Making it Right


Many are relieved that the not-so-dynamic Harris-Walz duo will not be enrobed with the purple of federal authority in about two months. Though, of course, a lot can happen in two months and these people are capable of anything. We know this, for two reasons. The first being what happened before the 2020 election and the second being what happened during it.

I mean, of course, the “COVID” event – that carefully choreographed machination to foment and spread mass hysteria for the purpose of installing the old grifter Joe Biden as president-unelected. And to advance the police state another few steps farther. This time, in the name of “public health.”

It is not possible to intelligently deny that the “COVID” event was a deliberately choreographed machination because it was obviously that – given the way “cases” were cynically conflated with certain death, the way all those plexiglass barriers (and sickness kabuki six-feet-apart signs) were ready-made and appeared almost everywhere almost overnight. Given the fact that big box stores were free to remain open for business but smaller, non-corporate retailers were forced to close their doors – as if you could only become a “case” if you shopped at a local store but Wal-Mart was “safe.”

If a real “pandemic” had been afoot, wearing a stupid dust mask over your face would not merely have been regarded as idiotic. And idiots would not have been permitted to lower their mask to eat in a restaurant but forced to wear it to walk to the table.

The whole point of the “COVID” event was to create fear and chaos during an election year; this provided the cover – and the pretext – for early and mass-absentee voting, turning Election Day into Election Months and turning the Orange Man Bad out of the White House.

This latter is something many suspected to be true given the suspiciousness of allowing mass absentee balloting. Especially the counting of mass absentee ballots that were never vetted prior to them being counted. For the next four years, people who remained suspicious – who dared to ask questions – were denounced as “deniers” by Leftists. This is interesting given most of these “deniers” simply wanted an honest accounting – which is quite a different thing.

This has yet to happen.

The suspicious asked the courts to allow an examination but the courts dismissed the petitions, insolently saying American voters had no “standing” to question the results of an American presidential election.

Well, it is now common knowledge that “COVID” was an evil farce, probably pre-planned but without question egged-on and used by evil people to terrorize hundreds of millions of people. It  is obvious to any person not an imbecile or a disingenuous Leftist ideologue that “COVID” served to make the circumstances – and the outcome – of the 2020 understandably suspicious

And now that the 2024 election is over, there is very alarming evidence that supports these long-held suspicions.

We were told that an astounding – an improbable –  81.3 million eligible voters voted for the aged grifter, Joe Biden, in 2020. This is about 13 million more than voted for Barack Obama back in 2012 and Obama, as loathsome as many legitimately find him, was a legitimately popular president.

Joe Biden? 

A tired old man, even four years ago? An uncharismatic old machine politician who spent most of 2020 in his basement? Who almost didn’t campaign for the office he – ahem – “won”?

That man got more votes than Obama?

Now we have the results of the 2024 election and – behold – we are told Harris got about the same number of votes as Obama got. In an election far more contentious than the election that pitted Obama against the GOP milquetoast Mitt Romney.

The point here is the weird incongruity. Where did Biden find those additional 13 million votes back in 2020? How did that old grifter manage to get 81.3 million votes?

Well, the answer is he probably didn’t. And the time has come to find out. Just as the time has come to reckon with the people who fomented and used “COVID” hysteria to create the chaos that served as the cover for that very suspicious election and for everything else these bastards did to us.

For the sake of the country’s sanity – as well for the sake of justice – Trump must inquire into these things in a very public way. That he has been elected president ought not to result in forgetting that he was very likely unelected in 2020 – not by the electorate but by those people who fomented and used the “COVID” panic. It is not old news. It is not “ancient history.” If it is true that the 2020 election was jiggered with, it is treason. If that turns out to be true, those involved must be dealt with appropriately. They cannot be permitted to fade away to cozy sinecures at “think tanks” and well-paid jobs as “commentators” and “analysts.”

What happened in 2020 can never happen again.

More finely, the circumstances that were used to make it happen must be prevented from ever occurring again. Trump and the soon-to-be-GOP Congress will shortly have the power and – far more important – the mandate – to require that henceforth voters be vetted before they vote. It is preposterous to argue that having to show ID at the polls is a “hardship,” let alone “racist.” Everyone who isn’t living in the woods has an ID – because you can’t cash a check, get a job or even buy over the counter cough syrup without one.

It is not unreasonable to require able-bodied adults to show up in person at the polling place, either. People who cannot make it to the polls because they are elderly and infirm or who are in the military and overseas constitute a small exception that can be accommodated by vetted absentee ballots. But all voters – and all ballots – must be vetted before they are accepted. And counted.

Any person who tries to argue otherwise is suspect and probably up to no good.

I wrote a column the other day titled And Now We’ll See.

Indeed, we will.

. . .

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  1. The Israeli soccer team and the other Israelis in Amsterdam had zero respect for the rest of the fans in the stadium and everybody else when the Israelis disrupted a moment of silence for the victims of the floods in Spain.

    Consequently, the Israelis in Amsterdam got a significant beat down and flew home with their tails between their legs.

    It was a couple of hours of ‘you can’t do that’. A donnybrook, as it were.

    Israelis are not going to lift a finger to help anybody and will take all they can from everybody.

    The results, the realities, are people are fed up and are tired of it all. Hence, the ass-kicking so richly deserved.

    Not the Israelis fault that they are so stupid to foment discord, you are at fault, along with every other human on the planet.

    The Israelis have established and have earned the pariah state they have entered, back to The Pale and get lost there.

    The only way to make it right is to get rid of them.

    Thank God the Israelis left Amsterdam just in time to prevent one more beat down.

    Your morale will improve after the Israelis are given another thorough beating one more time. Then one more after that, such dumbasses that they have become.

    The only way to make it right.

  2. This seems like a dream: “It is not unreasonable to require able-bodied adults to show up in person at the polling place”.

    That’s too f-ing hard. How is cheating going to happen that way?! Let alone, Panarchy. [That’s interesting, ‘Panarchy’ is not in spellcheck, but it’s in Wiki. A verbotten word by The Empire?]

