A Quick Look at the Lincoln Corsair – and an AGW


I was driving the ’25 Lincoln Corsair they just dropped off the other day and trying to offer up some initial thoughts – when my peaceful train-of-thought was interrupted by the sight of an armed government worker lying in wait like a bandit by the side of the road. And that is exactly what AGWs are – among other things.

Back in the horse-drawn carriage days, bandits would lie in wait similarly. A coach would come by and they’d chase it down on their horse, pistol drawn, yelling stand and deliver! This meant, give up your valuables.

It was more honest work.

An AGW does the same drill dishonestly – and legally. He pretends not to take your valuables by handing you a piece of paper, so that the courts can take your valuables. He does not say, stand and deliver! He says: Do you know how fast you were going? It is a difference with little distinction.

I feel a mix of disgust and anger whenever I see one of these cretins lurking by the side of the road. I often think about pulling over and asking whether they’ve caught all the criminals who are out there? Of course, there’s no money – for the government, which is who armed government workers work for – in that.

It is the opposite of that, in fact.

It is the people who are made to stand and deliver who do pay the salaries of the AGW – via taxes and “tickets,” which amounts to the same thing.

But we’re all aware who “serves” who. Good and hard.

Anyhow, sorry for the interruption. More about the Corsair is coming. And I’ll be on Knights of the Storm Tomorrow (Saturday) at 10 east.

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  1. Central AI watching all the slaves…through the surveillance network….it’s pre crime software predicts crimes before they happen…..a slave has wrong think…central AI dispatches robocop to take out outlaw slave….

    @ 46:20 in video….pre crime software….AI predicting crimes before they happen….


  2. I’ve seen Lincolns that are super nice. They are commensurately super expensive as well. The thing that kept me from ever considering one is that they put stupid little 4 bangers into super expensive and otherwise very nice looking cars. It’s just insulting. If they can’t at least put a 6 cyl with 3.0L or better, then they’re just being fucken idiots about it. And it looks like that’s what they intend to be.

    You know I’ve seen days in the recent past (couple/few weeks ago) where there were so many speed traps from SOMD to Annapolis that I could hardly believe it. Sometimes just one or two cars, but sometimes they went crazy and had 6 or more SUVs robbing people.

    It’s infuriating and, it’s little recompense I know, but I love driving past those fuckers doing 62-63 in a 55mph while they’re pointing the speed radar at me. Fucken dicks.

  3. I’d have very little respect for one who had hand tats. Sorry, in the day we had standards. Low standards could be why the quality of LEOs is in the landfill.

    Each and every one of these AGW loyalists is going to have to chose. Its simple, Queen or constitution. If they make the wrong choice, we en masse are required to reject their authority. If they stop licking the jack boot of their Just-us department masters, we may tolerate them for a bit longer. Chose wisely oinkers. The picture in the article reminded me of one of the top ten best rock songs of all time.

    As I was goin’ over the
    the top of Wildcat mountain
    I saw officer friendly
    and his money he was countin’

    I first produced my pistol
    Then produced my rapier
    I said stand o’er and deliver
    Or the devil he may take ya
    I took all of his money
    then I shot him with both barrels

    Thin Lizzy
    Whiskey in a jar

  4. The irony is that they DON’T even have to run radar-drunk checkpoints etc in order to write enough tickets. But it’s so ingrained that they do it anyway.

  5. hahah Eric love how your train of thought was completely disrupted by the AGW…. you were quite “triggered” in the middle of an otherwise very pleasant drive !!

    On a separate note – my it finally happened. After over a decade of driving on British roads I got the dreaded letter – an “intention to prosecute” letter from the Surrey Police…. What crime have I committed for which I will be prosecuted? Well they had not said, except for the fact that “a car registered in my name” was caught on a speed camera doing 36 in a 30 zone (on a road that should really be about 40-50 mph)….. the next part is interesting – they expect me to sign a long letter basically saying I “accept responsibility for this sin”….. There is another part which says if it wasnt me, tell them who it is…. so they are scaring me into accepting it, or ratting out someone else…..

