An Admission of Defeat


You have probably heard that the Scout name is coming back – under the auspices of Volkswagen, which bought the rights to it. The battery powered device that will be brought forth – supposedly – by 2027 is, however, nothing like the originally named International Scout of the ’70s, which was a simple, rugged 4×4 comparable to other such 4x4s of the era like the Ford Bronco and Jeep, before these became “SUVs.”

Except in one embarrassing way.

Like the original, it will have an engine – but it won’t power the drive wheels. Not directly. The engine it will lug around is a range extender – to keep the device’s battery charged up when it is too far away from a place to charge up.

“Scout” – which is just a front now – isn’t the first maker of devices to tacitly concede that gas works better than electricity when it comes to powering vehicles. Ram – the brand that wants to sell battery powered trucks – was first to offer a device with an engine marketed as a range extender.

Italicized to emphasize the depressing hilarity of the thing. All you can do is laugh – and then maybe cry a little.

These devices are being pushed on us – in the same way they tried to push those “safe and effective” drugs on us. Not so much by chasing after us with needles but by making it difficult to work or even recreate if you didn’t accept the needle. The regulatory apparat uses the same technique. It does not say you must buy a device. It merely issues regulations that the car companies find cannot be complied with unless they make devices.

That is why Ram “electrified” its eponymously named truck.

And it is the only reason for the existence of devices such as the one VW is funding that will be named “Scout.” It is done to appease the apparat and – in the case of VW/Scout – to (so VW hopes) make money, somehow.

Money will not be made by selling the devices, of course. Not even Tesla has managed that. This is the dirty little secret of device-making.

There is no money in it.

There is, of course, plenty of money in carbon credits – the term for the extortion facilitated by the regulatory apparat, which requires that manufacturing operations (this includes car manufacturers) reduce the size of their “carbon footprint.” One way they are allowed to do this is by buying carbon credits from Tesla – which gets credit for manufacturing what the apparat considers “zero emissions” devices. Never mind the elsewhere emissions. And the fact that “carbon” – that is to say, CO2 – is an “emission” in the same way that a person who isn’t sick is an “asymptomatic spreader.”

Tesla has made billions selling “credits” – and via the artificially inflated value of Tesla stock, which depends on the belief that the government will eliminate all alternatives to devices, thereby creating “demand” for them.

That’s how you make money in the device “market.”

The problem – for new entrants in this “market” – is that what little actual demand for devices there was has largely been mopped up. Now the devices are getting hard to offload, even with tremendous discounts in addition to the tremendous bribes (these are styled “tax credits”). Ford recently announced it would “incentivize” its dealers that are stuck with devices such as the F-150 Lightning to the tune of $20,000 for each one they can (effectively) give away.

It is into this “market” that VW is hoping to sell devices carrying the “Scout” name. By offering them with an engine to efface the Big Fail of “electrification.” It’s actually worse than that, because it’s a kind of delusional conscious pretending. They know that a putatively off-road vehicle that cannot travel very far off-road is as pointless as marrying a woman who is actually a mannequin in the hope of having children.

Hence the range extender.

It makes it at least technically possible to go off-road – and to go places where there is no place to charge but it’s no problem finding gas.

Right about now, the lament of the Greaseman – and they ask me why I drink – percolates upward from my subconscious mind.

Does it not beg the question? Why not just ditch the battery and motor and stick with the engine? Well, we know the answer. The “climate” is “changing” – and that’s why it’s necessary to subsidize a three-ton device that touts its ability to accelerate from 0-60 in 3.5 seconds.

Pathetically, the device that VW will try to sell under the “Scout” name tries to superficially imitate its authentic forbear. The CEO of this project, Scott Keogh, says the device on deck for 2027 – supposedly – will be a “connection machine,” a reference to the elemental physicality of the original Scout and other 4x4s. He said – per an article published by the device-cheerleading site The Verge – that he “wanted to make something that was real and mechanical — something that you could grab and feel connected to.”

There’s definitely a large segment that wants to bring forth some of the heritage thing. They don’t want to be isolated from the car. They want to have real switches. They want to have mechanical touch and feel.”

Never mind it’s all Fake and Gay – because those switches to do not connect mechanically to anything. They are electronic controls that send signals to actuate various functions – over which the driver has the illusion of physical control. In the old Scout and similar 4x4s, there were physical, mechanical controls – such as the lever you pulled to physically engage the 4WD or shift to 4WD Low range. In some, you got out to lock the hubs. That is real connection.

This isn’t.

It is an app that moves.