    Also, you mention, “Any person who tries to argue otherwise is suspect and probably up to no good.”

    …How about people who try to derail the conversation into being bout things like, Black vs. White, or Jew vs. Navajo?

  3. Around 450 AD the control group, the slave owners…the masters…..then located in Rome…. attacked the white tribes in Germany….that was a big mistake….the white tribes followed them back to Rome and defeated them…..

    This a great moment in history, when the control group got their ass kicked….

    Decorating xmas trees….

    This historian says….

    The German tribes chopped the heads off the Roman soldiers and took the heads with the helmut on it home….they hung them in the trees in the forest….that is where the tradition of decorating xmas trees comes from

    Now the control group is banning xmas….maybe it brings back bad memories….

    Historian here…..

    • I am getting sooo sick of this race this, race that, shit. I.e., “the slave owners…the masters…..then located in Rome…. attacked the white tribes in Germany”

      Ah-hem, dude, Rome is considered Caucasian.
      Stop the division, will ya. Quit working for the Deep State.

      • The control group…Pharaoh…. relocated to Italy after they left Egypt 2000 years ago….after being defeated by the Romans….the original white tribes in Italy were genocided and enslaved by the invading Pharaohs…..some of the white tribes, far up in the mountains survived…..

        Pharaoh’s tribe took over Italy after they migrated there ….today’s Italians….

        Then……around 450 AD the control group,…..then located in Rome…. attacked the white tribes in Germany….that was a big mistake….the white tribes followed them back to Rome and defeated them…..

        the control group today running the planet today…. has royal bloodlines right back to Pharaoh….

      • helot….

        I support the white tribe’s right to exist….I am opposed to the slave owners…..

        You don’t like that so….You are a bipoc anti white….and a slave owner troll….

        And….the slave owners are satanists…

        • Slavery and pedophilia are still enshrined in judaic doctrine and are still considered to be a valid part of the (gentile) human condition.
          Here are a few facts:
          –Jews ran the transatlantic slave trade, financed the ships and their crews, insured their ships, crews and “cargo”, ran the slave auction houses (which were always closed on their “sabbath”), and provided financing and loans to prospective slave owners. Add to that , the proportion of jewish plantation owners who procured slaves was much greater than that of gentile plantation owners.

  4. As an outside observer… I can see that maybe 100% anti Trump media attacks, covid, blm, biden in the basement and censorship activated huuge numbers, never seen before.
    Confines by quarantines, stuck in one place, only crazy flood of bad news coming in… all you have to show your allegiance, wear a diaper on your face, black square in profile and send an envelope. Go US, us.
    This time issues are more visible, Biden promoted Kamala as a bad candidate to spite Dem organisation for pushing him off the bike.
    I guess that didn’t sit well with some blue registered voters. So they stayed seated, not moving their ass to vote in person.
    Wait for a full count to see how much she lost in strong blue states. Probably 2 million in California alone.
    My logical test is… Why would they ‘cheat’ in California, NY. Why risk a sure thing with so many potential cases to be investigated?
    I am sure there was ‘funny business’ in battle states. But to accomplish it all over the great United States and not be discovered…

    • The Democrats never intended to win in the first place, Mirko007.

      That lame ass chick Kamala was a joke,

      The fact that so many failed to see that she never stood a chance to win – and she knew it – is a testament of the success of the Prussian model of conditioning via Public/goobermint schooling.

      …But, just you wait, in 4 yrs. we will get a down right moron, ‘er I mean, an actual horse, as our dear leader. …And every paid-for-sell-out-fool in media will tell us it’s genius!

      … “Let, ‘The Games’, Begin'”.

    • Hi Mirk,

      It is interesting that Harris “won” in states that have no voter ID requirements. She arguably lost in other states because – this time – there was much more scrutiny of the election process and so it was harder to cheat this time. No one – well, no one outside of those few who do know – really knows who actually won the 2020 election but I’d like to know. And I think it’s important to find out. If Biden was not actually elected then he ought to be indicted – along with every person who had anything to do with it. Not out of vengefulness. Because justice requires it.

      • Hi Eric, understandable, truth and justice. I am from the little european exEastern block country (Croatia) where they send you your voter registration confirmation and poll location. There you have to show ID, of course, to cast a vote for the same old communists or war profiteers that are in power for the last 30 years. Different colors, same incompetence. That is why I am in Ireland now… similar situation here… indian gay taoisach/prime minister… so progressive. Biggest pharma and IT companies are on this island and national health service gets ransomwared.
        Anyway, I am in data, numbers, logic. Biggest mistake to think it has any use in this clownworld where ‘feefees’ are what matters and ‘vibes’ win elections. I hope DJT can reset reality.
        I just cringe when 20 million or 15 million are espoused as some settled concrete evidence. Even more disdain for the ‘hyperbole’ on the other side. I just don’t want to be a hypocrite

  5. Get RFK to go after big food…

    The masters…the slave owners…. own the big corporations through Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard….

    They own big food and big pharma….big food feeds the slaves poisonous food, creating customers for big pharma

    Expensive fast food and very expensive drugs…two more ways to take the slave’s money….

    Video takes a look at what is in fast food….

    • They ruined the food supply and are shutting down production of healthy food…meat, dairy products….next up just insects and corn flakes to eat….starve the slaves…simplest method of herd reduction….

      They own big food and big pharma….big food feeds the slaves poisonous food, creating customers for big pharma

      Experts on diet….what to eat…….courses on what to eat….

      This subject has more misinformation, disinformation then any other….except it’s brother… big pharma…allopathic medicine….

      courses on what to eat….all propaganda….control group psyop…bs
      Experts on diet…..just repeating control group bs…

      Talk about alternatives to allopathic medicine are forbidden….it is heavily protected…

      Talk about diet……The slaves have been so brainwashed by billions of dollars of advertising in control group owned big media…the slaves are clueless…programmed to eat crap….

      big food and big pharma….are two of the slave owner’s biggest money makers….

      big food and big pharma are great control mechanisms to control the slave’s reproduction, longevity and intelligence….keep them sick, infertile, stupid and weak….so they can’t revolt….very healthy, smart slave’s could be dangerous….cut off the food…and they are gone…

      Looking at healthy food….