    Now the funny thing is- it was my Mrs driving it. After making fun of her for getting done by the most obvious speed camera in all of Surrey (one right down the lane from our house) I contacted a friend who is a lawyer… I dont think I’ll sign a letter “accepting responsibility”. and tell them to fuck off and prove who it was who committed this heinous crime….. (or something of the like). Wish me luck friends !

  6. I got passed on the freeway (speed limit 75) this morning by some asshole doing at least 100 weaving in and out of traffic, running the shoulder and endangering everyone on the road. Stupid prick will probably cause a 10 car pile up, kill or seriously injure a bunch of people and walk away without a scratch. If the AWGs would focus on the assholes and leave people driving 5 miles over the speed limit trying to get to work alone, i.e. doing the job they are supposed to do, the problem would be solved.

    Unfortunately, government has devolved into a mafia protection racket where law abiding citizens are used as tax cattle by government tyrants who do not prosecute criminals in order to keep the tax cattle in fear.

    • “If the AGWs would focus…”

      Well, in a sane world this would be. However, the modern age of “equity justice” that won’t happen. Can’t have too many minorities locked up that’s just not equitable! I’ll lay money on your 100 MPH roadster being one of the protected class. Sometimes we get lucky and they self destruct without harming a taxpayer. The border jumpers don’t wear seatbelts and usually get ejected & crushed in their high speed rollovers.

      Here in WA we even have an entire office (bureaucracy) dedicated to it – literally the new motto:

      “equity and justice for all”


      What a grifting s**tshow.

  7. Let’s not forget the “subdued graphics” and hidden light bars which seem to be the rage nowadays. “Subdued graphics” consist of dull black graphics on a shiny black car–almost unnoticeable from a short distance.
    One has to give European countries credit where police visibility is key. Police cars are brightly colored and easily visible. Police officers wear distinctive uniforms, in most countries not being “militarized” which is the case in present-day USA.

    • Anarchyst: “One has to give European countries credit where police visibility is key. Police cars are brightly colored and easily visible. Police officers wear distinctive uniforms, ”

      I was just pondering that very observation a few nights ago. It just goes to show freaking hypocrites the slave -masters are, here in the (J)U.S.A.

      Tey tell us “police presence and visibility decreases crime…reduces speeding….cures the lepers, etc. etc.” and yet they do more and more to make the porkers blend in and be LESS visible? Could it be any more blatant that they are only interested in setting liers(and liars)-in-wait so that they can grab even more of our money?

      “Crime” is big business. They’d NEVER want to reduce crime, only increase it by criminalizing more and more facets of normal everyday behavior.

      Now let us thank them for their “service” [puke]. (The only service I’
      ve ever seen a porker perform was that of keeping a donut shop afloat).

      • I once saw a pic of a Red Charger pulling someone over that had a baby on board sticker.

        Its obviously not about our safety, especially when they sometimes ride your ass to trap you.

        • ….or when they chase some minor scofflaw at 130 MPH for miles, and or through residential streets, endangering the lives of us all, because the ‘scofflaw’ had ‘been endangering the public’ by driving a few MPH above what the sign said, or didn’t present the right papers, etc. Disgusting hypocritical bastards who give a damn about the public’s safety, except as it gives them an excuse to interfere with, abuse and rob us.

    • Glenwood Springs PD has a bunch of them. They sit on Grand Ave (Hwy 82) and snag “speeders” all day long.

      When the state said they were going to replace the big old bridge (built in the 1920s) over the Colorado River that brings interstate traffic through town on the way to Aspen, Glenwood Springs howled that they had to just replace the existing bridge, instead of looking at a bypass option that would move traffic away from downtown. The new bridge is a wonderful way to cross the river, designed for keeping vehicles moving with the elimination of lights, intersections, etc. Then you hit downtown, with the 25 MPH PSL and sub-dude-ed AGWs, and you’re back to 1930s infrastructure.

      Tell me, why was a bypass was off the table?