It is also one few will be able to afford, regardless – with a starting price which “could start at under $60,000.” Italics added. More than likely it will start well over $60k. And even if not – even if the starting price is “only” $60k – that is about three times what it cost back in the day to buy a real International Scout, which was around $3,500 back in 1974. Or about $24,000 in today’s corrupted money.

Because the old Scout wasn’t a device – or Fake and Gay. It wasn’t for everyone. But almost anyone could afford one. The device VW plans to sell under the “Scout” name – by leveraging nostalgia for the real thing – will likely go over as well as New Coke did.

Even with a gas engine on board.

. . .

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  1. Funny thing is, the real IH Scout wasn’t all that great. It’s main appeal was that it was simple and relatively cheap. But I remember when I was a teen, a friend’s older brother had a brand new Scout, and I got to ride in it quite a bit, and wasn’t impressed. The new “Scout” is neither simple nor cheap…and I would bet everything I own that it’s much more delicate than the real Scout. Yuppie appeal only.

    I love old simple vehicles, but really, the prices that virtually every old car is selling for now is just ridiculous. They were affordable and viable…but they weren’t THAT great so as to command the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars which they now do.

    What ever happened to that new “VW bus” that there was so much hype over? I guess if one were a hippie back in the day it was likely that you would have done enough drugs to desire the new VW’s, but I doubt old burnt-out hippies have enough money to afford them.

    • The (J)ew Scout, more “Fa-hake & G-hey”, from the new “MIC”, the Motorized Industrial Confounders….

      The only gas appropriate is for the “gaslighting” we’re all getting from this idiocy….

      And kudos to Eric for turning his brilliant spotlight of a mind onto this deceit from the MIC!!

      • Seconded!
        It’s (k)ike: Because they don’t make real cars anymore, the old survivors have become toys for the rich. Which is funny, beause that’s what (j)ew cars are. esp(i)cially EVs.
        It just occurred to me that this is likely the plan: They’re waiting for all of the functional older cars to die of attrition, and then they will start making small “efficient”(anemic) EV poverty-mobiles, which people will be forced to drive, if for no other reason than that will be all there is and all one can afford. The current crop of EV “supercars” is just to get people used to the idea, and to offer speed and “luxury” so as to make them appealing (Even though they have zero appeal to the sane among us).

  2. The only thing I want from VW anymore is a $23,000 Jetta TDI.
    The new Atlas is hideous inside with that stupid IPad screen in the middle of the dash, the ugly logo that looks like a cell phone icon and no shift lever and cartoon gauges.

  3. WoW 8^D Check out this video of what it’s like to take a short road trip in an EV- In this case, a Cybertruck. It cost this guy more to charge the truck than it would have to drive his wife’s ICE Escalade; and much more to charge it than if he had driven a very fuel efficient car. (And that’s even after getting some free charging at the hotel!).
    He had to drive way below the speed limit in order not to run out of juice; and he wasted lots of time -of course- waiting to charge, and had to endure major hassles and inconveniences (Like getting up at 2 AM to move the “truck” from the charger at the hotel).

    Why would anyone in their right mind live like that? A horse and buggy would be a better option.

    • I recently made a 800 mile trip with a car trailer behind a Ram 1500 with a 360 magnum in it. Magnificent beast never missed a lick, but returned a disheartening 10pm. Having said that, filling the little 26 gallon tank every 200 miles was way faster and about as cheap as charging a cyber truck. And I have a small fraction of a cyber truck down payment into the whole price of the Ram.

      • Yep. But you know, we can’t be allowed to have things that actually work well. Luckily we have government, which is adept at screwing everything up (on purpose, of course).

        I never complain when filling the tank of my 3/4-ton pick-up. I cherish driving such a vehicle and having such a vehicle that is capable of real work (Even though it’s almost 25 years old) and one that is so durable and still a “real” truck with no touch-screen or “dri9ver assistance” or anything like that to annoy me. Can’t even remember the last time I had to fix anything on it. One used truck: I’ve had it for a quarter of my life, and it’s cost me less than what a year’s insurance probably costs for an EV. The overlords from the country which both contenders for US president enthusiastically support can not keep letting us have such vehicles, and their faithful servants will see to it such things are never made again. [Thanks, Trump, for signing us up to pay for the expansion of the 5G network, so that now every new vehicle can be constantly connected to the internet!]

  4. Can it run purely on the generator or is it basically a weak trickle charger? The rams stupid EV design uses a massive 3.6 v6 as a generator instead of cutting out all of the BS and just having it drive the wheels….

