward and Priven – you will come to understand that for a Leftist there is only one principle that is unalterable.

That being the getting and holding-onto of power – by any means necessary.

The Left does not care about truth, especially when it stands in the way. That is why the Left pretended to defend free speech so long as it served the interests of the Left. That is to say, free speech was useful when the Left wasn’t yet in control of the “institutions” – the media, corporations, the government school system and the bureaucracies at the local, state and especially the federal level. Once the Left acquired operating control over these institutions, it wheeled around and just like that began to suppress speech. Including truthful speech – which it framed as “misinformation” and “hate” speech – as soon as it threatened the power of the Left.

This is shocking in a paralyzing way to people who are not Leftists and do not understand Leftism. They are stultified by the incongruity. They – in their admirable naivete – fail to grasp that are playing by the rules with people who do not respect any rules except insofar as those rules benefit them. And the moment they do not, the rules of the game change.

There is no winning such a game. The character Reese in the original Terminator movie that came out back in 1984 explained it thusly:

“Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop . . . ever, until you are dead!” 

Indeed. And understand even more that the Left does not care about anything it pretends to care about except power, the getting and holding onto it. Not free speech. Not bodily rights (abortion is a pretended thing they defend because it serves to enhance the power of the Left) and most certainly not respect for women, except as situationally convenient. It is why the Left shrieks with convincing but entirely fraudulent “concern” about the accusations leveled at the Orange Man, who is very very bad – but is quite about the equally credible allegations made about Joe Biden’s conduct and that of the “second gentleman,” who is no such thing.

These people are not merely hypocrites. They are an existential threat to everything that can generally be subsumed under the heading of civilization. They are its destroyers. Its antitheses.

Until this dreary and daunting fact about them is understood it will be impossible to stop them.

. . .

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  1. New pharaoh queen commiela…

    Commiela opened her remarks in Church of Christian Compassion in West Philadelphia

    NOTE…suggesting that casting a ballot for her was aligned with God’s will

    So…ruling by divine right….a queen…above all the slaves…2nd only to god….

    but….she is a freemason member…a satanic religious cult…the political arm in a republic….and is subordinate to the grand master…who is the connection to their god….satan….who they say is the good guy…the joy they talk about…..

    • Divine rule….

      In Egyptian thought…the Pharaoh king alone, a descendant of the gods..Pharaoh is the only intermediary between the divinities and mortals.

      The Hindu text Mahabharata contains several concepts of kingship, especially underscoring its divine origins. The king is considered an embodiment of Indra, and fealty to him is considered as submitting to divine authority.

      In European Christianity, the divine right of kings, divine right, or God’s mandation, is a political and religious doctrine of political legitimacy of a monarchy. It is also known as the divine-right theory of kingship.

      The doctrine asserts that a monarch is not accountable to any earthly authority (such as a parliament or the Pope) because their right to rule is derived from divine authority. Thus, the monarch is not subject to the will of the people…or of the aristocracy….or of any other estate of the realm.

      For the slaves?….they have to go through the priests…no direct contact to the divine…

      • Freemasons can be traced back to the pharaohs….6000 years ago…

        The Hindu text Mahabharata contains several concepts of kingship, especially underscoring its divine origins. The king is considered an embodiment of Indra, and fealty to him is considered as submitting to divine authority.

        Commiela is 3/4 East Indian…Hindu….and…related to the royal Hindu bloodlines….of divine origin…so could rule by divine right….

  2. “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”

    “The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.”

    Excerpts from the book “Tragedy & Hope” by Carroll Quigley (1966)

  3. People have been expecting improvement and change every 4 years for how fuckin long now? 2 wings of the same bird since 1913. Kennedy, your only shot was murdered by jewbankers, right in front of you in the middle of a beautiful day. Message sent. People can’t let go of the voting illusion, the actual reality being so fucking grim.

    • And all the country did when Kennedy had his brains blown out was go boo hoo hoo and say “I remember where I was when I heard…”

    • WHOA: Young “Handsome” White Guy Lays Pipe on Lots of Young of Chinese Bitches 35 Years Ago? Troubling!!