  8. If you start to read the Declaration of Independance you see very similar behavior from King George and our own government today. As for local police armed with a radar gun, qualified immunity and asset seizure mandate:

    “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”

  9. ‘we’re all aware who “serves” who[m]’ — eric

    Speaking of government workers, which include official stenographers: it takes a special kind of warped criminal intelligence to completely change the meaning of a presidential remark with a single, strategically-inserted apostrophe. Behold:

    ‘According to the pre-altered transcript, Biden said, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters — his — his demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it’s un-American.”

    ‘However White House press office added an apostrophe, reading “supporter’s” rather than “supporters,” in order to peddle the falsehood that Biden was criticizing comic Tony Hinchcliffe, who referred to the US island territory of Puerto Rico as a “floating island of garbage.”‘


    If nothing else, one has to admire the sheer, sociopathic brazenness of lyin’ Joe. The senile old dog-faced pony soldier hasn’t an honest bone in his body.

  10. A ticket would be the least of your problems if you were carrying a large sum of cash. He would simply steal it under “civil asset forfeiture” like the armed “highwayman” he is.

    • Yes it happens. One of the most harmless old guys Ive ever known was on his way to buy a used vehicle with cash in hand. He got pulled over, cash confiscated and he was charged with having his own money.

      The saddest thing about the affair was much later after it got settled this poor abused old fool acted guilty about “breaking the law”.

      Head smack!

      Porky acts like it does suspecting the canned rage of we “perps at large” who outnumber its foul herd 100s to 1.

  11. In a free country (we are not) it would be unconscionable that government enforcers would sit by the roadway, constantly monitoring the population without suspicion or report of a crime.

    The mere fact that one is exercising their right of free movement is not proof of any wrongdoing.

    There is no link to monitoring and safety.

    The enforcers are given cart blanche to decide when and against whom to enforce the rules. There is no equal treatment or enforcement. It is arbitrary.

    In prison, a small group controls a large group using threats, containment, and monitoring.

    Traffic enforcement is the same, though the containment occurs once you are targeted.

    Minor engagements do result in death. This is an indefensible escalation.

    If the purpose of police was to keep the peace, how does traffic enforcement do this?

    Remember to stand tall during the national anthem in the “land of the free”.

  12. ‘He does not say, stand and deliver! He says: Do you know how fast you were going?’ — eric

    There’s a reason for this. About half of those confronted with this question will blurt out a hedged semi-confession, then start offering excuses (‘rushing to pick up my sick child from school,’ etc).

    Whereas the only prudent answers are either ‘no’ or ‘I decline to answer.’ Lawyers advocate the latter, but it is more likely to provoke escalation than a simple ‘no,’ which is likewise not a confession.

    • I always answer “the speed limit” when pulled over, figuring saying “no” will trigger the AGW into a rant about reckless driving. Want to check the calibration of my speedometer? Knock yourself out.

      • Not a bad answer, Mike. But could be twisted into ‘lying to a law enforcement officer’ by a malicious prosecutor, if the radar showed you were over the limit.

      • Bizarrely enough, driving at or under the speed limit can be used as an excuse to pull you over for allegedly driving drunk or impaired…

    • Hi Jim,

      I actually tell them. I don’t advise this. You are correct the best answer is saying nothing at all, but I like to “test the system”. I got pulled over about two years ago. I was going 73/55.

      The cop (county sheriff’s department) came up to my window and asked, “Do you know why I pulled you over?” I said, “Yes, I was speeding.” He seemed taken back. He asked if I knew how fast I was going and I answered 73/55. He laughed. He said he clocked me at 72/55. He asked me why I was going so fast and I told him. He asked me for my registration and I told him I also have a CCW. I knew he was going to find out when he checked my registration. He asked me where my gun was and I said “in my purse on the floor.” He seemed fine with that.

      He came back after three minutes and said, “I appreciate your honesty. You are free to go, but please drive slower.” I thanked him for not giving me a ticket and wished him a nice day and off I went.