  6. Eric, if the whole point of the phony pandemic had been to create fear and chaos in an election year, then why was it orchestrated on a GLOBAL level? Why was the person who supposedly was the victim of that fear and chaos the very one who presided over the implementation of that scheme, and in fact was the empowerer of Fauci. Really, is he THAT stupid? And especially after having been alerted to and participating in a dry run for that very thing in 2019, in a drill?
    No, I’m afraid something much more sinister was (and is) afloat, and The Donald was jkust as much complicit in it and a part of it as anyone else in the upper echelons of the beards who carry-out the dictates of those who are really running this world.
    Hey, don’t be surprised if we now get CBDCs under his regime (just as we would have under anyone else’s regime. Only if he does it, most of the good half of the country will cheer instead of resist).
    I love this site, but it sucks that so much time is spent on statist politics. Who cares? They’re going to do what they’re going to do. Even if voting mattered, it wouldn’t help us because 99.9% of the population believes in and supports government as if it were a deity, and they would vote for exactly what we already have because they have been programmed by the Hollywood ‘programming’ and government schools. I mean, how do you think we got to this point where we now are?

    • why was it orchestrated on a GLOBAL level?

      The bat germ psyop program was/is part of the white slave herd reduction agenda in the G7…it was focused on the G7….on the devil whites….

        • You are right out of it….what is wrong with you?

          who said the germ theory was correct?

          NOTE: Bechamp the smartest man who ever lived, he had four Phd’s, said the germ theory was bs, you should listen to him instead of these other corrupt morons,

          NOTE: Pasteur the fraud who invented the germ theory admitted on his death bed it was bs. It has been bebunked over and over.

          NOTE:….but…today….everyone listens to fauci….the stupidest man that ever lived….crooked and always lying….

          The number one belief that the government/medical system has programmed people with from birth is belief in this germ theory, people have absolute trust in this satanic cult.

          the problem is the germ theory, if people were educated and knew it was bs (it has been proven false multiple times, NOTE: pasteur the moron that invented it said it was fake)

          It doesn’t matter big pharma makes a fortune from it, the most profitable business in the world.

      • It was orchestrated as a dry-run for the control mechanism of global government and surveillance. (“It” being the media hype and government mandates to create the illusion of there being a ‘pandemic’, which they used to try-out mass lockdowns; contact tracing; travel restrictions; the acceptance of the actual bioweapon -the clot-shot; and the ‘resetting’ of [i.e. destruction of] what remains of the free-market economy/small business).
        Notice how even most of the alternate media bought into the BS, by speaking of “The pandemic” as if it were real, and by buying into the propaganda of “Chinese lab leaks” and such.

  7. Regarding Voter ID, it is a way of guaranteeing that each voter that shows up at the polls is legit or at least has an acceptable form of ID.

    I used to be completely against that idea until the advent of election theft. I used to feel that I should not have to prove identity to exercise a God given right. Due to the rampant election cheating that I began to suspect following 2016, my view changed. Today, I believe that the ID should be scanned and recorded before a ballot is issued.

    That said, I don’t believe for a minute that different states and even the feds are going to be truthful in record keeping. They will fudge any record to get the results that they want if the voters can be made to accept the results. This election began to diverge early and when Trump won PA and GA conversations were being had in WI, MI and even NV to stop the cheating. It is possible that Shapiro told them no cheating this time as he wants to be a 2028 frontrunner. The only way that could happen is if Kamala was to lose.

    I am convinced of cheating in Arizona. They have a vulnerable candidate like Lake who lost to cheating in 22. It was almost predictable that they would try that again in 24. They don’t want her in the Senate. Her next job should not be press secretary, but to oversee a commission on election integrity. Get to the bottom of it. Lobby congress creeps and make damned sure that they expose all of their Pdiddy activities unless they vote the right way.

    • If Trump was really smart he’d offer her homeland security. The scanners like reaction from the left would make a convincing case for sending the more unhinged among them to FEMA camps. Plus, she’s a rare woman with a combination of fearlessness and competence.

        • It would be great optics as well. Sort of like, Okay, dipshit dimtards, you want to steal an election from a women, we will put her in a more powerful position than if you’d left it alone. That would be WINNING BIGLY. Still not sure if Trump is capable of that or not.

    • RE: “I am convinced of cheating in Arizona.” […] “Lake” […] “They don’t want her in the Senate.”.


      No way Trump took Arizona & Lake lost. No. Way.

      … Lake, for head of Homeland Security. Hmm, First order of business: Grand Jury for those vote riggers in Az.

      2nd order of business, git rid of the Obamanation called, Homeland Security. (Sure, that’s not their call, but still…) …If ever there was a more worthless anti-Freedom piece of shit, it’s Homeland Security. Send them all packin’ & looking for a job at a meatpacking plant. I’m sure they’d feel at home there.

      • You want Homeland Security to continue???

        I want the Easter Bunny as head of Homeland Security….a.k.a make DHS as non-existent as the Easter Bunny.

        It doesn’t matter who is appointed to these agencies. If they continue to exist, they will work their tyranny on US.

        See? This is yet another reason why I don’t vote. Suddenly, even among libertarians, it becomes just a matter of who is running the tyranny, as opposed to resisting and doing away with the tyranny. It’s a formal statement that one does not want to abolish the institutions of tyranny, but just rather have different people presiding over them.

        My vote i “None Of The Above”. And the only way to choose none of the above is to not vote for any of them.

        • Hey I don’t vote either, so I’m with you there. Of course I don’t want DHS to continue. I boycotted flying for years before deciding nothing will change, it only gets worse by degrees.

          No Govco agency ever, that I’m aware of, has gone away in my lifetime, so solly, just not going to happen until King Dollah Dollah Bill Yo strokes out and dies on the table. So if you want to genuflect, then fine, might as well shit in one hand and wish in the other. Then tell me which one fills up fastest.