      Who gives a shit? That’s kinda hilarious Walz told the girl no to long term relationship and she just wanted a US passport. Foshan is still BFN, and back then he would’ve been the first and only white guy the Chinese girls had seen. I’m sure he gave many private English lessons. Good for him.

      Gateway Pundit is run by a fag btw. People in its comments section sound like fags too “Haha Sum Ting Wong with Tim haha”

      • “Who gives a shit? That’s kinda hilarious Walz told the girl no to long term relationship and she just wanted a US passport. Foshan is still BFN, and back then he would’ve been the first and only white guy the Chinese girls had seen. I’m sure he gave many private English lessons. Good for him.”

        The exact same defense of this ccp commie was posted on CNN by a rabid marxist….

        • DHS Intel Reveals Chinese Communist Party Marked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as Top ‘Target’ for Influence in DC—Shared on Same Day Kamala Harris Chose Him as Running Mate

          Walz, who served in the National Guard for nearly 24 years, reportedly made nearly 30 trips to China between 1989 and 2005, many of which took place while he held a security clearance as part of his duties.

          “He and his wife also organized trips to China from 1994 to 2003 at least annually.

          • from the comments….

            Mike Pompeo gave a speech when was secretary of state and he talked about China and how they have blackmailed a group of governors. He said that they knew who they all were. Walz has terrible policies in his state as if a pedophile were in charge. ….he’s a tool for CCP.

  4. commiela claiming Voting for Her Fulfills God’s Will….

    Which god though?

    She is a freemason…the women’s branch…it is a religion…a satanic cult….

    …the order of the eastern star…the women’s branch of the freemasons….is really far out….they say the satanic power, running the control group, comes from the eastern star….another solar system….

    word salads…..maybe there was a bad connection to the eastern star….

    • commiela and her supporters openly mocked a Christian attendee and Jesus Christ during a rally in La Crosse, Wisconsin earlier this month.

      Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò called commiela an “infernal monster who obeys Satan.”

    • Hi Jim,

      I swear the Asses want Trump to win. Nothing else makes sense. That Defend the Vote and whatever other Super PAC believes this will sway anyone to vote for a woman who has accomplished nothing other than through Affirmative Action and DIE initiatives proves how sick the people at the top are. The evil is so prevalent they aren’t even trying to hide it. Eons ago we had class, couth, and consideration. What happened and when?

      • Hi RG,

        It is weirdly interesting, isn’t it? I can feel the orange tide rising. Maybe it is all part of the plan. Hand it over to the Orange Man and then start the war – or the economic collapse. Presto! Orange Man bad! Capitalism bad! Communism good.

        • ‘start the war – or the economic collapse’ — eric

          Both, most likely. Fight Depression II with military Keynesianism. It’s about November 1941 on the analogue calendar. Just need a catalyst to go all in.

          As Wall Street says, Buy the mushroom cloud. BULLISH!

        • Hi Eric,

          It is a dangerous game the globalists are playing though. If Trump gets into power he has the ability to alter their direction.

          Do I believe the economy is hanging by a thread? Yes. Will the FED take away the punch bowl? Also, yes. Will Trump’s election likely cause a Civil War? It isn’t improbable.

          But, my mind also goes back to The Rockefeller Foundation and their Scenario book created in 2010. Maybe, the globalists have realized (or planned) to take us to the brink and crash the whole damn thing. Instead of 2024 we would be living like it’s 1824. That is how the manual reads to me.

          There is almost like an underlying fear that technology has surpassed human intelligence and capability and they know that.

      • The wife and I went out to NYC this past Friday on the Amtrak. When we arrived a shopkeeper told us that we will only be able to enter the building on 8th ave when we return because of the multi-day Trump rally at Madison Square Garden.

        And, of course, she was right. In NYC of all places, a line going doing the street for blocks to get in! Many police around but everyone was talking nice to each other. Black dudes were walking around selling MAGA and Trump tee shirts outside the venue! For that matter, elderly black women walking around wearing MAGA hats and tee shirts on proudly on the streets of NYC!