    • What’s interesting, at least to me, is we skipped right over the most potentially beneficial step in all of this – a diesel hybrid. And VW might just have been the right one to do it. Imagine one of their small TDIs running as a mini locomotive in a vehicle like this Scout. Electric drivetrain does have benefits in 4WD, instant torque for example, and the ability to significantly simplify the underside for clearance. A 1.5L diesel running as a power source I imagine could get 40+ MPG. Similar power at the tires as a 1 ton diesel with the emissions and fuel economy of a cute ute. Oh well.

  5. Gee, it is too bad they do not try to appease those of us who do NOT want EV’s or hybrid vehicles. They would make far more money if they did. But they do not, and then the car makers/manufacturers wonder why they are going broke while they appease the devil called the government? As the saying goes, “you can’t fix stupid”. And when did the Feds start sticking their damned noses in the car industry anyway? They (the gov’t) never were good at doing anything but destroying everything.

  6. Scout tells us the Traveler will be available as an all-electric vehicle with up to 350 miles of range, and will offer an optional gasoline-fueled range extender (called Harvester)

    Has body-on-frame construction, a live rear axle…in 8 years when it is worthless…engine swap in a real…large…. ice engine….

  7. An interesting take on Electric Cars, Voice of the Majority:

    “As an engineer, I love electric vehicle technology. However, I have been troubled by the fact that the electrical energy to keep the batteries charged has to come from the grid; and that means, more power generation and a huge increase in the distribution infrastructure. Whether generated from coal, gas, oil, wind or sun, installed generation capacity is limited.

    “Ever since the advent of electric cars, all you’ve ever heard about is the mpg, in terms of gasoline, with nary a mention of the cost of electricity to run it.

    “Electricity has to be one of the least efficient ways to power things. Somebody has finally put engineering and math to paper:

    💡If you really intend to adopt electric vehicles, you will face certain realities. I.E., a home-charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp service. The average house is equipped with 100 amp service. On a small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla each. For even half the homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded.

    💡This – THIS! – is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles! Our residential infrastructure cannot bear the load. So, as our ‘genius’ elected officials promote this nonsense, not only are we being urged to buy these things, and replace our reliable & cheap generating systems with expensive new windmills and/or solar cells, we will also have to renovate our entire delivery system! This later ‘investment will not be revealed, until we’re so far down this deadend road, that it will be presented with an ‘OOPS…!’ and a shrug!

    “If you want to argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. Note: If you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It’s enlightening:

    “[Eric] test drove the Chevy Volt, at the invitation of General Motors, and he writes, ‘For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles, before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine.’ He calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. The range including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles.

    “It will take 4.5 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then, add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip, your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph!
    “According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned, so I looked up what I pay for electricity.

    “I pay approximately (and varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh. 16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 Mpg = $0.10 per mile!

    “The gasoline powered car costs about $25,000, while the Volt costs $46,000 plus. So, the [government] wants loyal [citizens] not to do the math. But, simply pay twice as much for a car, that costs more than seven times as much to run, and takes three times longer to drive across the country!”
    Pause, and calmly think about that!

    • Hope the new Scout does better then the old Volt which had a range extender….

      “[Eric] test drove the Chevy Volt, at the invitation of General Motors, and he writes, ‘For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles, before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine.’ He calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. The range including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles.

      “It will take 4.5 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then, add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip, your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph!
      “According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery.

      • your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph!… you have to eat $7500 per year depreciation……sounds like a losing proposition…

        people will give up and walk….that is their intent….

    • This sums up EV’s….

      Pay twice as much for a car, that costs more than seven times as much to run, and takes three times longer to drive across the country!”….and depreciates to zero in about 8 years… will bankrupt the slaves….

      Fits agenda 2030…end slave mobility….easier to herd…..

  8. The old ice air cooled VW buses are worth more now then when new….This new hybrid’s value should drop like a rock…like all the EV devices…making owning it very expensive…forget about it…..

    Used hybrid cars (and Ev’s)…. are TOTALLY WORTHLESS.

    8 year old 100,000 mile…BMW 330e plug in hybrid…retail value today about 7500 pounds…$9700

    hybrid lithium battery replacement cost 10,000 pounds….$12,900

    So the car is worthless…..Full EV’s have the same problem

    • I wonder if some hybrids have better designs than others, because Prius engines are known to go forever. In a Prius, engine temperature is managed carefully, and the engine is started by a very powerful motor, where it’s immediately spun up to operating speed and then started by starting fuel injection and spark at the right time.

      • Prius uses regular multi-port fuel injection…..maybe it helps longevity….