          • I don’t fly. I don’t consider it boycotting, I just refuse to voluntarily give up my most basic rights. I will never fly until and if I can do so with my EDC in my pocket. So, basically, no flying commercially in my lifetime.

            • I don’t remember a time when we could do that. Did carry my knife on planes as a youngster when it was just metal detectors for security. The most effective, easiest solutions never seem to see the light of day. Like after nineveleven there was talk of arming everyone. Couldn’t have that as govco never gives an inch.

  8. Coup Alert! Democrat Deep State Planning to Install Harris in Presidency Before Trump’s Inauguration, Then Trump Will Be Conveniently Assassinated, Next False Flag Terror Attacks Will Provide Cover For Martial Law to Be Declared — Must-Watch/Share

    This is the fight we always wanted! Good thing Alex and Rodger and others have Trump’s ear to educate him about people. Note Mike Pompeo got shitcanned from the selection process pretty quickily.

    • Umm, RE: “This is the fight we always wanted!”???

      Is that another way of saying, “Let’s you & him fight!”?

      ..Are you a robot? WTF?

      • Meaning the fight to drain the swamp, toss out electronic voting, fill in the blank,…

        Trump is fighting with us again, only this time much more wise to the scam than he was in 2020.

        He’s better now than before, therefore this is the fight I always wanted, a better informed Trump VS the swamp creatures.

    • Uhh…if Trump is ‘suicided’ then Vance runs the show, not the out-going president. (THAT I could see happening, because it is well evident that both VP candidates are far more well-spoken and dignified than the actual ones whose tickets they ran on).

      I wouldn’t doubt for a second though if something nefarious does happen, as it is just a matter of time before a match is put to the powder to ignite the chaos that will ultimately break the traditional USA that we know. And this well may be it.

  9. Well said Eric! Now… the ultimate perfect solution is to use mechanical voting machines like we used to. Those machines prevent all fraud: no ballots, no fake voters (everyone must go in person to vote and their hand gets stamped), no one can rig the totals, and no one can steal/change anyones’ votes. The democrats get about 10% win, then they need another 45% to win with 55%. They get about 40% of their 55% win from STEALING peoples’ votes, so these mechanical machines will destroy their fraud.

    America (and the world) needs the SOLUTION. We can’t just all complain all the time and expect govt to fix things somehow someway — we need to demand the mechanical voting machines so we can have honest elections.

  10. Making It Right: here’s how you deal with a terminally corrupt US fedgov — SHUT IT OUT:

    ‘[Trump] held a phone call with Russian President Putin on Thursday, the first such communication between the two since Trump won the election.

    ‘Trump’s initial calls with world leaders are not being conducted with the support of the State Department and U.S. government interpreters. The Trump transition team has yet to sign an agreement with the General Services Administration, a standard procedure for presidential transitions.

    ‘Trump and his aides are distrustful of career government officials following the leaked transcripts of presidential calls during his first term. “They are just calling [Trump] directly,” one of the people familiar with the calls said.’

    What the hell did they expect?

    ‘Trump’s first impeachment took place after a House inquiry found that he solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid. The inquiry reported that Trump withheld military aid from Ukrainian president Zelensky in order to influence Ukraine to announce an investigation into Trump’s political opponent Joe Biden.’ — Wikipedia

    Once burned, twice shy. Cut the spooks and Democrats (sorry for redundancy) out of the picture. Won’t get fooled again …

  11. commie la…Her agenda…become the new Pharaoh queen… more elections…an absolute monarchy…

    Her mother came from royal bloodlines in India….Hindu….
    NOTE: talks down to people…like talking to a dog or a cat….

    FEC Filings Show Kamala Harris Team Blew Funds On Hollywood Stars, Private Jets….the queen partying…..$1 billion gone…and $20 million in debt….partying with celebrities…

    The slave owners…the masters… control group… has 3 parts….

    The Royalists….OWO Old World Order…King at the top slaves on the bottom…absolute monarchy

    The Republicans….NWO New World Order….Rotating princes taking turns being President/King…

    Order of the Garter…Sides with one of the groups…balance of power….hitler belonged to it…

    In WW2…The Royalists were trying to get back in power in Germany….The Order of the Garter sided with the Republicans…they won…the German people and the Royalists lost…

    Commiela says…. the Order of the Garter (with hitler in it)… is bad….says Trump is the new hitler… she is on the side of the Royalists….

    Her agenda…become the new Pharaoh queen… more elections…absolute monarchy…

    • Internet searches for Aqua Tofana—a potent poison created in Sicily around 1630 by a woman named Giulia Tofana, or Tofania, and historically used by women to free themselves from relationships by k il ling men—spiked shortly after the election results.

    • These women are stupid. Unfortunately, women who have no problem killing a baby would have no issue killing their partner. The greatest thing mankind can do is just not reproduce with these women. These nut jobs are stating they are taking a four year sabbatical from men. Good. Let them stew in their animosity and steer far away from them. If the purple hair, tats, and nose rings aren’t enough to identify them they are also wearing blue bracelets (in solidarity with Kamala).

      Forty percent of women under 30 voted for Trump. There is still hope for the country, but like a game of musical chairs these girls will probably go quick.

  12. From a financial website…..

    Too many Kamala Harris types have been hired into leadership positions in recent years. They have all the right buzzwords (too many) and stand for politically correct principles, but radiate insincerity. And they are ineffective, substituting virtue-signalling for strategy.

    Trump stood not for…. the Democrat’s politically correct policies of the day (i.e. equity over merit, open borders, trans extremism, climate alarmism)

    Trump stood for………. stopping illegal immigrants from taking their jobs, protectionism, rebuilding manufacturing jobs, fighting inflation and the opioid epidemic, stopping a rising China, ending the housing crisis and reducing the financial drain of foreign conflicts.

    These were the issues most voters cared about. And those Trump voters included in large numbers the very equity groups the Democrats curried favour with. After all, they too share these interests and find oppressive wokeism alienating.