        While I was only passing through on our way back home on Sunday, I did not see any amount of organized resistance or counter demonstrations or anything like that. It was just like a typical (but super long) line to go see a show or something. People just milling around like it was just another thing.

        The police were smiling and chatting with people wearing their normal outfits.

        Yeah, almost like the establishment and their owners want Trump to win because they’re the fuckers that sponsored all of that unrest and agree mob shit in the first place! Truckloads of bricks anyone??

        Kind of weird. Almost spooky.

    • LGBQT war on the patriarchy….They openly say kill the patriarchy….with no resistance….the law broken…

      Patriarchy means father…so kill the fathers…then the LBGQT can raise the boys the way they..the leftists… want to…

      with no straight, fighting age young white men alive…the control group is safe…bringing in the replacement slaves…..

      @ 6:00 in video…

  5. American politics is divided between partisans and objectivists.
    The partisans are an ends justifies the means mode of thought. They are unconstrained by rules or convention. In fact, they are not limited by what they said last week, as last week was a different time with different goals. In a world where winning is the only thing that matters, everything else bends to serve that end. If being seen as on the science is useful in the moment, they love science. If treating science like magic is useful next week, then next week they will mock science.

    Objectivists are the Republicans. They cite facts and reason for their positions, but since the claims of the partisans are on moral grounds, the objectivists always lose. When one side says they’re not constrained by any rules and one side always bleats about the rules, you know who always wins.

    We can’t have a functioning society with these demonic psychopaths. Peaceful separation is the only thing that will foster peace, but I don’t think they’d ever let the productive people go since they’d likely starve without us. As I like to say, they need us, but we DEFINITELY don’t need them.

  6. How do you know the Lügenpresse is getting desperate? Check out this ‘news’ [sic] headline in today’s New York Slimes:

    Trump at the Garden: A Closing Carnival of Grievances, Misogyny and Racism

    ‘The inflammatory rally was a capstone for an increasingly aggrieved campaign for Donald Trump, whose rhetoric has grown darker and more menacing.’

    Wow. The leftist media is just boiling over with feckless rage. This is their dog whistle to the Antifa troops to hit the streets on Nov 6 and burn shit down.

    Watch secession become a respectable topic in blue states. They have no intention of living under a ‘fascist dictator’ [their term].

    So adios to California
    Nothin’ to do but turn around
    Always thought there’s someone comin’ for ya
    Only way you’d leave this town

    — John Hiatt, Adios to California

    • He filled that arena, and there were probably as many people waiting outside who were turned away because it was full.

      This was in NEW YORK!

      If he loses next Tuesday (or how ever long it takes to “count” the votes), it won’t be for lack of votes.

  7. They don’t care about violence, rape or other sexual assault against women as long as the man who did it supports abortion, medicare for all, gun control, rent control, minimum wage increases, more government, etc., especially abortion. See Bill Clinton and Joe Biden.

    • Morning, Alvin!

      I’ll amen what you’re seeing. Yesterday at Kroger, I saw two sickness psychotics – first time in awhile I’ve seen more than the usual one. I think the prospect of Orange Man Ascendant is causing a relapse.

          • I know. I do not relish the fight but we know it has been coming for a long time. Like the brutal torture session you know is coming: Let’s just get it over with already so I/we can heal from it. The waiting is just as bad.

        • I agree, Shadow.

          I actually told my family to stay home from work/school on November 6th. The Asses acted like temperamental three year olds in 2016. Now they are even angrier. I anticipate some people to lose it and we need to be far, far away when it happens.

    • It has become undeniably obvious that the left is never going to leave us alone. There is a long train of abuses and usurpation, all pointing to one end, absolute despotic Tyranny. Reluctantly I say, its us or its them.

      • Sadly Ernie, the left will not be be happy until we are all dead. If and when that happens they will then fight and kill each other for the right to possess what we left behind and rule over who survived the onslaught.