        While direct injection can be used in Atkinson cycle engines, Toyota didn’t use it due to frequent stop starts of the gas engine. This could lead to intake port and valve deposits, as well as emission issues….and other problems…

  9. The driving appliances announced by VW, Mercedes, BMW, Ford, and lots of others, are clearly not what customers want. I find it very odd how, rather than designing desirable products, these companies are still going in the direction nobody wants, but are also buying other brands which have some legacy romanticism associated with them to try different things. This reeks of cowardice. VW is trying to use the Scout name for this range extended car, they’re also trying to cash in on the romanticism around the old VW bus via the new ID.Buzz.

    Why not build a new car that people want, and fight to allow that to happen, and make it clear that it’s the politicians who are preventing it?

    Anyhow, this Scout is doomed to failure. Any time you have a series hybrid, the conversion losses really reduce the efficiency of the gasoline engine, and the additional weight from the battery reduces it even more, so it’s going to have awful mileage when running using the ICE, and I’m sure the EPA will put an end to that, since their goal is to protect the environment from humans altogether.

  10. Doesn’t the blank, black front grille of the Scout kind of remind you of a 1969 Dodge Charger? Photo:

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But the Charger was made by a different manufacturer. Imitation, flattery, etc.

    In all the announcement hype, they don’t even describe the Scout’s ‘range extender’ engine. Evidently it’s an embarrassing, painful hemorrhoid in the Scout’s anus, not to be discussed in polite company as it spews deadly blue clouds of see-oh-twoooooo.

    And what kind of utility factor will Red Guard Regan’s EPA ‘crats assume for a ‘range extender’ engine, which theoretically need never run at all? Doubtless Scout’s lobbyists are vigorously making the rounds as we speak, cutting dirty deals with Big Gov.

  11. So now, in addition to a ridiculously heavy battery, now they’re gonna be carrying even more weight in the form of a “spare” ICE engine! How much will this new “Scout” weigh- 10,000 lbs.? That’s government at it’s finest! Outlawing 2000 lb. cars in favor of ship anchors on wheels while claiming they are “saving the environment” (As if it needs saving).

    We are truly living in loony-land……

  12. Will VW even be around to build that device?
    “”This Is Starvation”: VW Union Head Warns 3 Plants Closing, Thousands In Layoffs, Amid Auto Crisis ”
    Europe’s largest carmaker, expected to report dismal third-quarter results on Wednesday, has been crushed by the auto market downturn while competition intensifies from China.

    On Monday, Volkswagen’s top labor leader, works council chief Daniela Cavallo, who also sits on VW’s supervisory board, was quoted by Bloomberg as saying three factories are slated for closures.

    Cavallo warned that tens of thousands of jobs could be eliminated, and remaining workers could face 10% pay cuts and scaled-back hours.

    “This means taking out even more products, quantities, shifts and entire assembly lines far beyond what we have already done so far,” Cavallo told factory workers earlier today, adding, “This is starvation, a weakening in installments.”

  13. haha – the scam has gone full circle…. so when the battery dies can you just run it on the “range extender” ?

    Also as it’s a “range extender” not an engine, im assuming you can put that tax free red/farm diesel into it instead of the crazily taxed normal fuel we are forced to buy ?

  14. The Ramcharger sorta started this idea, although it’s no due to arrive until 2025, but they been lately late for most of these things.
    They say the all electric Ram REV is du 2024, and I still haven’t heard it’s being delivered anytime soon.
    The Ramcharger says it uses the old std. V6 that’s been around for a long time to charge the batteries. That’s good I guess. They are saying 690 miles of range, 663 hp and 615 lb-ft of torque, 0-60 in 4.4 which is faster than the TRX, and it can tow 14000 lbs.
    But the kicker to me is it reported to weight approx. 7000lbs. Jeez. My current 5.7L similar sized Ram truck weights 5200lbs.
    IN NOOOOO way is this Ramcharger more ‘efficient’ or ‘more green’ than my current 5.7L. Not that anyone seems to care.

  15. How many people drive Volkswagens?


    Call 2000 VW owners and ask them if they would consider buying a Scout.

    Call 20,000 VW owners, get a real feel for what they want.

    Doesn’t hurt to ask, there is an answer to the question.

    A huge headache Volkswagen can avoid.

    Put a VW engine of the internal combustion kind and be done with it, Scouts will sell then. VW can manufacture what a buying customer wants, it can be done.

    Answers the question.

    Boeing Aircraft had a share price of 444 USD in 2019 or so, BA is at 155 USD today. Boeing has made some mistakes, and costs plenty.

    Somebody makes a mistake and all hell breaks loose.

    They’ll do it every time.