    Voters saw her excessive giggling and indecipherable word salads whenever asked a question. Her rallies were filled with celebrities but devoid of policy. And when asked how she would govern differently than Biden, she had no answer, while declaring herself the “change candidate.”

    “This is the revenge of the regular old working-class American, the anonymous American who has been crushed, insulted, condescended to,” CNN’s Scott Jennings declared on election night. “They’re not garbage, they’re not Nazis, they’re just regular people who get up and go to work every day trying to make a better life for their kids, and they feel like they have been told to just shut up when they have complained about the things that are hurting them in their own lives.”

    Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers

  13. Its not unreasonable at all to insist on same day, in person, DL/passport/US citizen verified in order to cast a vote. Its the only peaceful way forward and I’d take it a step further. If you are to old or infirm to show up in person then you’ve aged out. No shame in that position. Voting needs to be more exclusive, not less. Anyone who says otherwise, agitating for the EZ peasy/lowest common denominator being allowed to cast a ballot is a traitor.

    Unfortunately, these people, bent on a third world future for the country won’t give up. If anything, they’ll go batshit crazy as their communist wet dreams grow further out of reach. Sadly, there is no talking or voting our way out of this. If Trump keeps the swamp critters out of his cabinet, then his days will probably be numbered. Either way, its up to everyone now awake or slowly waking up to completely reject government authority at all levels outside county sheriff, on the basis of its glaring illegitimacy. No one with open eyes can honestly say our current system should still enjoy the consent of the governed,

  14. Two encouraging items today: Trump announced Pompeo, and little Nicky Haley will not have a role in his administration. RFK announced he is going to layoff entire departments at the FDA. I’ll wait to see if RFK can do this effectively. If he can’t fire them, move the FDA to Jackpot Nevada. All those who want to keep their sinecure positions, get your trailer packed.

  15. There’s a website where people can nominate someone to be in Trump’s incoming cabinet. Cabinet positions dealing with things like the economy, health, foreign policy, education, etc. That website is I can already think of people who would be fantastic picks for the incoming Trump 2.0 administration.

  16. Kamala received 66,400,000 votes too many.

    One wonders if those 66,400,000 voters will move to Mexico or Canada. Good luck to them, the crocodile tears shed will never stop.

    Donald Trump was welcomed by thousands of supporters at the rallies. Who do you think they voted for?

    A bald eagle was hanging out in the farmyard for about an hour this morning.

    It was perched on a limb about 80 feet up there. The eagle flew by the house a roof level before it perched itself.

    I suggest Donald Trump straighten up and fly right.

  17. Only a seriously dumbed down population would have allowed the 2020 fake and gay election coup. And it was…. every bit a coup as a shoot em up coup. The population will be paying a supreme price for any tyrannical law passed. In fact everything done during the four years needs undone,,, a reset,,, if you will as every law signed by the bogus president was unconstitutional.

    [I mean, of course, the “COVID” event – that carefully choreographed machination to foment and spread mass hysteria for the purpose of installing the old grifter Joe Biden as president-unelected.]- Eric

    In two weeks I knew it was a scam. The virus itself a scam,,, the test a scam,,, the vaxx a scam.The first two was designed to get you to take the shot,,, the shot was/is designed to shorten/end the life of the receiver. Anyone that took this ‘vaxx’ is in serious trouble. Many are coming out with supposed cures but those are scams as well. They’re as bad or worse than the original scammers.

    RFK trying to eliminate fluoride in the water is a good start. I doubt he will succeed but his intentions are good. The indoctrination centers euphemistically called schools need changed dramatically. A decent education might have enabled them to detect the scam quicker. The other day I read many graduates cannot write their name. Wondering how low Americans are going to let it go. They are,,, after all,,, paying hefty taxes for these worthless child abusing hell centers. Sorry,,, there’s so much wrong it’s difficult staying on topic.

    Just saying a well educated population the scam would have never seen the light of day.

  18. It’s preposterous that Biden won in 2020 by such a huge margin while campaigning from home, making few if any public appearances at all. But after all, they’re all liars and thieves, both Rs and Ds. It’s what they do for a living. Getting any justice from them will be tricky.

  19. On Wednesday a gif appeared (warning reddit link) that is a take on the Star Wars trilogy, but featuring Trump/Biden/Trump. It’s hard to argue against the idea that everything is planned and controlled by a secret cabal when this analogy is so obvious. Carl Jung’s collective subconscious and Jordan Peterson’s hero myth analysis come to mind.

    The last 8 years, and the next four, will be remembered as the turning point, when the systems put in place in the 20th century will be dismantled. They cannot sustain themselves. The era of top down command and control is over. Bush/Obama was the peak. We have a generation of cynical voters now. They saw their senior year canceled over a chest cold. No football, no classes, no senior prom. They remember. They saw their college experience kneecapped -no frat parties, no “study sessions” with the cute girl in your accounting class, no meeting up at the cafeteria to bitch about instructors. This is where life happens, and they lost that. Because central planners wanted Orange gone (or maybe not).

    And what of the corporate media? They’ve become figureheads, like King Charles. There’s a great screen grab from Twitter where a British police account asks people to rat out “people who don’t appear to have a job but live lavish lifestyles” as if they’re engaged in criminal activity. Someone puts up a pic of Charles in full costume with the caption “I found someone.” I think the old guard media is in the same boat. For years I thought the ace up the sleeve for news organizations was gathering news in places where people should’t go. But the rise of cell phone movie makers changes that. Sure there’s bias since you’re getting the story as told by the people in the thick of it, but as long as both sides are doing it, there’s a good chance to see some sort of true picture.

    We’re in uncharted territory now.

  20. RE: “Trump and the soon-to-be-GOP Congress” and, “Making it Right”.

    They’re gonna nip that notion in the bud, right quick:

    “What the hell is going on in the US Senate? Hours after Donald Trump wins the most conclusive mandate in 40 years, Mitch McConnell engineers a coup against his agenda by calling early leadership elections in the senate,” Carlson wrote in an X post. “Two of the three candidates hate Trump and what he ran on. One of them, John Cornyn, is an angry liberal whose politics are indistinguishable from Liz Cheney’s. The election is Wednesday, it’s by secret ballot, and it will determine whether or not the new administration succeeds.” …

    Is that whatchya call, ‘an end run around’?
    Or, is that a, ‘Hail Mary’ play?