      • Hi Ernie,

        If Trump wins half of Hollyweird have already stated they are leaving the country. It will be much harder for them to terrorize us from Europe or New Zealand. I hope with the outflow of so many on the Left that this will bring down home prices nationwide.

        Ooh, maybe this is the Mass Exodus that The Deagal Report talked about! It wasn’t shots into arms or nuclear warfare, but Trump winning. If this is the case I may change my mind and go vote. The peace and serenity would be worth it.

        • Indeed, RG –

          If anyone needs a reason to vote Orange, here it is: Bono has promised to drive himself off a cliff if Orange wins. Man, that would be a beautiful day!

        • I do not think that will last long. George Clooney moved to the UK after Trump was elected in 2016 and was back in the United States not too long after. He will bash the hell out of the US all day long but he knows it is far safer here than over there. Them giving up their guns did not help them. Cloony knows that over here we have the means to protect ourselves even while he bitches about how much he hates Trump and the US. I do not think the leftists will last too long anywhere they flee to.

          • It’s not really safety, it’s how much more money they can make here. None of the Hollywood asses are leaving if the selection goes to Orange man. They are staying here and making oodles of money while virtue signaling, like they always have.

  8. The marxists call Trump Hitler….they are inverting again…

    The Old World Order OWO…(part of the slave owner control group)…The Royalists…an absolute monarchy….One King…1st son becomes next king…a master slave system…
    history….less wars, no world wars, didn’t mix up the slaves…only one race of slaves…
    The king rules by divine rule.

    The New World Order…NWO….A Republic…(part of the slave owner control group)…The Royal bloodline sons take turns being president (king)….a master slave system……the slaves vote from a choice of two different sons….all freemasons….the republic was a templar freemason construct….
    history….more wars, two world wars…3rd one now…. mixes up up the slaves races…has the slaves fighting each other…so they don’t attack master….
    They rule by the opposite of divine rule……satanism?

    Hitler was from the Order of the Garter…not a Royalist…He helped the Republicans defeat the Royalists in WW2…..

    Trump is related to the Royalists…As in an Absolute Monarchy….more in that camp… Hitler was a traitor to the Royalists……..

    The leftists like commiela are trying to defeat Trump….they are like Hitler…more in that camp…in bed with the templar/freemason/satanists….a traitor to the royalists….they always invert everything…..satanists….

    Donald Trump is the direct descendant of…. Haakon Magnusson the Elder…. the fifth king of Norway… of the Sverre dynasty…. who reigned from 1299 AD.

    A better system for the slaves is their original way of living…they lived happily in their own tribe…like the white tribes in Europe before they were enslaved, genocided….not owned by a master….freedom…no taxes…only one law…do no harm…a simple life….

  9. Your best posting ever, Eric. Thank you.
    We must stop doing business with the enemy and be ready to punish them for the murdering, genocidal, sociopathic traitors that they are.

  10. Whatever happened to believe all women? I guess we are only supposed to believe the janky sort, like the man-jaw in the picture.

    Another good argument for abolishing political parties and putting a spot on the ballot for none of the above. If none of the above receives the most votes, the whole slate should be thrown out and new candidates put forth.

    The drive by’s collusion in this type of thing is the reason they should be abolished as well. Taken together with the fake and gay spectacle of Donk and Pube loyal opposition, which is neither loyal or opposition, this is one example of why we cant have nice stuff. And why we need to outlaw political parties, and professional politicians.

    Throw in the lawyers for good measure, have them all meet up at the bottom of the sea. A good start, except for poisoning a main source of our food. Maybe frog march them all to the edge of the lake of fire in Kazikstan, then give them a gentle nudge. Humanity and her descendants would bless our names. Israhell would be unhappy, as would kiddie diddlers, pussy grabbers, baby butchers, and war whores everywhere. Continuing on our current failed path is nothing but a recipe for hunger games.

  11. Emhoff is a sexual pervert who banged his kids’ babysitter and she had his abortion. Sexual deviance is a defining trait of these people — Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, etc. etc. They love to bang and sexually degrade shiksas… it’s a thing.

