Dissecting “Emissions” – and the EPA


Many people do not understand that the EPA has been deliberately misrepresenting “emissions” for decades – and do not know that the bulk of the “emissions” problem was solved 40 years ago:


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  1. I asked the reference librarians at our county library to show me one book in thier collection which best describes exactly in detail the correlation between CO2 and so called climate change.

    You can imagine the blank expression on thier faces. . .

    • Here is a reference they probably don’t have:

      ‘In our paper, we show, using the best available observations from the CERES [Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System] platform, that the warming of the last 24 years was entirely caused by the observed decrease of Earth’s albedo [i.e., less cloud cover] and not by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations as claimed by the IPCC.

      ‘By applying dimensional analysis to NASA’s data describing the environments of different planets and moons in the solar system—including Earth—Nikolov and Zeller discovered a new universal relationship across planetary bodies.

      ‘This revealed that the atmosphere warms the surface not through longwave radiation emitted by greenhouse gases but through total pressure—adiabatically, without the loss or gain of heat—and that atmospheric composition has no effect on global temperature.


      If Nikolov and Zeller’s thermodynamic analysis is correct, then Earth’s inhabitants governments have squandered tens of trillions uselessly attacking fossil fuels, for no benefit whatsoever.

      The paper by Nikolov and Zeller was published in Geomatics 2024, 4(3), pp 311-341.

      Drill, baby, drill.

      • Couple of things here, Jim.

        That’s definitely a TL;DR paper, especially in my under-the-weather condition, but it’s an interesting angle.

        They seem to be agreeing that the change in albedo is a feedback effect, but disagree from the mainstream in that it is a feedback from the dread gas CO2. Instead they argue that it was triggered by a change in Earth’s Energy Imbalance caused by atmospheric pressure?

        Alright, but what caused a change in atmospheric pressure? As far as I can find, the global average atmospheric pressure has remained nearly constant over the years, but finding an actual dataset seems to be difficult. Regardless, in order for that to change significantly, there would have to be a considerable addition of extra mass. Where from came that?

        Secondly, the idea that “atmospheric composition has no effect on global temperature”. But they’re saying that global temperature is dependent on air pressure… Which would be dependent of atmospheric composition. I.e. if the atmosphere was composed completely of CO2, it would weigh more than if it were composed of equal molecules of oxygen or nitrogen.

        Just some thoughts.

    • There is no correlation between CO2 and climate change, which itself is a meaningless term since the climate is always changing by itself. Previous to “climate change” meme, now used to brainwash the public, CO2 was accused of causing “global warming” of which there is also no correlation. CO2 has never forced temperatures on planet earth.

      CO2 follows temperature up and down. For instance, when the last ice age glaciation ended, 20,000 years ago, CO2 was at it’s lowest levels – then the earth warmed and CO2 followed temps up. In previous ice age inceptions, CO2 is at it’s highest concentration, then the earth cooled. That fact, as measured from ice cores, completely negates the claim that CO2 is causal.

      People who promote man-made climate change are wrong and uniformed, man can not change the climate of earth, earth is controlled by sunlight – which is controlled by orbital cycles and sun output cycles. The sun is controlling the climate and CO2 has nothing to do with it. Anyone who believes otherwise is wrong.

      Jim H. cites the Nikolov and Zeller paper, theIR chart shows that solid planetary body temperatures are correlated by two factors, distance from the sun, and atmospheric pressure, REGARDLESS OF COMPOSITION OF THE GASES.


      Man made climate change is pure political hoax and is not backed by any science. Someone ought to inform the loony brainless cackling hens on ‘The View’ that climate change is utter bs. Oh yeah, I am still waiting for Joy Behar to drink the Drano she promised if Trump won.

    • If you are wondering why increasing CO2 concentrations are not causing increased warming, there is a definitive reason. CO2 absorption of sunlight is quickly saturated in the first 20 ppm of CO2, then the effect of CO2 drops off exponentially. The first 20ppm of CO2 causes 70% of the warming effect.


      Current CO2 is 420 ppm, increasing from that level has no effect. During previous ice age cycles, CO2 varied between 180 to 280 ppm, which at those levels the change also had no effect. That is the reason why CO2 does not stop glaciations.

      During previous ice age epochs in earth’s history, CO2 was 10 times higher than today. The earth froze and warmed and CO2 was on no use keeping the planet warm even at 5,000 ppm.

      What we can conclude is that the earth can refreeze into a new glaciation phase, which lasts 100,000 years on average, and that rising CO2 levels will not stop it.

      Also note that farming is not possible until CO2 reaches 240ppm, which means in previous glaciations, farming (and thus civilization) was not possible. Current CO2 levels of 420ppm are at BARE RECOVERY LEVELS for healthy plant life on earth. Proof of this is that plant growers often add CO2 to a greenhouse to increase plant growth.