      I have tried this approach a few times and I was able to get off with a warning on all of them. The last ticket I received was from a town cop in 2011 for yielding at a stop sign. Personally, I just like watching the befuddled look that crosses their face. Maybe, it makes them feel bad giving a ticket to someone the same age as their mom.

      • When I was a cop, that’s how I rolled. Gave honest people the most breaks with verbal warnings only who would straight out say it like that. Only one I didn’t was a guy who ignored a stop by his house, but only because he said on body cam that he did it all the time and knew he was supposed to stop, but there was never anyone there and started to gloat about it. I was thinking—DUDE, shut up! And I was there, not no one, I wasn’t hiding with a low profile cruiser, I was in a Tahoe brightly marked. Then he got mad I was giving him a ticket after being honest. I told him, you said to me on camera you blow the stop all the time and you dont care, what did you expect?

        The whole ‘do you know why I pulled you over?” is going out of favor. At least in Illinois, they teach to just tell right away what the issue is on stopping someone for officer safety, like approach the car and say ‘sir the reason I pulled you over is XYZ’. Too many people are freaking out with shootings happening- probably because how some officers act- and they react violently over that question instead of- oh, my registration is expired, this is a minor issue. This was proven with a murderer who killed one cop for that question whereas the other cop he encountered earlier that day he let live. The reason the murder gave was the first said right away he stopped him for speed and nothing more (apparently the warrant info didnt get passed on)

        • Hi Anchar,

          I don’t see the point of lying. I knew I was speeding and I knew how fast I was going. Can I understand one not wanting to admit guilt? Absolutely. I am just not a fan of cat and mouse games so why waste my time or the policeman’s? I have yet to be punished for my honesty and it is fun to see the surprise look on their face. 🙂

          • I don’t believe in playing games with the cops either, but on the other hand you don’t want to openly admit on camera that you were breaking the law and you knew it, because then if he DOES give you the ticket you will be unable to fight it in court.

            I got one a couple of months ago for 15 over, statie came over the hill and when I saw him hit the brakes and turn around I just pulled over even before he turned the lights on. He didn’t ask how fast I was going, he asked if I knew what the speed limit was, and I told him I did. I was cooperative and he was polite but he gave me the ticket anyway. On the bottom of the ticket was a space that stated “The prosecution intends to use the following statement made by you against you at your trial” but he left it blank underneath that.

            A lawyer buddy of mine (who is a prosecutor in another jurisdiction, LOL) called up the prosecutor and got it dropped to a $100 parking ticket.

            It’s all bullshit.

            I have been let go on several occasions by being polite and cooperative, but I have also been written up after being polite and cooperative, it all depends on his quota.

  13. The unhinged conspiracy theorist in me has wondered if the “clovers” who dawdle along 10 miles under the speed limit–in both lanes of traffic–are deliberately planted by the police in order to aggravate and incite drivers to break the speed limit by getting around them. When one’s frustrated attempts at passing these sluggards succeeds, experience shows that one is apt to maintain a higher speed until the anger wears off. But before that happens, the liers-in-wait are there to serve you a ticket.

    • That is possible, since there is a profit motive involved. Most of them are fairly clever when it comes being badge carrying criminals.

    • I’ve seen this here in NC. 4 car conga line moving between 41 and 51 mph for miles. I got pulled over for passing them while going 58 maybe 60. I got a warning and the cop acknowledged there was really no issue and that the slow movers were the real danger. Like he knew something…

    • OH GOD! All day, it’s one asshole clover after another, who won’t react when flashed or honked at. They’re seriously being paid to provoke a reaction, or it’s just the jab rotting their brains.

      Also why I only drive manual, can’t be asleep at the wheel with a stick, and you don’t drive like a laidback faggot with one either

    • I did see justice for the clover about 30 years ago. Two lanes westbound interstate, moron had about 8 cars backed up in the left (passing) lane. State Patrol was car number nine. On come the lights, we all move over except Capt. Clover – took about another mile he finally woke up and pulled to the shoulder & the cop was getting out of his car as I rolled by. What a glorious thing to witness!


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