    • Hi X,

      The older I get the more I dislike people. If I had a choice of saving my peers or a pack of dogs I would pick the dogs. I make an exception for babies though. I would save babies. I think my problem with people is that so few have integrity. They aren’t principled. They sway with the wind of public opinion. The Plandemic taught us that.

      I think the world is much more sinister than we even know. I am not a believer in the afterlife of Heaven and Hell because I believe we live it everyday. The concept that “evil” people will be sent to frolic somewhere hot with no ice water and the “good” people will live in the clouds surrounded by sunshine, happy thoughts, and unlimited bagels with Philadelphia cream cheese seems to be a way of controlling the populace to accept death without fear.

      • I agree with you, RG –

        Humans can be evil; does evil exist outside of that? I see no evidence that it does. We visited my mom the other day. Her mind is ravaged by dementia. Where is “she”? I mean the consciousness that once occupied her body. It is mostly gone. She does not know who I am. Is unable to speak. She is a shell. If there is a “spirit,” where is it? When her brain dies, she is dead. As will I be, in my turn.

        Maybe there is more to it than that. I keep an open mind. But I do not see it.

        • ‘From Blindness To 360-Degree-Vision: What 4,000 Near-Death Cases Bring To Light’

          “… As she had been blind all her life, she had never seen that ring or her body. Only in that near-death experience (NDE) did she see her ring.” …

          I’ve been reading some of the cases, interesting stuff, imho. Might like the nderf link in the article?

          If there is no evil outside of human behavior, then is there also no good, outside human behavior?
          If so, that violates matter laws of physics, from nothing, for nothing, to nothing? …Makes no sense.

          Anyway, we’ve been down that road before. This was just a signpost. …Carry on.

      • “seems to be a way of controlling the populace to accept death without fear.”

        The way I see it is that the way to control the population is to make them accept death WITH fear. Or more apt, make them fear death so much, that we do not talk about it, think about it and especially focus on ways to live forever in our physical bodies or in the AI cloud here on earth (transhumanism). The belief in an afterlife (which does exist) is freedom from everything on this earth. The worst that anybody can do on this earth to you is kill your body. Your soul goes on and where it goes to is all in YOUR hands, nobody else’s. That is the most freeing situation ever.

  12. It was a major scandal when Mr. Trump made the *OBSERVATION* that rich, powerful men could do anything they want with (at least some) women, even “grab them by the pussy.”

    He was commenting on the behavior of (*some*) women, not boasting of his own behavior.
    “Feminists” didn’t like his comments, probably because they hit too close to home, so they did their best to twist his comments. Fact is, dominance hierarchies exist in human behavior, just as they do in the animal world, and Mr. Trump was merely commenting on that fact.

    • Hi Adi,

      The crazy thing was, Trump had a point. Look at the rich, powerful men who did all sorts of things WE’D be put in jail for. Examples include fmr President Bill Clinton, fmr CBS CEO Les Moonves, and even Bill Gates.

    • Mr Trump was born a millionaire, and became a billionaire by risking it and working. I am quite sure in his teens and twenties, well into his thirties, that he enjoyed the rich rewards the distaff half reap upon rich young men. Who didn’t do stuff that involved learning experiences when that age? I worry about the abnormal psychology of those who dont make their mistakes while under the influence of 20 year old testosterone.

  13. I’ve had the conversation with my wife about this, she was shaking her head over “how could anyone support and promote Harris?

    I told her you need to understand these “people” have no moral compass, no guilt, nothing but the undying quest for power / control / money – forever.

    She and I had an old fashioned upbringing “truth and justice will prevail!” Nope, not happening without an all out brawl at this point.

  14. Throughout my lifetime, it seems that all the Presidents we’ve had committed at least one crime while in office; some crimes more egregious than others, but NONE of them (except for Trump) have ever been indicted for them…..oh, and Trump is “literally Hitler!” (Never mind the fact that George W Bush was also called “Hitler!” when he was President)

    • Trump has the cleanest…non racist ….non slave owner family tree….