  16. Nice romantic pictures of the original Scout – those of us who grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and actually drove these found out that they were one of the worst shifting vehicles ever created – combine “armstrong” steering with the vagaries of Scout transmission and discover what real work is.

    • That’s true, Diggy –

      But I think what’s relevant vis-a-vis this device they’re calling a “Scout” is that it was an elemental/simple 4×4 designed for people who wanted a simple/elemental vehicle. This device is a toy for rich virtue signalers.

      • Understood – just think it’s ironic that the old ones have become so collectible – one of the worst handling vehicles ever made.

    • The 79 Scout Traveler diesel my dad had taught me everything about them. It was really a heavy truck. Steering wasn’t too bad but it was not light, the heavy duty 4 speed was not silky but always thunked solidly and exactly into gear, and it rode like a Sherman tank. International made heavy duty trucks and tractors, regardless of the number and tread of the tires. Also, it actually was possible to spin the tires in a 6000 lb 72HP traveler, a determined 16 year old finds various combinations of clutch drop and low range.

  17. The whole “carbon credits” thing is a total scam, though I give Eloon credit for milking it to the tune of billions of taxpayer dollars. Will be great if Orange Man gets in and ends the CAFE mandates; even better if he shitcans the entire EPA. The thought of all the leftist ‘climate’ wokesters rending their garments in hysteria brings a smile to my face. Not gonna hold my breath though, he didn’t do squat when he had four years to get it done in his last term.

    • Walz is too busy trying to figure out how to swap out a new open-element air cleaner with another functioning new open-element air cleaner in someone’s pickup truck.

  18. ‘The battery powered [Scout] device that will be brought forth – supposedly – by 2027.’ — eric

    Don’t reckon it’s gonna happen — naw. The consumer discretionary sector of the eclownomy is melting like an ice cream cone in the sun. Taking the kids to Mickey D’s for an Unhappy Meal with E coli onions is out of reach for lotsa peeps now. How are they gonna buy a $60K EeeVee truck if they can’t afford a hambegger? If they don’t eat their meat, how can they have any pudding?

    Volkswagen will be lucky to survive. With its costly and scarce ‘green’ energy, Germany sucks balls as a manufacturing base. But as a socialist biz-gov enterprise, VW can’t get out of dodge. So it will have to slash overseas EeeVee fever dreams like Scout.

    The bullshit’s so loud, you can hear the sound
    Reaching for the sky, churnin’ up the ground

    It’s all part of my EeeVee truck fantasy
    It’s all part of my EeeVee truck dream, oh yeah

    — Bad Company, Rock ‘n Roll Fantasy

  19. I didn’t think about this point of the fact there is a *survival threshold* for vegetation regarding CO2. It is about 150PPM. We are just above that level at around 400PPM.

    Earth’s recent history 140MM years indicates we have had periods as high at 2500PPM. CO2 is a lagging indicator relative to temperatures. We are dangerously close to the death zone of 150PPM, and without vegetation, us carnivores die. Last time the CO2 level was this low was the Karoo Ice Age 350-250MM years ago. Not a good time to be on planet Earth.

    We live in a carbon starved world. We also live in the inter-modulated period of an Ice Age.

    Apparently, Man is suited for an Ice Age in that animals had to adapt to the colder temperatures but getting larger in stature for circulatory protection against the cold. Man likes these larger animals especially with mash potatoes and gravy.

    Cause: Milankovitch Cycles, continental drift, sunspots. If anything, our doings are helping the planet not hurting. But that doesn’t empower politicians.

  20. Saw the neighbor kid riding her EV Jeep on the sidewalk on Friday. Seems it was out of juice and dad had to push her home. Dad probably should have made her get out and walk while he just carried it back to the charging station, but dads don’t do that to their daughters when they’re having fun together.

    If the buyers actually believe these things are going to go off road in any significant way, I think those recovery guys in Utah are going to have a booming business. But they better level up their engine displacement to pull all that weight back to the highway.

  21. It’s a shame. . . I have a former colleague that is working on the Scout.

    Just like I had a former colleague that worked for Solyndra.

    Some things never change.

    The “green” grifting continues unabated.

    The amount of manpower and talent that is being diverted to non-productive purposes is beyond comprehension.

    I myself have gone Gault.

  22. “And the fact that “carbon” – that is to say, CO2 – is an “emission” in the same way that a person who isn’t sick is an “asymptomatic spreader.””

    Vivek Ramaswamy dedicates an entire chapter outlining the climate change hoax in his book “Truths”.

    Here’s Ramaswamy talking about it at a college stop:


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