  21. Yeah, I do hope that there will be some serious… um… I’m not sure of the correct term here. Upheaval? Digging and investigations? Holding people accountable?

    Help me out! Who can articulate the right words for what really needs to happen?

    I’m asking this as someone that has watched this circus… this kayfabe… go on for nearly 60 years. It’s always the most important election in our lifetimes… even when it really isn’t. There’s always the guy that’s gonna turn the system on its head and shake it down… but either doesn’t get elected or just doesn’t do it.

    Lock her up! Lock her up!

    People have always speculated that these candidates do really mean to do what they say, but once elected the demons that own our government give them “the talk”.

    “We know what you’re thinking you’re gonna do. You’re a great guy! People love you! Be a shame if… something… were to happen to you, wouldn’t it?”

    At least that is the story and the whitewashing of why nothing ever changes. You know that actual mafiosos would know exactly how to deal with that, i.e., every single person that delivered such a message, and their loved ones, would be horrifically murdered shortly thereafter. Then that whole train of thought, that whole line of discussion, would suddenly change to a more cooperative tone.

    I’m not saying that’s the right way for anyone to conduct business (on either side), but I know that major upheaval often comes with violence and, regardless of how it looks or sounds, can be done. Depends on how “invested” in the outcome the players are.

    • “the demons that own our government give them “the talk”.
      Like a gang from the CIA showing up and showing them the Zapruder film, without any comment.

  22. You know something is wrong when you have over 100% “voter participation”, more ballots being counted than the total population of a voting district.

    • And in Nevada, registered voters comprise 107% of eligible adult citizens. Fraudulent on its face.

      State voter rolls are a Third World joke. Even a nominal one-dollar poll tax would go a huge way toward weeding out obvious fraud.

      • That happens way too often. The people in charge of running such obviously sham elections should be used as test subjects for future safe and effective.

  23. Why was such a big deal made of the purple finger Iraqi election, but we can’t possibly deny early, mail in, or voting without ID?

    The purple was the proof you already voted. Is that a bad idea to employ here?

    Why not go back to the olden days where you went to the courthouse and stood in the area of your candidate to be counted?

    And why the hell do we not have a test to weed out those who shouldn’t be even choosing their own sock color?

    • Bingo! Yeah — stamp voters’ hands when they voted — and use the mechanical voting machines that were perfect and fraudproof!

  24. ‘an astounding – an improbable – 81.3 million eligible voters voted for the aged grifter, Joe Biden, in 2020’ — eric

    Anyone who paid attention knows what happened here. Remember that counting center in Atlanta, where they ordered all the poll watchers to go home for the night? Then the security cameras caught the vote counters pulling out boxes and boxes of ballots concealed behind the table skirts, for an after-midnight fraud party.

    Some have questioned why Trump won fewer votes in 2024 than 2020. Simple: dumping 13 million fraudulent votes with Biden getting 100% of those votes would be too obvious. So they also manufactured 4 million Trump votes for protective coloration, but always giving ‘Joe’ three times more.

    Many of the federal crimes committed during the 2020 election steal have a 5-year statute of limitations. That is, the new attorney general has a year to investigate and prosecute these crimes. AG Ken Paxton of Texas is one name that’s been mentioned to restore legitimacy to a federal office that’s been slimed and degraded by the execrable Merrick Beria Garland [not his real name].

    ‘Garland’ probably is worst US attorney since John Mitchell, in the Nixon administration. Mitchell went to prison for his malfeasance. ‘Garland’ will only do prison time if the furious Left turns on him like ‘legal journalist’ [sic] Ankush Khardori, who argues that Trump will dodge accountability because of the “truly historic legal missteps by the Biden Administration and Attorney General Merrick Garland.”

    We are now recruiting bitter, disillusioned communists for a circular firing squad! 🙂

    • I agree with everything you stated, Jim.

      The 2020 election was a fraud, but they got away with it once. Why did they not try it a second time? There is a psych op involved here that we aren’t seeing. The Libs/Asses have done a complete 180. They are eating their own instead of blaming the Right. All of a sudden Trump is not a threat to democracy.

      Something bad is coming. Could it be a Depression? Possibly, especially with Powell still in charge. Do they plan to take him out before he reaches office? Another possibility. It just doesn’t make sense that we have lived in Bizarro World for the last four years and now the Left is accepting of the consequences.

      My Spidey Sense is tingling. No way that they have gone after him for the last ten years and then hand him over the keys to the kingdom.

      Call me cynical, but I am not buying what they are trying to sell.

      • Think: ‘Fall Guy’?

        “So there is every reason to believe that by 2028 the marginal constituencies who re-elected the Donald this time will be ready for still another “student body left” pivot next time. That’s because in the interim the myth of the Greatest Economy Ever will have been destroyed in daily living color by the colossal failure of the Donald’s half-assed theory of economics.”

        • When it comes to public finances, Stockman has always had an affinity for the “status quo”. Let’s not forget the dismantlement of viable companies with the likes of Mitt Romney and others who are actually vulture capitalists that take viable companies, piece them out and sell them while raking in millions themselves..
          The united States of America successfully funded itself utilizing tariffs for 137 years. There is no reason that the uSA could revert to tariffs to fund government functions once again.
          The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution must be repealed once tariffs are in place.
          While we are at it, the Federal Reserve must be abolished.

          • ‘The united States of America successfully funded itself utilizing tariffs for 137 years.’ — anarchyst

            During those years, the welfare state didn’t exist. It can’t be funded now with tariffs alone. Spending cuts are what Repubs NEVER DO. Trump will be no exception. Path of least resistance = borrow and spend like there’s no tomorrow.