      Reuters determined that President Joe Biden and every living former U.S. president —
      NOTE: except Donald Trump …… are direct descendants of slaveholders:

      The father of Kamala Harris detailed how their ancestors owned slaves, an inconvenient part of her history as she has spent much of her campaign focusing on race politics.

      “Kamala Harris is directly descended from one of the largest slaveowners in Jamaica, Hamilton Brown – there is even a town named after him, Brown Town,”

      Hamilton Brown was white Irish…

      white Irish…..Hamilton Brown, Kamala Harris’ paternal ancestor, an attorney, enslaved Africans, Creole, Irish . . . white, black and brown alike, and persecuted Methodist, Baptist and Anglican abolitionists.

      Her great grandfather HAMILTON BROWN sent slave-ships to Ireland to lure his Irish slaves with lies, deceit and false promises–just like George Soros lures migrants along America’s southern border.

      Kamala’s promotion of reparations should start with compensating the tens of thousands of souls enslaved by her ancestors in Jamaica—a British slave hub for the Americas.

      Kamala Harris and her family directly benefited from the labor wrought to them by slaves, meaning Kamala herself is a product of systemic racism. This directly counters the myth being spread by the mainstream media that Kamala is somehow a victim of the slave trade simply because her skin is kind of brown.

      Can you imagine if Trump had a slaveholder ancestor?…The left would be in full melt down over it.

  15. Be nice if America would simply stop assisting the murder of women and children in Palestine, But it seems everyone in the presidential running are hardcore Israel firsters and likely will double down. No state of war exists between the US and Palestine?

    It’s a little hard to understand the belief that God is going to save us and our nation for assisting in the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocents and stealing what’s left of their lands and resources. Then,,,If they fight back they are called terrorists. A lose, lose game for them.

    The US house just passed a bill to make any disagreement with this ME genocide is antisematic. Just protesting the murder of Palestinian women and children will be illegal in the land of the free. Funny,,, the peoples this law is trying to protect are not even Semitic. They are Pretenders and mostly of European descent.

    Are laws like this really what we want! Is our country actually sovereign? Are those ‘representatives ‘ actually voting for America? If so, the country is in deep, deep, trouble.

    • > killing of hundreds of thousands of innocents and stealing what’s left of their lands and resources.
      Mass murder of women, children, and other non-combatants is not “self defense.” It is a despicable crime, and those who commit, or enable those who commit, such crimes deserve to die a miserable death, ASAP.

      All the little Eichmanns…

    • So I guess according to that law I’m antisemitic and guilty of ‘hate speech’ aka free speech. I can live with that, come arrest me a-holes, Molon Labe.

  16. State College PA is one of the few places on Earth where there are more men than women in the general population, or at least that was the case when I lived there in the 1990s. This isn’t counting the student population (which skewed highly male at the time), just the townies. The reason why is because of the propensity of college professors to get involved with their students. Think about it this way: The guys gets a teaching job at Penn State. The family moves to town, gets settled in. The professor can’t help himself and engages in extracurricular activities with a student. Well, once is pretty bad but he promises to never do it again… and besides, State College is a great place to live, especially if you’re in the university clique. So she forgives him, they get on with their lives… until it happens again. And again. And she moves out, away from State College to someplace where she can get a real job. And now he’s hanging out in the local’s meet market talking up how he’s on the tenure track.

    Or, maybe the couple is more evolved and they adopt an open marriage so she doesn’t have to give up her lifestyle. Extend and pretend.

    Either way, no one ever really gets upset that Professor Philanderer did something that anywhere else would get you fired on the spot. As Chef said, “There’s a time and place for everything, and that place is college!”

    But the idea that politicians are somehow saintly? Please! Sex scandals are par for the course, going back to Caligula.

  17. These deranged Lefties also haven’t said squat about Joe Biden’s dementia, even though they KNEW for years that Biden was demented. Instead, they’ve continued this bull crap narrative that he was mentally fit to be President until the CNN debate between him and Trump in June exposed the lie. What was odd about that debate was it was held BEFORE anyone had been declared party nominees. And now that Joe Biden was forced out, they have the GALL to claim that Trump is the one who’s demented.