      Bill Gates wants to blot out the sun to stop global warming, he is a dangerous rich idiot. No one has the right to stop sunlight because they’ve been branded with political hoax propaganda – stupid horseshit between their ears. Spraying the upper atmosphere to stop sunlight could trigger a new ice age.

      • “Bill Gates wants to blot out the sun”

        Slave herd reduction…agenda 2030

        Thousands of years ago people people spent 95% of their time outside….today most people spend 95% of their time inside…it ruins your health…

        Being outside in the sun is very important to your health.

        The slave owners told the slaves going outside in the sun is bad for them….

        the lockdowns were training for this….advanced training to being confined to their cell in the 15 min city/prison/camp…..

        The slave owners also told the slaves to eat vegan…the vegetables full of defense chemicals…. bad for your health..(other then the vegetables that are fruits)….and also not to eat dairy products or meat…(meat and dairy product production is being shut down)…. dairy products and meat, seafood are very important for your health……

        The slave owners are headed towards….. only feeding bugs and cornflakes to the slaves….that will destroy them, make them…weak sick, stupid and dying…problem gone….


        • Raw dairy product, grass fed beef and organ meats, wild caught seafood, organic fruit and honey and other health building foods are hard to get or priced too high…..purposely…. for the slaves to buy…..

          So the poor slaves eat the original slave food…cheap commercial factory made bread…with 30 plus chemicals…with a 14 day shelf life…should be 3 days….(real bread is only flour, water, yeast and salt)….more carbohydrate to ruin their health….

          remember bread and circuses….

          a leftist politician… who eats steak…told the slaves….if they can’t afford food…just eat corn flakes…

    • How do you know that CO2 caused climate change is a hoax? Because water vapor is 95% of the greenhouse gas effect, and is never discussed:


      Carbon Dioxide causes 3.618% greenhouse effect, most of that is of natural origin, and man made CO2 is only 0.117%, which is so small it can not be measured, and if rounded to the nearest integer is zero.

      Yet these lunatics want to shut down the entire world economy based on CO2 being an existential threat!

  2. We’ve been told for years that EVs and lithium batteries will “Saaaaaaaaave the planet from climate change”. However, as everyone here probably knows, that’s a bunch of bull crap. Not only that, lithium is a non renewable resource, and mining it actually rapes the earth in addition to harming children in third world countries who mine for it….Have you heard those inconvenient truths in corporate media? Probably not.


  3. Maybe Trump can eliminate NHTSA, then maybe I could finally get a new Toyota Land Cruiser 79 series pickup or a Toyota Hilux or Hilux Champ/Stout

  4. Eric,

    Slightly off topic, but have you heard anything else about the “kill switch” that was part of the gross 1.5 trillion dollar bipartisan infrastructure bill? It was passed in November 2021, and it gave mayor pete three years to come up with the impaired driving prevention technology rule/regulation that would be forced upon automakers in 2026.

    Well three years is up. I’m not complaining, and i dont want it, but id like to know if they’re going to lame duck this thing across the finish line.

    • They are behind schedule, currently testing a not-ready-for-prime-time system in Connecticut:

      ‘The technology in the Connecticut vehicles is the next generation, a semi-passive system mounted to the steering wheel but requiring a directed breath. The next step for the DADSS program will introduce fully passive detection technology.

      ‘The federal government extended the November 2024 deadline, giving flexibility of up to three years before the fully passive technology is ready.

      ‘According to the project managers developing the technology, it could be ready by 2027. After that, manufacturers would have two years to implement the technology into their new passenger vehicles.’


      For the past couple of years, I called bullshit on meeting the 2026 deadline. Now I call bullshit on meeting the extended 2029 deadline too.

      These systems are not accurate enough to avoid a disqualifying level of false positives. I doubt they ever will be. But the futile struggle goes on.

      • Appreciate the link as it expanded what I had previously learned about the DADSS program. My worry is that the March 2024 recommendation from the NTSB will be implemented.

        Essentially their suggestion is to use the current suite of driver assistance tech to detect impaired driving habits and then have the car self immobilize. In addition they seem to have their sights set on speeding:

        “Technologies that can be engaged to prevent speeding are particularly noteworthy given the role of high vehicle speeds in many impaired driving crashes”


        • Thanks, Mike. I had not seen this NTSB letter. It admits:

          ‘The DADSS program has focused on two possible approaches to measure a driver’s alcohol concentration: a touch sensor and a breath sensor. As further detailed below, after 15 years and $70.2 million, this original DADSS goal has not been realized.</b’

          ‘It remains unclear if passive breath detection using ambient air will be
          able to
          ever meet a standard similar to evidential breath alcohol tests.’

          In the rest of the letter, Jennifer Homendy of NTSB, a former union official, waxes lyrical over Europe’s mandatory driver monitoring and ISA (Intelligent Speed Adaptation) systems.

          While her ‘socialism as a role model’ stance disgusts me, she (or the flack who drafted her letter) is right about one thing: the NHTSA’s passive alcohol-detection system is doomed. It will never work. Fifteen years and seventy million; doodah, doodah!


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