            • Nothing’s fully paid for now either, though. They just print what they need anyway so tariffs could replace income taxes in the sense of making a show of paying for something. The irony is that the tariffs will be highly regressive being paid for by everyone due to the passing along of the tariff via higher prices whereas now a large percentage of folks not only don’t pay taxes but actually get money back beyond their tax obligation via “refundable” tax credits. I seriously wonder if Trump knows this.

              I think even the notion of “Trump’s tariffs” will be blamed for the inevitable next leg up in inflation. If they are actually implemented it might be the right medicine long term but it would be such a shock to the system of the last however many decades of the “China price” in the short and medium term that the results could be very unpredictable.

              • Yee Gads, man: “it might be the right medicine long term but […] it would be such a shock to the system […] that the results could be very unpredictable.”

                Right outta the 2019 playbook. Gimmie The Shot! ?

                I think this is correct tho: “tariffs could replace income taxes in the sense of making a show”.

          • Hmm, I’m taken aback that you’d take a wack at the messenger while ignoring the message. Facts be damned, arm the torpedoes, full speed ahead?
            I don’t give a rats ass what anyone’s, “affinity” is.

            What matters is: are the facts right, & is the assessment correct.

          • Also, RE: “The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution must be repealed once tariffs are in place.”

            …You know, Eric has mentioned Lucy & the football.

      • Most likely they couldn’t get any control over him before, and now they have something. And to keep the hustle going they have to defuse the incipient hot civil war by allowing him into office.

        He is, however still Donald J Trump, sui generis, and hopefully whatever control they think they have over him is insufficient.

        In my black, vengeance lusting heart I’d love to see him go full on Pinochet. It is the only long term solution to leftist terrorism, and leftism ultimately is brute force. Until they are run out, dispossessed, disgraced, and executed, we will have to watch our backs and live as scared subjects and not as free citizens.

    • That boxes of ballot bs is the cover story for a gullible tv crowd. Dont buy it.

      The web connected electioneering machines need GONE yesterday damnit no compromise.

      Along with the MILLIONS of criminal illegal invader aliens who like those demonic machines will continue to subvert any legal process.

      I dont want the worst scum of earth here. We dont have 160 acres of stolen land to hand the hard workin pea pickers. We dont have factories for them to slave in. We have no need for abusing subhumanity to fill the ranks of JooS military. You know US taxpayers are scheduled to FUND israhell military retirements ?

      Four years of controlled invasion and societal chaos needs undone and the suns goin down.

      You kids wont have another chance to put the injured psychopathy out NOW.

  25. First off if treason is found it should be punished just like the Romans did to their citizens when they did it. Flogged to death in public; if that doesn’t reduce the odds of it happening again I don’t know what will.

    As for those extra 18 million ballots? Darn right we should look into that, maybe they all died of the plaque or vaxx complications but probably just treason and corrupt politics.

    One thing that must be done is going back to teaching civics and the Constitution. Perhaps someone can write a real life version of RAH’s fictional “History and Moral Philosophy” from the book Starship Troopers, the author Tom Kratman has a version of it appearing in his “A Desert Called Peace” book series and might be a good choice to write it.

  26. As Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove said, they make reality. We are left to study it and then they make more reality. They, TPTB, think they create the world in which we live. To some extent they do. However, their gas-lighting fantasies evaporate under the slightest scrutiny.

    Their emperor has no clothes, yet they will stand naked in his defense to show solidarity. Their foolhardiness for all to see, unashamed because they have no decency or conscience.

    Don’t hold your breath that Orange Man will do a darn thing to bring them to justice.

  27. Hi Eric, I believe things sometimes work in strange ways, and am actually glad they rigged 2020, because in doing so, without realising it they have given the country 12 years of Trump. And when I say trump, I dont mean the person, it’s about keeping a lot of his fairly sensible ideas in the forefront of politics and culture, something the west needs….. And 12 years is a long time given the rest of them get 8, and the system generally clears itself out of swamp creatures every decade…. You now have a new generation of polticans realising his ideas and realising that is what the people want, which you didnt really have before. While im aware of his failings, i do hope in his second term, where he doesn’t have to be re-elected and has probably shed most of the deep swamp creatures in his first term, i hope he is able to manage better and leave America on a much better footing than before. I am strangely positive on all this….

    • Ditto, Nasir!

      Trump is a movement more than a man. And that movement is now mainstream. Leftism is losing. It is exposed for what it is, the cloying and insufferable platitudes notwithstanding. And Trump is likely to set the agenda – or at least, protect it – for decades to come, via the very likely probability he will get to appoint at least two justice to the Supreme Court and maybe three. If he chooses well, the Bill of Rights might be safe for a generation.

      I feel good, too.

      • Yes – you know being racist, far right wing and supporting trump is actually cool now amongst the youth! Is funny was talking to my nephew in third grade yesterday who was telling me they had a mock election in class…. all the kids voted for trump!! Why I asked? He said said Trumps fun and nobody likes the other woman. She doesnt seem fun and doesnt have good jokes.

        Funnily enough my daughters who are a bit older tell me the same… kids all really like Trump (including the girls). And the teachers keep getting annoyed and angry !! While not the most technical political analysis – it sums up how the kids see the world!

        • Hi Nasir,

          Yup! And the “racist” – and “phobic” – chants have lost their puissance. People – sane people – are tired of it. There are very few actual racists – as in people who hate people who happen to be black or brown or whatever. Most of us just want to deal with others as human beings and be left alone to manage our own lives, raise families, pursue our interests and so on.

          The rancidity of the Left is obvious to most now.

          • Most importantly, racists have a RIGHT to be racist. In itself it is a harmless human vice, which in a free society doesn’t really affect anyone. I’d rather my daughters married white, that makes me a racist. The real harm is by the “anti racist” who seeks to use force and coercion against natural human prejudice. Such people are irredeemably evil, or at least insane. And should be kept from all power always.