    The Democrat Party & the modern left seems to be one & the same, as the Democrat Party screeched about “Our Democracy!” while rigging their own primaries for the THIRD presidential campaign in a row to benefit someone the establishment wanted instead of who voters wanted, and, once again, crickets from what someone else calls “$#!+ libs”.

    I also saw elsewhere that Kamala Harris, when she was California’s Attorney General, put one black woman in jail over her daughter being a truant in school. The problem was, that black woman’s daughter had excused absences from school as she was hospitalized for complications from sickle cell anemia. Did you hear about that from liberal morons, corporate media, or the Democrat Party? I’m guessing NO, though if Trump had done something like that, we’d hear about it ad nauseum.

    Here’s more. These $#!+ libs also act like Kamala Harris getting endorsements from Neocons & warmongers such as Dick Cheney are a GOOD thing. I’m guessing that they’d also say that about billionaires such as Bill Gates donating LOTS of money to her campaign while claiming to HATE billionaires.

    • What is really creepy about Joe’s dementia, is that despite it all his lust for little girls always came to the surface for all to see. It was something even his demented mind could not conceal.

      • Hi Shadow,

        Yes. And even then, $#!+ libs acted like that was no big deal, but had it been Trump doing that, we’d hear about it ad nauseum from them AND corporate media.

        • Of course it is no big deal to the libs. They are every bit the pervert that Biden is and see nothing wrong with it. How in the hell anyone can vote for them is beyond me.

  18. Yes, and when you hear recently about that sociopath Obama say “there’s so much division, how do we get away from division”, he knows exactly where it comes from, which is the Godfather of modern leftism and identity politics, Herbert Marcuse. Repressive Tolerance is one of his works people should familiarize themselves with. Therein lies the answer to the current two-tier justice system, why the Clinton’s get away with everything while Trump gets trumped up BS. Power is all that matters.

  19. Wasn’t there also a credible accusation that the horse whisperer diddled a student? Silence there, too. And the “fact checkers” do their thing to paper it over. The left, you see, prides themselves on their degeneracy. The more depraved, the more it is ignored and dismissed out of hand. This is more than just hypocrisy, it’s demonism.

  20. ‘the “second gentleman,” who is no such thing.’ — eric

    Sounds like a term of art from an adult film group scene. 😉

    Adulation of political spouses is a perverse phenomenon. Their do-gooder preoccupations used to be relatively harmless. Lady Bird Johnson campaigned against the blight of highway billboards … while her slimeball spouse Lyndon conspired to murder JFK and send tens of thousands of American men to their death in Viet-fuckin-Nam.

    Things took a darker turn with Nancy Reagan’s ‘just say no’ campaign against drugs. She was the soft-power front for hubby Ronnie’s weaponization of the federal criminal courts, which now slam-dunk convict 95 percent of those accused — a statistic which we used to associate with the Soviet Union and China, back in the days when America had a thing called ‘trials,’ and even TeeVee shows about them. Would you believe?

    Today, presidential spouses have no qualms about getting into the down-and-dirty political trenches. Case in point from today’s New York Slimes:

    Michelle Obama Makes a Searing Appeal to Men: ‘Take Our Lives Seriously’

    ‘Mrs. Obama portrayed a second Trump administration as dire for American women, and said Kamala Harris was being held to a higher standard than Donald Trump.’

    Sorry, Big Mike. Being a burly girly man in a skirt, you just don’t resonate with me as a fellow bro. Or a woman either. Every day I hear confused kids asking questions like this:


  21. The left, hypocrites, authoritarians. None of these are adequate terms to describe what they really are.

    I don’t know the right term, but it would be a combination of anti freedom, anti human, oligarchy, bent on world domination to reinstitute a serf/master class.

    • Dan, I think the word your looking for is Psychopath. They have no moral foundation, or ethical standard. Every thing they do is done to satisfy their psychosis. Every thing!


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