            • What the left (and jews) call “racism” is merely preference for one’s own kind (race), nothing more.
              Civil rights (for some) laws were rammed down our throats by the ((small hat)) crowd.
              Not only was “freedom of association” eviscerated, these monstrous unconstitutional acts morphed in to “preferences”, “quotas”, forced school “bussing”, abandonment of IQ and proficiency tests to determine suitability for employment, “affirmative action” and many more schemes and programs, all of which were and are unsuccessful.
              Initially, it took federalized troops, used unconstitutionally against white citizens to “integrate” public schools. As most whites are law-abiding, they (we) saw this as a fight that they (we) could not win.
              Now this whole “civil-rights (for some)” movement has come “full circle”, this failed “minority” (blacks) making demands of us whites out of proportion to their grievances, which are themselves are outlandish on their faces. They do not want to share in the things that make America great, they want “the whole pie” for themselves.
              Us whites are being blamed (and always have been blamed) for black dysfunction which is more common than ever before.
              Prominent blacks of the 18th century spoke out after chattel slavery was abolished, the best course of action to leave freed blacks alone and to allow them to prosper or perish of their own accord. This wise advice was never implemented.
              The worst thing to occur was the prohibition on the acknowledgment of and denial of differences between the races. Prominent scholars who told the TRUTH about racial differences were castigated and ostracized, fired from positions, and even physically attacked for stating the TRUTH about differences between the races.
              To this day, anyone who dares to mention the TRUTH about racial differences is marginalized, despite the TRUTH being obvious to all who broach the subject with an open mind.
              Differences in the races do not connote inferiority or superiority of any individual, but merely recognize that there ARE differences in the races that cannot be ignored.

              • Correct sir. Exhibit a on exceptional individuals includes Clarence Thomas and Dr Alan Keyes. But just the violent crime stats tell you that there are serious differences.

              • Correction: there MIGHT BE differences in the races that cannot be ignored.

                It’s like you guys ignore Free Will & Individuality on purpose. ?

                Man, you guy’s fixation on, “race this, race that”. You’re quite possibly [likely] an arm of the divide & conquer team.

                It’s nauseating.

                I’ll bet you’re loads of fun at a company picnic.

          • RE: “Trump is a movement more than a man. And that movement is now mainstream. Leftism is losing. […]

            The rancidity of the Left is obvious to most now.”

            …Wait! Are you saying the monster known as, ‘The Two Wings of the Same Bird of Prey’ is just a myth?

            …That we all haven’t been being played all these years/decades into thinking there’s a rats ass of difference between the welfare/war party and the war/welfare party?

            ….What’s, ‘really’ changing?

            You’re still gonna get a speeding ticket. (If the bastards catchya.)

            Ya still gotta pay… etc. etc. etc.

            ….What’s, ‘really’ changing?

            Who gets the money?

            • Hi Helot,

              I think we are living an awakening. I do not think this was just another election. Even if Trump proves to be another just-talker it does not matter because a movement is now alive and I do not think there is any stopping it. It is a movement of re-awakened nationalism and a sense of working/middle class interest that transcends race. I do not say it is Libertarian. But it may be Jeffersonian. Or at least, Jacksonian. And I think there is real hope. The first time I have felt it in 40 years – though admittedly, the last time was a fugazzi and I was just a kid back then and too wet behind the ears to know any better. I hope I am not that now.

        • Hi Nasir,

          That is interesting. By the way, I read a piece on Substack after the election making the case that corporate media influence has come to an end after last Tuesday. Given that they’ve POUNDED nonsensical narratives such as “Kamala Harris is a popular candidate” despite being the most unpopular vice president in years if not all time, and “Trump is Hitler 2.0!”(and yet Trump still got support from a wide variety of people), I’m inclined to agree that establishment media is dead.

          • John – it’s interesting, I was noticing this as well. nobody seems to trust the mainstream, and it has been the case I’ve found since at least Brexit out here. The only purpose the mainstream media serves is to guess is to provide taking points for “polite society” of city office worker types …. but when people open up late at the drinks – everyone knows it’s BS, and everyone seems to have a favourite online independent commentator….

            • Yes, this-> “The only purpose the mainstream media serves is to guess is to provide taking points for “polite society” of city office worker types …. but when people open up late at the drinks – everyone knows it’s BS, and everyone seems to have a favourite online independent commentator….”

              What is that dividing line between the B.S. the talking heads on the TeeVee say v.s. what normal everyday people say in the bars,… what is that, ‘line’ called?

              You call it, “polite society”.

              Seems like there’s a better descriptor.

              I dunno, maybe not.

              …It’s like The Twighlight Zone. ?

  28. I think the 2020 (s) election was the most beautiful since George Washington was President.

    Why? It revealed, to all, the farce, the hypocrisy, the lie, and yes, most important, the TREASON committed by the (((IS FEDGOV))) in not just one “election”,but virtually all the FEDGOV does. And the COVID scam is perfect example….created to force death shots on a scared public.

    Is the “sleeping giant” awakening, as Yamamoto feared in WWII, per Pearl Harbor???

    Good God, y’all, I sure hope so….but we’ll see.
    But plan for the worst, and hope for the best… The party is just getting started!!!!

    • Yes that viral 12 to 24 popular vote bar graph is spreading like wildfire.

      It plainly shows using simple real numbers the anomoly of 2020s machine manipulated selection crime. Sewer pipe broke and out poured the shit.

      Another image that cannot be unseen.

  29. I’m waiting until a few of the blue states finish counting their votes, like California. Then a good analysis of the outlier year 2020 can be performed, including not just the NPV, but a state-by-state analysis of the voting. Something is definitely fishy.

    • Numerous good analyses of bizarre voting patterns were performed in real time in November 2020. Then the censors took them all down.

      One applied Benford’s Law, which says that the leading digit in a number is more likely to be a small number like 1, 2, or 3 than a large number like 7, 8, or 9. It also states that one is the most likely leading digit to occur by far.

      In both tax returns and also in precinct-level voting results, a large group of entries which deviate from Benfiord’s Law — typically with a more random distribution of leading digits rather than the Bedford skew — show that someone was just making up the numbers.

      For four years, frayed-collar presstitutes have been superciliously lecturing us about ‘election denial.’ Well, the lectures are over. And the lecturers are skulking away like doused rats.

      Death to the Lügenpresse.


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